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  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Copper determination in JBA water

    By Group 1

    Chang Wei Lim

    Shaghayegh Pezzeshkpour

    Fagge Ibrahim Isah

    Chee Pui Har SGC 090038

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Copper is a heavy metal found in natural deposits asores containing other elements. It is widely used inhousehold plumbing materials

    In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act.This law requires EPA to determine safe levels ofchemicals in drinking water.

    These non-enforceable levels, based solely on possiblehealth risks and exposure, are called MaximumContaminant Level Goals

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Drinking Water Standards:

    MCLG: 1.3 ppm

    Action level: 1.3 ppm

    The Action Level for copper has also been set at 1.3ppm because EPA believes, given presenttechnology and resources, this is the lowest level to

    which water systems can reasonably be required tocontrol this contaminant should it occur indrinking water at their customers home taps

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    APHA 3111B Test Method


    Atomic Absorption Spectrometer


    Air cleaned and dried thru filter to remove oil,water and foreign substances

    Acetylene standard commercial grade

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Metal free water- use for preparing all reagents andcalibration standards and as dilution water

    Conc. Nitric acid, HNO3

    Copper stock solution dissolve 0.100g copper

    metal in 2ml conc. HNO3, add 10.0ml conc. HNO3and dilute to 1000ml with water;

    1.00ml =100 g Cu

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Standard working solution

    0.05 ppm pipet 1ml standard stock solution anddilute to 100ml water, again pipet 5ml and dilute to

    100ml water

    0.1 ppm pipet 1ml standard stock solution anddilute to 100ml water, again pipet 10ml and dilute

    to 100ml water0.5 ppm- pipet 1ml standard stock solution anddilute to 200ml water

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    1.0 ppm pipet 1ml standard stock solution anddilute to 100ml water

    2.0 ppm - pipet 2ml standard stock solution and

    dilute to 100ml water

    Sample solution Incoming JBA (Jabatan

    Bekalan Air) water

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Air-Acetylene Atomic AbsorptionSpectrometer Setting

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water



    - Turn on instrument, apply to Cu hollow

    cathode lamp the current suggested

    - Let instrument warm up until energy sourcestabilizes

    - Readjust current as necessary after warm up

    - Optimize energy gain is obtained

    - Align lamp in accordance withmanufacturers instructions

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    - Adjust burner head position

    - Turn on air and adjust flow rate to thatspecify by manufacturer to give maximum

    sensitivity for metal being measured

    - Turn on acetylene, adjust flow rate to valuespecified and ignite flame

    - Stabilize flame for a few minutes- Aspirate blank consisting of deionized water

    containing the same concentration of acidin standards and samples

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    - Zero the instrument

    - Aspirate a standard solution and adjust aspirationrate of the nebulizer to obtain maximum


    - Adjust burner both vertically and horizontally toobtain maximum response

    - Aspirate blank again and rezero the instrument- Aspirate standard working solution of 0.05 ppm,

    0.1 ppm, 0.5 ppm, 1.0 ppm and 2.0 ppm, recordabsorbance of these standards

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    - Aspirate blank and zero the instrument eachtime when each standard is aspirated

    - Prepare a Cu calibration curve by plotting on

    linear graph absorbance of standards versustheir concentrations

    - Rinse nebulizer by aspirating water containing

    1.5ml conc. HNO3/L- Aspirate blank and zero instrument

    - Aspirate sample and determine its absorbance

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water



    - Calculate concentration of Cu in ppm byreferring to Cu calibration curve

    ResultsWorking Standard


    0.05ppm 0.0070.1 ppm 0.014

    0.5ppm 0.063

    1.0 ppm 0.115

    2.0 ppm 0.215

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Evaluation of results

    JBA Water Sample Solution Absorbance

    1 -0.0032 -0.0013 -0.002

    Parameters Test Methods Results Maximum Permitted Proportion

    Copperas Cu)

    APHA 3111B ND(

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water



    Based on above analysis results, copper content inJBA water are within EPA, Standard for water and

    packaged drinking water, Regulation 394 (1) and360B(3) and WHO specification

  • 8/3/2019 Copper Determination in JBA Water


    Method Validation of Cu using AAS

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