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Ms. Eighmey’sArt Room Rules

Your Path to being a SuccessfulArt ist!

When You Enter The Art Room…Check all negative attitudes at the door.

Be in your Seat when the period begins…or…you are considered late

Come in quietly, ready to l isten and work.

Remain in your assigned area unless otherwise directed.

While you are in art…Demonstrate respect for yourself, classmates, instructors and guests.

Use proper use of al l materials and supplies. Safety is everyone’s priority!! !

Follow proper procedures and techniques.

At the end of art class… Art materials and supplies must be returned to

their appropriate place before class ends.Do not take any supplies out of the art room for any reason!!!

Tables and assigned areas must be clean before the end of class.

no talking during conclusion/discussion session unless directed by the teacher.

All students must be quiet and in their seats to be dismissed from class.

Success, it is all up to you!

Your Grade

Attendance Daily Rubric Completed Work

If you are absent, I must see a signed

note from the case manager

for this to not count against your grade!!!

Organized/PreparedFocused & Follows Rules

Participates with reasonable Effort, cleans up properly.

This includes daily Assignments.

This includes final progress grades,

Tests, reports, etc.

What we will cover this year…

Drawing PaintingSculpture

Reposse’ Printmaking

Textiles CollageArt History, Criticism and Art Careers

In Case of a fire drill of Fire:Don’t Panic…Stop what you are doing and proceed to the doorway.

Walk don’t run upstairs and out the closest exit.

(as you are leaving the room ..door to right)

Stay with me. No talking outside. Go across the street.

Line up , I will take attendance once we are safely outside, away from the building.

Wait for the O.K. to go back into the building.

If you are not with us at the time of the drill, go to the closest exit, get out away from the building, and tell the instructor who you are and that you were in my class.

Welcome to a great year of

discussing andcreating art!!!

What we will do for today and tomorrow…

Today…Take a visual test. You cannot fail unless you put no effort into the exercise.

Tomorrow…Review the results of the test and complete a reflection.

Right Brain & Left Brain• Left Brain• Logical (order)• Rational• Analytical• Objective• Looks at parts

•Right Brain•Random•Not logical•Subjective•Looks at whole

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at

both modes. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the

right-brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical

thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling,

and creativity

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Draw What you see

Voila!! You can draw??!!!

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