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  • 7/29/2019 Copy of M Mapping


    Creative Thinking Skills


    compiled by:

    Anupam Jain


    NIFT New Delhi3rd7th January 2011

    The major part of this presentation and all the visual/diagrams are for

    How to MIND MAP by Tony Buzan.

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    Mind Mapping: a Creative Thinking


    Mind Map is also referred as creative thinking


    The very basic Mind Map is a plan for today. Each of

    the branches emanating from the central image relate

    to different things that need to be done today, e.g.

    paying a bill, calling a electrician, to attend a especialclass at NIFT, reminder guest faculty, evaluation or

    grocery shopping.

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    A Mind Map is the easiest way to put information

    into your brain and to take information out of yourbrainits a creative and effective means of

    note-taking that literally maps out our thoughts.

    The common thing in all Mind Maps are that theyhave a natural structure that radiates from thecentre. And they all use lines, symbols, colours,words and images according to a set of simple,

    basic, natural and brain-friendly rules.Psychological research also relates this to the

    fundamental elements of creative thinking.

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    Mind Map

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    Mind Mapping is based on a few basic

    principles summarized as follows:

    Represent concepts with keywords.

    Make associations.

    Organize into hierarchy.

    Visualize concepts using images.

    Stimulate your brain with colors and symbols.

    Order and emphasize according to importance.

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    The major benefits from the use of

    Mind Maps are:

    Images, colors, and associations stimulates

    creative thinking.

    Mind Mapping forces you to think actively about the

    things you learn.

    Efficiency in making/taking notes.

    Learning is simply more fun!

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    Objectives of a Mind Map

    Just like a road map, a Mind Map will:

    Give an overview of a larger subject or area.

    Enable you to plan routes or to make choices, andwill let you know where you are going and whereyou have been.

    Gather togetherlarger amounts of data in oneplace.

    Encourage problem solving by allowing you to seenew creative pathways.

    Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over andremember.

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    How to make a Mind Map

    Discovering your Natural Mind Mapping ability.

    Work with your brains natural needs and energyrather than against them. It can do the most incrediblecomplex things.

    Imagination and Association.Brain thinks radiantly in all directions. It works withsensory imageswith appropriate links andassociationsradiating from them. (Images withnetwork of associations)

    Seven Steps to Making a Mind Map.

    Creating your first Mind Map.

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    Seven Steps to Making a Mind Map:

    Start in a Centre of (horizontally). Because start fromcentre gives brain freedom to spread and express.

    Use an Image orPicture forcentral idea. Becausean image is worth a thousand words and helps to useImagination.

    Use colours throughtout. Because colours are asexciting to brain as are images. Colours adds extravibrancy and tremendous energy to CreativeThinking.

    Connect yourMain Branches to the central Imageand connect your second and third level branches tothe first and second level. Brain works by

    Association, will help understand and remember a lotmore easily.

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    Seven Steps to Making a Mind Map:

    Make your branches curved rather than straight-lined. Because straight-line is boring to brain.

    Use one key word per line. Because single keyword give your Mind Map more power and flexibility.

    Each single word or image is like a multiplier,

    generating its own special array of associations and


    Use Images throughout. Because each image, like

    the central image, is also worth a thousand words.(So if you have only 10 images, its already equal of

    10000 words of notes!)

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    Basic form to refer to start our first Mind Map

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    A Basic Mind Map on Fruit

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    Mind Map for Way through Problem Solving

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    Mind Map for Planning a Presentation

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    Mind Map for Starting a New Venture

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    Mind Map for Ideal Future

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