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Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Large Scale Packet Optimized Rings

Part II

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Part One: The Design Brief

“effect the migration from traditional

transmission technologies to a next

generation platform optimized for the

transmission of purely packetized data”

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

The General Business Drivers

• Provide all services over IP based infrastructure

• Reducing costs & Increasing revenues = $PROFIT$

• Single management platform

• Ease of on-going operations and support

• Lower maintenance costs

• Lead the technology push into IP optics

• Influence the early adopters

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Our Specific Business Drivers

• Utilize “owned” fiber network

• Match fiber topology against network architecture

• Decrease $/Mbps

• Shorten provisioning lead-time

• Shorten product time to market

• Provide “endless” scalability

• Allow for DWDM “plug & play”

• Provide forward consideration to MPLS and MPλS

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

50155 CAPEX(USD Millions)


IP Circuits

WAN Services

MPLS Services

Streaming Media






0Note: Revenues in millions USD


WAN Carriage


The Business Drivers

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Our Choices and Decisions

Key Challenges-:

• Mapping the topologies

• Matching segment parameters

• Designing optical regeneration

• SRP overhead considerations

• PoP Selection

• Fitting the rings together

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

To SDH or not to SDH ?

• SDH provides circuit capabilities

• DPT does not offer circuit capacity but pure IP

Does this impact our business model ?

• Lower unit revenue from IP sales – IP is cheaper

• Cheaper to implement DPT

Key factor to financial success

• Must yield high volume sales to be more profitable

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

To SDH or not to SDH ?

• SDH will always have a higher incremental cost

• You still have to add the router

• SDH will yield a broader range of more profitable products

• DPT will offer pure optimised IP capacity

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

To SDH or not to SDH ?

• Some segments may utilize SDH due to

• Optical Length or path loss

• Fibre requirements to close the ring

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

The Problems

• 9 Fiber Rings

• 35 PoP

• 3 Countries

• Geographical distances and optical limitations

• Traffic distribution

• Line card limitations

The Solutions

• International Core ring

• Local distribution rings

• Optical Regeneration

Mapping The Topologies

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Mapping The Topologies - Logical

M ons

RotterdamDen Haag Alkmaar

S loterd ijkHaarlem

VersaTower Kru islaan

Breda Utrecht






Charlero i


G ent







G roningen


Den Bosch

M aastricht




ring A

ring B

ring Cring E

ring D

ring F

core ring


R otterdam Slo terd ijk

D en Bosch

VenloBrusse l

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Mapping The Topologies - Logical

Versatel F iber Distance and Attenuation

Design by: René Koning

Ow ner: Data Netw ork Developm ent

Revis ion Date: M arch 20 2000

Vers ion Agreed by:

65.2km14.0 dB

33.0km7.6 dB

58.0km12.5 dB

21.0km4.2 dB

53.0km12.2 dB

29.0km6.7 dB

57.8km12.3 dB

78.0km17.4 dB

35.5km8.9 dB

51.0km11.7 dB

64.8km13.1 dB

64.5km14.8 dB

30.0km6.9 dB

96.0km19.5 dB

31.0km7.1 dB

24.8km4.8 dB

85.7km18.7 dB

63.9km13.3 dB

80.0km18.4 dB

36.0km8.3 dB

61.0km14.0 dB

38.0km8.7 dB

79.0km18.1 dB

41.0km9.4 dB

31 km7.1 dB

Dist. and Attenuation(@ 1550nm)

52.0km9.5 dB

104.0km23.9 dB

105.0km24.2 dB

71.0km16.3 dB



75.0km17.3 dB

41.0km9.4 dB

61.0km14.0 dB


150.0km34.5 dB


157.0km36.1 dB

42.0km9.7 dB

105.0km23.4 dB

56.0km12.9 dB


30.2km6.9 dB

31.0km7.1 dB






Den Bosch



Den Haag

















11.0km2.5 dB

22.9km5.9 dB

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Line Card Limitations

• Proprietary to Cisco

• Currently in IETF for standards ratification

• Optical path loss limitations of 25dB

• Currently limited to OC-48

• Maximum 32 SRP nodes per ring

• Slot capacity for OC-48 and OC-192

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Matching Segment Parameters

• Each optical segment must be within the optical tolerance for all components

• Achieved by the use of optical regenerators

• On some paths consideration was given to using SDH

• Not used due to capacity constraints

• Unable to scale as quickly as a purely optical solution “plug&play”

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Optical Regenerations

• Based upon tolerances of SRP line cards

• Maximum loss 25dB

• Maximum optical path length 80Km

• This was achievable due to the physical fibre paths and ability to easily splice where needed

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Overhead Considerations

• SRP enforces additional overhead to SDH

• IPS only travels between adjacent nodes

• Topology discovery messages

• natively 32 bytes + 8 bytes per node

• sent every 5 seconds

• 10 node ring provides ~1.5Kbps for IPS

• This is negligible

• Total overhead = IPS+Topology Disc+Usage control

• For 10 nodes ~2Mbps

• On a OC-12 Ring overhead is ~0.31%

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Overhead Considerations

Inter-node SRP Overhead



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Number of Nodes


r H


d (




Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

PoP Selection

• PoPs selected on two criteria

• Commercial – ROI

• Technical

• Optical distances

• Proximity to IP interesting sites such as exchange points.

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

International Core Ring

OC-48 International core ring

• Based on Cisco 12016

• Covering route 1001.4Kms / 625.875Miles

• Utilizing 5 optical regenerators

• Optical loss tolerance 4.2dB<<OL<<24.2dB

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Local Distribution rings

OC-12 Local distribution rings

• 8 Distribution rings

• Based on Cisco 12008

• Covering route > 3000Kms / 1875M

• Utilizing 19 optical regenerators

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

SRP Interconnect Issues

We require a ring interconnect methodology that allows for the overlay of a complex routing architecture.

Core R ing Core R ing

D istribution R ing

Local PoP

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

SRP Interconnect Issues

Unknown inter ring SRP issues.

• Statistical possibility of run away restore conditions

• Both Rings wrapping at same time

• Inter-Ring IPS over-head

• OC-48 -> OC-12 serialization issues

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

Routing Issues

• Use of a per PoP border router

• Utilizes ISIS and BGP

• DPT Overhead issues

• SDH comparisons

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl



Standard PoP Design

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

PoP Router Designations

• Each PoP has a border router.

• Connected to distribution routers

–Speed of transport between PoPs in event of failure

–Lower costs

• Multiple full tables

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• Each PoP has a designated “net” identifier

• All inter-PoP routes are kept as level-1

• All intra-PoP, core and distribution routes are summarized on the PoP border routers into level-2

• Dial supernets are summarized at the dial aggragation router into level-2

• Core only carries level-2 summary routes.

ISIS Configuration

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• Summarization is only allowed at level borders

• Causes internal PoP summarization issues

• Maintainence of huge topology tables.

• Integration with legacy OSPF networks may still prove to be an issue in the future

• Lack of flexibility in route selection and metric preferences

ISIS Issues

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• Ease of configuration

• Simple adaptation for MPLS

• Via ISIS-extensions for MPLS

• Convergence speeds

• Flexibility in PoP and “net” naming schemes

ISIS Benefits

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• All PoP border and customer aggragation routers are bgp speakers

• Utilization of full mesh between the PoP

• Utilization of confederations on a per PoP basis

• Use of route reflectors in the PoP

BGP Design

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

BGP Design

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• Optically aware IP

– Utilizing both IP layer and optical layer MPLS signaling we aim to provide intelligent IP lambda capacity

– Allowing the IP layer to request further capacity from the optical.

– Allowing the optical layer to request a layer three re-route to avoid optical “congestion”

The Future Vision

Copyright VersaTel Telecom 2000Marc Teichtahl

• Migration of dark fiber to an intelligent DWDM solution.

–Providing customer distribution rings at OC-48 and above.

• Provide intelligent optical switching

–Optical path selection and re-route

The Future Vision

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