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Page 1: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed
Page 2: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

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Copyright Notice Copyright © 2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Legal Notice While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors, omissions, or contradictory information contained in this book. This book is not intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this book assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Dr. Steven Lee and Welltodo System Sdn Bhd assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

Page 3: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 3

SSSuuupppeeerrr CCCooonnnttteeennntttsss::: MONEY FISH: The Hydrophobic Fish … 4 A New Era Has Begun … 5 How to Be Financially Free … 6 The 12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from the Stock Market ... 8 Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed with stocks Rule 4: Never gamble Rule 5: Say goodbye to news Rule 6: Analyse yourselves, forget the tips Rule 7: Cut loss even lose money Rule 8: Don't just focus on making money Rule 9: History will not always repeat Rule 10: Quotation from Warren Buffet Rule 11: Turn bad stocks into good stocks, don’t just hold your stocks Rule 12: Wake up from mistakes How to Make Yourself Rich … 14 See What Our Clients Say … 15 The Investment Course On How to Fish For Yourself … 22 Translated by: Ko Wi Siong Published by: WELLTODO SYSTEM SDN BHD (707809-M) Tel: 604-8913 200 / 201 Fax: 604-8913 202 H/P: 012-475 7723 / 012-401 7723 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.DrStevenLee.com

Page 4: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 4

MMMooonnneeeyyy FFFiiissshhh (((TTThhheee HHHyyydddrrroooppphhhooobbbiiiccc FFFiiissshhh))) I was afraid of water since birth, unlike my friends, who swim wild and free. Why? Afraid of water? Afraid of failure? Afraid of difficulty? I am not sure. One day, out of the blue, I found myself thrown into the water. Friends were humiliating me. I was totally helpless. All of a sudden, I then realize if I don’t swim and struggle, death is awaiting. I will remain a fish not being able to swim, forever being looked down by my friends.

II mmuusstt bbrreeaakk tthhrroouugghh!! II mmuusstt lliivvee!! I started to learn how to swim and I tried breathing. Slowly, I could swim swiftly in the water like a normal fish. It’s just a miracle! After some time, I could finally swim with freestyles. I am no longer a hydrophobic fish! I succeeded! This is my experience in life. When you are poor and struggling in pain, nobody understands you. The moment you stride over it, you will taste the sweetness of success. Wishing you success,

Steven Lee #1 Best-Selling Author of Creating Wealth in Stock Market

Page 5: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 5

AAA NNNeeewww EEErrraaa HHHaaasss BBBeeeggguuunnn Are you prepared? Think about this … Is your one month’s income equivalent to your one year's expenses? Or … Is your one month’s income equivalent to your one month's expenses? And … How can the stock market improve your life? Let me share with you my investment experience:

""MMyy IIggnnoorraannccee BBrroouugghhtt MMee RRiisskk,,

AAnndd RRiisskk AAwwaakkeennss MMee ttoo TThhee RRiigghhtt IInnvveessttmmeenntt RRuulleess..""

Page 6: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 6

Financial Freedom is Everyone's Dream. HHHooowww tttooo BBBeee FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaallllllyyy FFFrrreeeeee 1. Know how to create unlimited income. Control your income and become the master of

your money. 2. Create multiple source of income, just like building multiple pipelines. But what obstacle came between you on your way to create wealth? Have you ever heard people say: “I will never be rich… “ “Money is not important. It’s not everything…. ” “I am not the kind of people that can be wealthy.... “ “Only the rich can become richer. The poor people like us will become poorer… “ Yes, that's correct, because you have put yourself in the circle of the poor. May I ask: “Before the rich became rich, were they rich or were they not?”

IIff YYoouu WWaanntt TToo BBee RRiicchh,, CChhaannggee YYoouurr MMiinnddsseett TTooddaayy !! Rich and poor is just a line apart. Everyone listen. Everyone see. Everyone lives in the same world. Opportunity lies in front. Why is there difference in wealth? The rich and the poor. Because in whatever the rich does they are one step ahead of others. Why does the poor become poorer? Because they do not have a strong desire to be rich and lack of action. The Four Natural Rules of Success: 1. A Right Mindset 2. Moving one step ahead 3. Desire to be Rich 4. Consistent Action With the right mindset, moving one step ahead of others, coupled with a strong desire to be rich and consistent action, you can build your wealth from nothing.

Page 7: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 7

BBuussiinneessssmmaann // IInnvveessttoorr EEmmppllooyyeeee

AAddvvaannttaaggee 1. More money 2. More freedom 3. More secure 4. Multiple source of income

1. Comfortable life 2. Low risk 3. Single source of income

DDiissaaddvvaannttaaggee 1. High risk 2. Non-stop learning and growth

1. Less freedom 2. Less secure 3. Less money

Robert Kiyosaki in his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", mentioned two ways to create wealth: 1. Building business 2. Investing Sure there is a risk in investment. It either brings you a great fortune, or costs you tremendous amount of money. The question is, when opportunity arrives, are you prepared? In the stock market, spending time and money in order to gain experience can be fatal. My customers frequently complained to me that, before learning PPoowweerr SSyysstteemm, they had lost around one to two hundred thousand of dollars in the market, some even lost one to two million without learning anything, except some painful experiences. Before investing in the market, let’s see what problems a typical investor would face:

Problem 1 : Don’t know which stock to buy - buying the wrong stock Problem 2 : Don’t know when to buy - buying at the wrong time Problem 3 : Don’t know when to sell - missed the profit take Problem 4 : Unwilling to sell when losing money Problem 5 : Gambling, not investing

Page 8: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 8

Let me share with you …

TTThhheee 111222 RRRuuullleeesss ooofff HHHooowww tttooo AAAvvvoooiiiddd LLLooosssiiinnnggg aaannnddd SSStttaaarrrttt MMMaaakkkiiinnnggg MMMooonnneeeyyy

fffrrrooommm ttthhheee SSStttoooccckkk MMMaaarrrkkkeeettt Rule 1: Why Do You Invest? Make money, this is the answer to most people. If your reason is to make money, then ask yourself these three questions: 1. Is your strategy making money? 2. Is your strategy safe? 3. How to increase the profit and minimize the risk? Rule 2: How to Create Wealth in Stock Market with Just $1,000 Let say we invest some lower price stocks with just $1,000 in the stock market, invest twice a year for short-to-medium term. If each time the return is double, you will make one million dollar cash within 5 years. If your starting capital is $20,000, imagine after 3 years...

$$11,,000000 $$2200,,000000

Year 1 $2,000 $4,000

$40,000 $80,000

Year 2 $8,000 $16,000

$160,000 $320,000

Year 3 $32,000 $64,000

$640,000 $$$111,,,222888000,,,000000000

Year 4 $128,000 $256,000

$2,560,000 $5,120,000

Year 5 $512,000 $$$111,,,000222444,,,000000000

$10,240,000 $20,480,000

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If using the same $1,000 capital, invest twice a year, but the return is only 50%, after 9 years...

So we can always start small. However, it is very important that we know how to select high profit and low risk stocks. Rule 3: Don't Get Obsessed with Stocks Sitting and monitoring the market whole day long will not bring you profit. Instead, it’ll increases pressure and misleads your judgment. Rule 4: Never Gamble 95% of the people always buy at the highest price. They don’t really know when to buy, just relying on news, rumors and tips. Only 5% of the people know how to buy at the lowest price. That’s why 95% are losing money, only the 5% are making money.


Year 1 $1,500 $2,250

Year 2 $3,375 $5,063

Year 3 $7,594 $11,391

Year 4 $17,086 $25,629

Year 5 $38,443 $57,665

Year 6 $86,498 $129,746

Year 7 $194,620 $291,929

Year 8 $437,894 $656,841

Year 9 $985,261 $$$111,,,444777777,,,888999222

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IInnvveessttmmeenntt BBuuiillddss WWeeaalltthh,, GGaammbblliinngg DDeeffiinniitteellyy LLoossee !! Rule 5: Say Goodbye to News News used to be able to predict the market trend. But not anymore, it is difficult to judge which news could actually influence the market nowadays. Rule 6: Do Your Own Analysis, Forget About Tips Before investing, ask yourself these four questions: 1. How many people have already heard about the tips before you?

If many have heard about it before you, it is already obsolete, and chances are the price is already high.

2. How long have the tips been spreading before it reaches you? The next day?

3. Who told you? Listed company director? Or friend?

4. Assuming that the tip is true, would you possible know about it? Normally insider news is not disclosed.

Rule 7: Sell Your Stocks Even Lose Money It is easier to be said than done. Do you rather sell at A, loss a little or sell at B, loss even more.

Sell at a loss is a difficult decision. Your heart will object, and your feeling will say "It is going to rebound, don't sell." Eventually price dropped further, causing a much tragic lost.

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Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 11

Rule 8: Don't Just Focus On Making Money How to protect your capital is much more important. Don’t try to make 100% profit. It is already good enough to have a 60% profit margin.

20 % Don’t try to sell at the highest price

60 % Safety region for buy or sell

20 % Don’t try to buy at the lowest price Rule 9: History Will Not Always Repeat Everyone expects to make some money from the stock market before Christmas, New Year, annual budget announcement or election, but the stock market is not always bullish during these events. We can say history is not always repeated. The best way is ““LLeett tthhee MMaarrkkeett LLeeaadd uuss””. Rule 10: Quotation of Warren Buffet There are only two rules to make money in stock market: The first rule: Never lose your money. The second rule: Never forget the first rule. Rule 11: Turn Bad Stocks into Good Stocks, Don’t Just Hold Your Stocks Don’t hold your stocks too long, there is a value when stocks are sold. How long have you been holding your stocks until now? Since Year 1993? 1997? Or Year 2000?

Why didn't you exercise your stocks? Long term investment strategy is not practical anymore. Even the blue chips also crash when the market collapses.

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Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 12

The best strategy is to sell the stocks that are not earning money, and reselect some good counters. Buy low at (A) and sell high at (B). Buy low, sell high for several times will earn you more than enough to compensate the lost.

Example: (The Power of Multiply)

1. I lost $500,000 in 1993. 2. I am still holding $50,000

value of stocks.

3. If I invest twice a year, with a 50% return, using the power of multiply, after 5 years, I will have $2,883,251.

BBaallaannccee:: $$ 5500,,000000

Year 1 $75,000 $112,500

Year 2 $168,750 $253,125

Year 3 $379,687 $569,531

Year 4 $854,296 $1,281,445

Year 5 $1,922,167 $$$222,,,888888333,,,222555111

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Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 13

Your Current Situation:

1. I lost $ in year. . 2. I am still holding $ .

value of stocks. 3. If I invest twice a year,

with a 50% return, using the power of multiply, after 5 years, I will have $ .

Rule 12: Wake up from mistakes Stop investing if you are not sure of when to buy or sell. Without the knowledge of investment, you are bound to lose again. This is an age of information. Investors are using knowledge, techniques and strategies to make money. Without investment knowledge, how do you protect your money? Building wealth through investing starts with securing your capital.

BBaallaannccee:: $$ ..

Year 1 $ .

$ .

Year 2 $ . $ .

Year 3 $ .

$ .

Year 4 $ .

$ .

Year 5 $ .

$ .

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HHHooowww tttooo MMMaaakkkeee YYYooouuurrrssseeelllfff RRRiiiccchhh Imagine yourself after five years...... Do you remain financially stagnant...... Or you don’t have to worry about money anymore......, do whatever you like to do, with joy and meaningful. Start planning now. You should know how much money you need to achieve financial freedom. You should also know that in order to achieve your goal, you need a plan or an action manual. Your plan must allow you to fish for yourself (achieve your own financial freedom), not fishing for other people (working for others, and helping them to achieve their financial success). The school only teaches you how to fish for others (your boss generate passive income). Make a good planning for your future. Wish you success,

Steven Lee

HHeellppiinngg OOtthheerrss AAcchhiieevvee SSuucccceessss,, WWee SSuucccceeeedd!!

Page 15: Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights ... · Rule 1: Why do you invest? Rule 2: How to create wealth in stock market with just $1000 Rule 3: Don’t get obsessed

Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 15

SSSeeeeee WWWhhhaaattt OOOuuurrr CCCllliiieeennntttsss SSSaaayyy ……… I only invested about 20% of my cash … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I always believe that the stock market is the most fun and easiest place to make your fortune but it is also the most dangerous place. So I need a proven “market tool” to help me to minimize the risk of loss in investing in the stock market. I believe POWER SYSTEM is the “tool” I need. Testimonial I attended the seminar in March 2004. If not because of the seminar, I could have tied up all my cash in the stock market because I could have invested quite a big portion of my cash there. Till this day the market is going down. I am so lucky that I have only invested about 20% of my cash in the market and the best thing is that I made some money as well. This is due to the POWER SYSTEM’s teaching. Thanks….. Come and learn to get yourself free of debt. T. S. Mar (General Manager) Penang I sold off my old stocks … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I learned POWER SYSTEM in order to increase my knowledge and to become a smart investor. I also want to make more money and making it a long term investment. Testimonial After learning POWER SYSTEM, I know more about the stock market. Luckily, after talking to Dr. Steven Lee a few times, I took his advise not to buy but instead sold off some of my old stocks. Example: Before attended POWER SYSTEM I bought “Genting” at RM17.60 and also at RM16.90. Leveraging it to RM17.20. After attended POWER SYSTEM, the next day I immediately sold off at RM17.40. I can see the price keep dropping and the price for “Genting” has gone down till RM14.50 now.

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Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 16


Date Open High Low Close

Apr-08-04 17.50 17.60 17.40 17.50

Apr-09-04 17.50 17.60 17.40 17.50

Apr-12-04 17.50 17.60 17.10 17.30

Apr-13-04 17.30 17.40 17.10 17.30

Apr-14-04 17.20 17.20 16.90 16.90

Apr-15-04 16.90 17.00 16.80 17.00

Apr-16-04 17.00 17.00 16.90 17.00

Apr-19-04 17.00 17.00 16.80 16.80

Apr-20-04 17.00 17.10 16.90 17.10

Apr-21-04 16.90 17.20 16.90 17.20

Apr-22-04 17.20 17.50 17.20 17.40

Apr-23-04 17.40 17.50 17.30 17.50

Apr-25-04 Attended Power System

Apr-26-04 17.00 17.40 17.00 17.20

Apr-27-04 17.00 17.00 16.80 17.00

Apr-28-04 17.10 17.10 16.80 17.00

Apr-29-04 16.80 16.80 16.70 16.70

Apr-30-04 16.70 16.70 16.50 16.50

May-05-04 16.70 16.90 16.50 16.80

May-06-04 16.80 17.00 16.50 16.70

May-07-04 16.70 16.70 16.00 16.00

May-10-04 16.00 16.00 15.10 15.30

May-11-04 15.20 15.50 15.20 15.30

May-12-04 15.30 15.60 15.20 15.30

May-13-04 15.30 15.30 14.80 15.00

May-14-04 15.00 15.00 14.70 14.80

May-17-04 14.90 14.90 14.30 14.70

May-18-04 14.50 14.60 14.30 14.50

Thomas Teoh (Manager) Penang

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Invest in stock market with successful results ... Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? To learn and be guided by a proven stock market investor into financial freedom. Testimonial The POWER SYSTEM provides a systematic approach and framework to invest in stock market with successful results. Vincent (Manager) Penang POWER SYSTEM has proven to me … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? Dr. Steven Lee is a life living example. He has made a fortune from the stock market. I am impressed and yet curious how he did it. I want to learn this proven way to improve my life. Testimonial Since the training course I attended in February 2004 till now May 2004, the POWER SYSTEM has proven to me that it has correctly predict what the market trend would be. I have gained much confidence and belief that I can improve my profit margin and reduce my losses. Indeed. I have done it. Jack (Director) Kuala Lumpur A System that will bring you wealth … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I want to understand the market trend and learn to invest in stock market such as to select counter & etc. Testimonial POWER SYSTEM is the only system that will bring to build your wealth. Chooh (Sales Manager) Kedah

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POWER SYSTEM is wonderful … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I learn POWER SYSTEM to create wealth and make investing my second job. In order to make it my second job, I need the tools and knowledge. Like a soldier needs weapons before he gets into war. Testimonial Both the theory and statistics of the POWER SYSTEM are wonderful. I strongly believe that if I follow it, I will soon be on my way to becoming a ………… Meng Chye (Technician) Kedah We noticed the market is in the down trend … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I want to learn POWER SYSTEM because I had lost my way in the share market. So I want to learn a way to create wealth from share market with little capital. Testimonial I attended the training course at the end of April 2004, we noticed that the share market is in the down trend. So, I did not make any transactions. After that I went for my business trip overseas, the Composite Index had dropped from the level of 800+ to 700+. I am very glad that I am able to analyze the market trend and did not buy any shares to avoid losses and nightmares.


Apr-08-04 882.27 886.21 880.05 884.48

Apr-09-04 884.54 887.42 882.66 883.09

Apr-12-04 883.15 885.88 878.66 879.78

Apr-13-04 880.01 882.34 878.22 880.37

Apr-14-04 878.70 878.70 866.03 866.29

Apr-15-04 866.81 866.81 852.49 861.19

Apr-16-04 860.48 865.65 859.13 861.81

Apr-19-04 861.92 863.48 851.20 855.76

Apr-20-04 856.45 861.73 855.20 861.33

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Apr-21-04 860.31 864.93 860.31 864.02

Apr-22-04 864.80 872.98 864.80 871.63

Apr-23-04 872.02 875.50 871.41 875.50

Apr-25-04 Attended Power System

Apr-26-04 875.81 875.85 870.12 870.12

Apr-27-04 869.72 870.62 863.90 868.32

Apr-28-04 868.57 868.57 860.54 861.57

Apr-29-04 861.02 861.21 849.13 849.72

Apr-30-04 848.47 848.47 836.52 838.21

May-05-04 840.42 850.32 840.42 846.68

May-06-04 845.74 851.50 842.77 842.77

May-07-04 843.20 845.70 833.62 835.37

May-10-04 834.06 834.06 808.29 813.44

May-11-04 812.44 814.72 801.00 810.16

May-12-04 813.70 827.43 813.70 818.72

May-13-04 818.86 820.62 802.45 803.11

May-14-04 802.87 805.56 790.35 793.97

May-17-04 794.00 794.89 769.29 781.05

May-18-04 781.29 783.98 771.94 783.27 Danny (Manager) Penang I am able to control the buying urge … Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I want to be able to buy stocks with confidence as from my past experiences. I did not know how and lost a substantial amount of money in stock market. Testimonial Since I joined this POWER SYSTEM, I am able to analyze the market trend. Under Dr. Steven Lee’s guidance, I am able to control the buying urge knowing the market trend is not good at the moment. Yak (Nurse) Penang

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Copyright@2003-2006 by Welltodo System Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. 20

POWER SYSTEM is simple and practical... Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? I have been losing sleep over the losses and want to get the stress out of my life. Testimonial I just want to write a quick note to let you know how fabulous, simple and practical Dr. Steven Lee’s POWER SYSTEM is. Because I was very busy, I never consider of managing my own investment. I used to have sleepless nights over the losses in my retirement savings in the stock market until I attended Dr. Steven Lee’s POWER SYSTEM Training. It’s simple and powerful strategies which will take people many years before they come to know about it. It has proven and I have total changes in my investment mentality. This POWER SYSTEM has taken the stress out of my life. Max Choong (Manager) Ipoh Right Choice, Right Knowledge and the Right Attitude... Why do you want to learn POWER SYSTEM? Before I attended Steven’s Power System public seminar, I was like everyone else, listening to rumours or so-called-advice from friends, newspaper etc. But after the seminar, I realized that in order to be profitable, the only way is through knowledge. So I signed up straight with Steven’s Power System class and it opened my eyes to a whole new way to trade. Testimonial Steven not only teaches us the techniques, but also helps us as a friend to cultivate personal attitude that is important to make the right choice in the stock market. The right knowledge and the right attitude, that’s the two main learning that you will get from Steven’s class. S. C. Lim (Engineer) Penang

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IIInnn SSStttoooccckkk MMMaaarrrkkkeeettt,,, IIIfff UUUsssiiinnnggg TTTiiimmmeee AAAnnnddd MMMooonnneeeyyy

TTTooo EEExxxccchhhaaannngggeee FFFooorrr TTThhheee EEExxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceee,,, CCCaaannn BBBeee VVVeeerrryyy PPPaaaiiinnnfffuuulll...

Therefore the best way is:

UUUsssiiinnnggg SSShhhooorrrttteeesssttt TTTiiimmmeee,,, SSStttuuudddiiieeesss OOOttthhheeerrrsss EEExxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceee...

SSSuuucccccceeessssssfffuuulll EEExxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceee!!!

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TTThhheee IIInnnvvveeessstttmmmeeennnttt CCCooouuurrrssseee ooonnn HHHooowww tttooo FFFiiissshhh FFFooorrr YYYooouuurrrssseeelllfff


A course that makes you enjoys investing, and sleep well every night.

Features Your Benefits 1. Simple Anyone can apply.

2. Easy No software needed.

3. Save Time Just few minutes a day to analyze the market.

4. Apply Internationally Can apply in any country.

Know how to select the right stock. (Able to select high profit, low risk stock)

Know when to buy, and when to sell.

Know how to analyze the market trend.

5. Apply Instantly

Know how to analyze real or false signal.

AA PPrroovveenn SSyysstteemm SSiinnccee YYeeaarr 22000000

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After Training Your Benefits

1. Stock Selection Follow Up Yes

2. Buy Timing Follow Up Yes

3. Sell Timing Follow Up Yes 4. Personal Guidance (For slow learner) Yes

5. Personal Investment Mentor Yes

6. Revision Class Yes

7. One-to-one Consultation Yes

8. VIP Website Yes

One Time Payment For Life Time Update!

只只需需付付一一次次学学费费,, 就就可可享享有有 终终生生免免费费复复习习及及课课程程的的更更新新 !!

FFRREEEE ““LLiiffee TTiimmee UUppddaattee”” !!!!

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YYYooouuu cccaaannn ssspppeeennnddd fffiiivvveee yyyeeeaaarrrsss,,, ttteeennn yyyeeeaaarrrsss ooorrr aaa llliiifffeeetttiiimmmeee tttooo fffiiiggguuurrreee ooouuuttt ttthhheee pppaaattthhh tttooo wwweeeaaalllttthhh... BBBuuuttt yyyooouuurrr sssaaacccrrriiifffiiiccceee cccooouuulllddd nnnooottt eeennnsssuuurrreee yyyooouuurrr sssuuucccccceeessssss... SSSooo,,, ttthhheee bbbeeesssttt wwwaaayyy iiisss tttooo ssshhhooorrrttteeennn ttthhheee tttiiimmmeee bbbyyy llleeeaaarrrnnniiinnnggg sssuuucccccceeessssssfffuuulll pppeeeooopppllleee'''sss eeexxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceeesss... Dr. Steven Lee (Ph.D) Investor, Entrepreneur, Educator #1 Best-Selling Author of Creating Wealth in Stock Market Born in a poor family. In 1998, he created an investment system that can analyse stock market fluctuations – Power System. This system has helped countless investors enjoy investing. His books include "Creating Wealth in Stock Market" and "The Magic Idea of Getting Rich", both of which highly acclaimed.

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For more details, please contact us at: Company : WELLTODO SYSTEM SDN BHD (707809-M) Address : 98-2-17A, Prima Tanjung, Jalan Fettes,

Tanjung Tokong, 10470 Penang, Malaysia. Phone : (6) 04 - 8913 200 / 201 Mobile : (6) 012 - 475 7723 / 012 - 401 7723 Fax : (6) 04 - 8913 202 Email : [email protected] Website : www.DrStevenLee.com

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