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Page 1: Coraline analysissss
Page 2: Coraline analysissss

Genre and audience

From this title sequence the audience can tell that It is a children's film due to it being a cartoon and the main focus of dolls. This also indicates that it may be mainly aimed at girls because dolls tend to be associated with girls. Although it looks like a children's film the title sequence portrays the film as quite dark and scary as the dolls are being taken apart, which is shown as quite a negative thing although they are then remade after.

Page 3: Coraline analysissss

MusicThe music used in this title sequence is quite dark and scary to start of with. Its quite tense as the volume of the music increases quickly and then decreases again suddenly which could make the audience feel nervous and unsure of what is going on as it almost tricks them. The music pace also increases and decreases through out this title sequence which also may have the same effect on the audience. There is also a range of voices used in the music including children singing this also indicates that it is a child's film as they are the main vocal part of the title sequence. Towards the end of the title sequence the music becomes more upbeat and cheery which indicates it may be a happy film with some sort of dark twist in it due to the dark low toned beginning. I think this particular music was chosen as it suits the title sequence itself really well, it suits the darkness of the dolls being taken apart and the end part of the music where it becomes more happy emphasizes the good of the doll being remade.

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Indication of placeBy this title sequence it is difficult for the audience to work out the setting as

it is confusing. The doll comes through a window which indicates some form of house as it looks as if it comes into a bedroom. This thought is then changed when a box of tools is shown which shows in may be in some form of a factory, also because of the large shelves on the walls and the draws of equipment such as buttons. Over all the audience is left some what unaware of the setting of the film although they can see that it may have some relation to a factory because of the mending of the doll, or a bedroom as that is usually where children keep their toys. This may show that the film may be a family film as the location looks some what homely (being in a bedroom.)

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Shot angles Many shot angles are used through out which allows the audience to see clearly everything that is going on.

The main shot that is used is Close ups,which allow you to see the detail of the stitching going on which may highlight the importance of the remaking of the dolls, as it may be a main part of the film. It also makes the audience feel more engaged with the film as they see every little detail.

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TypographyThe titles are written in stitching in the title sequence which also highlights the main focus of the film which is sewing and dolls (remaking them.) The button also emphasizes the importance of the stitching and indicates to the audience the film may be focused around them. The stitching may also represent feminine view of the film as one of the connotations to sewing is women, so this may show that the film may be aimed at girls more then boys.

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