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Cordys BOP-4 Cumulative Update 009

Copyright © 2010 Cordys R&D B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this document is confidential, constitutes the intellectual and proprietary property of Cordys R&D B.V., and is protected by intellectual property laws and international intellectual property treaties. Cordys and the Cordys logo are the registered trademarks of Cordys R&D B.V. All other trademarks mentioned herein maybe/are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and should be noted as such. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Cordys R&D B.V. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Cordys R&D B.V. does not warrant that the information contained in this document is error free.

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Contents Preface ....................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4

About this Guide ...................................................................................................... 4

Audience .................................................................................................................. 4

Organization ............................................................................................................ 4

Feedback ................................................................................................................. 4

References .............................................................................................................. 5

Documentation Conventions ................................................................................... 6

Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................. 7

1. Upgrading Cordys BOP-4 ..................................................................................... 8

1.1 Pre-upgrade Checks ......................................................................................... 8

1.2 Pre-upgrade Tasks ............................................................................................ 8

1.3 Upgrade Procedure ......................................................................................... 10

1.4 Post-upgrade Tasks ........................................................................................ 12

2. Rolling Back to the Earlier Version ................................................................... 13

2.1 Rolling Back the Upgrade ................................................................................ 13

2.1.1 Pre-requisites to Roll Back ....................................................................... 13

2.1.2 Roll-back Procedure ................................................................................. 14

2.2 Limitations ....................................................................................................... 14

3. Installing Cordys BOP-4 ..................................................................................... 16

3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Types of Installation ........................................................................................ 16

3.2.1 Single Installation ...................................................................................... 16

3.2.2 Multiple Installations ................................................................................. 17

3.2.3 Side-by-side Installation ........................................................................... 17

3.2.4 Distributed Installation .............................................................................. 17

3.3 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................. 17

3.4 Software Requirements ................................................................................... 18

3.4.1 Operating System ..................................................................................... 18

3.4.2 CARS ........................................................................................................ 18

3.4.3 Database .................................................................................................. 19

3.4.4 Java Development Kit ............................................................................... 20

3.4.5 Additional Requirements for Windows ...................................................... 20

3.4.6 Additional Requirements for Linux ............................................................ 22

3.5 Pre-installation Configuration Activities ........................................................... 22

3.5.1 Windows ................................................................................................... 22

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3.5.2 Linux ......................................................................................................... 27

3.6 Before You Begin ............................................................................................ 30

3.6.1 Check the Installer Package ..................................................................... 30

3.7 Installing Cordys BOP-4 on Windows ............................................................. 31

3.7.1 Baseline .................................................................................................... 31

3.7.2 Applications .............................................................................................. 32

3.8 Installing Cordys BOP-4 on Linux ................................................................... 38

3.8.1 Baseline .................................................................................................... 38

3.8.2 Applications .............................................................................................. 39

3.9 Post-installation Steps for Business Activity Monitoring ................................. 41

4. Uninstalling Cordys BOP-4 ................................................................................ 46

4.1 Uninstalling Applications ................................................................................. 46

4.2 Uninstalling Baseline ....................................................................................... 50

4.3 Dropping Database Tables.............................................................................. 51

Appendix A: Installing and Uninstalling Baseline Using Command Line ......... 53

A.1 Installing ...................................................................................................... 53

A.2 Uninstalling ................................................................................................. 54

Appendix B: Installing Applications Using Command Line ............................... 58

Appendix C: Configuring MDM .............................................................................. 61

Appendix D: Executing SQL Scripts from MySQL Client ................................... 64

Contact Us ............................................................................................................... 65

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Aligning both business and IT worlds, Cordys Business Operation Platform (BOP) - 4 enables organizations to design, implement, monitor, and continuously optimize their critical business processes and operations within a single environment. Cordys BOP-4 consists of a completely integrated set of components for business process improvement, integration, automation, and innovation of critical business operations. It includes the next generation Business Process Management (BPM), Composite Application Framework (CAF), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Grid and several other components. Cordys BOP-4 is a fully integrated SOA and BPM platform, which empowers organizations to easily adapt change and innovate, without looking back.

About this Guide

This guide contains procedural information on upgrading an existing installation of Cordys BOP-4 to the most recent version - Cordys BOP-4 Cumulative Update (CU) 009. It also provides detailed instructions for installing this latest version of Cordys BOP-4 for the first time.

Information in the guide is appropriately classified to accommodate the requirements of both Windows and Linux operating systems.


This guide is meant for System Administrators and users with administrative privileges who are responsible for upgrading an existing version of Cordys BOP-4 or installing the latest version of Cordys BOP-4 afresh, in a Windows or Linux environment.


This guide is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter 1 contains the procedure to upgrade the existing version of Cordys BOP-4 to Cordys BOP-4 CU 009.

Chapter 2 contains the procedure to roll back Cordys BOP-4 CU 009 and restore the installation to the earlier version of Cordys BOP-4.

Chapter 3 provides instructions to install Cordys BOP-4 CU 009 as a first time installation. It includes steps to install the baseline, followed by applications.

Chapter 4 provides instructions to uninstall Cordys BOP-4 CU 009. It includes steps to uninstall the applications, followed by the baseline.


Your feedback on the latest version of Cordys BOP-4 and its documentation is important to us. If you need any assistance or want to share your comments or suggestions, write to us at [email protected].

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If you have problem installing or configuring this version of Cordys BOP-4, contact customer support at: http://support.cordys.com. When contacting customer support, have the following information ready:

Your name, e-mail, phone or fax number

Your company name and address

System information (hardware and software)

Software release number

A description of the problem and content of the error messages


For information on how to configure your database and other settings for Cordys BOP-4, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Configuration Guide.

For troubleshooting any issues that might arise during installation or configuration, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Troubleshooting Guide.

While deploying Cordys BOP-4, you provide various parameters that impact the performance of the deployed applications. To improve the performance of these applications, you must tune the parameters depending upon the available hardware, environment, performance requirements and so on.

For information about fine-tuning the parameters, to optimize the performance of the deployed applications in various scenarios, refer to the following guidelines:


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Documentation Conventions

The following documentation conventions are used throughout this document:

Convention Used for Example

Navigation Describing a navigation sequence in a menu or on a user interface.

Browse to Start All Programs Cordys BOP-4

Path Depicting a path that may include the folders, files, and computer names, or any of them individually.

The installation directory is /cordys/defaultinst/bi


Or, Style sheets are stored in the styles folder

BUTTON Representing a button or an icon. This is always in small caps.

Click OK to generate tables, or click CANCEL to exit.

Or, click the NEW icon for a new


Key stroke Describing a key on the system keyboard.

Press the return key

PARAMETER Highlighting the name of the parameter for which a value has to be entered

The files can be found in the <cordys installation dir>\components

Value A sample value or instructed value for computer names, etc. This should be replaced by the user‘s value, excluding the < and >, in the input field of the software.

Type <wcp_server_1> when asked for server name

Code text Operating system commands and sample program code.

<code> this is a sample


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Abbreviations and Acronyms

Acronym Description

CARS Cordys Admin Repository Server

CMC Cordys Management Console

CoBOC Collaborative Business Object Cache

IIS Internet Information Server

ISV Independent Software Vendor

JDBC Java Database Connectivity

JRE Java Runtime Environment

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

OLEDB Object Linking and Embedding Database

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

XML Extensible Markup Language

DBA Database Administrator

BAM Business Activity Monitoring

MDM Master Data Management

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1. Upgrading Cordys BOP-4

1.1 Pre-upgrade Checks

Perform the following checks before you upgrade to Cordys BOP-4 CU 009:

You have installed Cordys BOP-4 or a later version of it on which this CU can be installed.

The current installation of Cordys BOP-4 is in a working condition.

You have administrative privileges on the computer, where you want to install the CU.

1.2 Pre-upgrade Tasks

You must perform the following pre-installation tasks to ensure successful installation of the CU, and if necessary, the rollback.

1. Upgrade to CARS 2.4 build #3. For information on how to upgrade, refer to CARS 2.4 Migration Guide.

NOTE CARS cannot be rolled back after migration. However, this will not cause any issues even if you roll back to earlier version of CU as you can import your LDAP content and start working as usual.

2. Back up the following artifacts to prevent loss of data in case of a failure during upgrade or if you want to roll back later. These artifacts will be modified or replaced during the installation of CU. As there is no provision to rollback these artifacts during the rollback of CU, these must be backed up to preserve the existing content.

Your database in the database server

Cordys Admin Repository Server (CARS) content. For more information on backing up CARS content, refer to Taking Backup topic in CARS Admin Guide. To access the CARS Admin Guide do the following:

If you are using


Windows Click Start Programs Cordys Admin Repository Server 2.4 <Instance Name> Documentation CARS Manual.

Linux Copy the documentation folder which is located at <CARS_Install_dir><Instance_name>documentationxmetal

to a Windows computer and open the index.htm file with Internet Explorer.

3. If you are using Windows operating system, stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service. To do this, perform the following steps:

Click Start > Run and type services.msc.

Stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service from the list of services.

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4. While upgrading Cordys BOP in a Clustered setup, if any of the below mentioned baseline service containers are configured in load balancing mode, then all the computers in the cluster must be upgraded with baseline installation first. After the baseline installation is completed on all the computers, the ISVPs must be upgraded in all the computers in the cluster. The baseline service containers that are affected by the upgrade are:


Event Handling



Security Administration


Single Sign-On

5. In a team development scenario where the workspaces are integrated with a Source Control Management (SCM) system, ensure that you fulfill the following pre-requisites to enable a successful upgrade to CU 009:

Ensure that no team development workspace contains local changes. Local changes set locks on the content, which hinders the upgrade process. If there are local changes, do one of the following:

o Make the changes available to others o Revert the changes o Delete the workspace

Ensure that all workspaces contain the latest development content as available on the SCM repository, to avoid any merge conflict.

Close all the browsers.

For all team members except the one performing the upgrade, remove the permissions to update the SCM repository.

If there are several instances of Cordys BOP-4 used in the same team development scenario, upgrade all of them to Cordys BOP-4 CU 009 to avoid incompatibility issues.

NOTE For standalone workspaces (that are not linked to any SCM), you do not have to perform these pre-upgrade activities. Such workspaces will be upgraded when the respective Cordys instances are upgraded.

6. If the Repository service container is assigned to any OS process, you must unassign it before you upgrade to the latest CU. You can re-assign the OS process after successful upgrade. To unassign OS process, follow the below steps:

i. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears and lists the available Service Containers in the Service Containers App Palette. Alternatively,

you can click to view the existing Service Containers.

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ii. Select the Repository service container and double-click it. Alternatively, you can right-click and select Properties option. Corresponding properties are displayed in the Service Container Properties - Repository App Palette. By default, General tab is displayed.

iii. Clear the Assign OS Process check box.

iv. Click .

7. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than Cordys BOP-4 CU 005, you must backup the <Cordys Installation Directory>

/isvcontent/packages folder.

1.3 Upgrade Procedure

Step Procedure

1 Extract the contents of Cordys BOP-4-CU9.zip into a folder on the computer where Cordys BOP-4 is installed.

2 Perform the following based on the Operating System that exists on the computer where Cordys BOP-4 is installed.

For Windows OS: Double-click the Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe file. The Welcome screen appears. Or,

For Linux OS: At the shell prompt, change to the directory (folder) where the contents of the zip file are extracted to. Type ./ ―Cordys

BOP-4.bin‖ and press ENTER. The Cordys BOP-4-CU 009 installer

wizard is launched.

3 Click NEXT to continue the upgrade process. The Installation Option screen

appears with the option Upgrade this instance selected by default.

4 From the list of Cordys BOP-4 instances detected on your computer, select the instance that you want to upgrade and click INSTALL.

5 On the Database Information screen, type the password to connect to the database server and click NEXT. An alert appears stating that the database for

the current Cordys BOP-4 instance must be backed up before proceeding with the upgrade.

6 Click OK if you have backed up the database. The upgrade summary is

displayed in the wizard.

NOTE This step ensures that there is no loss of data if there is any failure, such as power outages, during upgrade. We must back up the database because the rollback of database details when CU is rolled back is currently not supported.

If you have not backed up the database, click CANCEL to quit the upgrade and

proceed to back up the database. The upgrade process is stopped.

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Step Procedure

7 Review the details that appear in the Pre-Installation Summary screen and click INSTALL.

8 Click DONE to complete the upgrade.

The browser opens and displays the list of the applications that are available for upgrade.

If you do not have a supported browser installed on the computer, you can access the list of applications from a different computer, by using the following URL: http://<computername:portnumber>/cordys/wcp/configure/upgrade?data=build

9 If the following application connectors were configured to a non-system database (all Database Configurations other than Cordys System and Cordys Logger), they have to be upgraded manually.

1. Collaborative Workspace 2. XML Store 3. Task Service 4. Tag Service 5. Document Store

You can find respective upgrade scripts at <Cordys_Installation_Directory>\components\xds\database\a

lterscripts\<source_release>_TO_ D1_000_009

For example,

If a user is upgrading from Cordys BOP-4 to CU 009, then the upgrade folder will be:



If a user is upgrading from CU1 to CU 009, then upgrade folder will be:



From this location, take the database script for the respective database vendor and execute it manually. For example, for SQL Server, use XDS_MSSQL.sql and for MySQL, use XDS_MYSQL.sql.

Restart Cordys Monitor after the upgrade.

To execute SQL scripts that has PL/SQL context, refer to Appendix – D - Executing the SQL scripts from MySQL client.

NOTE If the upgrade script for a specific database vendor is not available, it implies that upgrade is not needed.

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Step Procedure

10 Click the START UPGRADING button on the Installation Screen to upgrade the


Result: The applications are upgraded.

11 Click CONTINUE. A list of new applications available with this version of Cordys

BOP-4 appears.

12 Click INSTALL to install the new applications.

If no new applications are available in Cordys BOP-4 CU 009, this screen does not appear. Instead, the installer skips this step in the upgrade process.

13 Click FINISH to complete the upgrade process.

This completes the upgrade process. A change log is created in <Cordys

Installation Directory>/install_log folder.

1.4 Post-upgrade Tasks

1. Ensure that you have upgraded all the applications before you start working with Cordys BOP-4 CU 009.

2. Clear the browser‘s cache.

3. Restart the browser.

4. Restart Cordys Monitor service.

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2. Rolling Back to the Earlier Version

2.1 Rolling Back the Upgrade

The roll-back activity restores the state of Cordys BOP-4 CU 009 installation to what it was before you installed the CU. Before rolling back the upgrade, ensure that:

You do not need the update any longer

You have administrative privileges on the computer to perform the roll back

Rolling back of CU is permitted only in the following order:

1. Roll back applications. However, you cannot roll back the following baseline applications:

Cordys AJAX Toolkit

Cordys DBConnection

Cordys ESBServer

Cordys LDAP Connector

Cordys WCP 1.1

Cordys WCP 1.2


Software Package Cordys 1.0

2. Roll back the Baseline version.

If you roll back the Baseline first, you cannot roll back the applications.

NOTE Rolling back the CU does not take care of rolling back the database contents and CARS.

These need to be rolled back manually.

User must rollback all the non-baseline ISVPs with version D1.00.009 before rolling back

the baseline.

Rollback option will not be available for the baseline ISVPs in the application registry. Baseline ISVPs will be rolled back with the rollback installer, which can be started from the start menu shortcuts in Windows and in Linux. It is located in the <INSTALL_DIR>/_rollback directory.

2.1.1 Pre-requisites to Roll Back

If you are using the Windows operating system, ensure that you stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service. To do this, perform the following steps:

1. Click Start > Run and type services.msc.

2. Stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service from the list of services.

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2.1.2 Roll-back Procedure

Step Procedure

1 Rolling back the applications.

1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (Application Registry).

2. Select the specific application listed in Application Registry page.

3. Go to Installation details tab and click Rollback to roll back the recently installed CU for that application. You will be prompted for confirmation.

4. Click YES to continue rolling back the application.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to roll back all the applications that were part of the CU and complete the process.

2 Rolling back the Baseline.

1. Do the following:

In case of Windows, click Start > Programs > Cordys BOP-4 > <Instance Name> Rollback.

In case of Linux, start <Cordys Installation Directory>/rollback/rollback.bin

The Rollback executable starts and prompts you to continue with the process that will roll back the recently installed CU in baseline.

2. Click YES to continue.

NOTE 1. In a Windows-based computer, while rolling back the Cordys Rule Engine application, an exception appears. To avoid this, stop the CoBOC service and then roll back the application.

2. Manually modify the changes to the database server and CARS server by importing the backed-up database and CARS.

3. Restart the Cordys Monitor service container.

4. If you are rolling back to a version earlier than Cordys BOP-4 CU 005, restore the <Cordys

Installation Directory> /isvcontent/packages folder with the back up


This completes the roll back process for the CU on both Baseline and applications.

2.2 Limitations

Following are the limitations with upgrade and roll back of Cordys BOP-4 CU 009.

Limitation Work around

When an upgraded application is rolled back, the original .isvp file is not restored in <Cordys Installation


/isvcontent/packages folder.

Take a backup of the .isvp file before replacing it with the file that contains the CU. Copy it back into the installation directory after the application upgrade is rolled back.

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Limitation Work around

This is applicable for versions earlier than Cordys BOP-4 CU 005.

After an application is rolled back, the application details tab in the Application Registry page retains the details of recently upgraded .isvp file.

Copy the .isvp file before replacing it with the file that contains the CU.

Overwrite the file after the application upgrade is rolled back.

Rolling back a CU is currently supported for file system content only. If there are any updates made to the CARS server or Database server, the changes will not be reverted to the earlier version upon roll back of the CU.

Manually make changes after the roll back.

Rolling back database details is currently not supported.

Restore the backed up database manually.

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3. Installing Cordys BOP-4 This chapter describes the procedure to install Cordys BOP-4 on your computer.

3.1 Overview

The Cordys BOP-4 installation comprises two stages — Baseline and Application. You can perform each stage in two different modes – GUI and Command line (non-GUI). This chapter contains instructions to install the Baseline and the Applications in GUI mode. For command line installation, see Appendix A.

Baseline Installation

This involves the installation of the framework that is essential for running Cordys BOP-4. It serves the following purpose:

Facilitate installation of additional components or products (applications) by configuring Web server.

Connect one of the servers with the Web server

Help the servers to collaborate on a distributed installation. For more information on distributed installation, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Configuration Guide.

The baseline installation is mandatory before proceeding to application installation or distributed installation.

Application Installation

In addition to the baseline framework, Cordys BOP-4 contains several components known as Applications. An application is a bundle of software that together forms a working application. It can contain components such as tasks, roles, operations, web pages, and XML content.

3.2 Types of Installation

You can install Cordys BOP-4 in four different models depending upon the usage and the developmental need. They are:

Single Installation

Multiple Installations

Side-by-side Installation

Distributed Installation

The following sections provide details of each installation type.

3.2.1 Single Installation

In this type, there is only one physical installation of Cordys BOP-4 in one site (also known as Standalone installation).

The administrator of the standalone computer generates the usage report for the install. This report is directly sent to the Cordys Licensing Server.

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3.2.2 Multiple Installations

In this type, the site can have more than one installation of Cordys BOP-4. In such a scenario, one of the installations is recognized as the Master and the others are termed as Contributors.

Each contributor sends a usage report periodically to the designated Master computer. The Master computer on collecting the usage reports from all the contributors sends the consolidated report to Cordys Licensing Server.

For information on how to setup a Master or Contributor computer, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Configuration Guide.

3.2.3 Side-by-side Installation

You can install multiple instances of Cordys BOP-4 on the same computer. This eliminates the need for using different computers for different purposes thereby reducing the hardware costs. Each instance is identified by a unique name and is independent of other instances.

Use this feature to:

Host multiple instances of Cordys BOP-4 on a single computer pointing to single CARS.

Host multiple instances of Cordys BOP-4 on a single computer pointing to different instances of CARS.

Host Cordys BOP-4 along with earlier versions on a single computer.

3.2.4 Distributed Installation

In this kind of setup, two or more installations of Cordys BOP-4 share the same directory service (CARS) and distribute the load of service requests amongst themselves. This setup is preferred in high availability required environments. For more information on how to perform a distributed installation, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Configuration Guide.

3.3 Hardware Requirements

Intel Pentium IV processor or its equivalent or higher


600 MB of free disk space

Monitor Resolution: 1024x768 minimum (1280x1024 preferred).

Color Depth: 32 bits or more

Monitor DPI setting: 96

NOTE * Memory requirement will vary depending upon the services that need to be configured to run on the installation computer. The above-mentioned memory specification is exclusively for Cordys BOP-4 to run.

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3.4 Software Requirements

You must have the following software on your computer before installing Cordys BOP-4. However, for distributed installation you need not install database and CARS.

3.4.1 Operating System

The installation computer should have one of the following operating systems:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2

Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0

CentOS 4.2

NOTE Multi-byte support in Cordys BOP-4 is tested with Chinese (Simplified). The charset is UTF-8 for database and operating system.

NOTE Cordys Services (Web services generated by Cordys BOP-4 that are exposed for use by internal and external applications) try to bind the network connections based on the fully qualified domain name of the computer. Before installing Cordys BOP-4, ensure that computer‘s fully qualified name is configured. In Linux, this is done through making appropriate entry in ‘/etc/hosts’ file. If you fail to do this, external applications may not be able to access Cordys services over the network.

3.4.2 CARS

CARS 2.4 needs to be installed prior to the Cordys BOP-4 baseline installation. A separate CARS 2.4 installer is available.

ALERT If you are installing Cordys BOP-4 with an instance name that already exists in the CARS, the installation will be treated as a distributed one. In this case, if the corresponding primary installation is not up and running, it will lead to an improper distributed installation.

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NOTE For a HA setup, ensure the following:

Provide same suffix for all CARS instances at the time of installing CARS. Otherwise, the CARS service will not start.

Provide same names for all Cordys instances in primary and distributed installation scenarios. Otherwise, the CARS instances may not be replicated after being configured.

3.4.3 Database

The databases supported by Cordys BOP-4 are:

Oracle 9i, 10g, and 11g

NOTE If you are using Oracle, grant read permissions on the Oracle home directory to the

Cordys user that will be created after baseline installation. The user name will be Cordys <instance name> for example, CordysdefaultInst if you have chosen defaultInst as your instance name. This user requires read permissions to proceed with the application installation.

Oracle 11g server is supported only with an Oracle 10.2.x client.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2

MySQL 5.0


Cordys BOP-4 has been tested with MySQL 5.0.67.

If you are using MySQL, ensure that you also have super privileges on the database.

NOTE The initial sizes of a data file in a database and its growth rate impact the performance of database operations. This in turn impacts the performance of Cordys during design-time and run-time.

The actual data file size depends upon the volume of transactions; however the minimum recommended sizes are given below:

Production Environment:

- Initial data file size of 5 GB and Auto growth of 1 GB

- Log file initial size of 2 GB and Auto growth of 1 GB

Development Environment:

- Initial data file size of 500 MB and Auto growth of 100 MB

- Log file initial size of 250 MB and Auto growth of 100 MB

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If the size of your project is higher than the recommended sizes, allocate higher sizes.

You can either use an existing database or choose to create a database during installation. Ensure that you provide the correct Database server name, Database name, User name, and Password. Cordys BOP-4 Installer supports multi-byte characters in the following:

User name, password, and database server name for Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Database name for MySQL

User name for Oracle

The following table lists the connectors required by Cordys BOP-4 to run in a particular environment. The intersecting cell of the operating system and database gives the connector that you should use for that combination.



Oracle SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2005




3.4.4 Java Development Kit

The Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.0_x should be installed on the computer. Windows users must ensure that msvcr71.dll is in the PATH. Linux users should set the Java Installation path in ‗/etc/profile‘ file as:

export PATH = <JRE1.6_X_install_dir>/bin:$PATH

NOTE You need to ensure that JRE is installed on the computer.

Cordys BOP-4 has been tested with JRE 1.6 Update 11.

3.4.5 Additional Requirements for Windows

If you are using Windows, you must have the following components.

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If you select the Cordys component ―Web Server‖ for installation, and if you have Apache Web Server 2.0.x or 2.2.x, then it should be up and running for a baseline installation.

NOTE The Web server is not a pre-requisite if you are not installing the Cordys ―Web Server‖

component. The Web server component is not mandatory if you are setting up a distributed environment with advanced configuration.

Cordys BOP-4 has been tested with Apache 2.0.63 and 2.2.11.

If you have Apache Web Server 2.0.x or 2.2.x and if you want to select Integrated domain authentication option while installing Cordys BOP-4 baseline, Cordys BOP-4 requires ‗mod_auth_sspi.so‘ version 1.0.3 which is compatible with any of the Apache versions for authentication purposes. You can download it from the following URLs:

For Apache 2.0.63 - http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=162518&use_mirror=nchc&filename=mod_auth_sspi-1.0.3-2.0.55.zip&60938944

For Apache 2.2.11 - http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=162518&use_mirror=nchc&filename=mod_auth_sspi-1.0.3-2.2.0.zip&62240588

Place the downloaded file in <Apache Installation Dir>/modules folder.


Although both the Web servers - IIS and Apache - can be configured to run with Cordys BOP-4, only one of them can be used, if both are running on the same port. However, if you want to use both the Web servers, run them on different ports. This setup works in Windows environment only.

If you choose to configure Apache as Web server, you need multiple instances of Apache for multiple instances of Cordys BOP-4. Also, make sure that they run on different ports. For information on how to install multiple instances of Apache, visit http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/platform/windows.html. Web Browser

The browsers supported are:

Internet Explorer 8.0, Internet Explorer v 7.0, Internet Explorer v 6.0 (with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later) – for Cordys design time and run time

Non-IE browsers (Chrome 2.0, Safari 4.0, Firefox 3.5) – Cordys User Start Page (CUSP), Cordys Inbox, and XForms developed on BOP-4 Visual Studio 2005

Cordys BOP-4 executables and DLLs are built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and therefore, the installation requires the Microsoft runtime DLLs. If you do not have these files on your computer, you need to install these runtime files, otherwise executables and DLLs, built with Visual Studio 2005, will not run on your computer.

Existence of DLLs can be checked in the following ways:

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Go to the following location and check for msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll files. <Windows installation dir>\


In case the DLLs do not exist; the installer prompts the user with an alert message and informs the user about the appropriate website from where the DLL package can be downloaded.

You can download these DLLs from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/

ALERT Although the website may indicate the requirement of a latest Windows Service Pack, Cordys BOP-4 supports Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2.

3.4.6 Additional Requirements for Linux Web Server

If the Web server is being configured, Apache Web Server 2.0.x or 2.2.x should be installed on the computer, and should be configured for Cordys BOP-4. For information on how to configure Apache, refer to

NOTE If you choose to configure Apache as Web server, you need multiple instances of

Apache for installing multiple instances of Cordys BOP-4. Also, make sure that they run on different ports. For more information on installing Apache, visit http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/

Cordys BOP-4 has been tested with Apache 2.0.63 and 2.2.11.

3.5 Pre-installation Configuration Activities

This chapter lists the various tasks that prepare your computer for Cordys BOP-4 installation.

3.5.1 Windows

This section lists the pre-installation tasks that need to be carried out on a Windows operating system. Configuring MS SQL Server 2005

This task is applicable only if you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as your database.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 should be configured prior to installation to avoid errors during installation. Perform the following steps to configure the database server:

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Step Action

1 Click Start Program Files Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Configuration

Tools SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.

2 In the window that appears, click on SQL SERVER SURFACE AREA CONFIGURATION

FOR SERVICES AND CONNECTIONS. The following screen appears.

Figure 1

3 Select View by Instance tab and select Remote Connections.


PIPES options.

5 Click APPLY.

6 Open SQL Server Configuration Manager (click Start Program Files

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Configuration Tools SQL Server

Configuration Manager).

7 Go to SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration > Protocols for

SQLEXPRESS and double click on TCP/IP.

8 In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click IP Addresses tab.

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Figure 2

9 In the IPAll option, clear the TCP Dynamic Ports field value and specify a

port for TCP Port as shown in the figure above. If it is dynamic, the port

keeps changing when you restart SQL Server.

10 Restart SQL Server Express and SQL browser services. By default, express edition is installed with this service configured as manual. Change it to automatic if you want to enable remote connections (like via JDBC and so on) to this server instance.

NOTE Cordys BOP-4 Installer uses jTDS jdbc drivers to connect to database

In the screen where DB server details are given during installation, enter

the server name along with SQL instance name as

computername\instancename. Setting Environment Variables

If OLEDB connectivity is to be used for connecting to a database, here are the pre-requisites:

For Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4, MDAC 2.7 or later is required, which is available when you install Microsoft SQL Server Native Client, or can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.

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Search for the MDAC <version> on this page to find the exact URL for download.

For Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2, you need to install Microsoft SQL Server Native client. This places SQLNCLI.DLL in the PATH environment variable.

The Oracle client version supported by Cordys BOP-4 is 10.2.x. If you are using OLEDB with Oracle, install the numeric truncation patch from Oracle (OraOLEDB.Oracle). Contact Oracle Support for this patch (p5206573_10201_WINNT). Also,

Register the database server in the configuration file, ‗tnsnames.ora.‘

Set ORACLE_HOME to the Oracle client installation directory.

CLASSPATH should be updated with ojdbc14.jar file available at <ORACLE_HOME>/jdbc/lib. This jar file is required for operation of the Composite Application Logging Service. For more information on this service, refer to the product documentation, which can be accessed from

the Cordys Explorer by clicking the document ( ) icon.

Update the PATH variable with <ORACLE_HOME >/bin.

NOTE By default, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express or Developer Edition disables remote connections. You need to enable the remote connections manually. For more information on how to do this, refer to SQL Server documentation.

If JDBC connectivity is to be used for connecting to a database, here are the pre-requisites:

For Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4, SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC Service Pack 2 is required. You can download SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads. Set the msbase.jar, msutil.jar, and mssqlserver.jar files in the system CLASSPATH.

For Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2, you require JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL 2005 and sqljdbc.jar in the system CLASSPATH variable.

For Oracle, you require Oracle client to be installed on your computer and the DB server to be registered in the configuration file, ‗tnsnames.ora‘. ORACLE_HOME should be set to the Oracle client installation directory. The system CLASSPATH should be updated with ojdbc14.jar file available in Oracle client installation. Also, set the <Oracle_install_dir>\bin in PATH.

For MySQL server, you require the JDBC driver MySQL Connector/J v 5.0.x. You can download it from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.0.html. Extract the archive, and set the absolute path of the extracted jar file mysql-connector-java-[version]-bin.jar to system CLASSPATH.

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For information on how to enable content expiry and compression in Apache, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Configuration Guide. Configuring IIS 7.0 for Cordys BOP-4

If you are using IIS 7.0, ensure that the following features are installed in IIS 7.0:

1) Web Management Tools

a) IIS 6 Management Compatibility – All options

b) IIS Management Console

c) IIS Management Scripts and Tools

d) IIS Management Service

2) Application Development Features

a) .NET Extensibility

b) ASP


d) CGI

e) ISAPI Extensions

f) ISAPI Filters

g) Server – Side Includes

3) Common Http Features

a) Default Document

b) Directory Browsing

c) HTTP Errors

d) HTTP Redirection

e) Static Content

4) Health and Diagnostics

a) HTTP Logging

b) Logging Tools

5) Security

a) Basic Authentication

b) Request Filtering

c) Windows Authentication

If the above-mentioned features are not installed, follow the procedure given below to install them:

Go to My Computer -> Uninstall or change a program-> Turn Windows features on or off and select the above-mentioned features.

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Viewing SOAP Faults

Perform the following steps so that SOAP faults thrown by Cordys BOP-4 are viewed properly:

1 Navigate to: IIS Manager -> Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> Error Pages -> Open Feature -> Edit Error Pages Settings.

2 In the Edit Error Pages Settings dialog box, select Detailed Errors option. 3 Click OK. Configuring Windows 2008 for Cordys BOP-4

Perform the following steps to configure Windows 2008:

1. Click Start, select Computer, and right-click on it.

2. Select Manage. The Server Manager window opens.

3. On the left-hand side pane, expand the Roles group and select Web Server (IIS).

4. On the right-hand side pane, expand the Summary menu.

5. In the Role Services box, check whether the above-mentioned features are installed.

6. If they are not installed, click Add Role Services to install them.

3.5.2 Linux

This section lists the pre-installation tasks that need to be carried out on a Linux operating system. Setting Environment Variables

NOTE Prior to the baseline installation, you should add the respective database driver entries in

CLASSPATH in the ‗/etc/profile‘ file. Log off and logon again to reflect the changes to profile. Then, proceed with the baseline installation. After the installation is complete, these entries are automatically updated in the ‗wcpenv.sh‘ file of Cordys BOP-4.

If not, you need to export CLASSPATH with the respective database driver entries from the session (shell prompt) before the installer is started.

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 as the database, set the msbase.jar, msutil.jar, and mssqlserver.jar files in the system CLASSPATH. These .jar files can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads

If you are using MySQL as the database, following entries are to be made:

Export CLASSPATH = <JDBC Driver Installation

Directory>/<Name of the .JAR file>:$CLASSPATH

Where, jar file is the MySQL Connector/J v5.0.x file that can be downloaded from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.0.html

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If you are using Oracle as the database, Oracle client installation is required and the following entries are to be made:

export ORACLE_HOME=<ORACLE Client Install directory>



export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar:$CLASSPATH


System CLASSPATH should be updated with the corresponding Oracle driver jar/zip file available in the Oracle client installation.

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2, you require JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL 2005, sqljdbc.jar, in the system CLASSPATH variable.

NOTE To use JDBC-OCI, you should have Oracle client installation on your computer. And the

DB server must be registered i.e., there must be an entry for DB server in the configuration file, tnsnames.ora. Configuring Apache on Linux

To avoid any kind of conflict because of port sharing, disable the default Apache Web server of the operating system by executing the following commands:

$/sbin/chkconfig --del httpd

$/etc/init.d/httpd stop

The Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63 or 2.2.11 source code must be downloaded, configured, compiled, and installed on the target installation computer. The Apache code is available at http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/.

If you want to retain an existing version of Apache server, recompile and install the sources again. Use the following commands for configuring, compiling, and installing the code:

For Apache 2.0.63:

$gunzip httpd-2.0.63.tar.gz

$tar –xf httpd-2.0.63.tar

$cd httpd-2.0.63

$./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2063 --enable-so --

enable-mods-shared=all --enable-deflate --enable-status --with-

mpm=worker $make $make install

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For Apache 2.2.11:

$gunzip httpd-2.2.11.tar.gz

$tar –xf httpd-2.2.11.tar

$cd httpd-2.2.11

$./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2211 --enable-so --

enable-mods-shared=all --enable-deflate --enable-status --with-

mpm=worker $make $make install

In the above commands, ./configure --

prefix=/usr/local/apache2xx --enable-so --enable-mods-

shared=all --with-mpm=worker specifies the default location for installing

the Apache files.

For Apache 2.0.63, in the httpd.conf file, locate the worker.c module, replace with

the following configuration, and restart the Apache Web server.

<IfModule worker.c>

ServerLimit 1

StartServers 1

MaxClients 25

MinSpareThreads 25

MaxSpareThreads 75

ThreadsPerChild 25

MaxRequestsPerChild 0


For Apache 2.2.11,

Navigate to <Apache Installation Directory>/conf/httpd.conf

file, locate ‘include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf’ and uncomment


Navigate to the <Apache Installation

Directory>/conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf file, locate the

mpm_worker_module, replace with the following configuration, and restart the Apache Web server.

<IfModule mpm_worker_module>

ServerLimit 1

StartServers 1

ThreadLimit 200

MaxClients 200

MinSpareThreads 25

MaxSpareThreads 200

ThreadsPerChild 150

MaxRequestsPerChild 0


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3.6 Before You Begin

Before installing Cordys BOP-4, ensure the following:

You are a registered user and have a valid license key, which is mandatory for installing Cordys BOP-4. If you have registered with Cordys, and the computer on which you are installing Cordys BOP-4 has access to the Internet, you can obtain the license key during installation. Otherwise, send an e-mail to [email protected], with Cordys License Key as the subject, and provide the registered customer name, registered site name, and hostname of the CARS server in the message. For registering your information with Cordys, approach your software vendor.

You have administrative privileges on the computer where Cordys BOP-4 is being installed.

Confirm that the recommended hardware configuration and mandatory software prerequisites listed earlier in this chapter are available either on the installation computer itself, or some other computer on the network.

Disconnect net meeting or dialup or remote connections. However, if you are using dial-up internet connection and license key is not pre-fetched, it should not be disconnected.

Ensure that any Cordys BOP-4 environment variable such as CORDYS_HOME or CORDYS_INSTALL_DIR are not present in the target computer.

You have the CARS details and path of the certificates folder

You have the database details - Database (Vendor), Connector (type), user ID, and password, and access to the server with read-write privileges.

3.6.1 Check the Installer Package

The Cordys BOP-4 Installation package comes in a .zip file (Cordys BOP-4-CU9.zip). Extract the contents to a folder and ensure that the following are available:

Executable/File/Folder Description

CARS-2.4.exe (for Windows)

CARS-2.4.bin (for Linux)

CARS 2.4 installer

Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe (for Windows)

Cordys BOP-4-CU9.bin (for Linux)

Cordys BOP-4 CU 009 installer

isvpackages Set of applications

isvtemplates Set of templates for application installation.

cars.installer.properties Input file for CARS command line installer

certificates Digital certificates needed for signed application installation

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Executable/File/Folder Description

CordysApplicationSigner JAR files and a batch file that are required for signing applications

cordys.installer.properties Input file for Cordys BOP-4 command line baseline installer

cordys.uninstaller.properties Input file for Cordys BOP-4 command line baseline uninstaller

guides Contains the installation guide for Cordys BOP-4 CU 009; also contains other guides that can be used as reference, if required

3.7 Installing Cordys BOP-4 on Windows

This section describes the procedure to install Cordys BOP-4 in Windows environment.

3.7.1 Baseline

You can install the Cordys BOP-4 baseline in two different modes – GUI and Command Line. Refer to Appendix A for baseline installation using command line.

Perform the following steps to install Cordys BOP-4 using GUI.

Step Action

1 Extract the contents of the installer package included in the zip file (Cordys BOP-4-CU9.zip) to a folder on the computer identified for Cordys BOP-4 installation.

2 Double-click Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe in the extracted folder. The Welcome screen of the Cordys BOP-4 installation wizard appears.

NOTE If you are using Windows XP, do not minimize the installer while running. You might face a problem while trying to maximize it and will not be able to view any alerts thrown by the installer.

3 Click NEXT to start the installation process. The Installation Option

screen appears.

4 Select Install new instance to install a new instance and click INSTALL.

The License Agreement screen appears.

5 Select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and click NEXT.

The Third-party Software License Agreements screen appears.

6 Select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and click NEXT.

The wizard guides you through the installation process. The instructions

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Step Action

required to proceed with the installation is available with the installation wizard. Click HELP on each screen to view the instructions. After the

baseline installation is done, the Cordys BOP-4 Application Installer is initiated automatically and appears in your browser.

3.7.2 Applications

After completing the baseline installation, you should proceed with installing applications. They can be installed in two modes – GUI and Command line. Refer to Appendix B for application installation using command line.

If you have signed application(s) using your certificates, add the corresponding certificate along with the certificates in complete certificate chain (files with .cer extension) to the certificates folder. The certificates folder is available in the extracted zip folder on your local computer.

If any of the applications being installed by you are not signed using a digital certificate trusted by Cordys BOP-4, you will receive a notification. The following table categorizes such applications and provides the information on how to install them. If all the applications are valid, you will not get any notification.

Status Reason How to install?

Tampered Signed application has been altered. This includes addition, removal, and update of the files in the Application.

By default, it cannot be installed.

Unsigned Application is not signed. By default, it cannot be installed.

Untrusted The certificate used to sign this application is not available in the Cordys BOP-4 trust store.

By default, it cannot be installed.

Improper Certificate The certificate with which the application has been signed is not valid in the Cordys BOP-4 framework because:

It has expired

It has been revoked by its issuing certificate authority

Its complete certificate chain is not configured/added in the Cordys BOP-4 trust store

The certificate cannot be used for codeSigning purpose

By default, it cannot be installed.

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Status Reason How to install?

Valid The certificate is trusted by Cordys BOP-4

By default, it can be installed.

NOTE If you are using Oracle, ensure that the Cordys user (Cordys <Instance_name>) has read and execute permissions on the Oracle database. If you have not done so, grant the privileges

now and proceed with the application installation (see Database Requirements).

Perform the following steps to install applications:

Step Action

1 After the baseline installation is done, the Cordys BOP-4 Application Installer is initiated automatically and appears in your browser as shown in Figure 3. If it does not appear, type http://<computername:portnumber>/cordys/wcp/configure/install/ in the address bar of your browser to start installing applications. Here <computername> refers to the computer on which Web server is configured and the port number is the port that you have configured during the baseline installation.

NOTE If you have selected Cordys Authentication during baseline installation, you need to provide the same user name and password to proceed with the application loading.

The following applications are loaded silently when you launch the above URL:

i. Cordys Security Admin Core

ii. Cordys XForms Runtime

iii. Cordys XMLStore

iv. Cordys Task Server

v. Cordys Common Content

vi. Cordys Tag Server

vii. Cordys Configurations Backup Manager

viii. Cordys Single Sign-on

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Figure 3

Step Action

2 Enter the appropriate database configuration details as described below:

If the Use same inputs for a machine check box is selected in Figure 3, the details entered in the first tab are filled by default for the other tabs. By default, this check box is selected. This is applicable to only those applications that require database inputs.

Select a Database Configuration from the Select Database Configuration drop-down list. The available options are Cordys System, Cordys Logger, and New Database Configuration. Select NEW DATABASE CONFIGURATION, to create a database configuration

during installation if it does not exist. If you chose to create a database, enter the name of the new database and the corresponding DBA credentials.

Select Create Database Tables check box. If the Create New Database check box is not selected, the database tables are created and the scripts are executed. However, this option remains disabled in the selected state if Create New Database check box is selected, as it is mandatory to create the database tables. Otherwise, it is optional to be selected.

By default, the Create Service Group Configuration and Create Database Tables check boxes are selected to ensure that the service group is configured. If you clear the Create Service Group Configuration check box, the Create Database Tables check box is also disabled and you should manually create and configure the service groups later.

Cordys BOP-4 supports multi-byte characters such as Chinese

alphabets. If you want to enable this option, perform the following steps:

o Click Advanced Properties group box and select one

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Step Action

of the following:

If you are using OLEDB connectivity, select the Support Multibyte check box.

If you are using JDBC connectivity, select the Support Special Characters in XML check box.


If you are creating a database configuration, ensure that the recommended drivers and .jar files are used as mentioned in Chapter 3.

You should have ―write‖ and ―create‖ permissions on the database to which you are connecting.

If the database contains any tables, the installer drops them and creates fresh ones while installing the applications.

While providing a name to a new database, ensure that you conform to the naming conventions of the database.


The fields in the Cordys MDM Initialization Content:<machinename> tab are

configured with default values. However, if you do not wish to use the default values for MDM feature of Cordys BOP-4, refer to Appendix C.

ALERT On the Configuring BAM Services:<machinename> tab, click the BAM

Repository tab. You are recommended to configure a separate database for BAM other

than the database that is configured by default.

If the Database Configuration already exists, select the same Database Configuration

(from the Select Database Configuration drop-down of the Repository tab) that is

configured by default, in the MDM Hub Publisher Service Container while installing Cordys BOP-4.

3 Click NEXT. A Web page as shown in the Figure 4 appears.

Step Action

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Figure 4

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Figure 5

Step Action

4 Select the Save the available Applications as a template check box and enter a filename to record the complete web-based installation inputs to a file. You will need this file only if you want to install the applications using command line. For more information on how to retrieve this template and use it for command line installation, refer to Appendix B. If you do not want to install applications using command line, you may leave it unchecked.

5 Click INSTALL to start installing the applications.

NOTE If required, you can increase or decrease the default timeout required to install an application package.

After installing all the applications, a Web page as shown in Figure 5 appears.

Step Action

6 Click FINISH to complete the installation process. The application installation is complete and the Cordys Explorer opens as shown in the Figure 6.

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Figure 6

NOTE If you want to install signed applications after installation, configure the security certificates

using Security Admin Console ( ) from Cordys Explorer. For more information, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Product Documentation (topic ‗Managing a Trust Store‘ under ‗Understanding Trust Stores‘ section).

All the roles created during baseline installation and applications installation are assigned to a role called "Setup User" that is created during installation. The current logged in user will be assigned this role. Assign this role to a user if you want to assign all the roles generated during installation.

3.8 Installing Cordys BOP-4 on Linux

This section describes the procedure to install Cordys BOP-4 in Linux environment.

3.8.1 Baseline

You can install the Cordys BOP-4 baseline in two different modes – GUI and Command line. Refer to Appendix A for baseline installation in command line mode.

NOTE Performing installation in GUI mode requires X environment to be available.

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Perform the following steps to install Cordys BOP-4 using GUI.

Step Action

1 Extract the contents of the installer package included in the zip file (Cordys BOP-4-CU9.zip) to a folder on the computer identified for Cordys BOP-4 installation.

2 At the shell prompt, change to the directory (folder) where the contents of the zip file are extracted to.

3 Ensure that the Cordys BOP-4-CU9.bin file has ―execute‖

permissions, and if not, give the required permission for the file, by using the chmod u+x ―Cordys BOP-4-CU9.bin‖ command.

4 Type ./ ―Cordys BOP-4-CU9.bin‖ and press Enter. The Welcome

screen of the Cordys BOP-4 installation wizard appears.

5 The wizard guides you through the installation process. The instructions required to proceed with the installation are available with the installation wizard. Click HELP on each screen to view the instructions.

3.8.2 Applications

After completing the baseline installation, you should proceed with installing applications. They can be installed in two modes – GUI and Command Line. Refer to Appendix B for application installation using command line.

If you have signed application(s) using your certificates, add the corresponding certificate along with the certificates in complete certificate chain (files with .cer extension) to the certificates folder. The certificates folder is available in the extracted zip folder on your local computer.

If any of the applications being installed by you are not signed using a digital certificate trusted by Cordys BOP-4, you will receive a notification. The following table categorizes such applications and provides the information on how to install them. If all the applications are valid, you will not get any notification.

Status Reason How to install?

Tampered Signed application has been altered. This includes addition, removal and update of the files in the Application.

By default, it cannot be installed.

Unsigned Application is not signed. By default, it cannot be installed.

Untrusted The certificate used to sign this application is not available in the Cordys trust store.

By default, it cannot be installed.

Improper Certificate The certificate with which the application has been signed is not

By default, it cannot be installed.

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Status Reason How to install?

valid in the Cordys BOP-4 framework because:

It has expired

It has been revoked by its issuing certificate authority

Its complete certificate chain is not configured/added in the Cordys trust store

The certificate cannot be used for codeSigning purpose

Valid The certificate used is trusted by Cordys BOP-4

By default, it can be installed.

Perform the following steps to install applications:

Step Action

1 Log on to a computer running on Windows and access the following URL through Internet Explorer :

http://<computername:portnumber>/cordys/wcp/configure/install where <computername> refers to the computer on which Web server is configured and the port number is the port that you have configured during the baseline installation. A web page as shown in Figure 3 appears.

NOTE If you had selected ―Web Server‖ option during the baseline installation, you can install all the applications by typing http://<computername:portnumber>/cordys/wcp/configure/install in the address bar of your browser where, <computername> is the computer on which Web server is installed.

The following applications are loaded silently when you launch the above URL:

i. Cordys Security Admin Core

ii. Cordys XForms Runtime

iii. Cordys XMLStore

iv. Cordys Task Server

v. Cordys Common Content

vi. Cordys Tag Server

vii. Cordys Configurations Backup Manager

viii. Cordys Single Sign-on

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3.9 Post-installation Steps for Business Activity Monitoring

If you want to work with Cordys Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), you must perform these additional steps after you have successfully installed Cordys BOP-4. If you do not want to work with BAM, you may ignore this section.


While installing Cordys MDM application (as part of application installation - section 3.7.2) if

the Create MDM Service Group check box on the Cordys MDM Initialization Content:<machinename> tab was selected, the MDM Service and MDM Hub Service

Containers get created but do not start. Before proceeding with BAM configuration, you must start these Service Containers. Otherwise, the published output of the MDM Model created for BAM fails, affecting the functionality of BAM.

Step Action

1 In the Cordys Explorer, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.

2 Right-click the created Business Activity Monitor Service Container under Service Containers and select Properties.

3 In the properties pane, click the BAM Connector tab.

4 On the Profile tab, enter details of email sender:

Enter email address in E-Mail Address field so that email actions from KPI and Business Event Response of BAM component are sent from this particular email address.

Enter name in Display Name field.

The SYSTEM user is displayed by default; in Select proxy user for runtime execution text box (can be changed to another user later). The contextual information (Web service operation) in Monitoring Object and Business Event Response, as well as in rules of Business Event Response and KPI is fired with this user context. This user should have access to the required application to choose the Web service operation in contextual information of Monitoring Object or Business Event Response and roles to fire a rule.

5 Click (Application Registry) in the Cordys Explorer. A web page

2 Follow the procedure as described from Step 2 of application installation in Windows.

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Step Action


6 Click (Install New Applications) and select Applications option.

7 Select the checkbox corresponding to Cordys BAM MDM Model in the Applications column and the computer in the Systems column. Click START INSTALLATION to install the application.

NOTE If you are deploying an MDM model in a distributed environment, it is enough to deploy it in the primary computer alone.

A web page appears with the selected computers and applications for installation.

8 Click NEXT.

A web page appears where you can provide the required inputs.

9 Click the CoBOC Content Loader:<machinename> tab to provide the following details.

Click (Select the CoBOC service) and select the CoBOC service in which you want to deploy CoBOC content used by MDM.

Select the organization in which you want to install the CoBOC content, from Select organization drop-down.

For the Overwrite existing content option, choose Yes (mandatory) to overwrite existing CoBOC content (MDM templates, Data Transformation maps, MDM Model). Choose No, if you do not want to overwrite the existing content.

Select the proxy user (the CoBOC user required to communicate with other applications on Cordys BOP-4) from the Proxy User drop-down list.

10 8 On the MDM Content Deployment Loader:<machinename> tab, click the Deployment Details tab and provide the details:

Select the organization for which you want to create MDM content from the Organization drop-down list.

Select the proxy user (the MDM user required to communicate with other applications on Cordys BOP-4) from Proxy User drop-down list.

For MDM Content if exists field, choose any one of the following options:

abort - to abort installing MDM Content

ignore - to install the new content which is not present and ignore the existing content

overwrite - to overwrite the existing content with the new content (recommended action)

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Step Action

11 9 Click the Service Groups tab.

This step is applicable if the default option Create MDM Service Group was selected on the Cordys MDM Initialization Content tab during Cordys MDM application. You can map the MDM Hub Publisher and MDM Spoke Publisher if they already exist. If the MDM Spoke Publisher does not exist, create it as mentioned in step 10.

To map the MDM Hub Publisher if it already exists, click corresponding to MDM Hub Publisher. In the Publisher Service Groups dialog box, select the MDM Hub Publisher and click OK.

The MDM Hub Publisher is mapped and (Configure service Group) icon is disabled.


Make sure that the Database Configuration selected in the MDM Hub Publisher

Service Container and the Database Configuration of the Business Activity Monitor Service Container is the same; and point to the same database.

To map the MDM Spoke Publisher if it already exists, click

corresponding to MDM Spoke Publisher. In the Publisher Service Groups dialog box, select the MDM Spoke Publisher

and click OK. The MDM Spoke Publisher is mapped and

(Configure service Group) icon is disabled.


Make sure that the Database Configuration selected in the Repository tab of

MDM Spoke Publisher Service Container and the Database Configuration

of the Business Activity Monitor Service Container is the same.

Make sure that the Database Configuration selected in the Application tab of

MDM Spoke Publisher Service Container and the Database Configuration

of the Business Process Management Service Container is the same.

12 10 You can create the MDM Hub Publisher and MDM Spoke Publisher if they do not exist.

To create the MDM Hub Publisher, select the MDM Hub Publisher

available under Data stores list and click (Configure service Group). The Configure service – MDM Hub Publisher dialog box appears.

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Step Action

Make sure that you have not selected Configure Hub Publisher checkbox on Cordys MDM Initialization Content tab.

Click the Backend Details tab for the following details:

The name of the MDM Hub Publisher and the Service Group details are filled in the respective fields.

Select Create Database Content checkbox to create the required database content for MDM.

Click the Service Configuration tab for the following details:

a. Click the Initial Settings tab.

Ensure that Hub Publisher checkbox is selected.

Multicast IP and Port details are filled by default, in the respective fields.

b. Click the Repository tab and select the database configuration from the Select Database Configuration drop-down list that you have created for Business Activity Monitor Database Configuration.

Click and close Configure service – MDM Hub Publisher dialog box.

To create MDM Spoke Publisher, click (Configure service Group). The Configure service – MDM Spoke Publisher dialog box appears.

Click the Backend Details tab for the following details:

The name of the MDM Spoke Publisher and the Service Group details are filled in the respective fields.

Select Create Database Content checkbox to create the required database content for MDM.

Click the Service Configuration tab.

a. Click the Initial Settings tab for the following details:

o Ensure that Use different database for application checkbox is selected.

o Multicast IP and Port details are filled by default in the respective fields.

b. Click the Repository tab, and select the database configuration that you have selected in the Business Activity Monitor Service Container, from Select Database Configuration drop-down list.

c. Click the Application tab, and select the database configuration that you have selected in the Business Process Management Service Container.

Click and close Configure service – MDM Spoke Publisher dialog box.

13 11 BAM is installed in System organization, by default. If you want to work with BAM in other than installed organization, you have to create BAM service

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Step Action


For more details on creating service group for BAM, refer to Cordys BOP-4 Online Help Working with Business Models <Step 1 of Attention section> of Working with Business Activity Monitoring.

NOTE If you want to work with Cordys BAM Excel-AddIn, after Cordys Business Activity Monitoring application is installed, find CordysBAM.xla and related documentation

at the following location: <cordys_install_dir>\<instance


Cordys BAM Excel-AddIn can be installed as an add-in on Excel (refer to the Cordys BAM Excel Add-In Installation Steps.pdf in the above mentioned location), and process performance analysis can be done by making use of the rich charting functionality of Excel, to create graphs.

14 13 You have to set bam.jar in the MDM Service Service Container.

In the Cordys Explorer, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.

Right-click the created MDM Service Service Container under Service Containers and select Properties. In the properties pane, click the JRE Configuration tab, and set bam.jar as <cordys_install_dir>\<instance

name>\components\bam\bam.jar in the Classpath field.

Ensure that you have restarted the MDM Service Service Container.

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4. Uninstalling Cordys BOP-4 This section describes the procedure to uninstall Cordys BOP-4 from your computer.

Uninstallation of Cordys BOP-4 involves the following steps:

1. Uninstalling applications

2. Uninstalling baseline

3. Dropping database tables (not applicable for distributed installation)

You can perform uninstalling applications and baseline in two different modes – GUI and Command line (non-GUI). This chapter contains instructions to uninstall the applications and uninstall the Baseline in GUI mode. For command line uninstallation of the applications, see Appendix B. For command line uninstallation of the baseline, see Appendix A.

ALERT Before you start uninstalling either the applications or the baseline, take a backup of the database scripts listed in section Dropping Database Tables.

4.1 Uninstalling Applications

You must uninstall the applications before uninstalling the baseline to erase the CARS entries.

Step Action

1 Start the Web-based Application Uninstaller by clicking the Application

Registry ( ) icon on Cordys Explorer. The Application Registry – Available Applications screen appears.

2 Click the Uninstall Applications ( ) icon on the toolbar.

The Application Registry – Uninstall Applications window appears as shown in Figure 7.

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Figure 7

Figure 8

Step Action

3 Select the applications that you want to uninstall.

4 Click START UNINSTALLATION. A window as shown in the Figure 8 appears.

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If you do not select any check box, the reference to roles and Web Service Interfaces will not be deleted from the CARS server.

If you are uninstalling applications from a distributed installation, do not select the check boxes under References. Removing references from a distributed installation will remove the references from the primary installation also, making the application on the primary installation unusable.

Figure 9

ALERT If you are uninstalling applications from a distributed installation, do not select any check box under Applications. Uninstalling application from a distributed installation drops the database content from the primary installation also, making the application on the primary installation unusable.

Step Action

5 Select the Delete References check box against the applications that you wish to uninstall and click NEXT. A screen as shown in Figure 9 appears.

Step Action

6 Select the Application check box and click NEXT. A screen as shown in the

Figure 10 appears.

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Figure 10

NOTE If the applications installed in the earlier Cordys BOP-4 CU5 version contained COBOC content and the instance was upgraded to Cordys BOP-4 CU 009, then you must follow the below manual steps to successfully uninstall the applications.

1. In the Cordys Management Console (CMC) window, select the Cordys Repository Browser utility.

2. Select the appropriate option from the Database Configuration drop-down list, and

click CONNECT.

3. Click ISV XMLStore collection Cordys cpc deployment and open the

cpcisvcatalog file. This file comprises XML that starts with isv as the root node.

4. Modify the XML, so that it contains cpcisvs as the root node and isv as the child node.

5. Create another isv node and append it to the cpcisvs root node.

6. Set the name attribute of the node equal to the value of the name element specified in

isv.xml, which is located at <cordys_install_dir>\<instance

name>\isvcontent\packages\<isv name>.

7. Provide values to the child nodes of isv node as follows.

a) For cpcservicedn element, provide DN of the CoBOC Service Container as value.

b) For organization element, provide the organization DN as value.

c) For ownerdn element, provide the valid CoBOC user DN as value.

d) For overwrite element, provide yes as the value.

e) For status element, provide success as the value.

Step Action

7 Click UNINSTALL. A confirmation message appears, displaying the status of


8 Click FINISH. The applications are uninstalled successfully.

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The modified XML appears as follows:

<cpcisvs xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/xmlstore">

<isv name="Cordys Business Activity Monitoring">

<cpcservicedn>cn=CoBOC,cn=CoBOC,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=GACordys,o=vanenburg.com</cpcservicedn>


<ownerdn>cn=jsaurabh,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=GACordys,o=vanenburg.com</ownerdn>




<isv name="Cordys XYZ Templates">

<cpcservicedn>cn=CoBOC,cn=CoBOC,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=GACordys,o=vanenburg.com</cpcservicedn>


<ownerdn>cn=jsaurabh,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=GACordys,o=vanenburg.com</ownerdn>





8. Save the file, restart the Repository Service Container, and uninstall the application.

If the above procedure is not used and the uninstall process fails, reload the applications and use the procedure to remove the content.

4.2 Uninstalling Baseline

Uninstalling baseline after uninstalling all the applications removes Cordys BOP-4 completely from your computer.

Perform the following steps to uninstall Cordys BOP-4 baseline from your computer:

Step Action

1 Depending upon the operating system you use, perform the following steps to start the uninstallation wizard.

In Windows

Click Start All Programs Cordys BOP-4 <instance name> Uninstall.

In Linux

At the shell prompt, type <Cordys_install_dir>/_uninst/Uninstall_Cordys_BOP-4

and press Enter.

For example, /opt/Cordys/_uninst/Uninstall_Cordys_BOP-4.

The Cordys BOP-4 uninstaller starts and the welcome page appears.

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Step Action

2 Click NEXT. A screen displaying the CARS information appears.

3 Type the CARS password that you provided during the Cordys BOP-4 baseline installation and click NEXT. The next page listing the options to

remove all of Cordys BOP-4 content appears. The content includes

Cordys installation directory

wcpdev directory

cordysguest directory

Drop Tables

All Service Containers configured on your computer

CARS content Place your mouse pointer on each of the option to know its description.

4 Select the items you want to delete and click NEXT. The database

information screen appears.

ALERT If you have not selected Drop Tables check box, the next screen with a prompt for database details will not appear and uninstallation starts immediately.

5 Type the password of the database user to drop the Cordys XDS and Cordys Logger database tables. Click NEXT.

6 The uninstaller removes all the selected content. Click DONE to complete

the uninstallation.

4.3 Dropping Database Tables

You need to use this option in any of the following scenarios:

You have uninstalled the applications but have left the database tables used by those applications intact (you must have not selected the Drop Database Tables checkbox).

You do not intend to uninstall the baseline of Cordys BOP-4. However, you want to remove the tables used by the uninstalled applications that reside in the same database.

The baseline and applications are installed on the same database. However, you have uninstalled the baseline without uninstalling the application, and without dropping the database (you did not select the Drop Database Tables checkbox).

You have installed the baseline on one database and the applications on several different databases. The uninstallation of the baseline did not remove the tables from other databases.

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Run the appropriate script listed below to drop the database content, depending on the choice of application and database.

Component application

Path of the script file

Database Vendor


Cordys CoBOC





Cordys Business Process Engine





Cordys Data Transformation

<cordys_install_dir>\components\datamapper \database\dropscripts




Cordys Notification





Cordys Rule Engine





Cordys Scheduler





Cordys XForms Design Time


MS SQL Drop_Translator_MSSQL.sql

Oracle Drop_Translator_Oracle.sql

MySQL Drop_Translator_MYSQL.sql

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Appendix A: Installing and Uninstalling Baseline Using Command Line

This section describes the procedure to install and uninstall Cordys BOP-4 using command line.

A.1 Installing

When all the installation inputs are provided through a file, Cordys BOP-4 installation proceeds without a need for the user input. This is otherwise called unattended installation.

An input properties file is available to help the user fill the values. The file named

‗cordys.installer.properties‘ contains appropriate descriptions for all the input

properties. This file is available in the extracted folder of the zip file.

Command line baseline installation of Cordys BOP-4 is undertaken from the command line. Primarily, this uses the input file as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

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Perform the following steps to do a command line installation of Cordys BOP-4 baseline.

A.2 Uninstalling

By default, the mode of uninstalling Cordys BOP-4 will be same as that of installing it. If you install Cordys BOP-4 using command line, you have to uninstall it using command line.

Step Action

1 Open the input properties file (as shown in Figure A) available in the extracted zip folder, in a text editor and edit the following sections according to your computer configuration. A brief description of the parameters is available in the file itself.

License Version Type

Install Feature List

User Install Folder

CARS Information

CARS Credentials

Certificate Folder Path

Cordys License Key

Install Folder for Apache

Domain User Option (for Windows users)

User Password (for Windows users)

Authenticated Users

JMX Console Configuration

Network Installation

SAML Authentication

2 Start the installation by using the following command:

In Windows

Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe -i silent -f


In Linux

./”Cordys BOP-4-CU9.bin” -i silent -f


The installation proceeds with the information provided in the input file.

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If you have installed Cordys BOP-4 using command line and you try to uninstall it using GUI without changing the installation mode, the uninstallation procedure starts without prompting and you cannot stop it. Moreover, some database entries and files may not be deleted and you have to delete them manually later.

If you want to change the mode of uninstaller, type the following commands at the command prompt:

An input properties file is available in the extracted zip folder for uninstalling Cordys BOP-4 completely, using the command line. Figure B shows a screenshot of the Cordys uninstaller properties file. To uninstall Cordys using command line, fill the values in the following fields of this file:

CARS Information

CARS Credentials

Delete Install Folder

Delete wcpdev Folder

If you are using Then the command is

Windows <Cordys_Install_Dir>\<instance_name>\_uninst\Uninstall Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe -i swing

Linux <Cordys_Install_Dir>\<instance_name>\_uninst\Uninstaller_Cordys_BOP-4-CU9 -i swing

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Figure B

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ALERT Uninstalling Cordys BOP-4 using command line might cause your computer to reboot. We recommend you to close all the applications before uninstalling or change the mode of uninstallation to GUI. You can avoid this automatic reboot by adding the USER_REQUESTED_RESTART=NO field to the

―cordys.uninstaller.properties‖ file.

Depending upon the operating system you use, perform the following steps to start command line baseline uninstallation.

The baseline is successfully uninstalled.

If you are using Then the command is

Windows <Cordys_install_dir>\<instance_name>\_uninst\Uninstall Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe -i silent -f <path

of the properties


For example,



Cordys BOP-4-CU9.exe -i silent -f


Linux <Cordys_install_dir>\<instance_name>\_uninst\Uninstaller_Cordys_BOP-4-CU9 -i silent -f


For example,


ys_BOP-4-CU9 -i silent -f


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Appendix B: Installing Applications Using Command Line

Similar to the Cordys BOP-4 baseline command line installation, you can install the applications on Cordys BOP-4 using command line, without navigating through any of the user interface screens.

The inputs for installation are provided through an application installing properties file, which is generated during the course of installing the applications in GUI mode. Refer to Web-based application installing for more information.

For command line installation of applications, you need the application template generated during GUI-based application installing. Before installing applications, you must have completed the baseline installation.

NOTE You must have the role of a developer to perform these steps.

To retrieve the template, perform the following steps.

Step Action

1 Open Cordys Explorer.

2 Click (Service Test Tool). The Service Test Tool window appears.

3 Select monitorsoapnode@<machinename> from the Services drop-down list. Only the services of the current organization are available in the drop-down list.

4 Select Methodset ISV Package from the Web Services Interface drop-down


5 Select GetISVTemplate from the Web Services drop-down list and click

COMPOSE THE REQUEST button. The request SOAP message for the selected

method is composed and is displayed in the Test Request text box.

6 Change the Key parameter value to /Cordys/WCP/Installation

Templates/Default/<File name>.

The <File Name> refers to the application template that you created during web-based application installing.

7 Click Test Method. The Result Messages section is updated with the request

and response messages.

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A snapshot of the application installing input properties file is shown in Figure C

Figure C

The following procedure helps you to install the applications from the command line.

8 Click the response to view the associated XML code.

9 Click Copy to Clipboard option to copy the code block.

10 Copy the code snippet within <ISV Command> tags and save the content in

a .txt file. This file is referred as application properties file, which is used as input for command line installation of applications.

Step Action

1. Ensure that Cordys Monitor is running on your system.

2. Modify the application installation properties file (Figure C

) as per the following points:

Modify the timeout in the root node <isvpcommand/> to set the timeout while installing applications.

Set skip attribute to ―true‖ on <isvp/> node for the applications that you do not want to install.

Add/remove application entries based on your need. To install an application, copy the complete <isvp> node and modify the information within it.

Edit the <url> tag to indicate the computer name and the port number from where the required application will be installed.

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3. After making the above changes, change to <Install Dir>\lib.

4. Run the following java command:

java –cp <Install Dir>\cordyscp.jar

com.cordys.isvp.tool.ISVPCommand -r <Path of the application

installation properties file>

The applications are installed. The status of each application is displayed at the command prompt as it is being installed.

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Appendix C: Configuring MDM

Figure D

The Create MDM Service Group option in the Cordys MDM Initialization Content tab is selected by default and this creates ‗MDM Hub Publisher‘ and ‗MDM Service‘ service containers, and the database content for MDM. If this option is not selected, the MDM application is installed but without these service containers and the database content. Later, when you want to work with MDM you must manually create the service containers and execute the database scripts for creating the MDM database content. For more information on creating service containers, refer to the Cordys Product Documentation. For more information on executing database scripts, refer to the Note later in this Appendix.

On the Cordys MDM Initialization Content tab (Figure D), perform the following to create MDM related content:

1. Select the organization for which to create MDM content from the Select Organization drop-down list.

2. Select the user for whom to create MDM content from the Select User drop-down list.

3. Select Create DB Tables to create MDM repository tables.

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NOTE If you do not select Create DB Tables to create MDM repository tables, you must execute the database scripts later when you want to use Cordys MDM. Execute the appropriate scripts for

the database vendor you are using. The scripts are placed in the <Cordys

Installation Directory>/<Instance

name>/components/mdm/dbscripts/repository folder:

MDM_<Database vendor name>_TABLES.sql

MDM_<Database vendor name>_TRIGGERS.sql


To create a separate database for the application data, execute the appropriate scripts for the database vendor you are using from the following scripts which are placed in the <Cordys Installation Directory>/<Instance

name>/components/mdm/dbscripts/application folder:

MDM_<Database vendor name>.sql

Perform the following steps to configure MDM.

Step Action

1. On the Initial Settings tab, do the following:

1. Select the Use different database for application, the Application tab appears in addition to the Initial Settings and Repository tabs within the Cordys MDM Initialization Content tab. It is recommended to select this option to create a different database for the application that you are developing (Do not use the Cordys System Database Configuration for this database). This ensures that the application related data is not placed in the same database as the MDM related content.

2. Enter the multicast IP in the Multicast IP field. It is recommended that you use the default provided.

3. Enter the port number of the multicast IP in the Port field. It is recommended that you use the default provided.

2. On the Repository tab, select a database configuration. We recommend you to use a different database configuration for MDM repository. To create a database configuration:

1. Select New Database Configuration. The New database configuration dialog box appears.

2. Enter the name and DBA credentials of the new database and save the changes.

If you have selected Use different database for application option, perform the following steps. Otherwise, skip this section.

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3. On the Application tab, select a database configuration. We recommend you to use a different database configuration for MDM Application. To create a database configuration:

1. Select New Database Configuration. The New database configuration dialog box appears.

2. Enter the name and DBA credentials of the new database and save the changes.

MDM is configured.

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Appendix D: Executing SQL Scripts from MySQL Client

For MySQL database, if the upgrade script has any PL/SQL context (if the script contains stored procedure or stored functions) then you have to execute it by providing the proper delimiter. For example, if the script contains create procedure statement, then while executing the same using MySQL client you have to specify delimiter as shown below.

Sample Stored procedure



Sample Stored Procedure using DELIMITER



Visit this website for more information on DELIMITER command and execution of stored programs on MySQL.

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT edit the default upgrade scripts provided by the platform; if you do so, you may face problems with the automatic upgrade process.

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