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Page 1: Corine and land use statistics

Corine and land use statistics

Marianne ErikssonStatistics SwedenBox 24300SE_10451 StockholmTel : +46 85069 4736 Fax : +46 85069 4348 E-mail : [email protected]

Page 2: Corine and land use statistics

Swedish Corine land cover

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Swedish Corine land coverSwedish land cover data (SMD)

- Interpret and classify satellite data (Swedish Mapping Agency)

- Satellite data from 2000+/- 1 year

- Two products; Swedish Corine land cover and Swedish land cover data (SMD)

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- Corine was originally developed for the Mediterranean countries

-Divided into 3 levels

- Of the 44 classes, 35 are found in Sweden

-Smallest unit 25 hectares

Swedish Corine land coverSwedish land cover data (SMD)

Swedish Corine SMD

- Developed to fulfil Swedish requirements

- Added subclasses

-About 60 different classes

- Smaller minimun map unit

- Smallest unit SMD 1,2,5 or 25 hectares

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Swedish Corine land coverSwedish land cover data (SMD)

5 categories (level 1)

-Artificial surfaces

-Agricultural areas

-Forest and semi-natural areas


- Water bodies

- Classes,ex airports, urban areas

- Classes,ex arable land, vine yards, rice fields

- Marshes

- Water bodies, sea and ocean

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• Land cover by municipality

• Green areas around lager cities

• Delimitation of concentration of workpaces outside localities

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Units in Swedish Corine land cover

Inland marshes 4,8 hectares

Clear felled areas 3,9 hectaresConiferous forest

on mires 2,0 hectares

Inland marshesMunicipality A2,9 hectares

Inland marshesMunicipality B1,9 hectares

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Landcover by municipality



land Pasture ForestOpen mire

Air-fields Locality

Upplands Väsby 1 380 310 3 472 47 7 1 402

Vallentuna 8 049 1 826 22 241 353 0 1 168

Österåker 2 004 943 21 681 108 0 2 276

Värmdö 1 134 1 157 30 671 164 0 1 983

Järfälla 171 234 2 022 20 159 2 496

Ekerö 6 130 868 10 010 114 41 1 109

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SMD –peat pits

Peat pits according to SMD

- Total area 20 000 hectares

- About 350 peat pits

- Concentration in the south of Sweden

- About 1 788 000 cubic metres of fuel peat were harvested in Sweden in 2005

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SMD - Marshland

Marsh land by municipality share of total area

-Total area 5,2 milj. hectares

- 1,3 milj. hectares in forest land

- 11,5% of the total area of Sweden

- 1/3 in Norrbotten, the northernmost county of Sweden.

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SMD – golf courses

Golf courses according to SMD

- Total area 23 000 hectares

- 450 golf courses

-Golf courses in 230 of 290 municipalities

- Concentration around major localities

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Green areas around lager cities

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Areas of common accessForestsSemi-natural areas such as Grassland,

Heathland Marshland, Bare rocks

Other land, in general not commonly accessible

Localities,within borders from SCBAgricultural landRoads, railways, airports etc

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Zones around localities

Tätort B( mer än 10 000 invånare)

Till klass'Tätort enligt SCB'

Tätort A (mer än 10 000 invånare)

Tätort C

Arealen ingåri zon 3 för tätort Boch i zon 5 för tätort A menär endast räknad en gång i summerade uppgifter för riket

Locality A (more than 10 000 inh.)

Locality B (more than 10 000 inh.)

Locality C (less than 10 000 inh.)Class localities

Locality A (more than 10 000 inh.)

Locality A (more than 10 000 inh.)Locality A

(more than 10 000 inh.)

Zone 3 and zone 5

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Areas of common access

Areas of common access within 5 km by size of locality





1 000

1 250

1 500

0 25 000 50 000 75 000 100 000Storlek på tätort

Hektar per 1000 invånareHectares by 1000 inhab.

Size of locality

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0 200 400 600 800












0-1 km

1-2 km

2-3 km

3-4 km

4-5 km

Hektar per 1000 invånare


Areas of common access

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Real estate Adresses



Smaller locality

Other statistical subdivisions of the municipality


Delimitation of concentrations of workplaces outside localities

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Svenska Marktäcke data

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Conc. of holiday homes


Smaller locality

Conc. of workplaces outside localities

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