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Report No: 2012R030

Cornwall & Scilly

Historic Environment Record Audit & Action Plan

A Report to English Heritage

April 2012

Historic Environment (Advice & Information)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

© Cornwall Council 2012

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Historic Environment, Environment and Heritage,

Cornwall Council

Kennall Building, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3AY

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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012


1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Background .................................................................................................. 10

2 Serving User Needs ........................................................................................... 12 2.1 Information services policy ........................................................................... 12 2.2 Access to services........................................................................................ 14

2.2.1 Levels of HER Access........................................................................................... 17 2.3 Charging Policy ............................................................................................ 19 2.4 Use of the HER ............................................................................................ 20

2.4.1 Information flows ................................................................................................... 20 2.4.2 Research into user profiles.................................................................................... 22

2.5 Development of outreach ............................................................................. 24 2.5.1 Volunteers ............................................................................................................. 24

3 Information Content........................................................................................... 25 3.1 Information/Recording policy........................................................................ 25 3.2 Information coverage and content................................................................ 27

3.2.1 Geography............................................................................................................. 27 3.2.2 Subject Coverage.................................................................................................. 28 Monument Recording............................................................................................... 28 Table 1: HER by Record Type ............................................................................ 31 Table 1a: HER by Monument Type..................................................................... 31 Table 1b: HER by ‘Candidate Term’ Monument Type ....................................... 31 Events....................................................................................................................... 32 Table 2 – HER by Event Classification............................................................... 34 Sources and Archives ............................................................................................... 35 Period ....................................................................................................................... 36 Table 3 – HER by Period..................................................................................... 37 Monuments with special protection status ............................................................... 39 Table 4 – Monuments with special protection status........................................... 42 3.2.3 Geographic Information Systems.......................................................................... 42 3.2.4 Consultation, collaboration and agreements......................................................... 43 Within the authority. ................................................................................................ 43 Planning documentation and policy development ............................................... 44 Strategic aims ...................................................................................................... 44 National Mapping Programme ............................................................................ 46 Historic Landscape Characterisation ................................................................... 47 Extensive Urban Surveys..................................................................................... 48 Conservation Officers and Buildings data ........................................................... 48 Natural Environment ........................................................................................... 49 External .................................................................................................................... 50 OASIS ................................................................................................................. 50 Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England (SHINE) ................................ 50 Portable Antiquities Scheme ............................................................................... 50 Heritage at Risk register ...................................................................................... 50 Other data exchange/supply agreements ............................................................. 51

3.3 Primary and unique archive material............................................................ 51 3.3.1 Graphic Archive..................................................................................................... 51 3.3.2 Photographic archive............................................................................................. 52 3.3.3 Fieldwork Artefact collection.................................................................................. 53 3.3.4 Archiving and filing architecture ............................................................................ 53

4 Information Management .................................................................................. 55 4.1 System organisation and procedures........................................................... 55


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4.1.1 Recording Guidelines ............................................................................................55 4.2 Computerised database(s) and relevant information schemes .................... 56

4.2.1 HER data structure ................................................................................................56 HBSMR Data model................................................................................................. 56 HBSMR Data fields.................................................................................................. 57

4.2.2 UNI-form Listed Building Data model and Data Fields..........................................58 4.2.3 Data standards ......................................................................................................58 Table 6 - Thesauri..................................................................................................... 59 Table 7 – Audit against Published Data Standards................................................... 59

4.3 GIS for current and historical mapping......................................................... 60 4.3.1 HER map base (digital) .........................................................................................60 Table(s) 8 – HER Map Base-Digital ........................................................................ 60 4.3.2 Mapping software and hardware ...........................................................................62 Table 9 – Mapping Software and Hardware............................................................. 62 4.3.3 Site depiction .........................................................................................................62 Table 10 – Digital Mapping: Site Depiction............................................................. 63 4.3.4 GIS strategy...........................................................................................................64

4.4 Supporting reference collections .................................................................. 64 4.4.1 Index to supporting reference collections..............................................................64 Table 11 – Reference collections in the HER........................................................... 64 4.4.2 HER information files.............................................................................................65 4.4.3 HER map base (hard copy – paper and film) ........................................................65 Table 12 – Hard Copy Mapping: Site Depiction ...................................................... 65 4.4.4 HES Library ...........................................................................................................66

4.5 Data security ................................................................................................ 67 4.5.1 Database stability ..................................................................................................67 4.5.2 Backup procedures................................................................................................67

4.6 Data validation and currency........................................................................ 67 4.6.1 Information content................................................................................................67 Enhancement by geographical area .......................................................................... 68 Table 13 – Enhancement by Geographical Area ................................................. 68

4.6.2 Data quality............................................................................................................68 Table 14 - Audit of Data Quality.............................................................................. 68 Monument table(s)............................................................................................... 69 Source Table(s).................................................................................................... 70 Event table(s) ....................................................................................................... 71 Designations table................................................................................................ 72 Finds table............................................................................................................ 73

4.6.3 Backlogs ................................................................................................................74 Table 15 - Summary of Backlog Material for Digital Data Capture ........................ 74

4.7 Risk assessment and emergency preparedness plan.................................. 74 5 Organisation Management ................................................................................ 75

5.1 Formal adoption of the HER......................................................................... 75 5.2 Formal agreement on geographical coverage.............................................. 75 5.3 Formally adopted policies and strategic plan ............................................... 75 5.4 Forward plan & Succession plan................................................................. 75

5.4.1 Budgetary provision...............................................................................................75 Table 16 – Finance - Income .................................................................................... 76 Table 17 – Finance – Expenditure............................................................................ 76

5.5 Staffing provision and structure.................................................................... 76 5.5.1 Staffing...................................................................................................................76 Table 18 – Staffing ................................................................................................... 76 5.5.2 Support services....................................................................................................77

5.6 Internal management arrangements ............................................................ 77


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5.7 IT support and technical advice.................................................................... 77 5.8 Staff training and development..................................................................... 78

6 Recommendations and Action Plan................................................................. 79 6.1 Management Summary ................................................................................ 79 6.2 Functional Objectives ................................................................................... 79

6.2.1 Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 80 6.3 Timetable...................................................................................................... 95 6.4 Risk Management Plan .............................................................................. 101

7 Appendices....................................................................................................... 103 7.1 Data Protection Policy ................................................................................ 103 7.2 Access and Charging Policy....................................................................... 104

7.2.1 Information Access Policy & Users Declaration Form......................................... 104 7.2.2 Information Charging Policy ................................................................................ 107

7.3 Information Recording Policy ..................................................................... 110 7.3.1 HBSMR Input Guide............................................................................................ 110 7.3.2 Scheduled Monuments........................................................................................ 125 7.3.3 Listed Buildings ................................................................................................... 126 7.3.4 Registered Historic Parks & Gardens ................................................................. 127 7.3.5 Conservation Areas............................................................................................. 128 7.3.6 Registered Battlefields ........................................................................................ 129 7.3.7 Protected Wrecks ................................................................................................ 130 7.3.8 Protected Military Remains ................................................................................. 131 7.3.9 EVENT - ARCHIVE – SOURCE workflow.......................................................... 132

7.4 Specimen Records: Monument, Event, Source and HLC .......................... 133 7.4.1 Sample HBSMR Monument Record report ......................................................... 133 7.4.2 Sample HBSMR Events record report ................................................................ 135 7.4.3 Sample HBSMR Source record report ................................................................ 136 7.4.4 Sample HBSMR HLC record report (partial) ....................................................... 137 7.4.5 GI metadata record ............................................................................................. 138

7.5 Archive and Disposals Policy ..................................................................... 141 7.6 HBSMR Monument Type list ...................................................................... 143 7.7 HER Word Lists.......................................................................................... 155

7.7.1 Period LUT .......................................................................................................... 155 7.7.2 Source type LUT ................................................................................................. 156 7.7.3 Event Type LUT................................................................................................... 157 7.7.4 Organisation Type LUT ....................................................................................... 158 7.7.5 Monument Score LUT ......................................................................................... 158 Monument Survival Score Values.......................................................................... 159 Monument Condition Score Values ....................................................................... 159 Monument Condition Qualifier Score Values ................................................... 159 7.7.6 Monument Status LUT ........................................................................................ 160 7.7.7 Designation Type LUT......................................................................................... 161

7.8 System Security Policy............................................................................... 161 7.8.1 Cornwall Council Information Security Policy...................................................... 161 7.8.2 exeGesIS Technical Support and Minor Software Upgrades Agreement........... 161

8 References........................................................................................................ 164


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Title Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit & Action Plan

Authors Bryn Tapper

Derivation Draft v1.5

Origination Date 12/12/2010

Reviser(s) Sarah MacLean, Bruce Howard, Steve Hartgroves

Date of last revision 10/04/2012

Version Final


Summary of changes Comments from EH.

Circulation Cornwall Council, English Heritage

Required Action

File name/location G:\TWE\Waste & Env\Strat Waste & Land\Historic Environment\HER\HER Development\HER Audit 2010-11\Cornwall and Scilly HER Audit & Action Plan Report FINAL.doc

Approval CC, EH

Abbreviations ADS Archaeology Data Service

ALGAO Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers

AIP Archaeological Investigations Project (Uni. of Bournemouth)

CAU Cornwall Archaeological Unit

CAS Cornwall Archaeological Society

CBA Council for British Archaeology

CC Cornwall Council

CCRA Cornwall Committee for Rescue Archaeology

CRO Cornwall Record Office

CSL Cornish Studies Library (Redruth)

DCLG Department of Communities and Local Government

DCMS Department of Culture, Media and Sport

EDRMS Electronic Document Record Management System

EH English Heritage

FISH Forum on Information Standards in Heritage

GIS Geographical Information System

GRE Graphic Record, Envelope

GRH Graphic Record, Hanging

HAAs Historic Area Assessments

HBSMR Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record (database)

HCAG Historic Cornwall Advisory Group

HER Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Historic Environment Record

HES Historic Environment Service, Cornwall Council (Formerly Cornwall Archaeological Unit)

HLC Historic Landscape Characterisation

HPR Heritage Protection Reform

ICS Institute of Cornish Studies


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 IFA Institute of Field Archaeologists

INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community Directive.

IoS Isles of Scilly (Council)

LDF Local Development Framework

LLPG Local Land and Property Gazetteer

LPA Local Planning Authority

MLW Mean Low Water

MIDAS a manual and data standard for monument inventories

MOD Ministry of Defence

MPP Monument Protection Programme

NLPG National Land and Property Gazetteer

NMP National Mapping Programme

OASIS Online AccesS to the Index of archaeological investigationS

OCN Old County Number (for Scheduled Monuments)

OS Ordnance Survey

PAS Portable Antiquities Scheme

PPS Planning Policy Statement

PROW Public Right of Way

RCM Royal Cornwall Museum

RCZA Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment

RIC Royal institution of Cornwall

SIP Single Issue Panel

SLA Service Level Agreement

SMP Shoreline Management Plan

SMR Sites and Monuments Record

SWARF South West Archaeological Research Framework

THI Townscape Heritage Initiative

TPO Tree Preservation Order

UKHO United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

WAN Wide Area Network

WHS World Heritage Site

WSI Written Scheme of Investigation


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

1 Introduction The Historic Environment Service (HES) has, over the past 35 years, compiled an encyclopaedic record of information on the historic environment of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. This resource, referred to as the Historic Environment Record (HER), stores and provides access to systematically organised information, both digital and paper-based, which covers all aspects of the past from the earliest traces of prehistoric human activity up to the modern day. Taking its duties and responsibilities from a wide range of international, national, regional and local legislation, strategy, policy and guidance1 the HER records known archaeological and historic sites, monuments, buildings and other structures, artefacts and landscapes in the terrestrial and marine environments. These are stored in the main Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments (HBSMR)2 database, and GIS; linked to collections of aerial photographs, maps, plans and surveys, and an extensive reference library of ‘grey literature’, publications, books and journals. It is a resource that allows us to advance our knowledge and understanding of the historic environment and therefore improve its protection3. As emphasised by the National Planning Policy Framework4 the principal role of the HER team is to maintain and develop the evidence base that underpins the advice and expertise Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers provide to the LPA when informing strategic policies and decision-making relating to spatial planning, development control and land management. Practically, this means being able to identify the heritage assets affected by a particular development proposal, highlighting the importance of the historic environment in county-wide assessments; forming the basis for the selection of sites where improved management regimes or repair work would be beneficial and presenting and interpreting heritage sites for public benefit. It also provides a tool for assessing the archaeological potential of areas where no historic features have previously been recorded. Within a wider management framework in Cornwall Council, beyond the planning process, the HER serves several other important functions. It supports conservation and enhancement projects in liaison with other departments and services, heritage-led regeneration schemes, environmental improvement and cultural tourism initiatives, as well as generally stimulating new archaeological fieldwork and suggesting new avenues for academic research. During the past three decades HERs have been an essential resource, often the only reliable source, of information about the historic environment in local areas. As such the Cornwall & Scilly HER has built up and operates within a broader network, having established important relationships with record offices, local studies libraries and museums; national heritage and natural environment organisations and professional bodies; neighbouring local authority heritage services; archaeological and historic building contracting services and local amateur archaeologists, groups and societies. Last but not least the HER contributes to education and social inclusion by promoting public and academic participation in the exploration, appreciation and enjoyment of our local heritage via initiatives such as the Heritage Gateway online portal. In turn, these links generate new information which feeds directly back to the HER.

1 DCMS. 2008. Historic Environment Records (HERs): Draft guidance for local authorities in England 2 HBSMR is licensed from exeGesIS and is used by approx. 70% of English HERs. exeGesIS Spatial Data Management is an environmental, ecological and heritage GIS consultancy (http://www.esdm.co.uk/hbsmr.asp) 3 Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5

4 National Planning Policy Framework (27 March 2012)



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Since 2009, following the creation of the unitary Cornwall Council, the HER sits within an expanded service that includes Conservation Officers. In the lead up to the merger, the HER Team identified the range and extent of the information the COs hold, with the view to adding these records to the HER’s content in future. As a priority, HER staff have undertaken the verification and validation of all Listed Buildings and Conservation Area records, and produced for the first time, a complete list, suitable for publication to the authority’s e-planning systems. However, in response to the current financial climate, Cornwall Council’s budget policy5 is putting severe pressure on the current level of services. The level of cuts offered over the next four years requires that this audit provides Cornwall Council and English Heritage (EH) with an accurate picture of the current state of the HER, enabling it to take stock of its present situation and draw up plans for its future capability and sustainability based on a sound body of evidence. According to the EH specification6 the audit:

• provides a detailed history of HER and its development • provides a detailed analysis of the information and archives held by the HER • details the HER’s compatibility with the MIDAS & INSCRIPTION data standards • outlines the current state of the its computerisation including details of database

platforms, GIS software and overall IT infrastructure • provides an overview of its current management and resources • identifies the measures necessary to meet national benchmarks • produces a detailed action plan and a timetable for future development • and provides sufficient information to support future funding bids, collaborative projects

and research programmes The audit highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the HER and provides an assessment of the costs and implications of resolving any issues required to meet acceptable standards and benchmarks. The audit reflects the situation at the close of the financial year 2010-11 and outlines the Action Plan for the period 2011-14.

1.1 Background The establishment of a Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) for Cornwall began with the urban and rural surveys inaugurated by the newly established Cornwall Committee for Rescue Archaeology (CCRA) in 1975. CCRA was established as an independent charitable trust and the original SMR was a paper record, consisting of a set of 1:10,560 scale OS maps annotated with site details backed up by hand-written A4 Record Sheets and a set of information files and illustration cards.

Initial data gathering focussed on OS archaeological records, Cornwall Archaeological Society (CAS) Parish checklists, and selected books and publications, subsequently augmented by information from site investigations and recording exercises (often related to developments), by information from fieldworkers and the public, and by detailed SMR enhancement surveys of historic landscapes in West Penwith and on Bodmin Moor. By the early 1980s it had become apparent that, with around 25,000 records, the content of the SMR had outgrown its paper format and a computer-based system was essential. In 1983 a new post of SMR Officer was created with English Heritage and Cornwall County Council support. EH funding was secured for ‘recasting’ the content of the SMR into ‘Superfile’, EH’s preferred software. Recasting employed a staff of between 3 and 5 people for 10 years (1984-1994).

Recasting provided the opportunity to amalgamate data sets compiled by the Institute of Cornish Studies (ICS), comprising Place-names and the Isles of Scilly SMR. Subsequently, the Royal Commission on Historic Monuments (England) provided support for the recasting of the ICS Industrial SMR during the years 1994-8. 5 Council sets emergency budget, 6 December 2010 (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=26767) 6 English Heritage, 2010. Historic Environment Record Revised Audit Specification, July 2010 Version 3


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The ‘early’ SMR

With these developments the SMR had grown to around 40,000 records and it was becoming clear once again that basic systems would have to be improved by the adoption of a new and more sophisticated database - not just to cope with the growth of the record but also to enable the SMR to take advantage of developments in software design. This was particularly important in terms of compatibility of data formats (facilitating transfers between databases, word-processors and spreadsheets).

Consultations with EH and with a selection of other SMR Officers regionally and nationally confirmed that Microsoft’s Access database was emerging as the standard SMR database platform. Access was already available to the SMR through MS Office suite; a new SMR system was designed and implemented, and the transfer of records from Superfile to Access (via WordPerfect and Paradox) was completed in 1998-2000. Of even greater interest at this time was the emerging potential of digital mapping in Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

Between 2000-9 the increasing complexity of the SMR meant that a series of databases were designed and implemented to be used alongside the SMR database. These included separate systems to record NMP Morph details, Event Records, Archive records, Photo records, Development Control and Countryside Advice trackers and GIS/CAD spatial data files. The profusion of systems and records soon reached a stage where it was again recognised that an upgrade of the SMR, or HER as it was now termed, was necessary.

Additionally, by 2007 and in anticipation of the proposed HPR legislation, a forum was created that brought together the then separate Local Authority Conservation Officers, the Cornwall County Council (CCC) Historic Environment Service and English Heritage under a pilot working group called the ‘Cornwall and Scilly HPR Local Delivery Group’. Despite the failure of the HPR legislation this group laid the foundations for much of the work and subsequent direction of the HER in the nascent Cornwall Council HES as it emerged following unitary status.

The interoperability between the various databases and the corporate GIS was fully realised in 2009 with the adoption of exeGesIS’s HBSMR software that essentially houses and cross-references all the earlier systems in one SQL Server database. Currently there are approximately 55,500 undesignated and 15,000 designated ‘heritage asset’7 records in the HBSMR.

7 A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. They include designated heritage assets and undesignated assets.


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2 Serving User Needs

2.1 Information services policy Nationally, county Historic Environment Records are identified as the critical heritage resource providing the evidence base for planning and the historic environment, on land and at sea. The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) defines HERs as ‘Information services that seek to provide access to comprehensive and dynamic resources relating to the historic environment of a defined geographic area for public benefit and use.’ (NPPF 2012, Annex 2, p.52). The NPPF asserts the need to maintain and have access to the HER evidence base and that they should be consulted during the development management process; 169. Local planning authorities should have uparea and use it to assess the significance of environment. They should also use it to predict particularly sites of historic and archaeological iauthorities should either maintain or have acc 128. In determining applications, local planningsignificance of any heritage assets affected, incldetail should be proportionate to the assets’ imppotential impact of the proposal on their significarecord should have been consulted and thewhere necessary. Where a site on which developheritage assets with archaeological interest, locaan appropriate desk-based assessment and, whe The NPPF goes on to specify that evidencedeposited with the Historic Environment Rec 141. Local planning authorities should makenvironment gathered as part of plan-makinThey should also require developers to recordheritage assets to be lost (wholly or in part) in a and to make this evidence (and any archive gene Additionally the UK Marine Policy Statemenevidence in order to underpin and inform Seascape’; ‘ When developing Marine Plans, marine pcultural, historical and archaeological impactsimportant for seascape, but for all coastal areas, and section ‘2.6.6 Historic Environment’; ‘ The historic environment includes all aspbetween people and places through time, includin

8 UK Marine Policy Statement webpage (http://ww

(after http://www.ifp-plus.info/Part_A.htm)

-to-date evidence about the historic environment in their heritage assets and the contribution they make to their the likelihood that currently unidentified heritage assets, nterest, will be discovered in the future. Local planning ess to a historic environment record. (NPPF 2012).

authorities should require an applicant to describe the uding any contribution made by their setting. The level of ortance and no more than is sufficient to understand the nce. As a minimum the relevant historic environment heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise ment is proposed includes or has the potential to include

l planning authorities should require developers to submit re necessary, a field evaluation. (NPPF 2012).

gathered about the historic environment should be ord and that it should be made publicly available;

e information about the significance of the historic g or development management publicly accessible. and advance understanding of the significance of any manner proportionate to their importance and the impact, rated) publicly accessible. (NPPF 2012).

t (2011)8 also notes the importance of capturing the planning decisions, as alluded to in section ‘2.6.5

lan authorities should consider at a strategic level visual, not just for those coastal areas that are particularly liaising with terrestrial planning authorities as necessary.’

ects of the environment resulting from the interaction g all surviving physical remains of past human activity,



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 whether visible, buried or submerged. Those elements of the historic environment – buildings, monuments, sites or landscapes – that have been positively identified as holding a degree of significance meriting consideration are called ‘heritage assets’.’ ‘ ... Opportunities should be taken to contribute to our knowledge and understanding of our past by capturing evidence from the historic environment and making this publicly available, particularly if a heritage asset is to be lost.’ Locally the Cornwall Sustainable Community Strategy includes the strategic aim to “Reinforce and celebrate the distinctive character and culture of Cornwall”9 and has been developed to guide the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework. The LDF includes three topic papers of direct relevance to the historic environment: ‘Historic Environment’, ‘Coast and Maritime’ and ‘Landscape and Seascape’10. The historic environment is identified in the Understanding Cornwall 2009-10 assessment under the ‘Environment evidence base’ theme. This recognises that ‘the built and natural environment and culture and language of Cornwall are huge local assets which are celebrated nationally and internationally [and] Cornwall needs to seize these opportunities and build on them in order to achieve its aims11. Although the HER team has not developed a specific information services policy, its vision is set out in the HES Service Plan 2010-11:

‘We believe that by protecting, conserving and enhancing the outstanding historic environment of Cornwall and researching, promoting and inspiring appreciation we will help to reinforce and celebrate cultural distinctiveness, and make a significant contribution to economic regeneration, and encourage social inclusion.’

The plan also describes the aims and purpose of the Service:

‘[To] Protect the authenticity, integrity of, and access to, Cornwall’s historic environment (archaeology, built heritage and historic landscapes) for current and future generations through timely sound advice, through the provision of quality information, through inspiration, and through conservation works, heritage led regeneration initiatives, and research projects that enhance and promote the distinctive historic character of Cornwall.’

Since Service Plans are relatively transitory documents, a formal ‘Information Services Policy’ should be devised and formally adopted.

9 Cornwall Council: Sustainable community strategy 2008 (http://www.cornwallstrategicpartnership.gov.uk/Default.aspx?page=5) 10 Core Strategy topic based papers (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=22887) 11 Understanding Cornwall 2009-10 (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=24160)


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2.2 Access to services The HER is a public resource and its staff actively encourage consultations and enquiries. For more details about the ‘Access to Information’ policy and ‘Conditions of Use’ refer to Appendix 7.2.1.

The HER is publicised in a variety of ways, both within Cornwall Council and externally:

• The Cornwall & Scilly HER is described on the Cornwall Council website where details of formal opening hours, office access arrangements, remote access arrangements, the charging policy and contact details are available12

• The Cornwall & Scilly HER is listed online via the Heritage Gateway13. This allows members of the public to access elements of the HER directly.

• The Cornwall & Scilly HER is listed online via the HEIRNET register14

• Leaflets are available from HES Offices.

• Outreach. HES staff regularly give specialist talks and guided walks to local societies, groups and higher education establishments, during which the services provided by the HER are highlighted.

• The HER maintains an Intranet Mapping site for Cornwall Council staff (accessible via the CC WAN) and elected members. This allows all staff, wherever they may be located in offices throughout the county, to access information derived from the HBSMR as a series of geographic overlays with hyperlinks to full HER record descriptions held on the Heritage Gateway.

• The HES maintains a website called ‘Historic Cornwall’ (www.historic-cornwall.org.uk), which provides access to a series of resources that interpret and present the archaeology and history of Cornwall. As opposed to the ‘raw’ information contained in HER records available via the Heritage Gateway, this site ensures the information is summarised, interpreted and presented in a user-friendly fashion. The resources include the results of a programme of archaeological aerial survey and transcriptions, a guide to popular sites and monuments on publicly accessible land, Cornwall’s industrial heritage and the historic character of many of the county’s towns and villages.

• To ensure HER information is placed in context and is used appropriately, all geographic data is accompanied by metadata that is compatible with ISO 1911515. The metadata is created and managed using in-house designed software, ‘MetaDragon’16.

The HER enables public access in a number of ways, directly and remotely:

• The HER is able to offer dedicated desk space to members of the public on appointment with use and access to a computer terminal, scanner, printer and photocopier.

• Whilst many enquiries can be dealt with remotely (eg. via email) it is often necessary for people to visit the HER offices to consult source material directly; this is especially the case for complex enquiries and research projects. HER staff assess what the most appropriate approach is, case by case.

12 Cornwall and Scilly HER website (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=8528) 13 Heritage Gateway: Cornwall & Scilly HER entry (http://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/gateway/chr/herdetail.aspx?crit=&ctid=98&id=4787) 14 Historic Environment Information Resources Network : Cornwall & Scilly HER entry (http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/heirnet/details.cfm?rcn=HEIR-216 ) 15 ISO 19115:2003. Geographic Information – metadata standard (http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=26020) 16 CC Geostore - user guide. Accessing MetaDragon. (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=3862)


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• The Heritage Gateway allows members of the public, wherever they are located, to access and search the Cornwall & Scilly HER data directly, outside of the HER office hours. The data is hosted by exeGeIS and is updated bi-annually.

• The HER subscribes to the OASIS programme17 and from 2011 all reports covering archaeological and historic building work in Cornwall have been made available via this resource and the Archaeological Data Services digital archives.

• While not directly available to members of the public the Council’s Intranet Mapping system allows select layers of the HER to be used by local library staff (eg. Cornish Studies Library) who can assist with public enquiries.

• The ‘Historic Cornwall’ mapping website allows members of the public to access select HER information (http://mapping.cornwall.gov.uk/website/A2M/) as overlays which plot the location of archaeological and historic sites, each hyper-linking to the relevant full description held on the Heritage Gateway. There is no registration process for accessing this site although use of the OS maps requires the user to accept the OS licence agreement before proceeding.

• HER material and information can be supplied in a number of ways including photocopies and paper prints. Most material can be made available digitally as scanned images or electronic reports/files exported from the HBSMR and GIS in a range of standard formats.

Access to the HER is, as far as possible, unrestricted. However, in some cases there may be physical obstacles preventing the information from being accessed, moved or copied, and some information is now being archived and held off-site. Increasingly, ‘old’ information is being digitised, and this should remove most barriers to access. Although the HER room is accessible by a wheelchair access ramp the offices have not been examined to ensure that they satisfy the requirements of the Equalities Act (2010)18. Access to some kinds of HER information may need to be with-held because it is subject to restrictions under the Data Protection Act (1998), or to the terms of exclusion of the Environment Information Regulations Act (2004)19. The HER will need to be scrutinised to ensure that it complies with the Data Protection Act (1998).

Apart from the practical and legal considerations above, access to HER data will also be restricted in circumstances where it is known or can reasonably be inferred that the release of information would lead directly to interference or damage to a site or monument, for example, by ‘rogue’ metal detectorists.

Whilst some sites and monuments are recognised as being particularly sensitive to erosion by visitors or their vehicles, by farm or wild animals, or by unavoidable environmental processes, –the HER team’s approach is to foster public awareness of the pressures and threats facing the historic environment and to encourage enlightened actions eg. 1999 solar eclipse awareness leaflets promoting sensitive use of historic sites20.

The HER does not currently produce material in alternative formats such as large print, Braille, tape or languages other than English. Various translation services are however available within the service (French and German) and can be sought elsewhere in Cornwall when required (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/Default.aspx?page=3771).

17 Online AccesS to the Index of archaeological investigationS (http://www.oasis.ac.uk/) 18 http://www.equalities.gov.uk/equality_bill.aspx, http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents 19 EIR 2004. PART 3 Exceptions to the duty to disclose environmental information (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2004/3391/part/3/made) 20 Hartgroves, S and C. Johns 2000. Archaeology and the Eclipse in Cornwall: The Eclipse Action Plan Report. Cornwall Archaeological Unit.


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Online access to the HER records and projects

Online access to OASIS and historic environment reports


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2.2.1 LThethrosame in


evels of HER Access following table outlines how HER information is currently made available, electronically, ugh 5 different levels of access. As far as is possible they allow all users to access the

formation albeit through various different software and modes of publication.

HBSMR Heritage Gateway

Full GIS

Internet Mapping

Intranet Mapping

Information currency

1 × √ × Bi-annual HBSMR descriptions × √ 2 × √ × √ √ Bi-annual HBSMR descriptions 3 × √ √ √ √ Current GIS data but bi-annual

HBSMR descriptions 4 √ (R) √ √ √ √ Current 5 √ √ √ √ Current √ (F)

(R) (F) Full li

To sum

Read-Only licence cence

marise, the 5 accessibility options are as follows:

Level 1: External internet mapping linked to Heritage Gateway. Public access to the full HER Sites and Monument Records (only) via the Heritage Gateway. Also provides map based HBSMR records via thewith other datasets eg. Designations

Historic Cornwall internet mapping website along , NMP, Events etc. Suitable for most non-specialist

researchers and general public interest. Bi-annual update to Heritage Gateway and mapping sites.

• Level 2: Internal intranet mapping linked to Heritage Gateway. Access for all CC staff to Intranet Mapping layers with built hyperlinks to records on the Heritage Gateway. Suitable for non-HES CC staff including planners. Bi-annual update to

database). Critically this IS to be used aps etc. Current GIS data (including HBSMR spatial data), but Bi-

to Internal Full HBSMR: Access to full ArcGIS map

Conservation Officers. User profiles are also employed within HBSMR itself


Heritage Gateway and mapping sites.

• Level 3: Internal Full GIS linked to Heritage Gateway Access to full HER desktop ArcGIS map (with all standard layers) but where short HBSMR records have in-built hyperlink to full records on the Heritage Gateway (rather than to HBSMR

allows the power/flexibility of the full licence ArcGby staff for reports, mannual update to HG.

• Level 4: Internal Full GIS linked to Internal Read-Only HBSMR: Access to full GIS map project (with all standard layers) and current HBSMR records (all Modules) with Read-Only and Query options. Suitable for all Advice and some Project staff

• Level 5: Internal Full GIS linkedproject (with all standard layers) and current full HBSMR records (all Modules) with Create, Edit and Query options. Suitable for all HER staff and Planning Archaeologists and some to generate custom levels of access which control users’ READ/WRITE/EDIT permissions across all modules and GIS links. These are controlled by the System Administrator within the HER team.


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Figure 1. The various levels of electronic access to the Cornwall & Scilly HER. 1 (Public Access) is simple and limited to the Heritage Gateway (HG) and the Historic Cornwall Level

mapping; Level 2 (CC staff) is limited to the Intranet mapping with links to textual information on the HG; Level 3 (HE project staff) allows full access to desktop GIS with links to textual information on HG; Level 4 (HE Advice & Info read only) allows full desktop GIS with read-only HBSMR; Level 5 (HER staff and select

Advice staff) allows full desktop GIS with full HBSMR access.


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2.3 Charging Policy The HEor inspechargesrecovercommereports work (se

Fees arcircumst

ll HER ed to accurately inform the HER team of the purpose of their enquiry nd e u

whe rdetail aas poss

With mointo disinformarequestpurpose HER se

• An archaeological summary, assessment or interpretation (depending on the nature of the enquiry)

signated Wreck, Protected Military Remains)

• A list of Historic Landscape Character types and descriptive texts • A list of Archaeological and Historic Building reports • Simple clear metadata statements should be supplied with all outputs, specially where

the information is compiled and managed by a third party (eg English Heritage for most designations information).

HER records, reports are increasingly made available digitally, in common formats such as MS WORD, Excel, PDF or as GIS data. Photos are made available as digital images (JPG, TIF). Users are notified that, as opposed to the provision of electronic GIS data, the extra time it usually takes to prepare bespoke maps (in paper or digital image formats) increases the charge made. Simple and clear metadata statements are supplied with all outputs, especially where the information is compiled and managed by a third party (eg English Heritage for most designations information). Recent ALGAO discussion has identified the need to standardise and make explicit the level of HER charges. Cornwall Planning services intend to impose charges for giving advice (especially pre-application advice and information), and it is proposed that the same rules should apply to the HES Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers. The HES is currently revising its Advice and HER charging policy to better reflect the corporate approach and scales (March 2012). Provision of an HER service to the Council of the isles of Scilly should be put onto a more formal footing – a ‘memorandum of agreement’ should be agreed between the two parties and mutual support in terms of information flows should be agreed.

R is a public register and charges are not made for accessing the information held on it cting the information in situ at HER offices. However proportionate and reasonable are levied for commercial consultations, typically development-related, where the y of costs incurred in producing the information and where the re-use of it involves rcially exploiting it21. Costs are also made for photo-copying and the production of in permanent formats. Charges are always agreed before the commencement of any e Appendix 7.2.2 for full details).

e usually waived for private researchers, students and occasionally in certain other ances.

users are requirAa th se to which the information provided will be put, so that it is possible to determine

the or not a charge is appropriate. The nature of the enquiry will also determine the level of nd type of data that is provided, so it is important for users to give as much information ible.

re complex, detailed or extensive enquiries, it is often necessary for HER staff to enter cussions with an enquirer to determine how to obtain the best and most appropriate tion from the available resources. The HER team could formalise this process by ing enquirers to submit a ‘relevant form’ with specific information detailing the nature or of the enquiry.

arches will typically provide the following information in paper and/or digital formats:

• A full report of the Historic Building, Site and Monument records within the search area (including aerial photo transcriptions)

• A list of statutory designations (Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, World Heritage Site, Conservation Area, Historic Park and Garden, Battlefield Site, De

21 As permitted under the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2004/3391/regulation/8/made).


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2.4 Use of the HER This section describes how heritage information flows around the HER and how it is processed and curated. 2.4.1 Information flows Information enters the HER in many ways, but which can be loosely grouped into three principal ‘flows’ – statutory, reactive and proactive.

• Statutory. The HER team is responsible for ensuring that all statutory designation notifications are recorded on the HER and the authority’s e-planning systems, and is committed to alerting the relevant council services (Land Charges Register, Planning etc) to the change, update or amendment as required under the terms of the insurance for CON29 searches (CON29 Standard Enquiries of Local Authorities). On receipt of notifications from designatory bodies (eg. English Heritage, DCMS) the information is assessed and evaluated, and there are specific workflows for the various types of designation (see Appendices 7.3.2-8 for details), before the HER is updated or amended22.

• Reactive. Most information is generated through the planning and development management process as a result of the advice and recommendations given by Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers (This process is tracked using the IDOX UNI-form system and HBSMR’s Consultation module). This usually results in archaeological and historic building contractors consulting the HER to acquire the baseline information before undertaking further archaeological work as stipulated in the archaeological brief23. The results are then deposited with the HER within an agreed period of time and assessed and evaluated before the HER is updated or amended. Strategic planning policy also drives the acquisition of information as the HER is required to ensure that there is an adequate historic environment evidence base to underpin the authority’s core strategies.

• Pro-active. National and local research agendas encourage HERs to develop a

comprehensive evidence base incorporating a wide range of sources. One of the principal means of acquiring relevant new information are the targeted projects, programmes and surveys funded or supported by national agencies and organisations (eg. English Heritage, Natural England, National Trust etc) and which may focus on thematic, chronological or management issues. The HER also regularly reviews a wide range of literature, including publications, journals, books, maps, plans and historic documents in order to record and reference archaeological sites and historic buildings of significance. Information from these varied sources must be assessed and evaluated and formatted appropriately before it can be used to update or amend the HER. Similarly, engagement with students and academics, landowners and the general public also generates new information for the HER.

Once information is entered onto the HER it is then made available for public or professional enquiry and consultation. As mentioned above, the HER also publishes much of the information for outreach purposes online or via dedicated media and software (eg. Heritage Gateway website and the HLF supported ‘Access to Monuments’ website24).

It is worth noting here that the launch of the Heritage List for England (HLE) in early April 2011 provides line access to a Unified list of Designated Assets (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/content/imported-


ondocs/f-j/heritage-list-faqs.pdf and http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/protection/heritage-protection-reform/achievements-to-date/)

g and results and report should be submitted, & Scilly HER and OASIS. 24 Cornwall Access to Monuments website (http://www.historic-cornwall.org.uk/a2m/index.htm

23 The HES issues briefs for development control, archaeological assessment, historic building recordin archaeological investigation, geophysical survey and photographic recording. Each stipulates that the

within 6 months, to the Cornwall



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Figure 2. Information flows around the Cornwall & Scilly HER and the systems used to capture, analyse and present information.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 2.4.2 Research into user profiles

se, but ene n to the HER are recorded in a

front-of- Betwee ing


• Received by (member of staff) nquiry medium (in perso phone, mail, fax)

(site th te specific, landscape ment, chance finds,

cturer,group etc)

ate HER staff replied and who responded • Reply medium ((in person, email, telephone, mail, fax, GIS etc)

f commercial activity in the ounty, it does not differentiate between the resource demands of different enquiries, nor

provide Furtherm able what value n r was

The HER team maintains an informal paper system for logging enquiries, their origins (eg. e-mail, telephone or letter) the nature of the enquiry and the medium of the respong rally this is inconsistent and partial. All visits made in perso

house logbook by admin staff.

n 2004-7 the HER used a simple ‘tracker database’ which recorded the followion for each enquiry: in

• Date enquiry received

• E n, email, tele• Subject of enquiry ematic, si , manage

other)) • Enquirer details (le student, member of public, commercial, press/TV/radio, local

• Extent of the enquiry (countywide, district, parish, site, settlement, linear, marine etc) • Description of the enquiry • D

While the system allowed the HER team to demonstrate the general level of interest, awareness and curiosity of the general public, and the volume oc

an adequate indication of staff time spent responding to enquires of various sorts.ore, responding to enquiries is basically a passive process, so it is also question

umerical comparisons of annual statistics would have. Use of the trackediscontinued in 2007.

Figure 3. Screenshot of the former HER enquiry tracker 2004-7

Nevertheless, making some small adjustments to the tracker would allow the HER to broadly identify the time spent by the HER team retrieving information and therefore ensure that adequate resources can be committed to what is a fundamental role of the HER as a public record25. It should also increase awareness of the limitations of our user base and perhaps suggest other avenues for outreach and indicate areas where new users may be found; it would

25 This would also meet HER Benchmark 1.3a, ‘Research into User profiles and service satisfaction’. HERs: Benchmarks for Good Practice, English Heritage, 2002.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 be u f might differ as the HER data becomes available on the Heritage Gat a tify any gaps in coverage or shortcomings of the datasets and perh s rs to the wider use of the HER. Alth g an estimate, it is currently unable to provide comprehen of enquiries that have been answered in the last financia iries were for research and education purp e s therefore more difficult to document who our principal u The HEfair t favourablacteNo surv out with other elements of the existing user base, nor into the

te statistics on the number and nature of nquiries (by reference to paper and email files) and are able to identify accurately the number

atypical and reflects the large number of pre-application enquiries arising from the developments of Photo Voltaic installations.

The H able to identify accurately the number of visits and unique IPs to its Historic

se ul to see how enquiries ew y. It might also idenap indicate other barrie

ou h the HER team can provide sive statistics for the number

l year. Nor can it gauge how many of the enquos s or were simply general interest; it i

ser groups are.

R team has not gathered any statistical information relating to user satisfaction; it is only o observe, however, that feedback following responses to enquirers is almost 100%

e. The HER team conducted a questionnaire survey of all HES staff in 2000, and d on the responses by adjusting the priorities for action in the subsequent 5yr Action Plan.

eys have been carried likely needs of potential new user groups. The 2000 staff survey is the only example that illustrates how information resulting from this type of research would feed into an HER Information Services Policy. There is no statistical information to demonstrate how to more effectively expand the range of publicity material or develop outreach strategies. Nevertheless the HER team can generate fairly accuraeof commercial enquiries that have been charged for during the last two financial years:

o 2009-10: 23 commercial enquiries generating £2580.00 o 2010-11: 55 commercial enquiries generating over £7020.00 income. It should be noted

that this is proposed

ER team are

Cornwall website and to the Heritage Gateway. . Website No. of visits No of visitors (unique IPs) Historic Cornwall (2009-10) 184, 205 75, 201

Heritage Gate t currently available due to technical problems (01/04/2011).

way (2010-11) These statistics are nowith the websites at EH

w of interest, globally, in the historic environment of

ice Officer usinbasis to ny formal reports. This allows the advice team to:

To conexpandand futu HER.

The eb statistics demonstrate the level Cornwall and Scilly. They also indicate the level of ‘pickup’ by users of digital information we produce. Planning enquiries are logged by the Planning Archaeologists and Countryside Adv

g HBSMR’s Consultation module. Statistics are produced for the HCAG26 on a quarterly accompa

• identify how many planning applications were processed during the last financial year; • identify how many applications resulted in some form of archaeological advice

better understand how the HER is used the HER team should undertake research and sultation of the existing user base and their needs. Similarly to identify how the HER could

into new areas the HER team should undertake research and consultation of potential re users and the current barriers to using the

26 The Historic Cornwall Advisory Group. The remit of HCAG includes the activities of all heritage services of Cornwall Council and provides a forum in which the sector’s work can be publicised and issues discussed. It is intended to contribute to an iterative debate about relevant activities, policy and practice and inform the work of the Council in identifying, cataloguing, managing, protecting, conserving, advising on, interpreting and making accessible the heritage of Cornwall.


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2.5 The HER gisocieties thincluding det purchase and details of web r ourcalthough somCBA annual al Archaeology Week, Royal Cornwall Show etc. The role of the HER i also embers of the Council during Member training even

The HES h sseminate information o 992 until 2007 this too the gy Alive27, which was w

HER staff m ns with a wide range of external organisations, interest groups and and nationadevelopmentNational HE

• Sout



• The Institute For Archaeologists (IfA)


• The

• Porta

• LocaCorn ork, Lizard Ancient Sites Network, Old Cornwall Societies.

• LocaCorn

One of the pheritage forEngland und ch activity28. However the discretionary nature of outrea mais considereis a rather mi ER’s overall activities. In ord to p ould be useful to consider how an outrea proand TourismDevelopmen English Heritage (contact: jane.golding@english-

Development of outreach ves occasional walks and talks to the public, to students and to local history roughout Cornwall. Publicity material is routinely distributed at these events ails of the HER, archaeological publications available to

es es such as the Heritage Gateway. These activities tend to be one-off events e are specifically arranged in collaboration with organisations or events such as

meetings, Nations highlighted and explained to Elected M


as produced an Annual Report since its inception in 1975, to din the projects and programmes undertaken over the year. From 1

k form of a well-produced glossy-covered popular A4 booklet Archaeoloidely distributed. It was discontinued in 2007.

aintain numerous connectioprofessional bodies. Essentially these tie the HER into wider networks regionally lly ensuring that it is kept abreast of current trends in the HER community and s in the discipline. When possible, it would be beneficial for HER staff to attend the

R Forum in future.

h West HER Forum

MR Users’ group

AO committees (HER, Maritime)

online fora. eg. HER Forum, FISH, BRITARCH

Council for British Archaeology (CBA)

ble Antiquities Scheme’s Finds Liaison Officer in Cornwall

l societies eg. Cornwall Archaeological Society, Cornwall Heritage Trust, Trevithick Soc, wall Ancient Sites Protection Netw

l museums, archives and libraries (eg. Royal Cornwall Museum, Cornish Studies Library, wall Records Office)

rimary roles of HERs has traditionally been to enable and improve understanding of public benefit and education. An ALGAO survey showed that most HERs in

ertake some form of outreach kes it vulnerable to budget cuts and service reductions and although in Cornwall it

d to be a critical function of the HER, to be maintained and encouraged in future, it nor part of the H

er romote this aspect of the HER’s strategic role it wch gramme could actively contribute to local agendas such as Education, Localism

. To start this process it may be useful to join the HER Local Engagement t Group coordinated by

heritage.org.uk). 2.5.1 VolunThe HER tecorporate V unteer Managers Toolkit which simplifies the process of recruitment and which

teers am adhere to the Cornwall Council Volunteer Policy29 and make use of the

olprovides a step by step guide through the standardised Volunteer Recruitment Process (including guidance forms, checklists, contact lists and useful web pages). 27 Historic Environment publications webpage (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=8024) 28 In 1998 ALGAO commissioned a report on the current state of SMRs in England. Recommendations included the

Conservation Report 97/20. N.p.p.: ALGAO 29 http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=5836

need for an appropriate resource base, adequate staffing, and development of HERs as a major tool for fostering public appreciation and enjoyment of the local historic environment. See Baker, D. 1999a An Assessment of English Sites and Monuments Records for the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers. Historic Environment


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3 Information Content

3.1 Information/Recording policy The HER does not have a formal information and recording policy although previous thinking on this subject was set out in a ‘collections policy’ which directed the development and evolution of the Record. It identified the following broad parameters for period and topic themes:

ay). The policy for this

are not included on a systematic basis.

* Gardens, Parks and Urban Spaces. Registered historic parks and gardens have been added to the HER, and some locally important sites but coverage is sparse..

* Health and Welfare. Hospitals are not included, but almshouses and workhouses are. Coverage is not comprehensive.

* Industrial sites and monuments pre-1914 are included although the potential range and number of sites is very great and coverage cannot be considered comprehensive. The focus has largely been on extractive industries including streamworks, mines and quarries, and mining-related industry foundries, smelters, fuseworks, etc. All mine sites within the WHS boundaries have been included.

* Maritime. Ports and harbours are included, as are coastguard stations, lifeboat stations and similar maritime themes. Coverage is good and has been recently enhanced, but is still not comprehensive.

• Geographical coverage over the modern administrative county of Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly.

• Prehistoric finds, sites and monuments (Palaeolithic to AD 410). All classes are included.

• Medieval finds, sites and monuments (AD 410 to 1540). All classes are included.

• Post-Medieval finds, sites and monuments (1540 to present-dperiod is not intended to be all-inclusive, and can be summarised in the brief summaries by Monument Class below:

* Post-Medieval finds are not included

* Agriculture and Subsistence is generally not included, except for certain areas on Bodmin Moor and West Penwith with unusual time-depth. However, certain domestic and agricultural site types such as bee-boles, horse-engines, ice-houses and dovecotes were included but are not necessarily comprehensive in their scope.

* Certain industrial sites associated with agriculture and subsistence were included – corn mills, lime-kilns and quays in particular. Again, these are not demonstrably comprehensive in their coverage.

* Civil sites and monuments are not included.

* Commemorative sites and monuments

* Commercial sites and monuments are not included on a systematic basis.

* Communications sites and monuments were not systematically included, other than beacons and lighthouses.

* Defence. Certain defensive sites were included on the basis of period (Henrician forts at Pendennis and St Mawes, Palmerstonian forts at Scraesdon and Tregantle) but more recent defences were not included. The Defence of Britain project has led to a re-evaluation of this approach and WW1 and WW2 sites have now been systematically added to the HER.

* Domestic buildings and sites were not systematically included. However, recent urban survey work at Hayle, Charlestown and Boscastle has resulted in the inclusion of more domestic buildings. The characterisation-based EUS produced by the Cornwall Industrial Settlements Initiative and Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey projects are available via the HER’s GIS and are cross-referenced in many instances to existing monument and building records

* Education. Most schools have been included although coverage is not comprehensive.


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* Recreational sites and monuments are not included.

* Religious, Ritual and Funerary. Surviving Anglican churches and Nonconformist chapels of the post-medieval period (principally 19th century) are included although coverage is not comprehensive for the latter.

* Transport. Tramways, railways, airfields and canals are included. Coverage is not

n’ of HER records has been

phs, conservation area appraisals, etc along with day-to-day work file s currently considering options for incorporating

main HER as it contributes to the aims of

The H rrently seek to receive or exchange information with national bodies such

cilly’s HER data on the Heritage

into abeyance in recent years,

comprehensive although recent work has updated and mapped the historic railway network.

* Water Supply and Drainage sites and monuments are not included on a systematic basis.

For the past 10 years a programme of ‘validation and verificatioongoing. The process is being done thematically; site types are selected and all records subject to rigorous checking for accuracy and completeness, spelling and grammar. To date over 30,314 records (54.5%) have been ‘validated’ and are considered fit for publication. A review of the validation process is required in order to ensure its continuation.

There is an informal arrangement to supply the Conservation service of the Isles of Scilly Council with the HER data on an annual basis. Data is occasionally shared with Devon County Council for the purposes of supporting the work, research and management plan commitments

30of the Cornwall & Devon World Heritage Site Office .

The South West Archaeological Research Framework31 identified a series of themes and areas across the south west that would benefit from further study, and although the resulting research agenda plays a role in guiding on-going programmes of HER research and investigation, the majority of HES projects are carried out in response to development threats, and opportunities to implement the agenda are limited.

Following unitary status in April 2009, the HES combined with the (former) District Council Conservation Officers to create a larger service. Each Conservation Officer maintained their own information systems, comprising listed building and conservation area data, local lists of heritage assets, photogracase s (see The HER team ithese disparate archives and records into theHeritage Protection Reform and current HER21 schemes. A scoping document is required in order to programme the formal integration of these data into the HER.

ER does not cu National Monas the ument Record (NMR) although statutory designations have been requested

from the NMR in the past (eg. to set a benchmark for designation records at the point of migration to HBSMR), and Scheduled Monument ‘Archaeological Item’ data has been supplied to at least one EH-funded survey project. It is worth noting here however that it is possible to cross-search against national data from EH’s National Heritage List for England32 and non-statutory PastScape33 databases against Cornwall & SGateway.

The HER maintains a close working relationship with local museums and archives and regularly collects new information from them (eg. RCM artefact accessions, CRO Tithe Map digitisation project). Journals, pamphlets and antiquarian accounts have been sifted for relevant information in the past although this process has largely fallen since the HE service has become the principal originator of new information. The process of checking the main sources needs to be revived.

30 Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape. World Heritage Site Management Plan 2005-10 (http://www.cornish-mining.org.uk/pdf/downloads.htm) 31 CJ Webster (ed) 2007. The Archaeology of South West England. South West Archaeological Research Framework: Resource Assessment and Research Agenda. Somerset County Council. 32 National Heritage List for England website (http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/ ) 33 PastScape webpage (http://www.pastscape.org.uk/)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 The HER team has adopted the HES’s archive and disposals policy34 which has been developed in accordance with national best practice (Brown, 2007) and local recommendations and conditions drawn up by museum curators at the Royal Cornwall Museum35. This document sets out current HES practice and guidance on all processes which affect the creation, preparation and deposition of archaeological archives. The guidelines outline the type of items

al material, intellectual property

Gener with finds are deposited in suitable repositories such as the Royal

the HER eg. Graphic Record surveys. For details of the emerging Archive and Disposals policy see Appendix 7.5.

09 xeGesIS’s HBSMR software which has allowed it to bring The

ularly makes use of corporate resources (planning, transportation, natural

nd data not generated by the authority36. In practical terms this usually

request digital data for use in GIS.

3.2 Information coverage and content This section defines the area covered by the HER and its coverage of the historic environment by both subject and period and statutory and non-statutory designation status.

3.2.1 Geography The HER encompasses the present-day unitary authorities of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Their jurisdiction extends through the inter-tidal zone down to the MLW mark, but in addition,

and categories of archives that can be adequately held as part of the HER’s reference collection. The contents range from site and fieldwork archives, archives of secondary and post-fieldwork research, hard copy and digital records, photographs, surveys and graphic records (including CAD and GIS drawings), finds, human remains and environmental samples. The guidelines also set out the policy for storage of archaeologicrights and copyright issues, museum consents and security procedures.

ally project archivesInstitution of Cornwall (Royal Cornwall Museum), Truro or other registered museums. However the majority of project archives without finds remain at HES and the paper record is indexed and stored in the medium/long-term at Restore (a business archiving and storage company). Ultimately these are to be deposited at the County Record Office (CRO) when space is available. All HES archives are logged onto the HBSMR database’s Source and Archives module, with individual archive records detailing the project number, general contents, present location, and if appropriate, a museum accession number (see Some project archives remain in the HES if they relate to enhancement projects or are expected to be in regular use as part of

Since 20 the HER has employed enumerous related but separate databases into a single cross-referencing system. incorporation of disparate data sets into a single unified system was facilitated by the fact that all the previous information systems had been rationalised and updated, largely in accordance with national data standards such as MIDAS and INSCRIPTION.

The HER regenvironment, property data etc) available through the Council’s intranet mapping systems and also publishes HER-derived material to the intranet for the benefit of other Council staff. These systems are principally used and promoted where licence restrictions prevent the wider deployment of high-end desktop ArcGIS software and HBSMR software or where it is deemed the functions available via the intranet provide an appropriate and adequate level of access commensurate with the needs and skills of the user (see section 2.2.1 and Figure 1).

The HER adheres to the corporate policy concerning Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for information aidentifies restrictions on the provision of corporately licensed data, usually map bases against which the HER is displayed (eg. OS mapping, Getmapping aerial imagery, historic maps, geology data etc), to a third party. The HER use the appropriate copyright notice as required when printing and reproducing particular map bases. HER staff issue a ‘User’s Declaration Form’ to all recipients of data for whatever purpose. This sets out the responsibilities of the both the user and provider and refers to the restrictions on the data (see section 7.2.1). Corporate data licence agreements are routinely applied, usually where commercial consultants

34 Nowakowski, J, Tapper, B, Thomas, N, Rahn K, Smith JR, Hartgroves S, 2011. GUIDELINES FOR THE CREATION, PREPARATION, DEPOSITION AND TRANSFER OF PROJECT ARCHIVES. 2nd Draft. HES, Cornwall Council. 35 Tyacke, A. 2000. Recommendations for the Transfer of Archaeological Archives to the Royal Cornwall Museum and Marley, J, 2005. Conditions of Acceptance of Archaeological Archives. 36 Cornwall Council Copyright webpage (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=24126)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 there are a number of ports and harbours in Cornwall in Council ownership and this means that their responsibilities also includes the inshore and estuarine areas that fall under the particular harbour-master’s jurisdiction (eg. Truro harbour authority).

Although the LPA’s remit only extends to MLW the HER also records marine heritage assets out to 12 nautical miles as defined by the National Heritage Act 200237. Coverage in this area is however patchy and largely dictated by projects that have enabled some form of HER enhancement and research eg. RCZAs, SMPs, offshore renewables developments, palaeo-environmental monitoring, and marine geophysics research etc.

HER data for the Isles of Scilly is made available to the island’s Conservation Officer on an annual basis through an informal agreement with the Isles of Scilly Council. The data is usually provided on CD during a site visit.

The HER includes an Extensive Urban Survey (EUS), comprising a series of related GIS layers, which map the archaeological and historic building survey results of over 70 of Cornwall and Scilly’s towns and villages (see

There are a large number of National Trust estates within the HER’s catchment which are covered by their own internal databases. The National Trust HER is maintained at NT’s head offices in Swindon. Although there is no current procedure for sharing information, the two systems are theoretically interoperable as both use exeGesIS’s HBSMR software. However there are significant differences in terms of coverage and content between the two. We are currently investigating the potential for data exchange and it is hoped that work on a pilot area (in West Penwith) will help to identify the principal issues involved (contact: Alison Lane, [email protected]).

The Ministry of Defence also maintains an HER for the Defence Estates, and relations with the MoD are cordial but distant. It is recommended that the HER contact the Defence Estates Historic Environment Team (contact: Richard Osgood, [email protected]) in order to appraise the concordance between both information holdings.

There are no other indep /or Scilly.

ordlists comply with the MIDAS Data Standard published in 1997 .

sure that the vast majority of

endent HERs based in or covering Cornwall and

3.2.2 Subject Coverage This section provides details and statistics about the number of records included in the HBSMR database. Topics covered include subject, period, events, sources and GIS. The types of records held by the HER are presented in Table 1. It is worth noting here that the HBSMR database was developed by exeGesIS in partnership with the NMR and ALGAO and that its data dictionaries and w 38

Following migration from the previous Access SMR database in 2009 most wordlists were mapped to the 1997 MIDAS standard although a number of local ‘candidate’ terms have been retained. Monument Recording An example of a specimen HBSMR Monument record report is provided in Appendix 7.4.1.

The HER includes the majority of the categories of archaeological sites and monuments identified in the tables provided by EH in the HBSMR database. The number of records in each category type have been calculated and a judgement on the quality of the coverage given in Tables 1 to 4.

There are 55, 523 ‘Monument, Building, Site, Marine and Place-name’ records in total in the HBSMR database. Overall the coverage of records for archaeology and the historic built environment in Cornwall and Scilly is good (see Appendix 7.6). The record is particularly good for the prehistoric and medieval periods, where we are reasonably sites and finds have been incorporated - it is much less good for the post medieval and subsequent periods. This is understandable however, as the number of potential HER records

37 National Heritage Act 2002 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2002/14/contents) 38 MIDAS Data Standard 1997 (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/archives-and-collections/nmr/heritage-data/midas-heritage/). MIDAS standards were updated in 2007 (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/midas-heritage/).


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 for the past four hundred years would massively outnumber all the records for the previous ten thousand years.

Natural Environment data or designations are not directly recorded in HBSMR. However all statutory designations (including ancient woodland designations and TPOs), habitat landcover and biodiversity and ecological management areas are made available through the HER’s GIS and can be displayed against heritage layers on request from the Council’s geospatial data store. Natural environment records that demonstrate historic and cultural interest, eg. ‘named trees’, historic hedgerows, historic ecology sites, will be included in the HER in future.

HBSMR Monument records for Cornwall & Scilly

The HBSMR holds the current List of Listed Buildings for Cornwall and Scilly with full descriptions linked to accurate polygon data (see The content and coverage is continually assessed and updated and all records and spatial data are available via the authority’s e-planning system, UNI-form. This ensures that planning and land charges staff have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information required for constraint mapping and property searches.

Although the Council has not developed a ‘Local List’ of buildings of historic or architectural interest, some buildings have been included on the basis of their architectural merit or historic associations. For example, those designed by the Cornish architect, Silvanus Trevail, are included in the HBSMR thanks to a survey carried out by the Trevail Society39, and this organisation is included as a consultee during the planning process.

The exact number of undesignated buildings or structures in the HER cannot be calculated because many are classified under the ‘Monument’ record type rather than the ‘Building’ record type in HBSMR. There are at least c3000 but this is certainly under representative. Until the migration to HBSMR the distinction between a monument and a building was not made. A lot of information about the built environment is contained within the EUS GIS layers which include very basic information on over 15,000 buildings across Cornwall. Nevertheless making the distinction between buildings and monuments in existing HBSMR records might be a useful 39 The Silvanus Trevail Society (http://www.luxsoft.demon.co.uk/sts/)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 exercise, now that Conservation Officers are using the system to inform their work, if suitably explicit definitions of ‘monument’ and ‘building’ can be generated.

The HER holds all Scheduled Monument information for Cornwall and Scilly with full descriptions, both paper copy and digital, linked to EH/NMR derived polygon data. Although EH record 1583 scheduled sites in Cornwall and Scilly, covering, in some instances, extensive

an 698 records of sites, features or components as

In the marine historic environment, coverage is complete for Prote there a and Scillonian w r es Military R i of all of Engla esignate sites. Undesignated wreck s r, being far fr comprehen ve and particularly patchy, although b coverage foll n HER enhancement undertaken as part of the Isles of Sc tal Zone Proj t40. Similarly number of estuary surveys have identified numerous wrecks and hulks foun in Cornwall’ estuaries (eg. Fal, Hayle, Fowey and s also encou nd pro er education ave returned roved infor 41 st wreck details c s ntified usually as na s only) although UKHO sourc u and are esp useful f isely locating physical remains on the se wall’s maritim ry, the HER can expect there to be thousand rded, either emains on eafloor or last known locat e r stranded. O types of m aeology are also i lly this includes t ble own palaeo-e rine forest’ deposit ne. Over 60 sites are recorded of which a third provide ific datin r past sea-level

e. JCCC), part of the Service

ed that they themselves do not have a complete archive/record of aircraft crash sites for Cornwall and

are existing records and new discoveries with

ese are records n-a s individual artefacts or e ds Module all of which are

als), Flint Scatter (flint only), Lithic Scatter (flint and stone artefacts). The HER team ensure ance set out i ct42 is made availa eol ts an t the definition of ’treasure’, are discovered by landowners, fieldwalkers an ectorists.

T d to accept data from the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS)43, and the Cornwall Finds Liaison Officer (bas at the RCM), on the basis that the conditions44 imposed o ation exchange are u orkable. These provisos limit the p tion of finds data, b ne via the Heritage Gateway, by re cting the level o hic accuracy

areas of l d, the HER includes at least 4covered by Scheduling. Unfortunately, however, these additional records do not equate with the detailed ‘archaeological items’ recorded by EH as part of the Scheduling process. It would be interesting to evaluate and assess these two systems in detail.

cted Wrecks, of whichignated as Protectedre 13 in Cornish aters (two furthe wrecks are d

emains). This represents one-f fth nd’s d d wreck ite coverage is poor how the Scilly Isle

eve om sis has the est owing a

illy Rapid Coas ec a d s

He research

lford). The HER ha raged a vided information to high projects whic provided by the NMR (ide

h h imp mation . Mod locationome from record me

es have also been sed ecially or precabed. Given Corn e histo

s of wrecks yet to be reco as rther

the sions where vessels founder d o arine arch

ncluded in the l ‘peat’ and ‘subma

HER - principa he reasonand the co

coverage of knd in the intertidal zonvironmenta s arou ast an

scient g evidence fochange.

Nine aircraft crash sites are currently recorded in the HBSMR but this is not comprehensivDiscussions with the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (Personnel and Veterans Agency of the MOD have taken place and it has been establish

Scilly. The HER team have verbally agreed to shthe JCCC (B. Tapper pers. comm., 2010) in the future and it will be necessary to include the Defence Estates Historic Environment Team in any discussions. There are at least 3000 records for unstratified (stray) ‘finds’ in the HBSMR – ththat are u ssociated with a monument record and occur in isolation aassemblag s (there are a further 7699 records listed in the Finassociated with monuments). The Findspots can be retrieved by extracting data on four site types: Findspot (for single finds of any material), Artefact Scatter (mixed materi

s the guidd stray finds, that meed metal det

n the Treasure A ble when archa ogical artefac

he HER initially refuseed

n any inform nw ublicay the HER and onli stri f geograp

4 et al, 2004. Rapid Coas e Assessme r The Isles of S (Report No: 24 detailed fieldwo survey carried ou d, s o the Maritime A f University of Southampton 2010, which produced improved the understanding and in r a number of wrecks and hulls previously identified in the Fowey ry audit. 4 re Act explained on the PAS website (http://finds.org.uk/treasure

0 C. Johns tal Zon nt fo Scilly. HE004R030) 1 An example is the

pt. ork t by M.R. Stea ubmitted t

rchaeology Dens foterpretatio estua

2 The Treasu ) 4 Scheme (http://finds.org.uk/3 Portable Antiquities ) 4 ct 2003. Data transfer from the Portable Antiquiti cheme to Histo ironment Records; issues of confidentiality and data access. Draft document. 4 PAS, O es S ric Env


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 to no greater than a NGR of 4-figures (even though the full NGR is available for planning control

Statistics compiled on 18/01/2011. There are 55523 ‘Monument, Building, Site, Marine and Place-name’ records and 14549 ‘Designation’ records in HBSMR in total.

and research purposes). The HER team argued that it would be counter-intuitive to reduce the accuracy of the data, it would be potentially misleading to have different levels of accuracy for similar site types, and that it would not be possible to have confidence in GIS plots. The migration to the HBSMR system has removed some of these obstacles (by enabling the full NGR to be suppressed at the point of publication) and the current HER strategy to the PAS needs to be reviewed. The HBSMR’s monument word-list (Appendix 7.6) includes 30 candidate terms (see Table 1b) for sites and monuments that are distinctive to Cornwall and Scilly and reflect local traditions and practices eg. china clay industry. Procedures for accepting (or rejecting) such terms, especially where is no nationally agreed alternative, need to be implemented. Table 1: HER by Record Type

Record Type Recorded Y/N? No of records

Coverage (Good/Average/Poor/Not Applicable)

Natural Environment Designated Sites N

Woodland (including ancient) N Hedgerows N

Named Tree N Buildings

Designated (Listed) Y 12622 Good (Designations Module) Designated (Locally Listed) N n/a

Non-Designated Y ? * Average/Poor Monuments/Sites

Designated (Scheduled) Y 4698** Good Non-Designated Y 47256 Good

Protected Wrecks (Maritime) Y 13 Good Non-Protected Wrecks (Maritime) Y 772 Poor

Aircraft Crash Sites Y 9 Average Findspots; Finds Y*** 3037; 7699 Average; Average Events Y 3166 Good Sources Y 23662 Good/Average

* An exact number cannot be returned because many buildings are classified under the ‘Monument’ record type. There are at least c3000 but this is certainly under representative. Until migration to HBSMR distinguishing monument from building records was not possible. A lot of information about the built environment is contained within the EUS GIS layers. ** This number reflects the sites and their components covered by scheduled areas. *** Where Monument Type = FINDSPOT or ARTEFACT SCATTER or FLINT SCATTER or LITHIC SCATTER

o be included here without disrupting the flow of the document. Table 1a: HER by Monument Type See Appendix 7.6 to view the complete list of ‘Monument’ types recorded in the HER. It is too extensive t Table 1b: HER by ‘Candidate Term’ Monument Type The following candidate terms record surviving monument types only. The terms need to be revisited, some require submission to the NMR while others may be removed.

Monument Type Recorded Y/N? No of records Coverage (Good/Average/Poor/Not Applicable)

Air Drying Pan Y 9 Good Ammunition Storage Depot Y 8 Good Boiler Y 1 Poor Boiler Pond Y 4 Poor Cottage Pair Y 44 Very Poor Dry Sand Shop Y 1 Poor Finger Dump Y 1 Poor Folklore Site Y 9 Poor Fuse Works Y 10 Poor Green Sand Shop Y 1 Poor Lann Y 154 Good Loam Moulding Shop Y 1 Poor


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

Merriment Hole Y 5 Poor Mica Drag Y 23 Good Mica Lagoon Y 5 Good Peat Deposit Y 27 Average Water Storage Barge Y 1 Poor Watering Place Y 8 Poor Sky Tip Y 21 Good Events An example of a specimen HBSMR Events record report is provided in Appendix 7.4.2. The HER workflow for recording Event records is set out in Appendix 7.3.9.

Archaeological and historic building interventions, investigations and other similar activities in Cornwall and Scilly (excavations, surveys assessments, watching briefs, historic building survey etc) are recorded in the HBSMR Events module. The Events record was started in mid-2001 and currently consists of 3166 records.

Principally, Events are triggered by the Briefs written by the HES Advice Team (Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers), during the planning process and the resulting WSIs prepared by potential contractors. The Briefs require the full report, and any specialist assessments, to be submitted (usually within 6 months) to the HER, the NMR, the RCM and online to OASIS. However Events are also triggered by other means, particularly research frameworks, monument management programmes and similar non-planning related initiatives.

Archaeological ‘Events’ mapped on GIS with links to reports

Event reports are considered to be publicly accessible once they have been deposited with OASIS and/or submitted to the LPA as part of the evidence accompanying a planning application. In either case it is likely that the report will also have been deposited with the HER; however deposition with the HER only, does not necessarily mean that the report is freely available, particularly if copyright or other restrictions apply. Requests for reports may be forwarded to the original authors who will need to give permission for re-distribution. Reports produced by Cornwall Council or in partnership with Cornwall Council are considered to be in the public domain.

Events are produced following the completion of a project report that meets the agreed archaeological development brief and has been formally deposited with the HER. The HE Admin staff catalogue, in a separate archive database, and number the report and add it to the


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 digital library (stored as PDFs on the shared CC network); paper reports are also added to the HES library and additional copies are sent to RIC, CSL, the Museums service, all copyright holders, the NMR and the Society of Antiquaries. The HER team then create an Event record

and results are also logged online with OASIS, that record is verified by the HER team and the report is posted to the Archaeology Data

AD hed fieldwork reports webpages45. A cross SMR Event record.

Events are used to update the HER where they identify new and previou own sites or where they provide more deta fo n be used to update existing r y Events, howev ecycl tion y n

I orts rojects blications such as Cornish Archaeology, Journal of the Roy ornwall, Pr ings of the We wall Field Club etc have been records. T hould continue. Similarly, many but not all records he tion index fo and Scilly the HER’s of publishe nd unpublished es for pre-1975 a for, to en that the full potential of the Events module can b

The Eve u y to diss ate the results o t and the majority of recor l of reports F) as well as cro nces to the HES pape g is usually g between the c tion of a project and i t to the HER (as Monume records), the Event record provides a useful w n is still ava ble and accessibl section for details of th

T l surveys, undert n by the HER over the past 30 years, are yet to be formally recorded a S lthough th e catalogued in per system. Each flight recorded wi BSMR and eve tograph, shot during each flight, s individual Source record.

The HB y wordlist that h developed i ut which broadly corresponds to th r ee Table 2

E f e Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP) of Bournemouth University visits u their inde investigations. In the past the HER has exchanged data the AIP proj order to populate the descriptive texts of 754 Event re (early in its design it was decided that Event records would n riptions – this position ha been reviewed sin the beginning of 2011). While sure that 000 Even s have complete descriptio nd features discovered and periods covered) the majority do not and this gap e d.

So, the Even xed and catalogued in three way lly within the HER, externally b reasingly by contractors via the OASIS project and linked ADS library. While t s its own crite are conside s and disparities betwe h complete ffers access to the reports but lacks detail wit to know which ojects are releva particular research

rovide ) but has

e provides further details on archaeological work and this resource also

cord as a

sources are the most well known to the

(based on information in the report) within HBSMR and the area of study is mapped onto GIS. Each Event record is then also given an equivalent and linked Source record and Archive record (HES projects only). Where the project

Service’s ( S) ‘Grey Literature Library’ for unpublisSIS ID number, is added to HBreference to the project’s unique OA

sly unkn

and do not produce aniled or new in

er, simply rrmation which cae existing informaecords. Man

ew data.

n the past rep of archaeal Institution

ological p in puoceed of C

entst Corn

used to create newld in

Ev his s the NMR’s ex

ecava r Cornwall

(a have been added to

Events module. A rw

view alled

d re

?) sourcrchaeological activities is no

e c su


nts ds have links to digita

record provides a seful wa emin f a projeccopies (PD ss-refere

r-copy lits results being inpuay to en

brary. Considerin there a la omplent

sure that the informatio ila e (seeis ‘backlog’).

he 100 aeria akes Events within HB MR, a ey ar a bespoke pa would benefit from being

anthin H ry pho

hould be recorded as

SMR uses an Event T pe as been n-house be ALGAO wo dlist (s ).

very year or so a member o the HER to

thpdate x of

electronically with ect incords within HBSMR

ot have detailed desc s ce it has been possible to en at least 1 t record

ns (including sites as to be addrneed

ts are recorded,


inde s: locay the AIP and inc

each method sa isfie ria there rable gapen them. The HER’s arc ive is and o

hin records, making it difficult pr nt to aagenda, without excessive trawling. The AIP allows detailed searches but is unable to paccess to the reports. OASIS offers detailed searches and links to reports (via the ADSonly been active in Cornwall for a very short time and is therefore incomplete. Additionally thNMR excavations index needs to be assessed against the HER.

Given the various differences between the repositories mentioned above the Event Reprocess needs to be reviewed. While it will always be necessary to ensure the HER hcomplete and up-to-date Event record the most suitable way to publish the information would appear to be via OASIS and the ADS since these re

45 ADS Grey Literature Library of Unpublished Fieldwork Reports (http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/greylit/)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 wider ar eological community. If thcha e latter approach is pursued there is considerable work

ric Cornwall mapping website where links will be o reports.

Th about the t Archival Disposals Policy and whether archival standards ar on com etion of the project and deposition of the items. The lack of funding, avail sical spa nd the disparate nature of many of the Services involved is putting severe pressure on thi cess. In response to reducing and possibly inadequate levels of ornw seums Service has recently refused to accession material ge chae l planning process.

Th also be the appropriate mechanism for recording more specific types of ar ence techn used during projects. Recent guidance in the form of ‘G addition of Archaeological Science data to Historic Environment Records’46 ai relevant terms relating to archaeological science data into HERs. The ob is to help specialists oose the right terms for their data in the first instance and to provide the information in an appropriate form for direct entry to the HER. This may require the Event Type list to be adapted in order to better reflect specific techniques listed in the Ar thesaurus eg. modification state, aspect, investigative technique, method c (note: HBSMR already employs the MDA Archaeological Object th as well as guidel s for entry of ‘Ecofact’ finds. In order to achieve this more

uidance is required concerning the implementation of the Archaeological Science Thesaurus HBSMR. Some development may be achieved by adding archaeological science ‘type’ event

nt Records.

There i ose events that were principally Historic Lan elements of HLC work. All events that include asp s of this type of work sh

required to make all pre-2011 Event record reports available online. This may be possible via data exchange between the OASIS standard and the HBSMR Event record formats and a bulk upload of existing scanned PDFs – this needs further investigation however. In the interim the Event GIS layer will be re-published to the Histo

provided to PDF versions f the

ere are concerns currene being adhered to pl

able phy ce as pro

council funding the C all Munerated through the ar ologica

e Event Record maychaeological sciuidelines for the


ms to enable entry of jective ch

chaeological Science of recovery et

esaurus) ineginvalues to all ‘excavation’ type interventions or ensuring that all scientific techniques are recorded in associated Monume

s no current mechanism for recording all thdscape Characterisation studies or comprisedect ould be revised. Table 2 – HER by Event Classification Statistics compiled on 18/01/2011.

Event type Recorded Y/N?

Number of event records

Coverage (Good/Average/Poor/Not Applicable)

Archaeological Interventions

Evaluation Y 121 Good Excavation Y (a) 325 Good

Metal Detecting Use Y 2 Poor (via PAS instead?) Watching Brief Y 648 Good

Auger/borehole Survey Y (b) 62 Average Environmental Interventions

Environmental Sampling Y 41 Average Dendrochronology Y (c) 25 Average

Auger/borehole Survey Y (b) 62 Average Ecological Survey Y (d) 41 Poor

Non Archaeological Interventions

Metal Detecting Use N Poor Casual Observation N Poor

Field Survey Architectural Survey Y (e) 298 Average/Poor Geophysical Survey Y 229 Good

46 See ‘Guidelines for the addition of Archaeological Science data to Historic Environment Records’ (http://www.helm.org.uk/upload/pdf/ArchSciDat.pdf?1306324318) and ‘Form for submitting Archaeological Science Data to Historic Environment Records’ (http://www.helm.org.uk/upload/doc/ArchSci_HER_blank_form1.doc?1306324318)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

Measured Survey Y (f) 351 Good Hedgerow Survey N

Photographic Recording Y 130 Average Fieldwalking Y (g) 61 Good/Average

Remote Sensing Aerial Reconnaissance/Aerial

Photography Y (h) 100 Good Lidar Survey Y 1 n/a

Satellite Imaging N Heritage Assessment

Desk Based Assessment Y (i) 829 Good Environmental Impact

Assessment Y 31 Average Historic Landscape

Characterisation Y <10 Good Historic Seascape

Characterisation N n/a Historic Area Assessment Y (j) 330 Good

Conservation Area Appraisal Y 62 Good (a) WHERE Activity Type = Excavation OR Major Excavation OR Minor Excavation. (b) WHERE Activity Type = Geotechnical Investigation. No distinction is made between archaeological and environmental investigations. (c) ‘Scientific dating’ replaces the category Dendrochronology Survey here although some dendrochronology work is included within this new type.

) The HER undertook an annual aerial photo survey project, between 2008-11 with English Heritage, of several flights re not yet recorded in the HBSMR Events module.

WHERE Activity Type = Archive Assessment OR Artefact Analysis OR Assessment ) WHERE Activity Type = Management Recommendations Sources and Archives le urce record report is provided in Appendix 7.4.3. There

(d) Further category, Ecological Survey has been added to the original EH list. (e) WHERE Activity Type = Building Record OR Building Survey (f) WHERE Activity Type = Area Survey - Measured OR Site Survey - Sketch OR Site Survey (g) WHERE Activity Type = Field Observation OR Fieldwalking - Systematic OR Fieldwalking - Unsystematic ORWalkover Survey (halthough these a(i) (j

An examp of a specimen HBSMR Soare 23, 724 Source records held in HBSMR (see 7.7.2 for a detailed list of available options). The following table sets out the broad types:

Source and Archive Type No,

Aerial photograph 2319

Article in monograph 1

Article in serial 27

Bibliographic reference 2964

Cornwall Photo Record 9804

Cartographic material 7

Cornwall Archive 2043

Cornwall Event Report 2696

Report 1

Unedited Source 3857

Unpublished docum 1 ent

Website 2

Historically the SMR s in three principal ways (see 7.4.1 for examples in a Monument record de

liogra c),

• photographi )

recorded Sourcescription):

phic references (b1, b2, b3 et

c references (p1, p2, p3 etc

• as bib


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

• site histories tc) NB: more accurately described as ‘EVENTS’

O B alloc o tw al photog h’ and ‘B latter acting as a catchall for all documentary s reco ally to r type and need to be re-cla

Where source recor y were given unique values. Archive records, for example, were im Archive’ Source type, as were Event r ch were vent rt’ S type. re that had yet to be valida ed with the ‘Unedited Source’ value which indicates that these nsure completeness and to remove errors and dupli ypes require sse they do t rovenan mo t records. They uld be examined to see if th ssificatio ted 2.

T , 8 p d s s, an include l and grou hs as

Site histories were a ptions as free text (the previous SMR values d the men nitorin or vent records in HBSMR). gration reflect more specific types and thus t s.

3 rec phs Link whi allows the HER team to make automated links between the pho hive nd photo database) a d GI PeriodB ds have with no sub-per sting xc the Post-Medieval perio differentiated from the C16th onwards and includes a Civil War nally had a cut off date of 1945 although a v d tha tdate point . Cold W ilitary installatio ded on the advice of Planning Arch ogists a ct advice given by to t nning process.

T he HER is generally good excepti those s s for the c w an be con are a number of extensive private lithic c c ued the HER.

Monum rds alues ecially ‘ ’ wou e h possibl s r ssified i ra

C nce is req to match the numbers of C20, WWII and C21 records f

Prior to the migratio pes were tagged with multiple period values with the result that ccurred. Since HBSMR works on date ranges these should be sub e in order to reduce the duplication of record c la f each rd (se c b

ie. field visits (h1, h2, h3 e

n migration to H SMR, Source records were ated t o existing Source types, ‘Aerirap

ources. Manyssified.

ibliographic reference’, the rds attributed in this way actu belong othe s

ds could not be matched theported and mapped to the ‘Cornwall

mapped to the ‘Cornwall Eted prior to migration were tagg require further work to e

ecords whi Repo ource Source cords

cates. Each ofhe variety of materi

these ‘Cornwall’ source tal used to compile and p

re-ace the

ssment anumen

s not reflect sho

ey fit into the existing cla ns lis in 7.7.

he majority (14nd photograp

19) of Source records are un and ‘grey literature’, the


ourceCornwall Event Report

d aerias. latter recorde

ppended to Monument descrithe criteria for migration to Source records added since mi

id not quite meet Monu t Mo g table as E

heir low number

640 Monument ords are linked to aerial photogra via HBSMR’s Library aerial

ch to arc (a

nd HBSMR an S.

been classified in the HER d where centuries have been category. The HER h

road Perio iods di uished e ept for

as traditiof records have been includeery small number o t pos this eg ar m

ns etc. Thnd Conservation O

ese have usually been inclufficers and refle

aeol them he pla

he coverage by Period in t ng ite Mesolithihich collections which ha

sidered only average. There ve yet to be properly assessed, atalog and recorded in

ent recoPost-Medieval

tagged with generic period vld benefit from being re-assess

such as ‘Prehistod and w

ric’ and espe recordere ecla

nto more specific



se uired with EH’s AMIE databan the HER.

n to HBSMR multi-period site ty

ound i

some duplication of values osumed into a single date rang

also improve the legibility and counts made. It will rity o reco e graphi elow).


Scientific dati th patchy and Radi . Nevertheless this is bri oredate ranges into use ieval of information by broader categories.

ng is ocarbonC14 da

used where available althoughtes are included in the record while maintaining

e coverage is not all knownnging m specific

the retr


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Table 3S piled be e cation occur between the numbe ch period where site types are multi-period.

– HER by Period tatistics com on 18/01/2011. In the values returned low, som dupli will

r of records returned for ea

Period Name Description Min Date

Max Date

No of records

Coverage (Good/Average/Poor/Not Applicable)


The Old Stone Age defined by the and s

0 practice of hunting and gatheringthe use of chipped flint tools. Thiperiod is usually divided up into the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic.

-50000 -10000 18 (a) Good


The earliest subdivision of the Palaeolithic, or Old Stone Age; when the earliest use of flint tools appears in the current archaeological record. A

g hunter gatherer society is a definincharacteristic.

-500000 -150000 n/a

MIDDLE of -150000 -40000 n/a PALAEOLITHIC

The second subdivision of the Palaeolithic or Old Stone Age. Characterized by the fine flake tools the Mousterian tradition and economically by a hunter gatherer society.


The third and last subdivision of the Palaeolithic or Old Stone Age;


characterized by the development of projectile points made from bony materials and the development of finblade flint tools.

-40000 -10000 n/a

MESOLITHIC erer society

-10000 -4000 440 (b) Average

The Middle Stone Age, falling between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic; marks the beginning of a move from a hunter gathtowards food producing society.


The earliest subdivision of the Mesolithic, or Middle Stone Age. -10000 -7000 n/a

LATE MESOLITHIC e. The latest subdivision of the Mesolithic, or Middle Stone Ag -7000 -4000 n/a


characteristic of the Palaeolithic to Mesolithicassigned.

-500000 -4000

For monuments which are

but cannot be specifically n/a


The Newfollows on from the Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic and is itself succeeded by the Brcharacterfarming ecmonumen

Stone Age, this period

onze Age. This period is ized by the practice of a onomy and extensive tal constructions.

-4000 -2200 843 (c) Good

EARLY NEOLITHIC The earliest subdivision of the Neolithic, or New Stone Age. -4000 -3300 n/a

MIDDLE The second subdivision of the -2900 n/a NEOLITHIC Neolithic, or New Stone Age. -3300

LATE NEOLITHIC Neolithic, or New Stone Age. -2900 -2200 The third and latest subdivision of the n/a


This period follows on from the Neolithic and is characterized by the increasing use of Bronze work. It is subdivided in the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age.

-2600 -700 5800 (d) Good


The earliest subdivision of the Bronze Age. -2600 -1600 n/a


The second subdivision of the Bronze Age. -1600 -1200 n/a


The third and latest subdivision of the Bronze Age. -1200 -700 n/a

This period follows on from the

IRON AGE the use of iron for making tools and monuments such as hillforts and oppida. The Iron Age is taken to end with the Roman invasion.

-800 43 3285 (e) Good

Bronze Age and is characterized by

EARLY IRON AGE The earliest subdivision of the Iron -800 -300 n/a


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MIDDLE IRON AGE The second subdivision of the Iron Age. -300 -100 n/a

LATE IRON AGE The third and latest subdivision of the Iron Age. -100 43 n/a


For monuments that can be identified only to a date range from Neolithic to Iron Age.

-4000 43 n/a

PREHISTORIC For monuments that can be identified only to a date range from Palaeolithic to Iron Age.

-500000 43 4487 (f) n/a


Uncertainuncertain period

prehistoric or Roman for allocations. -500000 410 n/a


Traditionally begins with the Roman invasion in 43AD and ends with the emperor Honorius directing Britain to see to its own defence in 410AD.

43 410 3034 (g) Good


This dates from the breakdown of Roman rule in Britain to the Norman invasion in 1066 and is to be used for monuments of post Roman, Saxon and Viking date.

410 1066 2381 (h) Good


The Medieval period or Middle Ages begins with the Norman invasion and ends wmonasteries.

1066 1540 12681 (i) Good ith the dissolution of the


Begins with the dissolution of the monasteries and ends with the death of Queen Victoria. Use more specific period where known.

1540 1901 20,401 (j) Average

TUDOR Dating to the reign of the Tudor monarchs 1485 1603 n/a

ELIZABETHAN Dating to the reign of Elizabeth 1st of England. 1558 1603 n/a

STUART Dating to the reign of the Stuart kings of England (including the Commonwealth inter-regnum)

1603 1714 n/a

JACOBEAN Dating to the reign of James I of England (VI of Scotland) 1603 1625 n/a

HANOVERIAN Dating to the reign of the Hanoverian kings. 1714 1837 n/a

GEORGIAN Dating to or characteristic of the reigns of any of the first four kings of Great Britain called George

1714 1830 n/a

VICTORIAN Dating to the reign of Queen Victoria 1837 1901 n/a 16th CENTURY Any (1501 AD to 1600 AD Exc) 1501 1600 218 Poor CIVIL WAR Any (1642 AD to 1651 AD Exc) 1642 1651 52 Poor 17th CENTURY Any (1601 AD to 1700 AD Exc) 1601 1700 492 Poor 18th CENTURY Any (1701 AD to 1800 AD Exc) 1701 1800 986 Average 19th CENTURY Any (1801 AD to 1900 AD Exc) 1801 1900 5934 Average


Use for monumenis uncertain but likeRoman.

ts where the dating ly to be post- 410 1540 n/a

20TH CENTURY Previously recorded as 'Modern' 1901 2000 2483 Average EARLY 20TH CENTURY The first third of the 20th century. 1901 1932 n/a

EDWARDIAN The period coEdward VII. Doof Edwards I-VI.

vering the reign of not use for the reigns

1902 1910 n/a


Used to record buildings, defensive monumentsassociateFor other t


and sites dating to, and d with, the First World War. ypes of building, such as

houses, built during this period use TH CENTURY.

1914 1918 23 Good

MID 20TH CENTURY The mid third of the 20th Century 1933 1966 n/a


cord buildings, defensive monuments and sites dating to, and associated with, the Second World War. For other types of building, such as houses, built during this period use MID 20TH CENTURY.

1939 1945 1078 Good

Used to re

LATE 20TH CENTURY The final third of the 20th century. 1967 2000 n/a

21ST CENTURY Twenty first century phases and 2001 2100 n/a


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UNCERTAIN Catch all for uncertain period allocations n/a

(a) WHERE Monument Type & Date = Any (500000 BC to 8001 BC Exclusive [Wholly within range]) (b) Any (8000 BC to 4001 BC Exc) (c) Any (4000 BC to 2501 BC Exc) (d) Any (2500 BC to 801 BC Exc) (e) Any (800 BC to 42 AD Exc) (f) Identified by searching on ‘Prehistoric’ in the site name field only. (g) Any (43 AD to 409 AD Exc) (h) Any (410 AD to 1065 AD Exc) (i) Any (1066 AD to 1539 AD Exc) (j) Any (1540 AD to 1900 AD Exc)

) and Scilly (129) making it an area

’ and are correctly

py and


of designated Monuments with special protection status All statutory designation records are stored on the HBSMR Designations module.

There are 12,622 Listed Building records in Cornwall (12493with one of the highest numbers of any English LPA. The Historic Environment Record has taken responsibility for maintaining the Listed Building List for the authority and over the past 18 months has been working with Planning and IT services to ensure that all LBs in Cornwall are loaded into the e-planning (UNI-form) system’s ‘Listed Building moduleplotted. Similarly the corrected data for Scilly has been made available to the IoS Council. The HER team have a clear procedure which ensures the LB records in HBSMR and UNI-form are current and coordinated (see section 7.3.3). All notifications are also printed and added to the ‘greenback’ and relevant parties within the authority are alerted to new or amended listings and delistings.

The Heritage Protection Reform Team at EH recently released (31 March 2011) the following statement in regard to the status of digital and physical copies of LB notifications. It explains, ‘In terms of Listed Buildings, the 1990 Act specifies that copies of the list shall be certified as a true copy on behalf of the Secretary of State and 'deposited" with local authorities. There is no explanation of 'deposit' within the Act. The use of digital documents has become more widespread since the 1990 Act came into being, but the term does not have to mean physically copied and deposited. An email from English Heritage confirming that the attachment is an amendment or new entry to the List as at a particular date should be sufficient to count as "deposited", thereby informing the local authority of the event and providing the necessary details all of which can be adequately accomplished digitally.’ EH suggest that the LPA can then store the information as appropriate for its own purposes - either printing a digital coadding to the Greenback, or storing it if digital record procedures allow. In either case a copy can be printed or made available for any member of the public who require a physical copy (HPR Team, March 2011).

EH also note that regarding any changes of house names, postal addresses and similar, LPA will be able to check the latest entries to the List using The National Heritage List for England47 (released 4th April 2011). If the LPA come across examples heritage assets with incorrect details they can use the online application form http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/protection/process/online-application-form/ to request an amendment to the entry on the List. Priority is given to assessment of assets which are under threat of demolition, alteration, removal or salvage. Now that a single list for England exists it will be necessary to ensure concordance between the new ID numbers given to each item on the list and older LBUIDs. This will ensure a weblink can be maintained on each LB record.

The listed building data consolidation has been an exhaustive exercise that has involved assessing and collating six separate LB databases, one from each of the former (pre-unitary) local district and borough councils. Historically, the LB records had been mapped, at the behest of the Conservation Officers, to a very accurate standard and are a significant improvement on the quality of the spatial data provided by EH. For this reason they were amalgamated into a single comprehensive system for Cornwall and cross-referenced (using the national reference

47 Heritage List for England - FAQs (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/content/imported-docs/k-o/nat-heritage-list-faqs.pdf)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 number ‘LBUID’) to EH’s listing description records (which the HER requested in 2005 during a one-off data sharing exercise by EH). All LB descriptions are now attached to accurately mapped polygon data in a way that Conservation Officers, notwithstanding the well rehearsed issues of curtilage and corresponding map depiction, find most useful in their day-to-day work As a matter of course the following caveat is included on all LB data, ‘This GIS layer is


records allowing users to op

The HER team has requestecorre cig olyc a LB o ally coupdate – quently we’vdownload facility and simplye hich it o

T uled MAll notifications, descriptionsf oom. Hoiar

I ntageous fr d to prod

iaoncern that a number of sch

ese are minor errodigitis

indicative only and must not be used as a definitive Listed Buildings map. The listing designation is determined by the listing address ONLY. The spatial extent of the features within the layer give no indication as to the extent of the curtilage of the building. For this reason every care should be taken when using these GIS layers and in every instance the listing address and description must be used’.

Additionally the LB records are currently being address-matched to the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG), which in turn is published to the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG)48, and which satisfies the authority’s CON29 Searches responsibilitie(importantly it also ties the LB records in UNI-form to Development Management (see 4.2.4)

access pr erty histories, planning casework etc) stored in the EDRMS.

ct positional inaccuraiven that listed building ponsultation whenever

ur ‘locf data sharing oconse

xplore any ways in wwn records.

here are 1583 Sched

iles in the HER rncomplete, in that descriptiobove) or through hyperlinkecords and the latter sites th

t would be advanequirements a

requirements, especially full d

Scheduled Monument spatcSome of th

ed and which then ap491:2500 OS MasterMap) b

48 National Land and Property G49 It is noted however that Schethey were captured at – in mosMapping features on the GIS - S

d that EH revise the erroneous point-based in order to es, but is yet a respon his gons are now d into h a ggers a is affected by evelopm l. Und current method rrected’ data would be ov ’s he event of an e taken the decision to es from EH’s NMR data update the rd in-house. Nevertheless e very keen to may be possible to use th spatia o improve EH’s

onument reco nd Scilly and ge is complete. and associated documentation are stored er wever the c ent of digital scheduled ent records is

re ternal do nts as ha (see s on the NHLE website. The former tend to be OCN

ave passe rough MPP.

or EH to begin to consul with local HERs to discuss their data uce digital materials that would better match their specific

l data coverage is also complete, although it has been noted with eduled monuments are inaccurately mapped (a list is maintained). rs reflecting the 1:10,000 capture scale at which monuments were

hen displayed against larger scale mapping (eg. tely plotted and miss the correct

listing datais especially pressingutomatically tri

to receive loade

se. T UNI-form, whic

a d ent proposa er the data in terwritten by EH

suspend updatreco we ar

e HER’s LB l data t

rds in Cornwall a covera sequentially as pap

onte ex

monumpy printouts ns only refe

recordnc cume rd co

s toat h d th


escriptive records and corrected spatial data.

pear ‘offset’ wut others are simply inaccura

azetteer website (http://www.nlpg.org.uk/nlpg/welcome.htm)

duled Monuments should not be displayed at a scale in more detail than t cases these were captured at 1:10 000. See www.ifp-plus.info E.3.4 cale of mapping against which data is captured or displayed.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 location of the site, sometimes by a considerable margin. The HER team has requested that EH revise these erroneous scheduling notices in order to correct inaccuracies of scale and location, but have not received a positive response. This is especially pressing given that scheduled monument polygons are now loaded in the e-planning system, UNI-form, which automatically


umbers have been matched against the new numbers in the unified list.

There acomplet er information are Eve

Five Protected Military are

Thirty-seven RegiScil Trecord a ded to records provided by EH via the NHLE website. There are two up-to aprovide d reports and maps published by the Battlefields Trust51.

Con rv mplete and up-to-d recordsof each r the benefit of the Land Charges section. The boundaries have recently been

onse to the INSPIRE52 regulation for for addressing, street and protected


The Co ing Landscape World Heritage Site is an extensive desiuniversa rock tin and copper mining. The ten areas are recorded by 21 record ents, which provide overviews of each site and link WHS website53. The WHS boundaries hav e

Addition e recorded directly in HBSMR’s I-form) ed in

Appendi onservation Are aexceptioonly maare not le or irrelevant applications. Weekly lists ensure that these officers respons

It was d s record would not be made ava l

triggers a consultation whenever a SM is affected by a development proposal (see 4.2.4). We run the risk that incorrectly plotted scheduled monuments may be damaged or destroyed by development unless this situation is rectified or that the legal case is undermined. With tdevelopment of the national Heritage List for England all SMs now have a new unique seven-figure ID number. In Cornwall, there has historically been a mixture of Old County Numbers (OCN) and national MPP numbers. To ensure concordance with the new list the OCN and the national MPP n

re 13 Protected Wrecks in Cornwall and Scilly and the coverage and content is e. Each record has a full textual description and associated links to furth

made, such as to archaeological assessments and diving reports which are held on the nts record. Links are also provided to the protected wreck site pages published by EH50.

Remains sites are also wrecks; two of which are WWI submarines and classified war graves. The record of these sites is complete and up-to-date.

stered Historic Parks and Gardens can be found throughout Cornwall and ly. he record is complete and up-to-date. Full descriptions are available in the body of each

nd hyperlinks are proviRegistered Battlefields in Cornwall, both dating to the Civil War. The record is complete and -d te. Full descriptions are available in the body of each record and hyperlinks are

d to detaile

se ation Areas cover the historic core of 145 settlements. The record is coate and many have links to 62 associated Conservation Area Statement or Appraisal Event

as PDF reports. Conservation Area amendments and extensions are recorded as part record fo

made available to EH as part of their coordinated resppublishing Annex I datasets (geographical information

rnwall and West Devon Mingnation covering 10 separate yet related areas that demonstrate the region’s outstanding

l significance in terms of hard s, as some areas have dispersed elem

s to related documentation on the Cornish Mining e b en made available to EH.

s and updates to any of the designations listed above arDesignation Module, before being published to the authority’s e-planning system (UNand intranet mapping systems for wider use. The procedures for each are outlin

ces 7.3.2 through 7.3.8. It is worth noting that all designations except Cas nd WHSs are used to automatically trigger HES consultee requests in UNI-form; the

ns, whilst available in the system, are used to selectively trigger (at registration stage) jor applications. This ensures that Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers

inundated with small scaare nevertheless able to identify applications where they deem an historic environment e is necessary.

ecided that the entirety of the HBSMR Monument & Buildingilab e as a constraint in UNI-form since doing so would trigger a vast number of consultation

50 P crote ted Wreck Sites, English Heritage website (http://www.english-heri le/consent/protected-wreck-sites/tage.org.uk/professional/advice/our-planning-ro ) 51 Battlefields Trust website (http://www.battlefieldstrust.com/default.asp) 52 The INSPIRE (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) Directive aims to facilitate the sharing of spatial information across the public sector for the benefit of environmental policy. In the UK it is delivered via the UK Location Programme (http://location.defra.gov.uk/). 53 Cornwall & West Devon Mining Landscape website (www.cornish-mining.org.uk)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 requ tArchaeo hose role it is to interpret and mediate the information for the planning service.

es s, many of which would be irrelevant. It would also impinge on the role of the Planning logists w Table 4 – Monuments with special protection status Statistics compiled on 18/01/2011.

Special protection status Recorded Y/N? No of records

Coverage (Good/Average/Poor/Not Applicable)

Scheduled 1583 (4698

Monuments Y items) Good Listed Buildings


12622 (Active) Cornwall (12493) Scilly (129) Good

World Heritage Sites Y 21 (1 site) Good Registered Parks and Gardens Y 37 Good Registered Battlefields Y 2 Good Protected Wrecks Y 13 Good Conservation Areas Y 145 Good Other Locally Designated Heritage Assets n/a Sites of Special Scientific Interest N* Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty N* Nature Reserves N* National Parks N*

* Natural Environment designations are available via the HER’s GIS and monuments within these areas can be identified as required.

3.2.3 Geographic Information Systems The HER uses the corporate GIS, ESRI’s ArcGIS software.

Metadata is recorded at the theme level only. It is compatible with ISO 1911554 and is created and managed using in-house designed software, ‘MetaDragon’55. The database also serves as a retrieval tool and index to the authority’s GIS data holdings. An example of a metadata record is provided in 7.4.5.

The GIS is able to produce a range of outputs according to user needs, including paper maps and listings, digital maps and spatial data exports (shapefiles, databases, spreadsheets etc).

The system can display an extensive selection of layers which can be divided into those created and actively managed by the HER team; those layers created and managed by other services within the authority; and those which are licensed corporately from a third-party. The first includes:

• All records held in the Monuments & Buildings, Designations, Consultations, Events, Finds and

• Over 7000 oblique digital aerial photos and scanned colour slides plot on GIS with rec

HLC modules in HBSMR which are directly linked to the GIS.

di t hyperlinks to the images.

• Over 95,000 photos catalogued in the HER plot as a layer with cross-references to photo database records.

• The results of the Cornwall NMP project plot as over 200,000 discrete features linked to 17, 657 HER records.

• Historic Landscape Character maps for Cornwall (1994) and Scilly (1996). See

54 ISO 19115:2003. Geographic Information – metadata standard (http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=26020) 55 CC Geostore - user guide. Accessing MetaDragon. (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=3862)


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• The results of the EUSs which can be loaded onto the GIS on request.

• Various other historic environment constraint mapping – ranging from the results of remote sensing exercises and measured field surveys to buildings surveys of local


nsport, waste,

• tional areas etc.

• Local Natural Environment and landscape constraints such as TPOs, Flood Risk s, LNRs, CNCS, CWT sites etc

storic OS map bases (see, Table 8)

a central file storage area on the authority’s network for re new datasets are added, they are checked, a

00 listed buildings and 150


HER can also access corporate GIS data such as:

• A wide range of planning and management related information eg. traleisure, natural resources etc

Administrative boundaries eg. civil and ecclesiastical parishes, electoral divisions, various opera

• Public Access data eg. PROW, cycle routes

mapping, AONB, AGLV

Corporate license agreements allow the HER to access third party information including:

• A wide range of modern and hi

• Vertical aerial photography layers from 2000 and 2005. A GIS point layer plots and records the position and references of 1946-9 RAF vertical aerial photo prints held in the Planning department.

• Natural Environment designations and constraints layers (eg. Ancient woodland, NNR, SSSI, SAC, etc) acquired from agencies such as Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Woodland Trust, RSPB etc

• The Cornwall Wildlife Trust houses The Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) which provides wildlife habitat and landcover layers

• Corporately licensed BGS geology and NSRI soils maps.

• Select UKHO inshore marine charts

• Land ownership, estates and public access eg. National Trust, MoD, Countryside Agency

The corporate GIS team has created 56

GIS data which is accessible by all staff. Befodata owner is identified as the main contact for the data and to be responsible for updates.

3.2.4 Consultation, collaboration and agreements The following section identifies how collaborative initiatives, projects and programmes are supported by the HER Team and how information deriving from these exercises is fed back into the HER. Within the authority. The HES enables Cornwall Council to discharge its duties and responsibilities towards the historic environment as local planning authority, as owner also of the largest number of esignated heritage assets of any English council (over 10d

scheduled monuments and interests in 114 conservation areas), and as a developer. The HER provides a critical role in this respect by providing the evidence base for statutory plan-making and development management and is one of the principal resources used for the promotion and presentation of the historic environment in Cornwall.

56 Corporate GEOstore network path: \\cc\root\Corporate\GIS\


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HER GIS information publication flow within Cornwall Council.

ing when encountered further down the line; this helps to use the power of information to build effective partnerships. The HER is then able to appraise and if required

potential future development pressures.

• Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5 • Cornwall’s Heritage Strategy 2011-14 (Consultation Draft Aug 2010) • A Future for Maritime Cornwall: Draft Cornwall Maritime Strategy (2010)

Climate Change, Coast and Maritime, Historic Environment and Landscape and Seascape.

• Cornwall Council, Renewable Energy: Landscape Sensitivity Assessment 2011 Strategic aims The draft Cornwall Heritage Strategy 2010 highlights the council’s strategic issues that the heritage sector generally, needs to address. The HER is able to directly support and contribute to the aims that address these issues. Planning documentation and policy development As emphasised by the National Planning Policy Framework (see section 2.1), the principal role of the HER team is to maintain and develop the evidence base that underpins the heritage advice and recommendations given through the planning process. Significantly, the NPPF encourages the earliest possible consultation with the HER during that process, since early consultation can identify and mitigate potential constraints which would be more costly and time-consum

update the record for those areas subject to The HER team also contribute directly to the development of corporate strategies and policies affecting the historic environment and are able to identify where gaps in our knowledge lie and how they may be best addressed. There are a number of existing local plans, strategies and guidance in which reference to the HER is directly or indirectly made, including (but not limited to):

• Cornwall Green Infrastructure Plan (2010-2030) • Connecting Cornwall: 2030 Strategy and Implementation Plan 2011-2014 • Cornwall Council Local Development Framework & Core Strategy57 papers covering

57 http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=22887


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 The HER holds the most comprehensive register of heritage assets in Cornwall & Scilly and is therefore amongst the best resources available to inform the protection of Cornish Character. The register enables the HE Advice Team to ensure that the distinctive character of Cornwall’s heritage is protected and its importance communicated which, in turn, influence and improve the quality of new design of buildings and public realm – effectively enhancing the sense of place. An example is the successful Cornish Milestones Project that has been supported by the

in partnership with the loca f the Milestone Society and which has seen over 400 tones being granted listed tatus. Similarly the HER has had engagement with

cils helping t ugh encouraging atures and ide ber of potential local solutions have other example provided to support the extensions servation Ar nsure


the care of Cornwall Council, the g to one of the authority’s strategic aims which

e physical, cultural and social barriers to information, understanding and the enjoyment of Cornwall’s

cation of Cornwall & Scilly’s HER via the

f complex cataloguing and retrieval systems, both paper based and those that

primarily to the improved

access to it and contributes

ase against which schemes and grants and are gauged. The HER team also offers technical assistance to such projects by producing the inventories, maps and figures that contribute to supporting documents. By incorporating the information from such projects the HER also ensures that the management information is recorded for future use. This includes providing guidance for the capture of such information in the corporate e-planning system (UNI-form) so that the benefits of such schemes are considered later during the planning process and by non-historic environment professionals. Examples of this includes the advice provided for the long term management of the Luxulyan Valley and the technical support given to the Camborne and Tuckingmill & Roskear THI schemes (2010). The HER contributes to strategies that reduce heritage at risk, by updating monitoring and management information for heritage assets, which in turn allows the most up to date and sound advice to be provided to the planning advisors. The HER and specifically the HBSMR database offers the most suitable mechanism for recording heritage assets at risk and making that information more widely available to users of the system. An example of this is a project,

HER miles

l branch o building s

several parish coun hem to identify their highway heritage and throthe recording of febeen identified. An

ntification of defects, a num is the technical assistance

of a number of Con eas in the west of the county in 2009, which helped to ethat the importance of aThese kinds of projects e

r of industrial settlements, within the WHS, was recognised. ge the good stewardship of, and access to, heritage assets in reby contributin

is to develop excellent infrastructure.

The maintenance of a high quality HER enhances public access to historic sites, monuments, buildings and landscapes. The HER’s outreach programme helps to remove th

historic environment. An example is the online publiHeritage Gateway and Historic Cornwall websites, the latter includes the HLF sponsored ‘Access to Monuments’58 project, which gives users direct access to source information as well as narratives which tell the story of Cornwall’s past. These resources publicise the significance of Cornwall’s historic environment and promote the educational use of heritage, thereby encouraging links between the sector and education providers and in the process broadening its intellectual stewardship. This contributes to the authority’s aim to increase participation by developing new audiences and increasing opportunities. The content of the HER is the result of dedicated research and its general maintenance requires the use ouse sophisticated IT software and hardware. As the HER becomes more accessible, the HER Team’s skills and experience are in considerable demand. Staff members often help to train, develop and promote the skills of colleagues and other users by advising research strategies and the appropriate use of information, as well as providing the technical guidance required to retrieve and analyse the data from the systems. While this extends knowledge and understanding of the diversity and significance of the historic environment in Cornwall & Scilly it also extends practically and technically, to the use of maps and plans, HER databases and GIS, survey equipment and photography and importantly corporate e-planning and document management systems. This directly translates to the widening and deepening of the skills base within the heritage sector in Cornwall, improves significantly to creative and dynamic ways of working. The HER is able to support heritage led regeneration projects by providing the evidence b

58 Access to Monuments website (http://www.historic-cornwall.org.uk/a2m/index.htm)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 developed by EH that is looking to provide guidance on the conservation and re-use of Cornwall’s nonconformist chapels. The HER has taken the results of a condition survey and used them to produce supporting material for the forthcoming guidance document59. The HER has been able to contribute directly to the development of guidance concerned with adapting archaeological and built heritage to climate change by advising on the Cornwall Green Infrastructure Plan and the emerging Cornwall Maritime Strategy. Both these initiatives make reference to the HER as the essential information base which supports the implementation of historic environment policies. Similarly the HER has provided information directly to regional projects such as the second round of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Shoreline Management Plan60 and the pilot Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment for the Isles of Scilly61 as well as producing the national method statement for EH’s Historic Seascapes Characterisation projects62. National Mapping Programme Between 1994 and 2006 the entire county of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and the west Devon World Heritage Site were surveyed from all available aerial photographs, and visible archaeological features were transcribed and recorded at 1:10,000 scale. More than 17, 500 new HER records were created as a result of the project. The final publication of the Project, in 2007, has been made available as a stand-alone website63.

59 English Heritage and The Methodist Church, 2011. Historic Chapels Guidance Statement. 60 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Coastal Advisory Grou p webpage (http://www.ciscag.org/smp1.html) 61 C. Johns et al, 2004. Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment for The Isles of Scilly. HES (Report No: 2004R030). 62 English Heritage Historic Seascape Character webpage (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/research/landscapes-and-areas/characterisation/historic-seascape-character/) 63 Flying Through Cornwall's Past website (http://www.historic-cornwall.org.uk/flyingpast)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 The HES NMP Team (part of HES Projects) have an agreement with the HER to continue to undertake the investigation, digital mapping and recording of archaeological features visible on remote sensing media such as aerial photographs, LiDAR and satellite imagery on an ad hoc basis.

The HER led the Cornwall Aerial Survey project, an EH funded programme of aerial reconnaissance across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly over three years between 2008 to 2011 and which has added extensively to the aerial photographic archive (see 3.3.2). This has also

nabled the HER to acquire specialist equipe ment including two high specification cameras and lens, a GPS handset, image manipulation software and OS maps for navigation which are available for future projects.

Item Sundries

Nikon D300 camera Nikon 24-70mm 1.28 ED lens, x3 8GB SD cards

Nikon D70 camera Nikon 18-71mm 3.5 ED lens

Gar G argers min PS 60 unit Camera connecting cable, PC download cables and ch

Corn lwa l & Scilly OS maps Complete set of 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 OS maps used for navigation during flights.

In the current climate it is unlikely that EH will be able to fund further projects in the short term so the H a useful a he NMP continued impetus in Cornwall.

records directly linked to the map polygons. The HLC is

velop y’s

he HER team has collaborated with the recent Lowland Cornwall Project to produce targeted

ER should consider finding resources to support a reduced programme. This will be djunct to project work and will give t Historic Landscape Characterisation The Cornwall HLC was undertaken as part of a general Landscape Assessment of the county in 1994 and published in 199664. The HLC was supported and funded by the Countryside Commission (which later became the Countryside Agency before merging with English Nature to become Natural England), English Heritage and Cornwall County Council. The mapping was rapidly undertaken by CAU staff onto 1:25,000 OS paper maps coloured according to a classification of 20 HLC Types. The Isles of Scilly were characterised in 1996. Following the publication of a report presenting the development of the method65 a series of HLC Type texts were developed by Peter Herring to accompany and explain the mapping. These texts were revised in 2009.

Both character assessments were digitised onto GIS in 2001 by the HER team. The data was then migrated into HBSMR’s HLC module in 2009 and the accompanying texts were entered into the database to form HLC Typecurated by the HER team and is routinely used alongside other HER information layers. An example of an HLC Type record can be found in Appendix 7.4.4.

The HLC has been used to help guide landscape policy within the authority especially by the HES’s Countryside Advice Officer. Recently it has also been used by the HER team to delandscape sensitivity maps (with assistance from EH), that help to inform the authoritresponse to renewable energy development proposals66.

67Trevisions of the original 1994 HLC over approx. 20% of Cornwall’s area. This revised mapping has been structured to fit easily into the HBSMR database on completion of the project.

64 ll Landscape Assessment.

pe Character and

Cornwall County Council, 1996. Cornwa65 Herring, P, 1998. Presenting a Method of Historic Landscape Characterisation. Cornwall County Council and English Heritage. 66 Historic Environment (Advice and Information), 2010. Historic Landscape Character and sensitivity mapping for Photo-Voltaic (Solar Farms) installations in Cornwall and Historic Landscasensitivity mapping for Wind Farm installations in Cornwall. 67 Young, A, 2008. Lowland Cornwall: The Hidden Landscape. Project Design for English Heritage. Cornwall Council.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

Cornwall Historic Landscape Characterisation 1994. Extensive Urban Surveys The HER includes an Extensive Urban Survey (EUS), comprising a series of related GIS layers, which map the archaeological and historic building survey results of over 70 of Cornwall and Scilly’s towns and villages68. These layers map the significant historic buildings and blocks of surviving fabric, known areas of archaeological potential, historic topography and discrete historic character areas. Many of the sites, monuments and buildings identified are cross-referenced against the HBSMR Monument and Designations modules by way of the PRN for records. All the survey reports are held digitally (PDF) and are available via the HBSMR Events module, and can be retrieved in full through the Historic Cornwall website.

69Between 1998-2004 the Cornwall Industrial Settlements Initiative (CISI) undertook a settlement analysis which obtained an overview of the history, present character and importance of Cornwall’s industrial settlements and has helped to determine where, for example, new Conserva iont Areas have been designated and existing ones revised.

2 d Scilly Urban Survey (CSUS)70 project undertook sa of 20 historic towns, using historic characterisation to

The results of the analysis are contaiThese layers include very basic information on over 15,000 buildings, urban archaeological potential and urban historic character areas. These data are all available via the HER’s GIS and are cross-referenced in many instances to existing monument and building records. Conservation Officers and Buildings data The HES combined with the former local district Building Conservation teams when the unitary Council Council was established in April 2009.

Between 002-5 the Cornwall ancharacteri tion based assessments present the results with the intention of guiding heritage-led regeneration projects.

ned within a series of reports and related GIS layers.

68 Cornwall Industrial Settlements Initiative and Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey (see www.historic-cornwall.org.uk) 69 Cornwall Industrial Settlements Initiative webpage (http://www.historic-cornwall.org.uk/cisi/) 70 Cornwall & Scilly Urban Survey (2002-2005) (http://www.historic-cornwall.org.uk/csus/)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 As part of our preparation for unitary status the HER team undertook a detailed assessment of the kind of data Conservation Officers curate, habitually access and would like to access in the HER W unity to ascertain any information access and IT issues through ice. One of the principle concerns was that the service is now disp l. Thus, to ensure a flexible and consistent approach to the curation and c assessment identified the principle issues preventing the efficient deliv ry ught to identify some of the approaches, priorities, guidance and work pr e them.

m - especially given the implementation of a single e-planning age information to it. The

work also looked at how access to these resources could be improved and what links to other ur CO data largely fell into four broad

uildings at Risk registers, grant aided buildings and other buildings of significant

isted in former district Local Plans) eg.

ilding recording etc, to the HER Event Record was also quested. COs had previously maintained their own listed building databases when in the

forme However a programme of migration, amalgamation and validation of

he HER has supported the Conservation Officers in carrying out a number of Conservation

. Natural Environment he HER sits within the same department (Transportation, Waste and Environment) as the atural Environment Service (NES). NES staff have indirect access to the HER via the

corporate intranet mapping – in fact natural and historic environment information can be found on the same internal mapping site and can be viewed alongside one another.

NES staff do not directly contribute to the HER database but maintain their own systems either directly eg. TPO databases, or indirectly through a SLA with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust who curate the habitat and species records.

. e also took the opportout the new enlarged serv

ersed across Cornwal ac ess of information, thee of information and so

ogrammes that would resolv The exercise was largely concerned with identifying current archives and records and how to consolidate and rationalise thesystem and our commitment to provide accurate and up to date herit

related so ces, internal or external, could be made. The categories:

• Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas records, descriptions and maps • Local B

architectural interest (eg. Trevail Buildings). • Other heritage sites of local interest (often l

gardens • Report archives comprising Conservation Area Statements, Appraisals, Management

Plans, THI and HER schemes etc • Extensive building photo archives

The COs indicated that it would be advantageous to deposit the material above formally into the HER, particularly into the HBSMR database and linked GIS. The information was variable across the former LAs in terms of accessibility, format and completeness. A consensus agreed that producing a single consolidated list, cross referenced to English Heritage registers, online resources and internal planning systems was desirable. Similarly the routine deposition of the results of appraisals, historic bure

r district councils. these records has been undertaken over the past 18 months and has just recently been completed. All records of Cornwall’s listings are now available in HBSMR and the authority’s e-planning system, UNI-form. As noted earlier, (section 3.1) a scoping document is required in order to programme the formal integration of remaining Conservation Officer records, local lists

nd reports etc into the HER. a Future work will include accessing buildings at risk lists, local buildings of architectural interest to the HBSMR and the scanning and cataloguing of photographs. Increasingly COs are contributing to the content of the HER with the identification of local lists of buildings of architectural and historic interest eg, the architecture of Silvanus Trevail and Henry Rice.

TArea Appraisals and the results are entered onto the HBSMR’s Event module. All Conservation Officers have access to the HER, either directly or indirectly as described in section 2.2.1. Training has been given to most in using the HER’s systems and they regularly consult the HER database from their desks via the WAN. Further training is required to ensure the initial impetus is maintained.



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 External

, i ich s on is d in fieldwork e information into the

HER, but this has alwa . Thus ded to focus on the rmat. The m wi

ar in ion onto th

IS 71 ry 2011 all report ring

is av n made a via this

uding eological assessment and investigation, and

eted the most recent )73.

HIMonum me The n Officer mation exchan d onli r than nd rese the accurac f accurac

everth urrent approaches towards the PAS need to be reviewed and a forthcoming finds data to the HER by using semi-automated

Heritage ‘Heritage at Risk’ register77, SAVE register78 S engine house su (Sharpe The sites n the list

The HER team haspresente

n the past, attempted to guide thereports with a view to improving thys proved difficult to implementrather than any

form in wh accession of , work has ten

ite informati

content of information fieldwork reports as p

particular fot of the process of entering the new

HER Teaformat

ll always ‘filter’ e HER. OASThe HER subscribes to the OASIS prograarchaeological and h

mme and from Jantoric building work in Cornwall h

uae bee

s covevailable


Briefs produced by the HE Advice Team’s Planning Archaeologists for WSIs inclarchaeological and building recording, archageophysical surveys, all include clauses that stipulate the project results must be submitted to OASIS and the Archaeology Data Service72 within a 6 month deadline.

Section describes the relationship between the HER’s HBSMR Event record and the OASIS programme in more detail.

. Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England (SHINE) 3With guidance from the HES Countryside Officer the HER has just complround (2010-11) of the Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England initiative (SHINES NE records are stored in the HBSMR Designations Module and are cross-referenced to

ent records.

3 Portable Antiquities Sche HER has in the past refused to accept data from the PAS74, and the Cornwall Finds Liaiso

(based at the RCM), on the basis that the conditions75 imposed on any inforge are unworkable. These provisos limit the publication of finds data, by the HER an

ne via the Heritage Gateway, by restricting the level of geographic accuracy to no greateNGR of 4-figu a res (even though the full NGR is available for planning control a

arch purposes). The HER team argued that it would be counter-intuitive to reduce y of the data, and that it would be potentially misleading to have different levels oy for similar site types, and that it would not be possible to have confidence in GIS plots.

eless the cNproject will investigate and trial the migration of

R import routines76. HBSM Heritage at Risk register The HER cross-references to the English and the WH rvey assessment , 2009). included o 71 Online AccesS to the Index of archae http://www. s.ac.uk/ological investigationS ( oasi )

ldwork Rep ://archaeology e.ac.uk/archives/view/greylit/72 ADS Unpublished Fie ort library (http dataservic )

n r Natural England (http://www.myshinedata.org.uk/73 SHINE - Selected Heritage Inve tory fo )

le Antiquities Scheme (http://finds.org.uk/74 Portab )

ntiquities Sche Historic Envir nment Records; nd data ac nt.

76 1. F oor Lithic Rec Project, Project 8PD.


75 PAS, Oct 2003. Data transfer from the Portissues of confidentiality a

able Acess. Draft docume

me to o

Jones, A and Tyacke, A. 201Design. English Heritage ref. 599

ields of Stone: Clodgy M

Environs, oding

77 English Heritage’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ register webpage (http://www.englheritage.org.uk/caring/heritage-at-risk/) 78 Save Britain’s Heritage – Buildings at Risk websi(http://www.savebritainsheritage.org/buildings_at_risk/

te )


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 are usually statutory designations that are suffering from neglect, decay or inapprochange. The list (13/07/2011) includes the following:


ark & Garden

Other data exchange/supply agreements

Over 30maps pboxes a offices and archive store. A programme of scanning over the past 5 yeabec eimages

ists of all the maps and plans produced by the HES, in paper and igital formats, ranging from large-scale and detailed site surveys to small-scale and broad-

rpretive maps alongside historic building elevations and artefact drawings. There are origina ed-up versions, and derived illustrations for publication.

s a Source in the HBSMR database withnetwork

• 210 Scheduled Monuments

• 22 Listed Buildings

• 10 Conservation Areas

• 1 Registered P

In future it will be necessary to ensure that all sites are cross-referenced against records held the HER’s HBSMR database.

A local heritage at risk list is currently being developed (March 2012). The HER occasionally exchanges information with other organisations and generally on an ad hoc basis. These include The World Heritage Site Office, The National Trust and the Tamar Valley AONB.

3.3 Primary and unique archive material The HER is not an archive in the sense that it curates the work of other individuals or organisations. Apart from the library, published maps and maps on fiche all the primary archive material is the result of fieldwork undertaken by the HES since 1975. For details of the emerging Archive and Disposals policy see Appendix 7.5.

00 surveys, excavations and other projects have generated a considerable quantity of , lans, paper and film archives which are stored in various cabinets, hangers, drawers,

nd shelves in the HES rs has digitised considerable parts of the paper archive and since 2000, formats have

om increasingly digitally based– primarily in CAD and GIS formats but also including such as TIFF and JPEG.

3.3.1 Graphic Archive The graphic archive consdbased inte

l perma-trace field drawings, ink Many landscape surveys, such as those for Bodmin Moor and West Penwith, have annotated ‘explanatory overlays’ which provide specific details about the individual features identified within the areas surveyed, including dimensions, construction materials and cross-references to further information held on context sheets (some of which have also been scanned as PDF documents)79.

The graphic archive is indexed on cards filed by number and an electronic equivalent has been transcribed onto an MS Excel spreadsheet80. The records are cross-referenced to each plan and map sheet which has its number stamped or written on the hanging strip. It is proposed that, in time, each graphic archive item will be recorded a

links established to a directory of archive quality scanned image files stored on the CC 81. The following table outlines the principle types of graphic archive.

79 \\cc\root\PTE\Tru\CH\ScanData\Historic Environment (Scans)\ Context Sheets\80 \\cc\root\PTE\Tru\CH\ScanData\Historic Environment (Scans)\ Graphic_Record_Archive\ Documentation\GRH_Index_Final.xls81 \\cc\root\PTE\Tru\CH\ScanData\Historic Environment (Scans)\ Graphic_Record_Archive\GRH or GRE or GRR


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Graphic archive type Description Format Number of items Graph(GRH)

pro o GRH n


ic Record Hanging Drawings (typically A1 or A0) are hung in open two-pronged filing cabinets. There are currently six hanging cabinets containing

Paper; digital (approx. 800 items have bee

Approx. 4000


x. 4000 plans assigned trs 1 to 355.

ned to date)

Graphic Record E(GRE)

al Field drawings and small illustrations in card envelopes. There are

5 c g approx. 2000

Pape A 000 nvelope Origin

22 ard envelopes containinplans.

r pprox. 2

Graphic Record Roll Appro rox. 200 Paper Approx. 200 (GRR)

x. 70 rolls containing appplans

Graphic Archive(? D/CC n

git) Digital CA GIS/Image based drawings stored on etwork by project name and code*

Di al Unknown

*Best practice guidance has ital graphic records (see section ap elines fo e

nd transfer of proje There are issues concerning nditions of the graphic record. The range

on of d le for t e gh igitisation g good qualit the m ets and

plans continue to deteriora tear or furl and hanging strips come ck. The envelopes are stored upright, causing the plans to nsid ch should not be suspended but stored in archive quality plan c r in roll


• Appropriate archive storage facilities are identified and secured for long term storage of

ly. Currently the only reliable method for retrieving items is through the originating project report and corresponding Event Record, in which the archive details are listed.

.3.2 Photographic archive he photo archive comprises all the photographs either taken or collected by the HES, their eans of storage and the catalogues created to manage and retrieve them.

he archive includes the following types:

been produced for archiving dig7.5) and is incldeposition a

uded as an pendix in the HES, 2011. Guidct archives. 2

r the creation, pr paration, nd Draft.

the long term archival coof variatiand althou

humidity anthe d

temperatures are unacceptab programme is securin

te – dyelines fade, sheets

he storage of ay copies

public archivap she


buckle ihests o

e. Ideally sus.

To adequately secure the graphic archive a number of tasks are required:

• All hard-copy graphic items are secured and adequately labelled, numbered and given an index record

• All graphic item index records are systematically entered into the HBSMR ‘Sources and Archives’ module

• All graphic items are scanned, digitised to archive quality image standard and linked tHBSMR Source record (approx. 800 items comprising the West Penwith archive [GRH68] have been scanned to date)

original items • Further guidance is required to ensure that the digital graphic archive is documented



TType (Code) Format Number Catalogued

Ground B/W photos (GBP) Negative, contact sheet 49,077 49,077

Ground Colour photos (GCP) Print, Negative, contact sheet Approx. 1000 118

Aerial B/W oblique (ABP) Print, negative 7348 7348

Aerial B/W and colour vertical (non-ES)*

Print 2858 2858 H

Ground Colour Slides (GCS) Slide 22, 186 22, 186

Aerial Colour Slides (ACS) Slide, Image (TIFF) 6489, (2468 scanned)


Aerial Colour Digital oblique (ADI) Image (RAW, TIFF, JPEG 6246 6246

Ground Colour Digital (GDI) Image (TIFF, JPEG) Approx. 220, 000 No**


onservation Officer historic building hoto records

Prints, Image (TIFF, JPEG) Approx. 20, 500 No

Total 300, 000+ 95, 308


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 * there are an ces that require cataloguing, including thos ck District Council etc ** these are principally generated by HES projects and a different solution is required for these items.

paper catalogues which are periodically transf o database. The early catalogue entries do not have

‘LibraryLink’, and in future it is

re grid reference) and green for verticals. The slides and negatives are stored in

x daily variation -

itions for photographic materials it is clear that

e and enter the artefacts as records in the HER before depositing them in the HES’s

mber of CC servers, accessible from offices

• ‘Documents’ includes all administrative documentation, guidelines and policy documents, correspondence and project files. This data changes frequently.

• ‘Spatial data’ includes all GIS and CAD data as well as HBSMR databases and miscellaneous project data. This data changes frequently.

unknown number of aerial photographs from other soure taken by the Potato Marketing Board, the former Carri

The photographs and negatives are supported byerred onto an MS Access Phot

complete information – many lack PRN or other essential details. All digital aerial photographs are catalogued.

It is also worth noting here that 9579 digital images, ground and aerial, are directly linked to 3641 Monument records through the HBSMR add-on softwarelikely that digital photos will be catalogued in this system too (alongside the Photo database) for publication to the Heritage Gateway. However there is a pressing need to review and better define how photo cataloguing should progress in future and what criteria are applied for those images that are referenced in LibraryLink and can therefore be published on the Heritage Gateway.

Aerial photographic prints are stored in boxes in the HER corridor; brown for obliques (ordered by 4 figuspecial photo-archive grade plastic wallets in 5-drawer metal filing cabinets in the HES’s photo archive room, in number order, and in recent years have been deposited with the RCM. The HER has access to a slide copier, slide viewer and light table.

Suitable Archive Storage space is a critical issue. There is no more space for more filing cabinets and the RCM is increasingly unable to receive more material. Temperature and relative humidity have been monitored in the past (July-Nov 1998); figures for the period as follows:

• Temperature (Degrees Celsius): Total range - 13-27° (mean - 22°); Ma6°; daily mean temp: 20-23° (higher in summer but falling as winter approaches, with larger daily variations).

• Relative humidity: Total range – 66-76% (mean – 72%); max daily variation - 8%; Min daily variation - 1%: Daily mean value – 70-74%

When compared to recommended storage cond 82

archive conditions, though better than room conditions, are far from ideal, falling well below CRO and EH standards.

3.3.3 Fieldwork Artefact collection There are small numbers of artefacts stored in the HER room awaiting accession to the HER. These currently comprise 10 boxes of artefacts from various miscellaneous field walking projects. Typically these archives have been donated by members of the public. The HER team will analysFindstore. Cross-references to the PAS will also be sought.

3.3.4 Archiving and filing architecture HES’s electronic documents reside on a nuthroughout the county and are mapped to four discrete directories – each holding files and information related to a particular area of work.

• ‘Images (Photos)’ includes all primary archives of digital photographs, aerial and ground (see 3.3.2 above), as well as those colour slides and prints subsequently scanned for publication or use in the HER. This data changes frequently.

82 Wilson, D, 1977. The Care and Storage of Photographs. NAPLIB.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

• ‘Scanned documents’ is a repository of scanned primary archives comp rising the PDF Event report library; statutory designation notifications; scanned surveys, site plans and other miscellaneous maps. This is data that very rarely changes.

HE Resource Distributed File System (DFS)

Server/ Mapped drive Size (March 2009)

Size (March 2011)

Images ref on 'cc\root\pte' (R:) )

mem-fst-cen-159 (Photos Address to map: \\cc\root\pte\ref

R:\Images\HES Images @ 737 GB @ 1.15TB 205,073 files 237, 801 files

Documents mem-fst-cen- groups on 'cc\root\pte\tru\ch' (G:) (Word) 223 Address to map: \\cc\root\pte\tru\ch\groups

G:\Historic Environment (Documents) @ 115 GB @ 198GB 192,321 files 233, 991 files



ial data )


appsdata on 'cc\root\pte\tru\ch' (L:) Address to map:

L:\Historic Environment (Data)

.8 GB @ 136GB 67,547 files @ 64

102, 429 files

Scanned mem-fst-cen- scandatadocuments 159

on 'cc\root\pte\tru\ch' (Y:) Address to map: \\cc\root\pte\tru\ch\scandata Y:\Historic Environment (Scans)

2,211 files @ 19.8 GB

6, 692 files @ 56.9GB

Total 937GB 1.54TB

Since becoming a unitary authority a single electronic filing system accessible to all staff is envisaged for the HER, Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers. In practice several different filing systems persist, having been inherited from the former local authorities. Nevertheless as the HER e of filing structures and procedures is starting to develop.

To achieve complete convergence would require further work including assessing what the resource is, how many files it comprises and how it is structured. Identifying which material is publicly available and which is confidential or sensitive would also be necessary. However HES servers are already at capacity in terms of material they can hold and new material will simply stretch this capacity further, increased storage space on the CC servers is therefore likely.

systems are rolled out convergenc


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4 Information Management 4.1 System organisation and procedures 4.1.1 Recording Guidelines The HER has had a written manual to guide those responsible for data input since the SMR was first computerised using Superfile software from 1984 onwards. The current Guide was produced in June 2010 and covers data entry and recording conventions for the Cornwall and Scilly HBSMR database and GIS system (see Appendix 7.3.1).

The HBSMR Guide for Record Input deals with the creation of new records and is used by those within the HES who are involved in record creation - currently restricted to HER staff and members of the NMP Team. One of the most important functions of the Guide is to set clear and unambiguous standards for the descriptive sections of the record. To this end, there is a comprehensive section that defines the Cornwall “house style” including approved forms for abbreviations and the conventions to be used when compiling the textual descriptions in HER records.

Since the HER team uses the exeGesIS software, the HBSMR User Guide and System Administrator manuals are used for reference to the data fields, standard word-lists and thesauri.

A recent addition to the Guide has been a basic introduction to the use of spatial data, and the creation of points, lines and polygons to depict heritage assets. However there is, at this stage, no nationally agreed guidance regarding specific conventions for spatial depiction of differing types of monuments, buildings, or sites. The HER is in the process of developing these protocols as part of the outcome of current data entry and HER enhancement.

The Guide also includes a brief technical overview of ‘parent-child’ and peer-to-peer relationships available in HBSMR, but has no specific guidance on how to deal with complex multi-featured sites. However, data entry and record creation is for the present confined largely to dedicated HER staff, who are (or should be!) familiar with the conventions currently in use for complex monument types as set out in earlier guides. Similarly, there is no up-to-date guidance on recording artefacts and ecofacts.

For these reasons, the Cornwall Guide is not adequate for the training of new staff, assistants or volunteers. It was intended rather to be an initial work of reference for existing staff, its main purpose being to ensure that data entry is to a consistent standard.

Guidelines were produced for recording specific monument classes for the ‘old’ SMR, but they will need to be updated for the new HBSMR system. So far a small umber of subjects83 have been covered, in the form of an overview and commentary for each theme, thesaurus terms with expanded or alternative scope notes, and illustrative examples from the historic OS mapping.

It is the intention that these guidelines will expand over time to include additional classes, whilst maintaining broadly the same format. At present one of the Senior Archaeologists in the HER team takes the lead responsibility for compiling and maintaining the Guide, and also maintains and develops standards for recording practice.

The current Guide requires an update in order to present the rationale and strategic priorities behind recor

cording of all sites systematically and consistently; providing details on how best to approach verything from single artefact finds to complex multi-period and multi-site types. This will set

out the accepted approach in each instance and provide exemplars for analogy.

d creation, not simply the technical solutions. The guidance should approach the ree

\\cc\root\pte\tru\ch\groups\Historic Environment (Documents)\HE Guidelines & Service 83



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4.2 on schemes

• Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record (HBSMR) and its various modules

• CC’s e-planning database – UNI-form’s Listed Building and GMS constraints modules (ie. those that hold heritage information derived from the HER) HBSMR Data model The HER uses HBSMR v3.7 which has been developed in association with the NMR and ALGAO85. This employs the standard Event /Monument /Source data model with many-to-many relationships between each data type (see Figures 4 and 5, Tables 6 and 7, Appendices 7.6 and 7.7).

Computerised database(s) and relevant informatiThe HBSMR database was developed by exeGesIS in partnership with the NMR and ALGAO and its data dictionaries and wordlists comply with the MIDAS Data Standard published in 199784.

4.2.1 HER data structure The following sections outlines the structures of the principle databases used in the HER and by the Planning Archaeologists and Conservation Officers:

Figure 4: HBSMR Data Model diagram

84 MIDAS Data Standard 1997 (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/archives-and-collections/nmr/heritage-data/midas-heritage/). MIDAS standards were updated in 2007 (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/midas-heritage/). 85 exeGesIS HBSMR User’s Guide Version 3.7. Section 3.1. July 2010.


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Figure 5: HBSMR Physical Data Model: Monum ent <> Source

H a fields The HER uses HBSMR and the data fields set out in the following modules: Monuments &

sulta s; De ns; Events & Site Activities; ori cteri and ple & Organisations.

ents <> Ev BSMR Dat

Historic BuildFinds; Hist

ings; Sources & Archivec Landscape C

s; Consation

tion Peo



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 4.2.2 UNI-form Listed Building Data model and Data Fi

h g ne of th A, the ing base - UN orm - comprises a number of d ntal modules which all access the local land and property gazetteer (LLPG), whic s part of the national land and property gazetteer (NLPG). Every planning reco nised around a unique number(s), the UPRN for a building or plot of land and this allow o be made to other details stored in other modules. The HER team maintains the Building module and has liaised closely with the Planning & Regeneration

d building, sched nu t and h oric parks and arden r into u date and in with the HBSMR an al

Heritage List.

elds To address t e plannin

epartmeh itself formrd is orgas links t


eds e LP e-plann data I-f

team to loathe LB mod

all listed le and ensure that it is ke

uled mopt up to

men istsync

g ecords d Nation

d as well as cross references to be made tributes include the ‘Reference’ field that records the Unique

‘UPRN’ field records the NLPG’s unique BLPU and ties this asset to other modules including Development Management which allows users to access


The HER uses HBS 7 which itse ively stru ound the data stand reed in tion with the N . Prior to migration to HBSMR the former SMR database was d against th rd a be

The HBSMR data as inbuilt E ri that co es lary according to INSC N – these ed le 6 b

T has exten rdlists to inc relevan fo and particular forms of investigation for Ev terms have been submitted to the NMR in the past (prior to n of HBSMR) with lim l re of the site type and terminology used. The has continued to use such candi it s per t local distin

The Li etails to be capturested Building module allows all d

to the HBSMR. Critical atLBUID number maintained by EH (now replaced by the combined national heritage list number. The ‘Alternative Reference’ records the DesigUID given to the same designation record in HBSMR’s Designation module. The

planning e histories.

4.2.3 Data standards MR v3. lf is extens ctured ar 1997 MIDAS

ards ag associa mappe

MR and ALGAOe MIDAS standa nd was found to compliant.

base h H thesau ntrol terminologi and vocabuRIPTIO were last updat to v12 on 04/04/2011 (see Tab


he HER ded wo lude locally t candidate terms r Monumentsents. Candidate

ited succe HER

adoptio ss due to the very ocalised natudate terms as

ees fit and pro to reflec ctiveness.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Table 6 - Thesauri

Date o daf Latest Up te Upda

Thesaurus Name te Requested

(Y/N) EH Thesauri: Aircraft Types 04/04/2011 N Archaeolomethod)

gical ce (unknow

Scien Scientific date n N

Main Building ls 04/04/2Materia 011 N Components 04/04/2011 N Covering Buil teria 04/04/2ding Ma ls 011 N Defence of Br 04/04/2itain 011 N Event Types 04/04/2011 N Evidence 04/04/2011 N Maritime Craf /2t Types 04/04 011 N Maritime Fixtures and Fittings n/a Maritime Plac s 4/2e Name 04/0 011 N Maritime Vessel Nationalit 04/04/2011 N y Mda Archaeological Object Types 04/04/2011 N

Monument Types 04/04/2011 N National Trus 0t Thred 4/04/2011 N Object Material 04/04/2011 N

Other Thesauri: British Museu n/a m Object Material

D of the sts used by the re They r a ld in the tabl lds w. S en grouped for ease and simplicity.

.2.3.2 Table 7 – Audit against Published Data Standards

etails eflect the v

wordlilues he

Cornwall & es and fie

Scilly HER a outlined belo

set out in Appendix 7.6. ome fields have be

4Data Field Wordlist (HBSMR LUTs) MIDAS equivalent

Table Name Field Name Exists Forced Source Reference Match


Monument Monument Yes Yes EH Monument 1 and 2 Controlled Type Type thesaurus in



(Controlled thesaurus in HBSMR)

Period Local Period 1 and 2 See section3.2.2.4

Monument Admin Area Yes Yes Local County 1 Type


Local Unitary thorit

onument Admin Areas N e

Yes Yes Au y


Monument Evidence Yes Evidenc Yes EH e 1 and 2

Monument ls Material Materia Yes Yes EH s 1

Monument Component Type

Yes Yes EH Components 1

Monument Style & decorative features

Yes Yes EH - -

Monument Status & Codes

Yes No HBSMR, Local

- -

Monument Scores Yes No Local Condition, -


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Monument Monitoring Stability, Vulnerability, Damaging

Yes No HBSMR - -

Agent, Damaging Impact

Monument Maritime yp

anner Loss,

Yes E Vessel TM

e, of

Propulsion, Construction

Yes H - 1

Find Find Type Yes Yes EH Find Type 1 Controlled thesaurus in HBSMR.

Find Material Type

Yes Yes EH Materials 1

Event Activity Type

Yes Yes EH Event Type 1 and 2 See section

Source Source Type

Yes Yes EH Archive/Source type

1 and 2

Source Originator Yes Yes Local n/a n/a

Consultation Consultation Yes Yes Local n/a n/a HBSMR Type, Stage Type

User Group list forthcoming

Designation Record Type

Yes Yes HBSMR - -

Designation Grade Yes Yes HBSMR - -

4.3 GIS for current and historical mapping 4.3.1 HER map base (digital) The HER data can be overlain against a range of digital base maps. Corporately licensed current and historical mapping for GIS is accessed via the Cornwall Council WAN. Modern OS map bases are updated quarterly. Table(s) 8 – HER Map Base-Digital Modern OS maps include:

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1:250,000 Raster Cornwall, Devon Ordnance Survey OS 1:250,000 1:100,000 Raster Cornwall Ordnance Survey OS 1:100,000

1:50,000 Raster Cornwall, Scilly, Devon Ordnance Survey OS 1:50,000

1:25,000 Raster Cornwall Ordnance Survey OS 1:25,000

1:10,000 Raster Cornwall, Scilly, Devon Ordnance Survey OS 1:10,000

1:1250/1:2500 Vector Cornwall & Scilly Ordnance Survey OS MasterMap


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Historic OS maps include:

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1” : 1 mile Raster Cornwall Council? OS c1809 1”:1 mile Cornwall

Various Raster Cornwall (approx. 120 Cornwall 1837-1845 Parish Tithe Award parishes to date) Council Maps

1:2500 Raster Cornwall Landmark OS 1:2500 1st Edition c1880

1:10,560 Raster Isles of Scilly Landmark OS 1:10,560 1st Edition c1880

1:2500 Raster Cornwall Landmark OS 1:2500 2nd Edition c1907

1:10,560 Raster Isles of Scilly Landmark OS 1:10,560 2nd Edition c1907

1:2500 Raster Partial, restricted to military areas in SE Cornwall Landmark OS 1:2500 1914 Revision

1:2500 Raster Partial, mostly restricted to urban areas Landmark OS 1:2500 1930s Revision

Aerial photograph coverage includes:

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1:7500 Hard Copy, Raster Cornwall Cornwall Council?

1946-9 RAF Aerial Photograph verticals

25cm resolution Raster Cornwall Getmapping 1:10,000 Aerial Photograph

verticals (2000)

25cm resolution Raster Cornwall Getmapping 1:10,000 Aerial Photograph

verticals (2005)

25cm Orthorectified Radar Imageresolution? Raster Cornwall Getmapping (2006)


Elevation map data includes:

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

5m resolutio Grid Cornwall Intermap Technologiesn Inc Digital Surface Model (2006)

5m resolution Grid Intermap Te s Inc Digital in Model (2006) Cornwall chnologie Terra

5m resolution Vector Corn all Intermap Te c Contou w chnologies In rs (2006)

Miscellaneous map data s: include

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1:50,000 Vector British Geolo BGS Geology: bedrock, artificia

Cornwall gical Survey l and drift

- Vector National Soil Institute (NSR a Cornwall Resources Soil MI) ps


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 4.3.2 are and hardware

publish HER data on the corporate intranet and internet websites.

Mapping softwThe HER uses the ESRI GIS mapping software packages. ArcGIS 9.2 is the current package used to link to the HBSMR and to display other data layers available corporately. Corporate ArcIMS software is used to Table 9 – Mapping Software and Hardware GIS software Version Number of licences Status

ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 31 (Concurrent) Local authority network

ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 5 Stand alone

4.3.3 Site depiction The initial compilation of the SMR involved hand-drawing the location and extent of sites onto 6” OS maps (1:10560), effectively as points or polygons. The unique identifier, then known as the ‘SMR number’, was written on the map beside the depiction of the site. When the paper maps began to deteriorate, they were replaced with the new metric 1:10000 maps with annotations

nslating the SMR database’s NGR values, for each site, to a single ctively removed the ‘extent’ information from the

Since ved GIS interface, we have begun to depict

will continue to have a point depiction whether or not they also have an area or linear depiction. ints te is recorded accurately; where

BR), representing the polygon or

drawn onto film overlays. Recording conventions were maintained over this development (see 4.4.3). Since 1997 all sites have plotted only as points on the digital map base because the GIS has been restricted to traand centred X and Y coordinate. This has effeSMR maps.

the adoption of HBSMR in 2009, with its improsites as either point, line, or polygon as appropriate. However, it has been decided that all sites,

Using po ensures that the centre of any monument or siotherwise the centroid of the minimum bounding rectangle (M

Screenshot of original SMR maps geo-referenced within GIS with HBSMR data points overlain.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 linear ld give a co-ordinate that was offset and therefore inaccurate.

sing the exeGesIS MapLink the textual records (and vice

ious scales and no specific classes of monument are excluded . Generally the HER team aims to plot sites to 10-figure NGR

a evertheless precision of a site depiction may be determined by the source material or investigative technique used to identify it. Wherever possible sites are plotted to the mos vailable map base. Thus when a site location is derived from a historic map for example, the location plotted onto to the most recent OS map. Many site mote sensing techniques (eg. NMP aerial

etc) or measured field survey and excavation, in which case the scale has been pre-determined by the requirements of the project. However 207 records

splayed on the GIS because they do not have sufficiently precise NGRs to warrant

x a

and a decision must be made whether to plot the omplex at a high level as a single site, or at a lower level as complex of individual records. (eg

a barr

level, to qualify the sources, scales etc used for each

feature in HBSMR, wouPoint data also allows the records to display at smaller scales where polygons and lines would not be legible; points can also be used to generate county-wide distribution maps and other types of indicative maps when required.

All HBSMR records, for all relevant modules, are captured uextension which ensures that the spatial data is directly linked to versa).

HER sites are cfrom displa

aptured a vary on the map base

ccuracy (1m square). N

t accurate awill nevertheless be

s though, have been located through rephoto transcriptions, geophysics

are not diplotting; these are usually sites that are located to 4-figure NGRs (ie. within a 1km square) or for which the source gives the location to Parish level or similar.

Over-riding all this is the interpretation of the individual HER officer when depicting a complesite comprising a hierarchy of components (eg. a prehistoric settlement of several huts withinield system, a multi-phase mine site, etc), f

cow group).

Some monument classes have specific guidance governing their depiction. For example, the extent of medieval settlements identified through documentary place-name records cannot always be confidently defined. Therefore a record is often only approximately plotted to an arbitrary ‘centre’, such as at a cross-roads or other focus, that demonstrates longevity, and which can be ascertained from available mapping – usually the tithe or historic OS maps.

There is no validation process currently in place to monitor GIS depictions of sites nor is there sufficient GIS metadata, at the feature record. Guidance on depiction and metadata is required to ensure consistency in the future.

The following table sets out how different types of records are depicted on the GIS. Table 10 – Digital Mapping: Site Depiction Scale of Capture Data Type Site Type Total number

1:1250-1:10,000 Polygon Monument 1671

1:1250-1:10,000 Line Monument 342

1:1250-1:10,000 Point Monument 55, 523

1:10,000 Line Monuments (NMP) 17, 658

1:10,000 Polygon Scheduled Monument 1584

1:1250 – 1:2500 Polygon Listed Building 12, 647

1:2500 Polygon Conservation Area 145

1:10,000 Polygon Historic Parks and Garden 37

1:10,000 Polygon Battlefield Site 2

1:2500 Polygon World Heritage Site 10

1:10,000 Polygo ated Wreck n Design 13

1:10,000 Point cted Military Prote Remains 2

1:10,000 Polygo s 3211 n Event

1:25,000 Polygon HLC n/a

1:10,000 Polygo tations 445, 1560 n, Point Consul


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 4.3.4 GIS strategy

do have a or di ng. principles and g in the ADS’s guidance document86 is often used

basis for most work.

orate n the ices Team, via IDEA Communities o actice ic Services website, to

include ‘lead’ users in those departments that use GIS. This a um for discussion of , and copy cutting init

as traditionally bee of the larger groups using GIS within the authority and has high profile within the community. The GIS requirements of service is principally administered


The HER tea ed a lead ro dev t of the a ompliance with UK Gemini Metadata standards (2004 ex ent rough the development of the in-house Meta on application; the HER p put during the technical development. The software was to enabl sharing at a local level – and it functio bilitie co ateway. It is now the standard corporate tool for searching on the authority’s geo-spatial data holdings.

All HER spatial data that is published, ithi e g metadata documents.

4 ppo erence c ns .4.1 Index to supporting reference collections Table 11 – Referenc on HER

The HER However theas a

es not a a policy on recouidance set out

rding spatial d ta for GIS gital mappi

There are no GIS Serv

formal corp policies governing GIS however f Good Pr

a group has bee for Publllows a for

set up by

best practice

The HES h

licence right issues and c

n one

ross- iatives.

aby the GIS specialist within the HER Team who ensures staff have adequate access to systemand technical support.

m play le in the elopmen uthority’s c), and by Drag

tension implem ation of ISO19115, throvided the ‘client’ in

designeds have been re

e effective gnised by the GIGs design and nal capa

w n or outside th authority, have accompanyin

.4 Su rting ref ollectio4The following reference collections are held by the HER but do not constitute primary archives.

e collecti s in the R eferencetype

Quantity Condition % Catalogue Value to HER


H ty Good s and Zones LC Coun 100 yes High 1994 HLC Type

Mining Maps rveys Good photocopies of original mining surveys. Mid-

24 su 100 Yes High Laminated

late C19.

China Clay S nd Constraints


Good High Marked up OS sheets with china clay

industry centred on the St

urveys aApprox.maps

100 Yes details of the

Austell area.

Marine Charts 26 charts Good Yes High Modern and historic marine 100charts.

Geology & S

18 maps Good ? Medium BGS geology maps. oils


Agricultural Landuse

6 maps Good 100 Yes Medium 1960s edition published by MAFF.

MPP archive own Good ? (1999-

Unkn No High Record of site visits in advance of schedule updates 2001). Unfinished project results.

Defence of Britain folders

Good 100 559 HBSMR


eets and photographs.

12 lever arch Yes.


High Original field survey sh


apid entification

Survey (NEand

Approx. 50 sheets

Medium 100 Yes. Entered into HBSMR.

Survey of archaeological and historic sites undertaken between 1993-4.

Medium Rapid Identification



86 Archaeology Data Service GIS Guide to Good Practice (http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/goodguides/gis/)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 4.4.2 HER information files

cal sites in the HBSMR is augmented by ‘Information files’ organised filing cabinets in the HER corridor. Information files are usually site or

area s ain off-prints, images, plans, sketches, correspondence etc.

formation files.

the ‘Ref’ fielFolder Name’ eg. SX25NE – Alsia well

t taw

and 2 N

sy evolved thd by the

llowed by site numbers running continuously from

tinuously from 1 upNE and progressing south a

pi pies of 1: betwee

aR beg d

,000 OS map

4.4.3. Copy Mapping: Site D

Information on archaeologiby OS quarter sheet in the

pecific, and may cont

A Source record has been created for staff to reference In

SourceUID: SCO24104

Source type: Unpublished document

Originator: Cornwall Council

Year(s): 1975-present

Title: Historic Environment Record Information File

Last updated: 17/10/2011 11:58:08


Information files hold a range of associated material (eg. docross-referenced to specific sites, monuments and landsca

Once tagged enter the specific details in

4.4.3 HER map base (hard copy – paper and filmThe HER holds an extensive archive of paper maps.maps were annotated with the SMR No. (UID), lomonuments and finds. They are still used in some features has yecabinets and dr

o be transcribed onto GIS. Paperers in the HER room and Archiv

(SV, SW, SX SS) with each 10km map arrangedNE, SW, SE.; 0 W, NE, SW, SE etc.

The numberingSMR adopted the n

stem for the HER has umbering system use

forecord was recast, SMR numbers were placed by PRprefix and numbered all sites con

nd westwards.

cted on photocoThe original SMR was deoriginal SMR mapsSMR in a compatible p

n 1975-84. During this pper format and the pla

Recasting of the SMsystem comprising film overlays to 1:10

an in 1984 and involved

were incorporated into the SMR; industrial sites wproject funded by RCHM in 1984-9. This produced anwith archaeology, industrial remains and place-name

The NMP generated permatrace overlays for 78 10and 2002, prior to the use of AutoCAD. Since thisdigitally (see

1 Table 12 – HardName Map Scale Depiction Colou

Original SMR 1:10, 560 Polygon, point, Red, maps (1975-84)

(photocopies of OS maps)

Line Black

Original Industrial SMR maps

1:10, 560 (photocopies of OS maps)

Polygon, point, Line

Red, GreenBlack



Organisation:Cornwall & Scilly HER

Location: Kennall Building

rrespondence etc) that is

d using the convention ‘Quarter Sheet –

ally where the extent of re located in ging They are or refix

by quarter-sheet in 1 NW,

rough time. The orig the OS which comprised fix 1 eg. SW32SW/17. From 1984 when the

wards across the county, beginning in the

10, 560 OS erio ce-na . raw acement s. D itial recasting place-names


cuments, photos, copes.

) Before the adoption of GIS the paper SMR cation and extent of archaeological sites, instances – especi maps ae Store.

a series of hanganised by OS p

the sequence 0

inal compilers of quarter-sheet pre

Ns which dispensed with the quarter-sheet

maps. The CCRA compiled the d the ICS also compiled the industrial

mes record comprising 2½” mapsing sites onto a complete repluring the in

ere added to this system as a separate amalgamated map for each quarter-sheet


km tiles across the county between 1992 time all NMP plots have been generated

r Type Total Number

Monument Approx. 250

, Monument Approx. 250

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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 (1980-84)

Place-name 1:25, 000 Point maps (1980-

(cross-referenced to card

Black Place-name Approx. 200

84) index)

Recast SMR film overlays (1984-98)

1:10,000 OS Polygon, point, Line

Green, Black, Some red.

Monument; Place-names; Industrial archaeology

Approx. 250

NMP overlays (1992-2002)

1:10,000 Polygon, Line, Point

Black Monument 78

The HER has a number of paper historic OS map n including the following: s within its collectioScale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1” and ¼” Paper Cornwall & Scilly Co l Ordnance Survey c1809 rnwall Counci

1: 10,560 Paper Cornwall Landmark Information Group Lt

2nd Edition OS c1908 d

1:2500 Paper Corpar

nwall, tial Co uncil Annotated historic town maps,

various editions 1950s-70s rnwall Co

1” to mile Photocopy Cornwall Co il Gascoigne’s map of 1733 rnwall Counc

1” to mile Photocopy Cornwall Cornwall Council Martyn’s 1st Ed map of 1748

Similarly a number of maps are also available on Microfiche and are stored in metal cabinets in the Kennall HE Advice room.

Scale Format Coverage Supplier Description

1” to the mile Fiche Cornwall CC Gascoigne’s map of 1733

1” to mile Fiche Cornwall CC Martyn’s 1st Ed map of 1748

1” to mile Fiche Cornwall CC Martyn’s 2nd Ed map 1784

2” to mile Fiche Cornwall, CC OS 1802-1811 Surveyors drawings Devon

1” to mile Fiche Cornwall CC OS 1805-1809 1st Ed 1” maps

25” Fiche Cornwall CC OS 1880 1st Ed 25” maps (most)

25” Fiche (most) CC OS 1907 2Cornwall

nd Ed 25” maps

25” Fiche urban areas only

CC OS 1933 25” Revision Cornwall

1:2mans, St

500 Fiche CC Erney, Landrake, Botus Fleming, St Stephen, Sheviock, Antony, Maker and Rame

OS 1867 Parish maps for St Ger

1:5Redruth, St Austell, St Ives & Truro

00 Fiche CC OS 1867-77 Town plans @ 1:500 – Bodmin, Camborne, Falmouth, Liskeard, Penzance,

Va portionments rious Fiche CRO c1840 Tithe Maps and Aparranged by Ecclesiastical Parish

4.4.TheDewey numerou chnical

ibrary catalogue is available to search and browse via the corporate intranet Online Library database (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=1281

4 HES Library HES library is catalogued as part of the authority’s Technical Library according to the

Decimal Classification system. It consists of over 6000 items including 1545 books and s reports, journals, periodicals, magazines and other publications. The Te



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

4.5 Data security ability

Policy is required for the HER.

The HBSMR database is relatively stable. It is however heavily dependent on the he blems with the network will often cause the database to ‘hang’ tions

e brok ma the corruption of records if users edit e cras diff sess how often t occurs but it’s not u usual

to have several problematic instances du

ly corrup es ssues. The da is regula ed and repaired during the work b m Administrator (Bryn Tapper). This improves performance and speed. The S ually backed up and records can be

Occasionally there are prob linked to the HBSMR where spatial indexes can become corrupted during ssions. This is usually resolved by running repair routines within the ArcGIS ion.

ates a ines t the HBSMR base are documented by the HBSMR System Administrator87.

cedures Cornwall Council has implemented centrali nformation and data stored on servers since 1999, but since 2009 a ne d to back-up user’s data88. The authority’s continuous protection server allows Information Services (IS) to make copies of standard HES files (eg. word, excel documents, image files etc) during the

tion sched r th f files is as fol

2 Hourly Backup Every 2 hours between Held for 24 hours

4.5.1 Database stA System Security

stability of tCC network. Pro or connecto the SQL server to bsession at the time of th

en. Thish. It is

y cause icult to asring a month.

are in annhis

The database is rare ted by thing week

e network iy the HBSMR Syste

QL server is contin

tabase rly compact

restored from that database.

lems with the geodatabases complex edit se ArcToolbox applicat

All changes, fixes, upd nd rout run agains data

4.5.2 Backup prosed backups for i

w system has been use(Veritas Backup Exec)

day. The data reten uled fo ese types o lows.

07:00hrs and 19:00hrs

Daily Backup Last backup of the day ( Held for 7 days 19:00hrs)

Weekly Backup Last backup of the week 9:00hrs) Held for 5 weeks (Sunday at 1

Monthly Backup One backup eek Held fo s per 4 w s r 12 month

ase ppli ever use a st rd system o ly follo

Daily backup (incremental) Taken during (c only for 2 weeks before being overwritten

Other data such as databand monthly backups as

s and aws:

cations how anda f daily, week

the night Heldhange )

Weekly backup (full) Taken during or 4 weeks before being overwritten the weekend Held f

Monthly backup (full) Every 4th weeweekend

r 12 months before being overwritten.

k during the Held fo

The SQL Server backup is run continuo the couple of sions that have required a backup, this has been successfully ac etrieved from earlier sessions only hours before – usually within an 8hr time

Although now largely redundant the HES roof safe in which safety copies of the HER ve quality digital images of primary resources ored.

Data validation and currency4.6.1 Information content Over 30,000 records have been verified istent programme over the past few years. The HER Officer is currently ng and validating the consistency

usly and on occahieved, with records r frame.

has a fire pdatabase and archi


are st

and validated in a consresponsible for checki

L:\Historic Environment (Data)\HBSMR\ExegesisDocuments87 and L:\Historic Environment

(Data)\HBSMR\zFixes 88 CC Backup Policy (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=3111)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 and quality of records created by the rest of the HER team. Checks and discussions are

Thenum rresults to the central HER database. These are listed in the following tabl

4.6. .

undertaken weekly, when permitted. Enhancement by geographical area HER’s current coverage is reasonably even across the county and Scilly. Nevertheless be of large scale projects have enhanced the coverage in number of areas by having their

directly assimilated ine.

1.1 1 Table 13 – Enhancement by Geographical Area Area/Project Name Enhancement Date

Corn ll wa and Scilly NMP 1994 -2008

EUS (CSUS and CISI) - c70 tow 9-2005 ns villages 199

West Penwith Surveys 4 – onward198 s

China Clay Area surveys ? 1985-92

North-East Cornwall Rapid Identification Survey 2004-5

World Heritage Site Nomination Project 2001-4

Bodmin Moor Surveys Mid 1980s

4.6.2 Data quaRecording practices withi

lity n the HER have been largely consistent and have varied little over

e large num people w orked record ov st 35 years has inevitably led some inconsistencie . The programme of verification and validation has been undertaken to address thi

The following tables attempt to identify the pr hat can be expected in the HBSMR database and the various modules. These ar confined to the Monuments and Historic Buildings module. Given that over 30,000 have been corrected it is reasonable to

5,000 may some fo r work. In practice it is be far less than this figure.

Bryn Tapper, lead HER officer and HBSMR S rator is the current (2011-12) ‘data cks records that have been cre a weekly s. Table 14 - Audit of Data Qualitd on the Monument datab sing 5 ecords. Statistics derived

The main known problems associated with th cords of the HER include:

p rs in desc lds of re

• Problems of record legibility and cohe use of language and syntax in description fields

• Lack of coherency in some records du ofessional knowledgrecord compilers

in t fields re ification and explanation

g migration to HBSMR site histories sit within the body of the main descriptive d the legibility rds is com d as a r

ferencing (from the arious iterations of the data as it has evolved systems) litter the descriptive text of many records and lead to

confusion (especially now that a wholly new system has been adopted)

time. However th ber of ho have w on the er the pas creeping ins issue.

inciple errors te largelyrecords

expect at least 2 require rm of furthe likely to

ystem Administguardian’ and che ated on basi

y Numbers are base29/11/2011.

ase compri 5, 897 r

e Monument re

• Spelling and typogra hic erro ription fie cords

rence due to poor

e to lack of pr e by volunteer

• Abbreviations used

• Followin

free tex quire clar

text an

• Unique number rethrough a number

of reco promise esult



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Monument table(s)

Quality Fieldname Number

Errors Consistency


[Monument].[MonUID] 55, 897 No errors good automated

[Mon e good Ceased (01/04/2009)

um nt].[PrefRef] 54, 337 No errors

[Mon eum nt].[Name] 55, 897 No errors good frequently


ee, Table 1 *)

ecordType] 55, 897 Unusable (s

poor frequently


summary description)

ument].[Summary] 55, 897 (47, 351)

Major errors (8545 records have no

average frequently

[Mon e

(145 have no description; 24, nvalidated)

good frequently um nt].[Descr] 55, 897 (55, 752)

Minor errors


059 are u

[Monument].[NGRQualifier] 897 Maj

(12,000 records have no NGR Q

or 55, or errors


po frequently

[Monument].[Easting] 55, 897 Minor errors

(213 recoeas be ‘heareco re NGR

good frequently

rds have no ting. Some will d’ rds and do not requi)

[Monument].[Northing] , 897 Min

(246 no nort be ‘hea requ

55 or errors

records have hing. Some will d’ records and do notire NGR).

good frequently

[Monument].[InputPrecision] 55, 897 Min

(169 rds have no Input Precision value).

good frequently or errors

8 reco

[Monument].[OutputPrecision] 55, 897 Maj

(55, ords have no Out alue).

poor Rarely (global update required; PAS tag)

or errors

260 recput Precision v

[MonClass].[MonClassUID] Evidence

68,241 No

(many records could have the recordemore pr

good frequently errors

evidence typeecisely).


[MonType].[MonTypeUID] Monument Type

55, 897 Min

(Records of sites plotted through a oto anamis-identified)

good frequently or errors

erial phlysis are occasionally

[MonType].[YearFrom] [MonType].[YearTo] Period

,071 No(magen which could be more precisely recorded).

(171 re ‘Undateand rom re-assessment).

od 68 errors ny records have eralised period values

2 records amay benefit f


go frequently


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Source Table(s) Numbers are based on the Source database comprising 24, 827 records. Statistics derived

plete bibliographic records present a serious issue and prevent users from

29/11/2011. The principle issues affecting sources are summarised in section and include:

• Incomfollowing up sources

• Duplication of an unknown number of source records

Minor grammatical errors in ‘Collections’ [Source].[Var1] field

• Major errors in ‘Originator’ field where approx 9% of records are NULL value

Minor errors in ‘Originator Date’ field where approx. 6% of records are NULL value Quality Fieldname Number

Errors Consistency


[Source].[SourceUID] 24, 827 No errors good automated

[Sou .[rce] SourceType] 24, 827 Major errors

(see section

[Source].[Title] Approx. 4000 Major / unusable good frequently

[Source].[Var1] Coll o

ecti n

11,272 Minor errors average occasionally

[SGrid R

ource].[Var2] ef/Archived

8, 976 Minor errors good occasionally

[Source].[Originator] 7 Major errors

(2287 missing iginator value; ited duplication d variation of

ame ces)

average 24, 82

orlimanthe ssour


[Source].[OrigDate] 24, 827


good frequently Minor errors

(1442 records have no originator da

[Source].[Summary] 4,050

ULL value)

average rarely Minor errors

(20, 777 records are N

[Source].[Descr] 5, 082

ords e NULL value)

average rarely Minor errors

(19, 745 recar

[Source].[LocOrgUID] Organisation

8, 380

(16,447 records ULL value)

good occasionally No errors

are N

[Source].[Location] 5,077 good Rarely (although frequently for Event Sources)

No errors

(19, 750 records are NULL value

[SourceRef].[SourceRefTypreferences to type of Sou

e] rce

and/or Archives

180 rrors goo

17, No e

d frequently

[SourceRef].[Ref] reference to Source, Report Library and/or Archive item

o errors goo17, 180 N

d frequently


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Event table(s) Numbers are based on the Event database comprising 3, 506 records. Statistics derived 29/11/2011.

The principle issues affecting Events are summarised in section and include:

• 293 have no details of the originating organisation

• Over 60% of records have no descriptions providing details of the investigation and principle discoveries.

• Over 30% of records lack ‘to and from’ dates and 848 have no ‘Display Date’ identifying the year(s) the event took place.

The majority of records are unvalidated against OASIS. Ho• wever the OASIS programme has now been in place since 01/01/2011 and increasingly records are cross-referenced.

• 143 events have no geographical identifier Quality Fieldname Number

Errors Consistency


[Event].[EvUID] 3506 No errors good frequently

[Event].[RecordType] 3506 errors good No frequently

[Event].[Name] 3506 errors frequently No good

[Event].[Ref] 2 rors 88 No er good frequently

[Event].[OrgUID] 3


good frequentl506 Minor errors

(293 records haveNULL


[Event].[Descr] 3506 Major errors average frequently

(269 records have NULL value)

[Event].[DateFrom] 3


506 Minor errors

(1280 have Nvalue)

good occasionally

[Event].[DateTo] 3

506 Minor errors

(1282 have NULLvalue)

good occasionally

[Event].[DisplayDate] 3506 errors


sionally Major

(848 have NULL value

good occa

[Event].[Validation] 3506 Minor average Frequently (from 011) OASIS


(3465 have NULL value)


[Event].[Easting] 3

(143 have NULL value)

tly 506 Minor errors good frequen

[Event].[Northing] 3506 Minor errors good frequently

(143 have NULL value)

[EventType].[Type] 4298 No errors good frequently

[EventRef].[EventRefTypereferences to type(s) of


eg. Report , Project Code, Box No. c

12, 633 ors good y

Event ‘item(s)’

No err frequentl


[EventRef].[Ref] Event ‘item’ ID.

12, 633 No errors good frequently


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012

based on the Designation database comprising 15, 406 records. Statistics derived

Pref designation n the

ni ld used p malgamation of the all designated assets into a single list. It is retained b id oss-reference to listing

rds hin the an system U w migrated to tion of fo h there is in pdate).

• 2389 re description. These are restricted to Scheduled Monument (SM) records that relate to the old County series of numbering and where the details have yet

e fo ribe English He u records have numerous, and w mented errors or content, grammar and syntax. The HER ale re have severe problems

Sch ument records have no designation Status Date recorded. Designations table Numbers are21/12/2011.

The principle issues affecting Designations are summarised in section and include:

• 1522 designation records (all Listed Buildings) have no property name recorded in the Name filed. This details is however included within the description and is an artefact of the 2005 XML import.

• Ref usually reflects the NationalRef (EH NHLE unique ID) for alls B and Co Area d Buildirecord

‘old’ u except Listedque Listed Bui

uildings ing UID,

nservation rior to the a

s. Liste ngs retai

ecause it prov es a crrecoprior

held witthe forma

cords have no

council’s e-plthe NHLE and

ning r whic

NI-form (whichno time or fund

ere g to u

to b rmally transc d, either locally ell docu

or at ritage. Listed B ilding

rts EH to any

eduled Mon

cords that .

• 619

Quality Fieldname Number

Errors Consistency


[Designation].[Desig No errors automated UID] 15, 406 good

[Designation].[Reco 406 No errors good frequently rd] Type 15,

[Designation].[Name] 13, 884 Minor errors good frequently

(1522 have NULL value)

[Designation].[Grade] 15, 406 No errors (SM and CA records do not have grade identified)

good frequently

[Designation].[PrefRef] 14, 455 No errors good

(951 have NULL value – CA and SHINE records only)


[Designation].[NationalRef] 15, 258 Minor errors good frequently

(148 have NULL value of which 145 are CAs)

[Designation].[OtherRef] (records ‘old’ LB numbers based on

12, 805 No errors

(2601 have NULL va

good rarely

Parish/Volume/Item) lue)

[Designation].[Description] 13, 017 Major errors

Grammar and syntax (LBs)

good frequently

(2389 have NULL value – SM ‘old county number’ records)

[Designation].[StatusDate] 14787 Minor errors

(619 have NULL value)

good occasionally

[Designation].[DeStatusDate] 130 No errors good occasionally

[Designation].[AmendDate] 57 No errors good occasionally

[Designation].[Easting] 15255 No errors good frequently

[Designation].[Northing] 15255 No errors good frequently


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Finds table Numbers ar 34 records. Statistics derived 22/12/2011.

ds are discussed in section and include:

in on to HBSMR in 2009.

e based on the Finds database comprising 7, 7

The principle issues affecting Finds recor

• The majority of the Find records do not record the quantity of artefacts represented.

• Finds are yet to be directly provenanced to Events (except where cross-references exist via Monument record).

• Although most Find records do not contain a summary or description this information is available via the parent Monument record, where most finds (7723) are recorded as MonType ‘FINDSPOT’ and the descriptions are held.

• The archive location is recorded in the LocRef field but would most usefully be held the LocOrgUID field. This is an artefact of the migrati

• The museum accession references are poorly represented in the Finds database ([FindRef].[FindRefType] and [FindRef].[Ref]). Their inclusion would enable possible data migration with MODES software used by RCM.

Quality Fieldname Number

Errors Consistency


[Find].[FindUID] 7734 No errors good automated

[Find].[MonUID] Monument reco

7723 Minor errors good frequently rd link

(11 have NULL value)

[Find].[FindTypeUID] 7734 No errors Find Type

good frequently

[Find].[Find Quantity] 76 Major errors good occasionally (7768 have NULL value)

[Find].[Year From] 7405 No errors (329 have NULL value but are tagged as Unknown date)

good frequently

[Find].[YearTo] 7402 No errors good (329 have NULL value but are tagged as Unknown date


[Find].[EvUID] 1 Unusable(7733 ha

ve NULL value)

n/a n/a

[Find].[Summary] 68 Unusable (7680 have NULL value)

good rarely

[Find].[Descr] 25 Unusable (7709 have NULL value)

good rarely

[Find].[LocOrgUID] Archive repository/organisation eg. RCM/RIC etc

16 Unusable (7718 have NULL value)

good rarely

[Find].[LocRef] 842 Major errors (6892 have NULL value)

good occasionally

[FindMaterial].[MatTypeUID] 7722 No errors Good frequently

[FindRef].[FindRefType] Museum accession ref

29 No errors good rarely

[FindRe No errors good rarely f].[Ref] 29


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 4.6.3 B ogs ackl

rinciple backl posed ven 3000 or so ha assess heir ER

r backlogs consist of those archives and records held by Co e e onsolidation h may simp eck

whether the CO archives and NMR indexes have been catalogued into the Event Record.

igh priority is reserved for material that is frequently consulted, containing information which it

The p og faced by the HER is that by the E t Record. Of the records indexed apdatabase.


proximately 300 ve been ed and t results input into the H

nservation Officers and thNMR and which r quire c into the HER. T is ly require the HER to ch

His essential in keeping the record up to date Table 15 - Summary of Backlog Material for Digital Data Capture Resources Record Type Existing work Quantity

Person Hours Costs


Events/G Produce Approx. 2000* 7rey re HB

400 x. £200kLiteratu SMR

records freports


Appro High

CO archives Une Approxreports

x. £100kxamined . 1000 3700 Appro High

NMR vati

Unexamined Unknown tbc tbc Medium exca ons index

(tbc via EH)

Events ete 800 236 £5000 Medium /Grey ComplLiterature record


HBSMR ‘Skeleton’

Complete record

300 88 £1000 High

Records descriptions

* only a ortion of these events updating

prop will actually generate new information requiring record creation or

preparedc i e lo ted

Emergency Pre suring the survival of hard ces. As part of Corn d Employers Liability Insurance.

ES follo Archaeologists’ Sta is as an Archae nisation with IfA.

f Env rnw s certification in (Quality Management), BS14001 (Environ anagement), OHSAS18001

ty and C

4.7 Risk assessment and emergency ness plan n 2005, however it nyears. The HER rere procedures in place fro en

A Disaster ReHER IT deve

overy Plan was produced for the HER pments achieved over the past three paredness Plan to ensure that there a copy and digital material in the HER offi

wall Council, HE is covered by Public an

o longer meets thquires an upda

The Hregistered

As part oBS9001

ws the Institute for ological Orga

ndards and Code o

all Council the HES hamental M

f Conduct and

ironment, Planning and Economy, Co

(Health, Safe and Welfare), Investors in People harter Mark.


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he Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5, identifies the principle ased, also include outreach and educational s e fact that the HER is maintained to national

ted policies and strategic plan The Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5 identifies the key objectives, aims and aspirations nd outlines aspirations for the Service from 2011 onwards.

the planning department through the continuous

the strategic plan and related documents at some level.

nt and upgrade of the HER’s IT platform and the continuation of

g policy, the recent round of council budget cuts and a smaller HER Team to curate the

ession Plan will also eed to be written.

.4.1 Budgetary provision the financial year (2011-12) the salaries of the HER Team have been core funded by the

ouncil. The HER is able to generate a modest income through the levy of charges for officer me when responding to commercial enquiries and for involvement in small-scale projects and rogrammes.

5 Organisation Management 5.1 Formal adoption of the HER Although the NPPF 2012 makes it clear that local authorities require access to or should maintain an HER (see 2.1) it is yet to be formally adopted by Cornwall Council. The HER will be identified and proposed for formal adoption through the forthcoming ‘Heritage White Paper’ (2012) being produced by the HES.

Troles of the HER which while primarily planning bprovi ion. The service plan makes reference to thstandards and the resources necessary to ensure that it meets benchmarks of good practice.

5.2 Formal agreement on geographical coverage The geographical coverage of the HER, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, is identified in the Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5. This requires review in light of the forthcoming Cornwall Maritime Strategy and increasing interest in the inshore marine zone.

It is unclear whether an SLA has been agreed with the Isles of Scilly council for the provision of the HER across the islands. This requires clarification.

It is yet to be formally agreed that the HER will extend out to the 12 nautical mile limit in line with the National Heritage Act (2002) and the resources required to update the HER accordingly.

5.3 Formally adop

of the service in the short-term a

The HER is included in the planning cycle ofconsultation of the HE Advisors and Conservation Officers who use the HER directly to inform their responses. While some planning queries do find their way to HER team, staff forward these requests onto the appropriate member of the HES Advice Team.

The authority’s Core Strategy is currently being developed (Spring 2011) and it is necessary to ensure that the HER is included in

5.4 Forward plan & Succession plan The Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-11. v.5 identifies the aims of the Service in the short-term and outlines aspirations for the Service from 2012.

The HER had a forward plan that ran from 2005-10 which set out a series tasks and priorities. These principally involved the programme of record verification and validation mentioned previously, the developmeoutreach. While these have all been successfully undertaken there is a need to produce a new HES forward plan to address the major developments and changes arising from national planninevidence base

The tasks identified in the Action Plan (Section 6) will form the body of the HER Team’s contribution to a wider HES Forward Plan. To protect and maintain service provision in case of redundancy, retirement, change of staff or long term sick leave a Succn



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Table 16 – Finance - Income Type Source Amount Status Post or Service


irect funding rojected 2011-


Cornwall Council Approx. £158,000

ongoing Equivalent to 3.2 FTE but includes 0.9 overheads for premises, SLAs, training etc 1

Income (2011-12) HER Approx. £5,000 Enquiries, small-scale projects, grants

The s

HER falls under the HES’s SLA for the budget concerning computer services and ongoing ystem maintenance with the authority’s Information Services department. Procurement of IT quipment and hardware is sporadic and charged separately where it falls outside of corporate

pdate programmes as covered by the SLA.

.4.1.2 Table 17 – Finance – Expenditure

erolling u

5Type Source Amount Status Post or Service

Salary Approx. £83,000 3.2 FTEs Direct costs ed 2011-

012) Overheads Approx. £75,000 Premises, Computer services


5.5 Staffing provision and structure .5.1 Staffing he HER Team, until April 2011, comprised 5 FTEs. As of May 2011 however this has shrunk

stimated 3.2 FTEs (one part-time) with the retirement of three senior members of staff ne of whom was part-time). Given the financial climate this is likely to remain the position for e foreseeable future.


5Tto an e(oth

5 Table 18 – Staffing Job Title Nature of employment IT Skills Professional


Bryn Tapper Historic Environment Recor

BA Archaeology & History (Southampton)

Lead officer with responsible for HER strategy and policy, database and GIS development and is HBSMR Administrator. Maintains, enhand updates the HER; responds to enquiries;

MS Access, HBSMR; ESRI ArcGIS, Adobe Photoshop, MS

application pending, CAS; ALGAO HER; ALGAO Maritime.

d Officer


ent project liaison, LB module.

rchaeology risation.

Expert. Frequent.

Frontpage, MS Office Suite

IFA membership

develops HER enhancemmaintains corporate e-planningParticular interests include Marine aand Historic Landscape Characte

EmmTrevBA (Y updates HER.

Expert. Frequent. HBSMR; ESRI ArcGIS, AutoCAD,

AIFA, CAS, CASPN a HER Information Officer. arthen

ork), Maintains, enhances andMPhil (Glasgow)

Responsible for enquiries and project liaison. Adobe Photoshop, MS Office Suite

Jane Powning Historic Environment Information Officer.

Health and Safety, Fire Warden.

Expert. Frequent.

Maintains, enhances and updates HER. Responsible for enquiries and project liaison.

HBSMR; ArcGIS, MS Office

Konstanze Historic Environment IRahn Phd German Literature


Maintains and updates the HBSMR Events record and project archives.

HBSMR; ArcGIS, MS Office

newsletter editor of CAS

nformation Assistant Proficient. Frequent. CASPN, LAN, former


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Comm r the compilatio per SMR se records fo RCHM fun industrial nded N

d within what is termed the ‘client’ side of the new authority, that is, on the side

itself organised along the three area divisions of the authority. Each of three areas - east, central and west have dedicated HE Advice Teams comprisingone Planning Archaeologist and are located in offices in LiskeaTruro and Camborne & Penzance respectively. The HER Teacountywide ‘Information & Policy Team’, centrally in Truro, andremotely to all teams.

two Conservation Officers and rd & Bodmin, St Austell and m sits within an overarching serves the HER directly or

the Information Services (IS), who are d all approved software and

Figure 6. Organisational diagram

5.7 IT support and technical advice IT policy within CC is designed and implemented byservice providers to all departments. IS define and recommenhardware platforms for all users, which they install and support via the IS Help Desk. Purchases

5.6 Internal management arrangements The HER is managed by a single parent organisation in Cornwall Council. The council has undergone major re-organisation (March 2011) and the likelihood of further changes are high. The HES currently sits within Transport, Waste and Environment department (TWE) which is containeconcerned with the development of policy and implementation of standards, as opposed to NSIP (Neighbourhood Services Integration Programme) which includes those services that undertake services and ‘work on the ground’.

Within TWE, the HES is contained within the ‘Strategic Waste & Landscape Section’ alongside ‘Protected Landscapes’ which include the AONB and World Heritage Site Office. The HES is

5.5.2 Support services The support services available to the HER include access to two FTE administrative staff that provide assistance on an array of matters for the whole of the HE service.

In the past the HER has received grant aid to support the compilation and maintenance of the SMR from EH and the former RCHM and projects funded by the Manpower services

ission. EH funder Scilly and the

n of the original paded the recasting of the

for Cornwall and thorecord. The EH fu

MP project has also contributed significantly to the HER’s development.

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of equipment and soft e through IS. Support for IT is provided on the basis of a Service Level Agreeme

Gene advice is sought from IS. Specific GIS related advice is requested from the corpo eam.

IT issue rel er-sid MR and the SQL Server platform are directed to the corpo r the database. Support for HB R and consultation conce g most sophisticated queries and interrogation is provided by exeGesIS SDM Ltd unde nnual ‘ x esIS Technical Support an r Software Upgrades Agreem

Medium and cal issues are dealt with by members of the HER team.

5.8 ff inin v ent Annual appra s highlight training needs but funding levels are currently under review. In the financi e have bee o opp nities for

ware are all madnt (SLA).

ral techrate GI

srate DBA team who monitornin

r the tent’ (see 7.7.2


al year 2011-12 the

nicalS Services T

ating to serv

erms of th




d Minoe a).


g and de

e eG

GIS techni


r n n ortu staff training.

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6 Recommen tions an Action Plan 6.1 Management Summary The Action Plan identifies the issues th t require reso s part of the HER’s commitment to being ‘fit for purpose’ and meeting t expectations and needs of its user ese issues are broadly categorised into four main topi s:

• User Services and Access

• Information Coverage and Conte

• Information Management

• Organisation Management

The ability and capability of the H in ng degrees, the princip spheres of the HE earch a Develop t; E nd each

an attempts to ch issue and task(s) o

aintain the nd plan servation Officers and Plan

aeol s to the cou re that supp se es of work and o ch throughout Corn

The issues, problems and risks have been identified through assessment against the national ben rks listed in 6.2.1 below. Ea h b hmark has a task or numb tasks that are necessary to meet in order to achie an ote as to whether that task fulfils the 1st or 2nd stag set out in HER Benchmarks for Good Practice89. Where ap e and di ly comp he tasks are colour cod acco ing to how well they meet the stages. Whe he cell i k there is no comparabl enchmark or the meeting of the stage negates a sec d stage. This grading will help to prior asks required to mee he benchmar for good prac .

da d


lution as. Th

c area


ER to deliver each of these areas affects, to varyial

men ducation a Outr

identify the severity

Objectives bjectives of the HER, over the

n a ning advice given ogist ncil’s Plannin

rvation projects and programm

S’s work: Planning and Strategy; Res

of ea

period 2011-14, are to mby the HER team, Cong service; and to ensu



required to res lve

high standards ofning

ort is provided towall.

The Action Plthem.

6.2 Functional The oinformatioArchcon



cve it,

encd a n

er of

plicabl rectarable ts blan


ede b


itise the t

re t

ks 1st

t ttice

HER Benchmark met HER Benchmark partially met HER Benchmark failed

Cur actice satisfies the mance measure.

Cstage perfor Current HER p

the stage perfo earent HER pr

stage perfor

urrent HER p


ractice meets the mance measure but

work is required.

ractice fails to meet rmance m sure.

For exam Access to Services (ben ) - while the HER the 2nd stage HER benchma details of publifacilities (remote and / or local) including opening hours and charging fees, through information o C web nd HEIRNET regi ntry, it has yet to produce an u ng

ver that this se oe t identify whether the all 1st set rd – only where there are gaps

ndard. e HER does not o l. s benchm

ple, 1st

chmarks rks f

1.2 and 1.2bor publicising

has largely met c access and sea and rch

n the C site aPolicy.

It is important to note howeor 2

ster e

ction d s no out in the standa For example while th

ss, in practice, satisfie

pdated Chargi

HER meets known

have a f rmaarks 2.2a and 2.2b.

nd stage performance measures against particular levels of the staInformation & Recording Policy it neverthele

Hist ords Benchmark r e


89 English Heritage & ALGAO, 2002. oric Environment Rec s for Good P actic).

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6.2.1 Tasks The following table lists the principle issues and re tified during the audit and their relative priority and severity in regards to supporting the capability of the HER. Each task is numbered and ntt chart in section 6.3.

The works required to meet 1st and 2nd Stage HER asures from Benchmarks for Good Practice are identified. Relevant benchmarks are identified in italicised blue text.

commendations idencross-refers to the Ga

performance me

User Services and Access

1st stage HER performance measures






Task or task to meet 1st stage HER performance measure


2nd stage HER performance measures

Task to meet 2nd stage HER performance measure






1. Write a formal policy based on existing HES Service Plan and HES website material.

High 2011-12


1.1a. A written policy for information services setting out:

i) The purposes for which the

1.1b A developed information services policy based on research into patterns of usage and user

1.1 Information services policy Baker Rec 20, 41

satisfac n (1.3a/b.). tio

Specifi uld be c consideration shogiven to provision for access for different types of user and their

historic environment record is maintained

ii) The professional and public user groups that it aims to serve

iii) The arrangements for providing information and access for those users according to their particular needs.

IFP Guidelines E.1-3

2. Revise existing HER charging policy and charges. Update various policies, publications, pamphlets, and websites. (1.1a)

2011 High

particular needs. Draft National Standard for Access to Archives (Public Service Quality Group)

1a. Conduct research into user patterns and satisfaction. (1.1b)

Low 2012-14

3. Secure resources, design and print of HER leaflet. Identify partner organisation through which to distribute. (HER Benchmark 1.1a)

High 12 2011-1.2 Access to


Baker Rec 41

1.2a. Publication of details of public access and search facilities (remote and / or local), including opening hours and charging policy in i) printed leaflet/poster,

ii) Web site/ page with email address

iii) Index entry in HEIRNET

4. Identify/clarify which HER information may need to be withheld if subject to DP Act (1998) and EIR Act (2004). (1.1a)

High 2011-12

1.2b. A k dedicated, supervised wor

Met via: HER website, HEIRNET, Heritage Gateway entry/access & GIS standards for metadata. (1.2b)

area for researchers, appropriately equipped. Develo ote ped provision for remaccess via intranet (between and within organisations) or internet:

e.g. online access to high level data through a catalogue (e.g. ADS) or fully mounted on own site


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Assess physical and intellectual access to HER offices. (1.1a)

High 2011 Register.

User facilities, according to local policy (1.1a), should include a supervised work area for researchers, appropriately equipped and with facilities for copying, etc. Where such facilities are limited, there should be an appropriate alternative provision such as a specified level of response to postal, telephone and email enquiries and / or remote access to the Record via other services (e.g. from terminals in museums, libraries, record offices). IFP Guidelines E.3-4

5. Assess/evaluate resources required to produce material in alternative formats. (1.1a)

Low 14 2012-

e.g. F ble ully mounted interoperasystem accessible through gateway / portal such as HERITAGE GATEWAY, HEIRPORT

Conformity with e-Government Interoperability Framework (Dublin core) and emerging guidelines for GIS. Configuration in accordance with agreed computer communication protocols to support interoperability and cross-searching, e.g. Z39-50, Open Archives Initiative. IFP Guidance B.10, E.7 Draft National Standard for Access to Archives (Public Service Quality Group)

6. Implement and evaluate HER tracker database. (1.3a)

High 1/10/2011

6a. To better understand how the HER is used the HER team should undertake research and consultation of the existing user base and their needs. (1.3b)

Med 2011-12


1.3 Research into user profiles and service satisfaction

Baker Rec 38,39

1.3a. A maintained record of users and type of enquiry for both local and remote use (e.g. web hits, telephone enquiries, as well as visits by researchers). IFP Guidelines E.2, Panel 7

7. Collect web statistics from EH for use of Heritage Gateway. Maintain and monitor Historic Cornwall website (1.3a)

High 2011-14

1.3b. Systematically collected information on user satisfaction. Market research into the profile and information needs of identified user groups; and into awareness and needs among potential new user groups, such as schools and educational organisations 7a. To identify how the

HER could expand into new areas the HER should undertake research and consultation of potential and future users and the current barriers to using the HER (1.3b)

Low 2012-13


1.4 Development of outreach

igh 14

When possible, it would be beneficial for HER staff to attend the National HER Forum in future. Attend national HER initiatives that affect the discipline.

H 2011-

1.4a. Programme of outreach activities to develop new audiences and promote wider use of resources; or outline proposals for how a balanced programme will be developed in the future. IFP Guidelines E.6 9. Produce programme of

outreach activities to Med 2011-

1.4b. Developed programme of outreach activities based on user responses and market research (above 1.3a. and b.). Resources for use in education should be a priority. These might range from new media and data formats (for presentation of interpreted information for specific user groups

8. Develop outreach programme based on market research. (1.4b)

Low 2011


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develop new audiences and promote wider use of

12 / topics e.g. through NGfL) to exhibitions, leaflets, trails, open

resources or outlines how a programme will be developed in future. Join the HER Local Engagement Development Group coordinated by English Heritage. (1.4a)

days, field programmes, etc.

10. Enhance HES web presence by improving CC webpages – ensure Archaeology & Conservation content is more closely aligned and integrated. Rationalise the Historic Cornwall website.

High -12 2011

Information Coverage and Content

1st stage HER performance measures

Task or task to meet 1st stage HER performance measure






2nd stage HER performance measures

Task to meet 2nd stage HER


performance measure







11. An ‘Information & Recording Policy’ should be devised and formally adopted. Write a formal Information & Recording policy. (2.1a)

High 2011-12

11a. Write an extended Information & Recording policy. (2.1b)

High 2013

12. The practice of checking relevant journals, periodicals, magazines, pamphlets and antiquarian accounts and sources needs to be revived when


Med onwards

gathering information for inclusion in the HER. Re-introduce the review of historical/archaeological journals etc fonew HER information.



.1 Information policy

Baker Rec 19, 23, 28, 29

2.1a. A written policy setting out the scope, geographical coverage and content of information resources that should be accessible through the service (digital, non-digital and reference collections). The policy should take account of

lated historic environment information systems, museum, library and record office collections that complement the Record's holdings.

In principle, the Record



should be inclusive of subject and period for all archaeology, terrestrial and maritime, either through its

13. Write an HER Disposals Policy. Current concerns about the current Archival Disposals Policy and whether archival standards are being adhered to on completion of the project and deposition of the items need addressing. The lack of funding, available physical space and the disparate nature of many of the Services involved is putting severe

High 2012

2.1b. A written policy setting out the extended scope, coverage and content of

formation resources, including historic buildings and areas, developed through consultation and agreements with partner authorities, specialist user

roups and other historic / local environment information systems serving the same geographical area (see 3.6b.). Coverage should be aim to be inclusive of subject and period for all archaeology




and aspects of the historic environment (e.g. HLC, historical ecology datasets,historic buildings and area


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pressure on this process. Review and address current primary archival standards and deposition and concerns over availability of physical space. (2.3a)

14. Seek corporate guidance concerning data licence agreements and their application to commercial consultants requesting digital data for use in GIS

High 2011-12

15. Investigate the potential for data exchange with the National Trust. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. Contact NT HER office and use a pilot area (in West Penwith) to help identify the principal issues involved. (2.1a)

Med 2012

16. Investigate the potential for data exchange with the Ministry of Defence. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. Contact MoD HER office and use a pilot area to help identify the principal issues involved. (2.1a)

Med 2012

34 & 34a. The current HER Input Guide requires an update in order to present the rationale and strategic priorities behind record creation, not simply the technical solutions. The guidance should approach the recording of all sites systematically and consistently; providing details on how best to approach everything fr

Med 2012 17. Develop a standard and guidance for hierarchical data models.

om single artefact finds to complex multi-period and multi-site types. This will set out the accepted approach in each instance and provide exemplars for analogy. Write a formal Information & Recording policy. (2.1a)


Med 2012

own holdings or links with related information resources. In practice, thcircumstances of its development and resourcemay mean that the Recordis not all-inclusive. The policy should be explicit about differential coveragein period and topic and selective inclusion or om



issions (e.g. cut-off ates, datasets from

hematic surveys).

sharing data nd networking systems

roviders / originators. This will also cover licence

greements (e.g. with NMR) and a statement on IPR issues.

IFP Guidelines B.4, C, E.4.4

Geographic Coverage, Monument & Building Recording


The policy will include a statement of existing arrangements for exchanging orawith related local records and other information p


18. Evaluate making the distinction between buildings and monuments in existing HBSMR records, now that Conservation Officers are using the system to inform their work. Produce guidance for the accurate description and dating of buildings in the record via close liaison with COs. Include building recording standards in the formal Information & Recording policy. (2.1a),

Med 2012

including standardised arrangements for updating information.

18a. Develop information scheme for building records. (3.2b)

Med 2012


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19 and 77. Evaluate the work required to rationalise the ‘Findspot’ category and the Finds record module. Produce guidance to ensure future record creation is consistent. Include ‘Findspot’ recording standards in the formal Information & Recording policy. (3.7a)

Med 2011- 13

20. The current HER strategy regarding the Portable Antiquities Scheme needs to be reviewed. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. Liaise with PAS and Cornwall FLO and investigate HBSMR tools. (2.1a)

High 2011

21. Procedures for submitting candidate terms to the NMR, especially where is no nationally agreed alternative, need to be improved. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. Liaise with NMR and investigate HBSMR tools. (2.1a)

High 2011

22. Investigate ways to improve HER coverage for the marine environment as part of the development of Cornwall Maritime Strategy. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements for maritime HER. Liaise with NMR. (2.1a)

High 2011

Events Recording

23 and 75. Review the current model for recording Events in light of the OASIS and AIP initiatives. Assess the resource and evaluate the significance. Identify project to update the HER. (2.1a)

High 2011-12

24. Review and update Scientific Analysis Types in the Event Record. See EH’s ‘Guidelines for the Addition of Archaeological Science data to HERs (2011?). Investigate the provisions and inclusion of AS thesaurus into HBSMR and/or addition of scientific technique types to Events LUTs. (2.1a)

Med 2011-12

2.2 Information coverage and content

HER, in accordance with its information policy, should include units of information

2.2a. The coverage of an 25 and 76. Errors and disparity in the coverage and content of EH and HER Scheduled Monument systems. Identify process for registering problematic

High 2011-12

2.2b. Enhanced coverage based on consultation and agreements about shared data holdings within the

See sections and


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records with EH. Evaluate data exchanges to ensure compatibility between spatial data and digitisation of old Cornwall number descriptions. Assess and compare the coverage and content of EH and HER Scheduled Monument records. Identify list of problematic SM records. Evaluate data exchanges to ensure compatibility, Scan OCN records for PDF use. (2.2a)

26 and 76. Assess and compare the coverage and content of EH and HER Listed Building data. Explore any ways in which it may be possible to use the HER’s LB spatial data to improve EH’s own records. Assess and compare the coverage and content of EH and HER Listed Building records. Identify list of problematic LB records. Evaluate data exchanges to ensure compatibility. (2.2a)

High 2011-12

27. The HER should consider findingresources to support a r


Med /High


programme of Aerial reconnaissance. Develop a project specification for continued aerial reconnaissance.

28. The HER should consider finding resources to support a programme of HLC enhancement. Develop a project specification for ongoing HLC enhancement.

Med 2012 28a. Develop information scheme for landscape records. (3.2b)

Med 2011-14

29. The HER should consider finding resources to support a programme of work that consolidates the results of the EUS surveys (CISI and CSUS) formally

Med 2011-12

into the HBSMR and makes them more widely available and accessible via GIS. Develop a project specification for consolidating the results of the urban characterisation surveys.

Baker Rec 28 compiled from the sources outlined in detail in IFP Guidelines (D.3 - 5). It should provide comprehensive coverage for statutorily and non-statutorily designated historic places in its area through its own data holdings or linkages to others.

A draft minimum content standard is appended at Annex 1: HER Basic compliance specification DRAFT v0.2. IFP Guidelines B.5-7, D.3-5)

. t specification for enhancement. Training

High 2011-14

y and with partner authorities and information resources, typically including:

- additional heritage data sets, e.g. for 'local list' buildings, historical ecology- integrated, pan-authority GIS with historic building, landscape and natural environment information layers, - networked arrangements

r shared access to distributed systems, - collaborative projects creating multi-disciplinary information resources with libraries, museums and record offices.

30. Implement programme to formally incorporate CO building records into the HER eg. Trevail, Rice, local lists etc including accompanying photo archivesDevelop a projecongoing CO data




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of CO assistant/technical staff in HBSMR.

that all sites included on EH’s Heritage at Risk register are cross-referenced against

High 2011-13

31. In future, it will be necessary to ensure

the HER database. Tag all HARs in the HBSMR database Status & Codes tab (243 sites are listed in the 2011 register)

t s is up

Med 2012 32. Ensure the HER coverage and contenfor Cornwall Council property assetto date. Undertake a programme of HER enhancement using authority’s property terrier.

2.3 Primary or unique archive material should be managed by an appropriate curatorial service. Baker Rec 33

2.3a. Primary archive (digital, non-digital and finds) should be deposited with an appropriate repository. A disposals policy for staged transfers may be required and security copying / scanning of non-digital material as appropriate. IFP Guidelines B.4.3

33. Current archive storage conditions for maps, plans, photos and artefacts are unacceptable. Identify priorities and investigate suitable solutions in liaison with RCM. Identify accession policy/procedure.

High 2011

Information Management

1st stage HER performance measures

Task or task to meet 1st stage HER performance measure







2nd stage HER performance measures

Task to meet 2nd stage HER performance measure







34. Collate, review and revise existing HER input and recording manuals that cover the range of HE information systems and basic procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing. (3.1a)

High 2012 34a. Draft a new HER Recording Manual that covers the range of HE information systems and include extended procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing. (3.2b)



3.1a. Written manual or 'recording guidelines' to

7, C.


3.1 Formally adopted procedures for documentationpractice Baker Rec 44

provide quality assurance and documenting 3.2a. - 3.5a.

IFP Guidelines B.5 - B.

35. Development of best practice recording guidelines for specific monument types required. Continue

Med 2011-14

3.1b. Extended written manual for procedures to



xt 5

cover the range of hisenvironment information systems with which the Record shares data or links. ?Adoption of full procedural standard (e.g. equivalent to SPECTRUM for museums) for which documentationmay be developed in ne

35a. Collate HER Mon Type in HER Recording Manual; Include extended

Med 2011-14


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development of list of HER MonType recording guidelines eg. china clay (JRS), lithics (PAS) etc (3.1a)

procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing. (3.2b)

36. Check the status of the MPP archive and ensure updated information is entereinto the HER as relevant. Assess and


prioritise current archive, establish forward

Med 2011

plan and ongoing HER enhancement.

37. Complete scanning and digitisation of old SMR maps for archival purposes. Secure funding and design project to complete archive scans and GIS update.

Low 14



38, 73 and 74. Continue verification and validation programme of remaining 25,000 Monument records and c.4, 000 Source records (see 4.6.2). Assess backlog. Prioritise ongoing programme of HER validation of Monument records and Source records. (3.7a)

High 2011-14

3.2 Computerised database(s) and relevant information schemes compiled in accordance with national data standards. Baker Rec 3, 31

3.2a. Compliance with a basic MIDAS data content standard and with Event - Monument- Archive/Source (EMA) information schemes; conformity with INSCRIPTION wordlists and thesauri.

MIDAS - A Manual and Data Standard for Monument Inventories

39 and 73. Check the HER’s compliance with MIDAS and relevant published standards. Ensure and demonstrate basic compliance with MIDAS Event-Monument-Source model via ‘mapping’ document and refs to HBSMR. (3.1a)

High 2011-12

3.2b. Compliance with developing standards for historic environment data content and information schemes: ? extended Dublin Core scheme for historic environment data ? a standard / guidance for hierarchical data models

? an information scheme for building and landscape management records

See section 4.3.4

3.3 GIS for current and historical mapping, linked to the Record databases.

Baker Rec 31, 15

3.3a. Compliance with national standards for spatial data and guidance on GIS good practice, e.g. ADS GIS Guide to Good Practice Guide, NGDF metadata standard.

40. GI Metadata is recorded at the theme level only. Ideally feature level metadata is required. Investigate ways to development metadata coverage for the HBSMR’s GIS representations. It may be resolved through the consistent linking of Source records. Investigate best practice and set out guidance for recording GIS /map representations including feature level metadata (3.3a)

High 2012 3.3b. Extended procedural manual for documentation practice to support a developed GIS system for integrated management of spatial and map-based data for historic environment, linked to databases and

xt-based information. Compliance with developing te

40a. Investigate best practice and set out e

xtended procedural guidance for feature level data linked to HBSMR Source records(3.3b)

High 2012


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41. Formulate a digitisation standard and programme for the HER, including liaison with NMP team, to improve the accurate and precise depiction of heritage assets.

Med /High

2011 – 12

standards for GIS data content and protocols for exchanging and sharing GIS data: ? a standard for historic environment spatial data and recording scheme.

42. Develop a GIS strategy for the HER. GIS recording manual is required. Implement a validation process to monitor GIS depictions for sites and monuments. Investigate and develop metadata standard at feature level. Revise basic HER GIS project archive guidance; draft a new manual to include basic procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing. Publish current GI metadata standards(3.3a)

High 2012 42a. Collate, review and revise HER GIS Input and Recording Manuals; Include extended procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing. (3.3b)

High 2012

43. Polygonisation programme for old SMR Maps. Establish ongoing programme of HER GIS enhancement. Part of GIS strategy.

Med 2011- 14

44. Polygonisation programme for NMP data. Establish ongoing programme of HER GIS NMP enhancement. Investigate ongoing programme of NMP transcription via update to HBSMR Mon layer map depiction. Assess old’ raster based data. Investigate import of MORPH data to HBSMR. Part of GIS strategy. (3.3a)

Med 2011-14

IFP Guidelines B.8

45. Polygonisation programme for Geophysics data. Establish ongoing programme of HER GIS and Monument record enhancement through transcription of mapped results of geophysical survey. Part of GIS strategy.

Med 2011-14

3.4 Supporting reference collections (secondary sources, maps, graphic and photographic material)

Baker Rec 32

ide and index to supporting reference collections held by the Record. Collections should be housed and maintained to relevant environmental and storage standards.

IFP Guidelines B.11-12

3.4a. A written gu 46. Review photo cataloguing procedures in light of current differences between HER Photo Database, project excel sheets & HBSMR’s LibraryLink. Determine what criteria are applied for those images that are referenced in LibraryLink as HER published material for HG. Review film and digital image catalogue procedures with HE Projects team. Implement separate HER repository

High 2011-12

3.4b. A catalogue of reference collections, cross-indexed with the computerised Record. Forward plan programme for enhancing and digitising reference collections such as historic maps, photographs and other material indexed in the


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for HBSMR/LL. (3.4a)

47. Investigate digitisation of GRH, GRE and GRR archives and the creation of corresponding sources record in HBSMR. Continue ongoing GRH scanning and archiving, and HER data enhancement. (3.4a)

Med 2011-14

48. Investigate scanning of aerial B/W photo archive (HES) and the creation of corresponding sources records in HBSMR via Photo database and LibraryLink. Continue ongoing B/W AP and colour slides (ACS and GCS) cataloguing, scanning and archiving, and HER data enhancement. (3.4a)

Low 2011-14

49. Assess and evaluate the issues concerning the cataloguing of the Digital Graphic Archive of CAD/GIS/Image based drawings stored on CC network by project name and code. Revise GIS Drawing Guidelines cataloguing and archiving procedure, and HER data enhancement. (3.4a)

High 2012-14

49a. Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing digital GRD archiving, and HER data enhancement. (3.4b)

High 2012-14

Consistent cataloguing of COs image/photo archives is required . Circulate image archive and cataloguing guidelines (JRS paper) to all HE Advice and Info staff.

High 2011-14

50. Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing CO image scanning and archiving, and HER data enhancement. (3.4b)

Med 2012

Consistent cataloguing of HES Digital Low 2011-Ground Colour image/photo archives is required.

14 51. Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing digital image archiving in liaison with HES Projects Team. (3.4b)

High 2011-2 1

52. 10 boxes of artefacts from various miscellaneous field walking projects awinclusion in the HER. Implement ongoinprogramme of Finds cataloguing and HER enhancement.

ait g

Low 2011-12



3.5a. System security policy covering arrangements, or planned future provision, for

• storage and handling

See section 4.5

53. Write a System Security Policy.HES servers are at capacity in terms of the material they can hold and new material

High 2011-13


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 3.5 Data security Baker Rec 43, 44

of digital and other modern media;

• multi-layered security procedures;

• long-term digital archiving and security copying of non-digital material.

IFP Guidelines B.9.2

will simply stretch this capacity further, increased storage space on the CC servers is likely. Review SLA with IS to ascertain current capacity, cost and future storage.

3.6 Information audit on quinquennial basis Baker Rec 14

3.6a. Report of information audit to assess the quality of data and identify the need for validation and enhancement. NMR SMR data audit specification: section 6

n 3.6b. Repeat audits on a quinquennial cycle.

n/a (this is the first audit to be undertakeby the Cornwall & Scilly HER).

54. A review of published (and unpublished?) sources for pre-1975 archaeological activities is required to ensure that the full potential of the Events module can be realised eg. NMR index etc. Assess the resource and evaluate the significance. Identify project to update the HER. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. (3.7a)

Low 2011-12

55. 100 Aerial Surveys require entry into the Event Record with cross-references made to photos stored in LibraryLink and their equivalent Source records. Update the Event record with 100 flight details. (3.7a)

High 2011-12

3.7 Data validation and currency:

Baker Rec 42

3.7a An assessment of backlog, update and enhancement requirements. A prioritised programme, based on the results of an information audit (3.6a.), for data validation, recasting of

arlier records, essential core data indexing, routine updating and enhancement projects should form part of

's Forward Plan.


the Record** National Guidelines needed. IFP Guidelines D.3-5

Events Recording

56 and 75. While it has been possible to ensure that approx. 1000 Event records have complete descriptions the majority do not and this gap needs to be addressed if the information contained in reports is to be made more accessible. Assess the resource and evaluate the significance. Identify project to update the HER. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements. (3.7a)

High 2011-

3.7b. Cleared backlogs of data validation and core data entry; implementation of a programme for new data capture to maintain and extend core data sets as appropriate. There hould be a phased

programme of enhancement forming part of the Record's Forward

lan (see 3.4b.)

IFP Guidelines D.4-5




Incomplete and outstanding work to be done.


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57. Currently there is no mechanism for recording all those events that were principally Historic Landscape Characterisation studies or comprised elements of HLC work. All events that include aspects of this type of work should be revised. Update the Event record with <15 HLC project details. (3.7a)

High 2011

57a. Update HBSMR HLC module with results of 10 HLC revisions projects undertaken between 2001-2011 (including Lowland Cornwall results)

High 2011

58 and 74. The Source Record catchall value, Bibliographic reference’ needs revisiting for all documentary sources. Many records recorded in this way actually belong to other types and need to be re-classified. Assess the resource and evaluate the significance. Identify project to update the HER Bibliographic references. (3.7a)

Low 14

2012-Source Recording

59 and 74. Source records that had yet to be validated prior to migration were tagged with the ‘Unedited Source’ value which indicates that these require further work to ensure completeness and to remove errors and duplicates. Assess the resource and evaluate the significance. Identify project to update the HER Bibliographic references type ‘Unedited Source’. (3.7a)

Low 2012-14

Period recording xcepting those

which have yet to be properly analysed, catalogued and recorded in the HER. Undertake finds assessment and HER enhancement (with PAS FLO) of lithics

d ort

Low 2012-14

60 and 73. The coverage by Period in the HER is generally good esites for the Mesolithic which can be considered only average. There are a number of extensive private collections

collection stored in HER room eg. Walforcollection. Assess JGould Lithics rep(1994).


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61. Concordance is requiredAMIE database to match the numbers of C20, WWII and C21 records found in the HER.

with EH’s Low 2012-14

62 and 73. Monument records tagged with es such as ‘Prehistoric’

ost-Medieval’ would benefit from being re-assessed and where possible records reclassified into more specific ranges. Assess and evaluate a programme of re-classification of Mon Types with generic ‘Prehistoric’ period values

Low 2011-4

generic period valuand especially ‘P


63 and 73. Multi-period but single site types should be subsumed into a single date range in HBSMR to reduce the duplication of record counts made. It will also improve the legibility and clarity of each record. Assess and evaluate a programme of re-classification of Mon

te site types and period ith exegesis

regarding SQL code fixes.

Low 2011-14

Types with duplicavalues eg. ‘Round’. Liaise w

64 and 73. Complete record descriptions for HBSMR ‘Skeleton’ Records

High 2011-14

Backlogs 65 and 75. Enter approx. 2000 grey literature reports into the HER. Assess backlog. Prioritise ongoing programme of HER enhancement based on material within Event Records. (3.7a)

High 2011-14

3.8 Safeguards against foreseeable risks and disa

Baker Rec 44


Risk assessment and emergency preparedness plan

IFP Guidelines B.12

66. Write a risk assessment and emergency preparedness/disaster plan.

High 2011-12


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Organisation Management

1st stage HER performance measures

Task or task to meet 1st stage HER performance measure







2nd stage HER performance measures

Task to meet 2nd stage HER performance measure






4.1 Formal adoption s a maintained

public information

Baker Rec 18

i. Resolution of governing dy to adopt the Record mally, in accordance with


for example, be incorporated in service level agreements.

See HES Service Plan 2010-11


resource for understanding and


enjoyment of the local historic environment.

the 'Benchmark' Scheme.

ii. Where the governinbody is not the local


planning authority (lpa), or acts on behalf of one or more local authorities, formal recognition of the Record is desirable from the relevant lpas. This might,

67. Write ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ for provision of an HER service to the CIOS. (4.1a)

Low 2011-12

68. Seek formal agreem hat tent t he HER is to extend to 12nm off . En SLAshore sure is agreed between IoS a d CC re:n provision of HER.(4.1a)

d 11-

nnu iew vicvel me

Me 2012


al rev agree

of sernts.

e 4.2 Formagreem

al ent on

geographical coverage an

ith pas e provi

er Rec 7,

4.2a. Resolution of governing body; service

d service level agreements and contracts.

levels wervic

rtners / ders

Bak 22, 28 69. Ensure formal adop n of the HER bytio CC. Clarify the positio of the ER ren H . Core Strategy and related policies. Ensure ‘formal adoption’ is established in next HE Service Plan (4.1a)

Med 2011-12

4.3 Statemenpurpose or mstatement, p

y aimsvice.

Rec 30

for the service.

t of ission


4.3a. Formally adopted policies and strategic plan

and keser

of the

IFP Guidelines B.2


See HES Service Plan 0-11 a draft 201 ndCornwall Heritage Strategy (2011)

4.4 Forward supported by

riate budgetary pr programmes and projects


4.4a. Forward plan for the service to achieve


implementation of

identified in Section 1-3,

70. Outlined in this HER Audit. Develop Forward plan for next 3- years a 5 ndinclude a Succession P

High 2011-12

Annual review of ForwaPlan.




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the plan period (3 year

6, 30 indicating the resources secured and required for

recommended). IFP Guidelines B.2

71. Clarify the position and implementation of dedicated HER Budget and rationalisation of HER Financial codes. Review availabili of dty edicated HER Budget and rationalisation of HER Financial codes.

High 2011-12



ofessioarchaeologichistoric envirofficer post w

respfor managing

Rec 2

mbership of


4.5b. Staffing provision and struct re com ensuratewith level serviceprovided. This will inclupers el witqualifications, experience, and membership of relevant professional bodies, as appr iate fo anaginan extended range of historic environment infor tion re ces (aoutlined in 2.2) IFP Guidelines B.3

4.5 Pr nal al / onment

least one full-time member of staff with appropriate qualifications, experience, and with me

ith onsibility the

relevant professional body. IFP Guidelines B.3, E.3.1


Record Baker 4(a)

4.5a. Staffing provision and structure commensurate with the level of services

See section 5.5.1 u


s de

onn h provided. This will include at

opr r m g

ma sour s

See section 5.5.1

4.6 Appropriainternal man

ementr n to thorganisation's ure, inca nistrativc al supp

Baker Rec 2

te agement

4.6a. Organisation 'management tree'


s, in e s overall

illustrating arrangements for administrative and clerical support for the service.


luding e and

leric ort.

4 (a)

See section 5.5.2

4.7 Tecsy

hnicastem supp

and access trelevant profadvice on arcand records management Baker Rec 2

ive and primary records

l advice: ort for IT o other essional hive

4.7a. Provision for identified IT support and arrangements for obtaining advice on management of arch

See section 5.7


from a professional archivist / museum record officer. IFP Guidelines B.9

4.8 Staff traindevelopment

me ar ces Baker Rec 27

ing and 4.8a. Organisation training plan showing commitment


72. HER Staff CP r me. D training prog amEstablish training plan and CPD for HER staff. (4.8a)

High 2011-12


to CPD and formal review process for training and development of staff. There should be budgetary provision for relevant specialist and software


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training courses. Training plans should also be in place for student and volunteer placements IFP Guidelines B.3

6 Timantt e person s) re timetable (by year and quarter) allocated. Bold indicates HIGH

.3The G

etable chart below identifies the tasks to be undertaken, th ( sponsible and the

priority. HER Officer (Bryn Tapper)

HER Information Officer (Emma Trevarthen) HE Information Officer (Jane Powning) HE Information Assistant (Konstanze Rahn) Senior Technical Officer (Barry Gale) All 2011 2012 2013 2014 Task No.

Task Name 4th Qrt

1st Qrt

2nd Qrt

3rd Qrt

4th Qrt

1st Qrt

2nd Qrt

3rd Qrt

4th Qrt

1st Qrt

2nd Qrt

3rd Qrt

4th Qrt

1 Write a formal HER Information Policy based on existing HES Service Plan and HES website material.

1a Conduct research into user patterns and satisfaction. 2 Revise HER charging policy and charges. Update

published material.

3 Produce new HER leaflet. 4 Identify/clarify which HER information may need to

be withheld if subject to DP Act (1998) and EIR Act (2004).

5 Assess/evaluate resources required to produce material in alternative formats.

6 Implement HER Tracker database 6a Research into existing user base. 7 Collect web statistics from HG and Historic


7a Research into potential and future user base.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 8 Develop outreach programme based on market


9 Produce programme of outreach activities to develop new audiences and promote wider use

10 Enhance HES web presence by improving CC and Historic Cornwall webpages

11 Write a formal Information & Recording policy. 11a Write an extended Information & Recording policy. 12 Re-introduce the review of historical/archaeological

journals etc for new HER information. Implement recommendations.

13 Write an HER Disposals Policy. Review and address current primary archival standards and deposition and concerns over availability of physical space.

14 Seek corporate guidance concerning data licence agreements and their application to commercial consultants requesting digital data for use in GIS

15 Contact NT HER office and use a pilot area (in West Penwith) to help identify the principal issues involved.

16 Contact MoD HER office and use a pilot area to help identify the principal issues involved.

17 Develop a standard and guidance for hierarchical data models

18 Produce guidance for the accurate description and dating of buildings in the record via close liaison with COs.

18a Develop information scheme and detailed recording guidelines for building records. Re-index building records categorised ‘Monument’ record type to ‘Building’ record type.

19 Evaluate the work required to rationalise the ‘Findspot’ category. Produce guidance to ensure future record creation.

20 Integration of Portable Antiquities Scheme information needs to be reviewed.

21 Produce statement of existing and future arrangements for submitting HER candidate monument terms to NMR

22 Produce statement of existing and future arrangements for maritime HER.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 23 Review the current model for recording Events 24 Review and update Scientific Analysis Types in the

Event Record.

25 Review and resolve SM error / data exchange issues with EH.

26 Review and resolve LB error / data exchange issues with EH.

27 Develop a project specification for continued aerial reconnaissance.

28 Develop a project specification for ongoing HLC enhancement.

28a Develop information scheme for landscape records. 29 Develop a project specification for consolidating the

results of the urban characterisation surveys. Implement

30 Implement programme to formally incorporate CO building records into the HER.

31 Update the HER with Heritage at Risk register details (2009, 2010, 2011)

32 Undertake a programme of HER enhancement using authority’s property terrier

33 Identify accession policy/procedure for primary archives. Identify priorities and investigate suitable solutions in liaison with RCM (see 13).

34 Collate, review and revise existing HER input and recording manuals that cover the range of HE information systems and basic procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing.

34a Draft a new HER Recording Manual that covers the range of HE information systems and include extended procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing

35 Development of best practice recording guidelines for specific monument types required.

35a Collate HER Mon Type in HER Recording Manual; Include extended procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing

36 Assess and prioritise current MPP archive, establish plan for ongoing HER enhancement.


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37 Complete scanning and digitisation of old SMR maps for archival purposes. Secure funding and design project to complete archive scans and GIS update.

38 Validation/verification guidelines. Assess backlog and write guidance for correction of 25k Monument records and 4k Source records. Implement recommendations.

39 Check the HER’s compliance with MIDAS and relevant published standards. Ensure and demonstrate basic concordance.

40 Investigate best practice and set out guidance for recording GIS /map representations including feature level metadata

40a Investigate best practice and set out extended procedural guidance for feature level data linked to HBSMR Source records

41 Formulate a digitisation standard and programme for the HER, including liaison with NMP team, to improve the accurate and precise depiction of heritage assets.

42 Develop a GIS strategy for the HER. GIS recording manual is required

42a Collate, review and revise HER GIS Input and Recording Manuals; Include extended procedures for documentation practice, data exchange and data publishing.

43 Polygonisation programme for old SMR Maps. Establish ongoing programme of HER GIS enhancement. Part of GIS strategy.

44 Polygonisation programme for NMP data. 45 Polygonisation programme for Geophysics data. 46 Review film and digital image catalogue procedures

with HE Projects team. Implement

47 Investigate digitisation of GRH, GRE and GRR archives and the creation of corresponding sources record in HBSMR.

48 Investigate scanning of aerial B/W photo archive (HES) and the creation of corresponding sources records in HBSMR

49 Assess and evaluate the issues concerning the cataloguing of the Digital Graphic Archive of CAD/GIS/Image based drawings

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49a Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing digital GRD archiving, and HER data enhancement.

50 Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing CO image scanning and archiving, and HER data enhancement

51 Consistent cataloguing of HES Digital Ground Colour image/photo archives is required. Develop a forward plan and project specification for ongoing digital image archiving

52 Implement ongoing programme of Finds cataloguing and HER enhancement.

53 Write a System Security Policy. Review SLA with IS to ascertain current capacity, cost and future storage of CC servers.

54 Assess the resource and evaluate the significance of pre-1975 Event record resources. Identify project to update the HER Event record. Produce statement of existing and future arrangements

55 Update the Event record with 100 flight details. 56 Update backlog of approx. 1000 event records with

full description details of the works undertaken.

57 Update the Event record with <15 HLC project details

57a Update HBSMR HLC module with revised HLC projects results

58 Correct, verify and update the HER Source record 'Bibliographic references. '

59 Identify project to update the HER Bibliographic references type ‘Unedited Source’.

60 Assess Period coverage and implement programme to improve Mesolithic coverage.

61 Concordance is required with EH’s AMIE database to match the numbers of C20, WWII and C21 records found in the HER.

62 Assess and evaluate a programme of re-classification of Mon Types with generic ‘Prehistoric’ period values

63 Assess and evaluate a programme of re-classification of Mon Types with duplicate site types and period values

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64 Complete record descriptions for HBSMR ‘Skeleton’ Records

65 Prioritise ongoing programme of HER enhancement based on material within Event Records. Implement recommendations

66 Write a risk assessment and emergency preparedness/disaster plan.

67 Write ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ for provision of an HER service to the CIOS

68 Seek formal agreement that the HER is to extend to 12nm offshore.

69 Ensure formal adoption of the HER by CC. Clarify the position of the HER re. Core Strategy and related policies. Ensure ‘formal adoption’ is established in next HE Service Plan

70 Develop and write a Forward plan for next 3-5 years and include a Succession Plan

71 Clarify the position and implementation of dedicated HER Budget and rationalisation of HER Financial codes.

72 HER Staff CPD training programme. Establish training plan and CPD for HER staff.

73 Correct issues of data quality for Monument records (see

74 Correct issues of data quality for Source records (see

75 Correct issues of data quality for Event records (see

76 Correct issues of data quality for Designation records (see

77 Correct issues of data quality for Finds records (see

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6.4 Risk Management Plan There are a number of potential threats and risks to HERs in England Wales in the current economic climate.

The tasks set out in section 6.2.1 contribute to the sustainable capability of the Cornwall & Silly HER to deliver services that are necessary for planning and outreach purposes. The tasks outlined ensure that the information, systems and archives curated are ‘fit for purpose’ and as such, any risks or threats to those systems, archives and data will compromise the HES’s ability to provide complete and adequate information for planning advice and public use.

The very high level risks that threaten the Cornwall & Scilly HER include:

Risk Risk Definition Risk Score Likelihood X impact

Current Position / Action being taken (including responsible officer)

IT Services The risk of failure of Cornwall Council IT network and systems resulting in inability to access Historic Environment Record systems and information. This will prevent all HE Staff being able to deliver on planning, research and project and outreach responsibilities and commitments.

Likelihood – 3

Impact – 5

Risk Score: 15

Ensure all HES IT applications and record systems are incorporated within corporate centralised backup systems, data storage and disaster recovery procedures. Ensure maintenance and technical support agreements are satisfied with Exegesis SDM Ltd.

Archives and Storage

The risk that the Service is unable to access and maintain suitable and adequate storage facilities for primary archives eg. photographs, surveys and plans

Likelihood – 5

Impact – 4

Risk Score: 20

Ensure ongoing SLA agreed with Cornwall Museums Service to accession archaeological fieldwork archives and seek opportunities for new premises to house expanding collections. Continually review current HES archive facilities and conditions to ensure existing collections are maintained.

Heritage Information and Evidence Base

The risk that the HES Information and Policy team is further reduced in number and therefore unable to curate and deliver the critical heritage evidence base used to support planning, research and outreach responsibilities.

Likelihood – 2

Impact – 4

Risk Score: 8

Develop and implement robust forward plan and succession policy based on HER Audit Action and Risk Management Plan 2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 ALGAO recently (October 2010) produced a paper setting out the implications for LPAs should historic environment services, including HERs, suffer reductions in funding. The ALGAO response, which included the concerns for HERs, responds to arguments for changes in governance, structures and reductions in service provision.

Threat ALGAO response

Outsourcing HERs

• ‘Absence of suitable 3rd party sector organisations to host the information and systems

• All are within local authorities. The legislation and policy assumes this.

• The primary role of the HER is to enable understanding of the heritage, a public role that does not sit comfortably within the private/commercial sector

• The few attempts in the past to externalise/privatise HERs have failed

• Current and forthcoming planning legislation requires all LPAs to have access to the HER (eg. PPS5, NPPF, MPS etc)

• The private contracting sector in archaeology relies on the HER as a source of information and repository for the information they produce

• Private environmental consultancies are unlikely to be interested due to conflicts of interest

• Much of the information for the HER comes from planning related work, and unlike the natural environment, almost none comes from the voluntary sector. Breaking the link between planning and the HER or introducing amore formal contract of SLA would add to the resources required to maintain the HER to the same standard

• The costs from map licences and HBSMR licences which are not transferable and the cost of bureau licences where one organisation is holding the data/HER in HBSMR on behalf of another

• Much of the information in HERs is ‘owned’ by the local host authority

• Investment by a local authority and EH in a HER will in many cases be over £1,000,000 since its creation. This substantial investment from the public sector could be put at risk

Separating the HER and advisory functions

• Would add costs because:

• Most private sector enquiries of HERs are planning-related and the information is often accompanied by requests for planning advice. The information and advice therefore often go together and consequently the HER Officer and planning advisor work in concert

• A high proportion of new sites and changes to existing HER records are the result of planning related work and other advisory work such as FEPs. Advisors therefore need to be in direct contact with the HER

• The identification of areas with potential for heritage assets, with archaeological and historic building interest, often involve the HER Officer and planning advisors working together to consider the implication of development proposals

• The validation of planning reports often require HER Officers and


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planning advisors working together

Because of the above process and necessary contacts and information exchanges between HER Officers and planning advisors, any barriers that are introduced between the two functions due to physical separation or the introduction of formal SLAs or contracts, will inevitably result in greater cost to fulfil planning and HER functions to the same level.’

(ALGAO, Local Authority/Historic Environment Services: responding to reductions in local authority funding. 12/10/10, SRB).

7 Appendices 7.1 Data Protection Policy The corporate Information Security policy can be found on the Council’s internal intranet webpages (http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=1247) and includes a range of sub-policies to which the HER is subject, including the following:

• Internet Policy

• Computer Access Policy

• Removable Media Policy

• Software Control Policy

The HER is also required to abide by the corporate Information Storage Policy: http://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=636.


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7.2 Access and Charging Policy 7.2.1 Information Access Policy & Users Declaration Form The information access policy and users declaration Form are set out below as of 01/01/2011.


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A suggested amendment to paragraph 7 is: A copy of, or access to, the completed research should be made available to the HER. Similarly all reports and associated data produced through archaeological work undertaken as part of the planning process should be supplied to the HER within six months of completion, in a format agreed with the curatorial body, and in accordance with any relevant specification or project design.


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7.2.2 Information Charging Policy The charging policy is set out below as of 05/04/2012.

The HER is a public register and charges are not made for accessing the information held on it or inspecting the information in situ at our offices.

Proportionate and reasonable charges are levied for commercial consultations, typically development-related, where the recovery of costs incurred in producing the information and where the re-use of it involves commercially exploiting it. Costs will be also be made for photo-copying and the production of reports in permanent formats. Charges will always be agreed before the commencement of any work.

Fees are usually waived for private researchers, students and occasionally in certain other circumstances.

All HER users must accurately inform the HER team of the purpose of their enquiry and the use to which the information provided will be put, so that we can determine whether or not a charge is appropriate. The nature of the enquiry will also determine the level of detail and type of data that we provide, so it is important to give us as much information as possible.

HER searches will typically provide the following information in paper and/or digital formats:

• An archaeological summary, assessment or interpretation (depending on the nature of the enquiry)

• A full report of the Historic Building, Site and Monument records within the search area (including aerial photo transcriptions)

• A list of statutory designations (Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, World Heritage Site, Conservation Area, Historic Park and Garden, Battlefield Site, Designated Wreck, Protected Military Remains)

• A list of Historic Landscape Character types and descriptive texts

• A list of Archaeological and Historic Building reports

HER records, reports can be made available digitally, in common formats such as MS WORD, Excel or PDF etc. Maps can be made available as digital images (eg. JPG, TIF, PDF) or as GIS data. Photos can be made available as digital images (JPG, TIF). Please note that, as opposed to the provision of electronic GIS data, the extra time it usually takes to prepare bespoke maps (in paper or digital image formats) is likely to increase the charge made.

Commercial Consultations

Historic Environment Record Charge (per hour)

Standard Search (response within 10 working days): £60.00 + VAT

Priority Search (response within 2 working days): £120.00 + VAT

Non-commercial Consultations For non-commercial consultations, the first hour is free. Thereafter a discretionary charging policy applies. Charges may be waived where there is a clear benefit in terms of conservation, enhanced information returned to the HER or educational benefit. Charges will normally be reduced or waived for students, young people, retired or unemployed persons.

Published reports: As priced in our catalogue (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=8024) plus handling and postage outside of the EU. The discount for staff and trade purchases is 33% (unless otherwise stated). Invoices raised only for trade orders of £20.00 and over.

Unpublished reports (grey literature): Where copyright is held by Cornwall Council:


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 As PDF via Email: £5.00 per report As PDF on CD: £5.00 per report plus £1.20 per CD

Comb bound hardcopy: 50 pages or less £6.00 (plus postage); Over 50 pages or if it includes colour pages from £11.00 (plus postage) (price on application)

Where copyright is not held by Cornwall Council, reports can be inspected at the HES offices, but copies will need to be obtained from the individual author or copyright holder.

Printouts from the HER and photocopies:



Standard Rate (per sheet)

Concessionary Rate*

(per sheet)

A4 £0.10 £0.04 Black & White

A3 £0.50 £0.20

A4 £2.00 £0.80 Colour

A3 £2.00 £0.80

Photo Quality A4 £2.00 None

*Concessionary rates at 60% discount for students, the unemployed and OAPs

Photographs: Images will be supplied in digital format at 300dpi. Supplied on CD/Email: £2.00 per image plus £1.20 per CD Hardcopy: £2.00 per image plus the printout rate per sheet as above Commercial reproduction fee per image: £50.00

Postage: Postage for publications is dealt with separately above. Postage for unpublished reports, prints & photocopies as below.

Weight Gauge Postage Charge

1-10 pages of information £1.00

11-50 pages of information (or 1-2 CDs or floppy disks) £2.00

51-100 pages of information £2.50

101-150 pages of information £3.00

151-200 pages of information £4.50

200+ pages of information £5.00


Where a search is chargeable, we will raise an invoice on completion of the work. We require the full name and address of the person or company paying the bill. If you are an agent working on behalf of a client and they will be paying us directly, then we need the client's full name and address. An email and telephone number would also be appreciated in case we need to contact you about the payment.

Copyright Users must abide by all copyright restrictions pertaining to data held in the HER. Users are required to sign the HER User’s Declaration Form (see Appendix 2). Information supplied shall be used only by the user and for the purposes specified in the enquiry. Written consent must be obtained for any other use of the data and for its dissemination to a third party. We reserve copyright of all material supplied by the HER and such copyright must be acknowledged by the user. The information held by HERs falls within the ambit of Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The supply of information under EIR does not however give the person who receives the information an automatic right to re-use the information in a way that would infringe copyright.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 The sources referenced in the HER records, particularly Event records, may require permission from the copyright holder for reproduction. The copyright holder is usually a third party, not the HER. In these instances, the onus is on the end user to obtain permission for reproduction from the relevant person(s) or organisation. The HER accepts no responsibility for any user making unauthorised copies of such documents. In some instances the HER has been granted permission by the copyright holder to give out a copy of a source for reference only. In these instances, you must not copy, pass on or publish that source without permission from the copyright holder.

If Ordnance Survey maps are included in your search, then they are for reference only and require copyright permission from The Ordnance Survey for any reproduction.

The HER Online There is no charge for access to the online HER as available via the Heritage Gateway (www.heritage-gateway.org.uk). However, online information is not licensed for commercial use; it is updated only twice yearly and cannot be considered current or fully up-to-date.


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7.3 Information Recording Policy 7.3.1 HBSMR Input Guide Vers 1.0 16/06/2010

This guide replaces the previous “HER Guide”, and covers the entry and amendment of records in the HBSMR database using the Exegesis software (Release 3x).


Apart from those officers in direct charge of the HER, other staff will find HER data entry and update incorporated into their project specifications. This guide should form a base-level resource for all data input. All staff should be aware, however, that no printed guide can answer all the possible difficulties that they might encounter, and it is not intended to replace but rather to supplement the support of their project manager.

Data Entry

Monument Page

The on-screen form is used to enter new records to the dataset, edit existing records, or retrieve existing records. Unlike the previous Cornwall SMR, there are no discrete Lookup, Edit, or Add modes. Instead, there is a row of task buttons –


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The top left-hand button opens the printing options for the current record. The next button creates a new record, and opens a blank form. The third button copies the existing record to a new record, allowing the user to choose which fields are carried across. The fourth button deletes the current record from the database. The last two buttons both return the user to the Main Menu.

If “New Record” is selected, HBSMR creates a new record and opens the form with all fields blank except for the record UID (MCOxxxxx) which is automatically generated. The first value to be entered is the

Record Type

Our default value for terrestrial sites is MONUMENT. The exceptions are FIND SPOT (for finds) and PLACE NAME (for first-mention records only). All sites below low-water should be MARITIME.

The next field is -



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 The name of the site or location, eg TINTAGEL, CARN EUNY. Do not qualify with the site type, except where this forms the name by which the site is generally and widely known, eg PERRAN FOUNDRY or LOGGANS MILL, or where the name of the site on the latest OS map contains the site type (usually mills, eg RILLA MILL). Do not use “the” in the name field unless it is inseparable from the name (eg THE HURLERS). The name should be as represented on the latest OS Landline mapping, but do not use hyphens, full stops or apostrophes. Do not use archaic forms. Often it is difficult to decide on the most appropriate name, particularly with remote rural sites. Use the name of the nearest settlement, if possible. The name should be entered in upper case.

In HBSMR, we have added the period and site type to the name, in order to facilitate searches in the new system. This is done using the following convention –

NAME <space> <hyphen> <space> Period (title caps) + site type


This should comprise one sentence that pithily summarises the site. The ultimate use of this text could be as a gazetteer entry in a report (quite possibly your report), so take some care over it! Remember, a gazetteer entry will already have NAME, SITE TYPE, and PERIOD from existing fields, so do not simply parrot these values and create redundant information.

Pressing the Desc button takes us to the Description and Sources form.


Double-clicking inside the description area brings up another window, with somewhat larger and more readable text for data entry. The importance of a good, well-written description cannot be over-emphasised. It should summarise the site and its history from the sources or fieldwork in chronological order, be written in good English and be suitable as far as possible for direct incorporation into a report. Lengthy descriptions are not necessarily better than short, incisive ones. Please use normal sentence case only, with proper names capitalised and initials capitalised without full stops. These conventions apply –

Abbreviations. Use capitals with no full stop, eg “OS”, “CAU”, “AC Thomas”.

Cardinal Points. Where “east”, “west” etc are abbreviated use caps, eg “E” or “W”. However, in general the full form is preferred.

Centuries. Use “C18”, “C20”, not “18th century”.

Numbers. For numbers between one and ten write as words, eg “three”; for higher numbers use numerals, eg “45”.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Circa. Use “c” with no full stop, eg “c1800”. There is no space between the c and the figures; do not use “ca”. Do not use circa except with a date (ie not with measurements or distances when “approx” should be used instead).

Ampersand. The ampersand (&) should only be used when quoting the title of a publication or the name of a company etc which definitely uses the symbol. It should not be used generally to replace the word 'and' as in "Traces of rectangular ramparts & low mounds" or "between 10 & 12 metres", etc.

Designations. “Scheduled Monument” and “Listed Building” have initial capitals. So do “Listed” and “Scheduled”.

Metres. Show measurements as “15.5m”, “0.3m”, etc. In general there is no need for precise conversion from Imperial to metric measurement which results in silliness like 1.2573m when the original reference was to a four-foot millstone.

OS Maps. References to the early OS maps should read as follows “recorded on the OS 1st Edition 1:2500 map”. Note that “Edition” has an initial capital. Make sure that you use “recorded”, not “indicated” or “shown”.

Quote Marks. Quotes for meaning use single quotes, eg hendra = ‘old farm’. Quotes from sources should use double quotes eg “the chapel is now in a ruinous state”.

Tithe Map. Please note that Tithe references should always have an initial capital, eg “Tithe Map”, and “Tithe Award”.

Cross references. When cross-referencing other records use the Site ID in brackets (MCO21439). Do not prefix with “Site ID”.

Sources are added at the bottom of the Description form.


Press the = button to search for an existing source. This will bring up the following dialogue –


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 From Type, choose the source category. Normally this will be a Bibliographic Reference. The easiest way to find a particular reference is usually by entering the author’s name into the Originator field. Then press the funnel button – HBSMR will run a search and return a list of the publications by that author. You can also search by Title or Year. When you have found the source you want, simply clicking on it will paste it back into your record – you can then add a page number or numbers into the Ref field. You can repeat this process to add as many different sources as you require.


There are five tabs which are used to access other areas of the on-screen form. The first of these is Location. There are simple drop-down menus from which you can choose –

Civil Parish, County (Cornwall or Isles of Scilly), District, Ecclesiastical Parish, and Operational Area.

All of these are available as mapped themes on the HER GIS, so it is a simple task to establish the correct entries for a given site or area.

Below this panel, it is now possible to add a postal address which will be of benefit for occupied buildings in particular. Click on the right-hand button and you will open this dialogue –

Site Type and Period


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The next tab allows you to enter values for Site Type, Period, and also to define hierarchical relationships between records.

The row of buttons down the right-hand side allows you to add attributes to the basic record –

Adds a new monument relationship

Adds a Monument Type

Adds a Component

Adds an Event

Adds a Find

Adds a Consultation

View Monument Relationships

Add a Relationship

Adds a parent or child relationship to the current record - click on the henge button and you will open a new dialogue –

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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Enter the Record ID of the record that you wish to create a relationship with. Then choose the Relationship Type – normally this will be hierarchical (Parent-Child). In this case the Giant’s Hedge record will become the Parent of the record which we are creating. Click the Create the link button to make the link and return to the form.

Add a Monument Type

Click on the castle button. The Monument Type screen will open.

To select a Type, you can either –

Enter the name of the Type directly into the Mon Type field (eg BARROW) and press <enter> or

Click on the + button to the right of the Mon Type field to access the full Type Thesaurus –


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Here you can browse the hierarchy of monument classes and types to find the term you require, select it and write it back to your record. Note that in the main form, instead of the old SMR field of Inferred there is a now a check box for Confidence or Conf in Monument Type, Evidence and Period. Double-clicking on this sets a ? flag for uncertainty.

The next field is Evidence and Materials, which in the old SMR was Form. You cannot enter a value directly into this field, instead click on the ++ button to access the dialog –

First you must choose the Type, which will normally be Evidence, unless you wish to record building materials specifically. Clicking on the Classification + button then gives access to the Evidence Thesaurus.


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Select the appropriate term from the expandable hierarchy. NOTE – when you have finished, press the second button from the right, NOT the exit button, otherwise you will lose everything you have just painstakingly selected!

The remainder of the form deals with period.

Broad periods can be chosen from the usual drop-down pick-list. There is scope to be as specific as you wish with start and end dates, qualifiers, and scientific dating. For most HER sites we use From Period only, if the site or building is extant.


Not mandatory. Build or foundation date, if known. Usually applied only to post-medieval sites. Four figure year, eg 1836



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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 Not mandatory. Date when mine, works or industry closed, or demolition date. Four figure year, eg 1903

The close button returns you to the Site Type & Period tab.

Add New Component

This button allows you to add a component or components to the Site Type. Potentially, this could be very useful – for example you could select from a range of water wheel types or other machinery associated with a building – but as yet we have not adopted the use of components for the Cornwall HER.

Add an Event

Normally, Events will only be added by a dedicated HER officer (Konstanze) in order to ensure consistent entry.

Add a Find

This button adds a find to the current record. NOTE – this action associates a find with a site or monument, a different procedure from creating a FINDSPOT record which is used for chance finds devoid of context.

You will first be given the opportunity to associate an existing find with the record. Normally you will be adding a new find, so continue to the Finds Form.

The first field is Find Type. Click on the + button to access the Finds Thesaurus, which you can browse in the same way as Site Type. The next field, Material, has a similar thesaurus. There are also fields for Period, Quantity, a Summary, and also a section for the finds repository. More detailed information can be added at the bottom of the form.

Add a Consultation

Consultation information for spatial planning purposes will be entered into IDOX UNI-form, not HBSMR.

The next tab is –

Status & Codes


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On this tab we can add designations and project codes. Usually you will be adding an existing designation to the monument record, in which case you will need either the HBSMR DCO number or the EH identifier (for Listing or Scheduling). First, you must select the Designation type from the drop-down list. Then, click the = button to access the search form –

You will need to enter the Designation ID in the third field from the top on the right-hand side of the form. Then press the funnel button at the right-hand top of the form. HBSMR will go away and search for the designation record, which will appear in the results grid –


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Click anywhere in the red record text to link the designation and return you to the monument record.


We do not use the Scores tab at present.


The monitoring tab is used to record visits to a site, and to monitor its condition. If kept up to date, this can be very valuable information. There are fields for Date, Compiler, Condition, Stability, Vulnerability, and Survival, with pick-lists. This replaces the Site History in the old SMR.

Spatial Data

The monument record is now complete, so the next stage is to create linked spatial data on the GIS in the form of points, lines or polygons (or a combination of them). Press the Globe button on the main form to take you to the GIS mapping module.

This dialog will appear –

Click on yes. The next dialog is –

Click on OK. You are now in multi-user editing mode in the GIS, and you can create spatial data which will be linked back to the monument record on completion of the edit. The data which you create in terms of points, lines or polygons will be dependant on the type of site or monument which you are recording, and we have not as yet produced detailed guidelines to deal with this. However, in broad terms –

Milestones, crosses, inscribed stones and similar small footprint monuments will be depicted as points.

Sites which cover an extensive area such as hillforts, rounds, and so forth will be depicted as polygons.

Field boundaries, bounding walls, leats and similar linear features with a small footprint will be depicted as lines.

Buildings, roofed and unroofed, will be depicted as polygons.

Unlike the old SMR, you can have more than one point, polygon or line linked to a record. For a given site, you could have several points, polygons and lines in combination to depict complex monuments, all linked to the same record. To create a point –


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Select Create New Feature from the Task menu. Select Monuments (point)_x from the Target menu. Use the sketch tool from the Editor tool bar, position it on the map and click to create the point.

To create a line –

Select Create New Feature from the Task menu. Select Monuments (line)_x from the Target menu. Use the sketch tool from the Editor tool bar, position it on the map and click to create the start point. For each change of direction, click again. Double-click to complete the line.

To create a polygon –

Select Create New Feature from the Task menu. Select Monuments (poly)_x from the Target menu. Use the sketch tool from the Editor tool bar, position it on the map and click to create the start point. For each change of direction, click again. Double-click to complete the polygon.


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In almost all cases you will be creating a map depiction from existing spatial information of some form. This might be an aerial photograph, the Tithe map, OS 1st or 2nd edition 1:2500 surveys, or from the latest OS Master Map data. Always trace the underlying data at the largest possible scale to ensure accuracy. You can scroll the map using the hand tool while creating a line or polygon, so for extensive sites it is preferable to be zoomed in at an appropriate level of magnification for accurate tracing, even if the monument or feature has to be scrolled across the screen as you draw.

To finish your editing session, and to link the spatial data to the record, go to the Editor menu and select Stop Editing. The OS NGR will be automatically generated (from the mid-point or centroid of your data) and written back into the record.

Note – it is important to follow the correct procedure when adding or editing spatial data linked to a monument record. You must always proceed from the record to the map, using the globe button. Then, if there is already linked spatial data, the map will auto-navigate to the record, and the spatial data will be selected in bright blue. You can then open a multi-user editing session and proceed to add new data or edit the existing data, which will be correctly linked to the record. Selecting the record from the map, and then attempting to edit the spatial data, will not work.

Capturing Underlying Map Data

For some prehistoric sites, many medieval examples, and the majority of post-medieval sites, there will already be a spatial depiction of the monument on the OS Master Map. It is therefore good practice to capture these features from the OS rather than to attempt to copy them by tracing over the top, as the result will be cleaner and more accurate. In order to do this it will first be necessary to Set Selectable Layers from the Selection menu.

Scroll down towards the bottom of the list and select the check boxes for Lines and Areas. You will now be able to select and copy these features. Close the dialog, and start your editing session.

In order to capture OS data, first you will need to select Create New Feature from the Task menu, and select either Monuments (poly)_x or Monuments (line)_x from the Target menu. Use the Edit tool, and click in the centre of the feature you wish to capture –


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The feature will then be highlighted in light blue. Go now to the top of the ArcGIS window –

Then use the Copy and Paste buttons to add the feature to the spatial data set. You can repeat this action as many times as you wish, to create complex assemblages of polygons and lines. To finish your editing session, and to link the spatial data to the record, go to the Editor menu and select Stop Editing. The OS NGR will be automatically generated and written back into the record.

John R Smith 2003 - 2010

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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.2 Scheduled Monuments The HER Scheduled Monument notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.3 Listed Buildings The HER Listed Building notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.4 Registered Historic Parks & Gardens The HER Registered Historic Park and Garden notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.5 Conservation Areas


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.6 Registered Battlefields The HER Registered Battlefield notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.7 Protected Wrecks The HER Protected Wreck notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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7.3.8 Protected Military Remains The HER protected Military Remains notification workflow is set out below as of 20/01/2011.


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.3.9 EVENT - ARCHIVE – SOURCE workflow


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7.4 Specimen Records: Monument, Event, Source and HLC 7.4.1 Sample HBSMR Monument Record report


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.4.2 Sample HBSMR Events record report


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.4.3 Sample HBSMR Source record report


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.4.4 Sample HBSMR HLC record report (partial)


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Cornwall & Scilly HER Audit and Action Plan Report 2012, B Tapper 10/04/2012 7.4.5 GI metadata record


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7.5 Archive and Disposals Policy The HES is currently re-drafting detailed guidelines for the creation, preparation, deposition and transfer of archives (Nowakowski et al 2011)90. The guidelines cover the following broad areas:

• Roles and Responsibilities

• Policy on storage of material at HES

• Project Planning stage

• Landowner consents

• Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright

• Museum Consents

• Selection, Sampling, Dispersal and Disposal

• Documentary Archive Contents

o Site Archive

o Research archive - Secondary and post-fieldwork records

o The creation, management and care of project records – hard copy

o The creation, management and care of project records – digital

o E-mails

o Digital data archiving

o Security copying

• Archiving FIELD and film DRAWINGS - current practices

o Primary archives - GRE and GRR

o Graphic record research archives – GRH

o Security copying

• Digital Data Capture – Surveys

• GIS Data

• Photographs – gound and aerial

• CC Network Security

• HES Reports – production, security copy and distribution

• Material Archives – Finds

• The Treatment of excavated Human Remains

o Fieldwork

o Post-excavation

• Preparation for archive deposition

o Sorting and checking the Records

o Boxing and listing the records

• HES archives – Access Database

• Transfer procedures

The current arrangements for archive deposition are listed below. 1. Project archives with finds are generally deposited in suitable repositories such as the

Royal Institution of Cornwall (Royal Cornwall Museum), Truro or other registered museums such as the Isles of Scilly Museum, St Mary’s.

90 Nowakowski, J, Tapper, B, Thomas, N, Rahn K, Smith JR, Hartgroves S, 2011. GUIDELINES FOR THE CREATION, PREPARATION, DEPOSITION AND TRANSFER OF PROJECT ARCHIVES. 2nd Draft for comment. HES, Cornwall Council.


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2. The majority of project archives without finds remain at HES and the paper record is indexed (Documentary Archive Index, DAI) and is stored in the medium/long-term at Pound & Co, Penryn. Ultimately these are to be deposited at the County Record Office (CCRO) when space is available.

3. All HES archives are logged onto the HES Access database L:\CAU\NEW_SMR\MDB_V7\archive.mdb. This lists individual archives by project number, general contents, present location, and if appropriate, a museum accession number.

4. Some project archives remain at HES/HER if they relate to HER enhancement or are expected to be in regular use as part of the HER.

5. Photograph record (film) is catalogued onto an access database and is stored at HES in labelled filing cabinets in the photographic archive store. All the drawers are clearly labelled.

6. Over the past decade, parts of the HES B/W photographic archive has been transferred to the Royal Cornwall Museum. This has taken place on an occasional basis.

Negatives are being transferred to the Royal Cornwall Museum in numerical order starting with film 1 and via an incremental procedure.

An inventory (hard copy) of all photographic archives is held in the HER Information room at the HES offices. Details of the majority of the HES photographic archive is catalogued on the access database. Note that this is however an incomplete database and only captures information about the permanent photo archive (which consists exclusively of B/W film negatives and contact sheets.

No copies or prints of those images transferred to the RCM are held at HES unless specifically made for a project and these may reside in the project archive or the B/W print archive drawer in the photographic room at HES.

7. The Graphic records (non-photographic) for archives (stored as GRE, GRH, and/or GRR) and which are not transferred to another repository remain at HES. In the future these are likely to be transferred to the Cornwall County Record Office (CCRO), but formal arrangements for transfer are not currently in place.

8. All digital records remain on the CCC network. The current practice by HE projects is unsatisfactory especially for project data and images. The digital graphic archive requires urgent attention in order to bring it to some form of similarity to the hardcopy graphic archive and index cards.

9. Hard copies of archive reports (grey literature) are deposited with local library such as the Cornwall Centre, Redruth, the National Monuments Record and the Society of Antiquaries in London. They are also electronically stored as PDFs on the CCC network.

10. National Trust project archives without finds are deposited with the regional National Trust archaeologist. To date the photographic archives of these projects have remained at the HES offices.

11. National Trust project archives with finds are deposited on loan to the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Royal Cornwall Museum, RCM), Truro. To date the photographic archives of these projects have remained at the HES offices.

12. All English Heritage archives (that is archives for projects on EH properties) with and without finds are deposited with the regional EH archive. The only exception to this has been the Tintagel archive which is deposited at the RCM. To date the field drawings and photographic archives of these projects have remained at the HES offices.

13. It is a condition of some English Heritage funded projects, that copies of archives are deposited with ADS (University of York, www.ads.ahds.ac.uk).

14. To date the deposition of archives arising from projects undertaken from the Isles of Scilly in the ownership of the Duchy of Cornwall or the Tresco Estate has varied according to the individual project. Some archives have been deposited in the Isles of Scilly (IOS) Museum on St Mary’s, parts of others (e.g., Bryher sword and cist burial)


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have been deposited at the Royal Institution of Cornwall (Royal Cornwall Museum), Truro with items on loan to the IOS museum.

15. The Duchy of Cornwall has its own procedures regarding archaeological finds although its current guidance is unknown. An update on procedures is recommended.

7.6 HBSMR Monument Type list The following table lists all those Monument types included in the HER. There was no time to assess each monument type during the course of the audit. On a very general level the following trends are apparent.

All prehistoric and medieval monument types will have good coverage and are likely to include both EXTANT and SITE OF monuments.

All post-medieval monument types will have average coverage and are likely to include principally EXTANT monuments.

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7.7 HER Word Lists 7.7.1 Period LUT

PeriodLUT Period Desc From To ScopeNote Current Origin BA Bronze Age -2500 -801 -1 Cornwall HER C16 16th Century 1501 1600 -1 Cornwall HER C17 17th Century 1601 1700 -1 C18 18th Century 1701 1800 -1 C19 19th Century 1801 1900 -1 C20 20th Century 1901 2000 -1 CW Civil War (1642 to 1651) 1642 1651 Civil War (1642 to 1651) -1 Cornwall HER E17 Early C17 1601 1633 0

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PeriodLUT Period Desc From To ScopeNote Current Origin E18 Early C18 1701 1733 0 E19 Early C19 1801 1833 0 EBA Early Bronze Age -2350 -1501 -1 EIA Early Iron Age -800 -401 -1 EM Early Medieval 410 1065 410 - 1066 -1 EME Early Mesolithic -10000 -7001 0 ENE Early Neolithic -4000 -3001 -1 EPR Early Prehistoric -500000 -4001 ie Palaeolithic/Mesolithic 0 IA Iron Age -800 42 -1 L17 Late C17 1667 1700 0 L18 Late C18 1767 1800 0 L19 Late C19 1867 1900 0 LAT Late Prehistoric -4000 42 Neolithic - Iron Age -1 LBA Late Bronze Age -1000 -801 -1 Cornwall HER LIA Late Iron Age -100 42 -1 LME Late Mesolithic -7000 -4001 0 LNE Late Neolithic -3000 -2351 -1 LPA Lower Palaeolithic -500000 -150001 0 M17 Mid C17 1634 1666 0 M18 Mid C18 1734 1766 0 M19 Mid C19 1834 1866 0 MBA Middle Bronze Age -1600 -1001 -1 MD Medieval 1066 1539 1066 - 1540 -1 ME Mesolithic -8000 -4001 -1 Cornwall HER MIA Middle Iron Age -400 -101 -1 MNE Middle Neolithic -3500 -2701 -1 MO Modern 1901 2050 1901 - present -1 MPA Middle Palaeolithic -150000 -40001 0 NE Neolithic -4000 -2501 -1 Cornwall HER PA Palaeolithic -500000 -8001 -1 Cornwall HER PM Post Medieval 1540 1900 1540 - 1901 -1 PR Prehistoric -500000 42 -1 PRO Post Roman 410 1900 0 RB Romano British 43 409 Romano British (43 to 410) -1 Cornwall HER RO Roman 43 409 43 to 410 0 SA Saxon 410 1065 0 UN Unknown -1 UPA Upper Palaeolithic -40000 -10001 0 W1 World War One 1914 1918 -1 Cornwall HER W2 World War Two 1939 1945 -1 Cornwall HER

7.7.2 Source type LUT SourceTypeLUT

SourceType Desc A Artifact AM Article in monograph AN Article in newspaper AP Aerial Photograph APT AP Transcription AS Article in serial AW Article on website BR Bibliographic reference BT Booklet CAR Cornwall Archive

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SourceTypeLUT SourceType Desc CER Cornwall Event Report CH Chart CM Cartographic materials COL Collection CPH Cornwall Photo Record DA Digital archive DF Machine readable data file EA Excavation archive GM Graphic material IN Index M Map MF Microform MO Monograph NTB Notebook P Photograph PV Projected and video materialRPO Report SC Scheduling record SE Serial SR Sound recording SUV Survey TYP Typescript UA Unassigned UD Unpublished document UE Unedited Source VC Verbal communication W Website

7.7.3 Event Type LUT EventTypeLUT

Type Desc RecordType AAN Artefact Analysis Event - InterpretationAAS Archive Assessment Event - InterpretationASM Area Survey - Measured Event - Survey ASS Area Survey - Sketch Event - Survey AST Assessment Event - InterpretationBR Building Record Event - Survey BS Building Survey Event - Survey CAA Conservation Area Appraisal Curatorial Advice CON Consultancy Curatorial Advice ECS Ecological Survey Event - Survey EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Event - InterpretationENS Environmental Sampling Event - Intervention EVL Evaluation Event - Intervention EXC Excavation Event - Intervention FO Field Observation Event - Survey FWS Fieldwalking - Systematic Event - Survey FWU Fieldwalking - Unsystematic Event - Survey GS Geophysical Survey Event - Survey GTI Geotechnical Investigation Event - Survey HER HER Enhancement Event - InterpretationMDS Metal Detector Survey Event - Survey MJX Major Excavation Event - Intervention MNX Minor Excavation Event - Intervention

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EventTypeLUT Type Desc RecordType MR Management Recommendations Curatorial Advice MW Management Works Maintenance PD Project Design Curatorial Advice PFR Pre-Feasibility Report Curatorial Advice PR Presentation Presentation PSG Photographic Survey (Ground) Event - Survey SD Scientific Dating Event - InterpretationSS Site Survey Event - Survey SSM Site Survey - Measured Event - Survey SSS Site Survey - Sketch Event - Survey WB Watching Brief Event - Intervention WOS Walkover Survey Event - Survey

7.7.4 Organisation Type LUT OrgTypeLUT

Ref Name ACON Archaeological Consultancy AGNT Agent APRA Architectural Practice ARCH Architects AUNT Archaeology Unit CLU Metal Detecting Club CON Contractor DEVL Developer LA Local Authority LAG Local amateur group LG Local Government MANU Manufacturers MUS Museum PLA Planning Consultant PMC Private Management Company PRI Private address SMRH Sites and Monuments Record Holder STAT Statutory Organisation UNI University UTI Utility

7.7.5 Monument Score LUT MonScoreTypeLUT

ScoreType Desc AMN MPP Amenity Value CAB NCCS - Associated Buildings CABS NCCS - Associated Buildings Scale CCON Condition CCONQ Condition Qualifier CLEG NCCS - Legibility COPS NCCS - Open Space CSC NCCS - Chapel Scale CSR Survival CSTY NCCS - Style CUSE NCCS - Use DIV MPP Diversity (features) DOCA MPP Documentation (archaeological)

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MonScoreTypeLUT ScoreType Desc DOCH MPP Documentation (historical) GVA MPP Group Value (association) GVC MPP Group Value (clustering) IMP Importance POT MPP Potential SSC Site Survey Condition SUR MPP Survival TOT MPP Total Score Monument Survival Score Values MonScoreValuesLUT

ScoreType ScoreValue CSR A - 100% CSR B - 80%+ CSR C - 60-80% CSR D - 40-60% CSR E - 20-40% CSR F - 10-20% CSR G - 0% CSR U - Unknown Monument Condition Score Values MonScoreValuesLUT

ScoreType ScoreValue CCON A - Very Good CCON B - Good CCON C - Fair CCON D - Poor CCON E - Very Poor CCON F - Destroyed CCON U - Unknown Monument Condition Qualifier Score Values MonScoreValuesLUT

ScoreType ScoreValue CCONQ Built over CCONQ Burrowing animals CCONQ Buried beneath sand CCONQ Military damage CCONQ Conserved CCONQ Coastal erosion CCONQ Fresh water erosion CCONQ Flooded CCONQ Forestry plantation CCONQ Not applicable CCONQ Partially ploughed CCONQ Partial excavation CCONQ Antiquarian excav. CCONQ Quarrying or mining CCONQ Robbed CCONQ Total excavation CCONQ Buried beneath waste CCONQ Submerged (marine)

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MonScoreValuesLUT ScoreType ScoreValue CCONQ Vehicle/foot/vandal

7.7.6 Monument Status LUT MonStatusLUT

Code Desc AAI Area of Archaeological Importance AC Admiralty Chart AIP AIP Record Number AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty CC Within County Council ownership CE Land owned by Crown Estate CLIST Cornwall HER Listing No. COA Conservation Area COL Common Land CP Country Park CPROJ Cornwall PROJECT ID CRL Crown Land CSURV Cornwall SURVEY NAME (temporary) DOB Defence of Britain Project (1995-2003) DW Designated Wreck ESA Environmentally Sensitive Area EU Land in Ecclesiastical use GM Guardianship Monument GN Guardianship Number HAR Heritage at Risk Register HC Heritage Coast HGIS Heritage GIS HO Hydrographic Office LB Listed Building LBE Listed Building List Entry Uid LBV Listed Building Volume/Map Sheet/Item LNR Local Nature Reserve MCH Monarch UID MORPH MORPH NAR1 NAR Number NAR2 NAR Catalogue Number NAR3 NAR Accession Number NBR NBR Index Number NMP National Mapping Programme (Morph No.) NMR National Monuments Record NNR National Nature Reserve NP National Park NPN North Pennines Project Number NTL National Trust Land OGD Owned/used by other Government Dept (administered by DOE)OSMR SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.) OSNO OS No. (OS Quarter-sheet and OS No.) PA Public Access PMR Protected Military Remains PRN Primary Record No. (1985-2009) PROW Public Right of Way PW Protected Wreck RB Registered Battlefield

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MonStatusLUT Code Desc

RG Registered Park or Garden RIB Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB) RRN Roman Road Number RSM RSM Number (EH national number) SHICA SHINE Candidate SHINE SHINE SM Scheduled Monument SMR Sites & Monuments Record SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest TBN Threatened Buildings Number TEHA Tax Exempt Heritage Asset TREV Silvanus Trevail Building UAD Urban Archaeological Database WHS World Heritage Site

7.7.7 Designation Type LUT DesignationConfigLUT


7.8 System Security Policy 7.8.1 Cornwall Council Information Security Policy The corporate Information Security policy can be found on the Council’s internal intranet webpages (TUhttp://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=1247UT) and includes a range of sub-policies to which the HER is subject, including the following:

• Internet Policy

• Computer Access Policy

• Removable Media Policy

• Software Control Policy

The HER is also required to abide by the corporate Information Storage Policy: TUhttp://cornwallcouncilintranet.cc.cornwallonline.net/default.aspx?page=636UT.

7.8.2 exeGesIS Technical Support and Minor Software Upgrades Agreement The exeGesIS technical support and minor software upgrade agreement runs annually. The current agreement covers the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011.

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8 References ALGAO, 2000, Local Record – national resources, AN ALGAO Strategy for Sites and Monuments Records, ALGAO. Baker, D. 1999a An Assessment of English Sites and Monuments Records for the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers. Historic Environment Conservation Report 97/20. N.p.p.: ALGAO

Brown, D H, 2007 Archaeological Archives. A guide to best practice in creation, compilation, transfer and curation, Archaeological Archives Forum, Institute of Field Archaeologists

Cornwall Council, 2010. Historic Environment Service Plan 2010-2011, 15/06/2010 v.5

DCMS, 2008, Historic Environment Records (HERs): Draft Guidance for Local Authorities in England

Department for Communities and Local Government, 2012. National Planning Policy Framework. TUhttp://communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/nppfUT

English Heritage, 2010. Historic Environment Record: Revised Audit Specification, March 2010 Version 2.1

English Heritage and ALGAO, 2002, Historic Environment Records: Benchmarks for Good Practice, English Heritage

English Heritage, 2009. Heritage Counts 2009, Sense of Place, England.

Gillings, M & Wise, A (Eds), 1998, GIS Guide to Good Practice, ADS.

Gilman, P. & Newman, M. (Eds), 2007, Informing the Future of the Past, Guidelines for HERs (2P

ndP Edition), English Heritage.

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