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Be a Corporate Collaborator 5 Quick Tips

Manish Guptahttps://www.linkedin.com/in/manishgupta123


• From time immemorial, I believed that great organizations aren't political. Great organizations are more or less fair, more or less healthy and have fair people practices. Ambitious interests have propelled people to compete with themselves, thereby becoming big promoters of their organizations.

•  People not only compete with themselves but also with peers and colleagues, taking decisions based on perceptions and likings, while the deserving people grow, some do stumble. It goes without saying that politics is inevitable and pervaded every nook and cranny of the corporate world.

The best way to rise above this is to be a good collaborator – to act in concert with your stakeholders, management and people; to confer and not to oppose; to co-operate and not to compete!https://www.linkedin.com/in/manishgupta123


Collaboration is the Holy Grail to stay ahead in modern politics. These 5 lessons worked magic for me to be a great collaborator and minimize conflict. I hope they will enable you also to stay ahead:

1.Be flexible in perceiving people: 

During a conflict, we presume the motive of others and react to the situation. In retrospection, we realize that our perception was so wrong.

Recommendation is to re-validate your perception



2.Look at the larger picture: 

We are too much involved in the nitty-gritties of the situation that we miss the larger picture or objective of the conflict. Take a step back and look at the situation as how your primary stakeholders or clients will view, there could be a different perspective that could be visible now



3. Uncomfortable discussions are also good: 

No one wants to get into a discussion, get questioned and made to think hard. Is it uncomfortable to be challenged? It has it’s own merits of bringing better ideas and taking better decisions.  Infact, it can be a healthy thing for an organization, leading to creativity, innovation and problem solving.

So uncomfortable discussions are good



4. Whining doesn't help: 

okay, let's consider that the above scenario/guidance doesn't fit, so what changes, practically nothing. You are still in the situation and will have to face it either ways. You can be whiner but that won't help either. The only thing that will help is to take responsibility of your progress, own your deliverables and lead from the front



5. Keep your cool 

Even when office bullies and other game players win every time, stay calm and composed. Never give them the satisfaction of rattling you by displaying your impulsiveness or impatience. Stay composed and they'll lose the power

 At times, collaboration either compromised in the name of cooperation or is being killed between conflicts. Two extremes of the spectrum that prevent collaboration to happen. For instance, either a person just accepts whatever comes his way for the sake of co-operation or reacts to the situation and get into conflict.  It is important to hold middle ground and explore possibilities that helps in meeting organizational goals. 


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