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Is this Corporate Intimacy?

Google: what makes a team


psychological safety Improves retention,

profitability & Teamwork

everything that can be automated

will be automated

jobs of the future: 1. People who tell computers

what to do 2. people who are told by

computers what to do 3. people who help people cope

coping with change is the world’s fastest growing


technology is changing how we think of identity

identity is shifting from a noun to a verb

we are all developing multiple identity


We all need help integrating all our selves

brands will sell wisdom

companies will develop mystics

we have entered an age of purpose

nothing will be not safe for work

our work will be making it safe

the outcome is a more humane organization

corporate intimacy is not just about adapting to change. It is the change itself.

Our task is shifting our organizational stories from nouns to verbs

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