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World’s First Green Denim Plant

Corporate profile


Buildingthe future

Ethiopia, Africa

Ethiopia is the ninth largest country in Africa and is located in the north-eastern region, popularly referred to as the Horn of Africa. As a landlocked country, Ethiopia is bound to the east by Djibouti and Somalia, to the north and north-east by Eritrea, to the south by Kenya and to the west by Sudan.

The country is essentially agrarian with nearly 80% of the population engaged in agriculture. Large tracts of arable land are available for cultivation. With two major rivers and a number of small ones, Ethiopia has ample water resources.

The economy of Ethiopia has been growing at double digits. The per capita income has also been rising steadily. The positive industrial policy has helped in this growth. Industry is trying to grow, though this has been slow on account of several challenges including limited indigenization of industrial inputs.


Kanoria Africa Textiles PLC has been established by the renowned Kanoria Group’s flagship company Kanoria Chemicals and Industries Limited, based in New Delhi, India.

Founded over 60 years ago, Kanoria Group has a global presence in manufacturing organic chemicals, as well as renewable power in India and electronic automobile components in Europe.

Kanoria Africa Textiles PLC has been set up with the vision to sustainably produce high quality denim to meet the exacting standards of leading international brands. These objectives are being achieved through investment in the latest technology and highly qualified talent.


A legacy of over 60 years

Our Philosophy

1. We are committed to:

• Establishing and promoting the textile and apparel industry in Africa,

• Empowering the people of Africa with sustainable growth,

• Protecting the environment with innovative technologies,

• Enhancing African cotton production,

• Bringing in new technologies and fashion, and

• Creating employment opportunities.

2. We work closely with farmers for cotton production and promote cotton made in Africa.

3. We are building a healthy and productive workforce by adopting best practices in employee welfare and enabling local capacity building by recruiting engineers, training them and making them future global managers.


Made inAfrica


Our Products

Our products include:

•Denimfabricinaweightrangeof4ozto 15 oz

•Basicdenims,mercerizedfashiondenimsinrigid, cotton-stretch, poly-stretch, over-dyed and printed denims

•Largepaletteofindigosofmanyhues,sulphur topping/bottoming combined with indigo and some basic colors like brown, black, grey and olive

•SpecialfinisheslikePUpadding,anti-bacterial finish and water repellent finish

•Rangeofdobbydesigns,satins,cavalrytwills, soft left hand twills and herringbones






The Production Plant

Kanoria Africa Textiles PLC is the first green denim manufacturing facility in the world. It is the first denim manufacturing facility in East Africa as well as the first integrated denim plant that is completely eco-friendly.

•WastewatertreatmentplantdevelopedbyArvind Envisol which ensures Zero Liquid Discharge

•Thesoliddischargewillbeconvertedtocrystals and supplied for use by cement manufacturers and leather tanneries

•Sevennew-generationelectricboilersrunon Ethiopia’s clean hydro power to make our plant pollution free



Process & Machinery

A state-of-the-art production facility to initially produce 12 million metres of denim fabric per annum with world class equipment for finest product quality. Our processes include:

1. Spinning

•EquippedwithTruetzschlerBlowRoomLine with foreign particles remover to provide contamination-free yarn

•CombinedwithsixTruetzschlerTC-11Carding machines with IDF-2 and four Truetzschler TD-8 Draw Frames

•ThreestateofartSaurerAutocoroopenendframes with multi-lot working facilities and coro-lab yarn clearer ensure consistent quality

•Eachmachinehas480rotors,andoneframecapable of producing waxed knitting yarns

•YarnproductrangeisNe6toNe30weaving/knitting open end yarns, with an installed capacity of 370 tons/month



State of the art



2. Weaving Preparatory


•FiveMorrisonLongChainBeamer(MDS550RB)andoneUkilSizingMachineExpert-100, for sizing of dyed yarn and making weaving beams

3. Rope Dyeing

•IndigoRopeDyeingtechnologyforuniformand consistent shade

•Productionofdeepandverydarkshadeswith higher colour fastness and superior washing performance

•ModernMorrisonRopeDyeingplantfromUSA,withacapacityof24ropes(expandableto48ropes),toproduceaversatilecombination of indigo and sulphur shades

Capacity VersatilityPerformance


4. Weaving

Loom shed equipped with sixty versatile high speed Toyota-810 Air Jet looms

5. Processing and Finishing

Equipped with a Stenter for heat-setting of stretchdenims,aMercerizerforhighqualityflatfinish/overdyeddenimsandaMorrisonWet Sanforizer for consistent dimensional stability of products


Quality Assurance




To implement the objectives of a reliable product label for consumers and a uniform safety standard for the assessment of harmful substances for textile and clothing manufacturers, the OEKO-TEX® certificate is a successful evidence of a quality assurance system which guarantees the processing techniques, dyestuffs and auxiliaries, recipes and material compositions.

Customer Satisfaction

•Dedicatedpowersupplyprovidesuninterrupted power to ensure timely delivery of orders

•Capabilitytoproduceawiderangeoffabricsin different weights, colours and finishes according to the exacting needs of customers that include both large garment producers who source globally to small niche players who require innovative fabrics

•Productionofqualityfabricsaimedtodelight customers across the globe




Our Clients

•ProducersofdenimapparelsfortheleadingbrandsofEurope,USAandAsiaareourpotential customers

•Weexpecttoservemainstreambrandsandniche markets of the world with our wide range of denims for all uses

•Weareinconversationwithmanyleadingbrands for supplying denims to their vendors in Africa and other international destinations


Contact Us

City Office:AmanelwaBuilding4thfloor,Subcity-Kirkos, Woreda-03, Wolo Sefer,Addis Ababa, EthiopiaTel:+251114702478/114700736Email: [email protected]

Production Plant:Keta Industrial Zone,Addis-Adama Express Highway,DebreZeyit(Bishoftu),Oromia Region, EthiopiaTel:+251118485318/118485575




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