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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy – Employees and Contractors

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DETAILS Council Admin

Effective from: May 2018 Contact officer: Executive Coordinator Procurement Operations, City Procurement Next review date: May 2020 File reference: HR829/02(P1) iSpot #

This Policy 23051420 Value Proposition 48362868

OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES Objectives • To facilitate efficient and cost effective travel arrangements

• To ensure clear and consistent understanding of policy andprocedures; and

• To ensure compliance with all statutory obligations.Performance Measures • Total expenditure on travel

• Total number of travel eventsRisk assessment Low

POLICY STATEMENT Council of the City of Gold Coast (Council) recognises the need for staff to travel on official business. Council is committed to ensuring that all travel and related services are procured as cost-effectively as possible, using the Council’s preferred travel suppliers.

This policy is to be implemented in accordance with Attachment A, Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy Standards – Employees and Contractors.

All air travel and/or accommodation requirements will be coordinated through the City Procurement, Organisational Services subject to receipt of the necessary approvals.

A daily travel allowance will be paid to travellers. Reimbursement of other expenses is subject to approval.

SCOPE This policy applies to all employees and persons working under contract where the travel is funded by Council. This policy does not apply to Councillors.

DEFINITIONS Authorising person –

For employees and managers – means Director For Director - means CEO For CEO – means Mayor.

Council – Council of the City of Gold Coast.

Event – all activities undertaken by the traveller including site visits, conferences, etc. where attendance requires overnight accommodation or commercial travel arrangements to be made.

Traveller – employee; the person travelling.

CPC – Corporate Purchase Card.

Unless specified otherwise, the word employee includes permanent, contracted and temporary employees.

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy – Employees and Contractors

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RELATED POLICIES AND DELEGATIONS Entertainment and Hospitality Expenditure Policy Expenses Reimbursement and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Resource Usage Policy International Relations and Engagement Policy Learning and Development Policy Procurement Policy and Contract Manual Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy Code of Conduct for Employees Corporate Purchase Card Governance Procedures LEGISLATION Local Government Regulation 2012 Taxation Rulings issued by the Australian Taxation Office RELATED DOCUMENTS Attachment A – Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy Standards Attachment B – Travel Booking Procedure Flowchart for Employees Attachment C – Statement of Expenses Learning and Development Application form (TD001) iSpot #24614566 Travel Request Form iSpot #20698998 Out of Pocket Expenses Claim Form iSpot #30466583 RESPONSIBILITIES Sponsor Director Organisational Services Owner Chief Procurement Officer

VERSION CONTROL Document Date Approved


23051420 v22 24.05.18 COO (iSpot 69747275) Minor changes 23051420 v21 10.02.16 COO (iSpot 53776437) Major changes 23051420 v20 19.12.13 COO (iSpot 42065623) Minor changes 23051420 v19 17.4.13 CEO (iSpot 39899027) Major amendment 23051420 v18 19.4.11 CEO (iSpot 30933517) Minor changes 23051420 v15 25.6.10 CEO (iSpot 28585772)

(GF10.0224.002/ G10.0301.019) Minor amendment

23051420 v11 20.7.09 CEO (GF09.0527.004 / G09.0601.017) Major amendment 23051420 v10 15.4.09 CEO Minor amendment 23051420 v8 31.7.08 CEO Minor amendment 23051420 v7 1.4.08 CEO New policy

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy - Employees and ContractorsAttachment A Standards

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Table of Contents 1 TRAVEL POLICY ....................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Policy statement.................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Scope of Policy ................................................................................................... 3

2 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 3

3 GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................. 4

4 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................. 4

4.1 All Travellers ....................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Approving Persons .............................................................................................. 4

4.3 Council travel officer ........................................................................................... 5

5 PREFERRED TRAVEL PROVIDER .......................................................................... 5

6 APPROVAL OF TRAVEL .......................................................................................... 5

6.1 Employee approval to Attend events .................................................................. 5 6.1.1 Events Within Australia ................................................................................... 5

6.1.2 Events Outside Australia ................................................................................. 5

6.1.3 Number of Travellers Permitted ....................................................................... 5

6.1.4 International Health and Safety ....................................................................... 6

6.1.5 Register International Trips ............................................................................. 6

6.2 Travel by Non-Council Personnel ....................................................................... 6

7 PROCESSING OF TRAVEL REQUESTS .................................................................. 6

8 AIR TRAVEL .............................................................................................................. 6

8.1 Class of Travel .................................................................................................... 7 8.1.1 Employee Class of Air Travel .......................................................................... 7

8.2 Flexible Tickets ................................................................................................... 7

9 ACCOMMODATION .................................................................................................. 7

9.1 Flexibility in accommodation ............................................................................... 7

9.2 Accommodation and Expense Allowances for Local Events ............................... 7

9.3 International Accommodation ............................................................................. 8

10 CORPORATE CLUB MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................ 8

11 USE OF PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLE ....................................................................... 8

12 HIRE CARS ................................................................................................................ 8

13 TAXIS AND LIMOUSINE SERVICE ........................................................................... 8

13.1 Taxis and CabCharge vouchers ......................................................................... 8

13.2 Limousine Service ............................................................................................... 8

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14 TRAVEL EXPENSES AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCES ............................................ 9

14.1 Meals and Incidentals ......................................................................................... 9 14.1.1 Domestic Travel .............................................................................................. 9

14.1.2 International Travel ....................................................................................... 10

14.2 Acquittal ............................................................................................................ 10 14.2.1 Corporate Purchase Card Expenses ............................................................. 10

14.3 Part Day Travel ................................................................................................. 10

14.4 Accommodation Expenses ............................................................................... 10

14.5 Other Eligible Expenses .................................................................................... 11 14.5.1 General Parking Fees ................................................................................... 11

14.5.2 In-room Internet Connection for Business Purposes ..................................... 11

14.5.3 Phone Calls and Mobile Data Usage ............................................................. 11

14.5.4 Hospitality Expenses ..................................................................................... 11

14.6 Non-Allowable Expenses .................................................................................. 11

14.7 expense reimbursement process ...................................................................... 12 14.7.1 Employee Reimbursement ............................................................................ 12

15 MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................. 12

15.1 Interview Travel Arrangements ......................................................................... 12

15.2 Travel Insurance ............................................................................................... 12

15.3 Accompanying Partners/Personal Travel Arrangements .................................. 12

16 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 12

16.1 employee reporting requirements ..................................................................... 12

17 CORPORATE PURCHASE CARDS (CPC) ............................................................. 13

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1 Travel Policy

1.1 Policy Statement Council recognises the need for staff to travel on official business. Council is committed to ensuring that all travel and related services are procured as cost effectively and efficiently as possible whilst ensuring the safety and wellbeing of staff.

This Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy – Employees and Contractors is supported by the following Standards that are intended to:

• ensure clear and consistent understanding of policy and procedures;• ensure compliance with all legal (taxation) obligations; and• achieve maximum value for money.

All travel and accommodation arrangements must comply with these Standards.

All travel related activities must be coordinated through a central travel management function currently carried out and located within City Procurement, Organisational Services.

All travellers and those who process and approve travel are responsible for complying with this policy. Managers who hold an administrative authority are responsible for ensuring all policies have been adhered to before approving travel and associated expense claims.

While ensuring appropriate costs are met by Council, it is also necessary to keep travel costs within reasonable limits and to ensure compliance with Council’s policies.

The authorising person must verify that expenses meet the following criteria: • the expense is not personal by nature and was incurred as a direct result of conducting approved

Council business; and• the information contained in supporting documentation is accurate and in accordance with this policy.

Travel related expenses that do not comply with this policy will not be reimbursed. Travellers submitting non-complying expense claims risk delays in processing their claim, or partial or total forfeiture of reimbursement.

All overnight travel by employees requires prior approval by the traveller’s Director or CEO.

1.2 Scope of Policy This policy applies to all employees and persons working under contract where travel is funded by Council. This policy does not apply to Councillors.

2 Definitions Event – all activities undertaken by the traveller including site visits, conferences, etc. where attendance requires overnight accommodation or commercial travel arrangements to be made.

Traveller – Employee, the person travelling.

Authorising Person - For employees and managers – means Director For Director - means CEO For CEO – means Mayor

Unless specified otherwise, the word employee includes permanent, contracted and temporary employees.

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3 Guidelines The Travel Officer will coordinate the attendance of a traveller at all events where travel or accommodation is required and requested.

Event associated travel and accommodation arrangements will not be booked unless the Travel Officer (Organisational Services – City Procurement) receives a completed Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998) and (if applicable) Learning and Development Application form (TD001) (iSpot # 24614566).

Requests for travel and/or accommodation must be lodged with the Travel Officer within sufficient time to take advantage of “early bird” and advance booking discounts. Confirmation of travel or accommodation cannot be guaranteed for late requests. As a guide international travel requests should be received no later than 6 weeks prior to departure, domestic travel requests should be made no later than 4 weeks from date of departure.

All event attendance and reimbursement of eligible costs must be authorised by the traveller’s supervisor or officer holding relevant delegated power unless otherwise stated in this policy.

4 Responsibilities

4.1 All Travellers Travellers are required to:

• familiarise themselves with Council’s travel policy;• comply with the travel policy and procedures;• provide notification of intended Council funded overseas travel to the Office of the Mayor at time of

Travel Request Form submission and if applicable, Learning and Development Application (TD001)Form submission;

• process all travel related requests through Council’s Travel Officer;• make bookings in a timely manner so that available discounts are maximised;• obtain reimbursement for valid out of pocket expenses in a timely manner following completion of the

journey; submit to payroll for processing and forward a copy to the travel officer• complete all necessary registration forms, Learning and Development Application Form (TD001) and

Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998);• check the travel advice notices on the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) websites for any travel

warnings or health risks related to the travel destination;• prior to leaving Australia, register the details of their official international travel with DFAT at

www.smartraveller.gov.au;• ensure there are no personal impediments restricting travel (either health, visa or legal); and• arrange visa and currency conversion if required.

Travel related expenses that do not comply with this policy will not be reimbursed. Travellers submitting non-complying expense claims risk delays in processing their claim, or partial or total forfeiture of reimbursement.

4.2 Approving Persons Employees approving travel requests must:

• ensure the application complies with this policy;• approve travel in a timely manner to ensure requests are received in sufficient time to process all

requests before travel commences and maximise available discounts;• ensure acquittal of expenditure within a reasonable time following completion of the travel;• implement systems of risk management to ensure that expenditure on travel is efficient, economical

and appropriate; and• review travel warning and health requirements submitted by the traveller and determine approval of

such travel in consideration of the Work Health and Safety risk of the travel.

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4.3 Council Travel Officer All travel requests will be processed through Council’s Travel Officer who is responsible for:

• identifying ‘best deals’ and negotiating special rates with Council’s preferred travel providers;• providing advice to employees in relation to travel services, policies, procedures and conditions

of travel;• managing Council’s corporate airline lounge membership;• coordinating all travel requests to ensure bookings are made in a timely manner and that all requests

are processed in accordance with Council’s policy;• maintaining information on such travel related issues as accommodation, airfares, car hire and other

related costs for the purpose of reporting to Council as required; and• collection of personal information in order to process employee travel requests – this information will

only be used by authorised Council officers and the travel provider for travel related purposes.

Employees should seek advice from the Travel Officer if they have any queries relating to travel.

5 Preferred Travel Provider Council may use a preferred travel provider. The company may be used to process travel requests, negotiate discount air and accommodation rates and provide assistance to travellers on travel related matters. The Travel Officer will consider the best value for money option when processing all travel requests. This may include arranging travel bookings directly with suppliers or using a third party supplier to ensure the best possible rate is secured.

Employees shall not negotiate travel rates directly with travel suppliers. All such requests must be processed through the Travel Officer.

6 Approval of Travel Travel may only be approved by the authorising person and may only be undertaken by the mode approved on the relevant travel form.

Employees cannot approve their own expenditure and must obtain approval for travel and payment of any allowances from an authorising person.

6.1 Employee Approval to Attend Events All event attendance requests must be submitted on a completed Learning and Development Application Form (TD001) where appropriate and a completed Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998).

6.1.1 Events Within Australia An employee’s attendance at events within Australia requires Director approval unless the Director has delegated the authorisation to the respective Manager.

6.1.2 Events Outside Australia Except where prior Council approval is received, the Chief Executive Officer must approve all requests to attend international events.

Notification of intended Council funded overseas travel by staff must be provided to the Office of the Mayor at time of Travel Request Form submission and if applicable, Learning and Development Application (TD001) Form submission.

6.1.3 Number of Travellers Permitted The authorising person may approve a maximum of one (1) employee to attend an event where travel or accommodation is required. Any request for more than one (1) employee to attend such events must be submitted to the CEO for approval.

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6.1.4 International Health and Safety Where considered necessary, travellers should seek personal medical advice before undertaking international travel. Vaccinations may be necessary for some destinations. The traveller may seek reimbursement for the cost of vaccinations by completing an Out of Pocket Expenses Claim Form and attaching a receipt. All claims must be approved by the employee's authorising person.

Further advice on health and safety, including country specific advice, is available from DFAT at their website: www.smartraveller.gov.au.

6.1.5 Register International Trips Prior to leaving Australia, travellers should register the details of their official international travel with DFAT at www.smartraveller.gov.au

6.2 Travel by Non-Council Personnel Non-Council employees (e.g. individual contractors) may be required to travel on Council related business. The relevant cost centre manager will decide the question of funding such travel. Allowances are limited to those provided for under this policy.

Alternatively, a contracted entity’s personnel may be required to travel on Council business in the course of their contract. In these cases travel and allowances will be made as per the provisions of the contract.

7 Processing of Travel Requests A complete Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998), accompanied by the following where applicable must be received before a booking is processed:

• Written proof of appropriate approvals as defined in these Standards• Learning and Development Application Form (TD001)• Conference documentation and registration details

Verbal or email notification of intention to travel will not be acted on and it is not considered valid notice.

Except in genuine emergencies the Travel Officer shall process all travel and accommodation arrangements, including associated registrations.

Unless specifically requested to the contrary, the Travel Officer through the preferred travel provider will arrange bookings that best fit the preferred options and are most advantageous to Council. All itineraries will be confirmed with the traveller before bookings are confirmed. No alterations will be accepted after confirmation of bookings, except under extenuating circumstances as approved by the relevant authorising person.

Requests for travel and/or accommodation must be lodged with the Travel Officer within sufficient time to take advantage of “early bird” and advance booking discounts. Confirmation of travel or accommodation cannot be guaranteed for late requests. Approved international travel requests should be received 6 weeks prior to the date of departure. Approved domestic travel requests should be received 4 weeks prior to the date of departure.

8 Air Travel The most cost effective form of travel will be used.

Council’s contracted travel services provider is required to offer the “best fare” available at the time of booking. Travellers should be aware that flight costs vary depending on flight time, destinations, connecting flights and airlines. Council’s policy is to take advantage of the lowest priced airfares giving consideration to the traveller’s departure and/or arrival needs and the length of journey (referring to direct or connecting flights). Therefore, the flight requested may not always be offered when the traveller is asked to confirm the booking.

Electronic ticketing (ETicket) will be used for airline tickets where available.

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Notwithstanding the class of travel specified below, nothing in this policy will prevent travellers from upgrading to a higher class of travel providing the upgrade is at no additional cost to Council.

8.1 Class of Travel 8.1.1 Employee Class of Air Travel

• The Chief Executive Officer and Directors shall, at their discretion and in accordance with contractualprovisions, travel Business Class.

• The standard of air travel for domestic flights shall be Economy Class for employees and contractors• The standard of air travel for international flights shall be economy class for employees and

contractors, however, the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to approve a higher standard basedon the merits of each request.

• A traveller accompanying a person entitled to travel at a higher class may, with the approval of theCEO travel at the same class if the traveller is required to maintain contact with that person forbusiness purposes, e.g. travelling together to make a presentation shortly after arrival.

In all instances where long journeys are required, the traveller will be provided with sufficient recovery time prior to attendance at an event thereby reducing the demand on business class fares.

8.2 Flexible Tickets Where flexibility is required for return times or connecting flights, a suitably flexible ticket may be purchased with the approval of the authorising person.

9 Accommodation Council recognises that conference accommodation packages are not always the most economical option. Council’s contracted travel services supplier has negotiated favourable rates with hotels throughout Australia and these hotels will be used where it is beneficial to do so. Government rates may also offer a better alternative to conference packages.

When practical and available, accommodation will be arranged as near as possible to the event venue.

In all instances, final accommodation arrangements will be determined taking into account the cost, location, value for money, convenience and traveller safety being the primary objective.

9.1 Flexibility in accommodation In determining accommodation locations and standards for all travellers, every effort will be made to minimise the total cost associated with attendance at the event. Travel time to the event, taxi costs, convenience and hotel services will be considered when booking accommodation. When practical and available, accommodation will be arranged within close proximity of the event venue. In all instances final arrangement will take into account cost, location, convenience and safety. In the interests of ensuring value for money an indicative rate of $160/per night will be used as a benchmark.

9.2 Accommodation and Expense Allowances for Local Events Accommodation and expense allowances will not be paid for local events such as seminars, conferences etc. held on the Gold Coast, adjoining local government areas or Brisbane City, where it is reasonable to expect the employee to travel to and from the event on the day of the event. The relevant authorising person may approve such costs giving consideration to the home location and participation requirements of the traveller.

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9.3 International Accommodation (a) Accommodation meeting the general standards applicable for domestic travel will apply.

Where a sister city relationship exists or international contacts with government or businessagencies exist, the government or business agency may be contacted to assist withaccommodation bookings to ensure suitability of location and standard with regards totraveller safety and international protocols.

(b) Prepayment of all accommodation is preferred however it is acknowledged that some countriesdo not permit this. In such cases, an increase to the daily travel allowance may be made to offsetaccommodation costs. Any increase to cover accommodation costs must be approved by theChief Executive Officer. If the allowance exceeds the ATO Guidelines a full acquittal may berequired (refer Attachment C – Statement of Expenses).

10 Corporate Club Membership Corporate Club Memberships are available to the Chief Executive Officer and Directors.

11 Use of Private Motor Vehicle Where an employee chooses not to use Council provided or arranged travel to attend a conference or course, the employee is responsible for meeting all consequential travel and accommodation expenses except where approved by the authorising person. Examples of exceptions to this policy may include medical conditions preventing the traveller from flying.

12 Hire Cars The authorising person must approve use of hire cars under this policy.

13 Taxis and Limousine Service

13.1 Taxis and CabCharge

Vouchers (a) Cabcharge vouchers are available from the Travel Officer. Travellers are encouraged to use thisfacility as an alternative to seeking reimbursement for taxi costs. Any unused vouchers must bereturned to Council’s Travel Officer immediately upon return to Council. Liability for any misuseor loss of vouchers rests with the traveller or business unit

(b) The use of Cabcharge vouchers for travel between the Gold Coast and Brisbane is not permittedunless approved by the authorising person in advance of the travel, are shown to be morebeneficial than other options available or are in the interests of safety. Similarly, reimbursementof these fares will not be considered unless prior authorisation is provided.

(c) Cabcharge must only be used to attend official Council functions. Incidental travel whileattending an event must be met by the traveller.

13.2 Limousine Service

Where it is cost effective to do so, a limousine service may be requested to be arranged by the Travel Officer.

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14 Travel Expenses and Expense Allowances

14.1 Meals and Incidentals 14.1.1 Domestic Travel

Requests for domestic travel should be completed using the Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998) and Learning and Development Application Form (TD001) if applicable. This MUST be signed by the traveller and contain the required authorisations. Council will pay a daily allowance up to a maximum of $98.00 per day.

Where possible, this allowance will be paid into the traveller’s nominated bank account as part of the weekly pay cycle before departure. Note this prepayment precludes any further claim for reimbursement of incidental costs.

The daily allowance will be calculated taking into account any meals included in the event registration or provided in the travel package. Where a conference dinner or meal (including breakfast or lunch) is included in the registration, the respective allowance for that meal will be deducted from the total daily allowance. If the traveller chooses not to attend a provided dinner/meal, then the full cost of the alternate meal shall be at the traveller’s expense.

Breakfast allowance is paid if the traveller is required to depart home prior to 6am. Dinner allowance is paid if the traveller returns home after 6.30pm.

For Conference and Course attendance where an overnight stay is required, the following allowance will be used as a guide. Prior night’s accommodation shall only be approved where transport to the event on the day of commencement is not practical.

Breakfast $21.00 Lunch $21.00 Dinner $36.00 Incidentals $20.00 TOTAL $98.00

Incidentals will be paid for each full day the traveller is required to be away from home. This allowance will include such items as, laundry/dry cleaning, newspapers, phone calls, bus fares, stationery and other similar incidental travel related expenses not specifically covered in this policy.


The following is an example of how this allowance will be calculated:

An employee travels to Sydney for a two-day conference commencing Monday morning and finishing Tuesday afternoon. Travel to Sydney on Monday morning is considered impractical.

The employee chooses to leave on Saturday (rather than on Sunday afternoon) and returns on Tuesday night. The conference registration includes dinner on Monday night and lunches for both conference days but no breakfasts. Travel home on Tuesday is on a late afternoon flight arriving home before 6.30pm.

The traveller is required to pay for accommodation on Saturday night and the following allowance will be pre-paid:

Sunday night dinner Incidentals for Monday Monday breakfast Tuesday breakfast

No further claims for meals or incidentals will be accepted.

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14.1.2 International Travel

Requests for international travel should be completed using the Travel Request Form (iSpot #20698998) and Learning and Development Application Form (TD001) if applicable. This MUST be signed by the traveller and contain the required authorisations. A travel allowance will be paid in advance. This allowance will be set with reference to Taxation Rulings issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for reasonable allowance amounts for meals and incidentals for all international travel and will be paid prior to travel commencing, where time permits.(Please refer to the Taxation Determination for the relevant financial year). The applicable “reasonable amount by cost groups” pursuant to this Taxation Determination shall be the lower salary range.

An additional payment may be made under Section 9.3(b) with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

If required, and with the approval of the CEO, a Corporate Credit Card (CPC) may be issued to the traveller in accordance with Section 17 below.

Council will reimburse reasonable business related expenses including the cost of visas, travellers cheque fees and currency conversion however acquiring these items is the responsibility of the traveller. Council’s contracted travel provider may provide these services from time to time.

With the exception of Section 14.7 below, no other out of pocket expense claims will be accepted.

14.2 Acquittal Acquittal of travel allowances is not required; however it is essential that travellers keep a travel diary detailing all business activities and associated expenses. They should also familiarise themselves with the Australian Taxation Office’s “Taxation Determination” as it relates to reasonable travel and meal allowance expense amounts, especially for international travel (refer to Section 9.3(b)).

14.2.1 Corporate Purchase Card Expenses

Where a CPC is issued, travellers are required to retain all tax invoices or receipts and reconcile in SAP within the timeframe permitted under the Corporate Purchase Card Governance Procedures. Further travel will not be approved where acquittals remain outstanding. All travel breaches will be managed by the Travel Officer, under the Corporate Purchase Card Governance Procedures.

The Travel Officer on a monthly basis, will audit, confirm and breach (if required) all CPC reconciliations and report all breaches and actions, to the Corporate Purchase Card Officer for recording in the breach register.

14.3 Part Day Travel Where travel does not require overnight accommodation, the traveller will be entitled to reimbursement for the reasonable cost of meals and expenses as determined by section 14.1 above. A prepaid incidental allowance will not be made for part day travel; however a claim for costs up to the approved limit (see Section 14.1.1) may be made with proof of expenditure.

14.4 Accommodation Expenses Wherever practical to do so, Council will book and pre-pay all accommodation before departure. Council will not prepay any charges against the room except for accommodation and taxes where applicable. All expenses incurred at the accommodation venue other than accommodation must be settled at the time of departure. It is the traveller’s responsibility to seek reimbursement of legitimate business expenses upon return as allowed by this policy. Reimbursement will not be approved without original receipts (refer to Section 14.7.1).

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14.5 Other Eligible Expenses 14.5.1 General Parking Fees

Council will reimburse the cost of parking fees incurred in order to attend an event. Supporting receipts are required for reimbursement. The use of long term airport parking arrangements should be approved by the authorising person at the time of the request and shall be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. Airport parking facilities shall only be used where it is economical to do so and after all other reasonable methods of transport to and from the airport have been considered. Approved claims for reimbursement shall be presented to Payroll via the Out of Pocket Expense Claim Form with a copy sent to the Travel Officer for processing.

14.5.2 In-room Internet Connection for Business Purposes Where in-room internet connection is required for undertaking Council business, reasonable connection costs may be claimed on completion of travel.

14.5.3 Phone Calls and Mobile Data Usage The requirements of the ICT Resource Usage Policy relating to domestic and overseas usage and costs, continues to apply as normal whilst on Council approved travel. For further information please refer to the ICT Resource Usage Policy.

14.5.4 Hospitality Expenses Council recognises that in some circumstances it is appropriate to show appreciation towards hosts as a matter of courtesy. Consideration will be given to genuine entertainment applicable to Council activities. For example, protocols may suggest a host/ess gift may be appropriate in some circumstances, or a meal allowance limit may be exceeded at a particular venue where no reasonable alternative is available.

Prior approval must be sought from the authorising person where there is a likelihood of incurring official hospitality expenses. A Hospitality/Catering Request Form will need to be completed, as per the Entertainment and Hospitality Expenditure Policy.

Employees must ensure that hospitality expenses are recorded and that their claim for expenses contains: • the circumstances;• the form of hospitality:

o breakfasto luncho dinnero gift

• the cost;• the location;• a list of attendees;• approval by the appropriate authorising person; and• original receipts and detailed description of expenses. Foreign language receipts must be

appropriately explained/translated. Travel diaries may assist in this requirement.

14.6 Non-Allowable Expenses All costs considered to be personal in nature and unrelated to the performance of the traveller’s responsibilities while travelling will not be considered. These include but are not limited to, alcohol, babysitting fees, kennel fees, airline club fees, toiletries, barber or hair stylist, traffic infringements, in flight and in house movies, tourism related costs, mini bar purchases, personal telephone, social events, or other expenses reasonably considered to be personal/non-business related expenses.

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy - Employees and ContractorsAttachment A Standards

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14.7 Expense Reimbursement Process Where feasible, Council will pay all travel and accommodation expenses before departure, however any claims for allowable expenses not covered by the daily allowance may be made at the completion of travel.

14.7.1 Employee Reimbursement

Legitimate business expenses not covered by the daily allowance may be reimbursed under authorisation of the employee’s authorising person. All applications for reimbursement must be made on the Out of Pocket Expenses Claim Form and accompanied by detailed supporting documentation, receipts, etc. for each item.

All approved staff reimbursements must be submitted to the Travel Officer for processing and will be reimbursed through the payroll system. Reimbursement will not be made without presentation of original receipts. Statutory Declarations will not be accepted in any circumstances.

15 Miscellaneous

15.1 Interview Travel Arrangements Flight and accommodation arrangements for interview candidates will only be made with the approval of the CEO or relevant Director and upon receipt of a written request to Council’s Travel Officer.

Overnight accommodation should only be requested when the candidate is required to travel in excess of four hours from their residence or where a same day return flight is not available or suitable. The standard of air travel will be economy class.

15.2 Travel Insurance Council has blanket travel insurance arrangements in place, including medical and luggage components that covers all employees on authorised Council business, conferences, courses, etc. Details may be obtained from the Legal Services Branch.

15.3 Accompanying Partners/Personal Travel Arrangements All conference social or partners programs must be arranged and paid by the traveller. Personal arrangements may be booked through Council’s contracted supplier if desired. The supplier will invoice the traveller prior to departure. Council will not pay for any private travel expenses.

The Travel Officer will not arrange private travel for travellers.

16 Reporting Requirements

16.1 Employee Reporting Requirements The authorising person is responsible to ensure the traveller submits a report on return from any conference or course providing details of the course and the benefits of the course in the performance of the traveller’s role in Council.

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy - Employees and Contractors Attachment A Standards

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17 Corporate Purchase Cards (CPC) (a) A CPC may be made available for travellers to meet travel expenses.

CPCs will be issued with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer. The CPC should only be used for extraordinary business expenses directly related to the traveller’s attendance at the event. Examples of extraordinary costs are accommodation (where Council’s prepayment is not acknowledged or honoured by the hotel), missed flights (where contact with Council’s travel services provider is not possible) or where specific instruction is received from Council’s Travel Officer to use the card to meet business related expenses.

(b) Personal expenses, including those covered by the daily allowance must not be charged to

the card, e.g. meals, incidentals, gifts, clothing, tourism or other similar cost or emergency personal expenses.

(c) A Statement of Expenses Form (including all receipts) must be used to reconcile all CPC

expenditure. Foreign language receipts must be appropriately explained/translated. (d) All CPCs are issued under the Corporate Purchase Card Governance Procedures with

exemptions granted by the CEO for travel related expenditure.

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy - Employees and Contractors Attachment B – Travel Booking Procedure

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Need identified for training or employee


Employee consults P&C regarding options or source of training

Manager considers application and refers to

P&C for processing

Learning and Development (TD001)





Employee advised of outcome

Travel or accommodation



Travel Officer provides P&C with

details for recording purposes

After Processing

Travel or accommodation



Employee arranges


Manager considers the application

Director approves the application?



Employee completes TD001

form & Travel Request Form

Employee completes Travel Request form and seeks Manager’s


Travel Officer processes the application, ensures

compliance with the policy and arranges quote

A Travel pack including all documentation is

prepared by the travel officer and distributed to

the traveller

Travel officer makes all necessary bookings and communicates directly with the delegate to

confirm travel arrangements

Traveller returns all unused CabCharge vouchers, Travel

Declaration Form and reconcilliation

documents to the Travel Officer

Employee provides required

information Incomplete

Performance Appraisal, Employee or Supervisor P&C P&C Employee Manager Director Travel Officer Traveller Travel Officer

Employee / Supervisor / Manager / Director identifies a need for an individual to attend training or other event. If the external event is a Learning and development activity the employee seeks People and Culture advice regarding availability of relevant training or source of development. If the training is corporate in nature and part of the Organisational Learning and Development Corporate Calendar, arrangements for attendance will be made by People and Culture. If the event has no travel or accommodation the application is approved by Manager and forwarded to People and Culture. If more than one person is attending, Council approval is required.

If travel or accommodation is required all required forms must be completed and forwarded to the authorising person for approval. The employee's manager assesses the application and if satisfied with the merits of the application, recommends approval. If the application is not approved, the employee is informed. In either instance the manager signs the application noting the outcome of the application.

If approved, the request is forwarded to the Travel Officer to action. Arrangements are made in accordance with the details supplied on the Learning and Development Form (TD001) and/or the Travel Request Form. Employee is contacted by the travel Officer to confirm booking details. Incomplete forms will be returned to the traveller.

The travel details are entered into the Travel database, with a copy of the TD001 form being forwarded to People and Culture for the relevant information upload to CHRIS each month. All unused Cab Charge vouchers, any approved claims for out of pocket expenses, CPC reconciliations and Travel Declaration Forms must be returned to the travel officer on completion of the travel. If total attendance at any event exceeds 1, CEO approval is required.

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Corporate Travel and Accommodation Policy - Employees and Contractors Attachment C – Statement of Expenses

Printed copies are uncontrolled. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that any copies of policy documents are the current issue

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Name of Traveller: Travel Period: From: To:

Date Location Expense details

Purchase price (write in currency)

Receipt provided Y/N

$ $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total Purchases in Relevant Currency Total Purchases Converted to AUD (if applicable) $ $ Cash Advance Provided $ LESS Total Purchases converted to AUD $ $ BALANCE Cash to be reimbursed to Council/total cash to be reimbursed to delegate $

NOTE: Please number each receipt to the line items above. This is a true and accurate account of expenditure incurred for travel undertaken between the above dates.

Signed by traveller: Date:

Approved by Director: Date:

Director’s Name:

All expenditure detailed in the attached receipts is authorised for payment by Council. Reimbursement of expenses is not approved where receipts are not attached and not in accordance with approved travel arrangements. All receipts not in English have been translated.

A copy of this form and receipts should be retained by the traveller.

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