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Page 1: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A

Polarforschung 69, 65 - 72. 1999 (erschienen 2001)

Correlation and Non-Correlation ofHigh Order Circum-Arctic Mesozoic Sequences

By Atle Merk' and Morten Smelror'

Theme 5: The Barents Shelf and the East Greenland Margin:A Comparison

Summary: Eighty-two higher-order (1st, 2nd and 3rd order) sequence bound­aries have been recognised from detailed studies of the Mesozoic successionof the Barents Shelf (including Svalbard), East Siberia and the SverdrupBasin. Most of the Triassie sequence boundaries are synchronous throughoutthe study area, while, half of the Jurassie boundaries are synchronous, andonly two sequence boundaries from the Cretaceous appear to be synchronousthroughout the Arctic. The duration of third order sequences varies from I toII Ma in the Triassic, 2 to 16 Ma in the Jurassie and 2 to 21 Ma in the Creta­ceous, while the duration of second order sequences varies between 3 and 14Ma in the Triassic, 10 and 36 Ma in the Jurassie and 7 and 52 Ma in the Creta­ceous. This sequence pattern deviates from the conceptual definitions of theExxon School, where time is used as a criterion for assigning sequences todifferent orders. The synchronieity of most of the sequence boundaries in theTriassie supports ?eustatic control as a major factor in the formation of thesesequences. The decreasing synchronieity of these sequence boundariesthrough the Jurassie and Cretaceous suggests an increasing degree of tectoniccontrol on deposition, culminating in the break-up of the Pangea superconti­nent.


Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Mesozoie succes­sion in the individual Arctic areas (Fig. 1) are presented in anumber of papers. However, few papers presently consider thesuccessions within a well-dated and correlated sequence strati­graphie framework.

Published inter-regional sequence correlation at systems tractlevel (sequences delineated with sequence boundaries andmaximum flooding surfaces) of the Arctic is presentlyrestricted to the Triassie. EMBRY (1988) has defined Triassiecycles for the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada. Similar cycleswere compared between Svalbard and the Sverdrup Basin byM0RK et al. (1989), and were subsequently correlated toEastern Siberia (M0RK 1994, EGOROV & M0RK 2000). Thehierarchie sequence system used in the present contribution(EMBRY 1993, 1995), was applied for Triassie successionsthroughout the Arctic and further to other areas by EMBRY(1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisiansequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). Ahierarchie sequences pattern was also applied for the Lowerand Middle Triassie by VAN VEEN et al. (1993), and VIGRAN etal. (1998) by extending sequences as defined on Svalbard intothe central western Barents Sea. The Upper Triassie and

, SINTEF Petroleum Research, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway.<[email protected]>

, Geological Survey ofNorway, N-749l Trondheim, Norway.-cmorten. [email protected]>

Manuscript received 6January 1999, accepted 17January 2001

Lower Jurassie shallow marine to continental succession werecorrelated between the Barents Shelf, including Svalbard andthe Sverdrup Basin by JOHANNESSEN & EMBRY (1989).

In the Jurassie, sequences of the Sverdrup Basin were reportedby EMBRY (1993), and sequence boundaries extending fromthe Barents Shelf to Svalbard were assigned by SMELFOR(1994). Sequence correlation of the Upper Triassie to LowerJurassie succession of the Canadian and Norwegian Arctic hasbeen published by JOHANNESSEN & EMBRY (1989). From theNordkapp Basin of the Barents Sea well dated transgressive­regressive sequences can be interpreted from non-continuouscore material (BUGGE et al. in press). Condensed marlsequences in the Lower Cretaceous give several well docu­mented

osequence boundaries in platform areas of the Barents

Shelf (ARHUS 1991, SMELFOR et al. 1998), and transgressive ­regressive Cretaceous sequences may also be extrapolatedfrom the paleontologically based paper of KELLY (1988) andfrom the seismic stratigraphie based contribution by SUND etal. (1986) and GABRIELSEN et al. (1990).

Study and comparison of second and third order transgressive- regressive sequences of the Arctic (Fig. 1), focus on theBarents Shelf and Svalbard, but also integrating the SverdrupBasin and East Siberian successions was carried out by agroup of Norwegian, Canadian, Russian and German workers(M0RK et al. 1995). The results of this study (Fig. 2) form thebasis for the discussions of the nature of the correlation ofthese sequences as defined by their sequence boundaries. Thesedimentary succession of the Wandel Sea Basin on northea­stern Greenland, although not included in our Figure 2, alsoshows similar sequence development (HAKANSSON & STEM­MERIK 1984).


In their comparative study of Svalbard - Barents She1f and theSverdrup Basin, M0RK et al. (1989) defined simultaneoustransgressions as transgressions that occur in various Arcticbasins within the same one 01' two ammonoid zones; i.e. over atime-span of less than two million years, and independenttransgressions as well-dated transgressions that have no coun­terparts in other basins. Most often a sequence boundary isdated by the age of the overlying sediment. In the presentstudy the quality of datings varies. Best contro1 is achieved inthose parts of the succession whieh have good macrofossilcontrol, although, such contro1 is seldom found throughout theArctic. An examp1e from the Triassie succession is the compi­lation by DAGYS & WEITSCHAT (1993) where they have corre­lated approximately 80 ammonoid zones from these three


Page 2: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A

Fig. 1: An overview of the Arctic with the threestudied areas (shaded).

arctic areas, however, only four of them are defined by thesame ammonoid species in all areas. Sedimentation around thetime of maximum flooding tends to be slow particularly inbasinal settings, with a resulting concentration of pelagicfossils, e.g. ammonoids. Such fossils, however, may bedissolved under conditions of long exposure at the sea-bottom,something which explains many of the undated marine basinalsuccessions. In many seetions, there are only a few metres ofsediments between the sequence boundary and the maximumflooding surface (i.e. the transgressive systems tract), andconsequently the dating based on fauna over this interval mayapproach the real date of the transgression directly overlyingthe sequence boundary. This approximation is furtherimproved by the general assumption that transgressions arerelatively more rapid geological processes than regressivefilling and progradation into sedimentary basins. Often paly­nomorphs or other microfossils are used for correlation, butthey may be most suitable within single regions. The onlypractical way of correlating many of the episodes (sequenceboundaries) is thus based on their relative position within thechronstratigraphical unit (stage), i.e. early Ladinian, earlyNorian etc.


In the present study, the sequence boundaries are defined andclassified according to tectonic influence and change in sedi­mentary response across the boundary as outlined by EMBRY(1995). In this system a sequence boundary of first orderreflects response to major teetonic or orogenie activity. Bothsecond and third order sequence boundaries are assigned afterbasin-wide studies, and show tectonic disturbance at basinmargins while normal sedimentation resulting in deposition ofconformal sediment packages took place in the basin. Theydiffer in major change in sedimentary regime across secondorder boundaries, while the third order boundaries separatesimilar sedimentary packages. Lower order boundaries (fourthand fifth) mainly have local significance. Note that studyingonly local parts of a basin may result in the assignment of theboundary to a different, often lower, order than basin-widestudies. The depositional sequences, following the Exxon


model, have been organised in a hierarchie system dependanton the duration of the different sequences (cf. MITCHUM &VAN WAGONER 1991, VAIL et al. 1991). No cyclic mechanismfor high order sequences are up to now published, makingtime as a subdivision criterion dubious.


Eighty-two sequence boundaries have been identified through­out the Arctic (Fig. 2), and their correlation is diagrammati­cally shown in Figure 3. As many as forty-five (55 %) of theboundaries can be followed throughout the Arctic and theydelineate fifteen third order and eight second order transgres­sive - regressive sequences. Only three first order sequenceboundaries are present, all in connection with major Creta­ceous tectonic activity in the Sverdrup Basin.

In addition to the sequence boundaries that can be correlatedthroughout the Arctic, ten boundaries can be correlatedbetween two of the studied regions (Figs. 3, 4). Seventeensequence boundaries are regarded as independent, i.e. theseboundaries can either be proven not to correlate with anycounterpart, 01' the dating is too poor to support any correla­tion.

Looking at the sequence boundaries that can be followedthroughout the Arctic, it is striking that most of them (5second- and 5 third-order) have the same order throughout(Fig. 4), and only five of the boundaries contain mixed orderboundaries. This suggests a degree of similarity in theprocesses that created the boundaries.

Eight independent sequence boundaries occur in the SverdrupBasin, seven in the Svalbard/Barents Shelf, while only twooccur in Eastern Siberia. It should be noted that as many asthirteen of these independent boundaries (77 %) are thirdorder. This may indicate that minor geological processes oflocal significance were responsible for their formation.

The occurrences of sequence boundaries for the different

Page 3: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A









SEQ, 3nI"SOUND. er



~ Unconformity





"Depositional environmentso Continental shelf


EC:3 Limestone

rvv/v1 Basalts






W """",,"IAN....<..J


:::l ru


....eIAN«I-W0::>-ü;;: APTIAN


üw_ t- NOFMH



« n,-w0::g lAIlIMN<

1-:iE*-~ llI.fNEKWj

"'1-----'"i1i tIllUAH ~.. ~

W 1lA1liONWlÜ 15 1------1-9Cf):; llAJOCW<



~ PUENS&6.C~


Dominant Iithology[::',:,-':'J Sandstone

!=-=-~ Shale - siltstone

Fig. 2: Summary diagram for the Arctic Mesozoic sequences. The arrows show the localisation of 1", 2'" and 3" order sequence boundaries.Main Iithologies and depositional environments are also indicated, This diagram forms the basis for the discussions of the present paper,

Mesozoic periods are shown in Figure 5. In the Triassic, morethan 90 % of the sequence boundaries can be followed throug­hout the Arctic leaving only two as independent. The layercake stratigraphy that occurs in the Triassie is further extendedto other areas as the Tethys by the fact that most of the trans­gressions are initiated at the base of stages (cf. EMBRY 1997).Such a correlation was interpreted by M0RK (1994) to resultfrom the original stages often being defined as transgressive ­regressive cycles, or that they were initiated by prominenttransgressions following minor breaks in deposition. Half of

the Triassie correlative transgressions are of second order andare interpreted as eustatic elements by EMBRY (1988), M0RKet al. (1989) and M0RK (1994). EMBRY (1997) postulates thatall the Triassie sequences are synchronous throughout theArctic. They can also be followed to other areas, giving them aglobal nature. He attributes this to global tectonics that trig­gered eustatically controlled sedimentation.

In the Jurassie Period, five of the sequence boundaries corre­late throughout the Arctic, four in addition correlate between


Page 4: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A


* =18


68 19

Fig. 3: Cerrelation diagram showingthe observed sequence bonndaries.Their given ages (see Fig. 2) are nume­rically indicated following the time­scale of GRADSTEIN & OGG (1996),however, the numbers are only indi­cated to show the approximate positionof the boundaries which by biostrati­graphy are tied to the stage definitionsrather than the geochronologic nume­rical values. The resulting 20d and 3'dorder circum Arctic sequences are alsoindicated. The stars indicate 'global'correlation, i.e. between the Arctic andthe HAQ et al. (1988) study.


__9_ 38

54-5-3- 16

19 8


14 7-1-3-

12 611 5

10 4


49 15

_2_9_ 11__2_8_

---44 14

25 10

__2_3_ 9

~-- 20





Haqet al.

* ---

* ---



Sverdrup Svalbard East SequenceAge order

Basin Barents Sea Siberia 2nd 3nd


CAMPANIAN 76 - 76 -W 8 15~-' CONIACIANCf)

TURONIAN 89 -:::>0 CENOMANIAN~97~ 97~

W0 103 - 103 - 14r:; ALBIAN

W 114~ 114 - 114 - t---0: ~ APTIAN0 er:

122« BARREMIAN-----...-..-

w 127 - 127~ 7HAUTERIVIAN~VALANGINIAN 135 133 -----...-..- 133 - 13-137~ 137 -BERRIASIAN

144 - 143~

W VOLGIAN 147 -~

149 - 149~


OXFORDIAN 159~ 159~ 159~

Ü CALLOVIAN 161 - 12W 164CiS -' -Cl BATHONIAN 169 - 169~ 169 - t---Cf) Cl 171 -<t: ~ BAJOCIAN 110: 176~ 176 - 6AALENIAN:::> 180 - 180 - 180 - t----, TOARCIAN 186 - 10~ 190 - 190 -er: PLiENSBACHIAN« 195~ 195~ 195~


201 - 201 - 5 9HEITANGIAN

206~ 206~ 206 - reRHAETIAN209~ 209~ 209~

W NORIAN 216 - 216 - 4 7Ü ~

220~ 220~ 220~-'Cf)CARNIAN 224 3 6Cf) ~~g~ 228 - 228~

::f W LADINIAN 5-' 20: Cl 235 - 235 - 235 - I--I- Cl

ANISIAN 4~ m--=::--- ~j~---=--- m---=--- 1---:'-

f=T=~ OLENEKIAN 1~~ - ~j~ - m~;1i INDUAN

two of the basins, but as many as seven (23 %) are indepen­dent (Fig. 3). Most of the transgressions that correlate circumArctic are of second order.

In the Cretaceous Period only two of the sequence boundariescan be followed throughout the Arctic (Fig. 3), while fourothers correlate between two basins. As many as eight (33 %)of the sequence boundaries are independent. Epeirogenic

activity took place in all areas; in the Sverdrup Basin repre­sented by three first order sequence boundaries (STEPENSON etal. 1987, EMBRY 1991). Svalbard was uplifted in the late EarlyCretaceous as an early response to the collision of Greenlandand Svalbard during the initial opening phase of the Norwe­gian Sea (STEEL & WORSLEY 1984, DALLMANN et al. 1993). InEastern Siberia the Verkhoyanian folding was initiated in thelate Jurassic, but major activity took place during the Creta-

Fig. 4: The three thick bars show the co-occurrences ofsequence boundaries between all three regions, betweentwo and two regions while the column to the right showthe independent sequence boundaries. The inset barsshow the distribution on different orders of sequenceboundaries that are correlated.



Independent18 All 316 Regions


140'üj 2(/)Q) 12 Regions0,(/) 10cjg 3

Ö8 2 3 3

(j) 62 3

.02 3

E 4 2::lZ 3




Page 5: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A


ceous (PARFENOV 1984) and resulted in continental sedimenta­tion that only continued into the earliest Late Cretaceous(KOPORULIN & EGOROV 1994).

(f) cc0 (f) Q)'Öl C "0Q) 0 c

er: 'Öl Q)0.

co Q) Q)er: "0« N .f:

Cretaceous10 -,----------...,





There is a c1ear trend of an inerease in the duration of both thesecond and third order sequences with geological time in theindividual areas (Fig. 6). There is also a greater variability,however unsystematic, in the duration of sequences from theTriassie to the Cretaceous, especially for the second ordersequences. Appraximately half the number of second ordersequences has duration of 8-16 Ma, while the spread in dura­tion is from 3-52 Ma (Fig. 7). Most of the third ordersequences have a duration between 2-16 Ma, with a maximumbetween 4 and 8 Ma. There is thus a c1ear overlap (Fig. 7) inthe duration of 2"" and 3'd order sequences with the majority ofboth between 2 and 16 Ma. This pattern c1early differs fromthat of the Exxon School (MITCHUM & VAN WAGONER 1991,VAIL et al. 1991) where time alone is used as a criterion todelineate sequences of different hierarchie order.





10 -,-----------,

The correspondence of sequence boundaries between two andtwo areas is illustrated in Figure 8, and it is striking that allareas show very good correspondence in the Triassie. Thiscorrespondence diminishes through the Jurassie to being rela­tively pOOl' in the Cretaceous. In the Triassie the continentswere fused into the Pangea supercontinent and all the studiedareas were located at its northern palaeo-rnargin. The greatsimilarity in development reflects a possible eustatic effect onsedimentation, however, these areas are all facing 01' linked tothe same palaeo-ocean, and may have been affected by sirnul­taneous tectonie influence on one and the same lithosphereplate. The apparent sequence correlation also to the c1assiealmid European areas in the Triassie (M0RK 1994) and globally(EMBRY 1997) shows that larger areas than the Arctic wereaffected by these proeesses.

During the Jurassie local tectonic control became progressi­vely more important. The apparent combination of tectonicand eustatic influenee on the generation of second and thirdorder sequence boundaries may thus reflect significant plate­tectonic reorganisation that affected the intraplate stressregime of the oceanic (eustatic) and continental (tectonic)portion of each lithospheric plate (CLOETINGH 1988, EMBRY1993, 1997). In the Cretaceous Period the tectonic processesseem to totally contral deposition, and the apparent correla­tions may even be co-incidental,

The number of sequences is fewer than those recognised byHAQ et al. (1988) in their "global" study. In total, 15 thirdorder sequences are recognised, while HAQ et al. (1988) define76, and in the Arctic, 8 second order sequenees are recognisedcompared to their 20 (Fig. 3). Most of the second ordersequence boundaries and some of the third order boundariescorrelate with the sequence boundaries of HAQ et al., however,several are assigned to different order. The four boundariesrecognised thraughout the Arctic in the Bathonian to theCenomanian succession also have counterparts on the Russian

Fig. 6: Duration of secondand third order sequences.Note the increase in durationof sequences and theirdecreasing correlation withtime.

Fig. 5: Numbers of synchronous andindependent sequence boundariesbetween the three studied areasthrough time.


Sverdrup Svalbard- East60 Basin Barents Sea Siberia









J 150

U 160ra 170

S 180


i 190

C 200

T 210

ri 220as 230Si 240C





Page 6: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A




~ 20

E" 15z






Fig. 7: Histograms showing the duration of second andthird order Mesozoie sequences of the Arctic. Note theoverlap between duration groups of the 2"' and 3'd ordersequences.

Fig. 8: Correspondence index comparing neighbouring areas of theArctic. Anindex of one implies thatall sequence boundaries of thegiven period betweenthe two compared areas are synchronous and of the same order, while nosynchroniety gives index of zero. Sequence boundaries that are synchronous,butof different order aregiven a value of 0.5.

Platform (SAHAGIAN et al. 1996). These co-occurrences ofmany sequence boundaries from the Arctic to other regionsindicate that they reflects eustatic origin. One consequence ofdefining sequence orders according to the duration of thesequences (MlTCHUM & VAN WAGONER 1991, VAIL et al. 1991,HAQ et al. 1988) is that a process of fixed duration is presumedto occur in a cyclic pattern. Such a process has not yet beendocumented, as both glaciation and Milankovich cyclicity willproduce lower order sequences. MIALL (1992) points out thatwith the number of cycles presented in the chart of HAQ et al.(1988) correlation of new stratigraphic sections will almostalways be successful. The positive correlation is thus oflimited value if the boundaries that are correlated are not givena hierarchical rating by an independent method. The timeindependent hierarchical sub division will thus limit thenumbers of sequence boundaries and enable the different

... Cretaceous

• Jurassie

• • Triassie


•1 •...



0.8><Cl) 0.7""0


Cl)o 0.5CCl)

""0 0.4coa. 0.3Vi~ 0.2....o

Ü 0.1


Sverdrup Basinversus

Barents Plate

Barents Plateversus

East Siberia

East Siberiaversus

Sverdrup Basin

levels of boundaries to be correlated with statistical signifi­cance.

Although there is an overlap in duration of second and thirdorder sequences there is a tendency of increasing duration ofthe sequences during the Mesozoic Era (Fig. 6). The increasein sequence duration and decrease in correlation of sequenceboundaries through time (Fig. 8) also indicate that localtectonic processes have increasingly controIled the sedimenta­tion throughout the Mesozoic.


The present study shows that sequence boundaries, as dated bytheir transgressive beds, can to a large extent be correlatedthroughout the Arctic. Circum Arctic synchronous sequenceboundaries were formed in the marginal basins of the Pangeasupercontinent during the Triassic, and the control was mainlyof eustatic nature. Local control by tectonic processes becamegraduaIly more important during the Jurassic, and tectoniccontrol dominated in the Cretaceous, as a result of the splittingof the Pangea supercontinent. Duration of the sequences of agiven order varies and is controIled by non-cyclic geologicalprocesses. The regular pattern of sequence boundaries as seenin the Triassie succession on Svalbard (Fig. 9), may conse­quently serve as a predictive tool both for the Arctic as weIl asfor other areas.


The present contribution is based on data gathered by, andnumerous discussions among Norwegian, Canadian, Russianand German scientists within the Arctic Correlation andExploration pro gram at IKU Petroleum Research, which hasbeen supported by seven international petroleum companies.The "correspondence index" of Figure 8 was developedtogether with Hans Borge. The manuscript benefits fromreview of Johan Petter Nystuen, Wolfgang Weitschat, EckartHäkansson and Leslie T. Leith who also improved the Englishlanguage.


Page 7: Correlation and Non-Correlationof High Order Circum ... · (1997), while details on the base Olenekian and base Anisian sequence boundaries were reported by M0RK et al. (1994). A

Svalbard AgeBarents Sea



7 NORIAN ~I'!f~ 0-




2~ 81'!f4 ANISIAN ~~



~I'!f1 INDUAN -'~


Fig. 9: Triassie seguence boundaries as they occur in Bravaisberget at Bellsund on Western Spitsbergen (lower photo) and at Dalsnuten (upperphoto) at central Spitsbergen. 20d order seguence I is of Early Triassie age composed by the 3" order seguence I consisting of the VardebuktaFormation and 2 and 3 consisting of the Tvillingodden Formation. 20

' order seguence 2 comprises the Middle Triassie Bravaisberget Forma­tion, in this area consisting of two 3'" order seguences. 20

' order seguence 3 mainly consists of the Tschermakfjellet and De Geerdalen forma­tions, the top of the mountain probably representing the base of the Wilhelmeya Subgroup.


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