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Textured-Surface Saline-Filled Silicone BreastImplants for Augmentation MammaplastyScott L. Spear, M.D., Mohamed Elmaraghy, M.D., and Christopher Hess, M.D.Washington, D.C.

The earliest silicone breast implants were smooth-sur-face, silicone rubber devices filled with either silicone gelor saline. Because of persistent problems with capsularcontracture, polyurethane-covered silicone implants weredeveloped as an alternative. Particularly in the short run,these alternatives proved highly successful at reducing theincidence of capsular contracture. By 1990, polyurethane-covered implants were rapidly becoming the preferredimplant choice of many plastic surgeons, but for legal,regulatory, financial, and safety reasons they were with-drawn from the market by Bristol-Myers in 1991. Mean-while, during the late 1980s, surface texturing and im-proved materials became available on other silicone breastimplants and expanders. Most studies suggest that tex-tured-surface silicone gel–filled implants, saline-filled im-plants, and tissue expanders have less frequent capsularcontracture than their smooth-surface counterparts.(Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 105: 1542, 2000.)

Textured-surface, saline-filled silicone im-plants are one of several options available to-day for breast augmentation. Understandingtheir appropriate use requires a review of thehistory of breast implant development, includ-ing the development of textured surfaces.1–40

The literature on this subject can be confusing;thus, it is important to make certain distinc-tions clear from the outset. Tissue expandersare different devices than implants and behavedifferently than implants. Data relevant to tis-sue expanders are not necessarily true for im-plants and vice versa.18 Similarly, silicone gel–filled breast implants are different devices thansaline-filled implants.3,4 The evidence regard-ing textured, silicone gel–filled implants is notnecessarily relevant to saline-filled devices. Fi-nally, for reasons that are not well understood,animal research of breast implants has been apoor predictor of clinical outcomes.12,18,26

The evaluation of breast implants necessarilycovers two areas: safety and efficacy. Safety is-

sues include but are not necessarily limited totoxicity, immunogenicity, teratogenicity, carci-nogenicity, and potential interference withmammography. Efficacy issues include but arenot necessarily limited to risks of capsular con-tracture, deflation, palpability, and rippling.The distinction between textured and smoothsaline devices is largely one of efficacy, al-though there is some evidence that there maybe more particulate silicone shed from thesurface of textured implants than smoothones.39 The medical significance of such shed-ding is unclear.

The early history of silicone breast implantsinvolved the use of saline-filled or silicone gel–filled devices with smooth silicone surfaces. Al-though both of those implant types were sub-stantial improvements over earlier optionssuch as Ivalon sponges, they too ultimately suf-fered from a significant risk of capsular con-tracture.1–4,13–16 For reasons of efficacy, siliconegel implants were more popular than saline-filled implants from the beginning. Thus,much of the early literature and clinical energysurrounding silicone implants dealt with sili-cone gel implants and potential for their cap-sular contracture, including its cause andavoidance. Factors implicated in the develop-ment of capsular contracture included surgicaltechnique, bleeding, subclinical infection, pa-tient sensitivity, soft-tissue environment, andeven silicone itself. Some of the most commonstrategies used in an attempt to defeat capsularcontracture included systemic antibiotics, localantibiotics, steroid solution irrigations, intralu-minal steroids, submuscular placement, low-bleed silicone elastomer shells, underfilled im-plants, double-lumen implants, and saline-filled implants.

From the Division of Plastic Surgery, Georgetown University Medical Center. Received for publication February 25, 1999; revised May 18, 1999.


The nearly universal experience by plasticsurgeons that early-generation, smooth, sili-cone gel–filled breast implants placed in thesubglandular plane had a significant riskof developing capsular contracture led, in part,to the development of the polyurethane-covered silicone gel–filled breast implant(Fig. 1).1,5–7,9–11 Although there were more thanone type and manufacturer of polyurethane-covered implants and although they have al-ways been associated with nagging questions

about the fate and toxicity of the polyurethane,the evidence is substantial that these implantswere impressively resistant to capsular contrac-ture, particularly for the first decade or so aftertheir implantation.9–11,16,40 The increasing pop-ularity of polyurethane-covered implantsthrough the 1980s coupled with their favorablerecord of infrequent capsular contracture nat-urally led to a search for other options in tex-tured surfaces that would avoid the long-termdoubts about polyurethane. In particular,there was the need of avoiding the possiblebreakdown products of polyurethane andavoiding the separation or delamination of thetextured surface from the implant. This wastrue because the generally favorable reportsregarding the use of polyurethane were tem-pered by some reports of late capsular contrac-ture after the textured surface had delami-nated from the implant, thus, effectivelyconverting it to a smooth-surface device.

During the same time period of the 1970sand 1980s, other steps had also proven some-what effective in dealing with the frequency ofcapsular contracture, particularly the use oflow-bleed elastomer shells and saline-fill solu-tions, both of which effectively reduced theamount of silicone gel to which the tissues wereexposed.3,4,13,21,22,24,28,36

Thus, textured-surface, silicone implantswere developed in the late 1980s as an obviousalternative to the attached textured surface ofpolyurethane. Because of earlier work to im-prove the performance and decrease the sili-cone permeability of the elastomer shells, thetextured-surface, silicone elastomer shells weredeveloped at a time when all silicone breastimplants were becoming available as strongerand less permeable versions of earlier materi-als. Four different types of textured surfaceswere available more or less simultaneously:polyurethane, Biocell, MSI, and Siltex.

Dow Corning developed and manufacturedthe MSI surface, which is an extremely regularsurface of projecting, minute silicone rubberpapillae created with laser technology (Fig. 2).Mentor Corporation developed the Siltex sur-face, which is a patterned surface created as anegative contact imprint off of a texturingfoam (Fig. 3). The McGhan Medical Corpora-tion developed the Biocell surface, which is anaggressive open-pore textured surface createdwith a lost-salt technique and that seems, atleast in many ways, similar to polyurethane(Fig. 4).

FIG. 1. (Above) Polyurethane-covered silicone gel-filledbreast implant. (Below) The appearance of the polyurethaneas seen by electron microscopy.


The various textured surfaces became avail-able at approximately the same time and couldbe found on silicone gel–filled implants, saline-filled implants, and tissue expanders. Becausemuch of this innovation occurred just beforeand during the FDA hearings on silicone im-plants, there has been only a modest amount ofinformation available regarding how, and howwell, these textured surfaces work. However,certain things did become clear. First, each ofthe available textured surfaces was manufac-tured differently, looked different, and be-haved differently in the clinical environment.Second, textured surfaces behaved differently,depending on whether they were used on sili-cone gel implants, saline implants, or expand-ers. The evidence is convincing that neitherthe MSI nor the Siltex textured expanders orimplants induced the type of tissue ingrowth asseen with polyurethane. The Biocell expand-ers, on the other hand, usually incited tissueingrowth, whereas the Biocell implants did soonly occasionally.41 Whereas the MSI and Siltexsurfaces were resistant to tissue ingrowth, theBiocell surface promoted ingrowth, particu-larly when native tissues were placed in inti-mate contact with the Biocell surface such aswas seen with tissue expansion or a tight pocketaround an implant.

With the voluntary withdrawal of the poly-

urethane-covered implant from the U.S. mar-ket in 1991 by Bristol Myers, the demand forother textured-surface breast implants was im-mediate. As a result of the FDA hearings of1991 and 1992 and the contemporaneously ex-tremely hostile litigation environment, DowCorning ceased its breast implant business andthe MSI surface was simultaneously withdrawn,despite early, quite favorable anecdotal experi-ence with it.

In the United States, by early 1992, two typesof textured surfaces were available on tissueexpanders and saline-filled implants: the Bio-cell surface and the Siltex surface. Mentor atthat time was the only manufacturer approvedto market textured-surface, silicone gel–filledimplants in an FDA-approved “adjunct study.”More recently, McGhan has won approval bythe FDA for its own adjunct study, which in-cludes its Biocell textured-surface, silicone gel–filled implants. For practical purposes, we havehad nearly 10 years of clinical experience withtwo types of textured-surface breast implants.Many surgeons have had their own individualexperiences with these various devices, and wenow have a handful of reasonable studies onwhich to make some judgment.

The stage was initially set in 1981 with re-ports first by Capozzi and Pennisi, and eventu-ally by many others, that polyurethane-covered,

FIG. 2. (Left) The MSI textured surface. (Right) A close-up view of its surface as seen byelectron microscopy.


silicone gel–filled implants produced a dra-matic lowering of the capsular contracture ratecompared with the smooth silicone gel–filledimplants available at that time.1,5–7,9–11 Duringthe same time period, several studies demon-strated that saline-filled implants had a signifi-cantly lower rate of capsular contracture thansilicone gel–filled devices.3,4,13,21 Asplund, in a1984 report on submuscular breast reconstruc-tion, described a 54 percent capsular contrac-

ture rate around those early-design smooth,silicone gel–filled implants and a 20 percentrate around smooth, saline-filled implants.Some of these patients were radiated, whichhelps explain the high frequency of capsularcontracture in both groups. On a follow-up ofthis same study published 6 years later in 1990,the incidence of capsular contracture at 6 yearsremained stable and was 50 percent in thesilicone gel group and 16 percent in the saline-filled group. The report by Lavine in 1993reviewed 1091 women who had undergonemostly subpectoral breast augmentation by us-ing smooth, saline-filled implants over a 10-year period with an overall capsular contrac-ture rate of 6.1 percent. Thus, even without thebenefit of textured surfacing in these studies,saline-filled implants placed subpectorally hadfairly well proven to have a lower incidence ofcapsular contracture than the early versions ofsmooth-surface, silicone gel–filled implants.The problems with saline-filled devices, on theother hand, have had more to do with defla-tion, visibility, and palpability.

Much of the impetus for developing a tex-tured surface, thus, was focused primarily onthe silicone gel–filled implant, for which therewas more of a history of a problem with capsu-lar contracture. Publications by Hakelius andOhlsen in 1992 and Pollock in 1993 gave earlysupport to a lower capsular contracture ratewith textured-surface, gel implants.19,20 Hake-lius and Ohlsen performed a 1-year, randomlyassigned, double-blinded study of subglandularbreast augmentations in 25 women by using amore modern design McGhan smooth, siliconegel implant on one side and a McGhan, Bio-cell, textured silicone gel implant on the otherside. The textured silicone gel device per-formed dramatically better, and 12 of the 25women ultimately asked to replace the smoothimplant on one side. Forty-four percent of thesmooth, silicone gel–filled implants had capsu-lar contracture, whereas none of the texturedimplants did.

In the publication by Harlan-Pollock in 1993reviewing 197 subglandular breast augmenta-tions (98 Mentor, smooth, double-lumen sili-cone gel and 99 Mentor, Siltex surface, siliconegel), the smooth implants had a 21 percentincidence of capsular contracture, whereas thetextured-surface implants had a 4 percent inci-dence. Coleman’s two reviews of his experi-ence, the first at 1 year and the other after 3years, confirmed that after subglandular breast

FIG. 3. (Above) The Siltex textured-surface, saline-filledbreast implant. (Below) A close-up of its surface as seen byelectron microscopy.


augmentation, the Mentor Siltex textured sur-face was dramatically effective in reducing cap-sular contracture to 11 percent of patientscompared with 59 percent for smooth Mentorgel-filled implants.

Multicenter data presented on behalf ofboth Mentor and McGhan Corporations wouldseem to be in general agreement with theabove studies. The Mentor multicenter “ad-junct” study, composed of more than 1500 in-vestigators and more than 15,000 Siltex tex-tured-surface, silicone gel–filled implants in avariety of clinical situations, has produced acapsular contracture incidence per breast ofroughly 5 percent. The McGhan prospectiveclinical study of silicone gel–filled implantsyielded a similar 5.5 percent textured-surface,implant capsular contracture incidence per im-plant at 4 years. During the same time period,smooth-surface, McGhan gel implants used inbreast augmentation had a 10.6 percent inci-dence per implant of capsular contracture.42 Inboth the McGhan and Mentor studies, the datafor subglandular and submuscular implantshave so far been lumped together, so that noconclusion can be drawn yet from those studieson subpectoral positioning. The above data forMcGhan was reported per implant, and in thecase of breast augmentation, with mostly uni-lateral capsular contracture, the per-patient in-cidence of contracture was 15.8 percent forsmooth gel implants and 9.2 percent for tex-tured gel implants.

The data we have reviewed strongly supportcertain conclusions. Polyurethane-covered im-plants were effective at reducing capsular con-tracture compared with a wide variety of earlyversions of smooth, silicone gel–filled devicesavailable in the 1970s and early 1980s. Saline-filled, smooth implants were also somewhateffective at reducing the incidence of capsularcontracture compared with smooth, gel-filleddevices, particularly when placed subpec-torally. And, both the McGhan Biocell texturedsurface and the Mentor Siltex textured surfaceare generally effective in reducing the inci-dence of capsular contracture. Interestingly, todate, there have been no published reportsdirectly comparing the efficacy of the mildlyaggressive Siltex textured surface with themore aggressively textured McGhan Biocellsurface. Several studies have looked at the ben-efits of submuscular or subpectoral positioningover subglandular placement, with the evi-dence supporting a reduction in capsular con-

FIG. 4. (Above) The Biocell textured-surface, tissue ex-pander. (Center) The Biocell textured-surface, saline-filledbreast implant. (Below) A close-up of the implant’s texturedsurface as seen by electron microscopy.


tracture with implants under some muscle par-ticularly with saline-filled implants.2,8

Information on the combined benefits of sub-muscular positioning and surface texturingawaits further studies and their publication.

The initial work on textured surfaces andsaline-filled devices was in expanders. Max-well’s landmark study on breast reconstructionwith Biocell textured surface, integrated-valve,anatomic tissue expanders dramatically dem-onstrated the effectiveness of these devices notonly in avoiding capsular contracture but inachieving a satisfactory breast shape.43 How-ever, there was contradictory information inboth animal models and clinical experience,with some authors finding no advantage inreducing capsular contracture by using tex-tured surfacing in inflatable devices. Neverthe-less, at least in breast reconstruction, textured-surface, integrated valve, inflatable tissueexpanders have been accepted by many as pref-erable to smooth devices.42,44

Against this background of information firston textured surfaces and then on saline-filleddevices, we have additional information specif-ically on textured-surface, saline-filled im-plants. However, before looking at these data,it is critical to remember that even smooth-surface, saline-filled implants placed subpec-torally have a favorable record in terms of cap-sular contracture.21,22,28 Also, there are twobenefits of subpectoral positioning with saline-filled implant: decreased capsular contractureand decreased implant visibility and palpabil-ity. In 1994, Burkhardt and Demas reportedtheir experience with Mentor’s Siltex textured,saline-filled implant used randomly on oneside of subglandular breast augmentation.23

The Siltex side had a 2 percent incidence ofcapsular contracture compared with 40 per-cent on the opposite side with a smooth im-plant. Of interest in this study is the preferenceof some of the patients for their firmer smoothinflatable implant over the opposite side’ssofter textured implant, because the smoothdevice was less palpable or visible. In 1995,Burkhardt and Eades reported on a similarstudy comparing McGhan’s Biocell textured-surface, saline-filled implant to its smoothcounterpart again in subglandular breast aug-mentation.29 Thirteen percent of textured de-vices exhibited Baker class III or IV capsularcontracture compared with 23 percent ofsmooth devices. Unlike the Mentor textured-surface implants, neither the patients or the

surgeons could distinguish clinically betweenthe smooth and textured implants.

Tarpila et al. from Sweden performed a sim-ilar study in subglandular augmentation in 21women by using McGhan Biocell and smooth,saline-filled implants randomly on oppositesides.35 The implants were overfilled 10 cc, andantibiotics or antibacterials were not used lo-cally or systemically. At 1 year, 29 percent oftextured and 38 percent of smooth implantsexhibited Baker III capsular contractures, adifference that did not reach statistical signifi-cance.

Of special interest is the McGhan multi-center study combining subglandular and sub-pectoral breast augmentation. At 4 years, thecapsular contracture incidence per patient forsmooth saline-filled implants was 7.4 percent,and 8 percent for textured-surface, saline-filledimplants; no significant difference. The inci-dence of capsular contracture per breast wouldhave been roughly half of that, i.e., 3.7 percentand 4 percent, respectively.

Both Truppmann and Mladick have sepa-rately reported an incidence of capsular con-tracture near 1 percent in subpectoral aug-mentation with smooth saline-filledimplants.22,28,42 On the basis of these studiesand earlier studies on breast reconstructionwith saline-filled implants, it seems clear, par-ticularly for saline-filled devices, that subpec-toral positioning is very protective against cap-sular contracture. With an incidence of near 1percent as reported by Mladick22 and othersaround smooth, saline-filled implants forbreast augmentation placed subpectorally, it isnot clear that surface texturing has much ad-ditional to offer in avoiding capsular contrac-ture when submuscular placement is beingconsidered. Thus, although the benefit of sub-muscular positioning of saline-filled implantsin avoiding capsular contracture seems un-equivocal, the information on surface textur-ing for saline devices is more complicated.

The published data we have reviewed fromseveral different studies suggest then that sub-glandular breast augmentation with smooth,saline-filled implants may yield a capsular con-tracture incidence per implant of between 23and 40 percent. Surface texturing has the po-tential to reduce that incidence to somewherebetween 2 and 29 percent. However, the Siltextextured saline-filled implant may have the dis-advantage of being more palpable and visiblethan its smooth counterpart, to some extent


possibly negating its advantage of less capsularcontracture in the subglandular position. TheMcGhan Biocell textured surface also seemseffective at reducing the incidence of subglan-dular capsular contracture, but the McGhanBiocell saline-filled implant also may be morevisible and palpable, than a smooth implant.Although there is no evidence that the MentorSiltex textured, saline-filled implants experi-ence tissue ingrowth, the McGhan Biocell sa-line implant will achieve ingrowth in some pa-tients. The tighter the pocket and the morepressure exerted by the implant against sur-rounding native tissues, the more likely in-growth will occur. However, it is not clear thattissue ingrowth around implants is necessarilydesirable, although many if not most surgeonsprefer tissue ingrowth around expanders.

Of course, there is more to breast surgerythan just capsular contracture. What aboutshape, appearance, feel, and mammography?My personal experience with saline-filled im-plants began in the late 1980s when I substi-tuted smooth saline implants occasionally forsmooth double-lumen silicone gel–filled im-

plants in subpectoral breast augmentation. Inmost patients, they did fine in terms of capsularcontracture (Fig. 5). Although we initially usedthem with a dilute intraluminal solution ofSolu-medrol, we stopped that practice becauseof the evidence and our own experience thatsubmuscular saline-filled implants do not needthe help of steroids. Our experience with sub-glandular, saline-filled implants has not beenquite as favorable. Both in primary and second-ary cases of subglandular breast augmentation,some smooth and some textured saline-filledimplants have been more palpable and morevisible than subpectoral implants. And, it is ourimpression that there have been more capsularcontractures, although we have not studiedthese patients carefully enough yet to quanti-tate the difference. And when the implants areplaced subpectorally, there is the importantadded advantage of improved mammography.

Based on the published studies and our ownclinical experience, we make these recommen-dations. For reasons of softness, shape, feel,appearance, and mammography, saline-filledimplants do best when placed beneath all or

FIG. 5. A patient before (above) and after (below) subpectoral augmentation mammaplastyusing 360-cc round, smooth-surface, saline-filled breast implants. A patient with healthy andsufficient soft-tissue coverage such as this would also be an appropriate candidate for a sub-glandular breast implant for which surface texturing would provide added protection againstcapsular contracture without undue risk of undesirable palpability or visibility. The subpectoralapproach is still preferable in terms of mammography.


some portion of the pectoralis major muscle.In very thin and small-breasted women withoutptosis, even more or total muscle cover is anoption. This finding is particularly true for sa-line-filled implants, even more so than for gel-filled implants because of possible palpability,visibility, and rippling problems from saline.On the other hand, subglandular placement isa more reasonable option in patients withsome breast tissue and subcutaneous fat, and ahealthy, reasonably thick, elastic youthful skinenvelope. The healthier the soft-tissue cover,the better subglandular saline-filled implantsperform and feel. Published reviews supportthe proposition that textured-surface implantsoffer some special advantage in these patientsfor reducing capsular contracture when theimplant is placed subglandularly (Table I).The ptotic patient with stretched out and thinskin is problematic. Although subpectoral po-sitioning risks creating a double-bubble withthe breast hanging below the implant, subglan-dular positioning with a textured saline-filledimplant placed just beneath thinned-out breastskin runs the risk of visible rippling and animplant that is too easily palpated. The samemay be true for the patient who has had pre-vious breast implants, for whom those implantsmay have thinned or stretched out the softtissues (Table II). In these difficult situations,repair of the soft tissues by using mastopexy orflap techniques may be necessary to use a sa-line-filled implant.

However, surface texturing may also play arole when trying to control breast shape (Fig.6). The various designs of anatomic, saline-filled implants come with textured surfaces.Although not proven, it is believed by somethat these textured surfaces along with carefulsurgical dissection and appropriate postopera-tive care may help to reduce implant rotationand mobility so as to create and best controlbreast shape. Although for reasons of capsular

contracture, mammography, and implant pal-pability, this is better done subpectorally; it canalso be done in the subglandular space in pa-tients with adequate soft tissue. Because of thevery low risk of capsular contracture aroundsubpectoral, smooth-surface, round saline-filled implants, there would seem to be littleadvantage in the use of round, textured-surface, saline-filled implants in the subpec-toral position, except for reasons of personalpreference or perhaps in a patient who has apoor record with capsular contracture associ-ated with an earlier smooth round device.

Technically, breast augmentation withsmooth, round saline-filled implants resembleshistorical techniques with silicone gel implants,for which implant mobility and large pocketdissection were desirable. With this large-pocket approach by using saline-filled im-plants, particularly larger ones, there may be atendency for increased soft-tissue stretchingand thinning as a possible result of the repeti-tive water-hammer effect of the salt water. Al-though also possible with silicone gel–filledimplants, particularly textured ones, this effectwas not commonly seen with them. Such soft-tissue stretching would likely increase the riskof rippling, palpability, and ptosis.

The textured-surface, saline-filled implantsare designed to retain softness without theneed for the mobility seen with smooth ones.In breast augmentation with the McGhan Bio-cell textured-surface implant, where tissue in-growth or some adherence is a real possibility,precise pocket dissection and conservative im-plant volumes (volumes of 380 cc or less) canyield breasts with minimal implant mobility,palpability, rippling or ptosis, yet with reason-able softness and an attractive, more naturalshape. However, the drawback of this approachis a certain lack of mobility, a solution thatsome surgeons and patients do not accept. TheMentor Siltex surface, although effective at re-

TABLE ICapsular Contracture around Silicone Gel-Filled Implants

Study ManufacturerTexturedSurface

Cap. Contr.around Subgland.Smooth Gel (%)

Cap. Contr.around Subgland.Textured Gel (%)

Cap. Contr. aroundSmooth Gel (sitenot specific) (%)

Cap. Contr. aroundTextured Gel (sitenot specific) (%)

Hakelius McGhan Biocell 44 0Pollock Mentor Siltex 21 4Coleman Mentor Siltex 59 11Mentor Adj. Clin. Mentor Siltex n/a 5McGhan Core Clin. McGhan Biocell 10.6 5.5

Cap. Contr., capsular contracture; Subgland., subglandular; n/a, not applicable; Adj. Clin., adjunct clinical trial; Core Clin., core clinical trial.


ducing capsular contracture, does so withouttissue ingrowth or adherence. Clinically, thetechnique and results with the Mentor Siltexsurface more closely resemble those with un-encapsulated smooth implants for which mo-bility rather than adherence is the rule. Whenthe Biocell surface is used in secondary cases orafter large pocket dissections, tissue ingrowthand adherence are also less likely, and in thosecircumstances too, mobility rather adherenceis the rule. For that reason, anatomicallyshaped textured implants are best used onlywhen there is some control over the pocketsize, shape, and fit to the implant; otherwise,the implant will lose its proper orientation.

In conclusion, whereas capsular contracture

has been the historical bug-bear associatedwith the efficacy of silicone gel–filled breastimplants, palpability, visibility, and rippling aswell as capsular contracture have been theproblems with saline-filled ones. Surface tex-turing has, thus, played a more important rolein silicone gel–filled implants than in saline-filled ones. Textured, saline-filled breast im-plants make the most sense in two scenarios:first, with anatomic designs where the goal is tobetter control and create a certain breastshape; and second, in patients with adequatesoft tissue for whom subglandular positioningis desired for whatever reason. For routine sub-pectoral breast augmentation, there are not, atthe present time any clear documented advan-

TABLE IICapsular Contracture around Saline-Filled Implants

Study ManufacturerTexturedSurface

Cap. Contr.around Smooth

Subglandular (%)

Cap. Contr.around TexturedSubglandular (%)

Cap. Contr. aroundSmooth (site not

specific) (%)

Cap. Contr. aroundTextured Gel (site not

specific) (%)

Burkhardt (1994) Mentor Siltex 40 2Burkhardt (1995) McGhan Biocell 23 13Tarpilla McGhan Biocell 38 29McGhan Core Clinical Study McGhan Biocell 3.7 4

Cap. Contr., capsular contracture.

FIG. 6. A patient (above) before and (below) after subpectoral augmentation mammaplastyusing 300-cc anatomic, textured-surface, saline-filled breast implants. A patient with this muchsoft tissue might also be a reasonable candidate for a subglandular, textured, anatomic implantwith precise pocket dissection.


tages or for that matter disadvantages to roundtextured, saline-filled implants. Subpectoralpositioning of saline-filled implants aloneseems very effective at reducing the incidenceof capsular contracture without the added riskof increased palpability and implant visibility,which may occur in subglandular positioningof textured saline-filled implants particularly inpatients with inadequate soft-tissue cover.

Scott L. Spear, M.D.Division of Plastic SurgeryGeorgetown University Medical Center3800 Reservoir Road, N.W.Washington, D.C. [email protected]


Special thanks to Dennis Hammond, M.D., George Picha,M.D., and the Mentor and McGhan Medical Corporations forproviding some of the illustrations and data for this review.


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