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Page 1: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013


Costa Rica Scoop news for upscale travel by Grupo Islita │ January 2013



Page 2: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- Grupo Islita -

Featured Guest Photo Greeting the New Year in an exotic des-

tination can set the tone for an adven-

ture-filled following twelve months.

Grupo Islita’s properties cater to all,

from those who enjoy intimate celebra-

tions to full party enthusiasts. El Si-

lencio Lodge & Spa’s New Year’s dinner

offers fine dining, a relaxed mood, and

introspective wellness. Hotel Punta Is-

lita hosts its annual Carnaval, a festive

party with live tropical music, a beach-

side BBQ, and fireworks!

Don’t miss out and join us for the 2013-

14 Season! Thanks to Tommy W. for sharing this image of the Carnaval setup at Islita.

Greetings from Gustavo! We embrace 2013 with optimism, wishing our friends and

family a year of success, health, and personal growth.

As we look back on the previous twelve months, we celebrate

that Hotel Punta Islita and El Silencio Lodge & Spa were fea-

tured as two of the best destinations in Latin America in Con-

dé Nast Traveler’s 2012 Reader’s Choice Awards. We are

thrilled with the completion of major renovations at Hotel

Punta Islita, the development of new and exciting experiences

at El Silencio Lodge & Spa, and the ongoing consolidation of

Grupo Islita as an innovative hotel leader. The strengths of

both properties are converging in true synergy giving travelers

an opportunity to enjoy the best of Costa Rica with full convenience and seamless logistics.

I am thankful for the privilege of leading Grupo Islita and look forward to a wonderful 2013. We hope to see you

soon in Costa Rica!.

Warmest regards! -Gustavo Segura, CEO

Gustavo (bottom row, second from left) with El Silencio

Lodge & Spa’s official soccer team.

Page 3: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013
Page 4: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- El Silencio Lodge & Spa -

chorreado kits are a great gift idea.

Chili Bold!

C hilly weather doldrums can be

perfect for… chili! Sharing a

hot bowl of a homemade ver-

sion of this hearty stew with

friends can truly warm a spe-

cial social gathering. Make your favorite

chili recipe the conversation piece by be-

ing bold!

Chef Marcela from El Silencio Lodge &

Spa’s Las Ventanas Restaurant advises to

experiment with new ingredients.

Her top recommendation: Pairing spicy

peppers with chocolate! Prepare your fa-

vorite recipe as you normally do. For the last ten minute sim-

mer, add an unseeded hot chili pepper (halved) and two ounces

of dark baker’s chocolate. Let the chocolate melt and fold even-

ly in the stew. Remove the chili pepper

halves prior to serving. If spicy is not

your preference, forego the chili pepper

and simply add the chocolate. It will

add delicious texture, deep color,

and a smoky flavor to your favorite

recipe. ¡Buen apetito!

Chef Marcela Chaves

Page 5: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- El Silencio Lodge & Spa -

Forest R


A growing body of medi-

cal and academic re-

search pinpoints to for-

ests as sources of men-

tal and physical benefits that in-

clude lower blood pressure, height-

ened creativity, and waning stress

hormones. We hope you soon have

a chance to visit El Silencio Lodge &

Spa's “clinic” in the very near fu-

ture. In the meantime, please take

the time to find nature near you.

Enjoy your local park, a nearby

stream, or your favorite neighbor-

hood garden. The relaxation effect

will linger! And for a detailed article

about nature immersion therapy

please visit: http://bit.ly/forestrx


Stay tuned for our upcom-

ing new experience… A

medicine walk through the

forest to learn about na-

ture’s healing properties!

Page 6: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- El Silencio Lodge & Spa -

Our Site Got a Facelift!

C osta Rica’s commitment to recovering and protecting our planet’s green for-

ests pays off. Nearly identical images taken decades apart from the main

access road to Bajos del Toro clearly showcase the benefits of the country’s

national park system. El Silencio Lodge & Spa is proud to contribute to

these efforts by having its private reserve serve as a biological corridor between the

Juan Castro Blanco and Poas Volcano National Parks.

Time Machine!

70’s vs 00’s



Resort Credit!

El Silencio Lodge & Spa’s updated website features larger images, live

chat, and media-rich catalogs. To help you better plan a Costa Rica

cloud forest getaway. http://www.elsilenciolodge.com

3-night minimum stay. Rack rates apply.

Applicable to Spa services and hotel activi-

ties. Valid until April 30th, 2013.

Contact: [email protected]

Page 7: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- Hotel Punta Islita -

More Art for the

Islita Museum

S pring and Summer

Breaks are just around

the corner and Hotel

Punta Islita looks for-

ward to welcoming adventurous

families who wish to enjoy the

best of Costa Rica’s eco-

experiences and cultural activi-

ties. Horseback riding, beach

sports, kayaking, zip-lining, cook-

ing lessons, art-making sessions

with local community artists,

monkey safaris and many other

adventures are perfect for bond-

ing experiences for all ages! And

Hotel Punta Islita’s selection of

Private 2-4 Bedroom Villas offer

full convenience with homelike

amenities, a private plunge pool,

and the impeccable services that

characterize a premium beach


Museum Director Loida Prétiz

Spring ‘n Summer Splash!...

Skimboarding is a hot new activity around Hotel Punta Islita.

Hotel Punta Islita’s Private Villas are perfect for families!

Page 8: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

Gold Shimmers in Guanacaste! Hotel Punta Islita is

proud to showcase Costa Rica's hidden beach gems

in Conde Nast Traveler's 2013 Gold List. This marks

the fifth time that Hotel Punta Islita is honored with

this accolade. We celebrate our staff for their in-

credible accomplishments and thank our friends for

voting in the survey. http://bit.ly/HPIGoldList13

- Hotel Punta Islita -

A soccer field, a church,

a school, and a

“pulpería” are basic

elements of tradition-

al Costa Rican communities. The

coastal town of Islita is no excep-

tion. But since 2003, Islita’s public

infrastructures, homes, and open

spaces have been transformed

into a unique collective art display

that has redefined the area’s core

identity. The Islita Art Museum

has become the community’s sym-

bol of cultural expression, self-

validation, and entrepreneurship.

The Museum is the product of

“Encuentro en Islita”, an initiative

that paired established urban Cos-

ta Rican artists with local towns-

people to create outdoor murals

and sculptures in a living display of

colorful traditions. Today, com-

munity art groups include embroi-

derers, print-makers, potters,

painters, and wood sculptors.

We strongly encourage Hotel Pun-

ta Islita’s guests to visit the Islita

Art Museum for a unique oppor-

tunity to learn from our authentic

culture and enjoy the warmth of

our people.

Congratulations to Alonso and Jeanneth

Joyful news from Islita! The latter part of 2012

saw the birth of a beautiful girl to proud parents

General Manager Alonso Bermudez and Casa

Spa’s Jeanneth Viales. The Grupo Islita family wel-

comes baby Valentina and wishes her the bright-

est of futures.

Five Golden Rings!

Las Cantarrias celebrate the arrival of their new pottery oven.


Page 9: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

Photo Tip: Finding Sand Forests

- Hotel Punta Islita -

E njoy magical photo

ops in Costa Rica!

While at the

beach, keep an eye

out for beautiful "Sand For-

ests", intricate branch like

patterns traced by the reced-

ing seawater... Just angle

yourself at about 45 degrees

from the sand bed. Make

sure that the sun is not be-

hind you to avoid casting a

tell-all shadow. It is also best

to find a spot where a thin

film of water will reflect the

sky for a better effect. Ex-

periment and enjoy the sur-

real landscapes!


Daily Resort Credit!

3-night minimum

stay. Rack rates

apply. Applicable

to Spa services

and hotel activi-

ties. Valid until

April 30th, 2013.

Please contact: [email protected]

Page 10: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

- Costa Rica -

A Little Bird Tells You... 2013 is soon to bring

new non-stop flights

to Costa Rica:

Air Canada Rouge

Starts on July 1st

Toronto- Liberia (LIR)


Starts on April 13th

Chicago- San Jose (SJO)

Dulles (IAD) - San Jose (SJO)

Page 11: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

Vote Year Round!

- Costa Rica -

Condé Nast Traveler Magazine’s annual Reader’s Choice voting is

now year-round! And we are delighted to learn that both Hotel

Punta Islita and El Silencio Lodge & Spa are once again among the

pre-nominated properties. This is a great opportunity to recog-

nize the services offered by our amazing staff. We would be quite

honored if you could share your experience at our hotels by voting

online at: http://bit.ly/CondeNastVote

Tico Traditions! Santa Lucia Flowers

E very January, Costa Rica’s highland grazing grounds are covered in

the violet blue hues of the Santa Lucia flower. A wild bloom of deli-

cate beauty, it is held in great esteem by Costa Ricans for its associ-

ation with good luck and prosperity. Little packets of dried out San-

ta Lucias are commonly shared with friends and carried in the wallet or purse

in hopes of capturing good fortune throughout the year.

Page 12: Costa Rica Scoop: January 2013

hotelpuntaislita.com │ elsilenciolodge.com ..….

Grupo Islita’s two select proper-

ties blend the best of Costa Rica’s

beach and mountain settings fea-

turing intense nature, upscale

comfort and bespoke services. Re-

member, we now offer a unified

reservations center and a dedicat-

ed bilingual team to help travel-

ers, travel professionals and their

partners ensure seamless logistics

from arrival to departure.

How may we assist you?

Email: [email protected] Phone in Costa Rica: +506 2231-6122

Toll Free from US & Canada: 1-866-446-4053

Online chat: www.hotelpuntaislita.com or www.elsilenciolodge.com

Blending Grupo Islita’s beach and mountain properties is the perfect way to experience a complete Costa Rica getaway.

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