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Page 1: Costa Rican History

Costa Rican History

By Sarah McTeague

Page 2: Costa Rican History

Basic History Facts

• Columbus explored it in 1502 (4th and final)• Landed in Isla Uvita—now Limon• Nearly 400,000 Indians were inhabiting it

• Costa Rica = Rich Coast• Mineral wealth the Spaniards imagined existed in the


• Among the Spaniards, there was deceit and jeaousy• Combined with the climatic conditions of the Atlantic

region• This limited their establishment of permanent

settlements during the first 3 centuries of the colonial period

• Colonization then began on Pacific side

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Basic History Facts

• Spaniards started a slave trade with other parts of the Americas• Panama• Peru

• Also confiscated any gold they could find

• 1561 was first Spanish expedition into the valley

• 1562 Juan Vasquez de Coronado brought men and supplies from Nicaragua to strengthen the settlement• He treated the natives with respect and little

violence, which was successful

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Basic History Facts

• Increasing number of white settlers

• Natives were exposed to diseases with no immunity

• Spanish divided the best agricultural lands amongst themselves• Obtained food from natives

• End of 1600’s: farms sold off property to families or divided into smaller farms

• Local migrations out of Cartago to other Central Valley regions, which led to establishment of:• Heredia• San Jose• Alajuela• Escazu

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More Recently…

• 1970’s: rising oil prices and inflation hurt economy

• Reduced reliance on coffee, banana, and beef exports

• Tourism is now a huge business and is profitable

• One of the most democratic governments in Latin America• Now is one of the most stable and prosperous

• Oscar Arias Sanchez was elected president in 2006• Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1987—Ended civil wars in El

Salvador and Nicaragua

• November 2008: Central American Free Trade Agreement

• February 2010: Laura Chinchilla was elected—first women president

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Holidays• Similar to US:

• New Years Day

• Easter

• Mother’s Day: Aug 15

• Columbus Day

• Christmas Day

• Different than US:

• March 19: St. Joseph’s Day (patron Saint of San Jose)

• September 15: Independence Day (Independence from Spain in 1821)

• November 2: All Soul’s Day

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