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Page 1: Counselor’s Corner Hinds County Career echnical Center · November 2, 2013. We would also to thank those who came and supported the event. Thanks!!! The AEST Program is in full

Hinds County Career & Technical Center

Ms. Ashmore’s Corner

CPAS Baseline Testing—How Did We Do?Inside this Issue:Payne’s AEST News 2

Tighe’s Techies- Simulation & Animatoin


Mrs. Caston- The Marketing Mix


Fults’ News- Automotive News


Thomas’ Place- Law Enforcement


Fairchild/Causey- Health Science Team


Counselor’s Corner 4

Student Services’ News 4

More News 4

Adult Education

ClassesAdult classes to be offered at the Career Center:

Employability Skills,Powder Puff Mechanics,Basic Bookkeepingand possibly Basic American Sign Language.

For more information, please contact Ms. Patricia Ashmore at (601) 857-3680.

Hinds County Career and Technical Center is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or veteran status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: John Neal, Title IX, Phone: 601-857-5222, Raymond, MS 39154

Counselor’s Corner

Student Services’ News

Upcoming Activities

Early this fall semester, our students, both first and second year, took the CPAS Baseline Test for the first time. This computer-based test is similar to the actual CPAS test. The scores the students obtain will determine how much they already know about the curriculum. It helps determine where the students should be with their scoring on the CPAS test.

Students cooperated well and testing went smoothly. We would like to thank our teachers and staff for helping with administrating and proctoring the tests. Additionally, we would like to thank Mr. Dustin Merchant, Mr. Russel Granberry, Mrs. Amber Wilson, Mrs. Zina Bass, Mrs. Kinyatta Young, Mr. Darien Hillard, and Mr. Shanley Wilson for coming to help us. A huge thank you to the Technology Department!

Some of our students scored fairly well and are expected to score proficient in the Spring. We look forward to seeing how well our students have progressed from now til April!

Student Services’ goal is to assist students in career edcuation and academics. We strive to enhance student satisfaction, success, retention, and program completion.

Earlier this semester, all first year students were required to test with an online assessment, TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education). This test determined students’ mathmatics, language arts, English, and reading skills.

Based on the results, we have set up a weekly rotation schedule that will allow students to practice and improve

on these skills. We are using

APEX Learning, which offers online courses in mathematic foundations, reading and study strategy skills.

Addtionally, we work with students on improving their testing skills in their classrooms. Students are also learning how to create resumés and improve on their interviewing skills.

We are always preparing and assisting students to succeed in their program area; we want our students to score proficient and do excellent on the upcoming CPAS test.

Volume 3, Issue 1Winter 2013

Career development starts way before a student gets out of high school. This year Hinds CTC counselor (Ms. Horton) and the Student Services expert (Ms. Jones) will assist students with educational and occupational information and opportunities. This year and every year, we will work to select and plan effective programs of study, as well as guide students in

individual and group career planning sessions. Our

students also receive so much valuable assistance in areas such as improving study habits, time management, and communication.

Hinds CTC is fully committed to assisting students and their parents with academic planning, goal setting, personal awareness, career investigation, and the college search and application process. Let’s continue having a great and productive year together here at Hinds CTC. Hinds CTC Counseling and Student Services

team help all students in: ►Finding a rewarding career. ►Finding a college that’s right for them. ►Finding ways to pay for college. ►Finding success in and after college.

December 18 - 20: CTC students will be taking their nine-weeks exam. We’re pushing our students to succeed!

January 15 - 16, 2014: CTC will be visiting THS 10th graders for recruitment.

January 30: There will be a district-wide Reality Fair for all 9th graders. Some of the events will be held at the Career Center.

We are off to a great start this year! The students have taken the Baseline

CPAS as well as the TABE, completed all safety tests, completed registration for our Student Organizations as well as attended Fall Leadership for each organization. Whew! With all of that behind us, we still found time to host a Community Service event, where all classes provided free activities for the public and celebrated Red Ribbon Week. We continuously work on academic skills and competitive activities to prepare for our state test in the spring. The Career Center is partnering with the District’s Drop-Out Prevention Program

to start a GED program in the Fall of 2014. More information on the new GED Program will be forthcoming.

Need a banner for your school’s upcoming

event?We design banners and posters!

Call us or email us for more information.

601.857.3680 or [email protected]

Page 2: Counselor’s Corner Hinds County Career echnical Center · November 2, 2013. We would also to thank those who came and supported the event. Thanks!!! The AEST Program is in full

Payne’s AEST News

Tighe’s Techies- Simulation & Animation

Mrs. Caston- The Marketing Mix

Fult’s Automotive News

Thomas’ Place - Law Enforcement

Fairchild/Causey - Health Science Team

Student of the Month

Our BIG Thanks!!!

Page 3Page 2

The Law & Public Safety Class is split into two courses, first & second year students. Both groups recently participated in a crime scene investigation project where a crime scene was set up within the classroom. Students had to gather information from the crime scene and witnesses to determine who the murder suspect was. Currently, the first year students are learning about health conditions that can have a major effect on people at the workplace. With the information the

students are gathering, they will have to present it to the class in a PowerPoint, lecture, etc. Also, the second year students are learning about the Community Emergent Response Team (C.E.R.T.) Program. This program educates people about preparing for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. They are now learning about fire safety.

We would like to thank the students who participated in Community Service Day, which took place November 2, 2013.We would also to thank those who came and supported the event. Thanks!!!

The AEST Program is in full swing. We have had several projects going on in class, such as the soil sampling, preparing the green house for production, and getting the FFA chapter up and running. However, our big project is the chickens, which started slow due to technical difficulties, but we have just hatched another 15 chicks! With that, we are excited about the arrival of the new

incubator that will hatch up to 400 eggs at one time. We are hoping this will speed up production and profits. We have just kicked off the our local FFA chapter for the year and are planning several trips in the spring such as the FFA Contest, Dixie Nationals Rodeo and Livestock Show, and the Annual FFA State Legislator’s Breakfast.

Fairchild’s Class Mrs. Fairchild’s second year students completed their unit on growth & development. As part of their study all students took home a “Reality Baby” for 12 hours. They were required to care for the baby, including feeding, diapering, and soothing. Each student chose their baby and gave it a name. All students also participated in an “Aging Activity” where they donned gloves, glasses, crutches and canes to simulate activities of daily for an elderly person. The students have now a begun a new unit, Direct Personal Care.

Causey’s Class The Health Science I class has been studying about skin and skin disorders associated with the Integumentary System. The students performed research on assigned skin disorders and presented their PowerPoint presentations to the class. Also, we’re studying the Human Skeletal System and using classroom models and displays to learn about the function of the bones, labeling and classifying the different bones as well as joints. With HOSA competitions quickly approaching, we’re also engaging in fundraising projects.

During the first quarter of Simulation and Animation Design, the first year students have learned a lot of material. Topics have ranged from ethics to the evolution of gaming, careers and portfolios, game theory, and beyond. The first year classes were very excited when they created their first game in Microsoft PowerPoint, a maze game that put their physical dexterity skills to the test with the use of a standard mouse and basic programming. Both classes are now programming games into their first game engine, The Games Factory 2. They will be working on photography skills in game design and using our Adobe Photoshop software until school is out for winter break.

The second year students came back from summer vacation ready to start their Technology Student Association (TSA) projects and have already made progress on their competitive events. The second year students have created their own original video game scores during our audio unit, worked extensively on their programming skills, and will continue to learn about game production until school is out for winter break. Simulation and Animation Design’s local TSA chapter hosts game tournaments throughout the school year to help fundraise for the student organization. We hope to see some new faces at our next game tournament hosted at the Career Center!

Business Fundamentals and Marketing students are off to a great year. Students have been studying pricing, promotions, professionalism, and business etiquette. Student organization members attended the

DECA Fall Leadership Conference in Tupelo, MS held in September. Chapter members had a great time getting to know members from all over the state. They were able to gain several new ideas to use here at CTC. First year students recently attended the SEP (Southern Entrepreneurship Program) Conference at the JSU e-center. They were able to ask questions and hear from many young business owners on the panel. Several of our students

were a part of a winning idea group during the business idea contest of the day. Our second year students organized a toy drive in conjunction with other Career Center student organizations. It was a success. They will be delivering those toys in December to the Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital. Students have also completed two community service projects for Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and the Community Place Nursing Home. DECA chapter members hosted a bingo game and provided prizes for the elders. They also sold footballs to support the MDA, which is our state DECA charity. Officers are now planning for an exciting spring semester for chapter members as they gear up to compete at District DECA Competition in January at Hinds CC Rankin Campus.

Justice Blalock is a second year student in the Law Enforcement and Public Safety program. She is a member of SkillsUSA, THS Gospel Choir, and THS Interact Club and was part of the Opening and Closing Team for SkillsUSA. She and six others won first place in district and state competitions for SkillsUSA. They also competed nationally this summer in Kansas City, MO.

Summar McGee is a first year student in the Health Science program here at the Career Center. She is a member of HOSA and SkillsUSA.

We asked her, “What helps you to be a great student?” She replied “I strive to be a great student... like being open-minded to new ideas and showing willingness to try something new that’s challenging to my thoughts and ideas... I endeavor to be enthusiastic, interested, and dedicated inside and outside the classroom...”Additionally, we would

like to give a big thanks to Ms. Lacey Loftin from the College Knowledge Project. She introduced our students to many opportunities on post-secondary college choices.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Automotive Technology. This semester has been filled with many exciting adventures. The Auto I classes are adapting very well to a whole new chapter in their lives. We began this semester learning all the safety issues and procedures of a typical auto lab. After long and frustrating hours of safety, we ventured into common hand tools and preventative maintenance. The students learned everything from interpreting VIN reading to basic transmission and oil servicing. On the other hand, the Auto II students are exploring engine analysis and performances. The students are currently diagnosing electrical and electronic computer operations of the automobile. The Auto II students are extremely excited about our first annual ultimate engines build-off competition. The competition will consist of totally disassembling an engine and with the use of formulas, calculations, and precise measurements the teams will determine a different engine size and maximum

horsepower. After completion of the engines they will be tested by a dyno to determine the winners. The SkillsUSA members are gearing up for district and state competitions. We are looking forward to a repeat with our state winning Opening and Closing Team. The veteran competitors are working very hard to fill some much needed positions for the team. Meanwhile, we have completed the election process for our new chapter officers for the 2013-14 school terms. (They will be announced later). Lastly, we were privileged to visit the Nissan Plant in Canton, MS, thanks to the Marketing class and their instructor (Mrs. Caston). The students were very excited and amazed at the technology and the different businesses that were located inside of the plant. The tour duration was about 45 minutes and was narrated very well with plenty of educational information, even down to how many sodas were consumed by the employees per day!

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