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Page 1: COUNTY OF PRINCE WILLIAMeservice.pwcgov.org/planning/documents/pln2015-00078.pdf · SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage February 20, 2015 Page 5 B. Recommend denial

COUNTY OF PRINCE WILLIAM 5 County Complex Court, Prince William, Virginia 22192-9201 PLANNING

(703) 792-7615 FAX (703) 792-4401 OFFICE


Christopher M. Price, AICP

Director of Planning

February 20, 2015 TO: Planning Commission

FROM: Scott F. Meyer

Planning Office

RE: Special Use Permit #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Coles Magisterial District

I. Background is as follows:

A. Request – To allow a new self-storage building and increase the associated floor

area ratio (FAR) to 0.99. The proposed building area for the self-storage facility

is approximately 107,274 gross square feet (GSF). The property is being

redeveloped with a self-storage facility that will replace the existing Manassas

Auto Parts building along Centreville Road and its intersection with Oak Street.

SUP Request:

Self-Storage Facility and

Increased FAR in B-1


Required / Allowed Provided / Proposed with Development

SUP area N/A ±2.51 acres

Building Area N/A ±107,274 GSF (3-story building + cellar)

FAR 0.40 maximum 0.99 proposed (with SUP)

Height 45 feet 45 feet

Parking 6 spaces 8 spaces

Lot Coverage 85% 63%

Landscape Buffers 10-foot landscape

strip (perimeter)

10-foot landscape strip (perimeter), and

additional/enhanced landscape planting

area within portion of proposed right-of-

way reservation areas

Average Daily Trips N/A 385 VPD at Oak Street access point

B. Site Location – The property is located along northbound Centreville Road (Route

28) and northeast of the intersection of Centreville Road and Oak Street. The

subject site consists of five separate parcels, which are currently addressed as

8120 Oak Street, and 7809, 7811, 7813 and 7815 Centreville Road. The total site

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SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

February 20, 2015

Page 2

area encompasses ±2.51 acres and contains five parcels, which are identified as

GPINs 7897-20-5373, 7897-20-5462, 7897-20-5581, 7897-20-5791, and 7897-20-


C. Comprehensive Plan – The site is designated GC, General Commercial, in the

Comprehensive Plan. The entire property is located within the Yorkshire Study


D. Zoning – The site is zoned B-1, General Business. The western portion of the site

is located within the Route 28 Redevelopment Overlay District (ROD).

E. Surrounding Land Uses –The site is located along northbound Centreville Road,

which is a heavily traveled corridor with mostly commercial, retail service, light

industrial, and automobile service-oriented uses. A self-storage facility and office

buildings are located to the south. Vacant land is to the north. Unimproved

commercial land with trailers/storage containment lies to the east of site, which

transitions into single-family detached residential off of Oak Street. To the west

and across Centreville Road is undeveloped/vacant land associated with

Emmanuel Baptist Church (see Attachment A for maps).

II. Current Situation is as follows:

A. Planning Office Recommendation – Staff recommends approval of SUP

#PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage, subject to the conditions dated

February 15, 2015, for the following reasons:

The proposed use is consistent with the other commercial uses along

Centreville Road (Route 28).

As conditioned through the SUP, high quality architectural/design and

building elevations, access improvements, enhanced and additional

landscaping, more efficient onsite circulation patterns, aesthetic and

design improvements, and specific use and operational parameters are

being proposed to mitigate the impacts.

Adequate justification has been proposed to allow the increase in floor

area ratio (FAR) up to 0.99, such as commitments to enhanced onsite

landscaping and quality architectural design with building elevations.

See Attachment B for the staff analysis and Attachment C for the proposed


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SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

February 20, 2015

Page 3

B. Background & Context – With this special use permit (SUP) request, the subject

site will be redeveloped to remove the existing Manassas Auto Part, which is in

the state of disrepair, and replace it with a new self-storage building to encompass

±107,274 gross square feet. There is also a request to increase the floor area ratio

(FAR) from the standard 0.40 up to 0.99. With the redevelopment of the site,

there will be substantial aesthetic improvements to include re-orienting the site

layout, context-sensitive building elevations with architectural details, monument

sign elevations, additional landscaping to also include landscaping within the

right-of-way, access improvements, and usage parameters. Since the site is along

Centreville Road and within an area targeted for redevelopment, the

improvements being made to site and through this SUP are positive and favorable

to the area.

C. Planning Commission Public Hearing – A public hearing before the Planning

Commission has been advertised for March 4, 2015.

III. Issues in order of importance are as follows:

A. Comprehensive Plan

1. Long-Range Land Use – Is the proposed use consistent with those uses

intended by the current GC designation?

2. Level of Service (LOS) – How does the proposal address the Policy Guide

for Monetary Contributions in effect July 1, 2014?

B. Community Input – Have members of the community raised any issues?

C. Other Jurisdictional Comments – Have other jurisdictions raised any issues?

D. Legal Uses of the Property – What uses are allowed on the property? How are

legal issues resulting from the Planning Commission action addressed?

E. Timing – When must the Planning Commission take action on this application?

IV. Alternatives beginning with the staff recommendation are as follows:

A. Recommend approval of SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage,

subject to the conditions dated February 15, 2015.

1. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Analysis:

a. Long-Range Land Use – This proposal is to redevelop the site by

demolishing the former Manassas Auto Parts building and

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SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

February 20, 2015

Page 4

constructing a new self-storage building with an increase in FAR

to encompass approximately 107,274 gross square feet. Self-

storage facilities are permissible in the B-1 zoning district through

an approved SUP with appropriate conditions that offset the

impacts. Commercial and retail service-oriented uses are preferred

to implement the GC, General Commercial, use designation.

b. Level of Service (LOS) – The level of service impacts related to the

request would be mitigated by the conditions as follows:

Water Quality $75 per acre ±2.51 acres $188.25

Fire & Rescue $0.61 per SF of

building area

±107,274 SF $65,437.14

Total $ Provided $ 65,625.39

2. Community Input – Notice of the application has been transmitted to

adjacent property owners within 200 feet. According to the Applicant, a

meeting in late January with representatives from the local Yorkshire civic

group yielded positive feedback. As of the date of this staff report, the

Planning Office has not received any verbal or written comments on this


3. Other Jurisdiction Comments – Due to the subject site’s location along

Centreville Road (Route 28), the City of Manassas Park has been notified

of this SUP request. At the time of this staff report, staff has no received

no objections.

4. Legal Uses of the Property – The proposed self-storage building with an

FAR of up to 0.99 could be constructed on the entire site, with an

approved SUP, and subject to the proposed conditions. Legal issues

resulting from Planning Commission action are appropriately addressed by

the County Attorney’s Office.

5. Timing – The Planning Commission has until June 2, 2015, 90 days from

the first public hearing date, to take action on this proposal. A

recommendation of approval of the SUP would meet the 90-day


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SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

February 20, 2015

Page 5

B. Recommend denial of SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage.

1. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Analysis:

a. Long-Range Land Use – If the SUP request is denied, then the

self-storage facility with increased FAR would not be constructed

as proposed. The site would remain unchanged, and with no onsite

upgrades or aesthetic improvements, as proposed through the SUP.

b. Level of Service (LOS) – There would be no impact on LOS if


2. Community Input – Notice of the application has been transmitted to

adjacent property owners within 200 feet. According to the Applicant, a

meeting in late January with representatives from the local Yorkshire civic

group yielded positive feedback. As of the date of this staff report, the

Planning Office has not received any verbal or written comments on this


3. Other Jurisdictional Comments – Due to the subject site’s location along

Centreville Road (Route 28), the City of Manassas Park has been notified

of this SUP request. At the time of this staff report, staff has no received

no objections.

4. Legal Uses of the Property – If the SUP application is denied, the property

could still be developed with by-right uses permitted in the B-1, General

Business. Legal issues resulting from Planning Commission action are

appropriately addressed by the County Attorney’s Office.

5. Timing – The Planning Commission has until June 2, 2015, 90 days from

the first public hearing date, to take action on this proposal. A

recommendation of denial of the SUP would meet the 90-day requirement.

V. Recommendation is that the Planning Commission concur with Alternative A and

recommend approval of SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage, subject to

the conditions dated February 15, 2015.

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SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

February 20, 2015

Page 6

Staff: Scott F. Meyer, x 6876


A. Area Maps

B. Staff Analysis

C. Proposed SUP Conditions

D. SUP Plan

E. Building Elevations

F. Monument Sign Elevation

G. Existing Site Conditions

H. ECA Plan Map

I. Historical Commission Resolution

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Attachment A – Maps


SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page A-1

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Attachment A – Maps


SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page A-2

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Attachment A – Maps


SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page A-3

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Attachment A – Maps


SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page A-4

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-1

Part I. Summary of Comprehensive Plan Consistency

Staff Recommendation: Approval

This analysis is based on the relevant Comprehensive Plan action strategies, goals, and policies.

A complete analysis is provided in Part II of this report.

Comprehensive Plan Sections Plan Consistency

Long-Range Land Use Yes

Community Design Yes

Cultural Resources Yes

Environment Yes

Fire and Rescue Yes

Police Yes

Potable Water Yes

Sanitary Sewer Yes

Transportation Yes

Part II. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Analysis

The following table summarizes the area characteristics (see maps in Attachment A):

Direction Land Use Long-Range Land Use

Map Designation


North Vacant/Undeveloped GC B-1

South Across Oak Street; Self-storage

facility building (Public Storage)

GC B-1

East Trailers/Storage containment;

Unimproved commercial site; Single-

family detached residential further to

east and accessed off Oak Street

GC B-1

West Undeveloped/vacant; Northeastern

part of Emmanuel Baptist Church


GC B-1

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-2

Long-Range Land Use Plan Analysis

Through wise land use planning, the County ensures that landowners are provided a reasonable

use of their land while the County is able to judiciously use its resources to provide the services

for residents and employers’ needs. The Long Range Land Use Plan sets out policies and action

strategies that further the County’s goal of concentrating population, jobs, and infrastructure

within vibrant, walkable, mixed-use centers serviced by transit. In addition to delineating land

uses on the Long Range Land Use Map, the plan includes smart growth principles that promote a

countywide pattern of land use that encourages fiscally sound development and achieves a high-

quality living environment; promotes distinct centers of commerce and centers of community;

complements and respects our cultural and natural resources, and preserves historic landscapes

and site-specific cultural resources; provides adequate recreational, park, open space and trail

amenities that contribute to a high quality of life for county residents; and revitalizes, protects,

and preserves existing neighborhoods.

This subject SUP site is located within the Development Area of the County, and is classified as

GC, General Commercial, on the Long-Range Land Use Map within the Comprehensive Plan.

The following table summarizes the uses and densities intended within the GC designation.

Long-Range Land

Use Map Designation

Intended Uses and Densities

General Commercial


The purpose of the General Commercial classification is to recognize

areas of existing commercial activity along major County roadways

that serve a local market rather than a regional market. Access to GC

uses shall be limited to abutting arterial or collector roadways, rather

than from lesser abutting roadways, except where interparcel

connections are provided between abutting GC sites. Pedestrian

access to adjacent and nearby residential areas where appropriate

shall be encouraged. Primary uses in the GC are retail, retail service,

and lodging uses. Office use shall be considered a secondary use and

shall represent no greater than 25 percent of the total GC gross floor

area of the project. Infill and redevelopment of areas identified as

GC are encouraged, particularly with new or relocated commercial

uses that are of a scale similar to surrounding uses. Designation of

new GC areas is discouraged. Office development in GC areas is

encouraged to be in accordance with the Illustrative Guidelines for

Office Development, provided as a supplement to the Community

Design Plan chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and available from

the Planning Office. Office buildings in GC areas are preferred at a

height of at least 2-3 stories.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-3

Proposal’s Strengths

Land Use Compatibility – The SUP conditions mitigate the impacts on the site through an

improved layout, reconfigured access, limits of disturbance, use parameters,

redevelopment approaches, context-sensitive design, and aesthetic upgrades. As such,

SUP conditions for the requested use can be consistent with the GC use designation of

the property. Also, there is an existing building on the southern end of the site, which

will be demolished. The requested SUP with allow for the redevelopment of the site as a

self-storage facility and with increased floor area.

Zoning Consistency – According to the Zoning Ordinance, self-storage facilities are

permissible uses in B-1 zoning districts with an SUP. There have also been several

previous property code violations and the site has fallen into disrepair. However, the

proposed SUP will help to bring the site into conformance and up to current standards.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the Long-

Range Land Use Plan.

Community Design Plan Analysis

An attractive, well-designed County will attract quality development, instill civic pride, improve

the visual character of the community and create a strong, positive image of Prince William

County. The Community Design Plan sets out policies and action strategies that further the

County’s goals of providing quality development and a quality living environment for residents,

businesses and visitors, and creating livable and attractive communities. The plan includes

recommendations relating to building design, site layout, circulation, signage, access to transit,

landscaping and streetscaping, community open spaces, natural and cultural amenities,

stormwater management, and the preservation of environmental features.

The western portion of the subject site is located within the Yorkshire Study Area. The western

portion of the property is partially located within the Centreville Road/Route 28 Redevelopment

Overlay District (ROD). The requested SUP is intended to bring the site into conformance.

Through this SUP, landscape enhancements at the site entrance along Route 28, vegetative

buffering around the perimeters, building façade improvements, monument signage details,

fencing for screening, onsite lighting, and controlled access, are all being proposed to provide

onsite aesthetic improvements.

Along with the SUP request for a self-storage facility, this proposal also includes a request to

increase the allowable floor area ratio (FAR) from 0.40 to 0.99.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-4

Zoning Ordinance, Section 32-400.04. – General floor area ratio (FAR) regulations.

The Board of County Supervisors may approve a FAR higher than that permitted by-right by

specifically proffered rezoning or special use permit (SUP). When approved by SUP, the

maximum (or minimum) FAR shall be made a condition of the permit. Matters to be considered

in evaluating such application shall include, but not be limited to:

Increased Buffering and Landscaping –

The Applicant is proposing a 10-foot landscape strip around the Property as well as

adding additional landscaping within the proposed right-of-way reservation area along

Centreville Road and Oak Street. This SUP request is a redevelopment of a vacant

building known as Manassas Auto Parts and this landscaping will greatly improve the


Design Features –

The Applicant has provided building elevations in connection with the SUP application.

Compatibility with Surrounding Uses –

The proposed self-storage center is compatible with surrounding land uses. There is an

existing self-storage center to the south of the property. Adjacent land uses are

commercial in nature and the existing, vacant building is commercial.

Environmental Protection –

The Applicant has submitted an Environmental Constraints Analysis with this SUP

request. There is also a commitment to install an underground stormwater management


Off-Site Transportation Improvements –

A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Deferral, signed by Transportation staff, is included

with this submission. A self-storage facility generates significantly less traffic than a

retail store.

Fire and Health Safety Design Features –

This is being addressed in connection with the special use permit conditions.

Other –

The Property is located within a Redevelopment Overlay District (ROD), which permits

increased FARs (Zoning Ordinance, Section 32-507.06).

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-5

Proposal’s Strengths

Redevelopment Overlay District (ROD) – The subject property is located within the ROD

along Centreville Road/Route 28. Through this proposed SUP, measures have been taken

to enhance the physical appearance and aesthetics of the site. This SUP is also intended

to bring the site into conformance.

Aesthetic Enhancements – This proposal is redeveloping the subject site, while

improving the site’s overall visual appearance, landscaping, layout, and overall image.

Building Elevations – A cohesive, quality building design and architectural quality has

been proposed, which also is context-sensitive to the building colors/themes to the south.

Justification for Increased Floor Area Ratio (FAR) – As permissible with an SUP, the

allowable FAR for the site is proposed to be up to 0.99, rather than the standard limit of

0.40 in B-1 zoning. Further justification and rationale has been provided for this waiver.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

Freestanding Monument Sign – The Applicant is proposing the monument sign to be 12

feet in overall height, as shown in Attachment F. However, as per staff’s policy in this

portion of Centreville Road, new monument signs associated with SUP sites have not

been permitted to exceed 10 feet in height.

Intensity of Building Mass/Bulk – The proposed total area of the new self-storage

building is ±107,274 square feet and with an allowable FAR of 0.99. Staff believes this

is excessive, considering the other surrounding uses. Although it is permissible through

this SUP, the overall scale is still of considerable size.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Community Design Plan.

Cultural Resources Plan Analysis

Prince William County promotes the identification, evaluation, and protection of cultural

resource sites throughout the County, as well as the tourism opportunities these sites present.

The Cultural Resources Plan recommends identifying, preserving, and protecting Prince William

County’s significant historical, archaeological, architectural, and other cultural resources—

including those significant to the County’s minority communities—for the benefit of all of the

County’s citizens and visitors. To facilitate the identification and protection of known

significant properties that have cultural resource values worthy of preservation, the land use

classification County Registered Historic Site (CRHS) is used in the Comprehensive Plan. The

plan includes areas of potentially significant known but ill-defined or suspected pre-historic sites,

Civil War sites, historic viewsheds, landscapes or areas of potential impact to important historic

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-6

sites, and encourages the identification, preservation, protection, and maintenance of all

cemeteries and/or gravesites located within the County.

This site has been previously disturbed and is entirely paved. The property contains an existing

structure to be demolished and is in need of aesthetic improvements. The Historical Commission

reviewed this case at its September 9, 2014 meeting and recommended no further work. Since

the site has been previously disturbed, the County Archaeologist has also determined that no

additional work is needed.

Proposal’s Strengths

None identified.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Cultural Resources Plan.

Environment Plan Analysis

Prince William County has a diverse natural environment extending from sea level to mountain

crest. Sound environmental protection strategies will allow the natural environment to co-exist

with a vibrant, growing economy. The Environment Plan sets out policies and action strategies

that further the County’s goal of preserving, protecting and enhancing significant environmental

resources and features. The plan includes recommendations relating to the incorporation of

environmentally sensitive development techniques, improvement of air quality, identification of

problematic soil issues, preservation of native vegetation, enhancement of surface and

groundwater quality, limitations on impervious surfaces, and the protection of significant


The subject 2.5-acre property consists of five parcels. The Applicant has indicated its intent to

consolidate the five parcels into one. An existing structure and associated pavement is located

on the southernmost parcel. The remaining parcels are currently vacant. The site has frontage

on Route 28, Centreville Road and is located within a Redevelopment Overlay District.

TOTAL SITE AREA / ER AREA 2.505 acres / 0 acres

AREA OF DISTURBANCE 2.505 acres, or 100% of total

site area


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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-7

SOILS: No. Soils name Slope Soil category Erodibility

5C Arcola Nestoria Complex 7-15% II Severe

9C Brentsville sandy loam 7-15% II Severe

11B Calverton silt loam 0-7% II Slight-Moderate

35B Manassas silt loam 2-7% III Slight-Moderate

This site has frontage on Route 28 in an area in need of significant visual improvement. The

Applicant is proposing to meet the minimum 10-foot wide perimeter landscape strip

requirements of the DCSM. Also, the Applicant is expanding the planting beyond the 10-foot

into the right-of-way reservation. This will provide a temporary enhancement of Route 28, but it

is likely that the plantings in the reservation and in the 10-foot landscape strip will be lost when

Route 28 is widened due to the need to relocate existing utilities. For now, this is the best that

can be achieved.

Due to staff concerns regarding gravel and other debris in the proposed landscape areas, the

Applicant has agreed to a condition that addresses the removal of debris, gravel, and amending

the onsite soils to bring in additional topsoil to improve the success of proposed landscaping.

Proposal’s Strengths

Limits of Disturbance – Limits of clearing and grading have been shown on the SUP


Additional/Enhanced Landscaping – In addition to the minimum 10-foot wide perimeter

landscape strip, the Applicant is proposing additional landscaping within the right-of-way

reservation area. Although this is temporary until the right-of-way is claimed, there will

be additional landscaping installed along the Centreville Road and Oak Street frontage,

which exceeds the minimal requirements.

Onsite Soil Improvement & Debris Removal – As conditioned, the Applicant will be

removing gravel, debris, and other foreign material in the onsite soils to ensure greater

survivability for the proposed landscaping. This will be done on an as-needed basis and

is dependent on further soils assessment.

Level of Service – The standard monetary contribution of $75 per acre (±2.51 acres) for

stream restoration, drainage improvements, and/or water quality monitoring has been


Stormwater Management – A shown on the SUP Plan, the Applicant has been

conditioned to provide an underground SWM/BMP treatment of runoff onsite. During

site plan review, the Applicant will coordinate with Watershed staff to determine the

most appropriate solution.

Landscape Strip & Utilities – As conditioned, the Applicant will not relocate new

overhead utilities into the proposed 10-foot landscape strips along Centreville Road or

Oak Street.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-8

Proposal’s Weaknesses

Temporary Enhanced Landscaping – Although there is a commitment to install

additional/enhanced landscaping within the right-of-way reservation area, it is not a

permanent site improvement. Whenever this section of Route 28 is widened, there is no

guarantee that the extra plantings will remain intact.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Environment Plan.

Fire and Rescue Plan Analysis

Quality fire and rescue services provide a measure of security and safety that both residents and

businesses have come to expect from the County. The Fire and Rescue Plan sets out policies and

action strategies that further the County’s goal of protecting lives, property, and the environment

through timely, professional, humanitarian services essential to the health, safety, and well-being

of the community. The plan includes recommendations relating to siting criteria, appropriate

levels of service, and land use compatibility for fire and rescue facilities. The plan also includes

recommendations to supplement response time and reduce risk of injury or death to County

residents, establishment of educational programs, such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

training, automatic external defibrillators (AED), and encourage installation of additional fire

protection systems – such as sprinklers, smoke detectors, and other architectural modifications.

The nearest responding fire station is Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Station #8. The site is located

within the 4.0-minute response area for fire suppression and basic life support, but the Yorkshire

station is not equipped with advanced life support services. According to the FY 2012 figures,

this station work load capacity is at 128% with one tactical unit and 2,558 incidents. However,

the nearest County station equipped with advanced life support services is the Stonewall Jackson

Fire & Rescue Station #11, which has a work load of 157%, but is within an 8.0-minute response

time from the SUP site. In addition, the subject property is within approximately 1.3 miles south

of the border with Fairfax County and is within approximately 0.5 miles of the City of Manassas

Park, which could also provide support in the event of emergencies.

Proposal’s Strengths

Response Times – The site is located within the recommended 4.0-minute response time

for fire suppression and basic life support, and the 8.0-minute response time for advanced

life support services.

Monetary Contribution – The Applicant shall make a $0.61 per square foot of new

building area (±107, 274 SF in total) monetary contribution for fire and rescue services.

Onsite Circulation – Due the new layout configuration and drive aisle width of 25-foot

around the building perimeter, there will be sufficient spacing in the event of an

emergency response.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-9

Hazardous Materials Prohibition – As confirmed by the Applicant, there will be no

dispensing, storage, or sales of hazardous material on the property. This will need to be

specifically mentioned in the onsite policy/contractual agreement for the storage units.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

Station Workload – Although the proposed use will not generate additional demand for

service, according to the FY 2012 figures, this nearest responding station work load

capacity is at 128%.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the Fire

and Rescue Plan.

Police Plan Analysis

Residents and businesses expect a high level of police service for their community. This service

increases the sense of safety and protects community investments. The Police Plan is designed

to promote Prince William County’s public safety strategic goal to continue to be a safe

community, reduce criminal activity, and prevent personal injury and loss of life and property, as

well as to ensure effective and timely responses throughout the County. This chapter encourages

funding and locating future police facilities to maximize public accessibility and police visibility

as well as to permit effective, timely response to citizen needs and concerns. The chapter

recommends educational initiatives, such as Neighborhood and Business Watch, and Crime

Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED), which encourages new development to be

designed in a way that enhances crime prevention. The chapter also encourages effective and

reliable public safety communications linking emergency responders in the field with the Public

Safety Communications Center.

The Police Department does not feel that this proposal will have any significant impact on police

services at this time. Fencing and upgraded hardware for all building doors and roof tops is

recommended for access control. An adequate alarm system, which encompasses perimeter and

interior detection on a central station system, should be installed. A video surveillance system

should be considered for the site, as well as improved lighting to support both natural and

technical surveillance capabilities. A means of blocking the entrance to the property from

vehicle traffic after closing should be utilized. Management should ensure vehicles are not left

unlocked and keys should be secured at the close of business, as the opportunity for theft is high.

The Applicant has been conditioned to controlled access, a camera security system, shielded

lighting, and graffiti reporting and removal. Furthermore, the Applicant is committed to

implementing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles an

effective strategic approach to preventing crime.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-10

Proposal’s Strengths

Site Maintenance – The Applicant has been conditioned to take measures to prevent

graffiti, and to promptly report and remove graffiti from any structures and surfaces on

the site.

Security Measures – In order to monitor and maintain onsite security, the Applicant shall

utilize a combination of interior and exterior mounted surveillance cameras, an alarm

system, access control gates, fencing, onsite lighting, building access/entry system, and

the other related security practices.

Redevelopment of Site & Removal of Blight – Since the site is being redeveloped to

include a new self-storage facility with quality design, aesthetic improvements, controlled

access, and other associated improvements, the visual quality of the site and aspect of

disrepair/blight will be greatly reduced.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the Police


Potable Water Plan Analysis

A safe, dependable drinking water source is a reasonable expectation of County residents and

businesses. The Potable Water Plan sets out policies and action strategies that further the

County’s goal of providing an economically and environmentally sound drinking water system.

The plan includes recommendations relating to system expansion, required connections to public

water in the development area, and the use of private wells or public water in the rural area.

The subject property is within the Development Area of the County and is thereby required to

utilize public water to develop. The site is currently served by public water. Public water is

available from an existing 6-inch water main located on the eastern edge of the property. The

Applicant will be responsible for the relocation of this main due to any potential conflicts

resulting from the development of the property. Depending on the final configuration of the on-

site water mains, additional water main extensions may be required to provide adequate fire

protection or satisfy water quality requirements.

The Applicant shall plan, design, and construct all on-site and off-site water utility improvements

necessary to develop the subject property in accordance with applicable Service Authority,

County and State requirements, standards and regulations.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-11

Proposal’s Strengths

Water Connection & Service – The Applicant has been conditioned to be responsible for

all on-site and off-site improvements required to provide the water service demand

generated by the development.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Potable Water Plan.

Sanitary Sewer Plan Analysis

Appropriate wastewater and sanitary facilities provide needed public health and environmental

protections. The Sanitary Sewer Plan sets out policies and action strategies that further the

County’s goal of providing an economically and environmentally sound sanitary sewer system.

The plan includes recommendations relating to system expansion, required connections to public

sewer in the development area, and the use of either private or public sewer systems in locations

classified as Semi-Rural Residential (SRR), as well as the rural area.

The subject property is within the Development Area of the County and is thereby required to

utilize public sewer to develop. Public sewer is available to the subject site, but requires

construction of off-site facilities. The site is currently served by public sewer. Public sewer

exists along Centreville Road and in Chestnut Street. The Applicant shall plan, design, and

construct all on-site and off-site sanitary sewer utility improvements necessary to develop the

subject property and the above listed requirements in accordance with applicable Service

Authority, County and State requirements, standards and regulations. Available utility system

capacities are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis to zoned properties having approved

final site/subdivision plans upon filing the required application and full payment of all associated

utility fees/charges.

The subject property is within the Development Area of the County and is thereby required to

utilize public sewer to develop. Public sewer is available at an existing 8-inch sewer main

located at the northern property line.

The Applicant shall plan, design, and construct all on-site and off-site sewer utility

improvements necessary to develop the subject property in accordance with applicable Service

Authority, County and State requirements, standards and regulations.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-12

Proposal’s Strengths

Sewer Connection & Service – The Applicant has been conditioned to be responsible for

all on-site and off-site improvements required to provide the sewer service demand

generated by the development.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Sanitary Sewer Plan.

Transportation Plan Analysis

By providing a multi-modal approach to traffic circulation Prince William County promotes the

safe and efficient movement of goods and people throughout the County and surrounding

jurisdictions. The Transportation Plan sets out policies and action strategies that further the

County’s goal of creating and sustaining an environmentally friendly, multi-modal transportation

system that meets the demands for intra- and inter-county trips, is integrated with existing and

planned development, and provides a network of safe, efficient, and accessible modes of travel.

The plan includes recommendations addressing safety, minimizing conflicts with environmental

and cultural resources, maximizing cost effectiveness, increasing accessibility of all travel

modes, minimizing projected trip demand, and providing sufficient network capacity. Projects

should include strategies that result in a level of service (LOS) of “D” or better on all roadway

corridors and intersections, reduce traffic demand through transportation demand management

strategies, dedicate planned rights-of-way, provide and/or fund transit infrastructure, pedestrian

and bicycle pathways, and improved and coordinated access to transit facilities.

The Applicant, Arcland Property Company, is requesting a special use permit to construct a

107,274 square foot self storage facility, with an increased floor area ratio (FAR) of up to 0.99.

The site is located on the eastern side of Centreville Road and is bordered on the south by Oak

Street. Access to the site is planned from Oak Street approximately 220 feet east of Centreville

Road. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was not required for this submission because the volume

of traffic generated by this site does not exceed the thresholds in the Design and Construction

Standards Manual (DCSM).


The daily level of service represents the relationship of the daily volume on a roadway to the

capacity of that roadway. The following table provides information concerning the average

annual weekday daily volumes and levels of services of roadways important to this development:

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-13

Roadway Name Number

of Lanes

2012 VDOT Count 2010 Daily


Centreville Road (Rt. 28) 4 57,000 vpd


Oak Street (Rt. 1513) 2 410 vpd


There will not be a residential manager onsite for the self-storage facility. The volume generated

by the development in the proposed SUP will not significantly degrade the levels of service on

the surrounding roadways.

Centreville Road is planned as a 4-lane divided principal arterial (PA-1) with a 128-foot right of

way. Half of a MA-1 section (64-foot right of way) should be dedicated along the property

frontage. Oak Street is a residential local street (RL-2, III) with a specified 62-foot right of way.

A half section (31 feet) should be dedicated for right of way along the property frontage. The

Applicant and County have agreed that the right of way may be reserved at no cost to the

County/VDOT instead of dedicated. A five-foot (5’) sidewalk must be constructed along the

property’s frontage on Centreville Road, anywhere between the existing curb and gutter and the

proposed right of way line. The Applicant has agreed to this as well. Finally, the Applicant

provided an Auto-Turn Exhibit, which shows that large trucks can enter, exit, and traverse the


Proposal’s Strengths

Right-of-Way Reservation – As conditioned, the Applicant will provide right-of-way

reservation for Centreville Road and Oak Street, whenever requested and at no cost to the

County and per their ultimate planned designations, according to the Comprehensive


Sidewalk – As conditioned, the Applicant will construct a 5-foot sidewalk along

Centreville Road (Route 28) along the property’s frontage on Centreville Road, between

the existing curb and gutter and the proposed right-of-way line.

Site Access – As shown in the SUP Plan and as conditioned, full access to the site will be

off of Oak Street.

Obstruction of Travelways – The Applicant has been conditioned to ensure that all traffic

accessways, drive aisles, and fire lanes are to be kept clear, free of obstruction, accessible

to emergency vehicles, and not in conflict with the adjoining roadway network.

Limitation for On-Street Parking – As conditioned, no vehicles associated with the use

shall be parked on Centreville Road or Oak Street.

Proposal’s Weaknesses

None identified.

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Attachment B – Staff Analysis

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page B-14

On balance, this application is found to be consistent with the relevant components of the

Transportation Plan.

Materially Relevant Issues

This section of the report is intended to identify issues raised during the review of the proposal,

which are not directly related to the policies, goals, or action strategies of the Comprehensive

Plan, but which are materially relevant to the County’s responsibilities in considering land use

issues. The materially relevant issues in this case are as follows:

Although the Applicant’s elevation of the freestanding monument sign indicates a height

of 12 feet, as shown in Attachment F, staff has conditioned that the overall height not

exceed 10 feet. This has been a consistent policy for new monument signs along this

portion of Centreville Road and within the Redevelopment Overlay District (ROD).

Agency Comments

The following agencies have reviewed the proposal and their comments have been summarized

in relevant comprehensive plan chapters of this report. Individual comments are in the case file

in the Office of Planning:

City of Manassas Park

County Archaeologist

PWC Economic Development

PWC Fire Marshal

PWC Historical Commission

PWC Planning Office / Proffer Administration / Zoning

PWC Police / Crime Prevention

PWC Public Works – Watershed / Environmental / Arborist

PWC Service Authority

PWC Transportation

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)

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Attachment C – Proposed SUP Conditions

Dated February 15, 2015

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page C-1


Special Use Permit #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Applicant: Arcland Property Company (“Applicant”)

Owner: H&O Associates II, L.L.C.

Zoning: B-1, General Business

Planned Land Use: GC, General Commercial

Special Use Permit Area: ±2.51 acres

Prince William County GPINs: 7897-20-5373, 7897-20-5462, 7897-20-5581, 7897-20-5791,

7897-20-6973 (“Property”)

Magisterial District: Coles

February 15, 2015

The following conditions are intended to offset the impacts of the proposal and to render the

application consistent with the applicable chapters of the Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding

areas. If the conditions of this special use permit or the special use permit plan are in conflict with

the Zoning Ordinance, and/or the Design and Construction Standards Manual (DCSM), the more

restrictive standards shall apply, except as specifically allowed by this special use permit.

The Applicant shall file a site plan within one (1) year of approval of this special use permit by the

Board of County Supervisors and shall have up to five (5) years from the date of final site plan

approval to commence the proposed use. Issuance of an occupancy permit for the new building

constitutes commencement of the use.

1. Use – This special use permit (SUP) provides for the development of up to approximately

107,275 square foot self-storage facility (including a cellar and office) to be developed in

substantial conformance to the plan entitled “Centreville Road Self Storage – Special Use

Permit Plan”, prepared by Land Design Consultants, dated June, 2014, last revised

November 5, 2014 (hereinafter, the “SUP Plan”). Minor modifications shall be permitted at

the time of site plan based on final engineering and design requirements.

2. Community Design

a. Architecture – The self-storage facility shall be in substantial conformance with

elevations entitled "Centreville Rd Self-Storage – Illustrative Elevations,” prepared

by Butz Wilbern, Limited, dated October 22, 2014 and consisting of two sheets

(hereinafter, the “Building Elevations”). Minor changes to the architecture and

materials may be made provided that any such changes are approved by the Planning

Office prior to the issuance of a building permit release letter. Such approval shall

be based on a determination that the changes result in a building that is of equal or

better quality than that shown on the Building Elevations. At least two weeks prior

to requesting issuance of a building permit release letter, the Applicant shall submit

such elevations to ensure compatibility with the Building Elevations.

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Attachment C – Proposed SUP Conditions

Dated February 15, 2015

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page C-2

b. Building Provisions –

i. The overall maximum finished height of the proposed self-storage building

shall not exceed 45 feet.

ii. As permissible through this special use permit, the maximum floor area ratio

(FAR) shall be up to 0.99.

c. Monument Sign – The Applicant may construct a monument sign on the Property in

the general location depicted on the SUP Plan. Said monument sign shall be in

substantial conformance with the elevation entitled “Centreville Rd. Self Storage –

Monument Sign,” prepared by Butz Wilbern Limited and dated January 30, 2015.

Through this SUP, the overall height of the freestanding, monument sign shall not

exceed 10 feet. The monument sign shall have a masonry base that is compatible

with the colors of the building and shall be landscaped with shrubs, perennials, and

ornamental grasses. The Zoning Administrator or his designee may approve minor

changes to the monument sign including logo, font size, color, illumination, type and

style changes and the like, provided that the overall size does not increase. The sign

shall require sign permit approval.

d. Façade Signage – Façade signage shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance

and shall require sign permit approval.

e. Refuse Storage Area – Any refuse storage area shall not be located within any buffer

or landscape strip and shall be screened with a solid masonry enclosure, constructed

of brick or a color impregnated decorative block, which is compatible with the

building. The refuse storage areas shall have gates that prohibit viewing such areas

from adjoining properties and public rights-of –way. The gates shall remain closed

when not in use and the trash containers shall be emptied as necessary to prevent

odors or infestation by vermin. All new refuse storage areas shall be shown on the

final site plan.

f. Landscaping

i. Landscaping, as evidenced on the final site plan for the Property, shall meet

minimum requirements of the DCSM, unless waived or modified by the

County at the time of site plan. All plantings shall be drought-resistant and

indigenous, or other species approved with the final site plan. Final plant

selections shall be made in coordination with the County Arborist.

ii. Landscaping around the perimeter of the Property shall be provided in

substantial conformance with that shown on the exhibit entitled “Centreville

Road Self-Storage – Landscape Plan,” (sheet 2 of 2) prepared by Land

Design Consultants, dated June 2014, last revised November 5, 2014

(hereinafter, the “Landscape Plan”). This landscaping includes plantings to

be provided along Centreville Road (Route 28) in the area labeled as “Prop.

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Attachment C – Proposed SUP Conditions

Dated February 15, 2015

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page C-3

R/W Reservation” (hereinafter, the “Enhanced Landscape Area”) on the SUP

Plan. The Enhanced Landscape Area need not be provided/maintained after

the reservation has been acquired for the right-of-way and/or construction

easements for Centreville Road (Route 28) are granted.

iii. Within the Enhanced Landscape Area and 10-foot landscape strips on

Centreville Road (Route 28) and Oak Street, plantings shall be in general

conformance with the Landscape Plan and include a mixture of shrubs,

perennials and ornamental grasses with the taller and broader canopy

plantings in the 10-foot landscape strip area and the lower plantings in the

Enhanced Landscape Area.

iv. To the extent feasible, the Applicant shall not relocate new overhead utilities

into the proposed 10-foot landscape strips on Centreville Road (Route 28) or

Oak Street. The Applicant will not be deemed in violation of this condition

should the County and/or VDOT relocate utilities in said landscape strips.

v. Within the landscape strips and parking lot islands, which have been subject

to compaction by existing buildings, paved/gravel parking lots and/or

travelways, the Applicant shall have the soil loosened as needed up to a

maximum of 3 feet prior to planting and a top dressing of a maximum of 6’’

of clean topsoil shall be provided, to the extent necessary and feasible. This

topsoil shall be a loam, sandy loam, clay loam, silt loam, sand clay loam, or

loamy sand. The topsoil shall not be a mixture of or contain contrasting

textured subsoils. The topsoil shall contain less than 5% by volume of

cinders, stones, slag, coarse fragments, sticks, roots, trash, or other materials

larger than 1 ½” in diameter and shall not contain gravel. The topsoil shall

contain a minimum of 5% natural fine organic matter, such as leaf mold, peat

moss, etc. Said requirements shall be evidenced with a note on the site plan.

3. Maintenance of Property

a. Site Maintenance – The Applicant/Owner shall maintain the site and shall pick up

trash, litter and debris on a daily basis.

b. Graffiti Removal – The Applicant/Owner agrees to remove any graffiti from the

property. Graffiti shall be deemed any inscription or marking on walls, buildings or

structures not permitted by the sign regulations in Section 32-250.20 et. seq. of the

Zoning Ordinance. Any graffiti is to be reported to the Prince William County

Police Department before removal.

c. Security Measures – In order to monitor and maintain onsite security, the

Applicant/Owner shall utilize a combination of interior and exterior mounted

surveillance cameras, an alarm system, access control gates, fencing, onsite lighting,

building access/entry system, and the other related security practices.

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Attachment C – Proposed SUP Conditions

Dated February 15, 2015

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page C-4

4. Environment

a. Water Quality – The Applicant shall contribute $75 per acre based on the area of the

site (±2.51 acres) at the time of the first final site plan review for the County to

conduct water quality monitoring, stream restoration projects, and/or drainage


b. Removal of Existing Buildings and Structures – Demolition and disposal of existing

buildings and structures or portions thereof shall be in accordance with all federal,

state and county regulations.

c. Stormwater Management – All stormwater runoff resulting from the impervious area

on the site shall be handled by an underground stormwater management facility, as

indicated on the SUP Plan. The Applicant shall coordinate with Watershed

Management Branch staff to determine to most appropriate solution for the subject


5. Fire and Rescue – The Applicant shall make a monetary contribution to the Prince William

Board of County Supervisors in the amount of $0.61 per square foot of gross floor area

(GFA) constructed on the Property (±107,274 square feet). Said contribution shall be used

for fire and rescue services and shall be paid at the time the building permit is issued for the

new building to be constructed on the property.

6. Transportation

a. Obstruction of Travelways – The Applicant/Owner shall ensure that any vehicles

associated with the use do not obstruct the travel ways, fire lanes, adjoining road

network or encroach upon buffer and landscaped areas as shown on the SUP Plan.

b. On Street Parking – No vehicles associated with the uses shall be parked on

Centreville Road (Route 28) or Oak Street.

c. Right-of-Way Reservation – As shown on the SUP Plan, the Applicant shall reserve

right-of-way along Centreville Road (Route 28) and Oak Street, as follows:

i. The Applicant shall reserve, at no cost to Prince William County or the

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), right-of-way along

Centreville Road (Route 28) up to a maximum of sixty-four feet (64’) in

width from the centerline of Centreville Road, as depicted on the SUP Plan.

The Applicant may install landscaping within the reservation area as

generally shown on the Landscape Plan, per Condition #2.e.ii. No landscape

area or strip, or landscaping will be required to be placed, replaced, provided

or relocated on the Property, within or outside the reservation area, after the

reservation area has been acquired as right-of-way. Compliance with this

condition shall be demonstrated by showing said reservation on the final site


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Attachment C – Proposed SUP Conditions

Dated February 15, 2015

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page C-5

ii. The Applicant shall reserve, at no cost to Prince William County or the

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), right-of-way on-site along

Oak Street, up to a maximum of thirty-one feet (31’) in width from the

centerline, as depicted on the SUP Plan. The Applicant may install

landscaping within the reservation area as generally shown on the Landscape

Plan, per Condition #2.e.ii. No landscape area or strip, or landscaping will be

required to be placed, replaced, provided or relocated on the Property, within

or outside the reservation area, after the reservation area has been acquired as

right-of-way. Compliance with this condition shall be demonstrated by

showing said reservation on the final site plan.

d. Sidewalk – The Applicant shall construct a five foot (5’) sidewalk on Centreville

Road (Route 28) as depicted on the SUP Plan. This shall be reflected on the final

site plan.

7. Connection to Public Water & Sewer – The site shall be connected to public water and

sewer with the Applicant bearing all costs associated with providing all on and off site

facilities, to meet the demand generated by its uses, to make such connection.

8. Monetary Escalator – In the event the monetary contributions set forth in the development

conditions are paid to the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors within

eighteen (18) months of the approval of this special use permit, as applied for by the

Applicant, said contributions shall be in the amounts stated herein. Any monetary

contributions set forth in the development conditions, which are paid after eighteen (18)

months following the approval of this special use permit, shall be adjusted in accordance

with the Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) published by the United States Department

of Labor, such that , at the time the contributions are paid, they shall be adjusted by the

percentage change in the CPI-U from the date eighteen (18) months after the approval of

this special use permit to the most recently available CPI-I to the date the contributions are

paid, subject to a cap of six (6%) percent per year, non-compounded.

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Attachment D – SUP Plan

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page D-1

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Attachment D – SUP Plan

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page D-2

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Attachment E – Building Elevations

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page E-1

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Attachment E – Building Elevations

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page E-2

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Attachment F – Monument Sign Elevation

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page F-1

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Attachment G – Existing Site Conditions

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page G-1

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Attachment H – ECA Plan Map

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page H-1

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Attachment I – Historical Commission Resolution

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page I-1

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Attachment I – Historical Commission Resolution

SUP #PLN2015-00078, Centreville Road Self Storage

Page I-2

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