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Course Mapping

Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

IntroductionAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

This brief presentation will highlight:

• The developing institutional emphasis on a course-based approach to assessment and feedback;

• How this is approached at present, and where the gaps are, and

• How course mapping has been used to support students in a new MSc.

IntroductionAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

ARU Assessment Project Making our Mark

• “The development of a holistic view of assessment, feedback and feed forward practices, including a better balance of formative and summative assessment at the course level”

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

ARU Assessment Project Making our Mark

• “… a review of the whole menu of assessment associated with their respective courses to ensure an appropriate diet of assessment which is fair and reasonable for students and academics ”

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Assessment mapping

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Course design and validation

• Course Specification Form

• Course learning outcomes

• Mapping modules and assessments

Current practice and gapsAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

CSF: course learning outcomes

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Mapping modules onto course learning outcomes

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Assessments vs learning outcomes

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

The gaps?

Current practice and gapsAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Course-based approach through the Course Handbook

A student-facing solutionAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Mapping modules onto course learning outcomes

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Assessments vs learning outcomes

A course-based approachAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

Julian Priddle

Academic development, Anglia Learning & Teaching

[email protected]

Alison Greig

Director of Education for Sustainable Development, GSI

[email protected]

ContactAnglia Learning and Teaching

Inspiring Academic Excellence

Course Mapping: Teach Meet presentation Julian Priddle and Alison Greig

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