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  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    (Introduction to the Hardening Soil Model)

    (following initial development byTom Schanz at Bauhaus !niversit"t #eimar$ %ermany)

    &omputational %eotechnics

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    IntroductionStiffness ModulusTriaxial DataPlasticityHS-Cap-ModelSimulation of Oedometer and Triaxial Tests on Loose and

    Dense SandsSummary

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics #

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Hardening SoilsMost soils be a!e in a nonlinear be a!ior soon after application of s earstress" #lastic-plastic ardening is a common tec ni$ue% also used in PL&'IS"

    (sage of t e Soft Soil model )it creepCreep is usually of greater significance in soft soils"

    Hyperbolic stress-strain la) for triaxial response cur!es

    *ig" +, Hyperbolic stress strain response cur!e of Hardening Soil model

    f f


    q R


    -./ur E E =

    0standard PL&'IS setting 1ersion 23

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics $

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Stiffness Modulus

    #lastic unloading and reloading 0O de% +4/43

    5e use t e t)o elastic parameters ur and E ur :




    3ref ur ref

    c - ' E

    c + p

    +60+ 3ur ur ur

    G E

    = + +..ref p kPa=

    Initial 0primary3 loading

    7 7/ /

    -. -. -.

    cot sin coscot sin cos

    m m

    ref ref ref ref

    c c E E E

    p c p c

    + += = + +

    *ig" 6, Definition of E 50 in a standard drained triaxial experiment

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics %

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Stiffness Modulus

    Oedometer tests

    *ig" /, Definition of t e normali8ed oedometric stiffness ref oed E

    *ig" 9, 1alues for m from oedometer test !ersus initial porosity n .

    *ig" , :ormali8ed oedometer modulus ref oed E !ersus initial porosity n .

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Stiffness Modulus

    Triaxial tests

    *ig" ;, :ormali8ed oedometric stiffness for !arious soil classes 0!on Soos% +44+3

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics '

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Stiffness Modulus

    *ig" 2, 1alues for m obtained from triaxial test !ersus initial porosity n .


  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Stiffness Modulus

    Summary of data for sand, 1ermeer = Sc an8 0+4423

    *ig" 4, Comparison of normali8ed stiffness moduli from oedometer and triaxialtests

    7 yref

    oed oed ref E E p


    -. -.ref x

    ref E E p =

    #ngineering practice, mostly data on E oed

    Test data, -.ref ref oed E E

    0standard setting PL&'IS !ersion 23

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics )

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Triaxial Data on p 6+ p

    *ig" +., #$ui-g lines 0Tatsuo>a% +4263 for dense Toyoura Sand


    6 aa

    q q E q q

    = 7/

    -. -.

    sin cossin cos


    ref ref

    c E E

    p c

    += +

    +0 cot 3 f a f f

    qq M p c R

    R = = + ;sin

    / sin M


    *ig" ++, ?ield and failure surfaces for t e Hardening Soil model

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics *

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    ?ield and ardening functions

    + 6 / + + +


    66 6 6 p p p p p e a

    a ur

    q q q

    E q q E

    = = =

    {+ +


    6 6




    a ur

    q q q f

    E q q E

    = =142 43

    /D extension

    In order to extent t e model to general /D states in terms of stress% )e use a

    modified expression for q in terms of %q and t e mobili8ed angle of internal

    friction m

    7 7 7+ 6 /0 +3q = + %


    / sin/ sin



    += 0 cot 3m f q M p c = +


    ) ere


    / sin






    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "+

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Plastic potential and flo) rule

    @ 7 7 7+ 6 /0 +3q = +

    )it/ sin/ sin




    @ @0 cot 3mq M p c = +g) ere


    m M




    + + + + +6 6 6 6

    +/+6 + +6 6 6

    +6 +/ +6 +/ + +6 6


    sin sin

    sin .

    . sin


    p p


    = = + = +


    *lo) rule

    sin sin p

    p pvm v m


    = =

    )itsin sin

    sin+ sin sin

    m cvm

    m cv

    = cv p p =

    Table +, Primary soil parameters and standard PL&'IS settingsC A>PaB AoB AoB E50 AMpaB. /.-9. .-+. 9.

    Eur / E . Vur ."6 Rf ."4 m ." Pref +.. >Pa

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics ""

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Hardening soil response in drained triaxial experiments

    *ig" +6, esults of drained triaxial loading, stress-strain relations 0s/ +.. >Pa3

    *ig" +/, esults of drained triaxial loading, axial-!olumetric strain relations 0s/ +.. >Pa3

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "#

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    (ndrained ardening soil analysis

    Met od &, s)itc to drained

    Input, 7 7 7



    E E

    ."6E / E ."-E +..


    ref ur ur



    E E m p kPa

    = = = =

    Met od F, s)itc to undrainedInput,



    E E .

    ."6E / E ."-E +..

    u u


    ref ur ur


    E E E m p kPa


    = = = =

    Interesting in case you a!e data on C u and not no CG and G7/

    -. -. -.

    sin cos"

    sin cos


    ref ref u u uref

    u u u

    c E E E con !

    p c

    += = = +

    7/ sin cos

    "sin cos


    ref ref u u uur ur ur ref

    u u u

    c E E E con ! p c

    += = = +

    &ssume -. ."2 u E E = and use grap by Duncan = Fuc ignani 0+42;3 to estimate E u

    *ig" +9, (ndrained Hardening Soil analysis

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "$

    6c u

    E u +"9 E


  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Hardening soil response in undrained triaxial tests

    *ig" + , esults of undrained triaxial loading, stress-strain relations 0s/ +.. >Pa3

    *ig" +;, esults of undrained triaxial loading, p-$ diagram 0s/ +.. >Pa3

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "%

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Cap yield surface6

    6 66c c

    q f p p


    = + %

    *lo) rule

    c c f =g 0&ssociated flo)3

    Hardening la)

    *or isotropic compression )e assume

    + pvc

    p p p " " #

    = =




    " # "

    " " =

    *or isotropic compression )e a!e $ . and it follo)s fromc p p


    6 p ccv cc p # # # p p

    = = = g

    *or t e determination of% )e use anot er consistency condition,


    c cc c


    f f f p


    = + =

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    &dditional parameters

    T e extra input parameters are . 0 + sin 3 " = and -.H 0 +".3oed E E =

    T e t)o auxiliary material parameter M and c s are determined iterati!ely fromt e simulation of an oedometer test" T ere are no direct input parameters" T euser s ould not be too concerned about t ese parameters"

    Jrap ical presentation of HS-Cap-Model

    I, Purely elastic response

    II, Purely frictional ardening )it f

    III, Material failure according to Mo r-Coulomb

    I1, Mo r-Coulomb and cap f c

    1, Combined frictional ardening f and cap f c

    1I, Purely cap ardening )it f c

    1II, Isotropic compression

    *ig" +2, ?ield surfaces of t e extended HS model in p-$-space 0left3 and in t ede!iatoric plane 0rig t3

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "'


    6 /

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    *ig" +

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Simulation of Oedometer and Triaxial Tests on Loose andDense Sands

    *ig" +4, Comparison of calculated 0K3 and measured triaxial tests on loose HostunSand

    *ig" 6., Comparison of calculated 0K3 and measured oedometer tests on looseHostun Sand

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics ")

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    Simulation of Oedometer and Triaxial Tests on Loose andDense Sands

    *ig" 6+, Comparison of calculated 0K3 and measured triaxial tests on dense HostunSand

    *ig" 66, Comparison of calculated 0K3 and measured oedometer tests on denseHostun Sand

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics "*

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection


    Main c aracteristics

    Pressure dependent stiffness

    Isotropic s ear ardening

    (ltimate Mo r-Coulomb failure condition

    :on-associated plastic flo)

    &dditional cap ardening

    HS-model !ersus MC-model

    % %c &s in Mo r-Coulomb model-.ref E :ormali8ed primary loading stiffness

    ur (nloading reloading PoissonGs ratioref ur E :ormali8ed unloading reloading stiffness

    m Po)er in stiffness la)s f R *ailure ratio

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics #+

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    #xercise +, Calibration of t e HS-Cap-Model for Looseand Dense Sand

    Oedometer and triaxial s ear experimental data for bot loose and dense sands aregi!en in *igs" 6/ 6;"

    Table 6, Parameters for loose and dense sand vur m -.Href ref oed E E -.Href ref ur E E -.ref E

    loose ."6 ."; /9 o . o +". /". +;dense ."6 ."; 9+ o +9o ."4 /". / MPa

    Proceed according to t e follo)ing steps,

    (se "o + sin and # oed # . according to Table 6 in t e ad!anced material

    parameter input in PL&'IS"

    *or bot simulations use an axis-symmetric mes 0+x + AmB3 )it a coarseelement density" C ange loading and boundary conditions according to t etest conditions"

    Simulation of oedmoter tests )it unloading for unloading for maximum axialstress"

    Loose sand, max+ 6.. kPa =

    Dense sand,max

    + 9.. kPa =

    If necessary impro!e gi!en material parameters to obtain a more realisticresponse"

    C ec> triaxial tests )it t e parameters obtained from t e oedometersimulation"

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics #"

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    #xercise +, Calibration of t e HS-Cap-Model for Looseand Dense Sand

    esults for loose sand

    *ig" 6/, Triaxial tests on loose Hostun Sand

    *ig" 69, Oedometer tests on loose Hostun Sand

    &ourse '&omputational %eotechnics ##

  • 8/10/2019 Course Notes on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Model and Parameter Selection


    Non-Linear Hyperbolic Model & Parameter Selection

    #xercise +, Calibration of t e HS-Cap-Model for Looseand Dense Sand

    esults for dense sand

    *ig" 6 , Triaxial tests on dense Hostun Sand

    *ig" 6;, Oedometer tests on dense Hostun Sand

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