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Page 1: Course Outline for Creative Thinking Fall 2011

International Islamic UniversityFaculty of Management Sciences

______________________________________________________________Course Code: GEN-303

Course Title: Creative Thinking & ReasoningBatch: BBA -24Course Instructor: Nilofar AnbreenCourse Instructor’s e-mail: [email protected] Timing:

Course Objectives

The Course is designed to explore the approaches to "How might we proceed when

confronted by problems, situations too ambiguous, complex, or messy or impossible to be

addressed directly through logical strategies?"

The students will be able to increase their understanding of creativity, to improve their

creative problem-solving skills and to enhance their ability to promote these skills in

others, in a variety of settings. It will also help the students to develop the ability to

reason clearly and critically. The Students will participate in creative activities designed

to help them develop their own creativity, and discuss the creative process from various

theoretical perspectives. Readings are on such topics that would tend to enhance creative

functioning, and related educational issues.

Course Contents


a. Thinking

Types of thinkingAutistic thinkingRealistic ThinkingDeductive ThinkingInductive ThinkingEvaluative Thinking

ExamplesClassroom Discussion

b. Creativity -- Creative Thinking

Elements of CreativitySteps of CreativityMethod of Creativity

ExamplesClassroom DiscussionHand outs

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International Islamic UniversityFaculty of Management Sciences


c. Reasoning

Types of reasoning A Group Task of Reasoning


a. Managerial Practices for Creativity

How managers enhance creativity?How managers kill creativity?Six Managerial Practices that influence creativity

Case study and Examples of the corporate worldClassroom Discussions

b. Innovator and Adaptors: Why New

Initiatives get blocked

Factors influencing InitiativesAdaption-Innovation Theory

Brain Storming of students for comparison of adaptors and innovators.

c. Creativity as A business Tool Class Discussion


a. Brain Storming Handouts

Classroom activity for brain storming

b. Mind Mapping Classroom Activity for mind mapping

c. Six Thinking Hats

Application of Thinking Hats

Six thinking hats would be explained

through the use of a mind map prepared

for hats.

Classroom Activity for Six thinking Hats

d. SCAMPER Hand outs

Classroom activity

e. Force-field Analysis

Steps and application

Hand outs

Case Studies

Class Activity

f. Lotus Blossom Handouts

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International Islamic UniversityFaculty of Management Sciences


Steps to carry out lotus blossom

Implementation of Lotus Blossom

g. Attribute Listing Creativity Exercise

h. Story Boarding Group Task

i. Blind Spot Analysis

Text Books / Resources:

Recommended Textbook:

1. Henry, J. (2001). Creative Management. (2nd ed.). Cromwell: Britain

2. The Art of Creative Thinking by John Adair

Additional Readings:

1. Edward Bono. Six Thinking Hats.

2. Ros Jay. The Ultimate Book of Business Creativity

Course Assessment

INTERNAL: 50Assignments 10Quizzes 5Presentation 5Project 10Midterm 20FINAL 50 Total 100

WEEK Wise Schedule

Week Topics Chapters1 Thinking and types of thinking Thinking2 Elements of Creativity

Steps of CreativityMethod of Creativity

Creativity -- Creative Thinking

3 Types of reasoning Reasoning4 How managers enhance creativity?

How managers kill creativity?Six Managerial Practices that influence creativity

Managerial Practices for Creativity

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International Islamic UniversityFaculty of Management Sciences

______________________________________________________________5 Mind Mapping Creativity Techniques

And Strategies6 Creativity as A business Tool7 Six Managerial Practices that influence creativity Managerial Practices for

CreativityMidterm Exams

8 Brain Storming Creativity Techniques And Strategies

9 Who are adaptors?Who are innovators?Factors influencing InitiativesAdaption-Innovation Theory

Innovator and Adaptors: Why New Initiatives get


10 1. Attribute Listing2. SCAMPER

Creativity Techniques And Strategies

11 Presentations Story Boarding12 Force-field Analysis

Steps and applicationCreative Exercise

Creativity Techniques And Strategies

13 Lotus BlossomRationaleSteps to carry out lotus blossomImplementation of Lotus Blossom through exercise

Creativity Techniques And Strategies

14 Blind Spot Analysis Creativity Techniques And Strategies

15 Six Thinking Hats

Sequence, use, time, directions, utility of hats

Application of Thinking Hats

Creativity Techniques And Strategies

16 Creative activity of six hats to solve any issue or problem Six Thinking Hats

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