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Page 1: Course Syllabus Portfolio Development Class ARTC 2335 · /Redo. projects for inclusion in a graphic design portfolio. Discussions • Presentations • Projects • Portfolios •

Course Syllabus Portfolio Development Class

ARTC 2335Semester  with  CourseReference  Number (CRN)

Spring 2016 Regular Term 16 Weeks ARTC 2335 (CRN) 96534

Instructor Contact Information

Sharon [email protected]

Office Location & Hours Rm. 139 B by appointment

Course Location & Times Room 130 Wed 5:30 - 9:30 )

Course  Semester  CreditHours  (SCH)  (lecture,  lab)

Credit Hours: 3.00Lecture Hours: 2 Laboratory Hours: 4

Total Course Contact Hours

Credit  and  Lecture  -­‐  96.00;  External  Hours:  48  hours  Note:  One  hour  of  classroom  instruc3on  equates  to  a  minimum  of  1.5  hours  of  out-­‐of-­‐class  student  work  for  each  week.    External  hours  of  student  work  may  include  assignments,  projects,  research,  exam  cer3fica3on  prac3ce,  and/or  field  trips.  Example:  2  lecture,  4  lab  hoursLecture  2hrs  x  16  weeks  =  32  hrs  Lab  hours  4hrs  x  16  weeks  =  64  hrsExternal  Hours  3hrs  x  16  weeks  =  48  hrsTOTAL  hours  =  144  hours

Course Length (number of weeks)


Type of Instruction Lecture/Lab

Course Description:

Course Prerequisite(s) FREQUENT REQUISITES • MATH 0306 (Basic Math Pre-Algebra)• GUST 0341 (7th -9th Grade Reading)• ENGL 0300 or 0347• CompleFon  of  3  semesters  of  degree  plan  coursework.  

Departmental  Approval.  

Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate ability to select and apply industry standard software indesign.2. Design and demonstrate use of software and techniques in DigitalCommunication’s practical applications.3. Develop a portfolio of work that demonstrates proficiency in skills foremployment.4. Present a portfolio of work that demonstrates proficiency in skills foremployment.

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Preparation of a portfolio comprised of completed graphic design projects. Evaluation and demonstration of portfolio presentation methods based on the student's specific area of study.
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Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7

1. Arrange and refine projects for inclusion in a graphic design portfolio2. Identify industry requirements for employment3. Identify current events, skills, attitudes and behaviors pertinent to theindustry and relevant to the professional development of the student4. Create a presentation portfolio

Learning  ObjecIves(Numbering  systemshould  be  linked  to  SLOe.g.,  1.1,  1.2,  1.3,  etc.)

Arrange and refine projects for inclusion in a graphic design portfolio1. Assemble individual student work that demonstrates student’sprogressIdentify industry requirements for employment1. Select company profiles and prepare work to fill requirementsIdentify current events, skills, attitudes and behaviors pertinent tothe industry and relevant to the professional development of thestudent1. Participate in field trips related to industry and interpret informationprovided by guest speakers and instructorCreate a presentation portfolio1. Compile examples of student’s achievement. Prepare work forpresentation and articulate choices for design solutions that are in theportfolio

SCANS  and/or  CoreCurriculum  Competencies:If  applicable

SCANSArrange and refine projects for inclusion in a graphic design portfolioWorkplace Competencies - Information -Acquires & EvaluatesWorkplace Competencies - Information -Organizes & MaintainsIdentify industry requirements for employmentFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -SocialFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Self-ManagementFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -ResponsibilityWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Serves Clients/CustomersWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Works with Cultural DiversityWorkplace Competencies - Systems -Understands SystemsIdentify current events, skills, attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the industry and relevant to the professional development of the studentFoundation Skills - Basic -ReadingFoundation Skills - Basic -WritingFoundation Skills - Basic -ListeningWorkplace Competencies - Systems -Monitors & Corrects PerformanceCreate a presentation portfolioFoundation Skills - Basic -MathematicsFoundation Skills - Basic -ListeningFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -SocialFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Self-ManagementFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Integrity/HonestyFoundation Skills - Personal Qualities -ResponsibilityWorkplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates TimeWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Participates as Team MemberWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Teaches OthersWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Exercises LeadershipWorkplace Competencies - Interpersonal -Works with Cultural DiversityWorkplace Competencies - Technology -Selects TechnologyWorkplace Competencies - Technology -Applies Technology to Task

Instructional Methods On Campus Classroom & Web

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Student Assignmentsand Assessments Refine/Redo projects for inclusion in a graphic design portfolio

Discussions • Presentations • Projects • Portfolios • Lab Exercises Identify industry requirements for employmentDiscussions • Homework Exercises • ReadingsIdentify current trends in the industry - Contact/interview/report on a professional graphic designerDiscussions • Projects • Homework Exercises • Readings Develop a presentation portfolioDiscussions • Presentations • Projects • Portfolios • HomeworkExercises

Means of AssessmentSelf Promotion - Business Card, Resume, Online webite Originality - The degree of imagination, creativity, and individuality is expressedAppropriate use of softwareStudent chooses and controls media and tools to effectively enhance the appearance of the work.Student demonstrates knowledge of digital applications.Student does not rely on computer applications for concept and techniqueStudent demonstrates quality craftsmanshipTypography and DesignExplanation of work - verbal communication


Complete New additional design projects (TBD) in class Develop an online presence (website, blog, portfolio, social media) Compose a script to explain process of each design for interviewDesign business cards Document a Professionally developed Resume Provide Printed designs professionally mounted in a portfolio**Subject to change

Program DisciplineRequirements

Complete and comprehend the objectives and technologies involved inall graded assignments.Demonstrate the ability to apply creative thinking and problem solving toall class projects and assignments.Attend class regularly, missing no more than 12.5% of instruction and lab time (12 hours)Arrive at class promptly and be prepared with necessary books, storagemedia, assignments, and anything else required.Exhibit safe and courteous lab habits.Develop and share knowledge and information with fellow students.Participate in keeping labs clean and organized; abiding by lab rules;showing respect for instructors, fellow students and lab assistants.Participate in class discussions and critiques.Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a clear, coherent manner.Turn in all assignment on time as required by the instructor.Demonstrate the ability to use computer based technology and softwareapplications as it applies to be given class.

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Program DisciplineRequirements (cont.)

Understand and be proficient in computer file management, includingsaving and retrieving files.When possible, demonstrate the ability to use and understand bothDemonstrate knowledge and the ability to use applicable peripherals andstorage devices.Develop a portfolio that illustrates concepts, techniques, and programsused in solving class assignment, including a written statementdescribing project concepts and processes.Demonstrate ability and creativity in using computer based technology incommunicating, solving problems and acquiring information.Accept responsibility for personal understanding of course requirementsand degree plan

HCC Grading Scale A = 100- 90 4 points per semester hourB = 89 - 80: 3 points per semester hourC = 79 - 70: 2 points per semester hourD = 69 - 60: 1 point per semester hour59 and below = F 0 points per semester hourFX (Failure due to non-attendance) 0 points per semester hourIP (In Progress) 0 points per semester hourW (Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hourI (Incomplete) 0 points per semester hourAUD (Audit) 0 points per semester hourIP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.

Instructor’s Grading Criteria

Class Portfolio Presentation 80%Specific Assignments, attendance and participation 20%

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Failure to participate in the portfolio review will result in Failure for the course.
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HCC Policy Statement:

Access Student http://hccs.edu/student-rights

Services Policieson their Web site:

EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System

At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary toimprove teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the term, you will be asked toanswer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous resultsof the survey will be made available to your professors and department chairs for continualimprovement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College StudentSystem online near the end of the term.

Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies

Access DE http://de.hccs.edu/Distance_Ed/DE_Home/faculty_resources/PDFs/DE_Syllabus.pdfPolicies on theirWeb site:

Access CE http://hccs.edu/CE-student-guidelinesPolicies on theirWeb site:

Important Links:

Eagle OnLine: https://eo2.hccs.edu/login/index.php

Student Email: https://webmail.hccs.edu

Learning Web: http://learning.hccs.edu /

Instructional MaterialsSuggested Text: Ken Thurlbeck. Breakthrough-Portfolio. Delmar Cengage Learning, 2006. [ISBN-10: 140185897X / ISBN-13: 978-1401 In Class)

Quality prints of each graphic design*Supplies to mount printed work on boards (such as "black boards" not foam board, adhesivesPortfolio case (sleeves optional)

*Students are responsible for their own prints. The instructor isnot supporting on campus printing.

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HCC Policy Statements:

ADA: Students with Disabilities:Any student with a documented disability, (i.e. physical, learning, psychiatric, visual,hearing, etc) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact thedisability services office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester.Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the disabilityservices office. The counselor for Southeast College can be reached at 713 718-7218.

Academic Honesty:

Academic irregularities cannot be tolerated. Attempts to compromise the integrity of thiscourse will result in a grade of zero for the assignment or dismissal from the class.Students must not collaborate on the exams in any way (including the use of materialsfrom former students) and must not copy material from any source to use as their essayanswers or discussion contributions. See the HCCS Student Handbook for details.Cheating is not that hard to define and as college students, you should have a firm ideaabout what cheating is. Just to be clear, here are a few simple definitions:- Cheating is: Copying from another student's exam.- Cheating is: During a exam, using materials not authorized by the person givingthe exam.- Cheating is: Collaborating with another student during a exam without properauthority.- Cheating is: Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or solicitingin whole or part the contents of an exam or paper.- Cheating is: Bribing another person to obtain a copy of an exam.- Cheating is: Plagiarism which means using someone's work or someone's ideasand representing them to be your own. That "someone" may be another student, afriend, a relative, a book author, an author of material on a web site, etc. Do nottake material from anywhere without giving proper credit or reference. In otherwords, do not copy from an Internet source and paste it into your essay answerspace.- Cheating is: Collusion, which means the unauthorized collaboration with anotherperson in preparing written work offered for credit when you represent that workto be your own.

In this class, the standard penalty for academic dishonesty is a grade of zero on theassignment. The penalty for gross plagiarism and cheating on exams is failure in thecourse. Depending on severity and frequency, academic dishonesty can lead to arecommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System.

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Student Attendance:

You are expected to attend all lecture classes regularly. You are also responsible formaterials covered during your absences. Instructors may be willing to consult with youfor make-up assignments, but it is your responsibility to contact the instructor. Classattendance is checked daily. Although it is your responsibility to drop a course fornonattendance, the instructor has the authority to drop you for excessive absences. Youmay be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the total hours of instruction (lecture and lab). For example: For a three credit-hourlecture class meeting three hours per week (48 hours of instruction), you can be dropped after six hours of absence. Three tardies equals one absence.

NOTICE: Students who take a course more than twice face significant tuition/feeincreases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please askyour instructor / counselor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance priorto considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades.The Texas State Legislature has begun to impose penalties on students who drop coursesexcessively. In 2007, the Legislature passed a law limiting students to no more than 6total course withdrawals throughout their academic career in obtaining a baccalaureatedegree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC hasinstituted an Early Alert process by which your instructor will “alert” you and HCCstudent services of the chance you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/orpoor academic performances. You should visit with your instructor, a counselor, or HCConline Student Services to learn about your options.Students MUST visit with a faculty advisor, a counselor, or online student services priorto withdrawal from class. If a withdrawal is to be given, this must be done prior to April14, 2011,at 4:30pm. After that date and time, students will no longer be allowed to dropand will receive the grade that they earned. Any remaining assignments not submittedwill receive a zero; thus, students will be subject to receiving an F for the class. Facultywill NO longer be allowed to give Ws on the final grade sheet; any faculty who wishes towithdraw a student will be required to process the drop BEFORE April 14, 2011 at4:30pm.

Withdrawal Deadline:It is your responsibility to withdraw officially from a class and prevent an “F” fromappearing on your transcript. When considering withdrawal from a course, rememberthat:• No grade is given and your transcript reflects no record of the course if you withdrawbefore the Official Date of Record.• A “W” (indicating withdrawal) appears on your transcript if you drop a course after theOfficial Date of Record and before the final deadline.

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International Students:Receiving a W in a course may affect the status of your student Visa. Once a W is givenfor the course, it will not be changed to an F because of the visa consideration. SinceJanuary 1, 2003, International Students are restricted in the number of distance educationcourses that they may take during each semester. ONLY ONE online/distance educationclass may be counted towards the enrollment requirement for International Students persemester. Please contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8520 if you haveany questions about your visa status and other transfer issues.

Student Course Reinstatement Policy:Students have a responsibility to arrange payment for their classes when they register,either through cash, credit card, financial aid, or the installment plan. Faculty membershave a responsibility to check their class rolls regularly, especially during the early weeksof a term, and reconcile the official class roll to ensure that no one is attending classwhose name does not appear on the rolls. Students who are dropped from their coursesfor non-payment of tuition and fees, who request reinstatement after the official date ofrecord (OE date), can be reinstated by making payment in full and paying an additional$75 per course reinstatement fee. A student requesting reinstatement should present theregistrar with a completed Enrollment Authorization Form with the signature of theinstructor, the department chair, or the dean, who should verify that the student has beenregularly attending class. Students who are reinstated are responsible for all coursepolicies and procedures, including attendance requirements. A dean may waive thereinstatement fee upon determination that the student was dropped because of a collegeerror. The dean should note the nature of the error in a memo to the registrar with theappropriate documentation.

Support Services:Library: EECHS and HCC libraries are available to you.

Disability Policy:"Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonableaccommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college atthe beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only theaccommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. If you have anyquestions, please contact the disability counselor at your college.

HCCS/EECHS Holidays/Crucial Dates: See Current Academic Calendar

Student Code of Conduct:All students are expected to read and have an understanding of the student code ofconduct as stated in the Student Handbook. The student handbook can be found on theofficial HCC/HISD website for students.

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