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Page 1: Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Think IT! Try IT! Choose IT!

Professional Development Best Practices

Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial

How to Be Successful in 30 Days!

What’s Inside


Page 2: Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial

Professional Development

© Copyright Don Johnston Incorporated



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Successful training and implementation hinges on one’s ability to understand “what and who” the technology is for and then how to use it.

Building Awareness and Conceptual Understanding

• Summarizecorrespondinginitiativesandprovidetherationalebehindyourorganization’sdesireforparticipantstolearntousethetool.

• RequirethatparticipantsviewtheCo:Writer 7 Product Demo prior to any training. www.donjohnston.com/product_demo

Skill Acquisition

• Makesuretheproductisinstalledandeasilyaccessiblepriortoanytraining.Participantsmustbeabletogobackandpracticefollowingtheirnewlearning.

• Sticktothetutorialbyteachingonlythreenewthings—providingtoomuchinformation at once is ineffective and unproductive.

Skill Application

• Setclearexpectationsandtimelinesrelatedtoputtingnewknowledgeintopractice.(examples:sharingwithpeers,usingwithstudents)

• Providetangibleimplementationtoolsthatnotonlypromotethoughtandplanning,butalsorequire“answers”orresults—homework!

• Setasidetimetosharesuccessesandfailures.Everyonewillbenefitfromsharedknowledgeandgroupbrainstorming.

• Recognizeleadersandthosebeingsuccessful—usethemtopushthetrainingouttothenextlevelofparticipants.

Page 3: Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial

Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Think IT! Try IT! Choose IT!Co:Writer 7 is a word prediction program that helps students write with proper grammar and spelling.


LAUNCH Microsoft Word (or other word processor)


Macintosh:Dockand/orAliasonDesktop SELECT one of these experiences:

For Learning Disabilities

1. WritetwosentencesontheAmericanCivilWar.Butyoucan’tusethewordsnorth,south orwar;and,youcan’ttypethelettersR,LorS.

2. Acknowledgethatthisillustratesthedifficultexperiencesomestudentsfaceeveryday.

3. Introduce assistive technology. For Physical Disabilities

1. Writethefollowingsentences.Butusejustonefinger—thelastfingeronyourlefthand.

Writing and spelling can be slow and tedious if you have a disability. This is how many students experience writing.

2. Acknowledgethatthisillustratesthedifficultexperiencesomestudentsfaceeveryday.

3. Introduce assistive technology. For Autism

1. Writethissentence.Butafteryouwriteeachword,standup,turnaround,sitdownagainandthentypethenextword.

The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in all organisms.

2. Acknowledgethatthisillustratesthedifficultexperiencesomestudentswithautism face everyday.

3. Introduce assistive technology. LAUNCH Co:Writer



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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial

Tech Tip:

Tech Tip:


THINK of the sentence:

I like to imagine that I can really express what’s on my mind.

In order to fully see how Co:Writerpredicts,usejustonefingertotypethefollowingexercises.

Try IT!TRY typing the first letters of the word

1. Pointandclicktoyourwordprocessor.

2. Typethefirstletter(s)ofthefirstword(s)youwanttotype.

3. See Co:Writermakewordpredictions.

4. Ctrlkey+Downarrow speaksandscanswords or point with mouse to hear words.

Choose IT!POINT AND CLICK to choose the words you want

1. Whenyouseethepredictedwordyouwant,pointtothewordandclick.Thewordgoesinto the sentence.

2. Takeaminutetofinishthesentence.

3. Attheendofthesentence,typeaperiod.Co:Writer repeats the sentence written for review. Anditinsertsaspaceaftertheperiodsoitisreadyforthenextsentence.


P Helpswritersconstructsentencesthatmatchtheirthinking.

P Co:Writerknowswhereyouareinthesentencesothat:

PThefirstwordinthesentenceisautomaticallycapitalized. PEachpredictedwordisa“grammarfit”—allwordsaregrammaticallycorrect.


P Pointtoeachwordtohearitbeforechoosingtheword.Thishelpswriterswhomay havetroublerecognizingthewords.

P Co:Writerautomaticallyputsaspaceaftereachwordinthesentence,savingkeystrokes.

P Wheneveryouselectaword,thewordpredictionschangetothenextwordsthatcould go in the sentence.

Anoptionistousethenumbertoselectthepredictedword.Thisisagoodmethodforwriters whoarebetterwiththekeyboardthanthemouse.


•Ifyoudon’tseethepredictedwordtypethenextletter(s)inthewordandwatchforittobepredicted.OrpresstheCtrl+rightarrowkey to get MOREGUESSES.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial

Tech Tip:


Let’s do it, again!

Think IT!

1. Thinkofthissentence:

I watched an elephant and giraffe roller-skate down the street.

Try IT!EXPLORE FlexSpell

Sometimes,writersarenotsurehowtospellthewords theywanttouse.Typically,theyjustwon’tusethose words,favoringwordstheycanspell.WithCo:Writer, theycanusewhateverspellingskillstheyhave.

1. TypeyoursentencebutSTOPbeforeyou type elephant.

2. Typethewordelephantasaninventivespeller, (e.g.,lafent)

3. Lookatthewordpredictions.Thewordelephant shouldbethere.Co:Writer tries to match your inventive spellings to offer the word you want.

Choose IT!CONTINUE sentence

1. Select elephant.

2. Continuesentenceandstopbeforegiraffe.

3. Type jerf

4. Select giraffe.

5. Endthesentencewithaperiod.

Iftheinventivespellingyouuseddoesn’tgetyouthewordyouwant,tryanotherletter combination.Often,wetellstudentstoeithertryadifferentvoweloraddavowel.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


REVIEW the Sentence with Speech

Whenyoutypeaperiod,Co:Writerspeakstheentiresentence.Youcanalsohearthesentenceagain,any time.

1. Highlightthesentencewiththemouse(clickanddragyourmouseoverthesentence) or with any method you choose.

2. Point to the Commandsbutton in the upper right corner.


3. Pressyourmousebuttontoseethemenu.

4. ThefirstitemisSpeak. Select that with your mouse.

5. Co:Writerspeaksthesentence.

ADD A WORD to the Sentence

YoucaneditthesentencebyaddingwordswithCo:Writer. Addthewordbusybeforestreet.

1. Placecursorbeforestreet.

2. Type letters to get busy.

3. When busyisdisplayed,chooseit.

4. It is inserted right into the sentence with

appropriate spacing.

~` Hereisakeyboard

shortcuttospeakthesentence: highlight the sentence and press the tildekey ~

` .

One-keyaccesstospeech helps users with limitedfinemotorskills.

Tech Tip:

P Writers can listen to their sentence as many times as theywanttobesureitiswhattheywanttoexpress.


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Let’s do it, again!

Think IT!THINK about a specific topic


Example:Albert Einstein thought about gravity in space.


UseaCo:Writer Topic Dictionary to get appropriate words faster.

1. ClickthePreferencebutton ,inthebottomrightcorner.

2. Be sure the Topicstabisforward.Ifnot,clicktheTopicstab.

3. Check“AlbertEinstein”underRecent Topics.

4. ClickthePreferencebutton ,inthebottomrightcornertoreturntoyourwriting.

P Topic Dictionariescontainwords,names,placesorphrasestypicallyassociatedwith thetopic.Theyhelpwritersgetthewordstheyneedmorequickly.

P The words in Topic Dictionariespromptthinkingonthetopic.

P Morethan300Topic Dictionariesareavailable.


IfAlbertEinsteinisnotamongtheRecent Topics,clickMore Topics. Youseemorethan300Topic Dictionaries that span the entire curriculum. Categories are on the left,Topic Dictionaries are on the right.Placeacheckintheboxinfront of the topic you want.

Click .

Tech Tip:

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


P Filterwordsbynouns,adjectivesandverbs.Helpsyoutargetsupportand curriculum goals.

P Helpswritersfocusonthetopic,brainstormideasforwriting,buildvocabulary andspellmoredifficultwords.


THINK about writers that need more support

EvenwithTopics Dictionaries,sometimeswriterscan’tthinkofthewordstheyneed.Or,thewordsthey wanttousemaynotbeinthedictionariestheyareusing.Herearesomesolutionsformoresupport.


YoucanshowkeywordsandtermsintheWord Bank during composition.

1. ClickthePreferencebutton , inthebottomrightcorner.

2. ClicktheWord Banktabto bringitforward.

3. Youseethetopwordsinthe Topic Dictionary.

4. In the Display settings in the lower right,selectlist to see the words in a straight list.

5. Select cloud to see the words in differentsizes,thelargerwords beingthemostused.

6. Checkshow while writing to display the Word Bank while writing.

If the Word Bank is distracting it can be closed .

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Choose IT!SELECT topic-specific word predictions

Albert Einstein thought about gravity in space.

1. Type“al”andAlbertEinsteinispredicted.

2. Select Albert Einstein.

3. Complete the sentence.


P Notonlyarekeystrokessavedbut spelling errors are avoided.

P Key names are predicted as well as topic words and phrases such as theory of relativity

Tech Tip:


notexist.TherearetwowaystocreateaQuick Topic.Thefirstistoselectalltextin

a reference document and then select the Commandbutton -> Quick Topic

(orCtrl+!),orifyouhaveinternetaccessselectQuick Topic without anything selected


select the topic.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Manage! Measure! Motivate!Co:Writerhasbuilt-inteacherfriendlymanagementtools.IncludedarepowerfultoolsthatcustomizeCo:Writer to encourage success for groups and individual students and measure their progress.


1. LaunchCo:Writerteacherbyclickingtheteachermanagementicon .

A teacher user file always displays a red apple in the lower right corner of the user file icon.

Co:Writer Teacher Management (Default Teacher) screen displays.

Tech Tip:

Tech Tip:

GiveyourstudentsaccesstothepoweroftheirportablepersonalizedCo:WriterUserFile. Whether the student is setup to use Co:Writerfromaflashdrive,localcomputerornetworkdrive,thesinglestudentfilecontainsallpreferencesaswellasusagedataandcanbeusedtolaunchCo:Writerwiththestudent’spreferencespreconfigured.

If you are using a Windows operating system Student Co:Writer and Teacher Co:Writer cannotbeopenedatthesametime.


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


ClickonFile(upperleft-handcorner)tocreateateacherfile,addgroupsofstudentsoraddstudentsto Co:Writer.ByorganizingyourstudentsinLearningGroups(classes,projectgroups,student-needsgroups,etc.)youcanquicklycreatewritingTopics,customizesettingsandprintreportsforaselectedgroup of students.

File Menu

Tools Menu

Create a New Teacher 1. ClickFile and select Create Teacher.

ClickFile >andclickon Create Teacher to create a new Teacher.

Create Teacher Add Group

Clickonthisicontoadd a new group.

Add Student

Clickonthisicontoadd a new student.

Clickonthisicontogo to the Settings


Settings Reports

Clickonthisicon to go to the Data Display screen.

Create Topic

Clickonthisicontocreate a topic for your individual or group of


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


2. Type in Mr. Basten(oryoucouldtypeinyourownname)forPlease enter the name of new user.

3. Click button.

4. Click button.

5. NavigatetoDesktopandhighlight.

6. Clickthe buttonfromtheBrowsemenu.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


7. Clickthe button.

8. ClickFile > Quit.

9. Doubleclicktheiconlabeled Mr. Basten.

Add a Group

1. Click to add a group.

2. Type in Morning Group for Please enter name of new group.

Clickthe button.

Add a Student

1. Click to add a student.

2. Type in Jim for Please enter name of new user.

3. Click button.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


4. Click button.

5. Navigate to Desktop and highlight.

6. Clickthe buttonfromtheBrowse menu.

7. Clickthe button.

8. RepeatandtypeinMary for Please enter name of new user.

Since group Morning Group was selected, the students were automatically added to this group. Students can also be dragged and dropped to be added to another group or the delete key will remove a student from a group.

Note: Teacherfilesshouldbesavedtoaconvenientplacefortheteachertoaccess.Student filesshouldbesavedwherethestudentscanaccesstheirfiles.Mostlikelythiswillbea networkdirectory.

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Check Your ProgressMorning Group displays under Groups. Jim and Mary displays under Students.

Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Network Solution:Anewuserfilecanbesavedtoanylocationonthefilesystemorserver.

Whenthenewstudent/teacherdialogboxdisplays,clickthe buttontoexpandthe

dialog to show the location path and button.Clickthe buttonand

savethenewstudentfileto the desired location.

Local Computer:Createthestudentfileonthedesktop.

Removable Storage Device: SaveuserfiletoaUSBthumbdrive.

For more information about methods of saving student files visit our Knowledge Base at www.donjohnston.com -> Support tab -> Get Support Knowledge Base -> Co:Writer

Tech Tip:

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


P TheAdvancedDictionaryincludesabout40,000wordsplusvariousformsofthosewords. Itisappropriateformoreadvancedwritersorthoseengagedinmorerigorouscoursework.

P TheIntermediateDictionaryhasabout12,000wordsandisappropriateformiddlewriters. Thedictionaryislargeenoughsothatwriterscanwriteonnearlyanytopicbutnotsolarge as to overwhelm.

P TheBeginningDictionaryhas6,000wordsandwillnotoverwhelmearlywriterswithwords theydonotknow.


Customizing Co:Writer for a Group or Individual Student

Vocabulary and Personal Dictionary:

The Main Dictionary contains common words that are regularly used for written communication. There arethreetypes,eachonegearedtowritinglevels.Selectthedictionarythatmostsuitableforagrouporindividual student.

The Personal Dictionary holds words that are important to the writer and that are not in the Main Dictionary.Forexample,people’snames,pet’snamesorfavoritetitlesarenotintheMain Dictionary. Theycanbeeasilyaddedperstudentorfortheentiregroup.


1. Select Jim on the right side under Student.

2. Select the Settingsbutton .

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


3. Select the Vocabularytab,Typein“Jim”inthe“Add Personal Words”textboxthen

select the button.

4. Select the buttontoreturn.


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


CUSTOMIZE settings to improve productivity for the whole group 1. Select Morning Group under Groups.

2. Select for the group.

3. Select the Displaytab.Investigatepreferences.

4. Select the buttontoreturn.

Note: StudentshavetheabilitytochangetheirownPreferencesbyclickingonthe buttonifthe


Tech Tip:



Bank or Topic Dictionarycheckthoseboxesandthenusethelock to ensure the integrity


bythe ICON. When a student is using Co:Writerwithlockedsettingsasimilarlockiconwill

replace the Preference ICON andthestudentwillbeunabletochangeanysettings.

ClicktheSet Colors buttontoselectBackground,Text and Cursor colors.


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


Quick Topic

IfyourclassisdoingareportonCanada,aTopic Dictionarycaneasilybeestablishedandavailabletothe whole group.

1. Select the Morning Group group and then select the Quick Topic ICON.

2. ANew Topicdialogwillappear.Starttypinginthetopicofinterest,thenselectthetopic of interest.

3. Oncethetopicispresentedbelow,pressthe buttonthetopicwillappearunderthe student’s“My Topic” Category.

Tech Tip:

AstudentcancreateaQuick Topic for themselves using the Commandsbutton and

selecting “Quick Topic”.Thisisalmostidenticalasateachercreatingthetopic.Thebiggest




Note: The Quick Topicfeaturerequiresanactiveinternetconnection.

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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial



clickingthe Reportsbutton nexttotheusersname.

1. ClickonAll Students to show the Default Student.

2. Select the Reportsbutton to the right of Default Student.

3. Usethisinformationtoreinforcethestudent’swriting.

Note: Close the Teacher ManagementwindowanddoubleclicktheCo:Writer icon for Christianonthedesktop,andexploreCo:Writer on your own.


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Co:Writer 7 Train-in-30 Tutorial


How to Be Successful Using Co:Writer in 30 DAYS!



I added an activity or event to my personal calendar 30 days after my start date stating:

“Successfully Using Co:Writer”,thatdateis:______________________

Let’s Get Started…….

Step 1 - Build Awareness

o I watched the Co:Writer demo video foundontheDonJohnstonwebsite, www.donjohnston.com






o I completed the Train-in 30 Tutorial.




Step 2 - Conceptual Understanding

o IexplainedtoacolleaguehowCo:Writerwill

support my students. Date: _____________

o ThefollowingarefirstnamesofseveralofmystudentswhowillbenefitfromCo:Writer.





Step 3 - Skill Acquisition

o Ienteredmystudents’namesintoCo:Writerand set individual preferences.


student/s was on _________________________

Reflections:aWhile my students were using Co:Writer I





Step 4 - Skill Application

o I trained a paraprofessional or a support staff

on Co:Writer on this date: _______________

o Co:Writer’sShowMeHowTutorialsarelocatedwhereontheDonJohnstonwebpage?




Congratulations! Youareteachingyourstudentstobecomeauthors!!

Name:_________________________ Date:__________ Signature:___________________________

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