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Page 1: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying
Page 2: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

While multiple industry experts as well as renowned research firms are busy predicting that a major portion of sales jobs will be lost to automation soon, one profile still seems to enjoy a growth forecast. We are talking about the sales jobs which sport the label of ‘consultants’.

Renowned author Mack Hanan coined the term ‘consultative selling’ in 1970. Since then the approach has met with quite some reactions. Those iterations included some misunderstandings (by 80’s it used to be considered as a lengthy and arduous process) which were succeeded by the realisation that the approach actually accelerates successful closures owing to its targeted nature. And then with the emergence of sales-tech landscape, the approach got a tech makeover over time.

Simply put, consultative selling can be explained as an approach involving a great deal of dialogue, wherein the seller is interested in understanding the customer’s problem first and then customising the product/service to solve that problem. In this process, the seller becomes a value-seller instead of a product-seller.



Page 3: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

While understanding of the customer’s need or problem (which succeeds relevant questioning and active listening) is the first-step, redefining it for better comprehension and addressal and then putting across compelling solutions completes the core loop of consultative selling.

The additional bit comes with the expectation of innovation coming into picture - the aspect of challenging the status quo. Beyond the core consultative selling approach, the seller brings in the value-add in the form of innovative ideas and thus inspiring and driving change partnering with the buyer. And this movement beyond the usual scope helps in nurturing relationship and stimulating trust building between the two parties.

To summarise, it includes:• Keeping an eye for future opportunities – both

for yourself and the customer• Never slacking on the technology updates for

the benefit of robust sales strategy at all the times

• Sharing insights which aids the business development for the customer

• Evaluating the impact of market trends and future predictions on customer’s business

• Strengthening the foundation for a long-lasting relationship based on continuous value-addition

• Including all levels of decision-makers or impact catalysts in the strategy instead of focusing only on the top-level



Page 4: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Now the question arises, what caused this shift from transactional selling to consultative model?

Similar to any evolutionary process, change in buyer behaviour, increasing market competitiveness, technology-led process modification, continued need of innovation and personalisation, abundance of information in the age of internet, focus shift from seller to buyer and many more such sales landscape changes amends can be attributed as the reason behind this shift.

With buyer being the axis of selling process earlier, the wheel has witnessed a turn and one can say, ‘telling isn’t selling’ anymore.

Despite all this, the persuasion psychology still remains the mainstay principle of selling. However, the shift is apparent with some core elements getting replaced by another ones, like, mere persuasion giving way to collaboration, targeting to partnering and eventually, promising to deliver.



Page 5: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Whenever the situation is concerning two parties, even a slight change in one causes the other to also follow the move. These statistics prove how the change in expectation led the process of selling undergo a makeover.

• Customers go through 60% of the sales process before they engage the customer. In other words, 60% of the traditional sales process just disappeared.1

• 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business.2

• 70% of customers say understanding how they use products and services is very important to winning their business.2

• 59% of customers say tailored engagement based on past interactions is very important to winning their business.2

• Customers are 2.1X more likely to view personalized offers as important versus unimportant.2



Page 6: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Not to be mistaken for a grim situation alert, these numbers are just the proof of a fresher and more dynamic approach marking their entry into selling. The way the conversations changed from costs to ROI, from price & performance benefits to value and profit contribution, from problems to recommendations…selling is now a process of incremental value and revenue generation opportunity for both – sellers and buyers. Let’s take a quick visual tour to see the evolution in action.





Page 7: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Sounds contradictory, isn’t it?

Sales is a journey. Earlier buyers used to follow the salesmen and now they explore the track by themselves. But in case of complicated ones, they need a guide – the consultant, the consultative salesman!

Jeffery Gitomer, famous American author and a renowned speaker on sales and business says, ‘People don't like to be sold, but they love to buy’. He has also stated in one of his books, ‘At a time when the rules are changing, the laws remain constant. You can change the rules. You cannot break the laws.’ This encapsulates the binding truth. The narratives have changed, the foundation remains.

Selling has been and will always be about what differentiator you bring to the table, how does your solution benefit the customer, how compelling is your solution story and how do you convert a customer into a loyalist.

Just like the way French critic, novelist and journalist Alphonse Karr had once quoted, “The more things change, the more they remain the same”.



Page 8: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Often also referred to as a need-based selling approach, consultative selling strategy revolves around understanding the objective as well as subjective needs of the customer and fitting in the solution pieces to the jigsaw to complete the picture. Let’s look at the need matrix and understand probable reasons behind negative or undecisive response from the prospects.

• Having no real need• Having a need but being unable to recognise

it (or realise its impact)• Having a need, realising its existence but

inability to see you as a competent solution provider

• Having a need, belief that you may have the right solution for it but inability to afford the same

Once you have identified which of these four fits the grey situation, the strategy pieces can be put together accordingly. Although, it is important to remember, these reasons at the buyer’s end can be rational or even irrational. In case of they being rational, you’ll have to forgo your curb to make that sale and wait for the right time while leaving the prospect with the helpful and requisite trail to connect back later.



Page 9: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Social Selling Preceded By Resourceful Social ListeningGaining authority in this digital age is as critical as having a compelling product story. Active listening on social fronts is providing the cues into the ‘needs’ or ‘opportunities’ right from the horse’s mouths allowing seller to go for a targeted outreach.

Sales and Marketing Integration Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying the gap areas and then marketeers tailoring the content (creation & placement) accordingly instead of the sales team pounding the prospect’s door at the first hint of gap existence.

Selling…Not AlwaysSellers are now creating conversations on the premise of ideas and insights because every time a product may not be the solution of prospect’s problem, but that doesn’t mean a relationship can’t be nurtured or a better opportunity can’t be explored. Building connections and trust are also the steps to a successful closure – which may happen sooner or later.



Page 10: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Do the Homework RightA personalised consultation and solution translate from an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the customer and the situation, hence, compromising on thorough research is an invitation to uncalled and fatal cracks which may appear in the sales journey later.

Ask Intelligent Questions & Actively Listen Asking relevant questions will build your understanding of whom you’re dealing with and thus will help you to stich the precise strategy. Remember to ask subjective questions as well, pertaining to buyer’s perspective and viewpoints and ensure to be an active listener afterwards.

Not Just Show, but Practice ExpertiseAn expert in today’s time is a combination of expert plus a generalist. Being equipped with information which may not even be directly related to your product but may be of relevance to customer, can put you in the right spot.



Page 11: Cracking the code of consultative selling - Denave · Conjoined forces of sales and marketing functions are creating fertile grounds for requisite lead nurturing with sales identifying

Do Effective Lead QualificationWhile helping out non-qualified lead is also important in consultative selling (as a part of nurturing relationship for future opportunities), a scientific qualification of leads will allow you to focus your required energies at the right spot without loosing on time.

Grasp & Speak their LanguageIt prompts a quicker response as it sends a signal that you actually understand their problems and thus, elicits an emotional response which is generally affirmative.

Provide Crisp Datelines and Details (and stick to them)Saying that if the solution is implemented by this date then impact can be seen by this timeline, brings a definitiveness to your pitch and also gives confidence to the seller in your ability to deliver.

Last but not the least, all above will disappear into thin air if you fail to action your words. Remember, the era of big promises is passé and only the one who delivers, survives the game.


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