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Page 1: Craft & Vendor Saturday, December 3rdnnec.ccrce.ca/sites/default/files/file_attachments/nov...Parent Teacher Visitation 1-3 pm December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on

343 Park St., New Glasgow, NS B2H 6B2 Phone: 902-755-8180 Fax: 902-755-8185 Website: www.nnec.ccrsb.ca

Principal: Ann Findlay Vice Principals: Mark Arbuckle & John vanVulpen


Saturday, December 3rd 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

All proceeds support the NNEC Learning Centre

Calendar of Events

November 3rd WIN Team Board Game Night

November 9th School Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 10th Blood Donor Clinic in NNEC Gym

November 11th NO SCHOOL - Remembrance Day

November 14th NO SCHOOL - Staff PD Day

November 18th Report Cards Sent Home Today

November 24th Mawi’omi 11:00 am Parent Teacher Visitation 6-8 pm

November 25th NO SCHOOL - Staff PD in AM Parent Teacher Visitation 1-3 pm

December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

December 21st Last Day of School before Holidays

January 3rd First Day of School after Holidays

January 30th Evaluation & Assessment Day - NO SCHOOL

January 31st Day 1 - Semester 2

Lest We Forget

NNEC presents

Craft & Vendor

You can’t hide

that Gryphon


Page 2: Craft & Vendor Saturday, December 3rdnnec.ccrce.ca/sites/default/files/file_attachments/nov...Parent Teacher Visitation 1-3 pm December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on

343 Park St., New Glasgow, NS B2H 6B2 Phone: 902-755-8180 Fax: 902-755-8185 Website: www.nnec.ccrsb.ca

Principal: Ann Findlay Vice Principals: Mark Arbuckle & John vanVulpen


PE 12 Outdoor Leader-ship has been busy ex-ploring the local trails and learning about Leave No Trace principles, building shel-ters and setting up tents, cold weather injuries and basic wilderness first aid skills. We finished our unit with an 11km hike of Fitzpatirick Mountain where we put new skills to use. We are current-ly planning an overnight camping trip, and doing research on Outdoor Lead-ers in History.

Mr. Hampton’s PE Leader-ship 12 has attended Clan Crossfit in New Glasgow with a special guest chauffeur.

Science 9 classes have been studying genetics and reproduction with some classes observing cell division in the lab. Science 10 classes have been experimenting building weather instruments and rockets in physics. Bio 12 classes have been studying genetics where they col-lected DNA in the lab and subjected themselves to a variety of heredi-ty activities.

Curriculum Corner

Whose Your Hero? During October, Mrs. Calder’s ELA students wrote biographies to devel-op their definition of a hero. Why a person is considered a hero? Students researched famous Native Canadians to see how they exemplified the quali-ties of a hero.

Students listened to the Mi’kmaq story of creation by Elder Stephen Augustine, read old time and modern legends, and discussed some of the ceremonies of the Mi’kmaq people.

The Fight for Women's Rights in Canada Congratulations is extended to Grade 11 student Abbygail MacLean, for her award winning essay

and receiving a Government of Canada History Awards for Students.

Abby chose the question; “Women in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alber-ta were the first to achieve the vote in Cana-da in 1916. What were the three most im-portant factors in achiev-ing this success?” and asked to defend her answer.

She chose this question because she feels very strongly about feminism. She read several articles on it and was intrigued to learn more.

“On January 28th, 1914,

[Nellie] McClung rented the

Walker Theatre in Winnipeg

and staged a mock

parliament, casting herself in

the role of Prime Minister and

men in the role of women

fighting for the right to vote.

McClung won over the

spectators of the mock

parliament with her humour

and impersonation of Sir

Rodmon Roblin. “

JV Girls Soccer The JV Girls Soccer Team hosted their first home tournament in the month of October. The team had a great weekend of soccer with CEC taking home the first banner. The team hopes to make this a yearly event. Unfortunately their season came to an end on Oct 17th with a hard fought battle against ARHS in first round of playoffs.

Coaches, Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Lewis are very proud of the team this season and are already look-ing forward to next fall! Thanks for a wonderful season girls!

Page 3: Craft & Vendor Saturday, December 3rdnnec.ccrce.ca/sites/default/files/file_attachments/nov...Parent Teacher Visitation 1-3 pm December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on

343 Park St., New Glasgow, NS B2H 6B2 Phone: 902-755-8180 Fax: 902-755-8185 Website: www.nnec.ccrsb.ca

Principal: Ann Findlay Vice Principals: Mark Arbuckle & John vanVulpen


The Youth Health Centre is open and available to all stu-dents at NNEC.

Some services we offer include: pregnancy testing, birth control, counseling, referrals, Addictions/Mental Health counseling, Emergency Contraceptives, doctor's appoint-ments. All appointments are CONFIDENTIAL.

To book an appointment, drop in and see Kathy, the Pub-lic Health Nurse. You can also reach her by text: 902-759-1881.

To See Dawn Peters, Addictions and Mental Health coun-selor, drop in to see her on Wednesdays, or call or text 902-759-0648.

We also offer a gender neutral bathroom with free sam-ples of pads, tampons, toothbrushes and shampoo!

The Youth Health Centre is a safe and welcoming space for ALL students regardless of race, gender, sexual orien-tation. We have a Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) which meets Fridays at lunch in the teen health centre. ALL are welcome. Bring your lunch and join us!

NNEC Emergency Evacuation Plan In case of an emergency, North Nova (in coordination with the New Glasgow Police Department, CCRSB, and local businesses) has the following plan for Code Black (evacuation and relocation of the entire school) and Code Blue (lockdown).

Code Black (Evacuation & Relocation) All students and staff will leave the property (walking only; no vehicles may leave the property) and reassemble in three nearby locations (Bluenose Curling Rink, Summer St. Industries & the First United Baptist Church).

A primary perimeter around the school will be put in place. Manned Road Blocks will be set up at both the Parkdale Track and Westray Memorial Park. All homes and businesses within this perimeter will be evacuated.

Bluenose Curling Club: All special needs students, students with mobility is-sues (ie. using crutches, wheelchairs etc.) and students with last names from A to D

Summer St. Industries: Students with last names from E to MacMillan

First United Baptist Church: Main Church Floor - Stu-dents with last names from MacNeil to Z

If required, students would be bussed home from these locations. The New Glasgow Regional Police Station will serve as the Central Communication Centre.

Code Blue (Lockdown) When a lockdown is called students will remain in the building until evacuated by police. The primary perimeter will be put in place as well as a secondary perimeter with manned road blocks set up at both the end of Walkerville Road and near the corner of Park & Summer Streets.

If Code BLUE leads to a Code BLACK, students will be evacuated from the school and taken to one of the relocation sites for processing and release. In addition to NNEC’s evacuation, all homes and businesses within the secondary perimeter will be evacuated and taken to relocation sites.

The basement of the First United Church will serve as the Central Communica-tion Centre.

Students will be evacuated one classroom at a time, therefore, parents are ad-vised to expect a several hour delay in students being processed and released during a Code Blue Lockdown that has led to a Code Black evacuation situation.

Although our hope is that we never have to use either of these emergency codes, we need to be prepared. Please keep this information somewhere safe to have on hand if needed.

Check out our Website www.nnec.ccrsb.ca

Student Absentee Line

755-8180 extension 6104

SchoolsPlus at NNEC Schools Plus offers onsite Mental Health services for stu-dents with our Mental Health Clinician Dorrie Mosel. Please contact Roni or Jillian to self refer for an appoint-ment with Dorrie.

We will be at NNEC each week on Monday & Tues-day.

SchoolsPlus Facilitator - Jillian Hennick; BSW, SWC [email protected] or phone (902) 759-0649

SchoolsPlus Community Outreach - Roni Chaisson Phone (902) 759-9241

SchoolsPlus Clinician - Dorrie Mosel [email protected] or phone (902) 759-2217

Page 4: Craft & Vendor Saturday, December 3rdnnec.ccrce.ca/sites/default/files/file_attachments/nov...Parent Teacher Visitation 1-3 pm December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on

343 Park St., New Glasgow, NS B2H 6B2 Phone: 902-755-8180 Fax: 902-755-8185 Website: www.nnec.ccrsb.ca

Principal: Ann Findlay Vice Principals: Mark Arbuckle & John vanVulpen

Would you like to receive the school news-

letter via e-mail?

If you would like to receive the school newsletter and other im-

portant school information via e-mail please e-mail your name,

child’s name and grade to [email protected].


Travel to China March Break ‘17 There are still some seats available on our school trip to China this coming March Break. Three Chinese cities will be visited - Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai. For information please see Mr. Pelerine in room C2019, or email him at [email protected].

Attention Grade 12 Students: Make sure you check out the website created by Mrs. Lochead to find out information from Student Services. It includes information about important dates, scholar-ships/bursaries, a calendar of events, volunteer opportunities and much more.


Bubble Soccer

The United Way and YMCA have partnered together for the first ever Pictou County Bubble Soccer tournament on Saturday, November 12th at the WM Sobey Indoor Sports Complex, Stel-larton.

The event is open to folks 12 years and older and we invite everyone to come out and cheer on their favour-ite team. Please contact the United Way or YMCA for details and to register your team or search Pictou Coun-ty Bubble Soccer Tournament on Facebook.

Social Action Play Brings Light to Sexual-ized Violence

The Pictou County Women’s Resource and Sexual Assault Centre (PCWRSAC) offers support, information and referrals to women and young girls. As a part of their 40th

Anniversary, the Centre will be producing a social action play regarding sexual violence to increase awareness and move towards prevention.

Slut, the Play by Katie Cappiello is written from the point of view of high school students and features a 17 year old girl who experiences a sexual assault and becomes known as “that girl”. She ends up planning to leave her high

school and attend another school in her grade 12 year to avoid the shame of having been a victim of sexual assault.

Slut, the Play has played on Broadway and toured North America. Our local production is presented under the direction of Dawn Peters. Thanks to funding from the Pictou County United Way, a FREE public performance will be held at NNEC on December 6th. The play will also be offered to select students at NNEC on December 8th free of charge.

The play has been cast and volunteers are still needed. For more information on the play or volunteer opportunities please contact: Shelley Curtis-Thompson, Executive Director, PCWRSAC at [email protected] or 902-755-4647.

NNEC School Store

The school store is now open everyday at morning break except for days 4 & 8 when the store will be open at lunch. There is a selection of delicious goodies and a small selection of school supplies.

New school clothing will be available starting in late November. We will have tee shirts, long sleeve tees, hoodies, baseball hats and toques. Prices will range from $12-$40.

There will be a table set up during parent teacher for anyone to see what is available. We will only have a small selection of stock that will be available to purchase. However, we will be taking orders so you are able to order the exact colour and size that is needed. If you have any questions about the upcoming school clothing please forward them to Mrs. Abbass at [email protected]

North Nova Educational Charitable Foundation The North Nova Educational Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation who supports the stu-dents of North Nova Education Centre. The objects of the Foundation are:

Promote, advance and further education of NNEC students.

Promote and reward excellence in academic achievement and attainment of worthy social values among students and graduates of NNEC

To assist needy NNEC students and alumni with the furtherance of their education.

Each school year the foundation supplies two awards to graduating students of NNEC. Donations can be made at any time and is a good option for

those wishing to make do-nations in memory of a loved ones. Charitable tax receipts are issued. Contact the school for more infor-mation about donating.

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