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What a vibrant place Craigie Heights PS is at this time of the year. Students are still busily engaged in their learning and it is great to see the buzz coming from extra activities including Running Club, Makers Space in the library with Mrs Somers, Breakfast Club and Tennis coaching with Mr Kelleher to name a few. Classes are completing assessments that contribute to their reports and the preparation for events such as the Thankyou Morning Tea, Graduation and Christmas Concert is in full swing. Our Leavers are experiencing the excitement (and trepidation) that comes from trialling their next step in moving to a secondary school. At the other end of the school we have held our Kindy parents meeting and next week, our brand new Kindy students come for their orientation session. This is a wonderful time when we reflect on how hard everyone has worked and see just how far students have come. I just love it when teachers come dancing in to show me how much a particular student has improved in their reading progress or when students come proudly up to the office to show me an amazing achievement. These things make it the best job you can have. Room 10 Assembly I have had reports that the assembly run by Mrs Moore’s class of Year 3s was a fun and vibrant one. The class helped the whole school join in to the annual Music Count Us In event which is broadcast Australia wide. Being able to sign the lyrics to the song, Shine Together, in AUSLAN is quite a skill and by all accounts the dancing displayed was quite delightful. Numero Challenge 2017 I was privileged to accompany a group of Yr 5 and 6 students to an interschool competition at St James PS last Thursday. A Numero Challenge involves a range of card games that use strategy and fluent number skills to try to beat other teams. Our students were a pleasure to transport and their manners and behaviour during the competition were outstanding. Whilst they were not outright winners, our three teams really did a great job and showed some really clever tactics and speedy calculations. Thanks go to Mrs Carroll who organised the event and to Mrs Natasha Bishop who helped with transportation. Jen Graffin - Principal Telephone Number : (08) 6206 2200 SMS Absentee - 0417 995 416 [email protected]



N e w s l e t t e r T e r m 4


8th November2017

Upcoming Events:

Fri 10th November Year 6 Fundraiser

Wed 15th November

Kindy 2018 Orientation Sessions

Thurs 16th November Assembly—Room 1

Monday 20th November P&C Meeting—6.30pm

Tuesday 21st November

Pre-Primary 2018 Information Session


Thurs 23rd November Popy Fundraiser

Wear your Christmas Colours

Friday 24th November

Tree of Thanks Unveiling—5.00pm

Wed 29th November

School Board Meeting 2.45pm


To inspire every student to achieve their personal best through learning, living and playing in harmony.


Be Responsible Be Safe Be an Achiever Be Respectful

School banking is held every

Monday outside Learning

Block 1 between the times of

8.15am and 8.45am.

Craigie Heights Dental

Clinic—Tel: 9401 3731



Payment of Contributions or Incursions / Excursions can be made via internet banking (details below), by

cheque, cash or Eftpos. Please finalise payments at the front office between 8.00am and 3.30pm.

We are also trialling the payment of Incursions / Excursions, including the digital signing of permission

forms through the QkR!. App. Instructions on how to download the App are available here: QkR! App

Thank you to those parents that have already made payment.

Payee: Craigie Heights Primary School

BSB: 066 040 Account: 1990 2511

Reference: Child’s Name/s and Year or Room #

Description: School Contributions / Incursion or Excursion Name

A receipt will only be issued for payments over $50 unless requested. If required, you can contact the

Manager Corporate Services at :[email protected]


Congratulations to the following students:

Year 3 Room 8 : Pascale Year 5 Room 13 : Nikita


We would like to thank parents and carers who have paid the Voluntary Contributions for 2017. Can we please request that if you have not already contributed, that you please forward your payment as soon as possible. Payment options are detailed in the article on the next page. When reviewing your child’s Unpaid Billing Items Statement, the ‘Voluntary Contribution’ is the $50 per student (per year). ‘Charges’ are for extra cost optional components and these are compulsory. Thank you.


Please take time to visit the library to see the fantastic work displayed by this weeks authors:

Room 1 Jessica Room 10 Nellyia

Room 2 Summer Room 11 Kayla

Room 4 Raiden & Kate Room 12 Austin

Room 5 Isla Room 13 Tatiana

Room 6 Summer Room 14 Ashley

Room 7 Madeline Room 15 Lily & Georgia

Room 8 Deegan


Talk4Writing This year at Craigie Heights Primary School we have been introducing the ‘Talk For Writing’ process. It is a contemporary writing process where students incorporate oral language and learn exemplary texts with actions during the ‘imitate’ stage. This helps students recall text structure and language features when writing their own texts. Below you can see examples of the story map that is created by the class to support their recall of the text. Storymaps

Boxing Up During the ‘innovate’ stage, classes work together to change the model text. During this time they focus on language features such as using adjectives or interesting vocabulary. To help do this we ‘box-up’ the text.

In the final ‘invent’ stage, students that need it are scaffolded to create their own writing, and those who are capable writers, have the opportunity to extend their work. Students are really engaged in the process and their writing as a result is of a higher calibre. Other aspects of this process also support students to improve their writing with the use of a ‘toolkit’, the success criteria, and the ‘Magpie Word Wall’.

Toolkit Magpie Word Wall



Dear Parents and Students,

On Friday the 10th November the Year 6’s are having a fun day where students can buy awesome items or pay for games such as Ping Pong Toss and Dodge Ball. Students will also be able to buy food or drinks at some of the many stalls.

The money we raise will be used to improve our school. Last year a third flag pole was bought which proudly displays the Aboriginal flag. Who knows what we could buy this year? But we do have some ideas, so that’s why we’re raising money.

So parents don’t forget to give your children some money to support our fundraiser. Prices start from 50c and up.

With thanks, Year 6 Students

Makerspace in the Library is continuing this term. We will be focusing on Christmas craft for the remainder of this term. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the activities that have been on offer for them to participate in. Sometimes just undertaking the processes involved in the activities is enough for the students. They get to work together and inspire each other. A quick update on our community rug that we started back in term 3 - The children have done a large number of material plaits. The next step is to turn the plaits into coils. I am still figuring out the best way to do this. The goal is to have the rug ready for next year. I would like to extend a huge thankyou to all the families who have donated materials which are being used in the lunchtime activities. A big thank you also goes to Spotlight who generously donated a $30.00 Gift Card to the Makerspace program. The gift card was used to purchase craft items for this term’s Christmas activities.

Betty Somers—Library Officer


On Friday the 27th of October our school participated in “Day for Daniel” Australia's biggest safety lesson. It was wonderful to see the colour of red to show support when walking through the school. The students engaged in vital discussions and activities about safety networks and personal safety. Jess Dunn—Teacher


Be Respectful

Be an Achiever

Be Safe

Be Responsible



Congratulations to the following students who

received Honour Certificates last week for Being

Respectful, Being Responsible, Being Safe or

Being Achievers:

PP to Year 2: Alexandra, Heath, Madison,

Logan, Ryan, Aoibheann, Lucas, Jayden, Sum-

mer, Madeline, Sonny, Trinity, Tully

Year 3 to Year 6: Drae, Joshua, Jett, Ella, Jesse,

Jessie, Chelsea, Darius, Destny, Indianna, Ella,


Well Done to all of the

students who made it into

the PBS Corner this


Mrs Page

Jackson from Room 5 was being an ACHIEVER!

Jackson completed some fantastic work in Maths last

week– making quarters with a piece of fairy bread. This

looked like a yummy Maths lesson! Amazing work

Jackson! Evangeline and Georgia from

Room 3 were being


Evangeline and Georgia came

to the office this week to show

off their sounding out of some

CVC words. They were able to

tell me the beginning, middle

and end sound in the words.

Such clever students!

Kaja and Koby from Room 8 & 6 were


During our session this week, Kaja and

Koby worked brilliantly together to

negotiate roles, take turns and encourage

each other through their learning. It was

fantastic to see you work as

a team!

Keira and Dashlen from Room 4 were being


After our lunchtime play this week, Keira and

Dashlen stayed in the area and helped pack away

all of the toys. Thank you for your help!


Here are Maggie Dent’s Top 5 Tips for Today's Parents:

Tip 1. Know that you are going to make mistakes and be realistic.

No matter how good your intentions, parenting is a never-ending

journey of making choices and sometimes you will make ones you

will regret. Rather than aiming to be a perfect parent, aim to be a

‘good enough’ parent.

Tip 2. Avoid over-policing and over-controlling your children.

Much of children’s inappropriate behaviour is actually developmentally appropriate. Children are

exploring the world and trying to make sense of all the invisible systems and patterns that occur

randomly, in a state of continuous flux and change. So often when they struggle to contain their squeals,

their food, their toys and the need to be spontaneous, we must remember they are not bad, they are

simply being children.

Get get into the habit of requesting and asking, rather than demanding and commanding. No one likes

being told what to do. Also remember our children are constantly learning by copying and modeling the

behaviour of their key caregivers. If you are able to be fair, respectful and kind towards them most of the

time, then the chances of them treating others the same increases enormously.

Tip 3. Love your kids unconditionally.

This is one of the toughest things about being a parent. There are times when we love our children so

much we can hardly breathe and yet there are times when we struggle to love them, even like them!

Maybe try to reframe how you see your kids – think how you would feel if they only had a week to live?

See your child as a miracle – as they are – not everyone is blessed enough to have children so feel

grateful and so lucky. Simply begin and end each day by being grateful for your child’s life.

Tip 4. Relax and give them freedom.

Having moments of autonomy and freedom is incredibly important in developing a healthy sense of self

which is not defined by the expectations of others. This freedom allows children and teens to develop a

sense of having authentic power to make choices and be heard. The freedom to play in unstructured

ways, the freedom to explore without a parent hovering, the freedom to choose what they want to wear

are enormously valuable in a person’s ability later in life to manage their own life choices. Consider

where does your child have choices and a voice that is heard?

Tip 5. Lighten up.

A sense of humour is considered a protective factor in terms of resilience and is a great way to reduce

stress and nervous tension. Making light of moments of challenge can really help a whole family diffuse

big ugly feelings. Using lightness and laughter as a connector is especially important with boys who often

default to anger when they struggle with emotions. Parenting is a challenging journey and allowing our

mistakes as parents be a source of lightness and a good laugh can help us all recover and bounce back

to live another day. Remember laugh more and cry less!

I hope you enjoy these five tips and that they give you a little food for thought – and some relief –

being a good enough parent is OK.

(This is an edited extract from a blog article written by Maggie Dent, www.maggiedent.com

Checkout her web site more helpful tips)

Jen Palandri


Please help by donating non-perishable items suitable for a Christmas Hamper to your child’s class by Tuesday 28th November. Your generosity makes a difference to families in our community, who are struggling financially.

Please check the posters around the school and in your child’s classroom for suitable donation ideas. See Mrs Taylor for further information.

Wear your Christmas Colours and help raise funds for Popy

For several years now, our school has supported Popy from Bangladesh, who lives with her Mum (Bedena) and Dad (Sadek), two sisters and a brother. Popy likes to play football, ludo and draw. When she grows up she would like to be a teacher or a policewoman.

The village where Popy lives is 185 Km from the capital of Bangladesh. Most families in the village are involved in farming or labouring. The area is prone to flooding during the monsoon season. Popy’s Dad is a day earner and her Mum is a housewife….without any electricity to wash, vacuum etc. The family’s home is a tin shed. They are grateful for the opportunity to receive schooling for Popy and her siblings and receive healthcare training.

We support Popy by holding three events each year. This term, for the donation of a gold coin, everyone in our school community is invited to wear something Christmassy to school on Thursday 23rd Novem-ber. Christmas colours, decorations, shirts, Santa hats – use your imagination, but please remember to wear school shoes!


In the last two weeks of the school year Mrs Jenny Palandri, our school Chaplain, will be reading the Christmas story to every class in the school. If you do not want your child to be in the class when the story is read please contact your child’s teacher and let them know. An alternative activity will be organised.


Craigie Baptist Church has a Food Pantry that is available all year round for times of need. Our Food Pantry is stocked with donated non-perishable food items such as pasta, pasta sauces & other meal sauces, rice, cereal & tinned vegetables as well as other various items.

There are two ways to access the Food Pantry 1. Drop in to the church on Tuesday’s during school term from 9am to 11am. 2. Call the church on (08) 9307 7509 and organise a time to come in. You’ll likely speak to Pastor James.

We do ask that, where possible, people make a small donation for the food taken. Please feel free to pass this on to friends and family you know who may benefit from the Food Pantry.



Please note that we are in the process of planning for 2018. Please can you inform the office ASAP if your child / children are not returning to Craigie Heights Primary School in 2018 (with the exception of year 6 students going to high school).


Book lists / Personal Items for 2018 are now available online via OfficeMax. To order online, please use the following link :


Access Key : W5FU4W

Free delivery for orders placed on or before 3 December 2017. Delivered before 31 December 2017.

Free delivery for orders placed between 4 and 10 December 2017. Delivered before 24 January 2018.

$9.95 delivery for orders placed between 11 and 31 December 2017.

$19.90 delivery for orders placed after 31 December 2017.

Please note : unfortunately orders placed after 17 December 2017 can not be be guaranteed before the start of Term 1 2018. Any orders placed after 17 December are subject to variance in stock levels

The Chaplain’s Champion from our week 4 assembly was Summer, from Mrs Bardsley’s Year 4 class. Summer is a quiet student who is always caring and thoughtful of others. She is a great friend, and is always willing to help her peers by lending stationery and other items they need, or by showing them how to do things. Summer is a role model of the school's expected behaviours : respectful to everyone, responsible for her learning, and an achiever who challenges herself to do well. She moves safely through the school and her attitude towards others makes her a safe person to be around. Summer is an asset to our classroom and the wider school community.



P&C MEETINGS Our next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday, 20th November at 6.30pm in the school Staff Room. This is our last meeting for the year. All are welcome to attend. In the New Year all P&C roles will be renewed at the AGM. Anyone who may be interested in taking on a role with the P&C is encouraged to talk to the existing member or attend our next P&C meeting to see if the role is right for you.

SAFETY HOUSE We seeking more people who interested in becoming a safety house to help keep our kids safe walking to and from school. If you are interested in finding out more please contact: [email protected].

FUNDRAISING School Disco School disco will be held again this year on the 1st of December. Entry is $5 and will include a drink & popcorn. More details to follow soon.

Thank you for your continued support to help raise funds for our school – this helps to improve our facilities, and support our students educational experience

Do you have pre-kindy children? Looking for a community group to join? Why not try Toddler Jam!

Toddler Jam is an inclusive, entertaining, interac-tive and engaging musical experience for toddlers and young children. It’s run right next door to the school by Craigie Baptist Church for the communi-ty. It runs on Monday mornings during school term from 9.30am to 11am and costs $7.50 for 1 child or $10 for 2 or more children from the one family. There is also a concession card discount available.

Come along and try it out! For more details or to get in touch go to :



WAAPA Summer School 2017/2018

This summer The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) is again offering an exciting school holiday program for students in years 4 to 12.

The Summer School includes classes in dance, drama, acting, screen performance, music theatre and of course, how to perform Shakespeare. For information about the fantastic courses on offer please visit WAAPA Summer School or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at [email protected] or 9370 6775.

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