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Page 1: CRAIGIE HEIGHTS · HONOUR CERTIFICATE WINNERS— WEEK 8 TERM 3 ... As you know, at Craigie Heights we are developing our students’ writing skills through the Talk 4 Writing ...




N e w s l e t t e r T e r m 3


12th September 2018

10th-17th September Swimming for PP-Yr4

Thursday 13th September

Kindy Sports Carnival 1.45-2.45pm

Friday 14thSeptember Interschool Athletics


Monday 17th September Shoe Boxes due back to


Thursday 20th September Assembly—Room 2

Friday 21st September

End of Term 3

Monday 8th October Start of Term 4

Wednesday 17th October

Interschool Numero Competition

Thursday 18th October

Assembly—Room 6

Mon 22nd—Wed 24th October

Year 6 Camp


To inspire every student to achieve their personal best through learning, living and playing in harmony.


Be Responsible Be Safe Be an Achiever Be Respectful

Telephone Number: 08 6206 2200 SMS Absentee - 0417 995 416 Email: [email protected]

The School Office is open 7.45am-3.30pm, Monday to Friday during the school term

School banking is held every

Monday outside Learning

Block 1 between the times of

8.15am and 8.45am.

Craigie Heights Dental

Clinic -Tel: 9401 3731

NAPLAN Results Normally by mid August the parents of students in Years 3 and 5 would have received the results from the NAPLAN assessments carried out back in May. This year, because a number of schools trialled the assessment in the online format, there has been a hold up as the School Curriculum and Standards Authority do important work to ensure that the results for these schools are comparable with schools who did the testing on paper. At this stage we are still waiting to be informed when the results might be available. Room 14 Assembly Our assemblies are always an opportunity for students to showcase the confidence and performance skills that they develop over their time at Craigie Heights Primary School and we are really grateful for all the support that parents provide as part of an audience showing appreciation. Last Thursday, Mrs Carroll’s Yr 4/5 class wowed and entertained us with their Music Through the Ages— Lip Synch Battle, an out-standing performance that combined all the arts and was evidence of a confident and talented bunch. Tennis Coaching Term 4 (Years 1-6) Our Sporting Schools Grant application has been successful and we are set to hold sessions for three groups of 24 students for eight lessons next term. As promised in Term 1, those students who nominated, but missed out initially, will be given first option of a place. Parents of those children will be contacted and asked to advise the school if the place is still wanted. Once that process is complete we may be in a position to offer further places. There will be a small cost involved to cover the difference between the coaching costs and the grant amount. Jen Graffin—Principal

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Payment of Contributions or Incursions / Excursions can be made via internet banking (details below), by

cheque, cash or Eftpos. Please finalise payments at the front office between 8.00am and 3.30pm.

We are also trialling the payment of Incursions / Excursions, including the digital signing of permission

forms through the QkR!. App. Instructions on how to download the App are available here: QkR! App

Payee: Craigie Heights Primary School

BSB: 066 040 Account: 1990 2511

Reference: Child’s Name/s and Year or Room #

Description: School Contributions / Incursion or Excursion Name

A receipt will only be issued for payments over $50 unless requested. If

required, you can contact the Manager Corporate Services at:

[email protected]


As part of streamlining communication processes, we have decided not to continue using the Skoolbag App. We will continue to email the school newsletter and other important information out to those who have provided us with an email address. If you would like to be added to this communication list, please let the front office know. Information such as newsletters, upcoming incursion/excursions forms, enrolment forms, term planners etc. are kept up to date and are available on our school website: https://craigieheightsps.wa.edu.au/ Student absences can be sent to the school absentee number by SMS: 0417 995 416. Save this into your contacts for easy access, and to identify the school when you receive an SMS from us.


Congratulations to the following students:

Year 1 Room 5 : Dominik Year 1 Room 5 : Lewis


Please note that we are in the process of planning for

2019. Please can you inform the office ASAP if your child /

children are not returning to Craigie Heights Primary

School in 2019 (with the exception of year 6 students going

to high school). Many thanks.

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Be Respectful

Be an Achiever

Be Safe

Be Responsible


Congratulations to the following students who received Honour Certificates last week for Being Respectful, Being Responsible, Being Safe or Being Achievers:

PP to Year 3: Max, Flynn, Xaiden, Layla, Evan, Brodie, Isla, Luke, Kobi, David, Lukas, Aoibheann, Tayarn, Andrew Year 3 to Year 6: Lily, Sonny, Kallen, Ella, Alexander, Karma, Tara, Bryan, Kiara, Lukas, Chelsea, Chloe

Being Safe and Achievers

A number of our students are enjoying the court-yard games that are available during lunchtimes. We are looking forward to getting new games to add to this area. Thank you to the P&C.

Being Achievers

Our Interschool Jumps and Throws Team represented the school proudly at this week’s competition. A number of ribbons were won and students displayed all 4 of our expected behaviours on the morning. Congratulations!

Being Responsible

Our Pre-primary to Year 4 students have started swimming lessons at Craigie Leisure Centre. They are all being responsible by listening to their swimming instructors and working hard to improve their swimming skills

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BEST Program 4 Kids Tips of the Fortnight Some more great assistance from BEST Programs 4 Kids. This online resource is available to parents and schools. They have great advice that I will share through our newsletter. For more information, please visit the website bestprograms4kids.com

NAPLAN Online - School Readiness Test During Week 7, our Year 3 and 5 students participated in the NAPLAN School Readiness Test. This enabled us to assess the school’s technical readiness to implement the new NAPLAN online assessments in 2019. In addition, it gave teachers and students a chance to try out the new national online assessment platform in a real-life classroom environment. We learnt a lot from this trial. Most importantly, students were very engaged with the online format, which is encouraging. Year 5s also completed the online Writing Test and we saw many students write much more than we usually see in the pen and paper format. We were also able to gather valuable information on the technical skills that we need to explicitly teach students. Overall feedback from students and teachers was very positive. Writing and Reading As you know, at Craigie Heights we are developing our students’ writing skills through the Talk 4 Writing process developed by educational expert Pie Corbett. When we are learning a new genre (narrative, report, recount, persuasive etc.) we start with a model text that has good structure and selected language features that we will explicitly teach. Besides these model texts it is valuable to read other books to students, that also model some of the features we want students to use ion their writing. “Great books build the imagination. The more we read aloud expressively, and the more children are able savour, discuss and reinterpret literature, the more memorable the characters, places and events become, building an inner world. A child who is read to will have an inner kingdom of unicorns, talking spiders and a knife that cuts into other worlds. The mind is like a ‘tardis’; it may seem small but inside there are many mansions. Each great book develops the imagination and equips the reader with language.” Pie Corbett Every book you read to your child is important. Deputy – Amanda Robinson

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NetSetGO at Craigie Heights

NetSetGO is coming to Craigie Heights in Term 4. For more information and to register, please use the

following link:


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Parent parking is available in the car park in front of the Early Childhood Area. This area is not a ‘Kiss and Drop’ area. Provision has been made for two disabled parking bays in this car park. Please do not park in these bays as we have families requiring these spaces. Never use the staff car park. "Kiss and Drop" - If you wish to use the ‘Kiss and Drop’ area, there is a zone specifically for this purpose on Spinaway Street. Please do not park or leave your vehicle in this area. Additional parent parking is kindly offered at the Craigie Baptist Church car park beside the school, which is a short walk to the school. We are so lucky to have this additional parking so please respect everything on their site. The school oval will also be opened for parking for assemblies and school events.

Unfortunately a number of parents continue to park on our neighbours verges or driveways and this has been reported to the Joondalup Council for their action.



How’s the shopping/ packing going? Completed shoeboxes are due Monday 17th September, Week 10 and will be on display at the Pre-Primary assembly. Boxes can be given in to Year 1 Room 5 anytime now. So far we have received 26 beautifully completed boxes. If you still want to participate there are pre-packaged shoeboxes available in the ECB wet area or from the office. There’s a sample box displayed in the front office too. You might not be able to fill a whole box this time but any donations of suitable items would help make a difference in the lives of needy children. Remember the ‘6 somethings’-something to love, play, write, wear, hygiene and special. Postage of $10 can be paid online (preferably) or cash included in the box. I will be going overseas Wed 12th but have other willing helpers to finalise this wonderful project. Thanks for your participation. Mrs Taylor.

Phoebe is a wonderful role model of each of the school expected behaviours. She always listens respectfully and is ready to learn. She is an achiever who is motivated to learn at home as well as at school. Phoebe is responsible; she always has her equipment ready and can be trusted with jobs around the school. She is a friendly student, with a wonderful smile, and is always willing to work with any of her classmates.

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*** Canteen – CHANGE TO TRADING DAYS *** Our trading days in our School Canteen are now Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via QuickCliq or at the Canteen window before school. Look out for our spring specials on the menu! Fathers Day Stall We hope our Dad’s all enjoyed their Father’s Day gifts and thank you for your support of our “High Five for Dad” stall. We fundraised $700 for our school!, TERM 4 EVENTS Tombola Jars – Friday, 19 October We are asking all students to bring in a jar filled with goodies that will be used to stock our Tombola Stall at the upcoming Wanneroo Show. You are welcome to bring in as many jars as you can fill! This is a great opportunity for our school to fundraise from the community, and we are hoping to run a really successful stall on Saturday, 24 November. See the information below for suggestions on how to fill a jar! Disco – Friday, 30 November Our annual School Disco will be held on Friday, 30 November, so be sure to note this on the calendar. We will be holding a food stall and glow stall on the night, so donations and volunteers would be welcomed! More details to follow soon P&C Meeting Our next P&C Meeting is scheduled for Monday 15 October 2018 at 6:30pm in the staff room. Pop this date in your diary – we would love to see you there!

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P&C NEWS Continued...

Craigie Heights P&C are holding a Tombola Jar stall

at this year’s Wanneroo Show : 24-25 November 2018

What’s a Tombola jar stall you say??? Basically, people pay to pull a number out of a barrel and then they win the matching number prize. The prizes will be different size jars with all different kinds of cool things inside. How can you help? On Friday the 19th October Craigie Heights will be having a day where we are asking every student to bring in at least 1 jar with goodies inside. You can bring in as many jars as you can fill. Even if you can’t fill a jar you can still bring in some goodies that we can use as consolation prizes or to help fill other jars.

Where to start? Start saving your jars. big, small, square, round, tall, short……… Think about what cool things you might like to put in your jars? Turn over for lots of ideas of things you can put in your jars, or come up with your own awesome ideas. You can fill them with anything your imagination can come up with! Please no ‘used’ goods in the jars, and no perishables as these will be held in storage for a few weeks. Think of prizes that could suit any age. Even adults like playing …..

**** The P&C will rewarding the class with the most filled jars ***

SUGGESTED IDEAS FOR TOMBOLA JARS DIY (include recipe/instructions in a small snap-lock bag folded at the top of the jar) Non-perishable Ingredients for slime Ingredients for cookies and brownies Ingredients for playdough Items to make pet rocks (smooth pebbles, paint, googly eyes etc)

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Following our recent school photography by Kapture, you can now view and order any special photos taken on the day. When visiting www.kapture.com.au/event.asp you will need to enter our school code under the Sports & Event tab to access the gallery; Code: ERQLSS

P&C NEWS Continued...

Compilations Gardening gloves, seed packets etc Pencils, erasers, sharpener, tiny notebook, paper clips etc Sewing kit: threads, tiny scissors, pins, needles, tape measure, thimble etc Pamper kit: emery board, nail polish, face mask, bath bomb Emergency kit: mini torch, mini screwdrivers, safety pins, tape etc First aid kit – bandaids, eye wash, anti-bacterial cream etc Christmas themed jars

Household Coles Minis Shopkins etc Origami paper Temporary tattoos Skipping rope Pet items Push-pins/thumb tacks Party poppers Bubble mix New socks Balloons Match box cars Water balloons Tiny novelty erasers 5 cent pieces or $2 coins Scratch’n’win tickets A rolled $5, $10, $20 etc Tea-light candles Fridge magnets Glow sticks Chalk Toy soldiers/dinosaurs/farm animals Beach sand with beautiful shell hidden inside Marbles Lego Bouncy balls Assorted goodies you get in party bags Hair elastics, scrunchies or hair clips (new)

Elastic bands, tiny bulldog clips or paperclips

Beauty Bath salts Bath gel balls Exfoliating gloves Face masks Lip gloss or balm Nail polish Potpourri Craft Buttons Tubes of glitter Glitter glue Beads New pencils or crayons Pom poms Tiny bows Googly eyes Pipe cleaners Washi tape Stamps Sequins Stickers Misc Gift cards Chocolates Lolly pops

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Visit us in the Undercover Area or call us on 0424 596 016 during opening hours! From Nick, Emma, and Sarah Camp Australia is open for Before School Care from 7:00am – 8:25am & After School Care from 3:00pm – 6:00pm (2:30pm on Wednesdays). Bookings can be made online at www.campaustralia.com.au

What’s Up At Camp Australia…

We’ve been experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen on Backing Wednesdays!


Bookings are now open for our Term 3 Holiday Club!

Join us for a trip to the Swan Valley ‘Cuddly Animal Farm’ or build your own farm with our new LEGO kits!

See the attached flyer for more info.


We’ve seen some wonderful Lego creations recently, with lots of kids teaming up to make

big structures.

Congratulations to our Camp Australia Leadership Certifi-

cate winners!

Ella (Year 4, Room 11)

Trey (Year 1, Room 4)

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