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RN to BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Create New Opportunities in the Career You Love

Bachelor of Science in Nursing RN to BSN

RN to BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing

Whether you want to become more valuable in your current position or lead other nursing professionals, Old Dominion University’s online RN to BSN can help you advance your career in health care.

This program offers flexibility and support from ODU’s faculty of nursing professionals and mentors, helping you create an exciting new future in the profession you love. Our students work with faculty mentors and build a polished professional portfolio, a key advantage in seeking career advancement or employment.

Earning a BSN gives your career greater mobility and can lead to new opportunities in:

You can access course materials online from any location. Many classes don’t have a scheduled meeting time, so you can fit class into your personal schedule.

Career Options

Learning Environment

Have Questions? Contact Us:online.odu.edu/rnbsn


Accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

Why ODU for Nursing - RN to BSN?





Advanced Practice Nursing (NP, CNS, CRNA, CNM)Nursing Management and AdministrationCommunity/Nonprofit OrganizationsPharmaceutical/Medical Equipment Sales/Consulting

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