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A R O L E P O I N T W H I T E P A P E R B Y @ B I L L B O O R M A N

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When I started research for this paper, my perception

was that we were mostly going to be talking about mobile

apply and sharing some of the important lessons learnt

from Intuit’s adoption of RolePoint technology to bring

their job application process up to date. We don’t have to

go very far to realize that the application process by

which people connect and apply for jobs they are

interested in is, for the most part, not fit for purpose in

most organizations. Feedback from some of Intuit’s

highly skilled developers in the early stages of the project

that focused on their application process was that if they

had to apply for a job with Intuit today using the process

in place, they wouldn’t bother. That’s quite a precarious

position for an organization that looks to develop leading

edge technology in every other area of their business.

Researching similar organizations, I found that the

abandonment rate for only the first page of the

application process to be between 10 and 15%, with a

drop off rate for each stage of the application process. A

group of recruiters I spoke to at another global

technology company confessed that their application

process is so bad that they steer sourced candidates

away from it and only get them to apply when they are

going to get an offer because that was the only way to

move them to the next stage. Consider the inefficiency

and lost opportunity of each recruiter keeping candidate

details in Excel spreadsheets or email files and well away

from the ATS! Unfortunately, when I have shared this

story, I have discovered that this is far from an unusual


Wherever we look, it is quite clear that the whole

application process sucks, and it’s not just an argument

around the case for mobile and mobile optimization

because frankly that’s not really a discussion. If you are

not including mobile thinking now then you really should

go and do something else. Anything, just not recruiting. I

hope you enjoy the discussion.




B Y @ B I L L B O O R M A N

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Gamifying the Recruitment Process


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The common discussion on improving the application

process centres on mobile first because of the significant

increase in mobile surfing as the web moved from

desktop to mobile. In 2014, research by global job

aggregator Indeed found that 1 in every 2 job searches

were conducted on a mobile device. Chris Hyams, VP,

Product and International, commented that “mobile job

search is not a thing of the future, it is a reality today. A

majority of job seekers around the world find jobs on a

mobile device, but only a fraction of employers allow

them to apply right there and then. The best talent will

not wait to apply later — they will simply move on to

another opportunity.”





The most common reason given for this, understandably,

is using the closest and most convenient source to hand.

And in the age of mobility, that’s mobile. What we have

learnt, however, is that those organizations who have

moved to enable a mobile application process have done

little to change their actual application process, and the

two are not really compatible.

At the same time, the rush to improve the mobile process

has left a void when looking at the actual mobile


“In the advent of mobile technologies, candidates want

companies to ‘meet them where they live’, which is on

their smartphones. Futurestep predicted that 2014

would be the year mobile recruitment finally took off and

we have seen clear evidence of this. Now, organizations

must concentrate on honing their digital initiatives to

engage passive, hard to reach candidates, whilst offering

an excellent representation of employer brand and

giving candidates a stand-out experience.” Neil Griffiths

of Korn Ferry, Global Practice Leader, Talent

Communications & Employer Brand




This is not a new conversation. When recruiting first

moved online with the introduction of email, career sites

and job boards, companies reacted by moving their

paper processes, like application forms and phone

screens, online. However, nothing really changed with

the process. For the most part, applying means clicking

on a link, going to the front screen of an ATS (applicant

tracking system), uploading a resume and then answering

questions. In a test we recently conducted, the average

application process takes 43 minutes to complete and

involves navigation through 52 screens. When the

process moved from desktop to mobile as more and

more organizations recognized the growth of mobile

adoption, the same process moved from desktop to

mobile, in most cases to responsive mobile design. All

this really meant was taking a cumbersome process and

putting it on a smaller device with a smaller screen. This

has been improved a little by the adoption of emulation

(we will discuss this later in the paper), but still doesn’t

really take in to account the huge advances in technology,

connectivity and accessible public data, such as LinkedIn



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Feedback from the disrupt HR area at #HRTechEurope

in October 2014 was that talent technology start-ups

who had adopted either a mobile first or mobile only

interface resulted in a problem for desktop users who

represented the majority of buyers and users. When it

comes to applying for jobs, organizations report that this

is still around 80% desktop. This might, in part, be down

to the lack of mobile friendly tech at the application

stage, but it is more likely to be caused by difficulties

processing the information required via a mobile device.

The Indeed research completed in 2014 noted that

there is a global demand from job seekers for easy mobile

application processes. This was reflected in the results.

66% of individuals would happily apply for a job via

mobile if the process was simplified. Consumers may

rely on mobile devices to shop, search, communicate and

even manage their finances but the Indeed research

indicates that the biggest barrier is a fear that a mobile

application will not look professional compared to a

desktop application. It is an important learning point that

employers must give applicants the opportunity to

consume career content and apply on the device that is

both convenient and preferred by them, with no

deterioration of experience, navigation or ease.

Think apply first and device second.





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Paul Harrison of London based Carve

Consulting recently commented:

“The talented employees of tomorrow will be

social customers and candidates. Social

customers demand a conversation with

employers. They demand organizations be

present, active and responsive on a wide

range of social and messaging platforms. And

they demand a personalized, high-touch

experience. To meet these needs, employers

need to radically re-think application and

resourcing processes, placing social-mobile

connectivity at the heart of

these experiences.”




It is against this background, and the ever increasing use

of smart phones and other smart devices to access the

web, that has prompted organizations to re-examine the

way in which applicants access online employer branding

content, engage and apply. This is evidenced by the

impact of the recent changes to how the Google

algorithm indexes and ranks web content on mobile

search, dramatically referred to as Mobilegeddon.

Google explained the key changes on their blog in this


When it comes to search on mobile devices, users should

get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the

information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps.

As more people use mobile devices to access the

internet, our algorithms have to adapt to these usage

patterns. In the past, we’ve made updates to ensure a

site is configured properly and viewable on modern

devices. We’ve made it easier for users to find mobile-

friendly web pages and we’ve introduced App Indexing

to surface useful content from apps. Today, we’re

announcing two important changes to help users

discover more mobile-friendly content:

1. More mobile-friendly websites in search results.

Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-

friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect

mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have

a significant impact in our search results. Consequently,

users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search

results that are optimized for their devices.


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2. More relevant app content in search results.

Starting today, we will begin to use information from

indexed apps as a factor in ranking for signed-in users

who have the app installed. As a result, we may now

surface content from indexed apps more prominently in



h t t p : //g o o g l e w e b m a s t e r c e n t r a l . b l o g s p o t . c o .


The impact of these changes has seen an increasing

number of organizations take action to rebuild their

career sites and web presence, with a leaning towards

responsive design.

Neilsen reported that 89% of media time is spent on mobile apps as

opposed to 11% on mobile web.


Commscore noted that November 2014, as predicted,

was the tipping point when mobile internet users

outnumbered PC users. Whilst the attention has been,

at last, on bringing career sites and career apps up to

date with mobile design, the application process has, for

the most part, remained the same. In this paper we will

examine how you cannot change one without the other.











02007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

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Given this data, and the increased time (via apps)

dedicated to social networks (in particular Facebook), it

is not surprising to note that research from Bersin by

Deloitte noted that investment in professional networks

for recruiting increased threefold to 12% of total

recruitment investment, the largest increase in spend of

any constituent method. What this demonstrates is that

applicants will be coming from multiple sources on

multiple devices from mobile to tablet. Whilst mobile

browsing dominates traffic, desktop still dominates

apply traffic. In this paper we will examine the reasons

behind this contradiction, and what the modern talent

acquisition team should be considering when it comes to


Source: http://www.smartinsights.com/mobile-marketing/mobile-marketing-analytics/






When Intuit began researching ways to improve their

application process, the expectation was that the move

would be mobile apply. What became clear early on was

that they were looking at the need through technology

eyes, when the problem was initially one of process.

They needed to question the information they were

asking for and how much of this information was

contained in the resume or a LinkedIn profile. My own

research has shown that on average 90% of the

information requested in the normal corporate

application process is a duplicate of information

contained in a standard resume.















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The conclusion in the case of Intuit was that this was not

exclusively a mobile issue, and the solution was to design

an application process that would provide a great

candidate experience regardless of device, mobile or

otherwise, enabled by resume or profile upload from

multiple sources such as Dropbox, GoogleDocs, LinkedIn

etc, and employing intelligent parsing to extract the

information required. This approach greatly reduces the

number of clicks and screens required, providing a good

experience on every device. The learning point from this

is that the debate should not centre on mobile vs

desktop, but rather focus on making the application

process relevant, streamlined and device agnostic, with

equal attention paid to user experience and interface on

both desktop and mobile.

The summary of the application process research from

1,000 candidates for the UK Candidate Experience

Awards echoes this point with the statement:

“Setting expectations and soliciting feedback are two

actions that are relatively simple for employers to insert

into their application process. The challenge for

employers going forward will be to take a critical look at

their current application process and to assess where

they are adding value through what they are requesting

in the application. They can also evaluate what can be

removed or delayed (to collect at a later point) that does

not add value to candidates and the organization’s ability

to screen effectively. Understanding the value that a

good candidate experience can add is key, especially

regarding its ability to nurture a relationship with those

individuals as both employees and as customers.”




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Research organization Datanyze analysed a million

corporate websites listed by Alexa. Alexa Internet, Inc. is

a California-based subsidiary company of Amazon.com

which provides commercial web traffic data. They aimed

to identify the ATS associated with the careers section of

specific companies’ websites or the dedicated career

site. Datanyze identified the following as the top 10 ATSs

by adoption: (Datanyze calculates market share data by

taking the number of websites using a technology and

dividing it by the total websites using any technology in

the same category.)

TALEO 21.4%

ICIMS 9.4%









You can find the full list of 62 providers at https://www.


Whilst there are exceptions, the normal process for

applying for a job with an organization is to complete an

application screen at the front of the applicant tracking

system from a link on either a job posting or listing on a

career site. The ATS is built to collect data by user input

in response to questions and the import of a resume.

Most ATSs provide a level of screening, compliance

tracking and reporting and data storage. Recruiters will

use a combination of automated and manual screening

to select applicants for interview, rejection, dispositioning

and tracking progress through the hiring funnel. The

probability is that the majority of applicants will hit the

ATS early in their application process, and this is where

abandonment is at its highest. Hiring companies are

increasingly wrestling with the challenge of keeping the

best talent engaged in the application process whilst

offering a poor experience at application.

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The solution offered in the market to date has been a bit

of a halfway house through emulation. Emulation is the

process of copying an existing application process from

the ATS and copying this on to a standalone mobile page.

When we looked at the usual corporate application

process described earlier in the paper, we outlined how

this usually requires the applicant to submit information

typically through a resume or profile and to answer the

required questions to complete the registration pages

and submit an application. This requires multiple screens

and questions, not great on any device, in particular the

small touch screens on a mobile device. Emulation

reorganizes the appearance and order of the application

pages to present them in a mobile friendly format. The

information submitted by the applicant is then processed

through the front page of the ATS in an automated way

as if the application was being made by a person.

From a mobile perspective, this improves the experience

by making the display of content and the input of data

mobile friendly. The downside of this approach is that

emulation is a direct copy of the ATS application process,

and is still largely one dimensional.

The following description is taken from the Intuit

product page:

“Our flagship products – QuickBooks, TurboTax, Quicken

and Mint – define our commitment to revolutionize the

way people manage their personal finances, run small

businesses and pay employees. Our line-up of tax

preparation products helps individuals and small

business owners easily and accurately file their own

taxes. And working with accountants, we’ve become a

staple of American small business, with a widespread

and deep-rooted presence that’s second to none.

But we’re much more than that. Today, our expanding

portfolio serves customers in Canada, the United

Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and India, making it easier

for small business owners and accountants to manage

their finances, offering localized, desktop and online

versions of QuickBooks. And our products have evolved

from the desktop to the cloud, with many available both

online and for mobile devices.”

The Intuit growth plan:

Capitalising on a world being shaped by social, mobile

and global trends, CEO Brad Smith established a three-

point growth strategy to accelerate Intuit’s move to the

cloud, providing products and services that are available

how, where and when customers want them.

The strategy is:

First, to deliver awesome product experiences that have

been designed for a mobile-first, mobile-only world, and

deliver an amazing first-time user experience.

Second, to enable the contributions of others by creating

network effects platforms, enlisting end users and third-

party developers to participate in localizing, configuring

and adding value to our products.

And third, to use customer data to create delight, making

our products easier to use while delivering breakthrough

benefits for our customers.

Source: https://www.intuit.com/company/profile/

With this in mind, it was important for Intuit to have an

application process for potential employees that viewed

candidates as customers and applied the same principles

contained within the growth plan, because it stands to

reason that potential employees needed to be attracted

and have the same applicant experience as a new

customer would. Tests in the Intuit lab by developers

made it clear that a different approach to emulation was

needed. The HR team needed records that matched the

compliance requirements, which meant ensuring a data

pathway into the ATS, whilst keeping the user interface

as simple as possible.


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The solution to this was to create an independent data

path into the ATS via the API.

Webopedia has the following definition for an API or

Application Program Interface:

“API, an abbreviation of application program interface, is

a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building

software applications. The API specifies how software

components should interact and are used when

programming graphical user interface (GUI) components.

A good API makes it easier to develop a program by

providing all the building blocks. A programmer then

puts the blocks together.”

Source: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/API.html

This process requires development time to plumb a data

route direct in to the ATS creating a unique record for

each applicant that is compatible with the other

operating systems within the ATS without the need for

the candidate to go through the application screen. This

is far more complex than emulation as it requires

dedicated developer time and a unique approach to each

individual ATS. The real benefit comes in the opportunity

to build a bespoke application process with a unique set

of rules for data collection, taking advantage of intelligent


Considering the need identified by the #CandE research,

it was identified that the application process needed to

go beyond the standard transactional approach,

integrating a level of feedback and engagement, for

example a message from the CEO where additional

information is requested for military applicants, for

disability or diversity, outlining why the information has

been requested and is important. The pilot process

requires 3 clicks with data entry kept to a minimum.

This process also allows for the matching of unique

records to avoid duplication and enables applicants to

apply for a role now or in the future without the need to

resubmit information.

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Wikipedia explains parsing as:

“Within computational linguistics the term is used to

refer to the formal analysis by a computer of a sentence

or other string of words into its constituents, resulting in

a parse tree showing their syntactic relation to each

other, which may also contain semantic and other


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing

In simple terms this means the automated reading and

interpretation of a document in order to extract elements

and reorganize the data into other uses and

classifications. It is a common complaint among

applicants that they are requested to upload a resume

Considering the concern expressed by potential

candidates in the Indeed research about how applications

are presented to recruiters and the desire to tailor

applications for different roles, it is important to leave

control over the content of the application with the

applicant. In the case of Intuit, this is achieved by

returning the application to them after parsing with the

option to edit or submit to the hiring companies. It is also

important to provide the applicants with additional

information on how and where their personal data is

stored and used, privacy being one of the top three

concerns of prospective applicants.

and then a series of questions are asked as part of the

application process. It is not uncommon that these

questions ask for information contained within the

resume such as current employer, skills and education

history. This is incredibly frustrating for candidates and

is seen as being a major factor in abandonment. Enabling

applicants to upload a resume or to express interest

using a document from a source such as Dropbox,

Google Drive or LinkedIn and parsing out the information

required prevents requests for duplicate information

and streamlines the process dramatically. This means

that in most cases applying is as simple as uploading a

resume with a maximum of 3 clicks, with any additional

data requiring optional submission, regardless of the

device employed by the applicant.

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Organizations are increasingly recognizing the

importance of referred and internal applicants’ priorities

in the application process. Accenture, for example,

operate a service level agreement between the recruiters

and the business that guarantees that all referred

candidates will be reviewed and get a response within

48 hours, with feedback to the referrer. Intuit have

adopted a similar approach to rolling out the red carpet

for referred candidates. If all candidates come via the

same applicant entry, priority within the recruiters

workflow can be applied to accommodate this and

ensure that Intuit can apply rules for workflow and

associate tasks accordingly in order to deliver on the

SLA. If you want to make a referral network popular with

employees, you need to pay special attention to the

candidate and referrer experience, ensuring that the

process is simple and intuitive.

In the RolePoint white paper, “Referral killers”, research

identified the candidate experience during application as

being central to getting referrals. This is going to be

dependent on your being able to identify and prioritize

referred candidates, having a good quality job profile

employees are comfortable to share and a referral

process that is easy for employees to share. This will be

central to your success in obtaining referrals.

Intuit were certainly conscious of this when considering

the important aspects of their application process.

Whilst there are many other considerations to consider

when making referrals work, you are essentially inviting

an employee’s contacts to apply. Look, feel, experience,

ease of sharing and experience are all critical in this.

You can read the full paper at: http://www.slideshare.


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Following on from this theme, mobile employer branding

platform OnGig produced a ranking of 17 mobile job

platforms promoting jobs on LinkedIn. OnGig judged the

ads based on the following criteria:

1) Branding — is the company logo easy to see and


2) Media — is a video or image present to tell the

employer brand story?

3) Mobile — is the page built with responsive design

making it easy to read on mobile?

4) Call-to-action — is it clear and easy for candidates to

take desired actions?

5) Appeal — does it attract attention and make

candidates want to learn more?

This is critical to the application and referral process

because building this can be considered the first stage of

the apply process.

Coursera Chief of Product, John Ciancutti, was recently

credited with having said how a combination of referrals

and a focus on candidate experience had enabled

Coursera to grow the engineering team from 25 to 80

whilst facing stiff competition from the likes of Facebook,

Apple and Google.

Ciancutti is quoted as saying:

“As a hiring manager, you are the most important factor

in the candidate’s decision. If they don’t think you’re

great and that you’re going to be a great manager,

partner and support system, it doesn’t matter what they

think of your company. They won’t join you. Treating

every candidate as the candidate (until they aren’t) will

help you ensure a good experience. Few people see it

this way, but the hiring process should really be about

relationship building. Know that candidates are

evaluating every interaction they have with you, with

your team and with your company. When you decide you

want to hire someone, you want to have that feeling of,

‘We definitely got him.’”

Source: http://firstround.com/review/this-is-how-



What stood out in this post that reinforces the

importance of the application process is the statement

“Know that candidates are evaluating every interaction

they have with you, with your team and with your

company.” The applicants first formal interaction with

the organization is when they put their hand up as

interested by hitting apply either on the career site or a

link. Where they land and what they are asked to do

creates the first and lasting impression of the

organization and how they think about the technology.

Interactions, navigation and ease of apply needs to be at

least equal to the way in which potential customers

connect with a consumer site in order to create the best

impression. When you shop on the best on-line retail

sites, all friction is taken out of the process, thus

minimizing the information needed to connect. The

same considerations need to be applied to the application


According to the Bersin by Deloitte’s 2015 fact book,

one in ten job-sourcing dollars spent by talent acquisition

teams in the US was invested in the company career site,

with the highest percentage spend being 19% on job

board subscriptions and advertising. All of this

investment leads to one thing: applications. This puts in

context the lost investment resulting from abandoned

applications, as well as the damage to reputation which

can be associated with a poor application process. This

was a key consideration for Intuit given the company’s

values in product design, being first to deliver awesome

product experiences that have been designed for a

mobile-first and mobile-only world, and delivering an

amazing first-time user experience. The best measure of

user experience is abandonment rate, and this should be

considered a key metric.





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Measuring source of hire is a complicated process when

we consider that the modern day applicant has multiple

touch points before hitting apply. The metric normally

referred to as source of hire might better be referred to

as source of apply, because it is usually tracked by the

last online place the applicant visited before hitting the

apply button. This is most commonly recorded as the

career site. The most common source of data collection

for source of hire is by asking the applicant and offering

choices of destination to choose from. This proves

wholly inaccurate as inevitably many people choose one

of the first options or the one that they believe will be

looked on most favourably by the recruiters.

In the research by Bersin by Deloitte, company career

sites represented the best source of hire with one in five

of total hires, with job boards coming in second with 16%

Companies will continue to use multiple methods to

attract applicants, who will, in turn, continue to have

many touch points leading to the time at which they

apply. The applicants will use multiple devices, mobile or

otherwise. We can confidently predict that attention to

simplifying the application process through smart

parsing and applicant options will see applicants

of hires. The usual route of apply is to go from adverts,

jobs or social links to the career site and then the ATS.

Source of hire is a key metric for determining future

budget and should be a key consideration in the design

of the application process. The “pick list” should be a

thing of the past. The solution to this conundrum is to

build a unique source code that tags every candidate

from their first point of connection. A source code is the

foundational code or programming language that is

written to create the framework for your website or

technology. The same code can be applied to an

applicant’s first touch point, carried throughout the


becoming more and more comfortable and confident in

applying by mobile. Organizations need one single apply

process, which can be deployed in any channel,

regardless of device, application or source, with

candidate experience and navigation at the centre of


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Maximize employee engagement in referrals to improve

access to networks and increase your sourcing of high

quality passive candidates.


Significantly increase passive and active candidate

conversion across desktop and mobile devices through

a customizable, streamlined applicant experience.


Improve retention of your highest performing talent by

engaging employees with internal development

opportunities and intelligent role matches.


Seamlessly integrate your HR and Talent Acquisition

applications using RolePoint’s flexible Connect layer

with true API integration.

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The author, Bill Boorman, has over 30 years’ experience

in and around recruiting. He has spent the last 3 years

working with social recruiting technology start-ups on

product and with corporate clients including Hard Rock

Café, Oracle and the BBC to integrate social into their

recruiting practices. Bill has also hosted recruiting

events in over 30 countries worldwide.


RolePoint was founded by award winning technologists

and backed by Silicon Valley’s leading investors to

revolutionize how talent is identified, acquired and

retained. We’re working with some of the world’s most

innovative organizations applying cutting edge data-

science, matching algorithms and engagement

technology to source the highest quality talent.

Product Philosophy: Developed over 3 years alongside

a world leading group of recruitment advisors and talent

acquisition leads, the RolePoint platform was built on

the philosophy that referrals can become the principle

source of hiring across an organization, holding the key

to better-fit, higher performing employees.

Technology Principles: The RolePoint platform

represents the most advanced social sourcing product

available for talent acquisition. Our product is the result

of one of the most comprehensive development,

evaluation and feedback processes undertaken for a

social hiring technology.

Results: The ability of RolePoint to intelligently engage

and build a high-quality candidate pipeline is driving

hiring across an extensive range of clients and industries.

Read more about our testimonials, case-studies and

data-sheets at www.rolepoint.com.








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