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Page 1: Creating a culture that provokes failure and boosts improvement

A or B? Creating a Culture that Provokes Failure and Boosts Improvement Ben Dressler

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= not reaching the goal you set yourself

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“Anything we design, we’re going to test and iterate, Lean Startup-style. Just

because something looks good, doesn’t mean it’s actually working. This data-driven

approach gives us a more enhanced resolution on how the product is

behaving and succeeding compared to what a typical startup would do.”

Garrett Camp (StumbleUpon, Uber)

Successful companies, start-ups and corporations alike, are leveraging strategies that are powered by failure as a way of learning and adapting.!

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Progressive failure means failing inexpensively and rapidly, with clear learnings and fast recovery.!

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It’s not about risking catastrophic damage.!

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Ingredients for progressive failure

1.  The Thumb of Caesar

2.  A Flight Recorder

3.  A Big Blackboard

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Augmented reality

UK retailer - ex-catalogue business with 2 billion dollar turnover. Adopting a test-and-fail culture on its journey to become a world class digital retailer.!

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Cimagine – Israeli startup with a markerless augmented reality app for furniture.!

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„It‘s great“

„I would use this“

First verbal reactions from Shop Direct customers very encouraging – without exception impressed by the technology. But…!

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… users were not able to use basic functions of the app successfully.!

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By our earlier definition this is a failure.!

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The usual response to failing. We’re not going to do this.!

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1. The Thumb of Caesar

The first element of successful processes that are based on failure: Having a clear, measurable criterion that tells you whether or not you missed your goal. It is crucial to know THAT you failed if you want to take lessons from it.!

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Think evolution: No matter how or why – genes being passed on means success, genes not passed on means failure.!

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- Metrics in an A/B test

- Completion rates in user testing

- Any measurable goal (be tough on yourself!)

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Ron Kohavi (Bing experimentation team) “We measure 500 metrics. The shipping decision is based on three.”

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Ron Kohavi (Bing experimentation team) “We measure 500 metrics. The shipping decision is based on three.” = 0.6% of all data influences decision

Focus is key here. If this isn’t reflecting what you’re trying as a business overall, it will drive you into the wrong direction long term.!

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Back to the example

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Success criterion: 100% of users can use all basic features

Measurement 1: 0% of users could use all basic features

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Thumb of Caesar Know THAT you failed

-  Yes/No answer

-  Eliminate ideas/prototypes/hypotheses

-  Base tests on a rock solid criterion

-  Statistics may apply

-  You‘ll learn one thing, but that for sure

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2. A Flight Recorder

Knowing THAT you failed is the basics. But in order to improve you need more information. That is why you also need to know HOW you failed.!

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In the 1950s no one was interested in funding what would later become the flight recorder, or black box. In spring 2014 an estimated 60m€ are being spent on finding a single one of those devices.!

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Games do it well

Failing in a game usually leaves you with a trace of audiovisual feedback that gives you a good idea of all the events leading to the failure. !

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A multitude of sources

This stage is all about gathering lots of rich, varied data. It’s not about answering questions (yet), its about generating as many as possible! !

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Ron Kohavi (Bing experimentation team) “We measure 500 metrics. The shipping decision is based on three.”

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Ron Kohavi (Bing experimentation team) “We measure 500 metrics. The shipping decision is based on three.” = 99.4% of all data is used for investigating

It’s the antithesis of the Thumb of Caesar – we’re not concerned with measuring or testing. All we want is data of all kinds to investigate.!

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Back to the example

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User testing

Live on-demand data feed

Observation: Users aim higher than they should and drag in unexpected ways

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A Flight Recorder Know HOW you failed

-  It‘s about having loads of data

-  It‘s about generating ideas

-  Don‘t confuse with hard evidence

-  No need to monitor all the time

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3. A Big Blackboard

When we know THAT we fail and HOW we fail it is time we think about the WHY. Now we throw all the data we got at the blackboard and try to understand relations, build theories and come up with clean hypotheses.!

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- Why it looks good: Design theory

- Why users do XYZ: Psychology

- Why you‘ll have product-market fit: Market models

Theory: Collection of ideas and assumptions that try to explain causal relationships of a system (e.g. the user behaviour or growth development)!

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Back to the example

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1.  Older users are not familiar with 3D technology

2.  Users aim too high because they have a mental image of an overlay rather than a 3D environment

3.  Many users skip tutorials

The Big Black- board

Test hypothesis: Masking the lower half of the camera screen will nudge users to aim

lower with the device.

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This variation on the app tests nothing but the specific hypothesis we created. If completion rates don’t improve we need to form a new one.!

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A Big Blackboard

Know WHY you failed

-  Have a theory of the relevant system

-  Let different theories rival each other

-  Build yes/no hypotheses to predict effects

-  Modify theory after failure

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Constant data feeds

Test: Fail/Success

Theory and


Flight Recorder

Big Blackboard

Thumb of Caesar

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After a few iterations

Thumb of Caesar: 100% of users could use all basic features

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Now we not only have a better product that is fit for launch – we also have learnt fundamental things about how our user and the product behave. (see Garrett Camps

quote at the start)!

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The Spotify Redesign

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Big Black- board

1.  Design of Spotify lags behind

2.  Design is a factor in attracting users

3.  A good design results from... (insert design theory here)

1. Blackboard = theories. These were some of the theories the team at Spotify had when going into the redesign.!

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The old design (top left) plus 3 different versions were used to get an initial feel for user preferences.!

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Thumb Of Caesar

1.  Users will prefer one out of four

2.  The winning design will increase brand perception

3.  The new design will make users more satisfied with the product

4.  Any redesign will not hurt the commercial metric

2. Thumb of Caesar = testing yes/no hypotheses. These were some of the hypotheses at the time of going into testing stage. Importance of focus: Improving commercial metrics in the

short term wasn’t a focus at this point so the success criterion was only to not lower them!!

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1.  Users will prefer one design Thumb up

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2.  Brand perception and user satisfaction up Thumb up

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User activation No change User retention No change # of songs played No change


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Flight Recorder

1.  Raving press reviews

2.  Great ratings

3.  Positive user comments 3. Flight recorder = rich, diverse data collection. In this case the team gathered press reviews, app store ratings, user comments and all test data that wasn’t used for the primary

hypotheses. !

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Good things only become a culture if you keep doing them! Look at the data and keep asking questions. Challenge your ideas/products/business/colleagues models, establish success and fail criteria. And build razor sharp hypotheses – ”Our business idea will change the world” is too high level! !

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