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Page 1: Creating Graphs in Excel

In this video, you will learn to

• Gather data from surveymonkey.com

• Create a graph in Microsoft Excel• Paste your graph into Microsoft


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Page 2: Creating Graphs in Excel

I’ve created my survey and am still on the “Design Survey” tab.

Page 3: Creating Graphs in Excel

In order to allow people to take my survey, I click on the button “Collect Response.”

Then, I choose “Web Link” and copy the link that pops up. This is the link I will share with my peers on the discussion board.

Page 4: Creating Graphs in Excel

Once I’ve collected responses from my audience (my peers), I can look at the results by clicking on the “Analyze Results” tab.

Then, I get a really cool graph, but unfortunately, I can’t copy and paste it. So I’ll have to make my own.

Page 5: Creating Graphs in Excel

When I scroll down the page, I get the number of responses for each choice.

Even though I am offered a percentile, I am going to use the actual number of responses instead.

Page 6: Creating Graphs in Excel

Now, I open a new document in Excel and enter my data. Do NOT include blank cells in your data because it will mess up your graph when you make it. Just cram everything together like I have. It doesn’t have to look pretty.

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Highlight your data. Do not highlight any empty cells. Then, click on the “Charts” tab. Finally, choose the kind of graph you want to make.

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I have chosen a column chart, more specifically the “Clustered Column” chart.

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Now I have a nice little graph! But it needs improvements.

Warning: You have to click on your chart in order to modify it. If you click outside the chart, you will lose the option to modify it. Just click back on it again.

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First I want to get rid of the legend on the side since it is not conveying any useful information. So I just click on it and press either “Delete” or “Backspace” on my keyboard.

Page 11: Creating Graphs in Excel

I also want to modify my title since it has the word “Number” in it for some reason. I just click on the title and make changes.

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I also want to give more information about what my data means, so I want to add a title to the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. I click on the “Chart Layout” tab and then on the “Axis Titles” tab.

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Now I can give my graph a horizontal title…

…and a vertical title.

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This is what my graph looks like now. But I’m not quite finished.

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I want to place the value above each line of the bar chart, so I’m going to go back to the “Chart Layout” tab, click on “Data Labels,” and choose “Value” (not shown).

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Now I have a gorgeous chart to put in my paper!

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Adding my chart to my paper is very easy. I just click on the chart and then copy it.

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Then, I open a new Word document and paste it in.

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Underneath, be sure to give your graph a title.

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To make your graph easier to move around, click on the graph itself. Then, choose the “Format” tab that pops up, “Wrap Text,” and “Top and Bottom” (not shown).

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That’s the end of this tutorial. I hope you found it helpful.

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