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Page 1: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

Creating Travel Itinerary for Your Disney Vacation

Page 2: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

Creating a travel itinerary is important if you are goingon a vacation. For your family trip to Disney World, it isimperative that you create a comprehensive travel planthat will help ensure that you and the kids would havea stress-free and worry-free vacation.Here are some tips on how to create the perfect travelitinerary.

Page 3: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

Creating a travel itinerary is important if you are goingon a vacation. For your family trip to Disney World, it isimperative that you create a comprehensive travel planthat will help ensure that you and the kids would havea stress-free and worry-free vacation.Here are some tips on how to create the perfect travelitinerary.

Page 4: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

When planning your trip to Disney World, one of thefirst things to consider would be the rides andattractions.Selection would depend on the age and preference ofthe children. Choose rides that are appropriate notonly to the interests of your kids but more importantlyto their age.




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This is because Disney World staff is very strict. Theywill not bend the rules just to get your kid ride thatroller coaster he is not yet old enough for.




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Not only that, most rides also have restrictions so youhave to check on those as well so that your little oneswill not be disappointed if they are not allowed to ridethat attraction that they have fallen in line for thewhole day.




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Disney World is massive. There is no way you can seeand experience everything in two or three days. If youwant to, you should at least stay for more than a week.

Do Not Attempt To See


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To make the most out of your visit to this place, you would need to get a hold of the Disney World map prior to the trip and to plan the attractions to see and experience even before you step inside the home of Mickey Mouse.

Do Not Attempt To See


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You can also make use of the FastPass, which would allow you to save great deal of time falling in line for the rides.

Do Not Attempt To See


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List down all the attractions and rides that you and your kids would want to experience but be flexible if there are any changes that need to be done.For example, if you planned to spend the afternoon in Tomorrowland but then your kids suddenly wanted to see Toontown, let them do so if that will make them happy.

Be Flexible

Page 11: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

Arriving early is a must. Crowds usually arrive by noontime or late afternoon. By this time, the park would already be crowded so it would be great to arrive early so you can enjoy the theme park more fully. You don’t need to fall into long lines or squeeze into crowds.

Arrive Early

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Whether you are going to stay at the Disney Condosor at the Kissimmee Vacation Homes for this trip, it would be best that you plan well in advance to ensure that everything will go smoothly.

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It is not often that you get to take your children to atrip to this theme park so you would want everythingto go perfectly.To save time in planning, you can hire a travel agent oruse the services of a travel agency for your vacationneeds.

Page 14: Creating Travel Itinerary for your Disney Vacation

Kids would surely enjoy a trip to Disney World. You can stay at the Disney Condos, at an Orlando hotel or even at Kissimmee Vacation Homes. It does not matter where you stay, the important thing is that you all have a grand time and that you capture all the memorable times made during the trip.

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For more information about Kissimmee Vacation Homes and

Disney Condos, please check out


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