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Page 1: Creation And  Evolution  Session 2

Lord, our Lord, how Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name majestic is your name in all the earth!in all the earth!

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When I look at your heavens, When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingersthe work of your fingers

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the moon and the stars which you the moon and the stars which you have set in place…have set in place…

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What are human beings that you What are human beings that you are mindful of them…are mindful of them…

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mortals that you care for them?mortals that you care for them?

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You have given them dominion over You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet:put all things under their feet:

The beasts of the The beasts of the fieldfield

The fish of the The fish of the seasea

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Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!name in all the earth!

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CreationCreation and and EvolutionEvolution #2#2

Interpretations of Interpretations of Genesis 1 & 2Genesis 1 & 2

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Up to the Up to the 1600s1600s, most Christians believed , most Christians believed that the world was created a that the world was created a few thousand few thousand yearsyears ago. ago.

• Justin MartyrJustin Martyr (a.d. 155) (a.d. 155) IrenaeusIrenaeus (a.d. 189) (a.d. 189) dayday=1000 years. =1000 years.

• AugustineAugustine (a.d. 400): instantaneous creation (a.d. 400): instantaneous creation

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Then, discoveries in Then, discoveries in

• GeologyGeology

• BiologyBiology and and

• CosmologyCosmology

began to challenge that view.began to challenge that view.

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Geology in the 1600sGeology in the 1600s

In the 1600s most geologists agreed that the In the 1600s most geologists agreed that the earth was youngearth was young and that the and that the floodflood narrated narrated in Genesis was a in Genesis was a globalglobal one. one.

• River valleysRiver valleys larger than rivers were larger than rivers were caused by receding flood waterscaused by receding flood waters

• FossilsFossils of sea shells and fish found on of sea shells and fish found on high high mountains were there because the mountains were there because the flood flood lifted them to these higher levelslifted them to these higher levels

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Geology in the 1600sGeology in the 1600s

• Stratified rocksStratified rocks were caused by layers of were caused by layers of sediment laid down by the flood, while sediment laid down by the flood, while

rocks without strata were formed in the rocks without strata were formed in the original creation.original creation.

• Denser sedimentDenser sediment would be found in lower would be found in lower stratification layers stratification layers because they sank because they sank more quickly during the flood. more quickly during the flood.

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Geology in the 1700-1800sGeology in the 1700-1800s

New discoveries:New discoveries:• Dense materialsDense materials were found in all sedi- were found in all sedi-mentary layers.mentary layers.

• Very thick layersVery thick layers of sedimentary rock found of sedimentary rock found (some up to 40,000 feet thick). A single (some up to 40,000 feet thick). A single

year-long flood would not have eroded year-long flood would not have eroded enough material to deposit layers that thick.enough material to deposit layers that thick.

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Geology in the 1700-1800sGeology in the 1700-1800s

• A long history ofA long history of volcanic activityvolcanic activity in areas in areas not known for such activity (grasslands in not known for such activity (grasslands in France). Repeated eruptions, hardening, France). Repeated eruptions, hardening, water erosions, pointed to a longer water erosions, pointed to a longer

history than a few thousand years.history than a few thousand years.

• Conglomerate rocksConglomerate rocks indicate multiple floods/ indicate multiple floods/ wet periods.wet periods.

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Geology in the 1700-1800sGeology in the 1700-1800s

By By 18401840 “virtually all practicing geologists, “virtually all practicing geologists, including Christian geologists, believed that including Christian geologists, believed that the earth must be at least millions of years the earth must be at least millions of years old. Moreover, if a flood had occurred, it old. Moreover, if a flood had occurred, it must must have been local, not global.” have been local, not global.” ((OriginsOrigins, 89 , 89 cf. cf. “Centuries “Centuries of Geological Evidence for an Old Earth” on of Geological Evidence for an Old Earth” on website)website)

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A Dynamic and Expanding A Dynamic and Expanding UniverseUniverse

Astronomers Astronomers have found that the universe have found that the universe

• is incredibly huge…is incredibly huge…

Our sun is one of Our sun is one of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars stars

There are some 10 There are some 10 billion galaxies in the billion galaxies in the universe.universe.

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An active An active stellar stellar “nursery,“nursery,” NGC346 ” NGC346 in which in which new stars new stars are are forming forming within within clouds of clouds of gas and gas and dust.dust.

• has a long and dynamic history…has a long and dynamic history…

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• is old…is old…

According to radiometric dating, the oldest According to radiometric dating, the oldest Moon rocks are 4.6 billion years old.Moon rocks are 4.6 billion years old.

The universe must be as old as the time it The universe must be as old as the time it takes for light to travel from its farthest takes for light to travel from its farthest galaxies.galaxies.

All stars in a star cluster form in the same All stars in a star cluster form in the same nebula at about the same time but do not nebula at about the same time but do not have the same life span. Studies show have the same life span. Studies show oldest oldest star clusters to be about 12 billion star clusters to be about 12 billion years years old.old.

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……but not infinitely old.but not infinitely old.

Evidence of expansion:Evidence of expansion: The fabric of space The fabric of space is is expanding in all directions and the expanding in all directions and the galaxies galaxies are being pulled along with it. are being pulled along with it.

Tracing the expansion Tracing the expansion backwardsbackwards we arrive at we arrive at a a moment when the moment when the universe was a densely universe was a densely packed and extremely packed and extremely hot gas. This hot, dense hot gas. This hot, dense beginning, followed by beginning, followed by expansion, is what expansion, is what astronomers call the astronomers call the Big Big BangBang..

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A Dynamic and Expanding A Dynamic and Expanding UniverseUniverse

Heat radiationHeat radiation given off by the initial given off by the initial explosion explosion was predicted and has now been was predicted and has now been detected. detected. Astronomers calculate that all the matter Astronomers calculate that all the matter in in the universe must have been the universe must have been compressed compressed together some together some 13.7 bya13.7 bya

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GivenGiven geological, geological, cosmological cosmological andand biological biological evidence for a vast and old evidence for a vast and old universe, how should we universe, how should we interpretinterpret Genesis 1 & 2Genesis 1 & 2??

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

According to According to ConcordistConcordist interpretations of interpretations of Genesis 1, God created the earth Genesis 1, God created the earth in the in the sequence of eventssequence of events recorded in Genesis: first recorded in Genesis: first

light, then sky and ocean, then dry land and light, then sky and ocean, then dry land and plants, etc. plants, etc.

According to According to Non-concordistNon-concordist interpretations interpretations of Genesis 1, the sequence and timing of of Genesis 1, the sequence and timing of creation events convey important creation events convey important theologicaltheological truths but not literal truths but not literal scientificscientific truth.truth.

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

ConcordistConcordist Interpretations: Interpretations:

• Young Earth Interpretation:Young Earth Interpretation:

Creation occurred between 10,000 and 6,000 years ago, during six 24-hour days, in the order described. A scientific study of the earth should confirm this.

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Earth was created long ago (Gen 1:1), became “formless and empty” (Gen.1:2)

and was restored about 6,000 years ago during six 24-hour days. (Popularized by Scofield Bible)

ConcordistConcordist Interpretations, Interpretations, (con’t.)• Gap Interpretation:Gap Interpretation:

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

ConcordistConcordist Interpretations, Interpretations, (con’t.)

Creation occurred over billions of years. Each “day” of Genesis 1 corresponds to a long epoch. Events occurred in the order given in the text, but stretched out over a

longer time period.

• Day-Age Interpretation:Day-Age Interpretation:

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

ConcordistConcordist Interpretations Interpretations,, (con’t.)

Creation occurred about 6,000 years ago during six 24-hour days, but it was created to look like it had a long history of billions of years.

• Appearance of Age Interp:Appearance of Age Interp:

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Non-ConcordistNon-Concordist Interpretations: Interpretations:

The days of Genesis 1 are not days in which God created, but days of prophetic vision to

the original human author.

• Visionary Day Interpretation:Visionary Day Interpretation:

On day 1, God inspired the author to write On day 1, God inspired the author to write about the creation of light…, etc. When about the creation of light…, etc. When

God actually created light is another God actually created light is another matter.matter.

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Non-ConcordistNon-Concordist Interpretations Interpretations (con’t):

The days of Genesis 1 took place in God’s throne room, wherein God proclaimed to his court each step of creation. The throne-room days are not related to days

or time periods on earth.

• Proclamation Day Interpretation:Proclamation Day Interpretation:

God experiences time differently than we God experiences time differently than we do (“a thousand years is like a day”).do (“a thousand years is like a day”).

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Non-ConcordistNon-Concordist Interpretations Interpretations (con’t.):

The number and ordering of the “days” of Genesis 1 are chosen for poetic and

thematic reasons rather than historical reasons.

• Creation Poem Interpretation:Creation Poem Interpretation:

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Creation Poem Interpretation of Genesis 1Creation Poem Interpretation of Genesis 1 Initial ProblemInitial Problem Days Days of Formingof Forming Days of FillingDays of Filling Darkness Day 1: Separate Day 4: Sun,

light & darkness moon, stars

Watery Day 2: Separate the Day 5: Birds abyss waters into waters & fish

above and waters below

Formlessness Day 3: Separate the Day 6: Animals & empty earth dry land from ocean; and humans

create plants

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Non-ConcordistNon-Concordist Interpretations Interpretations (con’t.):

As the great King, God creates the “realms” of his kingdom on the first three days and populates them on the second three days; humans are given dominion as in a “land grant” covenant and are made God’s image-bearers as a sign of delegated divine authority.

• Kingdom-Covenant Interpretation:Kingdom-Covenant Interpretation:

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Interpretations of GenesisInterpretations of Genesis

Non-ConcordistNon-Concordist Interpretations Interpretations (con’t.):

Genesis 1 matches the physicalphysical picture of the world believed in Ancient Near East

religions, but presents a dramatically different theologicaltheological picture, proclaiming one God as creator of all rather than many gods.

• Ancient Near East Cosmology Interpretation:Ancient Near East Cosmology Interpretation:

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Ancient Near East CosmologyAncient Near East Cosmology

Flood Flood gatesgates

Flood gates


waters abovewaters above




waters belowwaters below



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Genesis 1 vs. Genesis 1 vs. Enuma ElishEnuma Elish

There is one God. There is a pantheon of gods.God created an The world was formed by ordered world by the battles among the gods. authority of his Word.

No part of the physical The sun and moon and world is divine. other physical objects are

gods that control the fate of humans.

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Genesis 1 vs. Genesis 1 vs. Enuma ElishEnuma Elish

God declared all parts Some physical structures of creation good. are related to good gods,

others to bad gods.

God created humans Humans are made as an in his image as the afterthought at the end of culmination of the the story from the flesh of story and declared a defeated god, to be very them good. God gave slaves to the gods. them responsibility to be stewards of creation.

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Biblical InterpretationBiblical Interpretation

Of the concordistconcordist interpretations, the Young Young Earth InterpEarth Interp. might come close to what

intended audience would have understood.

To best understand what the text means for us todayus today, we need to understand how the

original authororiginal author and the intended audienceintended audience understood the text.

Of the Of the non-concordistnon-concordist interpretations, interpretations, Ancient Ancient Near East CosmologyNear East Cosmology and the and the Creation PoemCreation Poem Interpretations would seem Interpretations would seem to do that. to do that.

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EvolutionEvolution —what do people mean by it?


Small changes in species, caused by the mechanisms of evolution, accumulate over a few decades or centuries, allowing species to adapt to an environment and sometimes to split into two or more species.

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EvolutionEvolution —what do people mean by it?

Pattern of change over time: Pattern of change over time:

Common ancestry:Common ancestry: All living and extinct species are linked in a “family tree”; modern species descended from earlier species and all species descended from a common ancestor.

The fossil record shows that species go through changes over long periods of time, with some species becoming extinct and new species appearing from time to time.

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EvolutionEvolution —what do people mean by it?

EvolutionismEvolutionism:Attempts to use the theory of evolution to support atheistic claims that there is no Creator and no purpose to human existence.

A scientific model that says the mechanisms of evolution, operating over the long history of life on earth, explain common ancestry and the pattern of change over time.

Theory of Evolution:Theory of Evolution:

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Christians and EvolutionChristians and EvolutionYoung Earth Creationists (creation science):Young Earth Creationists (creation science):

• reject evolutionism

• reject the theory of evolution• reject common ancestry

• reject that the fossil record shows a pattern of change over time

• say that the earth is young• accept microevolution

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Christians and EvolutionChristians and Evolution

Progressive Creationists:Progressive Creationists:

• reject evolutionism

• reject the theory of evolution as a complete model for biological history, saying that while some evolution did happen, God must have miraculously guided or intervened at various points

• are split about common ancestry

• accept that the fossil record shows a pattern of change over time

• say that the earth is old

• accept microevolution

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Christians and EvolutionChristians and Evolution

Evolutionary CreationistsEvolutionary Creationists

• reject evolutionism

• accept the theory of evolution as a scientific model

• accept common ancestry

• accept that the fossil record shows a pattern of change over time

• say that the earth is old

• accept microevolution

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CreationCreation and and EvolutionEvolution ##33

Evidences of Evidences of EvolutionEvolution

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Order of CreationOrder of Creation

Ambiguity in the sequence of created events?

Heavens, earth, waters (vv. 1-2) Light (v.3) Sky (vv. 6-8) Dry land (vv. 9-10) Dry land, rivers (vv. 5-6) Plants (vv. 11-12) Man (vv. 7) Sun, moon, stars (vv. 14-17) Plants (vv. 8-9)* Sea creatures & birds (20-21) Land animals, birds v19 Land animals (vv. 24-25) Woman (vv. 20-22) Human beings (vv. 26-27)

Genesis 1:1-2:3 Genesis 2:4-25

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Order of CreationOrder of Creation

Gen. 1:1-2:3 Gen. 2:4-25 Modern Science

Heavens, earth, water Matter, energy, space, time 13.7b LightLight Stars 13.5b

Sky Sun 4.6 b

Dry land Dry land, rivers Moon, earth, dry land

Seed-bearing plants Oceans 4-4.5b

Trees bearing fruit Man Single-celled life 3.8b

Sun, moon, stars Multi-celled life 1-2b

Sea creatures Plants Various sea creatures including early fish


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Order of CreationOrder of Creation

Gen. 1:1-2:3 Gen. 2:4-25 Modern Science

Non-seed bearing plants on dry land 450

Land animals Land animals 380m

Seed-bearing plants 370m

Insects 350m Dinosaurs 230m

Mammals 200m Birds Birds Birds 150m

Land animals Fruit-bearing plants 130m

Men & women Woman Men & women

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