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  • How to Get Paid


    of Times Per Day


    Breakthrough Money-Making Discovery

    Lets You Tap Into a Hidden Trillion-Dollar

    Industry - and Create a Lifetime Residual

    Income Giving Away a Valuable

    FREE SERVICE That Millions Need!

  • 2

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    By owning resell and giveaway rights, you may freely distribute this

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    profits, or use it as incentive to build your mailing list. The choice is


    The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any

    way without permission from the author.


    Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7

    Digital Sales Machine then be sure to read the last page for full details.

    YES! Our Agents Make Money 1,000s of Times Per Day!


    While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this manual, neither the Authors

    nor the Publisher assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people

    or organizations is unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of

    a qualified professional should be sought. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal or

    accounting advice. The sources, website URLs, and other contact information may change at any time

    without notice. Income amounts are mathematical projections only - and are not promises or

    guarantees of income. No one can predict how much (if any) money youll make from any opportunity

    or business. For Information Purposes Only.

  • 3

    Friday, 9:05am

    Dear Friend,

    Please lock the door, turn off your phone, and read every word of this report.


    Because Im about to reveal a simple, profitable, and 100% FREE way to tap

    into a little-known $40 TRILLION Dollar Industry - and create a LIFETIME Residual


    Oh yeah... and 95% of the actual work will be done by others.

    Unbelievable? Youve heard it all before?

    Well, before you write this off as another get rich quick deal, read this:

    I know youve probably seen every Make Money opportunity

    under the sun. Ive been helping people start their own home

    businesses for 25 years... and Ive seen just about

    EVERYTHING. The good, the bad, and the UGLY! But I keep my

    eyes and ears open... investigate 100s of new programs and

    opportunities every year... always looking for the real deal.

    LONG STORY SHORT: THIS is the Real Deal. So even if youve

    been burned before. Even if youre skeptical. Even if youve

    already told yourself enough is enough... make sure you read

    this entire letter, front to back. What Im about to reveal to

    you is a REAL BUSINESS... in a $40 TRILLION Dollar

    Industry... that can honestly make you a lifetime residual

    income, while others do 95% of the work for you.

    BUT - dont take my word for it. Just give me the next few

    minutes to prove it to you.

    Now, heres the secret behind how to get paid 1,000s of times per day...

  • 4

    FINALLY! A Real Opportunity to Make a

    Lifetime Residual Income from Home...

    While Others Do 95% of the Work For You!

    I know. It sounds almost too good to be true.

    But heres the truth:

    Right now, there are Tens of Millions of Businesses in the United

    States... who take credit and debit cards for payment.

    Im talking about restaurants... gift shops... department stores... hair salons... gas

    stations... dry cleaners... clothing stores... movie theaters... bars... coffee shops... bookstores...

    convenience stores... doctors... lawyers... dentists... and many, many more.

    Open up your yellow pages... or go online... and youll see

    that virtually EVERY BUSINESS accepts VISA, Mastercard,

    Discover, and American Express Credit & Debit Cards.

    AND --- statistics show that Over 600,000 NEW Businesses are started every

    month in the United States alone. Thats over HALF A MILLION new companies... who also

    take credit cards... EVERY MONTH!

    And Heres Another Fact:

    The major credit card companies are getting rich from the fees

    they charge ALL of these business owners.

    These credit card companies charge authorization fees, transaction fees, batch fees,

    chargeback fees, and monthly fees.

    And these companies are pocketing BILLIONS of dollars

    from charging fees to all of these merchants.

  • 5

    For example, VISA Inc. by itself processed $4.4

    TRILLION DOLLARS in transactions last year... for

    merchants who accept a VISA credit or debit card.

    Their GROSS REVENUE... from the FEES they charged last

    year... was $6.91 BILLION DOLLARS.

    Subtract the costs of their massive advertising campaigns... all of their sport

    sponsorship deals... all of the global headquarters... and their huge staff...

    VISA Inc. Still Managed to POCKET a

    Whopping $2.35 BILLION in NET INCOME!

    And thats just VISA. That doesnt count Mastercard, Discover, & American Express...

    which are also multi-billion dollar credit and debit card processing companies.

    Thanks to the MONTHLY FEES they charge businesses.

    And there are TWO THINGS that will probably remain true for years to come:

    #1: People will continue to use credit and debit cards,

    #2: Credit Card Processing Companies will make more & more money.

    As long as people continue to use credit cards... whether in person, by

    phone, or on the Internet... these credit card companies will continue to

    generate billions of dollars in profits.

    Now Let Me Ask You This:

    What if there was an honest, ethical, and 100% legal way for

    you to get paid a portion of the billions in credit card processing

    fees... that would be paid to you, every month, for years to come?

  • 6

    Let me explain...

    A Breakthrough Merchant Account

    Company Opens Up an Exciting New Way

    to Make a Long-Term Residual Income...

    A breakthrough merchant account company has launched a patent-

    pending service into the trillion dollar credit card processing industry.

    This company offers businesses a credit and debit

    card processing Merchant Account MATCHES their

    current credit card processing rates

    THEN, this company pays them CASH BACK on the

    fees theyre already paying now to VISA, Mastercard,

    Discover, and American Express.

    Make sure you get this:

    Youre now able to MATCH any business owners CURRENT

    Credit & Debit Card Processing Rates and then offer them CASH

    BACK on fees they normally LOSE each month.

    PLUS: This service has a Lowest Rate Guarantee so if any

    competitor tries to offer them a LOWER RATE, our processor (who

    Ill tell you about in a moment) will MATCH that lower rate and

    CONTINUE to give the merchant CASH BACK on their current fees.

    And theres no additional cost for this service.

  • 7

    IMAGINE: When your business owner clients hire you, you can show

    them how to get CASH BACK on every credit and debit card transactions they

    run, every day, for years to come.

    This is huge... because some companies spend thousands... thousands... even tens of

    thousands of dollars per year on credit card (merchant account) fees. Even a small savings

    can add up to big money on their bottom line.

    The company offering this service gives business owners a painless,

    hassle-free move from their old merchant account... to a new merchant

    account that will pay them a portion of the profits from the fees theyre

    currently paying. These are the same fees that the credit card companies

    would normally pocket.

    Thats right! Now, businesses can GET BACK part of the PROFITS that

    would normally go to the major credit card companies!

    AND... they still get to keep their same credit card processing software

    and equipment... they get world-class 24-HOUR PER DAY, 7-DAYS A WEEK

    customer service... and there are no upfront fees of any kind.

    So how much do business owners GET BACK each month?

    Business Owners Get Back 25%

    of the Profits That Would Normally

    Go to the Credit Card Companies

    Once a business owner chooses to switch to our credit card processing

    company, they get 25% of the profits generated from THEIR ACCOUNT

    direct deposited BACK into their bank account each month.

    And this 25% is paid to each business, every month for as long as they keep their

    merchant account with this new company.

  • 8

    Now... out of the MILLIONS of businesses... and the hundreds of

    thousands of new businesses started every month... do you think that many

    (if not most) of them would want to SAVE MONEY on their credit card

    processing fees?

    Wouldnt these businesses rather keep more of the money theyre

    making... than fork it over to the credit card company fat cats who just dip

    their fingers into their pockets, running off with a percentage of every sale???

    And would YOU look like a hero - every time they see another

    CASH BACK payment deposited into their checking account?


    Business Owners Will Love You for

    Helping Them Save Money Every Month

    on Their Credit Card Processing Fees

    Now, you can get paid Passive Profits by simply sharing this Cash

    Back credit card processing service with local business owners.

    Whether you offer this service to merchants as a value-added service to

    your Internet marketing services

    Or as a stand-alone offer

    You can create a passive monthly income, like myself and

    many others are doing, helping business owners save money on

    their credit and debit card processing fees.

    Now that you know what the offer is to business owners, lets talk about

    the 3 main ways you can make profits through this program

  • 9


    Get Paid to Refer Business Owners

    to This Breakthrough New Service

    The FIRST WAY to profit is by offering this 25% Cash Back deal to

    business owners... either locally, nationally, or (coming soon!) worldwide.

    All you do is point the business owner to the website youll get... where they can

    get ALL OF THE DETAILS about the 25% Cash Back offer... and they can request more

    information right online in just moments.

    OR grab their contact information and approval to have a rep

    call them and YOU can enter their details in your personal

    Agent Back-Office, making this hands-free and hassle-free for

    your merchant.

    THEN --- The companys professionally-trained staff will call the business owner

    and set them up with the new merchant account. Then... immediately... the business owner

    will start getting 25% of the profits generated from their credit card processing fees

    deposited into their bank account... EVERY MONTH... for as long as they keep this

    merchant account.

    MOST of the actual work is done for you.

    All you do is point business owners to your website and the website and the

    companys staff do the rest of the work for you. Or, if you get permission from the business

    owner, you can even enter their contact information in your back office.

    Each business owner is assigned their own personal representative to answer

    their questions... help them quickly re-program their equipment with their new merchant

    number... and get them set up right away.

    And Heres the BIG THING to Remember About ALL of This:

  • 10

    Everything Youre Offering to the

    Merchant Comes with NO EXTRA FEES!

    Theres NOTHING for them to buy. (We have a FREE EQUIPMENT Program)

    NOTHING extra for them to pay for... ever!

    This is Bonus Money... Back in their Pockets... just for saying YES!

    Best of all... the company and your website do ALL of the explaining!

    The companys experienced sales reps do all of the work for you. They explain the

    service, explain the savings, help the merchant with any paperwork, and easily transition

    them to the new service. After all, the company doesnt make money unless YOU are

    making money, so theyre highly motivated to help you succeed!


    NOW: Heres How YOU Make Money...

    When a business owner you refer to this service becomes

    activated youre paid a $50 one-time Acquisition Bonus.

    (Activated is defined as an account that has processed a total of $300 in total transactions.)

    Youll get paid $50 for EVERY business you refer to this

    service who becomes activated. The more businesses you refer,

    the more $50 acquisition bonuses youll get.

    Refer 1 business a week that activates and youll make $200 a month.

    Refer 2 businesses a week and youll make $400 a month.

    Refer 4 business a week and youll make $800 a month.

  • 11

    The more you refer, the bigger your Acquisition Bonus

    checks will be.

    Now, while the $50 Acquisition Bonuses are nice, theyre

    mainly meant to help reimburse you for any marketing costs you

    might incur to share this service with business owners. The $50

    bonus helps covers costs of business cards, gas, and other items.

    The real money the long-term Passive Profits are in

    the residuals youll get paid each month on every business you

    refer to this new service.

    Remember that the business owner gets 25% of the profits

    generated by their merchant account?

    As an Agent for the credit card processing company, you also

    get paid a percentage of the commissions generated from the

    merchants daily credit and debit card processing fees.

    Yes, youll get paid EVERY MONTH month after month, for

    years to come from every business owner who continues to use

    this service to process credit and debits cards in their business.

    So by now you might wondering:

    How Much Can I Make???

    As the referring Agent, YOU will get an Override

    Commission of UP TO 17.5% of the monthly profits generated

    by their merchant account, too!

  • 12

    Yes! YOU Will Be Paid up to 17.5% of the

    Profits on ALL Credit Card Fees from

    EVERY Business You Refer, Every Month

    Thats right. YOU will get part of their monthly fees... for every merchant you refer...

    EVERY SINGLE MONTH... for as long as that business keeps their merchant account.

    For example...

    If the business owner pays $100 a month in credit card processing fees...


    If the business owner pays $500 a month in credit card processing fees...


    If the business owner pays $1,000 a month in credit card processing

    fees... YOU GET A CHECK FOR $175.00 PER MONTH.

    I think you get the point.

    Best of all, THIS MONEY KEEPS FLOWING IN... Month after

    Month... for potentially many years... even DECADES!

    For example, if a business owner keeps this new merchant account for

    5... 10... even 20 years or more... YOU WILL GET PAID, EVERY MONTH, for

    5... 10... even 20 YEARS OR MORE!

    Every month... for EVERY credit and debit card

    transaction... YOU WILL GET YOUR UP TO 17.5% OF THE


    And Remember... This is on EVERY BUSINESS YOU REFER!

  • 13

    And you can refer any type of business... any SIZE of business... and get paid

    these passive profits, month after month.

    Get Paid a Monthly Residual Income by

    Referring All Types of Businesses!

    You can refer ANY business that accepts credit & debit cards, including...


    Grocery Stores

    Movie Theaters

    Wedding Planners



    Discount Stores


    Auto Mechanics

    Theme Parks

    Internet Marketers

    Golf Courses

    Home Inspectors

    Clothing Stores

    Bridal Stores/Boutiques

    Toy Stores



    Dry Cleaners

    Gas Stations

    Hair Salons/Barbershops

    Coffee Shops



    Alarm/Security Companies

    Furniture Stores

    Car Rental Agencies


    Gyms/Personal Trainers



    Jewelry Stores

    Shoe Stores

    Party Planners

    Massage Therapists/Spas

    ...and so many, many more!



    Every time any of these companies swipe a credit or debit

    card for payment, Monday through Friday, you can make a piece of

    the fees theyre being charge.

    Personally, Im getting paid every month from donut shops, attorney offices,

    an eye surgeon, shipping stores, restaurants, doctors offices, and many, many more.

  • 14

    Now, you probably noticed that I said up to 17.5%.

    Heres the Deal:

    When you sign up as a new Agent, you start out at Pay Grade 1 and

    you make 5% on the first 5 leads you submit to the company that start using

    this new service.

    When youve submitted just 5 merchant leads, youre now upgraded to

    Pay Grade 2 and youll be paid an additional 7.5% on the fees of any of the

    next 15 leads that become active merchants. Thats your Pay Grade 1 commission of 5% PLUS your Pay Grade 2 commission of 7.5%.

    SO for merchant you refer when youre at Pay Grade 2, you get

    12.5% of their fees.

    Finally, once youve submitted 20 total leads (5 at Pay Grade 1, 15 more

    at Pay Grade 2), youll be upgraded to the highest level, Pay Grade 3 and

    youll be paid an ADDITIONAL 5% to your Pay Grade 1 and Pay Grade 2 Fees.

    Add up the 5% from Pay Grade 1, the 7.5% from Pay Grade 2, and the

    5% from Pay Grade 3, and youll get a total of 17.5% on the fees of any

    company you refer once you hit Pay Grade 3.

    Whether you sign up 10 100 or 1,000 at Pay Grade 3, youll get

    17.5% of the commissions generated by their credit and debit card


    Heres a quick chart to show you your earnings at each Pay Grade.

    Pay Grade 1 5%

    Pay Grade 2 5% + 7.5% = 12.5%

    Pay Grade 3 5% + 7.5% + 5% = 17.5%

    And these fees are paid to you, month after month, for years to come.

  • 15

    Whenever ANY of these merchants swipe a credit or debit card

    in their business whether its selling donuts, machinery, or home

    inspection services youll get paid a piece of the fees.

    Refer merchants once and you can get paid

    Passive Profits for years and years to come!

    Heres the Main Thing to Remember:

    All you do is refer business owners to the website youll get when you

    become an Agent. Thats it. The website and corporate headquarters will

    show your invited business owner how they can SAVE MONEY by getting

    back 25% of the profits generated from their merchant account when they

    switch to our processing company. And when they sign up... your residual

    profits immediately start flowing to you. And they continue flowing into

    your pockets, month after month, for many years to come.

    Business Owners Will Want to Make

    the Switch for 5 Main Reasons

    FIRST... Business owners will finally get PAID BACK on the fees theyre already

    paying. Every month... for years... theyll get a direct deposit for 25% of the profits

    generated from their credit card processing. This SAVES THEM MONEY... which all

    business owners want to do.

    SECOND... This service comes with a LOWEST RATE GUARANTEE. If a competitor

    offers the business owner a lower rate our provider will MATCH the lower rate

    and continue to pay the business owner 25% CASH BACK. This assures merchants

    that theyre always getting the best deal. A deal no one else can beat.

    THIRD... Business owners will feel secure in processing their credit cards with one

    of the TOP U.S. processors, personally handling over $12 BILLION Dollars in

    transactions per year for over 125,000 merchant clients. Theyve won numerous

    industry awards - and continue to be recognized for their service and security to

    merchants worldwide.

  • 16

    FOURTH... Business owners get world-class customer service and technical support,

    24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our credit card processor hires

    hundreds of smart, friendly agents who are industry veterans - all of whom are

    cross-trained to offer both customer AND technical support.

    FIFTH... Business owners get a wide variety of valuable benefits, including free

    processing equipment, contract cancelation fee reimbursement (up to $295), gift

    card and loyalty card processing, mobile processing equipment, even ATM


    Business owners will LOVE you for introducing them to this service.

    And youll get paid for making the introduction.

    All you do is share this service with local business owners and

    When They Switch, YOU GET PAID!

    But this is only the FIRST WAY you profit. What Im about to show you... Profit

    Stream #2... can grow your income faster and easier... with virtually no work.


    Build Your Own Agent Team - and Get

    Paid More Passive Profits on Your Teams

    Business Referrals... For Years to Come!

    Ready to see how you can really take your Passive Profits

    to the next level? Here we go

    As an Agent for this credit card company, you can also

    invite other people to join this opportunity... and they can make

    money by referring businesses themselves.

  • 17

    There is NO COST to become an Agent of this merchant account

    company... so its basically a risk-free home business that A LOT of people

    would love to join.

    Imagine: You can invite anyone who wants to Make

    Money from Home to join you as an Agent. Within seconds, they

    can have their own marketing website and be sharing this Cash

    Back service with merchants in their own areas.

    Then, just like you, those people you invite to this

    opportunity... YOUR AGENTS... will pocket the passive profits

    generated from the businesses they refer to our credit card

    processing company.

    Yes, theyll EACH have their own home business where

    they can contact local business owners and share this patent-

    pending cash back service.

    And, when they do, THEY get paid the monthly commissions.

    Now, you might be thinking... Why would I share this with

    others? I want to keep the passive profits for myself!

    Well, heres how you can multiply your income... many times

    over... with NO EXTRA WORK ON YOUR PART!

    You see... when YOUR AGENTS refer businesses to this service... and the credit

    card processing company switches them to the new merchant account... your agents

    WILL make a portion of the profits generated from the fees of those businesses.


  • 18

    YOU Will Also Be Paid an OVERRIDE

    on All of the Businesses Brought in By

    Your Personally Referred Agents!

    MAKE --- SURE --- YOU --- UNDERSTAND --- THIS!

    YOU (Yes, Y-O-U) Get Paid on the Business Referrals of Agents

    that YOU Share This Opportunity With.

    How many people are selling Internet marketing services to

    business owners right now?

    Doing online marketing to get leads making cold calls sending out

    direct mail and on and on and on.

    Now imagine that YOU recruit just a few of these people to

    share this No Additional Cost Cash-Back Service to the

    merchants THEY do business with.

    Now, not only have you given these consultants an extra source of

    income, youve opened up more passive income streams for yourself.

    THEY Refer the Business Owners to the Service


    YOU Get Paid Passive Income on Their Efforts

    Let me explain:

  • 19

    Your first override is a $50 LEADERSHIP BONUS on

    every activated Business your personally-referred Agents sign

    up to this service.

    When you reach Pay Grade 3 (by submitting just 20 merchant leads),

    youll get a $50 Leadership Bonus on EVERY Business your Agents refer.

    That means when YOUR Agents get a $50 Acquisition Bonus, YOU

    are getting paid a $50 Leadership Bonus at exactly the same time.

    So lets look at how this can add up:

    Lets say, for example, you have 10 Agents and they each refer a

    minimum of 2 activated merchants per month. ONLY 2 PER MONTH.

    10 Agents referring 2 activated merchants per month would make you a

    hands-free $1,000 per month in Leadership Bonus checks.

    25 Agents who each refer 2 activated merchants per month would make

    you an extra $2,500 per month in Leadership Bonuses.

    And 50 Agents who each refer 2 activated merchants per month would

    make you an extra $5,000 a month in Leadership Bonuses.

    The more Agents you have and the more merchants they refer

    the more money youll make in Leadership Bonus cash.


    There is NO LIMIT to the number of Agents you can invite to this

    opportunity. Invite as many as you want... and youll get a $50 Leadership

    Bonus anytime any of their referrals become an activated merchant.

  • 20

    But the $50 Leadership Bonus is only the first part of your

    overrides. As you move up through the Pay Grades, you can also

    Get Paid a Passive Income on the Monthly

    Fees Paid by the Merchants Your Agents

    Refer to This Cash-Back Service

    Heres the biggie and its where your passive income

    really takes off.

    Whenever you sign up a new Agent, you pocket the monthly

    commissions between the Pay Grade your Agent is and the Pay Grade youve


    For example, the company always pays out 17.5% in commissions

    to Agents on the monthly credit and debit card processing fees of every

    business using the service.

    That 17.5% can all go to one Agent or be split up between different

    Agents at different pay grades.

    For example, if youre at Pay Grade 3 and you bring in a new Agent,

    they start out at Pay Grade 1. When they refer a merchant coded to them as

    Pay Grade 1, theyll make 5% monthly and youll make the difference

    between 17.5% and 5%.

    That means youll make 12.5% on merchants brought in by your

    Agents who are at Pay Grade 1.

    They refer the merchant, but you make more than DOUBLE what they

    make. Pretty sweet deal when you reach Pay Grade 3.

  • 21

    When that Agent moves to Pay Grade 2, they get 12.5% on the

    merchants they bring in. You now get the difference between 17.5% and


    That means youll make 5% on merchants brought in by Agents

    who are Pay Grade 2.

    But what happens when an Agent reaches Pay Grade 3? Thats where

    the Performance Bonus kicks in.

    Youll Also Get Paid a 10% Performance

    Bonus on the Monthly Profits of All of

    Your Personally Referred Agents

    To make sure youre never locked out of overrides from the Agents

    you refer, the company will pay you a 10% Performance Bonus on the

    passive income made by your personally referred Agents.

    Yes... Youll get a 10% Performance Bonus on the Monthly

    Earnings of ALL of Your Personally-Enrolled Agents!

    If you have 25 Agents making only $300 per month, your 10%

    Performance Bonus would be $750 in extra cash each month.

    If you have 50 Agents making $300 per month, your Performance

    Bonus would be $1,500 per month in bonus cash.

    If you have 75 Agents making $300 per month, your Performance

    Bonus would be $2,250 per month in extra income.

    If you have 100 Agents making an average of $300 per month, your

    bonus would be $3,000 PER MONTH!

  • 22

    Of course, the MORE AGENTS you have... and the MORE MONEY

    theyre making... the BIGGER your 10% Performance Bonus will be!

    The MORE Agents You Invite to Join

    This Breakthrough Opportunity... The

    BIGGER Your Monthly Check Can Grow!

    Please Get This...

    You can invite anyone to become an Agent of this credit card

    processing company. Each person who joins gets their own referral website...

    and complete instructions on how to refer businesses, quickly and easily.

    THEN - Your Agent Team Goes to Work!

    They refer businesses... working to build a BIGGER and BIGGER monthly

    paycheck for themselves.

    The MORE businesses they refer, the BIGGER their paycheck.

    YOUR Agents are NOT LIMITED to the number of businesses they can refer.

    They can refer 1 or 1,000 or more... and YOU get paid bonuses, monthly income, and

    performance bonuses... ON THE BUSINESSES THEY REFER.

    Thats hands-free money... that you get paid, month after

    month, just for inviting others to this FREE Agent Program!

    Imagine: You can have 100s... even 1,000s of Agents... all referring

    businesses in their spare time... while the credit card processing company

    closes the deals... and YOU GET PAID bigger and bigger monthly residual

    income checks.

  • 23


    FREE AGENTS and Make Money, Working for Themselves!

    If that isnt exciting enough... youre going to LOVE what Im about to show you.

    Because, in Profit Stream #3, you can actually create a massive income with this



    UNLIMITED DEPTH Compensation Plan

    Pays You MORE MONEY on The Referrals

    of Your ENTIRE Organization!

    This is B-I-G...

    Heres How It Works:

    Every merchants account pays out 17.5% of the commissions on their credit and debit card processing fees.

    However, this 17.5% can be split up many different ways, down

    many different levels.

    For example, when youre at Pay Grade 1, you make 5% on the

    merchants you refer to this special service.

    The remaining 12.5% goes UP to the person who referred you and/or

    the person who referred them.

    As you move UP in Pay Grade, you also increase the amount of

    money you make from your Agents AND how far down you can get paid.

  • 24

    At Pay Grade 2 and Pay Grade 3, you can start getting paid down to

    virtually unlimited depth in the companys compensation plan.

    While this is a bit tricky to explain in words, you can see how it

    works in this screenshot from my own Agent back office where Im

    getting paid down 26 LEVELS of Agents.

    In this screenshot, youll see my Agent ID Number 31 in the Pay Grade 3

    column to Agents down as deep as my 26th level.

  • 25

    While others are earning the Pay Grade 1 and Pay Grade 2 commissions

    from these Agents, Im coded to them as Pay Grade 3. So whenever ANY of

    these Agents refer a business, Ill be paid the Pay Grade 3 monthly


    Now, in this part of my organization, other Agents are getting the profits

    from Pay Grade 1 and Pay Grade 2. But at Pay Grade 3, I get the difference

    between what theyre making and 17.5%.

    So minus the 5% paid to Pay Grade 1 Agents and subtract the 7.5%

    additional paid to Pay Grade 2 Agents and I get paid a nice 5% passive

    monthly income on all of the merchants referred by EVERYONE in this list

    Im coded Pay Grade 3 to.

    In this example, its 26 levels deep.

    But it could be 260 levels deep.

    Or 2,600 levels deep.

    Right now, Ive personally enrolled 680 Agents and my

    entire Organization has over 8,100 Agents in it.

    In fact, Ive actually semi-retired from referring merchants

    because my Agent team is so large, theyre growing my monthly

    passive income faster than I could.

    But heres the cool part:

    Every month, my income increases by 30% - automatically.

    Now that youve seen HOW MUCH MONEY you can potentially

    make, you might be asking yourself: What Do I Have to Do to Make All of

    This Money?

  • 26

    Heres the Answer:

    You Only Do 3 Simple Steps to

    Start Making Residual Income...

    Step #1: Become an Agent

    Step #2: Share the Service with Merchants

    Step #3: Share This Opportunity with As Many People as Possible

    Thats it!

    My very first merchant lead said YES! in less than 24 hours after

    telling him about this free service and sending him to the website!

    PLUS: Ive personally signed up 680 Agents... who are now signing up

    their own Merchants & enrolling new Agents!

    Today... I have over an organization of over 8,100 Agents that reaches DOZENS

    OF LEVELS DEEP! HOW Did I Do It???

    Its NOT Rocket Science!

    All youre doing is offering a valuable Cash Back Service to business

    owners... and an incredibly profitable free opportunity to someone looking to

    make extra money. And doing so makes you a long-term residual income!

    Believe me... Im an entrepreneur who has researched hundreds of

    solid businesses and Ive yet to see something that delivers so much

    real value AND gives you the opportunity to create a long-term

    PASSIVE INCOME on your efforts and the efforts of others.

  • 27

    If You Want to Create a True Long-Term

    Residual Income, Your Wait is Over

    THIS is the REAL DEAL that can make you a true,

    hands-free residual income.

    BUT: Id venture to guess that MOST local business owners have never

    heard of this offer or this company.

    Youre getting in at the beginning with a unique service that is a game-

    changer in the multi-trillion dollar credit card processing industry.

    Keep reading and Ill show you how you can become an Agent

    instantly, start sharing this service with business owners, and get

    paid. Month after month.

    For the life of EVERY merchant account you refer... and your

    Agents refer!

    If youve been looking for something to promote that is unique and gives you a

    competitive advantage over your competitors...

    If youve been looking for something that involves NO SELLING...

    If youve been looking for something you can do in your spare time...

    If youve been looking for something that involves very little time or work...

    And if youve been looking for something that has the real potential to make

    you a solid part-time... even full-time income... Even a RETIREMENT INCOME...

    Then you owe it to yourself to join now and get started today!

  • 28

    Join Now and the Company Will Help You

    Create Long-Term Residual Income!

    Have you heard this quote from Motivational Speaker, Zig Ziglar?

    You can get everything in life you want... if youll just

    help enough other people get what they want.

    I love this quote, because thats how this opportunity really works.

    The MORE MONEY YOU make, the MORE MONEY the

    company makes. Its a perfect win/win situation!

    After all, if youre not making money... the company isnt

    making money. And with their office, staff, and other costs, theyre

    very motivated to make sure that YOU are making money.

    Thats why the company provides:

    Your own professionally-designed Marketing Website

    Full tracking of all of your Agents and businesses you refer to the free


    A growing library of marketing tools and training videos, PLUS live

    training webinars to get you started right!

    And, in the future, opportunities to attend LIVE meetings and

    events... designed to help you grow your residual income.

    REMEMBER: If youre not making money, the

    company doesnt make money either!

  • 29

    The Company REALLY Wants to Help

    You Make This Work in a BIG Way...

    They do all of the heavy lifting so you dont have to. Theyll show your Agents,

    step-by-step, to make sure theyre successful and youre getting paid regular overrides..

    PLUS: The credit card processing company has OVER 500 EMPLOYEES to help them

    and make sure your referred Merchant feels confident in making the switch to this new,

    money-saving, money-making Merchant Account.

    AND: When THEY close the deal, YOU GET PAID!

    And, as the company grows... and Grows... and GROWS Internationally...

    and into other merchant and credit card related services, youll have the

    opportunity to make more... and More... and MORE MONEY!

    Of course, the KEY is to GET IN NOW... while this

    breakthrough company is BRAND NEW!

    After all, the FASTER you sign up BUSINESS OWNERS...

    And the FASTER you start signing up AGENTS...

    THE FASTER youll make money...

    And the BIGGER your potential income can become!

    Oh yeah...

    And if you wondered what the COST of this

    revolutionary new money-making opportunity is, youre

    going to LOVE THIS...

  • 30

    You Can Become an Agent

    Right Now... ABSOLUTELY FREE!

    Its True!

    Theres ZERO COST to become an Agent of this amazing opportunity.

    You see, the company ONLY makes money when you succeed!

    And, as Ive said before, theyre VERY MOTIVATED to make sure you succeed.

    So YOU can join today... right now... absolutely FREE - and

    start building your residual income immediately.

    Theres no cost now... and no cost later!

    All you need to do is click this link to be taken to the site where you can create

    your FREE Agent Account... and join this opportunity immediately.

    Click This Link to Create Your FREE Agent Account

    Youll need to click the button that says Become a Referral Agent

    Fill out the registration information... click the Submit Registration button...

    and youre good to go!

    Then make sure to watch your email for your Agent Verification information

    You now have A FREE Home-Business...

    PLUS all of the training and marketing tools you need to refer

    merchants AND create an Agent Organization that can make you a growing,

    hands-free residual income! Make sure to join now by clicking here.

    Oh yeah... and theres ONE MORE THING:

  • 31

    Re-Brand This FREE REPORT and Use It As

    Your Own FREE Viral Marketing Tool!

    Yes, you can re-brand this report with your own Agent Link...

    and give it away to others to explain the opportunity and sign

    people up into YOUR AGENT ORGANIZATION!

    In less than 1 minute, you can re-brand this report... and immediately be forwarding

    copies to friends, family members, or your own email list... letting them know about this

    revolutionary new home business... that can make them a lifetime residual income.

    REMEMBER: Its FREE... so anyone and EVERYONE can sign up,

    without risk or obligation. (My own Agent organization grew to 424 people in

    my FIRST 30 DAYS - and today its at 680 and still growing! Imagine what YOU

    can do!)


    EVERYONE you send this report to can sign up as a FREE AGENT and

    ALSO re-brand this report with THEIR OWN Agent Link.

    YES... Your personally-enrolled Agents can re-brand and give away an

    UNLIMITED NUMBER of copies of this FREE REPORT.

    When they do, these NEW AGENTS

    are added to YOUR Agent Organization!

    The MORE PEOPLE who give it away, the BIGGER your

    Agent Organization can grow!

    Soon... you can potentially have 100s... even 1,000s of people in YOUR Agent

    Organization. And as they each refer their merchants, YOUR INCOME begins to grow...

    and Grow... and GROW! (Youll love watching your monthly checks increase!)

  • 32

    Of course, no one... myself included... can predict what type of income youll make

    from this opportunity. And every dollar figure in this report is merely a mathematical

    example and not a promise or guarantee of income. In fact, these dollar figures are for

    illustration purposes only.

    However, if youve read this far, you know the potential for

    this patent-pending opportunity is monumental.

    And were still at the very beginning. The company still has less than

    20,000 Agents. Their plan? Over 300,000 in the next 3 years!


    Re-Brand this report using the instructions on the last page... and then give this

    report to your list. Or offer it as a free bonus with a product youre selling. Include a link to

    it on your website or blog... or on your products Thank You Pages.

    The MORE COPIES of this viral report you can give away, the MORE

    AGENTS youll get. And that can translate, long-term, into bigger and bigger

    residual commission checks.

    This revolutionary opportunity is at the ground floor, but it wont be for long. Join

    now - and profit from the upcoming wave of momentum as this takes off.

    After all, theres no risk to you.

    Its 100% FREE TO JOIN... and has the potential to make

    you a solid part-time... even full-time income... working from


    Click Here to Join as a Free Agent Now...

    Then make sure to re-brand this viral report immediately and

    share it with as many people as possible. This can be the first step in an

    exciting, new, and long-term money-making adventure for you!

  • 33

    How To Make This Report Your 24/7

    Digital Sales Machine!

    I hope you enjoyed this free report and took a moment to check out this exciting

    opportunity. Remember, its 100% FREE to become an Agent and start making money.

    Before you rush off to share this report with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers, let

    me ask you a question...

    Would you like to get paid a lifetime residual commission of up to 17.5% on dozen,

    hundreds, even 1,000s of merchants credit & debit card processing fees?

    If so, then all you have to do is re-brand this special report with your new Agent ID before

    sharing it with others. That's it. You can then post it to your blog, share it on Facebook and

    Twitter, or even use it to build your list. Its now yours to use... FREE!

    And here's the best part...

    Your readers will also want to join the exciting new program as an Agent, because its 100%

    FREE to join - and they can create a lifetime residual income by simply sharing the

    opportunity (using this report) with others. Whenever they join through your link (branded into

    this report), YOU will get paid a monthly residual check on all of THEIR work and efforts, for LIFE!

    Yes, you can get paid down UNLIMITED DEPTH - on the efforts of 1,000s of free Agents who get

    introduced to this opportunity through you - AND all of your Agents, too!

    Get excited! Because you're about to unleash your own digital sales machine that cranks

    out lifetime residual commissions for you 24/7 ( even while you sleep! )

    Here's what to do next...

    Step 1: Right now, Click this link to Register for Your FREE Agent Account...

    Step 2: After you become a FREE Agent, youll get your own unique Agent ID. Now

    its time to re-brand this report. Click this link to re-brand this report with YOUR

    Agent ID! (You can instantly download it... or well even host your NEW re-branded

    PDF for you!)

    Step 3: Start sharing your new branded report with others and GET PAID!

    As your Agent organization grows, you can soon see a growing monthly residual income.

    Dont let someone else take your spot. Join this FREE opportunity right now.

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