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  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    Republic Act No. 9346 June 24, 2006


    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

    SECTION 1. The imposition of the penalty of eath is he!e"y p!ohi"ite. #$$o!in%ly, &epu"li$ #$t No.Ei%ht Thousan One 'un!e Se(enty)Se(en *&.#. No. +1-, othe!ise /non as the #$t esi%natin%eath "y ethal Ine$tion is he!e"y !epeale. &epu"li$ #$t No. Se(en Thousan Si3 'un!e ifty)Nine*&.#. No. 65-, othe!ise /non as the eath 7enalty a, an all othe! las, e3e$uti(e o!e!s ane$!ees, insofa! as they impose the eath penalty a!e he!e"y !epeale o! amene a$$o!in%ly.

    SEC. 2. In lieu of the eath penalty, the folloin% shall "e impose.

    *a- the penalty of reclusion perpetua, hen the la (iolate ma/es use of the nomen$latu!e ofthe penalties of the &e(ise 7enal Coe8 o!

    *"- the penalty of life imp!isonment, hen the la (iolate oes not ma/e use of thenomen$latu!e of the penalties of the &e(ise 7enal Coe.

    SEC. 9. 7e!son $on(i$te of offenses punishe ith reclusion perpetua, o! hose senten$es ill "e !eu$e to!e$lusion pe!petua, "y !eason of this #$t, shall not "e eli%i"le fo! pa!ole une! #$t No. 41+0, othe!ise /nonas the Inete!minate Senten$e a, as amene.

    SEC. 4. The oa! of 7a!ons an 7a!ole shall $ause the pu"li$ation at least one a ee/ fo! th!ee$onse$uti(e ee/s in a nespape! of %ene!al $i!$ulation of the names of pe!sons $on(i$te of offensespunishe ith reclusion perpetuao! life imp!isonment "y !eason of this #$t ho a!e "ein% $onsie!e o!!e$ommen fo! $ommutation o! pa!on8 Provided, however, That nothin% he!ein shall limit the poe! ofthe 7!esient to %!ant e3e$uti(e $lemen$y une! Se$tion 1, #!ti$le ;II of the Constitutions.

    SEC. 5. This #$t shall ta/e effe$t immeiately afte! its pu"li$ation in to national nespape!s of %ene!al$i!$ulation

    REP"BIC ACT NO. 9#6#



    Se$tion 1. Sho!t Title.) This #$t shall "e /non as the "Anti!iolence Against omen and #heir ChildrenAct of $%%&'"

    Se$. 2. e$la!ation of 7oli$y.) It is he!e"y e$la!e that the State (alues the i%nity of omen an $hil!enan %ua!antees full !espe$t fo! human !i%hts. The State also !e$o%ni

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    Toa!s this en, the State shall e3e!t effo!ts to a!ess (iolen$e $ommitte a%ainst omen an $hil!enin /eepin% ith the funamental f!eeoms %ua!antee une! the Constitutionan the 7!o(isions of the=ni(e!sal e$la!ation of 'uman &i%hts, the $on(ention on the Elimination of all fo!ms of is$!imination

    #%ainst >omen, Con(ention on the &i%hts of the Chil an othe! inte!national human !i%hts inst!uments ofhi$h the 7hilippines is a pa!ty.

    Se$. 9. efinition of Te!ms.) #s use in this #$t:

    *a- "!iolence against women and their children"!efe!s to any a$t o! a se!ies of a$ts $ommitte "y anype!son a%ainst a oman ho is his ife, fo!me! ife, o! a%ainst a oman ith hom the pe!son has o!ha a se3ual o! atin% !elationship, o! ith hom he has a $ommon $hil, o! a%ainst he! $hil hethe!le%itimate o! ille%itimate, ithin o! ithout the family a"oe, hi$h !esult in o! is li/ely to !esult in physi$al,se3ual, psy$holo%i$al ha!m o! suffe!in%, o! e$onomi$ a"use in$luin% th!eats of su$h a$ts, "atte!y, assault,$oe!$ion, ha!assment o! a!"it!a!y ep!i(ation of li"e!ty. It in$lues, "ut is not limite to, the folloin% a$ts:

    #. "Physical !iolence"!efe!s to a$ts that in$lue "oily o! physi$al ha!m8

    . "Se(ual violence"!efe!s to an a$t hi$h is se3ual in natu!e, $ommitte a%ainst a oman o! he! $hil. Itin$lues, "ut is not limite to:

    a- &ape, se3ual ha!assment, a$ts of las$i(iousness, t!eatin% a oman o! he! $hil as a se3 o"e$t, ma/in%emeanin% an se3ually su%%esti(e !ema!/s, physi$ally atta$/in% the se3ual pa!ts of the (i$tim?s "oy,fo!$in% he!@him to at$h o"s$ene pu"li$ations an ine$ent shos o! fo!$in% the oman o! he! $hil to oine$ent a$ts an@o! ma/e films the!eof, fo!$in% the ife an mist!ess@lo(e! to li(e in the $onu%al home o!sleep to%ethe! in the same !oom ith the a"use!8

    "- #$ts $ausin% o! attemptin% to $ause the (i$tim to en%a%e in any se3ual a$ti(ity "y fo!$e, th!eat of fo!$e,physi$al o! othe! ha!m o! th!eat of physi$al o! othe! ha!m o! $oe!$ion8

    $- 7!ostitutin% the oman o! $hil.

    C. "Psychological violence"!efe!s to a$ts o! omissions $ausin% o! li/ely to $ause mental o! emotional

    suffe!in% of the (i$tim su$h as "ut not limite to intimiation, ha!assment, stal/in%, ama%e to p!ope!ty,pu"li$ !ii$ule o! humiliation, !epeate (e!"al a"use an mental infielity. It in$lues $ausin% o! alloin%the (i$tim to itness the physi$al, se3ual o! psy$holo%i$al a"use of a mem"e! of the family to hi$h the(i$tim "elon%s, o! to itness po!no%!aphy in any fo!m o! to itness a"usi(e inu!y to pets o! to unlaful o!unante ep!i(ation of the !i%ht to $ustoy an@o! (isitation of $ommon $hil!en.

    . ")conomic abuse"!efe!s to a$ts that ma/e o! attempt to ma/e a oman finan$ially epenent hi$hin$lues, "ut is not limite to the folloin%:

    1. >ith!aal of finan$ial suppo!t o! p!e(entin% the (i$tim f!om en%a%in% in any le%itimate p!ofession,o$$upation, "usiness o! a$ti(ity, e3$ept in $ases he!ein the othe! spouse@pa!tne! o"e$ts on (ali, se!iousan mo!al %!ouns as efine in #!ti$le 9 of the amily Coe8

    2. ep!i(ation o! th!eat of ep!i(ation of finan$ial !esou!$es an the !i%ht to the use an enoyment of the$onu%al, $ommunity o! p!ope!ty one in $ommon8

    9. est!oyin% househol p!ope!ty8

    4. Cont!ollin% the (i$tims? on money o! p!ope!ties o! solely $ont!ollin% the $onu%al money o! p!ope!ties.

    *"- "Battery"!efe!s to an a$t of infli$tin% physi$al ha!m upon the oman o! he! $hil !esultin% to thephysi$al an psy$holo%i$al o! emotional ist!ess.

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    *$- "Battered oman Syndrome"!efe!s to a s$ientifi$ally efine patte!n of psy$holo%i$al an "eha(io!alsymptoms foun in omen li(in% in "atte!in% !elationships as a !esult of $umulati(e a"use.

    *- AStal/in%A !efe!s to an intentional a$t $ommitte "y a pe!son ho, /noin%ly an ithout lafulustifi$ation follos the oman o! he! $hil o! pla$es the oman o! he! $hil une! su!(eillan$e i!e$tly o!

    ini!e$tly o! a $om"ination the!eof.

    *e- "*ating relationship"!efe!s to a situation he!ein the pa!ties li(e as hus"an an ife ithout the"enefit of ma!!ia%e o! a!e !omanti$ally in(ol(e o(e! time an on a $ontinuin% "asis u!in% the $ou!se ofthe !elationship. # $asual a$Buaintan$e o! o!ina!y so$ialielfa!e an e(elopment *S>- o! "y any othe! a%en$y o! (olunta!y o!%ani

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    *f- Infli$tin% o! th!eatenin% to infli$t physi$al ha!m on oneself fo! the pu!pose of $ont!ollin% he! a$tions o!e$isions8

    *%- Causin% o! attemptin% to $ause the oman o! he! $hil to en%a%e in any se3ual a$ti(ity hi$h oes not

    $onstitute !ape, "y fo!$e o! th!eat of fo!$e, physi$al ha!m, o! th!ou%h intimiation i!e$te a%ainst theoman o! he! $hil o! he!@his immeiate family8

    *h- En%a%in% in pu!poseful, /noin%, o! !e$/less $onu$t, pe!sonally o! th!ou%h anothe!, that ala!ms o!$auses su"stantial emotional o! psy$holo%i$al ist!ess to the oman o! he! $hil. This shall in$lue, "utnot "e limite to, the folloin% a$ts:

    *1- Stal/in% o! folloin% the oman o! he! $hil in pu"li$ o! p!i(ate pla$es8

    *2- 7ee!in% in the ino o! lin%e!in% outsie the !esien$e of the oman o! he! $hil8

    *9- Ente!in% o! !emainin% in the ellin% o! on the p!ope!ty of the oman o! he! $hil a%ainst he!@his ill8

    *4- est!oyin% the p!ope!ty an pe!sonal "elon%in%s o! infli$tin% ha!m to animals o! pets of the oman o!he! $hil8 an

    *5- En%a%in% in any fo!m of ha!assment o! (iolen$e.

    *i- Causin% mental o! emotional an%uish, pu"li$ !ii$ule o! humiliation to the oman o! he! $hil, in$luin%,"ut not limite to, !epeate (e!"al an emotional a"use, an enial of f inan$ial suppo!t o! $ustoy of mino!$hil!en of a$$ess to the oman?s $hil@$hil!en.

    Se$. 6. 7enalties.) The $!ime of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en, une! Se$. 5 he!eof shall "epunishe a$$o!in% to the folloin% !ules:

    *a- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*a- $onstitutin% attempte, f!ust!ate o! $onsummate pa!!i$ie o! mu!e! o!homi$ie shall "e punishe in a$$o!an$e ith the p!o(isions of the &e(ise 7enal Coe8

    If these a$ts !esulte in mutilation, it shall "e punisha"le in a$$o!an$e ith the &e(ise 7enal Coe8those $onstitutin% se!ious physi$al inu!ies shall ha(e the penalty of p!ison mayo!8 those $onstitutin% lessse!ious physi$al inu!ies shall "e punishe "y p!ision $o!!e$$ional8 an those $onstitutin% sli%ht physi$alinu!ies shall "e punishe "y a!!esto mayo!8

    #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*"- shall "e punishe "y imp!isonment of to e%!ees loe! than the p!es$!i"epenalty fo! the $onsummate $!ime as spe$ifie in the p!e$ein% pa!a%!aph "ut shall in no $ase "e loe!than a!!esto mayo!8

    *"- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*$- an 5*- shall "e punishe "y a!!esto mayo!8

    *$- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*e- shall "e punishe "y p!ision $o!!e$$ional8

    *- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*f- shall "e punishe "y a!!esto mayo!8

    *e- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*%- shall "e punishe "y p!ision mayo!8

    *f- #$ts fallin% une! Se$. 5*h- an Se$. 5*i- shall "e punishe "y p!ision mayo!.

    If the a$ts a!e $ommitte hile the oman o! $hil is p!e%nant o! $ommitte in the p!esen$e of he! $hil,the penalty to "e applie shall "e the ma3imum pe!io of penalty p!es$!i"e in the Se$.

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    In aition to imp!isonment, the pe!pet!ato! shall *a- pay a fine in the amount of not less than One hun!ethousan pesos *7100,000.00- "ut not mo!e than th!ee hun!e thousan pesos *900,000.00-8 *"-une!%o manato!y psy$holo%i$al $ounselin% o! psy$hiat!i$ t!eatment an shall !epo!t $omplian$e to the$ou!t.

    Se$. . ;enue.) The &e%ional T!ial Cou!t esi%nate as a amily Cou!t shall ha(e o!i%inal an e3$lusi(eu!isi$tion o(e! $ases of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en une! this la. In the a"sen$e of su$h$ou!t in the pla$e he!e the offense as $ommitte, the $ase shall "e file in the &e%ional T!ial Cou!the!e the $!ime o! any of its elements as $ommitte at the option of the $ompliant.

    Se$. +. 7!ote$tion O!e!s.) # p!ote$tion o!e! is an o!e! issue une! this a$t fo! the pu!pose ofp!e(entin% fu!the! a$ts of (iolen$e a%ainst a oman o! he! $hil spe$ifie in Se$. 5 of this #$t an %!antin%othe! ne$essa!y !elief. The !elief %!ante une! a p!ote$tion o!e! se!(e the pu!pose of safe%ua!in% the(i$tim f!om fu!the! ha!m, minimi

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    app!op!iate autho!ity to in(esti%ate on the offene! an ta/e app!op!iate a$tion on matte!8

    *i- &estitution fo! a$tual ama%es $ause "y the (iolen$e infli$te, in$luin%, "ut not limite to, p!ope!tyama%e, mei$al e3penses, $hil$a!e e3penses an loss of in$ome8

    *- i!e$tin% the S> o! any app!op!iate a%en$y to p!o(ie petitione! may nee8 an

    */- 7!o(ision of su$h othe! fo!ms of !elief as the $ou!t eems ne$essa!y to p!ote$t an p!o(ie fo! thesafety of the petitione! an any esi%nate family o! househol mem"e!, p!o(ie petitione! an anyesi%nate family o! househol mem"e! $onsents to su$h !elief.

    #ny of the !eliefs p!o(ie une! this Se$. shall "e %!ante e(en in the a"sen$e of a e$!ee of le%alsepa!ation o! annulment o! e$la!ation of a"solute nullity of ma!!ia%e.

    The issuan$e of a 7O o! the penen$y of an appli$ation fo! 7O shall not p!e$lue a petitione! f!omapplyin% fo!, o! the $ou!t f!om %!antin% a T7O o! 77O.

    Se$. . >ho may f ile 7etition fo! 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D # petition fo! p!ote$tion o!e! may "e file "y any ofthe folloin%:

    *a- The offene pa!ty8

    *"- 7a!ents o! %ua!ians of the offene pa!ty8

    *$- #s$enants, es$enants o! $ollate!al !elati(es ithin the fou!th $i(il e%!ee of $onsan%uinity o! affinity8

    *- Offi$e!s o! so$ial o!/e!s of the S> o! so$ial o!/e!s of lo$al %o(e!nment units *=s-8

    *e- 7oli$e offi$e!s, p!efe!a"ly those in $ha!%e of omen an $hil!en?s es/s8

    *f- 7unon% a!an%ay o! a!an%ay a%aa8

    *%- aye!, $ounselo!, the!apist o! health$a!e p!o(ie! of the petitione!8

    *h- #t least to *2- $on$e!ne !esponsi"le $itihe!e to #pply fo! a 7!ote$tion O!e!. D #ppli$ations fo! 7Os shall follo the !ules on (enueune! Se$. 40 of the o$al o(e!nment Coe of 11an its implementin% !ules an !e%ulations. #nappli$ation fo! a T7O o! 77O may "e file in the !e%ional t!ial $ou!t, met!opolitan t!ial $ou!t, muni$ipal t!ial$ou!t, muni$ipal $i!$uit t!ial $ou!t ith te!!ito!ial u!isi$tion o(e! the pla$e of !esien$e of the petitione!:7!o(ie, hoe(e!, That if a family $ou!t e3ists in the pla$e of !esien$e of the petitione!, the appli$ationshall "e file ith that $ou!t.

    Se$. 11. 'o to #pply fo! a 7!ote$tion O!e!. D The appli$ation fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! must "e in !itin%,si%ne an (e!ifie une! oath "y the appli$ant. It may "e file as an inepenent a$tion o! as in$iental

    !elief in any $i(il o! $!iminal $ase the su"e$t matte! o! issues the!eof pa!ta/es of a (iolen$e as es$!i"ein this #$t. # stana! p!ote$tion o!e! appli$ation fo!m, !itten in En%lish ith t!anslation to the mao!lo$al lan%ua%es, shall "e mae a(aila"le to fa$ilitate appli$ations fo! p!ote$tions o!e!, an shall $ontain,amon% othe!, the folloin% info!mation:

    *a- names an a!esses of petitione! an !esponent8

    *"- es$!iption of !elationships "eteen petitione! an !esponent8

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    *$- a statement of the $i!$umstan$es of the a"use8

    *- es$!iption of the !eliefs !eBueste "y petitione! as spe$ifie in Se$. + he!ein8

    *e- !eBuest fo! $ounsel an !easons fo! su$h8

    *f- !eBuest fo! ai(e! of appli$ation fees until hea!in%8 an

    *%- an attestation that the!e is no penin% appli$ation fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! in anothe! $ou!t.

    If the appli$ants is not the (i$tim, the appli$ation must "e a$$ompanie "y an affia(it of the appli$antattestin% to *a- the $i!$umstan$es of the a"use suffe!e "y the (i$tim an *"- the $i!$umstan$es of $onsent%i(en "y the (i$tim fo! the fillin% of the appli$ation. >hen is$losu!e of the a!ess of the (i$tim ill posean%e! to he! life, it shall "e so state in the appli$ation. In su$h a $ase, the appli$ant shall attest that the(i$tim is !esiin% in the muni$ipality o! $ity o(e! hi$h $ou!t has te!!ito!ial u!isi$tion, an shall p!o(ie amailin% a!ess fo! pu!pose of se!(i$e p!o$essin%.

    #n appli$ation fo! p!ote$tion o!e! file ith a $ou!t shall "e $onsie!e an appli$ation fo! "oth a T7O an77O.

    a!an%ay offi$ials an $ou!t pe!sonnel shall assist appli$ants in the p!epa!ation of the appli$ation. aenfo!$ement a%ents shall also e3ten assistan$e in the appli$ation fo! p!ote$tion o!e!s in $ases "!ou%htto thei! attention.

    Se$. 12. Enfo!$ea"ility of 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D #ll T7Os an 77Os issue une! this #$t shall "eenfo!$ea"le anyhe!e in the 7hilippines an a (iolation the!eof shall "e punisha"le ith a fine !an%in%f!om i(e Thousan 7esos *75,000.00- to ifty Thousan 7esos *750,000.00- an@o! imp!isonment of si3*6- months.

    Se$. 19. e%al &ep!esentation of 7etitione!s fo! 7!ote$tion O!e!. D If the oman o! he! $hil !eBuests inthe appli$ations fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! fo! the appointment of $ounsel "e$ause of la$/ of e$onomi$ meansto hi!e a $ounsel e pa!te, the $ou!t shall immeiately i!e$t the 7u"li$ #tto!ney?s Offi$e *7#O- to!ep!esent the petitione! in the hea!in% on the appli$ation. If the 7#O ete!mines that the appli$ant $an

    affo! to hi!e the se!(i$es of a $ounsel e pa!te, it shall fa$ilitate the le%al !ep!esentation of the petitione!"y a $ounsel e pa!te. The la$/ of a$$ess to family o! $onu%al !esou!$es "y the appli$ant, su$h as henthe same a!e $ont!olle "y the pe!pet!ato!, shall Bualify the petitione! to le%al !ep!esentation "y the 7#O.

    'oe(e!, a p!i(ate $ounsel offe!in% f!ee le%al se!(i$e is not "a!!e f!om !ep!esentin% the petitione!.

    Se$. 14. a!an%ay 7!ote$tion O!e!s *7Os-8 >ho Fay Issue an 'o. ) a!an%ay 7!ote$tion O!e!s*7Os- !efe! to the p!ote$tion o!e! issue "y the 7unon% a!an%ay o!e!in% the pe!pet!ato! to esistf!om $ommittin% a$ts une! Se$. 5 *a- an *"- of this #$t. # 7unon% a!an%ay ho !e$ei(es appli$ationsfo! a 7O shall issue the p!ote$tion o!e! to the appli$ant on the ate of filin% afte! e3 pa!te ete!minationof the "asis of the appli$ation. If the 7unon% a!an%ay is una(aila"le to a$t on the appli$ation fo! a 7O,the appli$ation shall "e a$te upon "y any a(aila"le a!an%ay a%aa. If the 7O is issue "y aa!an%ay a%aa the o!e! must "e a$$ompanie "y an attestation "y the a!an%ay a%aa that the

    7unon% a!an%ay as una(aila"le at the time fo! the issuan$e of the 7O. 7Os shall "e effe$ti(e fo!fifteen *15- ays. Immeiately afte! the issuan$e of an e3 pa!te 7O, the 7unon% a!an%ay o! a!an%aya%aa shall pe!sonally se!(e a $opy of the same on the !esponent, o! i!e$t any "a!an%ay offi$ial toeffe$t is pe!sonal se!(i$e.

    The pa!ties may "e a$$ompanie "y a non)laye! a(o$ate in any p!o$eein% "efo!e the 7unon%a!an%ay.

    Se$. 15. Tempo!a!y 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D Tempo!a!y 7!ote$tion O!e!s *T7Os- !efe!s to the p!ote$tiono!e! issue "y the $ou!t on the ate of f ilin% of the appli$ation afte! e3 pa!te ete!mination that su$h o!e!

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    shoul "e issue. # $ou!t may %!ant in a T7O any, some o! all of the !eliefs mentione in this #$t an shall"e effe$ti(e fo! thi!ty *90- ays. The $ou!t shall s$heule a hea!in% on the issuan$e of a 77O p!io! to o! onthe ate of the e3pi!ation of the T7O. The $ou!t shall o!e! the immeiate pe!sonal se!(i$e of the T7O onthe !esponent "y the $ou!t she!iff ho may o"tain the assistan$e of la enfo!$ement a%ents fo! these!(i$e. The T7O shall in$lue noti$e of the ate of the hea!in% on the me!its of the issuan$e of a 77O.

    Se$. 16. 7e!manent 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D 7e!manent 7!ote$tion O!e! *77O- !efe!s to p!ote$tion o!e!issue "y the $ou!t afte! noti$e an hea!in%.

    &esponents non)appea!an$e espite p!ope! noti$e, o! his la$/ of a laye!, o! the non)a(aila"ility of hislaye! shall not "e a %!oun fo! !es$heulin% o! postponin% the hea!in% on the me!its of the issuan$e of a77O. If the !esponents appea!s ithout $ounsel on the ate of the hea!in% on the 77O, the $ou!t shallappoint a laye! fo! the !esponent an immeiately p!o$ee ith the hea!in%. In $ase the !esponentfails to appea! espite p!ope! noti$e, the $ou!t shall allo e3 pa!te p!esentation of the e(ien$e "y theappli$ant an !ene! u%ment on the "asis of the e(ien$e p!esente. The $ou!t shall allo theint!ou$tion of any histo!y of a"usi(e $onu$t of a !esponent e(en if the same as not i!e$te a%ainstthe appli$ant o! the pe!son fo! hom the appli$ant is mae.

    The $ou!t shall, to the e3tent possi"le, $onu$t the hea!in% on the me!its of the issuan$e of a 77O in one*1- ay. >he!e the $ou!t is una"le to $onu$t the hea!in% ithin one *1- ay an the T7O issue is ue toe3pi!e, the $ou!t shall $ontinuously e3ten o! !ene the T7O fo! a pe!io of thi!ty *90- ays at ea$hpa!ti$ula! time until final u%ment is issue. The e3tene o! !enee T7O may "e moifie "y the $ou!tas may "e ne$essa!y o! appli$a"le to a!ess the nees of the appli$ant.

    The $ou!t may %!ant any, some o! all of the !eliefs spe$ifie in Se$. + he!eof in a 77O. # 77O shall "eeffe$ti(e until !e(o/e "y a $ou!t upon appli$ation of the pe!son in hose fa(o! the o!e! as issue. The$ou!t shall ensu!e immeiate pe!sonal se!(i$e of the 77O on !esponent.

    The $ou!t shall not eny the issuan$e of p!ote$tion o!e! on the "asis of the lapse of time "eteen the a$tof (iolen$e an the filin% of the appli$ation.

    &e%a!less of the $on(i$tion o! a$Buittal of the !esponent, the Cou!t must ete!mine hethe! o! not the77O shall "e$ome final. E(en in a ismissal, a 77O shall "e %!ante as lon% as the!e is no $lea! shoin%

    that the a$t f!om hi$h the o!e! mi%ht a!ise i not e3ist.

    Se$. 1. Noti$e of San$tion in 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D The folloin% statement must "e p!inte in "ol)fa$etype o! in $apital lette!s on the p!ote$tion o!e! issue "y the 7unon% a!an%ay o! $ou!t:

    A;IO#TION O T'IS O&E& IS 7=NIS'#E G #>.A

    Se$. 1+. Fanato!y 7e!io o! #$tin% on #ppli$ations o! 7!ote$tion O!e!s D ailu!e to a$t on anappli$ation fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! ithin the !e%lementa!y pe!io spe$ifie in the p!e(ious Se$. ithout

    ustifia"le $ause shall !ene! the offi$ial o! u%e aminist!ati(ely lia"le.

    Se$. 1. e%al Sepa!ation Cases. D In $ases of le%al sepa!ation, he!e (iolen$e as spe$ifie in this #$t isalle%e, #!ti$le 5+ of the amily Coe shall not apply. The $ou!t shall p!o$ee on the main $ase an othe!

    in$ients of the $ase as soon as possi"le. The hea!in% on any appli$ation fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! file "y thepetitione! must "e $onu$te ithin the manato!y pe!io spe$ifie in this #$t.

    Se$. 20. 7!io!ity of #ppli$ation fo! a 7!ote$tion O!e!. D E3 pa!te an a(e!sa!ial hea!in%s to ete!mine the"asis of appli$ations fo! a p!ote$tion o!e! une! this #$t shall ha(e p!io!ity o(e! all othe! p!o$eein%s.a!an%ay offi$ials an the $ou!ts shall s$heule an $onu$t hea!in%s on appli$ations fo! a p!ote$tiono!e! une! this #$t a"o(e all othe! "usiness an, if ne$essa!y, suspen othe! p!o$eein%s in o!e! tohea! appli$ations fo! a p!ote$tion o!e!.

    Se$. 21. ;iolation of 7!ote$tion O!e!s. D # $omplaint fo! a (iolation of a 7O issue une! this #$t must

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    "e file i!e$tly ith any muni$ipal t!ial $ou!t, met!opolitan t!ial $ou!t, o! muni$ipal $i!$uit t!ial $ou!t that haste!!ito!ial u!isi$tion o(e! the "a!an%ay that issue the 7O. ;iolation of a 7O shall "e punisha"le "yimp!isonment of thi!ty *90- ays ithout p!eui$e to any othe! $!iminal o! $i(il a$tion that the offenepa!ty may file fo! any of the a$ts $ommitte.

    # u%ement of (iolation of a 7O ma "e appeale a$$o!in% to the &ules of Cou!t. u!in% t!ial an upon

    u%ment, the t!ial $ou!t may motu p!op!io issue a p!ote$tion o!e! as it eems ne$essa!y ithout nee ofan appli$ation.

    ;iolation of any p!o(ision of a T7O o! 77O issue une! this #$t shall $onstitute $ontempt of $ou!tpunisha"le une! &ule 1 of the &ules of Cou!t, ithout p!eui$e to any othe! $!iminal o! $i(il a$tion thatthe offene pa!ty may file fo! any of the a$ts $ommitte.

    Se$. 22. #ppli$a"ility of 7!ote$tion O!e!s to C!iminal Cases. D The fo!e%oin% p!o(isions on p!ote$tiono!e!s shall "e appli$a"le in impliely institute ith the $!iminal a$tions in(ol(in% (iolen$e a%ainst omenan thei! $hil!en.

    Se$. 29. on to eep the 7ea$e. D The Cou!t may o!e! any pe!son a%ainst hom a p!ote$tion o!e! isissue to %i(e a "on to /eep the pea$e, to p!esent to suffi$ient su!eties ho shall une!ta/e that su$hpe!son ill not $ommit the (iolen$e sou%ht to "e p!e(ente.

    Shoul the !esponent fail to %i(e the "on as !eBui!e, he shall "e etaine fo! a pe!io hi$h shall in no$ase e3$ee si3 *6- months, if he shall ha(e "een p!ose$ute fo! a$ts punisha"le une! Se$. 5*a- to 5*f-an not e3$eein% thi!ty *90- ays, if fo! a$ts punisha"le une! Se$. 5*%- to 5*i-.

    The p!ote$tion o!e!s !efe!!e to in this Se$. a!e the T7Os an the 77Os issue only "y the $ou!ts.

    Se$. 24. 7!es$!ipti(e 7e!io. D #$ts fallin% une! Se$.s 5*a- to 5*f- shall p!es$!i"e in tenty *20- yea!s.#$ts fallin% une! Se$.s 5*%- to 5*i- shall p!es$!i"e in ten *10- yea!s.

    Se$. 25. 7u"li$ C!ime. D ;iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en shall "e $onsie!e a pu"li$ offensehi$h may "e p!ose$ute upon the filin% of a $omplaint "y any $itioman Syn!ome as a efense. D ;i$tim)su!(i(o!s ho a!e foun "y the $ou!ts to "esuffe!in% f!om "atte!e oman syn!ome o not in$u! any $!iminal an $i(il lia"ility notithstanin% thea"sen$e of any of the elements fo! ustifyin% $i!$umstan$es of self)efense une! the &e(ise 7enalCoe.

    In the ete!mination of the state of min of the oman ho as suffe!in% f!om "atte!e oman syn!omeat the time of the $ommission of the $!ime, the $ou!ts shall "e assiste "y e3pe!t psy$hiat!ists@psy$holo%ists.

    Se$. 2. 7!ohi"ite efense. D ein% une! the influen$e of al$ohol, any illi$it !u%, o! any othe! min)alte!in% su"stan$e shall not "e a efense une! this #$t.

    Se$. 2+. Custoy of $hil!en. D The oman (i$tim of (iolen$e shall "e entitle to the $ustoy an suppo!tof he! $hil@$hil!en. Chil!en "elo se(en *- yea!s ol ole! "ut ith mental o! physi$al isa"ilities shallautomati$ally "e %i(en to the mothe!, ith !i%ht to suppo!t, unless the $ou!t fins $ompellin% !easons too!e! othe!ise.

    # (i$tim ho is suffe!in% f!om "atte!e oman syn!ome shall not "e isBualifie f!om ha(in% $ustoy ofhe! $hil!en. In no $ase shall $ustoy of mino! $hil!en "e %i(en to the pe!pet!ato! of a oman ho issuffe!in% f!om atte!e oman syn!ome.

    Se$. 2. uties of 7!ose$uto!s@Cou!t 7e!sonnel. D 7!ose$uto!s an $ou!t pe!sonnel shoul o"se!(e the

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    folloin% uties hen ealin% ith (i$tims une! this #$t:

    a- $ommuni$ate ith the (i$tim in a lan%ua%e une!stoo "y the oman o! he! $hil8 an

    "- info!m the (i$tim of he!@his !i%hts in$luin% le%al !emeies a(aila"le an p!o$eu!e, an p!i(ile%es fo!ini%ent liti%ants.

    Se$. 90. uties of a!an%ay Offi$ials an a Enfo!$e!s. D a!an%ay offi$ials an la enfo!$e!s shall ha(ethe folloin% uties:

    *a- !espon immeiately to a $all fo! help o! !eBuest fo! assistan$e o! p!ote$tion of the (i$tim "y ente!in%the ne$essa!y hethe! o! not a p!ote$tion o!e! has "een issue an ensu!e the safety of the (i$tim@s8

    *"- $onfis$ate any ealy eapon in the possession of the pe!pet!ato! o! ithin plain (ie8

    *$- t!anspo!t o! es$o!t the (i$tim@s to a safe pla$e of thei! $hoi$e o! to a $lini$ o! hospital8

    *- assist the (i$tim in !emo(in% pe!sonal "elon%s f!om the house8

    *e- assist the "a!an%ay offi$ials an othe! %o(e!nment offi$e!s an employees ho !espon to a $all fo!help8

    *f- ensu!e the enfo!$ement of the 7!ote$tion O!e!s issue "y the 7unon% a!an%y o! the $ou!ts8

    *%- a!!est the suspe$te pe!pet!ato! iithout a a!!ant hen any of the a$ts of (iolen$e efine "y this #$tis o$$u!!in%, o! hen he@she has pe!sonal /nole%e that any a$t of a"use has ust "een $ommitte, anthe!e is imminent an%e! to the life o! lim" of the (i$tim as efine in this #$t8 an

    *h- immeiately !epo!t the $all fo! assessment o! assistan$e of the S>, so$ial >elfa!e epa!tment of=s o! a$$!eite non)%o(e!nment o!%ani

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    an t!ainin% of thei! offi$e!s an pe!sonnel on the p!e(ention of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!enune! the #$t.

    Se$. 99. 7!ohi"ite #$ts. D # 7unon% a!an%ay, a!an%ay a%aa o! the $ou!t hea!in% an appli$ation fo!a p!ote$tion o!e! shall not o!e!, i!e$t, fo!$e o! in any ay unuly influen$e he appli$ant fo! a p!ote$tiono!e! to $omp!omise o! a"anon any of the !eliefs sou%ht in the appli$ation fo! p!ote$tion une! this #$t.

    Se$. of the amily Cou!ts #$t of 1 an Se$.s 410, 411, 412 an 419 of the o$al o(e!nment Coeof 11 shall not apply in p!o$eein%s he!e !elief is sou%ht une! this #$t.

    ailu!e to $omply ith this Se$. shall !ene! the offi$ial o! u%e aminist!ati(ely lia"le.

    Se$. 94. 7e!sons Inte!(enin% E3empt f!om ia"ility. D In e(e!y $ase of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei!$hil!en as he!ein efine, any pe!son, p!i(ate ini(iual o! poli$e autho!ity o! "a!an%ay offi$ial ho,a$tin% in a$$o!an$e ith la, !espons o! inte!(enes ithout usin% (iolen$e o! !est!aint %!eate! thanne$essa!y to ensu!e the safety of the (i$tim, shall not "e lia"le fo! any $!iminal, $i(il o! aminist!ati(elia"ility !esultin% the!ef!om.

    Se$. 95. &i%hts of ;i$tims. D In aition to thei! !i%hts une! e3istin% las, (i$tims of (iolen$e a%ainstomen an thei! $hil!en shall ha(e the folloin% !i%hts:

    *a- to "e t!eate ith !espe$t an i%nity8

    *"- to a(ail of le%al assistan$e fo!m the 7#O of the epa!tment of Justi$e *OJ- o! any pu"li$ le%alassistan$e offi$e8

    *$- To "e entitle to suppo!t se!(i$es fo!m the S> an =s?

    *- To "e entitle to all le%al !emeies an suppo!t as p!o(ie fo! une! the amily Coe8 an

    *e- To "e info!me of thei! !i%hts an the se!(i$es a(aila"le to them in$luin% thei! !i%ht to apply fo! ap!ote$tion o!e!.

    Se$. 96. ama%es. D #ny (i$tim of (iolen$e une! this #$t shall "e entitle to a$tual, $ompensato!y, mo!al

    an e3empla!y ama%es.

    Se$. 9. 'ol epa!tu!e O!e!. D The $ou!t shall e3peite the p!o$ess of issuan$e of a hol epa!tu!eo!e! in $ases p!ose$ute une! this #$t.

    Se$. 9+. E3emption f!om 7ayment of o$/et ee an Othe! E3penses. D If the (i$tim is an ini%ent o!the!e is an immeiate ne$essity ue to imminent an%e! o! th!eat of an%e! to a$t on an appli$ation fo! ap!ote$tion o!e!, the $ou!t shall a$$ept the appli$ation ithout payment of the filin% fee an othe! fees anof t!ans$!ipt of steno%!aphi$ notes.

    Se$. 9. Inte!)#%en$y Coun$il on ;iolen$e #%ainst >omen an Thei! Chil!en *I#C);#>C-. In pu!suan$eof the a"o(ementione poli$y, the!e is he!e"y esta"lishe an Inte!)#%en$y Coun$il on ;iolen$e #%ainst>omen an thei! $hil!en, he!einafte! /non as the Coun$il, hi$h shall "e $ompose of the folloin%


    *a- epa!tment of So$ial >elfa!e an e(elopment *S>-8

    *"- National Commission on the &ole of ilipino >omen *NC&>-8

    *$- Ci(il Se!(i$e Commission *CSC-8

    *- Commission on 'uman !i%hts *C'&-

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    *e- Coun$il fo! the >elfa!e of Chil!en *C>C-8

    *f- epa!tment of Justi$e *OJ-8

    *%- epa!tment of the Inte!io! an o$al o(e!nment *I-8

    *h- 7hilippine National 7oli$e *7N7-8

    *i- epa!tment of 'ealth *O'-8

    *- epa!tment of Eu$ation *epE-8

    */- epa!tment of a"o! an Employment *OE-8 an

    *l- National u!eau of In(esti%ation *NI-.

    These a%en$ies a!e tas/e to fo!mulate p!o%!ams an p!oe$ts to eliminate ;#> "ase on thei! manatesas ell as e(elop $apa"ility p!o%!ams fo! thei! employees to "e$ome mo!e sensiti(e to the nees of thei!$lients. The Coun$il ill also se!(e as the monito!in% "oy as !e%a!s to ;#> initiati(es.

    The Coun$il mem"e!s may esi%nate thei! uly autho!i, an =?s shall p!o(ie the (i$timstempo!a!y shelte!s, p!o(ie $ounselin%, psy$ho)so$ial se!(i$es an @o!, !e$o(e!y, !eha"ilitation p!o%!amsan li(elihoo assistan$e.

    The O' shall p!o(ie mei$al assistan$e to (i$tims.

    Se$. 41. Counselin% an T!eatment of Offene!s. D The S> shall p!o(ie !eha"ilitati(e $ounselin% ant!eatment to pe!pet!ato!s toa!s lea!nin% $onst!u$ti(e ays of $opin% ith an%e! an emotional out"u!sts

    an !efo!min% thei! ays. >hen ne$essa!y, the offene! shall "e o!e!e "y the Cou!t to su"mit topsy$hiat!i$ t!eatment o! $onfinement.

    Se$. 42. T!ainin% of 7e!sons In(ol(e in &esponin% to ;iolen$e #%ainst >omen an thei! Chil!enCases. D #ll a%en$ies in(ol(e in !esponin% to (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en $ases shall "e!eBui!e to une!%o eu$ation an t!ainin% to a$Buaint them ith:

    a. the natu!e, e3ten an $auses of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en8

    ". the le%al !i%hts of, an !emeies a(aila"le to, (i$tims of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en8

    $. the se!(i$es an fa$ilities a(aila"le to (i$tims o! su!(i(o!s8

    . the le%al uties impose on poli$e offi$e!s to ma/e a!!est an to offe! p!ote$tion an assistan$e8 an

    e. te$hniBues fo! hanlin% in$ients of (iolen$e a%ainst omen an thei! $hil!en that minimi

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    ten *10- ays in aition to othe! pai lea(es une! the a"o! Coean Ci(il Se!(i$e &ules an&e%ulations, e3teni"le hen the ne$essity a!ises as spe$ifie in the p!ote$tion o!e!.

    #ny employe! ho shall p!eui$e the !i%ht of the pe!son une! this Se$. shall "e penali

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    p!olife!ation of ille%ally possesse an manufa$tu!e fi!ea!ms, ammunition an e3plosi(es8

    >'E&E#S, these $!iminal a$ts ha(e !esulte in loss of human li(es, ama%e to p!ope!ty anest!u$tion of (alua"le !esou!$es of the $ount!y8

    >'E&E#S, the!e a!e (a!ious las an p!esiential e$!ees hi$h penali'E&E#S, the!e is a nee to $onsoliate, $oify an inte%!ate sai las an p!esiential e$!ees toha!moni'E&E#S, the!e a!e some p!o(isions in sai las an p!esiential e$!ees hi$h must "e upatean !e(ise in o!e! to mo!e effe$ti(ely ete! (iolato!s of the la on fi!ea!ms, ammunition ane3plosi(es.

    NO>, T'E&EO&E, I, E&IN#N E. F#&COS, 7!esient of the 7hilippines, "y (i!tue of thepoe!s in me (este "y the Constitution, o he!e"y e$!ee:+awphi+

    Sectio, '.-nlawful .anufacture, Sale, Ac/uisition, *isposition or Possession of 0irearms orAmmunition or 1nstruments -sed or 1ntended to be -sed in the .anufacture of 0irearms ofAmmunition') The penalty of !e$lusion tempo!al in its ma3imum pe!io to !e$lusion pe!petua shall "eimpose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully manufa$tu!e, eal in, a$Bui!e, ispose, o! possess anyfi!ea!m, pa!t of fi!ea!m, ammunition o! ma$hine!y, tool o! inst!ument use o! intene to "e use inthe manufa$tu!e of any fi!ea!m o! ammunition.

    If homi$ie o! mu!e! is $ommitte ith the use of an unli$ense fi!ea!m, the penalty of eath shall "eimpose.

    If the (iolation of this Se$tion is in fu!the!an$e of, o! in$ient to, o! in $onne$tion ith the $!imes of!e"ellion, insu!!e$tion o! su"(e!sion, the penalty of eath shall "e impose.

    The penalty of !e$lusion tempo!al in its ma3imum pe!io to !e$lusion pe!petua shall "e impose uponthe one!, p!esient, mana%e!, i!e$to! o! othe! !esponsi"le offi$e! of any pu"li$ o! p!i(ate fi!m,$ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity, ho shall illfully o! /noin%ly allo any of the fi!ea!ms one "ysu$h fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity to "e use "y any pe!son o! pe!sons foun %uilty of (iolatin%the p!o(isions of the p!e$ein% pa!a%!aphs.

    The penalty of p!ision mayo! shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall $a!!y any li$ense fi!ea!moutsie his !esien$e ithout le%al autho!ity the!efo!.

    Sectio, #.Presumption of 1llegal .anufacture of 0irearms or Ammunition') The possession of anyma$hine!y, tool o! inst!ument use i!e$tly in the manufa$tu!e of fi!ea!ms o! ammunition, "y anype!son hose "usiness o! employment oes not lafully eal ith the manufa$tu!e of fi!ea!ms o!

    ammunition, shall "e p!ima fa$ie e(ien$e that su$h a!ti$le is intene to "e use in theunlaful@ille%al manufa$tu!e of fi!ea!ms o! ammunition.

    Sectio, 3.-nlawful .anufacture, Sales, Ac/uisition, *isposition or Possession of )(plosives') Thepenalty of !e$lusion tempo!al in its ma3imum pe!io to !e$lusion pe!petua shall "e impose upon anype!son ho shall unlafully manufa$tu!e, assem"le, eal in, a$Bui!e, ispose o! possesshan%!enae*s-, !ifle %!enae*s- an othe! e3plosi(es, in$luin% "ut not limite to Aphil"o3 "om"sA,Amoloto( $o$/tail "om"A, Afi!e)"om"sA, o! othe! in$enia!y e(i$es $apa"le of p!ou$in% est!u$ti(e

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    effe$t on $onti%uous o"e$ts o! $ausin% inu!y o! eath to any pe!son.+awphi+1#C

    #ny pe!son ho $ommits any of the $!imes efine in the &e(ise 7enal Coe o! spe$ial las iththe use of the afo!ementione e3plosi(es, etonation a%ents o! in$enia!y e(i$es, hi$h !esults inthe eath of any pe!son o! pe!sons shall "e punishe ith the penalty of eath.

    If the (iolation of this Se$tion is in fu!the!an$e of, o! in$ient to, o! in $onne$tion ith the $!imes of!e"ellion, insu!!e$tion o! su"(e!sion, the penalty of eath shall "e impose.

    The penalty of !e$lusion tempo!al in its ma3imum pe!io to !e$lusion pe!petua shall "e impose uponthe one!, p!esient, mana%e!, i!e$to! o! othe! !esponsi"le offi$e! of any pu"li$ o! p!i(ate fi!m,$ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity, ho shall illfully o! /noin%ly allo any of the e3plosi(es one "ysu$h fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity to "e use "y any pe!son o! pe!sons foun %uilty of (iolatin%the p!o(isions of the p!e$ein% pa!a%!aphs.

    Sectio, 4.Presumption of -nlawful .anufacture') The possession of any ma$hine!y, tool o!inst!ument i!e$tly use in the manufa$tu!e of e3plosi(es, "y any pe!son hose "usiness o!employment oes not lafully eal ith the manufa$tu!e of e3plosi(es shall "e p!ima fa$ie e(ien$ethat su$h a!ti$le is intene to "e use in the unlaful@ille%al manufa$tu!e of e3plosi(es.

    Sectio, .#ampering of 0irearm2s Serial 3umber') The penalty of p!ision mayo! shall "e imposeupon any pe!son ho shall unlafully tampe!, $han%e, efa$e o! e!ase the se!ial num"e! of anyfi!ea!m.

    Sectio, 6.Repac4ing or Altering the Composition of 5awfully .anufactured )(plosives') The penaltyof p!ision mayo! shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully !epa$/, alte! o! moify the$omposition of any lafully manufa$tu!e e3plosi(es.

    Sectio, .-nauthori6ed 1ssuance of Authority to Carry 0irearm and7or Ammunition 8utside ofResidence') The penalty of p!ision $o!!e$$ional shall "e impose upon any pe!son, $i(ilian o! milita!y,

    ho shall issue autho!ity to $a!!y fi!ea!m an@o! ammunition outsie of !esien$e, ithout autho!itythe!efo!.

    Sectio, (.Rules and Regulations') The Chief of the 7hilippine Consta"ula!y shall p!omul%ate the!ules an !e%ulations fo! the effe$ti(e implementation of this e$!ee.

    Sectio, 9.Repealing Clause') The p!o(isions of &epu"li$ #$t No. 4, 7!esiential e$!ee No. ,7!esiential e$!ee No. 12+ an all las, e$!ees, o!e!s, inst!u$tions, !ules an !e%ulations hi$ha!e in$onsistent ith this e$!ee a!e he!e"y !epeale, amene o! moifie a$$o!in%ly.

    Sectio, '5.)ffectivity') This e$!ee shall ta/e effe$t afte! fifteen *15- ays folloin% the $ompletionof its pu"li$ation in the Offi$ial a

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    REP"BIC ACT NO. (#94







    SECTION 1. Se$tion 1 of 7!esiential e$!ee No. 1+66, as amene, is he!e"y fu!the! amene to

    !ea as follos:

    ASECTION 1. =nlaful Fanufa$tu!e, Sale, #$Buisition, isposition o! 7ossession of i!ea!ms o!

    #mmunition o! Inst!uments =se o! Intene to "e =se in the Fanufa$tu!e of i!ea!ms o! #mmunition.

    H The penalty of p!ision $o!!e$$ional in its ma3imum pe!io an a fine of not less than ifteen thousan

    pesos *715,000- shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully manufa$tu!e, eal in, a$Bui!e,

    ispose, o! possess any lo poe!e fi!ea!m, su$h as !imfi!e han%un, .9+0 o! .92 an othe! fi!ea!m of

    simila! fi!epoe!, pa!t of fi!ea!m, ammunition, o! ma$hine!y, tool o! inst!ument use o! intene to "e

    use in the manufa$tu!e of any fi!ea!m o! ammunition: 7!o(ie, That no othe! $!ime as $ommitte.

    AThe penalty of p!ision mayo! in its minimum pe!io an a fine of Thi!ty thousan pesos *790,000- shall

    "e impose if the fi!ea!m is $lassifie as hi%h poe!e fi!ea!m hi$h in$lues those ith "o!es "i%%e! in

    iamete! than .9+ $ali"e! an millimete! su$h as $ali"e! .40, .41, .44, .45 an also lesse! $ali"e!e

    fi!ea!ms "ut $onsie!e poe!ful su$h as $ali"e! .95 an $ali"e! .22 $ente!)fi!e ma%num an othe!

    fi!ea!ms ith fi!in% $apa"ility of full automati$ an "y "u!st of to o! th!ee: 7!o(ie, hoe(e!, That no

    othe! $!ime as $ommitte "y the pe!son a!!este.

    AIf homi$ie o! mu!e! is $ommitte ith the use of an unli$ense fi!ea!m, su$h use of an unli$ense

    fi!ea!m shall "e $onsie!e as an a%%!a(atin% $i!$umstan$e.

    AIf the (iolation of this Se$tion is in fu!the!an$e of o! in$ient to, o! in $onne$tion ith the $!ime of

    !e"ellion o! insu!!e$tion, seition, o! attempte $oup ?tat, su$h (iolation shall "e a"so!"e as an

    element of the $!ime of !e"ellion, o! insu!!e$tion, seition, o! attempte $oup ?tat.

    AThe same penalty shall "e impose upon the one!, p!esient, mana%e!, i!e$to! o! othe! !esponsi"le

    offi$e! of any pu"li$ o! p!i(ate fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity, ho shall illfully o! /noin%ly allo

    any of the fi!ea!ms one "y su$h fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity to "e use "y any pe!son o!

    pe!sons foun %uilty of (iolatin% the p!o(isions of the p!e$ein% pa!a%!aphs o! illfully o! /noin%ly allo

    any of them to use unli$ense fi!ea!ms o! fi!ea!ms ithout any le%al autho!ity to "e $a!!ie outsie of thei!

    !esien$e in the $ou!se of thei! employment.

    AThe penalty of a!!esto mayo! shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall $a!!y any li$ense fi!ea!moutsie his !esien$e ithout le%al autho!ity the!efo!.A

    SECTION 2. Se$tion 9 of 7!esiential e$!ee No. 1+66, as amene, is he!e"y fu!the! amene to

    !ea as follos:

    ASECTION 9. =nlaful Fanufa$tu!e, Sale, #$Buisition, isposition o! 7ossession of E3plosi(es. H The

    penalty of p!ision mayo! in its ma3imum pe!io to !e$lusion tempo!al an a fine of not less than ifty

    thousan pesos *750,000- shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully manufa$tu!e,

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    assem"le, eal in, a$Bui!e, ispose o! possess han %!enae*s-, !ifle %!enae*s-, an othe! e3plosi(es,

    in$luin% "ut not limite to ?pill"o3,? ?moloto( $o$/tail "om"s,? ?fi!e "om"s,? o! othe! in$enia!y e(i$es

    $apa"le of p!ou$in% est!u$ti(e effe$t on $onti%uous o"e$ts o! $ausin% inu!y o! eath to any pe!son.


    A>hen a pe!son $ommits any of the $!imes efine in the &e(ise 7enal Coe o! spe$ial las ith the

    use of the afo!ementione e3plosi(es, etonation a%ents o! in$enia!y e(i$es, hi$h !esults in the eath

    of any pe!son o! pe!sons, the use of su$h e3plosi(es, etonation a%ents o! in$enia!y e(i$es shall "e

    $onsie!e as an a%%!a(atin% $i!$umstan$e.

    AIf the (iolation of this Se$tion is in fu!the!an$e of, o! in$ient to, o! in $onne$tion ith the $!ime of

    !e"ellion, insu!!e$tion, seition o! attempte $oup ?tat, su$h (iolation shall "e a"so!"e as an element

    of the $!imes of !e"ellion, insu!!e$tion, seition o! attempte $oup ?tat.

    AThe same penalty shall "e impose upon the one!, p!esient, mana%e!, i!e$to! o! othe! !esponsi"le

    offi$e! of any pu"li$ o! p!i(ate fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity, ho shall illfully o! /noin%ly allo

    any of the e3plosi(es one "y su$h fi!m, $ompany, $o!po!ation o! entity, to "e use "y any pe!son o!

    pe!sons foun %uilty of (iolatin% the p!o(isions of the p!e$ein% pa!a%!aphs.A

    SECTION 9. Se$tion 5 of 7!esiential e$!ee No. 1+66, as amene, is he!e"y fu!the! amene to

    !ea as follos:

    ASECTION 5. Tampe!in% of i!ea!m?s Se!ial Num"e!. H The penalty of p!ision $o!!e$$ional shall "e

    impose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully tampe!, $han%e, efa$e o! e!ase the se!ial num"e! of any


    SECTION 4. Se$tion 6 of 7!esiential e$!ee No. 1+66, as amene, is he!e"y fu!the! amene to

    !ea as follos:

    ASECTION 6. &epa$/in% o! #lte!in% the Composition of afully Fanufa$tu!e E3plosi(es. H The

    penalty of p!ision $o!!e$$ional shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho shall unlafully !epa$/, alte! o!

    moify the $omposition of any lafully manufa$tu!e e3plosi(es.A

    SECTION 5. Co(e!a%e of the Te!m =nli$ense i!ea!m. H The te!m unli$ense fi!ea!m shall in$lue:

    1- fi!ea!ms ith e3pi!e li$ense8 o!

    2- unautho!i

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    SECTION +. &epealin% Clause. H #ll las, e$!ees, o!e!s, !ules an !e%ulations o! pa!ts the!eof

    in$onsistent ith the p!o(isions of this #$t a!e he!e"y !epeale, amene, o! moifie a$$o!in%ly.

    SECTION . Effe$ti(ity. H This #$t shall ta/e effe$t afte! fifteen *15- ays folloin% its pu"li$ation in

    the Offi$ial a'E&E#S, to is$ou!a%e pu"li$ iniffe!en$e o! apathy toa!s the app!ehension an p!ose$ution of$!iminal offene!s, it is ne$essa!y to penali, T'E&EO&E, I, E&IN#N, E. F#&COS, 7!esient of the 7hilippines, "y (i!tue of the poe!s(este in me "y la o he!e"y e$!ee an o!e! the folloin%:

    Sectio, '.The penalty of p!ision $o!!e$$ional in its ma3imum pe!io, o! a fine !an%in% f!om 1,000 to6,000 pesos, o! "oth, shall "e impose upon any pe!son ho /noin%ly o! illfully o"st!u$ts, impees,f!ust!ates o! elays the app!ehension of suspe$ts an the in(esti%ation an p!ose$ution of $!iminal $ases"y $ommittin% any of the folloin% a$ts:

    *a- p!e(entin% itnesses f!om testifyin% in any $!iminal p!o$eein% o! f!om !epo!tin% the$ommission of any offense o! the ientity of any offene!@s "y means of "!i"e!y,mis!ep!esentation, e$eit, intimiation, fo!$e o! th!eats8

    *"- alte!in%, est!oyin%, supp!essin% o! $on$ealin% any pape!, !e$o!, o$ument, o! o"e$t, ithintent to impai! its (e!ity, authenti$ity, le%i"ility, a(aila"ility, o! amissi"ility as e(ien$e in anyin(esti%ation of o! offi$ial p!o$eein%s in, $!iminal $ases, o! to "e use in the in(esti%ation of, o!offi$ial p!o$eein%s in, $!iminal $ases8

    *$- ha!"o!in% o! $on$ealin%, o! fa$ilitatin% the es$ape of, any pe!son he /nos, o! has!easona"le %!oun to "elie(e o! suspe$t, has $ommitte any offense une! e3istin% penal las ino!e! to p!e(ent his a!!est p!ose$ution an $on(i$tion8

    *- pu"li$ly usin% a fi$titious name fo! the pu!pose of $on$ealin% a $!ime, e(ain% p!ose$ution o!the e3e$ution of a u%ment, o! $on$ealin% his t!ue name an othe! pe!sonal $i!$umstan$es fo!

    the same pu!pose o! pu!poses8

    *e- elayin% the p!ose$ution of $!iminal $ases "y o"st!u$tin% the se!(i$e of p!o$ess o! $ou!to!e!s o! istu!"in% p!o$eein%s in the fis$al?s offi$es, in Tano"ayan, o! in the $ou!ts8

    *f- ma/in%, p!esentin% o! usin% any !e$o!, o$ument, pape! o! o"e$t ith /nole%e of itsfalsity an ith intent to affe$t the $ou!se o! out$ome of the in(esti%ation of, o! offi$ialp!o$eein%s in, $!iminal $ases8

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    *%- soli$itin%, a$$eptin%, o! a%!eein% to a$$ept any "enefit in $onsie!ation of a"stainin% f!om,is$ountin%, o! impein% the p!ose$ution of a $!iminal offene!8

    *h- th!eatenin% i!e$tly o! ini!e$tly anothe! ith the infli$tion of any !on% upon his pe!son,hono! o! p!ope!ty o! that of any immeiate mem"e! o! mem"e!s of his family in o!e! to p!e(ent

    su$h pe!son f!om appea!in% in the in(esti%ation of, o! offi$ial p!o$eein%s in, $!iminal $ases, o!imposin% a $onition, hethe! laful o! unlaful, in o!e! to p!e(ent a pe!son f!om appea!in% inthe in(esti%ation of o! in offi$ial p!o$eein%s in, $!iminal $ases8

    *i- %i(in% of false o! fa"!i$ate info!mation to mislea o! p!e(ent the la enfo!$ement a%en$iesf!om app!ehenin% the offene! o! f!om p!ote$tin% the life o! p!ope!ty of the (i$tim8 o! fa"!i$atin%info!mation f!om the ata %athe!e in $onfien$e "y in(esti%atin% autho!ities fo! pu!poses of"a$/%!oun info!mation an not fo! pu"li$ation an pu"lishin% o! isseminatin% the same tomislea the in(esti%ato! o! to the $ou!t.

    If any of the a$ts mentione he!ein is penali

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    ha(in% "een %!ante $onitional pa!on "y the Chief E3e$uti(e shall ha(e (iolate the te!ms the!eof8 to

    those hose ma3imum te!m of imp!isonment oes not e3$ee one yea!, not to those al!eay senten$e

    "y final u%ment at the time of app!o(al of this #$t, e3$ept as p!o(ie in Se$tion 5 he!eof.

    Se$. 9. The!e is he!e"y $!eate a oa! of 7a!ons an 7a!ole to "e $ompose of the Se$!eta!y of

    Justi$e ho shall "e its Chai!man, an fou! mem"e!s to "e appointe "y the 7!esient, ith the $onsent

    of the Commission on #ppointments ho shall hol offi$e fo! a te!m of si3 yea!s: 7!o(ie, That one

    mem"e! of the "oa! shall "e a t!aine so$iolo%ist, one a $le!%yman o! eu$ato!, one psy$hiat!ist unless

    a t!aine psy$hiat!ist "e employe "y the "oa!, an the othe! mem"e!s shall "e pe!sons Bualifie fo!

    su$h o!/ "y t!ainin% an e3pe!ien$e. #t least one mem"e! of the "oa! shall "e a oman. Of the

    mem"e!s of the p!esent "oa!, to shall "e esi%nate "y the 7!esient to $ontinue until e$em"e! thi!ty,

    nineteen hun!e an si3ty)si3 an the othe! to shall $ontinue until e$em"e! thi!ty, nineteen hun!e

    an si3ty)nine. In $ase of any (a$an$y in the mem"e!ship of the oa!, a su$$esso! may "e appointe to

    se!(e only fo! the une3pi!e po!tion of the te!m of the !espe$ti(e mem"e!s.

    Se$. 4. The oa! of 7a!ons an 7a!ole is autho!i

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    they shall ha(e se!(e a pe!io of imp!isonment not less than the minimum pe!io fo! hi$h they mi%ht

    ha(e "een senten$e une! this #$t fo! the same offense.

    Se$. 6. E(e!y p!isone! !elease f!om $onfinement on pa!ole "y (i!tue of this #$t shall, at su$h times an

    in su$h manne! as may "e !eBui!e "y the $onitions of his pa!ole, as may "e esi%nate "y the sai

    oa! fo! su$h pu!pose, !epo!t pe!sonally to su$h %o(e!nment offi$ials o! othe! pa!ole offi$e!s he!eafte!appointe "y the oa! of Inete!minate Senten$e fo! a pe!io of su!(eillan$e eBui(alent to the !emainin%

    po!tion of the ma3imum senten$e impose upon him o! until final !elease an is$ha!%e "y the oa! of

    Inete!minate Senten$e as he!ein p!o(ie. The offi$ials so esi%nate shall /eep su$h !e$o!s an

    ma/e su$h !epo!ts an pe!fo!m su$h othe! uties he!eune! as may "e !eBui!e "y sai oa!. The limits

    of !esien$e of su$h pa!ole p!isone! u!in% his pa!ole may "e fi3e an f!om time to time $han%e "y

    the sai oa! in its is$!etion. If u!in% the pe!io of su!(eillan$e su$h pa!ole p!isone! shall sho

    himself to "e a la)a"iin% $iti

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    >'E&E#S, one of the mao! %oals of the %o(e!nment is to esta"lish a mo!e enli%htene an humane$o!!e$tional systems that ill p!omote the !efo!mation of offene!s an the!e"y !eu$e the in$ien$e of!e$ii(ism8

    >'E&E#S, the $onfinement of all offene!s p!isons an othe! institutions ith !eha"ilitation p!o%!ams$onstitutes an one!ous !ain on the finan$ial !esou!$es of the $ount!y8 an

    >'E&E#S, the!e is a nee to p!o(ie a less $ostly alte!nati(e to the imp!isonment of offene!s ho a!eli/ely to !espon to ini(iuali

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    Sectio, .Postsentence 1nvestigation'No pe!son shall "e pla$e on p!o"ation e3$ept upon p!io!in(esti%ation "y the p!o"ation offi$e! an a ete!mination "y the $ou!t that the ens of usti$e an the "estinte!est of the pu"li$ as ell as that of the efenant ill "e se!(e the!e"y.

    Sectio, 6.0orm of 1nvestigation Report'The in(esti%ation !epo!t to "e su"mitte "y the p!o"ation offi$e!une! Se$tion 5 he!eof shall "e in the fo!m p!es$!i"e "y the 7!o"ation #minist!ato! an app!o(e "y

    the Se$!eta!y of Justi$e.

    Sectio, .Period for Submission of 1nvestigation Report'The p!o"ation offi$e! shall su"mit to the $ou!tthe in(esti%ation !epo!t on a efenant not late! than si3ty ays f!om !e$eipt of the o!e! of sai $ou!t to$onu$t the in(esti%ation. The $ou!t shall !esol(e the petition fo! p!o"ation not late! than fi(e ays afte!!e$eipt of sai !epo!t.

    7enin% su"mission of the in(esti%ation !epo!t an the !esolution of the petition, the efenant may "ealloe on tempo!a!y li"e!ty une! his "ail file in the $!iminal $ase8 7!o(ie, That, in $ase he!e no "ailas file o! that the efenant is in$apa"le of filin% one, the $ou!t may allo the !elease of the efenanton !e$o%ni

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    *"- !epo!t to the p!o"ation offi$e! at least on$e a month at su$h time an pla$e as spe$ifie "ysai offi$e!.

    The $ou!t may also !eBui!e the p!o"atione! to:

    *a- $oope!ate ith a p!o%!am of supe!(ision8

    *"- meet his family !esponsi"ilities8

    *$- e(ote himself to a spe$ifi$ employment an not to $han%e sai employment ithout the p!io!!itten app!o(al of the p!o"ation offi$e!8

    *- une!%o mei$al, psy$holo%i$al o! psy$hiat!i$ e3amination an t!eatment an ente! an!emain in a spe$ifie institution, hen !eBui!e fo! that pu!pose8

    *e- pu!sue a p!es$!i"e se$ula! stuy o! (o$ational t!ainin%8

    *f- atten o! !esie in a fa$ility esta"lishe fo! inst!u$tion, !e$!eation o! !esien$e of pe!sons on


    *%- !ef!ain f!om (isitin% houses of ill)!epute8

    *h- a"stain f!om !in/in% into3i$atin% "e(e!a%es to e3$ess8

    *i- pe!mit to p!o"ation offi$e! o! an autho!i

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    fu!nishe sai E3e$uti(e Ju%e. The!eafte!, the E3e$uti(e Ju%e to hom u!isi$tion o(e! the p!o"atione!is t!ansfe!!e shall ha(e the poe! ith !espe$t to him that as p!e(iously possesse "y the $ou!t hi$h%!ante the p!o"ation.

    Sectio, '4.Period of Probation'

    *a- The pe!io of p!o"ation of a efenant senten$e to a te!m of imp!isonment of not mo!e thanone yea! shall not e3$ee to yea!s, an in all othe! $ases, sai pe!io shall not e3$ee si3yea!s.

    *"- >hen the senten$e imposes a fine only an the offene! is mae to se!(e su"siia!yimp!isonment in $ase of insol(en$y, the pe!io of p!o"ation shall not "e less than no! to "e mo!ethan ti$e the total num"e! of ays of su"siia!y imp!isonment as $ompute at the !ateesta"lishe, in #!ti$le thi!ty)nine of the &e(ise 7enal Coe, as amene.

    Sectio, '.Arrest of Probationer= Subse/uent *isposition'#t any time u!in% p!o"ation, the $ou!t mayissue a a!!ant fo! the a!!est of a p!o"atione! fo! (iolation of any of the $onitions of p!o"ation. Thep!o"atione!, on$e a!!este an etaine, shall immeiately "e "!ou%ht "efo!e the $ou!t fo! a hea!in%,hi$h may "e info!mal an summa!y, of the (iolation $ha!%e. The efenant may "e amitte to "ail

    penin% su$h hea!in%. In su$h a $ase, the p!o(isions !e%a!in% !elease on "ail of pe!sons $ha!%e ith a$!ime shall "e appli$a"le to p!o"atione!s a!!este une! this p!o(ision. If the (iolation is esta"lishe, the$ou!t may !e(o/e o! $ontinue his p!o"ation an moify the $onitions the!eof. If !e(o/e, the $ou!t shallo!e! the p!o"atione! to se!(e the senten$e o!i%inally impose. #n o!e! !e(o/in% the %!ant of p!o"ation o!moifyin% the te!ms an $onitions the!eof shall not "e appeala"le.

    Sectio, '6.#ermination of Probation'#fte! the pe!io of p!o"ation an upon $onsie!ation of the !epo!tan !e$ommenation of the p!o"ation offi$e!, the $ou!t may o!e! the final is$ha!%e of the p!o"atione!upon finin% that he has fulfille the te!ms an $onitions of his p!o"ation an the!eupon the $ase iseeme te!minate.

    The final is$ha!%e of the p!o"atione! shall ope!ate to !esto!e to him all $i(il !i%hts lost o! suspen as a!esult of his $on(i$tion an to fully is$ha!%e his lia"ility fo! any fine impose as to the offense fo! hi$h

    p!o"ation as %!ante.

    The p!o"atione! an the p!o"ation offi$e! shall ea$h "e fu!nishe ith a $opy of su$h o!e!.

    Sectio, '.Confidentiality of Records'The in(esti%ation !epo!t an the supe!(ision histo!y of ap!o"atione! o"taine une! this e$!ee shall "e p!i(ile%e an shall not "e is$lose i!e$tly o! ini!e$tlyto anyone othe! than the 7!o"ation #minist!ation o! the $ou!t $on$e!ne, e3$ept that the $ou!t, in itsis$!etion, may pe!mit the p!o"atione! of his atto!ney to inspe$t the afo!ementione o$uments o! pa!tsthe!eof hene(e! the "est inte!est of the p!o"atione! ma/e su$h is$losu!e esi!a"le o! helpful: 7!o(ie,u!the!, That, any %o(e!nment offi$e o! a%en$y en%a%e in the $o!!e$tion o! !eha"ilitation of offene!smay, if ne$essa!y, o"tain $opies of sai o$uments fo! its offi$ial use f!om the p!ope! $ou!t o! the


    Sectio, '(.#he Probation Administration'The!e is he!e"y $!eate une! the epa!tment of Justi$e ana%en$y to "e /non as the 7!o"ation #minist!ation he!ein !efe!!e to as the #minist!ation, hi$h shalle3e!$ise %ene!al supe!(ision o(e! all p!o"atione!s.

    The #minist!ation shall ha(e su$h staff, ope!atin% units an pe!sonnel as may "e ne$essa!y fo! thep!ope! e3e$ution of its fun$tions.

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    Sectio, '9.Probation Administration'The #minist!ation shall "e heae "y the 7!o"ation #minist!ato!,he!einafte! !efe!!e to as the #minist!ato!, ho shall "e appointe "y the 7!esient of the 7hilippines. 'eshall hol offi$e u!in% %oo "eha(io! an shall not "e !emo(e e3$ept fo! $ause.

    The #minist!ato! shall !e$ei(e an annual sala!y of at least fo!ty thousan pesos. 'is poe!s an utiesshall "e to:

    *a- a$t as the e3e$uti(e offi$e! of the #minist!ation8

    *"- e3e!$ise supe!(ision an $ont!ol o(e! all p!o"ation offi$e!s8

    *$- ma/e annual !epo!ts to the Se$!eta!y of Justi$e, in su$h fo!m as the latte! may p!es$!i"e,$on$e!nin% the ope!ation, aminist!ation an imp!o(ement of the p!o"ation system8

    *- p!omul%ate, su"e$t to the app!o(al of the Se$!eta!y of Justi$e, the ne$essa!y !ules !elati(e tothe methos an p!o$eu!es of the p!o"ation p!o$ess8

    *e- !e$ommen to the Se$!eta!y of Justi$e the appointment of the su"o!inate pe!sonnel of his#minist!ation an othe! offi$es esta"lishe in this e$!ee8 an

    *f- %ene!ally, pe!fo!m su$h uties an e3e!$ise su$h poe!s as may "e ne$essa!y o! in$iental toa$hie(e the o"e$ti(es of this e$!ee.

    Sectio, #5.Assistant Probation Administrator'The!e shall "e an #ssistant 7!o"ation #minist!ato! hoshall assist the #minist!ato! pe!fo!m su$h uties as may "e assi%ne to him "y the latte! an as may "ep!o(ie "y la. In the a"sen$e of the #minist!ato!, he shall a$t as hea of the #minist!ation.

    'e shall "e appointe "y the 7!esient of the 7hilippines an shall !e$ei(e an annual sala!y of at leastthi!ty)si3 thousan pesos.

    Sectio, #'.>ualifications of the Administrator and Assistant Probation Administrator'To "e eli%i"le fo!

    #ppointment as #minist!ato! o! #ssistant 7!o"ation #minist!ato!, a pe!son must "e at least thi!ty)fi(eyea!s of a%e, hole! of a maste!?s e%!ee o! its eBui(alent in eithe! $!iminolo%y, so$ial o!/, $o!!e$tions,penolo%y, psy$holo%y, so$iolo%y, pu"li$ aminist!ation, la, poli$e s$ien$e, poli$e aminist!ation, o!!elate fiels, an shoul ha(e at least fi(e yea!s of supe!(iso!y e3pe!ien$e, o! "e a mem"e! of the7hilippine a! ith at least se(en yea!s of supe!(iso!y e3pe!ien$e.

    Sectio, ##.Regional 8ffice= Regional Probation 8fficer'The #minist!ation shall ha(e !e%ional offi$eso!%ani

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    Sectio, #3.Provincial and City Probation 8fficers'The!e shall "e at least one p!o"ation offi$e! in ea$hp!o(in$e an $ity ho shall "e appointe "y the Se$!eta!y of Justi$e upon !e$ommenation of the

    #minist!ato! an in a$$o!an$e ith $i(il se!(i$e la an !ules.

    The 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ation Offi$e! shall !e$ei(e an annual sala!y of at least ei%hteen thousan fou!hun!e pesos.

    'is uties shall "e to:

    *a- in(esti%ate all pe!sons !efe!!e to him fo! in(esti%ation "y the p!ope! $ou!t o! the#minist!ato!8

    *"- inst!u$t all p!o"atione!s une! his supe!(ision of that of the p!o"ation aie on the te!ms an$onitions of thei! p!o"ations8

    *$- /eep himself info!me of the $onu$t an $onition of p!o"atione!s une! his $ha!%e an useall suita"le methos to "!in% a"out an imp!o(ement in thei! $onu$t an $onitions8

    *- maintain a etaile !e$o! of his o!/ an su"mit su$h !itten !epo!ts as may "e !eBui!e "ythe #minist!ation o! the $ou!t ha(in% u!isi$tion o(e! the p!o"atione! une! his supe!(ision8

    *e- p!epa!e a list of Bualifie !esients of the p!o(in$e o! $ity he!e he is assi%ne ho a!e illin%to a$t as p!o"ation aies8

    *f- supe!(ise the t!ainin% of p!o"ation aies an o(e!see the latte!?s supe!(ision of p!o"atione!s8

    *%- e3e!$ise supe!(ision an $ont!ol o(e! all fiel assistants, p!o"ation aies an othe! pe!sonnel8an

    *h- pe!fo!m su$h uties as may "e assi%ne "y the $ou!t o! the #minist!ation.

    Sectio, #4.Fis$ellaneous 7oe!s of 7!o(in$ial an City 7!o"ation Offi$e!s. 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ationOffi$e!s shall ha(e the autho!ity ithin thei! te!!ito!ial u!isi$tion to aministe! oaths ana$/nole%ments an to ta/e epositions in $onne$tion ith thei! uties an fun$tions une! this e$!ee.They shall also ha(e, ith !espe$t to p!o"atione!s une! thei! $a!e, the poe!s of poli$e offi$e!.

    Sectio, #.ualifi$ations of &e%ional, #ssistant &e%ional, 7!o(in$ial, an City 7!o"ation Offi$e!s. Nope!son shall "e appointe &e%ional o! #ssistant &e%ional o! 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ation Offi$e! unless hepossesses at least a "a$helo!?s e%!ee ith a mao! in so$ial o!/, so$iolo%y, psy$holo%y, $!iminolo%y,penolo%y, $o!!e$tions, poli$e s$ien$e, aminist!ation, o! !elate fiels an has at least th!ee yea!s ofe3pe!ien$e in o!/ !eBui!in% any of the a"o(ementione is$iplines, o! is a mem"e! of the 7hilippine a!ith at least th!ee yea!s of supe!(iso!y e3pe!ien$e.

    >hene(e! p!a$ti$a"le, the 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ation Offi$e! shall "e appointe f!om amon% Bualifie!esients of the p!o(in$e o! $ity he!e he ill "e assi%ne to o!/.

    Sectio, #6.8rgani6ation'>ithin tel(e months f!om the app!o(al of this e$!ee, the Se$!eta!y of Justi$eshall o!%ani

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    Sectio, #.iel #ssistants, Su"o!inate 7e!sonnel, 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ation Offi$e!s shall "eassiste "y su$h fiel assistants an su"o!inate pe!sonnel as may "e ne$essa!y to ena"le them to $a!!yout thei! uties effe$ti(ely.

    Sectio, #(.Probation Aides'To assist the 7!o(in$ial o! City 7!o"ation Offi$e!s in the supe!(ision ofp!o"atione!s, the 7!o"ation #minist!ato! may appoint $iti

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    shall "e%in to !un a%ain if the p!o$eein%s a!e ismisse fo! !easons not $onstitutin% eopa!y.

    Se$. 9. o! the pu!poses of this #$t, spe$ial a$ts shall "e a$ts efinin% an penali'E&E#S, !epo!ts f!om la)enfo!$ement a%en$ies !e(eal that laless elements a!e still $ommittin% a$tsof ep!eations upon the pe!sons an p!ope!ties of inno$ent an efenseless inha"itants ho t!a(el f!omone pla$e to anothe!, the!e"y ist!i"utin% the pea$e, o!e! an t!anBuility of the nation an stuntin% thee$onomi$ an so$ial p!o%!ess of the people8

    >'E&E#S, su$h a$ts of ep!eations $onstitute eithe! pi!a$y o! hi%hay !o""e!y@"!i%ana%e hi$h a!eamon% the hi%hest fo!ms of lalessness $onemne "y the penal statutes of all $ount!ies8 an,

    >'E&E#S, it is impe!ati(e that sai laless elements "e is$ou!a%e f!om pe!pet!atin% su$h a$ts ofep!eations "y imposin% hea(y penalty on the offene!s, ith the en in (ie of eliminatin% all o"sta$lesto the e$onomi$, so$ial, eu$ational an $ommunity p!o%!ess of the people8

    NO>, T'E&EO&E, I, E&IN#N E. F#&COS, 7!esient of the 7hilippines, "y (i!tue of the poe!s(este in me "y the Constitution an pu!suant to p!o$lamation No. 10+1, ate Septem"e! 21, 12 anNo. 1104, ate Janua!y 1, 19 an ene!al O!e! No. 1, ate Septem"e! 22, 12, o he!e"y o!e!an e$!ee as pa!t of the la of the lan the folloin%:

    Sectio, '.#itle'This e$!ee shall "e /non as the #nti)7i!a$y an #nti)'i%hay &o""e!y a of 14.

    Sectio, #.*efinition of #erms'The folloin% te!ms shall mean an "e une!stoo, as follos:

    a. 7hilippine >ate!s. It shall !efe! to all "oies of ate!, su$h as "ut not limite to, seas, %ulfs,"ays a!oun, "eteen an $onne$tin% ea$h of the Islans of the 7hilippine #!$hipela%o,i!!espe$ti(e of its epth, "!eath, len%th o! imension, an all othe! ate!s "elon%in% to the7hilippines "y histo!i$ o! le%al title, in$luin% te!!ito!ial sea, the sea)"e, the insula! shel(es, anothe! su"ma!ine a!eas o(e! hi$h the 7hilippines has so(e!ei%nty o! u!isi$tion.

    ". ;essel. #ny (essel o! ate!$!aft use fo! t!anspo!t of passen%e!s an $a!%o f!om one pla$e toanothe! th!ou%h 7hilippine >ate!s. It shall in$lue all /ins an types of (essels o! "oats use infishin%.

    $. 7hilippine 'i%hay. It shall !efe! to any !oa, st!eet, passa%e, hi%hay an "!i%es o! othe!pa!ts the!eof, o! !ailay o! !ail!oa ithin the 7hilippines use "y pe!sons, o! (ehi$les, o!lo$omoti(es o! t!ains fo! the mo(ement o! $i!$ulation of pe!sons o! t!anspo!tation of %oos,a!ti$les, o! p!ope!ty o! "oth.

    . 7i!a$y. #ny atta$/ upon o! sei

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    7hilippine ate!s, shall "e $onsie!e as pi!a$y. The offene!s shall "e $onsie!e as pi!ates anpunishe as he!einafte! p!o(ie.

    e. 'i%hay &o""e!y@!i%ana%e. The sei

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    Sectio, #.#ny pe!son (iolatin% any p!o(ision of the fo!e%oin% se$tion shall "e punishe "y animp!isonment of not less than tel(e yea!s "ut not mo!e than tenty yea!s, o! "y a fine of not less thantenty thousan pesos "ut not mo!e than fo!ty thousan pesos.

    The penalty of imp!isonment of fifteen yea!s to eath, o! a fine of not less than tenty)fi(e thousanpesos "ut not mo!e than fifty thousan pesos shall "e impose upon any pe!son $ommittin% su$h

    (iolation une! any of the folloin% $i!$umstan$es:

    1. >hene(e! he has fi!e upon the pilot, mem"e! of the $!e o! passen%e! of the ai!$!aft8

    2. >hene(e! he has e3ploe o! attempte to e3ploe any "om" o! e3plosi(e to est!oy theai!$!aft8 o!

    9. >hene(e! the $!ime is a$$ompanie "y mu!e!, homi$ie, se!ious physi$al inu!ies o! !ape.

    Sectio, 3.It shall "e unlaful fo! any pe!son, natu!al o! u!ii$al, to ship, loa o! $a!!y in any passen%e!ai!$!aft ope!atin% as a pu"li$ utility ithin the 7hilippines, an e3plosi(e, flamma"le, $o!!osi(e o!poisonous su"stan$e o! mate!ial.

    Sectio, 4.The shippin%, loain% o! $a!!yin% of any su"stan$e o! mate!ial mentione in the p!e$ein%se$tion in any $a!%o ai!$!aft ope!atin% as a pu"li$ utility ithin the 7hilippines shall "e in a$$o!an$e ith!e%ulations issue "y the Ci(il #e!onauti$s #minist!ation.

    Sectio, .#s use in this #$t

    *1- AE3plosi(eA shall mean any su"stan$e, eithe! soli o! liBui, mi3tu!e o! sin%le $ompoun,hi$h "y $hemi$al !ea$tion li"e!ates heat an %as at hi%h spee an $auses t!emenousp!essu!e !esultin% in e3plosion. The te!m shall in$lue "ut not limite to ynamites, fi!e$!a$/e!s,"lastin% $aps, "la$/ poe!s, "u!ste!s, pe!$ussions, $a!t!i%es an othe! e3plosi(e mate!ials,e3$ept "ullets fo! fi!ea!m.

    *2- Alamma"leA is any su"stan$e o! mate!ial that is hi%hly $om"usti"le an self)i%nitin% "y$hemi$al !ea$tion an shall in$lue "ut not limite to a$!olein, allene, aluminum yethylmono$hlo!ie, an othe! aluminum $ompouns, ammonium $hlo!ate an othe! ammoniummi3tu!es an othe! simila! su"stan$es o! mate!ials.

    *9- ACo!!osi(eA is any su"stan$e o! mate!ial, eithe! liBui, soli o! %aseous, hi$h th!ou%h$hemi$al !ea$tion ea!s aay, impai!s o! $onsumes any o"e$t. It shall in$lue "ut not limite toal/aline "atte!y flui pa$/e ith empty sto!a%e "atte!y, allyl $hlo!ofo!mate, allyt!i$hlo!osilane,ammonium init!o)o!tho$!esolate an othe! simila! mate!ials an su"stan$es.

    *4- A7oisonousA is any su"stan$e o! mate!ials, e3$ept mei$inal !u%, eithe! liBui, soli o!%aseous, hi$h th!ou%h $hemi$al !ea$tions /ills, inu!ies o! impai!s a li(in% o!%anism o! pe!son,an shall in$lue "ut not limite to allyl isothio$yanate, ammunition *$hemi$al, non)e3plosi(e "ut

    $ontainin% Class #, o! poison-, aniline oil, a!sine, "!omo"en

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    shall "e impose upon its !esient a%ent, mana%e!, !ep!esentati(e o! i!e$to! !esponsi"le fo! su$h(iolation an in aition the!eto, the li$ense of sai $o!po!ation to o "usiness in the 7hilippines shall "e!e(o/e.

    #ny (iolation of Se$tion fou! he!eof shall "e an offense punisha"le ith the minimum of the penaltyp!o(ie in the ne3t p!e$ein% pa!a%!aph.

    Sectio, .o! any eath o! inu!y to pe!sons o! ama%e to p!ope!ty !esultin% f!om a (iolation of Se$tionsth!ee an fou! he!eof, the pe!son !esponsi"le the!efo! may "e hel lia"le in a$$o!an$e ith theappli$a"le p!o(isions of the &e(ise 7enal Coe.

    Sectio, (.#i!$!aft $ompanies hi$h ope!ate as pu"li$ utilities o! ope!ato!s of ai!$!aft hi$h a!e fo! hi!ea!e autho!i 6& #55


    Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

    SECTION '. #$o%t &itle.) This #$t shall hen$efo!th "e /non as the AHu+*, Secu=it Act o? #55.A

    SEC. #. "ecla%ation o' !olicy.) It is e$la!e a poli$y of the State to p!ote$t life, li"e!ty, an p!ope!tyf!om a$ts of te!!o!ism, to $onemn te!!o!ism as inimi$al an an%e!ous to the national se$u!ity of the$ount!y an to the elfa!e of the people, an to ma/e te!!o!ism a $!ime a%ainst the ilipino people,a%ainst humanity, an a%ainst the la of nations.

    In the implementation of the poli$y state a"o(e, the State shall uphol the "asi$ !i%hts an funamentalli"e!ties of the people as ensh!ine in the Constitution.

    The State !e$o%ni

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    Nothin% in this #$t shall "e inte!p!ete as a $u!tailment, !est!i$tion o! iminution of $onstitutionally!e$o%ni

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    SEC. 6.Accesso%y.) #ny pe!son ho, ha(in% /nole%e of the $ommission of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o!$onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism, an ithout ha(in% pa!ti$ipate the!ein, eithe! as p!in$ipal o! a$$ompli$eune! #!ti$les 1 an 1+ of the &e(ise 7enal Coe, ta/es pa!t su"seBuent to its $ommission in any ofthe folloin% manne!: *a- "y p!ofitin% himself o! assistin% the offene! to p!ofit "y the effe$ts of the $!ime8*"- "y $on$ealin% o! est!oyin% the "oy of the $!ime, o! the effe$ts, o! inst!uments the!eof, in o!e! top!e(ent its is$o(e!y8 *$- "y ha!"o!in%, $on$ealin%, o! assistin% in the es$ape of the p!in$ipal o!$onspi!ato! of the $!ime, shall suffe! the penalty of ten *10- yea!s an one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s ofimp!isonment.

    Notithstanin% the a"o(e pa!a%!aph, the penalties p!es$!i"e fo! a$$esso!ies shall not "e impose uponthose ho a!e su$h ith !espe$t to thei! spouses, as$enants, es$enants, le%itimate, natu!al, anaopte "!othe!s an siste!s, o! !elati(es "y affinity ithin the same e%!ees, ith the sin%le e3$eption ofa$$esso!ies fallin% ithin the p!o(isions of su"pa!a%!aph *a-.

    SEC. . #u%)eillance o' #uspects and *nte%ception and Reco%din+ o' (ommunications .)Thep!o(isions of &epu"li$ #$t No. 4200 *#nti)>i!e Tappin% a- to the $ont!a!y notithstanin%, a poli$e o!la enfo!$ement offi$ial an the mem"e!s of his team may, upon a !itten o!e! of the Cou!t of #ppeals,listen to, inte!$ept an !e$o!, ith the use of any moe, fo!m, /in o! type of ele$t!oni$ o! othe!su!(eillan$e eBuipment o! inte!$eptin% an t!a$/in% e(i$es, o! ith the use of any othe! suita"le ays

    an means fo! that pu!pose, any $ommuni$ation, messa%e, $on(e!sation, is$ussion, o! spo/en o! !itteno!s "eteen mem"e!s of a ui$ially e$la!e an outlae te!!o!ist o!%ani

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    othe!ise- $ommuni$ations, messa%es, $on(e!sations, is$ussions, o! spo/en o! !itten o!s, theele$t!oni$ t!ansmission systems o! the telephone num"e!s to "e t!a$/e on, tappe, listene to,inte!$epte, an !e$o!e an thei! lo$ations o! if the pe!son suspe$te of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o!$onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism is not fully /non, su$h pe!son shall "e su"e$t to $ontinuous su!(eillan$ep!o(ie the!e is a !easona"le %!oun to o so8 *"- the ientity *name, a!ess, an the poli$e o! laenfo!$ement o!%ani

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    It shall "e unlaful fo! any pe!son, poli$e offi$e! o! any $ustoian of the tapes, is$s an !e$o!in%, anthei! e3$e!pts an summa!ies, !itten notes o! memo!ana to $opy in hate(e! fo!m, to !emo(e, elete,e3pun%e, in$ine!ate, sh!e o! est!oy in any manne! the items enume!ate a"o(e in hole o! in pa!tune! any p!ete3t hatsoe(e!.

    #ny pe!son ho !emo(es, eletes, e3pun%es, in$ine!ates, sh!es o! est!oys the items enume!ate

    a"o(e shall suffe! a penalty of not less than si3 yea!s an one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s of imp!isonment.

    SEC. '#. (ontents o' Joint A''ida)it.) The oint affia(it of the poli$e o! of the la enfo!$ement offi$ialan the ini(iual mem"e!s of his team shall state: *a- the num"e! of tapes, is$s, an !e$o!in%s thatha(e "een mae, as ell as the num"e! of e3$e!pts an summa!ies the!eof an the num"e! of !ittennotes an memo!ana, if any, mae in $onne$tion the!eith8 *"- the ates an times $o(e!e "y ea$h ofsu$h tapes, is$s, an !e$o!in%s8 *$- the num"e! of tapes, is$s, an !e$o!in%s, as ell as the num"e!of e3$e!pts an summa!ies the!eof an the num"e! of !itten notes an memo!ana mae in $onne$tionthe!eith that ha(e "een in$lue in the eposit8 an *- the ate of the o!i%inal !itten autho!i

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    listene to, inte!$epte, an !e$o!e $ommuni$ations, messa%es, $on(e!sations, is$ussions, o! spo/eno! !itten o!s *in$luin% any of the e3$e!pts an summa!ies the!eof an any of the notes o!memo!ana mae in $onne$tion the!eith-8 K an, *- fo! usin% any of sai listene to, inte!$epte, an!e$o!e $ommuni$ations, messa%es, $on(e!sations, is$ussions, o! spo/en o! !itten o!s *in$luin%any of the e3$e!pts an summa!ies the!eof an any of the notes o! memo!ana mae in $onne$tionthe!eith- as e(ien$e.

    #ny pe!son, la enfo!$ement offi$ial o! ui$ial autho!ity ho (iolates his uty to notify as efine a"o(eshall suffe! the penalty of si3 yea!s an one ay to ei%ht yea!s of imp!isonment.

    SEC. '. /)identia%y alue o' "eposited ate%ials.) #ny listene to, inte!$epte, an !e$o!e$ommuni$ations, messa%es, $on(e!sations, is$ussions, o! spo/en o! !itten o!s, o! any pa!t o! pa!tsthe!eof, o! any info!mation o! fa$t $ontaine the!ein, in$luin% thei! e3isten$e, $ontent, su"stan$e,pu!po!t, effe$t, o! meanin%, hi$h ha(e "een se$u!e in (iolation of the pe!tinent p!o(isions of this #$t,shall a"solutely not "e amissi"le an usa"le as e(ien$e a%ainst any"oy in any ui$ial, Buasi)ui$ial,le%islati(e, o! aminist!ati(e in(esti%ation, inBui!y, p!o$eein%, o! hea!in%.

    SEC. '6. !enalty 'o% naut$o%i-ed o% alicious *nte%ceptions ando% Reco%din+s.) #ny poli$e o! laenfo!$ement pe!sonnel ho, not "ein% autho!i

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    The poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel $on$e!ne shall, "efo!e etainin% the pe!son suspe$te of the$!ime of te!!o!ism, p!esent him o! he! "efo!e any u%e at the latte!?s !esien$e o! offi$e nea!est the pla$ehe!e the a!!est too/ pla$e at any time of the ay o! ni%ht. It shall "e the uty of the u%e, amon% othe!thin%s, to as$e!tain the ientity of the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel an the pe!son o! pe!sons theyha(e a!!este an p!esente "efo!e him o! he!, to inBui!e of them the !easons hy they ha(e a!!este thepe!son an ete!mine "y Buestionin% an pe!sonal o"se!(ation hethe! o! not the suspe$t has "eensu"e$te to any physi$al, mo!al o! psy$holo%i$al to!tu!e "y hom an hy. The u%e shall then su"mit a!itten !epo!t of hat he@she ha o"se!(e hen the su"e$t as "!ou%ht "efo!e him to the p!ope! $ou!tthat has u!isi$tion o(e! the $ase of the pe!son thus a!!este. The u%e shall fo!thith su"mit his@he!!epo!t ithin th!ee $alena! ays f!om the time the suspe$t as "!ou%ht to his@he! !esien$e o! offi$e.

    Immeiately afte! ta/in% $ustoy of a pe!son $ha!%e ith o! suspe$te of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o!$onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism, the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel shall notify in !itin% the u%e ofthe $ou!t nea!est the pla$e of app!ehension o! a!!est: 7!o(ie ,That he!e the a!!est is mae u!in%Satu!ays, Sunays, holiays o! afte! offi$e hou!s, the !itten noti$e shall "e se!(e at the !esien$e ofthe u%e nea!est the pla$e he!e the a$$use as a!!este.

    The penalty of ten *10- yea!s an one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s of imp!isonment shall "e impose uponthe poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel ho fails to notify an u%e as 7!o(ie in the p!e$ein%


    SEC. '9. !e%iod o' "etention in t$e /)ent o' an Actual o% *mminent &e%%o%ist Attac.) In the e(ent ofan a$tual o! imminent te!!o!ist atta$/, suspe$ts may not "e etaine fo! mo!e than th!ee ays ithout the!itten app!o(al of a muni$ipal, $ity, p!o(in$ial o! !e%ional offi$ial of a 'uman &i%hts Commission o! u%eof the muni$ipal, !e%ional t!ial $ou!t, the Sani%an"ayan o! a usti$e of the Cou!t of #ppeals nea!est thepla$e of the a!!est. If the a!!est is mae u!in% Satu!ays, Sunays, holiays o! afte! offi$e hou!s, thea!!estin% poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel shall "!in% the pe!son thus a!!este to the !esien$e of anyof the offi$ials mentione a"o(e that is nea!est the pla$e he!e the a$$use as a!!este. The app!o(alin !itin% of any of the sai offi$ials shall "e se$u!e "y the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel$on$e!ne ithin fi(e ays afte! the ate of the etention of the pe!sons $on$e!ne: Provided, however,That ithin th!ee ays afte! the etention the suspe$ts, hose $onne$tion ith the te!!o! atta$/ o! th!eatis not esta"lishe, shall "e !elease immeiately.

    SEC. #5. !enalty 'o% ailu%e to "eli)e% #uspect to t$e !%ope% Judicial Aut$o%ity 7it$in &$%ee"ays.) The penalty of ten *10- yea!s an one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s of imp!isonment shall "e imposeupon any poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel ho has app!ehene o! a!!este, etaine an ta/en$ustoy of a pe!son $ha!%e ith o! suspe$te of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o! $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!isman fails to eli(e! su$h $ha!%e o! suspe$te pe!son to the p!ope! ui$ial autho!ity ithin the pe!io ofth!ee ays.

    SEC. #'. Ri+$ts o' a !e%son unde% (ustodial "etention .) The moment a pe!son $ha!%e ith o!suspe$te of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism is app!ehene o!a!!este an etaine, he shall fo!thith "e info!me, "y the a!!estin% poli$e o! la enfo!$ement offi$e!so! "y the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement offi$e!s to hose $ustoy the pe!son $on$e!ne is "!ou%ht, of his o!he! !i%ht: *a- to "e info!me of the natu!e an $ause of his a!!est, to !emain silent an to ha(e $ompetent

    an inepenent $ounsel p!efe!a"ly of his $hoi$e. If the pe!son $annot affo! the se!(i$es of $ounsel ofhis o! he! $hoi$e, the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement offi$e!s $on$e!ne shall immeiately $onta$t the f!eele%al assistan$e unit of the Inte%!ate a! of the 7hilippines *I7- o! the 7u"li$ #tto!ney?s Offi$e *7#O-. Itshall "e the uty of the f!ee le%al assistan$e unit of the I7 o! the 7#O thus $onta$te to immeiately (isitthe pe!son*s- etaine an p!o(ie him o! he! ith le%al assistan$e. These !i%hts $annot "e ai(ee3$ept in !itin% an in the p!esen$e of the $ounsel of $hoi$e8 *"- info!me of the $ause o! $auses of hisetention in the p!esen$e of his le%al $ounsel8 *$- alloe to $ommuni$ate f!eely ith his le%al $ounselan to $onfe! ith them at any time ithout !est!i$tion8 *- alloe to $ommuni$ate f!eely an p!i(atelyithout !est!i$tions ith the mem"e!s of his family o! ith his nea!est !elati(es an to "e (isite "y them8an, *e- alloe f!eely to a(ail of the se!(i$e of a physi$ian o! physi$ians of $hoi$e.

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    SEC. ##. !enalty 'o% iolation o' t$e Ri+$ts o' a "etainee.) #ny poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel,o! any pe!sonnel of the poli$e o! othe! la enfo!$ement $ustoial unit that (iolates any of the afo!esai!i%hts of a pe!son $ha!%e ith o! suspe$te of the $!ime of te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to$ommit te!!o!ism shall "e %uilty of an offense an shall suffe! the penalty of ten *10- yea!s an one ay totel(e *12- yea!s of imp!isonment.

    =nless the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement pe!sonnel ho (iolate the !i%hts of a etainee o! etainees asstate a"o(e is uly ientifie, the same penalty shall "e impose on the poli$e offi$e! o! hea! o! leae! ofthe la enfo!$ement unit ha(in% $ustoy of the etainee at the time the (iolation as one.

    SEC. #3. Re8ui%ement 'o% an ''icial (ustodial o+boo and its (ontents .) The poli$e o! othe! laenfo!$ement $ustoial unit in hose $a!e an $ont!ol the pe!son $ha!%e ith o! suspe$te of the $!imeof te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism has "een pla$e une! $ustoial a!!est anetention shall /eep a se$u!ely an o!e!ly maintaine offi$ial lo%"oo/, hi$h is he!e"y e$la!e as apu"li$ o$ument an opene to an mae a(aila"le fo! .the inspe$tion an s$!utiny of the laye! o!laye!s of the pe!son une! $ustoy o! any mem"e! of his o! he! family o! !elati(e "y $onsan%uinity o!affinity ithin the fou!th $i(il e%!ee o! his o! he! physi$ian at any time of the ay o! ni%ht ithout any fo!mof !est!i$tion. The lo%"oo/ shall $ontain a $lea! an $on$ise !e$o! of: *a- the name, es$!iption, ana!ess of the etaine pe!son8 *"- the ate an e3a$t time of his initial amission fo! $ustoial a!!est an

    etention8 *$- the name an a!ess of the physi$ian o! physi$ians ho e3amine him physi$ally anmei$ally8 *- the state of his health an physi$al $onition at the time of his initial amission fo! $ustoialetention8 *e- the ate an time of ea$h !emo(al of the etaine pe!son f!om his $ell fo! inte!!o%ation o!fo! any pu!pose8 *f- the ate an time of his !etu!n to his $ell8 *%- the name an a!ess of the physi$iano! physi$ians ho physi$ally an mei$ally e3amine him afte! ea$h inte!!o%ation8 *h- a summa!y of thephysi$al an mei$al finin%s on the etaine pe!son afte! ea$h of su$h inte!!o%ation8 *i- the names ana!esses of his family mem"e!s an nea!est !elati(es, if any an if a(aila"le8 *- the names ana!esses of pe!sons, ho (isit the etaine pe!son8 */- the ate an time of ea$h of su$h (isits8 *1- theate an time of ea$h !eBuest of the etaine pe!son to $ommuni$ate an $onfe! ith his le%al $ounsel o!$ounsels8 *m- the ate an time of ea$h (isit, an ate an time of ea$h epa!tu!e of his le%al $ounsel o!$ounsels8 an, *n- all othe! impo!tant e(ents "ea!in% on an all !ele(ant etails !e%a!in% the t!eatment ofthe etaine pe!son hile une! $ustoial a!!est an etention.

    The sai poli$e o! la enfo!$ement $ustoial unit shall upon eman of the afo!ementione laye! o!laye!s o! mem"e!s of the family o! !elati(es ithin the fou!th $i(il e%!ee of $onsan%uinity o! affinity ofthe pe!son une! $ustoy o! his o! he! physi$ian issue a $e!tifie t!ue $opy of the ent!ies of the lo%"oo/!elati(e to the $on$e!ne etaine pe!son ithout elay o! !est!i$tion o! !eBui!in% any fees hatsoe(e!in$luin% o$umenta!y stamp ta3, nota!ial fees, an the li/e. This $e!tifie t!ue $opy may "e atteste "ythe pe!son ho has $ustoy of the lo%"oo/ o! ho alloe the pa!ty $on$e!ne to s$!utini

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    o! ho infli$t physi$al pain o! to!ment, o! mental, mo!al, o! psy$holo%i$al p!essu!e, hi$h shall (itiate thef!ee)ill of a $ha!%e o! suspe$te pe!son une! in(esti%ation an inte!!o%ation fo! the $!ime of te!!o!ismo! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism shall "e %uilty of an offense an shall suffe! the penalty oftel(e *12- yea!s an one ay to tenty *20- yea!s of imp!isonment.

    >hen eath o! se!ious pe!manent isa"ility of sai etaine pe!son o$$u!s as a $onseBuen$e of the use

    of su$h th!eat, intimiation, o! $oe!$ion, o! as a $onseBuen$e of the infli$tion on him of su$h physi$al paino! to!ment, o! as a $onseBuen$e of the infli$tion on him of su$h mental, mo!al, o! psy$holo%i$al p!essu!e,the penalty shall "e tel(e *12- yea!s an one ay to tenty *20- yea!s of imp!isonment.

    SEC. #6. Rest%iction on &%a)el.) In $ases he!e e(ien$e of %uilt is not st!on%, an the pe!son $ha!%eith the $!ime of te!!o!ism o! $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism is entitle to "ail an is %!ante the same,the $ou!t, upon appli$ation "y the p!ose$uto!, shall limit the !i%ht of t!a(el of the a$$use to ithin themuni$ipality o! $ity he!e he !esies o! he!e the $ase is penin%, in the inte!est of national se$u!ity anpu"li$ safety, $onsistent ith #!ti$le III, Se$tion 6 of the Constitution. T!a(el outsie of sai muni$ipality o!$ity, ithout the autho!i

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1



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    #ny pe!son, la enfo!$ement offi$ial o! ui$ial autho!ity ho (iolates his uty to notify in !itin% asefine a"o(e shall suffe! the penalty of si3 yea!s an one ay to ei%ht yea!s of imp!isonment.

    SEC. 3'. (ustody o' ;an "ata and *n'o%mation btained a'te% /:amination o' "eposits,!lacements, &%ust Accounts, Assets and Reco%ds.) #ll info!mation, ata, e3$e!pts, summa!ies, notes,memo!ana, o!/in% sheets, !epo!ts, an othe! o$uments o"taine f!om the e3amination of the "an/

    eposits, pla$ements, t!ust a$$ounts, assets an !e$o!s of: *1- a pe!son $ha!%e ith o! suspe$te ofthe $!ime of te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism8 *2- a ui$ially e$la!e anoutlae te!!o!ist o!%ani

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    th!ee ays "efo!e the s$heule openin%, to open, !e(eal, i(ul%e, an use the $ontents of the sealeen(elope o! seale pa$/a%e as e(ien$e.

    #ny pe!son, la enfo!$ement offi$ial o! ui$ial autho!ity ho (iolates his uty to notify in !itin% asefine a"o(e shall suffe! the penalty of si3 yea!s an one ay to ei%ht yea!s of imp!isonment.

    SEC. 34.Application to pen "eposited ;an ate%ials.) The !itten appli$ation, ith noti$e in!itin% to the pa!ty $on$e!ne not late! than th!ee ays of the s$heule openin%, to open the sealeen(elope o! seale pa$/a%e shall $lea!ly state the pu!pose an !eason: *a- fo! openin% the sealeen(elope o! seale pa$/a%e8 *"- fo! !e(ealin% an is$losin% its $lassifie $ontents8 an, *$- fo! usin% the$lassifie info!mation, ata, e3$e!pts, summa!ies, notes, memo!ana, o!/in% sheets, !epo!ts, ano$uments as e(ien$e.

    SEC. 3. /)identia%y alue o' "eposited ;an ate%ials.) #ny info!mation, ata, e3$e!pts,summa!ies, notes, memo!ana, o!/ sheets, !epo!ts, o! o$uments a$Bui!e f!om the e3amination of the"an/ eposits, pla$ements, t!ust a$$ounts, assets an !e$o!s of: *1- a pe!son $ha!%e o! suspe$te ofthe $!ime of te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism8 *2- a ui$ially e$la!e anoutlae te!!o!ist o!%ani

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    affiants shall suffe! ini(iually the penalty of ten *10- yea!s an one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s ofimp!isonment.

    SEC. 39. #ei-u%e and #e8uest%ation.) The eposits an thei! outstanin% "alan$es, pla$ements, t!usta$$ounts, assets, an !e$o!s in any "an/ o! finan$ial institution, moneys, "usinesses, t!anspo!tation an$ommuni$ation eBuipment, supplies an othe! implements, an p!ope!ty of hate(e! /in an natu!e

    "elon%in%: *1- to any pe!son suspe$te of o! $ha!%e "efo!e a $ompetent &e%ional T!ial Cou!t fo! the$!ime of te!!o!ism o! the $!ime of $onspi!a$y to $ommit te!!o!ism8 *2- to a ui$ially e$la!e an outlaeo!%ani

  • 8/12/2019 Crim Special Laws 1


    app!op!iations of the poli$e o! la enfo!$ement a%en$y that $ause the filin% of the enume!ate $ha!%esa%ainst him@he!.

    SEC. 4#. !enalty 'o% nitness 7!ote$tion, Se$u!ity an enefits #$t- to the $ont!a!y notithstanin%, the immunity of%o(e!nment itnesses testifyin% une! this #$t shall "e %o(e!ne "y Se$tions 1 an 1+ of &ule 11 ofthe &ules of Cou!t: 7!o(ie, hoe(e!, That sai itnesses shall "e entitle to "enefits %!ante toitnesses une! sai &epu"li$ #$t No.6+1.

    SEC. 46. !enalty 'o% naut$o%i-ed Re)elation o' (lassi'ied ate%ials .) The penalty of ten *10- yea!san one ay to tel(e *12- yea!s of imp!isonment shall "e impose upon any pe!son, poli$e o! laenfo!$ement a%ent, ui$ial offi$e! o! $i(il se!(ant ho, not "ein% autho!ihen a pe!son has "een p!ose$ute une! a p!o(ision of this

    #$t, upon a (ali $omplaint o! info!mation o! othe! fo!mal $ha!%e suffi$ient in fo!m an su"stan$e tosustain a $on(i$tion an afte! the a$$use ha pleae to the $ha!%e, the a$Buittal of the a$$use o! theismissal of the $ase shall "e a "a! to anothe! p!ose$ution fo! any offense o! felony hi$h is ne$essa!ilyin$lue in the offense $ha!%e une! this #$t.

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    SEC. 5. "ama+es 'o% np%o)en ($a%+e o' &e%%o%ism.) =pon a$Buittal, any pe!son ho is a$$use ofte!!o!ism shall "e entitle to the payment of ama%es in the amount of i(e hun!e thousan pesos*7500,000.00- fo! e(e!y ay that he o! she has "een etaine o! ep!i(e of li"e!ty o! a!!este ithout aa!!ant as a !esult of su$h an a$$usation. The amount of ama%es shall "e automati$ally $ha!%e a%ainstthe app!op!iations of the poli$e a%en$y o! the #nti)Te!!o!ism Coun$il that "!ou%ht o! san$tione the filin%of the $ha!%es a%ainst the a$$use. It shall also "e !elease ithin fifteen *15- ays f!om the ate of thea$Buittal of the a$$use. The aa! of ama%es mentione a"o(e shall "e ithout p!eui$e to the !i%htof the a$Buitte a$$use to file $!iminal o! aminist!ati(e $ha!%es a%ainst those !esponsi"le fo! $ha!%in%him ith the $ase of te!!o!ism.

    #ny offi$e!, employee, pe!son

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