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13/11/2013Josh Brown

Crime Drama Media Evaluation

Finished product:

I believe that my final piece was rather accurate compared to my first idea it included a death scene, chase, and built a lot of suspense (conventions found in crime dramas) during the short period of time my trailer is on for, this is good and always adds to persuade public to view the program when it is on. Looking back at my idea we used many of the aspects in our final product that we mentioned and analysed in our primary idea.

Our target audience ranged from 16+ and I think this target audience accurate when looking and evaluating my trailer it has many reasons to back this point up like the chase and the formal language used would be more suitable for older viewers, I think the trailer portrays a sense of adult humour and gruesome scenes which could affect younger viewers.

In my trailer I mostly focused on the quality of the trailer I wanted to use a variety of different techniques including different camera shots, I did succeed in the end after a long period of my time of creation and trial and error but however I hit my destination.

We used many low-angle shots in our project this creates a sense of power and intimidation this can almost project who’s a main part of important in the trailer.

13/11/2013Josh Brown

We also used some of these shots (high-angle shots) we effectively used these to portray a sense of weakness and it can also point out what part the person is playing – for instance the clip show the victim.

We used some medium long shots in our trailer this shows the action taking place this also gives you chance to see the setting so you can understand the meaning of the trailer and what it is trying to show.

13/11/2013Josh Brown

we also used over the shoulder shots this makes you almost feel like you are there in the scene and looking at the murder this creates effects and makes the audience feel more engaged.

I think that our trailer has come out rather perfect for what we were aiming to do, after seeing the trailer it makes me want to watch the programme it’s pleasing to watch and had been produced to a high quality this makes it more appealing when viewed by an audience. This is what we have aimed to do and our final production was almost pristine to our idea including the editing and quality we aimed to succeed.

I was rather satisfied with the group I was in; overall we worked brilliantly as a team however we had some ups and downs due to group idea disagreements. When we came to production and camera work everything slotted in to place, we assigned ourselves roles (camera man, props, director, costumes, actors, music, edit man) and by the end of our decisions we all had a role we were content with, and it worked beautifully due to team contribution and personal attention.


At the beginning of our big project we has to start with the primary research this is what all trailer and film production have to do to get the idea of the ground. We started by looking at a variety of different styles of trailers including: CSI, Sherlock, castle these helped understand and concept what we were aiming to do we were mainly focused on crime conventions this showed what we had to do in ours. I believe that this source of research really helped me build and produce my product .We picked up some key aspects from the variety of trailers and took them into consideration for when we start to produce our own interpretation.

13/11/2013Josh Brown

We also then created: mind maps, synopsis, script, storyboard, recce photos, equipment list, prop lists and schedule. These stages helped us drastically to make our project successful. They helped us understand and concept what we had to do to succeed in our final production, after we had completed all these stages we had a thorough understand and clear idea of what we were set to do. I believe these stages really help you form and create the baseline of your trailer and these stages really helped me when coming to producing because I was organised and had a clear understanding.


In our group we understood that we would have to work together to have a successful period of producing. We had to use many technical devices and skills to successfully have a good quality trailer. We focused strongly on how were going to film and edit our production we used techniques to create impact like composition and framing we used all different types of camera angles to show power, weakness, intimidation, and simple emotion. We also used our skill and determination to understand what we could do to show effect and contrast for example we used centre framing for important and meaningful characters.

Post Production

Finally we came to the editing stages this was the hardest and really took some thinking to overcome and understand the process. We used Adobe Premier this is a very complex program which allows you to edit your clips which was ideal for creating trailers so it was perfect for the job. We had to learn many skills which we had never come across before so it took us a while to get our heads around it; however after a while we all understood and knew how to edit. We had to create a high quality sequence with titles, great sound, and use our own knowledge and skill to come up with our own idea witch we thought would create a better end production and create persuasion and impact for viewers that will watch our production.

Sources of information

I believe my own work was rather acceptable and produced to a good quality I tried very hard and I really focused on my final production, I believe that my contribution to the group was good I helped a lot and I think that with us all working together this caused our group to be on task and organised due to our team work.

13/11/2013Josh Brown

We did create a production schedule however we didn’t stick to it very much this was due to it not being clear and it was hard to follow. However next time I believe we will create a clear schedule this will help us stay on task and organised and know exactly know what we are doing this may make our final production better.

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