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Developing Fault-Tolerant, “German Engineered” Android Apps

Andrew [email protected], co-founder Crittercism

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[droidcon ~]$ whoami

• Andrew Levy– Co-founder & CEO @Crittercism

• Crittercism– Real-time crash reports and error analysis for mobile

developers– Analyzed well over a billion application loads in the

past few months– Backed by Google Ventures, Kleiner-Perkins, and others

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

What’s Ahead

1. Testing Difficulties2. Top 5 Android Crashes3. iOS vs Android, which crashes less???4. Quick peak at Crittercism’s Error Analysis5. Questions6. Free Stickers

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Android Device DiversityExample app shortly after launch: has 30k DAU, 175k unique users, 50 different devices

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

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iOS Fragmentation

This app has over 850,000 users, 26 diff app versions, 12 different devices

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

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How Many iOS Versions Released?

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

iOS 5.0.1 November 10 2011

iOS 5.1 March 7 2012

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Android TestingBuild & Test

• Integrated Testing Tools in your IDE• OEMs (developer.samsung.com, developer.motorola.com, etc)• 3rd Party Solutions

• Robotium, MonkeyRunner, Robolectric, etc

• Remote Device Testing• Also offered by OEMs• Device Anywhere, uTest, Mob4Hire, Perfecto Mobile, etc.

• Crashes still make it out into the wild• QA Matrix/Permutations

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism


• “works for me” is not a good test, there are a thousand Android devices– Assume the worst, common places of NPE:• #1 location in code for NPEs seems to be onResume()

– Probably due to devs assuming class members accessible after onPause()

• Data from intents• Peripheral/Sensor data (Camera, GPS, etc)

– Some of these errors can be device/manufacturer specific• Broadcast receivers

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism


try {

// allocate lots of objects } catch(OutOfMemoryError oom) {

// recycle some objects }

Not the best idea:

Memory Leak in Dalvik: Keeping a reference to an object longer than needed

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism


Biggest Culprit: Bitmaps– memory usage

• width px * height px * 4 bytes (for ARGB images) – SoftReferences, recycle– Pre Honeycomb (<3.0) native heap, now in the normal heap

• Use hprof -- if using Eclipse, Memory Analyzer (MAT)

ListViews- Use convertView & viewHolder Pattern

Memory Leak in Dalvik: Keeping a reference to an object longer than needed

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism


• What about the NDK?– In the past some devs built their C++ code on

other platforms, then used tools on that platform to analyze

– New as of November 5, 2011: • Valgrind 3.7.0 adds preliminary ARM Android support

(2.3.x)– May need rooted AOSP build, need libc with debug symbols

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism


Biggest Culprit: Dialogs

• Common error for beginners, creating a dialog via getApplicationContext()– Android docs are wrong, need to create dialog in context of an Activity

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Biggest Culprit: Dialogs

• Anything that changes the context of the activity will cause issues

– Showing a dialog after activity’s onPause is called (phone call, Back, Home, etc)

– Examples• Screen Rotation during a ProgressBar

– The most common (and not recommended) fix: » Add android:configChanges="orientation” to manifest, just

onConfigurationChanged is called– Recommended:

» save your instance state, re-set any activity context references to the new one• Launch dialog with an old/null context

– Be sure to use DialogFragment, old dialogs are deprecated

Page 20: Crittercism Droidcon Berlin 2012

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

Page 21: Crittercism Droidcon Berlin 2012

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(extends java.lang.RuntimeException)

• Common Examples:

– ContentProvider does not exist• i.e. try the Network Location Provider in the emulator• Don’t use undocumented Content Providers

– Using unknown or invalid View IDs• Confusing a string identifier and integer value wrt setValue()

– Activity is finished already, but you call dismiss on a dialog

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

java.lang.RuntimeException • Common Pitfalls

– Forgetting to add an Activity to the Manifest

– Failing to close a camera service before using it again• Some phones have a race condition with releasing the camera, be sure to make these

calls in surfaceDestroyed1. cameraObject.setPreviewCallback(null); // prevent race condition2. cameraObject.stopPreview();3. cameraObject.release();

– Loading UI elements directly from a background thread

– Trying to use a recycled bitmap

Page 24: Crittercism Droidcon Berlin 2012

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

Page 25: Crittercism Droidcon Berlin 2012

www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Top 5 Android Crashes+85% of crashes

1. java.lang.NullPointerException

2. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

3. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException

4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException & java.lang.RuntimeException

5. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException • Use the database helper, accessing DB file directly prone to

errors– Read/write permissions, SD card issues, etc.

• Use only one SQLite connection– Even if you use threads, share one connection

• Prepared Queries with unknown columns is a common mistake

• SQL Syntax Errors

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Crashes on iOS & Android

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

Hard to read pie chart

Crashes on iOS & Android

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

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www.crittercism.com - @crittercism

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Andrew [email protected]@crittercism and @andrewmlevy


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