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Page 1: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Management

 You use trade promotion management (TPM) to do the following:

Perform planning and budgeting of your trade promotions from the top down at the headquarter level or from the bottom up at the account level

Execute your trade promotions Manage funds management and claims management processes relating to trade promotions Monitor the success of past and current trade promotions


You can integrate functions from the following applications with TPM:

Funds management

You can link funds to trade promotions and assign a budget during promotion planning. During the trade promotion evaluation and analysis process, funds are planned, committed, and accrued with the purpose of budget tracking. For more information, see Funds Integration.

Claims management

You can validate and settle claims, in addition to using them to create invoice claims, deduction claims and direct payments. For more information, see Claims in the TPM Scenario.

SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI)

You can use SAP NetWeaver BI to provide a complete overview of past and current promotional performance, which simplifies the planning process and allows quick reaction to changes in the market.


You can use SAP ERP to finalize claims and to close promotional accounts upon final settlement. SAP ERP tracks all receipts relevant for rebate processing (generated from trade promotions) and automatically posts accruals. For more information, see Rebates in Trade Promotions.

SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO)

You can use demand planning with TPM to ensure adequate supply during promotional periods. For more information, see Purchasing Process in Marketing Projects.


You have completed all of the activities in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Trade Promotion Management.

If you plan to use the mass copy function, you have configured the formatting mask that all copied trade

promotions must use in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management System Landscape Define Formatting

Mask for Marketing Projects.

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The following features are available to help you manage your trade promotions.

Features for Planning Trade Promotions


You can generate trade promotions from deals for a predefined set of accounts for specific products. For more information, see Using Deals to Create Trade Promotions.

Trade promotion agreements

You can use agreements to provide guidelines for trade promotions and you can link trade promotions to agreements created for specific accounts to identify contractual obligations. For more information, see Trade Promotion Agreements.

Volumes and trade spends planning

Volumes and trade spends planning allows you to carry out forecasting for deals, trade promotions, or trade promotion elements. For more information, see Volumes/Trade Spends Planning.

Trade promotion guidelines

You can use this function to ensure that your trade promotions fall within guidelines based on established rules and thresholds. For more information, see Trade Promotion Guidelines.

Features for Creating Trade Promotions

Trade promotion templates

You can create trade promotion templates as a basis for creating multiple trade promotions that have similar attributes. For more information, see Trade Promotion Templates.

Product assignment

You can assign products, product groups, product categories and product segments to a trade promotion. For more information, see Product Assignments.

Partner assignment

You can assign partners with functions to a trade promotion. Partner determination can be used to control which partners can be assigned to a trade promotion. For more information, see Partner Assignment.

Conditions and rebates

You can use conditions and rebates to offer your accounts special discounts for a certain order item. For more information, see Conditions and Rebates in Trade Promotions.

Mass copy and mass change

You can use these functions to quickly create and modify multiple trade promotions.

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You can identify incentives that will affect trade promotion performance. For more information, see Causals.


You can perform an overlap check to identify potential overlaps to avoid similar or identical trade promotions being released simultaneously. For more information, see Trade Promotion Overlaps.

Features for Monitoring Trade Promotions

Mass approval

You can use this function to approve many trade promotions at once.


You can view all changes that have been made to a trade promotion since it was created.

Critical changes

You can set up alerts to notify you when a trade promotion needs to be reapproved following changes identified as critical.

For more information on these features, see Trade Promotion Approval and Re-Approval.

More Information

Trade Promotions

Marketing Projects Management

Key Figure Planning

Funds Management

Claims Management

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Trade Promotions

 Marketing activity used by industries that sell into the retail channel or through brokers or wholesalers.

A trade promotion takes place within a specific time period and aims to increase brand capital, brand awareness, and market share. It is also used to increase sales volume or to launch new products or product lines.


Trade promotions are structurally similar to other marketing objects, except that trade promotions are targeted at a key account.

A trade promotion has a header that provides overview information about the trade promotion, such as the intended key account, the product planning basis, the trade promotion objective, funds plan details, and trade promotion status.

Assignment blocks contain specific information pertaining to, for example, trade promotion dates, products, and causals.


Trade promotions are integrated with other marketing objects, including:


You can generate trade promotions from deals. For more information, see Using Deals to Create Trade Promotions.

Marketing calendar

You can plan your trade promotions using the marketing calendar. For more information, see Marketing Calendar and Working With the Marketing Calendar.

Trade promotion agreements

You can link trade promotions to the associated trade promotion agreement. For more information, see Trade Promotion Agreements.

More Information

Trade Promotion Management

Marketing Plans and Campaigns

Claims in the TPM Scenario

Funds Integration

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 A deal is a means of communicating proposed promotional activities from upper management to those tasked with executing it, such as key account managers (KAMs). The deal is used as a tool for planning trade promotions and contains information such as:

Accounts Products


Trade spends

 You can use individual deals or deal hierarchies. If you use deal hierarchies, you can cascade changes made to the higher-level deals to the lower-level deals.

You create deals in the same way as trade promotions. You must assign an account and products, product categories or product groups to a deal. You set the dates and other relevant data, including the planning data at the deal level.


You can work with deals from the marketing calendar. Deal and trade promotion planning information is retrieved from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence

(SAP NetWeaver BI) .

Deal and trade promotion data is exchanged between CRM Enterprise and CRM Mobile Sales.

Only trade promotion data is sent to SAP ERP. The deals are not sent to SAP ERP.

More Information

Using Deals to Create Trade Promotions

Deals in the Marketing Calendar

Deal Planning

Specifics of Mobile Sales (laptop): Marketing

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Deal Planning

 You start by assigning trade spends to deals. You can then specify a proposed quantity and amount for the assigned trade spends.

You can plan for an individual deal or for the whole deal hierarchy.


Hierarchical planning is not possible in CRM Mobile Client.

End of the note.


If you want to carry out hierarchical planning for your deals, you need to perform the following Customizing activities:

You have defined a planning profile group in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

under  Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Define Planning Profile

Groups .

In this activity, you have set the indicator With subordinate projects when you assign a planning profile to a planning profile group.

In SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP SEM) you have made the customizing settings for hierarchical planning:

You must have a planning layout for deals that contains 0CRM_MKTELM.


Hierarchical planning is only possible if you have assigned a marketing project. It does not work if the planning layout contains a marketing element plus another attribute such as a product group or product hierarchy.

End of the note.

You have created or downloaded an account hierarchy. It is usually downloaded from SAP ERP. You

have assigned an account hierarchy in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  

Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Assign Planning Account Hierarchies .


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To send conditions to SAP ERP, you must use an account hierarchy from SAP ERP.

End of the note.

Limit the volume of data generated when you generate your deal hierarchy in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion Management Check Data Volume for Deal

Generation . You can set up additional checks for deals in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

under  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Additional Fields

and Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Marketing Planning :

o BAdI: Additional Marketing Checking and Controlling Options

o BAdI: Additional Marketing Assignment Checking and Controlling Options


You can use the following features to plan for deals:

For deals, you maintain planning data at the deal level. For trade promotions, you maintain planning data at the product level.

When you generate a trade promotion, the deal planning data is only copied and distributed to the desired level of detail of the planning profile group assigned to the trade promotion. To copy the deal planning data, the source profile field (in the deal) must be assigned in the planning profile group for the

trade promotion in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion

Management Key Figure Planning Define Planning Profile Groups .

SAP provides the standard planning profile group 4DLM (standard/deal on product group) with the planning profile 4TPM0010.

This, or your own deal planning profile, should be used as your source profile in your trade promotion planning profile group definition if you are copying the deal planning layout to a trade promotion.

Deals contain less information than trade promotions because here no conditions are generated. At deal level, you are concerned with top-down planning so that the changes can be cascaded down to the rest of the deals. Planning data is copied to the trade promotion when you enter a planning profile group for the trade promotion.


Generating Deals

Once you have created the top-level deal, you can generate the deal hierarchy. You can choose to generate a complete or partial deal hierarchy depending on the number of levels in the assigned account hierarchy, with the newly-created deal becoming the top node of the hierarchy.

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Once you have generated a deal hierarchy, you cannot generate another deal hierarchy at the same level. You can generate a deal hierarchy from a subordinate deal if the account hierarchy has additional subnodes.


Account and Planning Profile Group cannot be modified for the deal hierarchy.

End of the note.

More Information


Using Deals to Create Trade Promotions

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Deals in the Marketing Calendar

You can work with deals from the marketing calendar. The marketing calendar offers the advantage that you can display your trade promotions for a particular deal at the same time in a split-level view.

You can set up the view of your deals in such a way that the customer or business partner hierarchy is displayed on the left-hand side. If your query is based on the business partner or business partner node, you can also see deals for a higher-level node in the business partner hierarchy if your deal hierarchy has not been completely generated.


You have defined a view for the business partner hierarchy in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management

Marketing Calendar Define Views for Marketing Calendar. You have assigned a planning account hierarchy in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Account Planning General Settings Assign Planning Account


You have defined how you want to display marketing elements in the marketing calendar in

Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  Marketing Marketing

Planning and Campaign Management Marketing Calendar Define Split Calendar Options



To display a deal with a customer or business partner hierarchy view in the marketing calendar, proceed as follows:

1. Create a deal and make sure that you assign Hierarchy Node in Account Type.2. In the marketing calendar, do a search by account hierarchy node ID.

3. Find the business partner hierarchy view.

Your deal is displayed.

To create a deal from the marketing calendar, with say a business partner hierarchy, proceed as follows:

1. Select the business partner hierarchy view.

2. Select the required business partner node and click  New Deal .

3. Drag the cursor along to the points from where the deal should start and when it should end. You can view the deal in its overview page by choosing Details in the context menu.

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Using Deals to Create Trade Promotions

You can use deals as a basis for creating trade promotions. You can use the outline planning data defined in the deal and adapt this to fit the trade promotion's requirements.


To copy the key figure planning data from the deal, you need to define a planning profile group for the trade promotions and enter a source profile field for the deal in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

under  Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Define Planning Profile Groups



The following example shows how a consumer goods company may use deals as the starting point for trade promotions to promote new products.

Company A regularly uses trade promotions to introduce new products or promote existing ones. For the coming year, the company plans to promote their new packaged milk drinks.

1. At headquarter level, the marketing manager creates a deal for the product and assigns an account hierarchy node that has three account levels.

2. The marketing manager generates a deal hierarchy, and then chooses to generate a hierarchy of two levels.

3. The marketing manager decides that from February 1 to March 14, the products are to be sold to the level one accounts with a special discount of 10% and the level two accounts at a discount of 3%. He enters these discounts in the Planning assignment block for the appropriate deals.

4. If the marketing manager changes a higher-level deal, he can cascade the changes to lower-level deals when he saves the deal, or preview the changes before saving by using the Cascade Change button.

5. The marketing manager releases the top-level deal and then notifies the key account managers (KAMs).

6. The KAMs review the deals and negotiate trade promotions with the accounts. They generate trade promotions from the deal, using deal planning data as a guideline. The account managers must enter a planning profile group for the trade promotion, and can enter planning data at the product level.


If the marketing manager changes the deal hierarchy after the KAM has generated trade promotions, the changes are not cascaded to the trade promotions.

End of the note.

7. After the account accepts a trade promotion, the key account manager sets the status to Released. This triggers the generation of conditions and the data is sent to SAP ERP.

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8. During the course of the trade promotion, the KAM can monitor its status using predefined monitoring alerts.

9. After the trade promotion has ended, the marketing manager can use various reports to determine whether or not the promotion was successful.


More Information


Deal Planning

Trade Promotions

Trade Promotion Approval and Re-Approval

Trade Promotion Monitoring

Specifics for Mobile Sales (laptop): Marketing

System Status Overview

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Trade Promotion Agreements


This function provides the contractual framework for all events and trade activities that a key account manager (KAM) plans to generate for an account within a given time period, such as a fiscal year. Trade promotion agreement documents are non-binding, but provide a guideline for planning trade promotions.

A trade promotion agreement is defined by the following:

Account Product

Time period


When you create a trade promotion agreement, you can link existing trade promotions to it. You can also link to an existing trade promotion agreement when creating a trade promotion.

A link between a trade promotion agreement and a trade promotion is valid if the trade promotion:

Dates fall between the agreement planned start and end dates

Account is the same as the agreement account, or part of the same account hierarchy


If you want to run overlap checks for trade promotion agreements, you have performed the following tasks in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

You have defined how a trade promotion agreement overlap check is triggered and the resulting system

response, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define Status-Driven

Events . You have defined the attributes to be checked when a trade promotion agreement overlap check is

triggered, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Agreements Define Attributes for

Agreement Overlap Checks .

You have defined the status types to ignore for a trade promotion agreement overlap check, by choosing

 Trade Promotion Management Agreements Define Statuses to Ignore for Overlap

Checks .

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You have assigned planning transactions to be launched based on organization details for a trade

promotion agreement, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Agreements Define

Planning Transactions for Agreements .

You have implemented functionality that triggers an overlap check every time the status of the trade

promotion agreement changes, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Agreements

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Agreement Overlap Check .


Trade promotion agreement and trade promotion linking

You can link trade promotions to an agreement from either the agreement or the trade promotion.

Trade promotion agreement copying

You can copy an existing agreement by choosing  Marketing Agreements to first search for agreements, and then choosing Copy to copy the selected agreement. You can perform the copy online or as a scheduled job. If the copied agreement has trade promotions linked to it, the trade promotions are also copied. The attribute change that was applied to the copied agreement, such as a date shift, is also applied to the copied trade promotions.

Trade promotion agreement mass change

You can mass change agreements by choosing  Marketing Agreements to first search for agreements, and then choosing Mass Change to change selected agreements. You then specify the attribute to change, such as the employee responsible, and enter the new value. You can perform the mass change online or as a scheduled job.

Trade promotion agreement deletion

You can delete agreements that have no linked trade promotions.


You create a trade promotion agreement by choosing  Marketing Agreement .

You create trade promotion agreements in a similar way as you do trade promotions. You assign the agreement a planning account, as well as products, product categories or product groups. You set the dates and other relevant data. You use the free-text area to add specific agreement details.

You can enhance using business add-ins (BAdIs).

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You can implement validation checks to ensure that trade promotion agreements and their related trade

promotions are consistent in Customizing for CRM, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management

Agreements Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Agreement Validation .

You can implement automatic checking for trade promotion agreements that are eligible for association

with a trade promotion in Customizing for CRM, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management

Agreements Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Automatic Agreement Determination .

More Information

Trade Promotions

Scheduling and Monitoring Jobs

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Pertinent Master Data Changes

 You can use the function for pertinent master data changes (PMDC) to evaluate changes to certain types of master data, and apply these changes to specified marketing projects.

The system monitors changes to master data in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and to master data in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) that is replicated to SAP CRM. In PMDC, you specify whether to apply the changes to the affected marketing projects, or not. You can also exclude marketing projects from being updated in this manner by the system.


You can use the PMDC function for the following marketing projects:

Trade promotions and trade promotion elements (object types TPM, TPT)

You can use the PMDC function to reflect changes to the following:

Product statuses List prices

Price lists

Partner/product ranges (PPRs)


The system generates a log of the changes made, as well as errors that occurred.

The PMDC function allows you to do a test run, so that you can see what changes would be made.


You access the function on the SAP Easy Access screen under  Marketing PMDC: Marketing

Pertinent Master Data Changes .

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Indirect Relationships

 This function helps you manage your indirect lines of business by enabling you to establish links between indirect accounts and the wholesaler(s) those indirect accounts buy from. You can use this information about indirect consumption to build total trade spending and plan sales volumes for a wholesaler, carry out volume planning for a wholesaler and plan trade promotions for indirect accounts

An indirect account is a retailer who does not receive shipments directly from the manufacturer. Instead, the manufacturer sells the product to a direct account (wholesaler or distributor), who then resells the product to the indirect account, who finally sells it to the consumer. The retailer receives financial compensation for promotional performance directly from the manufacturer.


This function is closely related to trade promotions planning, funds and claims.


You have made the necessary settings for Trade Promotion Management in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management , by choosing  Trade Promotion Management .

You have specified the product dimension that has to be used to maintain indirect account → wholesaler

relationships, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Indirect Relationships Define Business Line



A single indirect account can source different products from different wholesalers and therefore be linked to one or more wholesalers. This is an indirect account → wholesaler relationship with details about indirect consumption from different wholesalers for a particular product dimension and time period.

Establishing indirect relationships also allows you to specify the percentage split of the volume that the manufacturer ships to a wholesaler down to the indirect accounts serviced by the corresponding wholesaler, called Wholesaler Split. When a wholesaler ships to indirect accounts, the quantity is usually significant enough for the manufacturer to keep track of individually or as part of a target group, but the wholesaler also ships to a large number of small stores, which the manufacturer does not keep track of. Therefore wholesaler → indirect account relationships are not just the converse of the indirect account → wholesaler ones.

With a link set up both ways, that is an indirect account → wholesaler and wholesaler → indirect account, you have information that helps you with planning, execution and reporting functions in the following ways:

Trade Spends and Sales Volumes

Build a total trade spending and sales volume plan for a wholesaler, including incremental sales volumes originating from promotions with an indirect account as well as the related spending. By keeping track of the amount of trade spending that is allocated to a particular wholesaler during each time period – either directly or

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through investments in indirect accounts and the resulting increase in sales volumes that this generates, you are in a position to evaluate the profitability of your business with a given wholesaler.

Planning and Forecasting

You can plan trade promotions for indirect accounts serviced by one or more wholesalers. Here you use the details of the indirect account → wholesaler relationship to determine the wholesaler for a particular promotion involving an indirect account. In case of small indirect accounts, you can plan trade promotions for wholesalers and attach related indirect accounts as the target groups.

Trade Funds Management

Draw funding for indirect promotions either from the indirect account or the related wholesaler. Indirect promotions draw their funding from either a specific fund for the indirect account or from the fund of the corresponding wholesaler

Trade Claims Management

Match trade claims raised by a wholesaler with the respective indirect promotion.

Integration with Marketing Calendar

Use the marketing calendar to view trade promotions of a wholesaler or indirect account. When viewing the promotions of an indirect account, you can view the corresponding wholesaler-level promotions in the Split Calendar..


The following are sample structures of the various kinds of indirect relationships:


Indirect Account → Wholesaler Relationship

The following are possible indirect account → wholesaler relationships:

Exclusive Indirect Account

Here, the indirect account does not buy directly from the manufacturer, but orders all products through a single wholesaler or distributor.

Non-Exclusive Indirect Account

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Here the indirect account does not buy directly from the manufacturer. He or she orders products through several wholesalers and/or distributors instead.

Combination of Direct and Indirect Account

Since different products may call for different distribution methods, an account can be both a direct and an indirect account. For example, a particular account could source only chilled products from a wholesaler, or it may be that the relationship between the manufacturer and the account is time dependent.

Wholesaler → Indirect Account Relationship or Wholesaler Split

For top down planning as well as reporting purposes, the manufacturer needs to understand which indirect account(s) the wholesaler supplies goods to. So when goods are shipped to a wholesaler, the wholesaler → indirect account relationship can give you information about the percentage that is distributed to the various indirect accounts.

More Information

Trade Promotions

Account Planning

Fund Determination


Page 20: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Account Defaults for Trade Promotions


This function allows you to set defaults for account-specific information in trade promotions so that the information is entered automatically for all relevant trade promotions or deals. You can create defaults for:

Default dates

Buying patterns


You have defined:

Date ranges with which you want to work in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by

choosing  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data

Define Additional Date Ranges .o You can define up to five date ranges.

o If you define a date range that has a specific meaning, for example, pre-dip or post-dip, you need to select the corresponding period type in this activity. These could be dates for the buying period, the “dip” period before buying begins (pre-dip), the “dip” period after buying ends (post-dip), or any other date. This is used to trigger validation of the dates in SAP CRM and in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI).

At least one buying pattern type in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing

 Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define Default Buying Pattern Types.


General Data

Under Account Data, you can select the Account Type and Account for which you are going to set your defaults. Under Organizational Data, you can enter the relevant sales area data for this account.

If you enter a target group as your account, defaults are not maintained for each individual combination of target group, campaign type, and sales area. They are maintained for all target groups for a particular campaign type and sales area.

Default Dates

Under Default Dates, you can enter defaults for all of the relevant dates in a trade promotion.

You enter the mandatory data for the trade promotion and then specify the following information for the additional date ranges that you have defined in Customizing, under Periods in the following fields:

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Start Date for the start of this additional date range, for example, if it is before the start of the trade promotion

Start Date Offset, for example, if it is two weeks before the start of the trade promotion

End Date for the end of this additional date range

End Date Offset


Only the planned start and finish dates are supported as reference dates. You cannot maintain dependencies between different date ranges from the additional date ranges.

End of the caution.


You can define the buying period to start four weeks before the trade promotion takes place, and finish two weeks before the end of the trade promotion. You define the buying period as a date range in Customizing and then you can enter the actual dates here. A buying pattern can be defined for each combination of marketing project type, buying pattern type and duration.

Buying Pattern

Under Buying Pattern, you can define buying patterns, for example, for various different buying pattern types such as confectionery, drinks, and so on. The buying pattern defined in Account Defaults is used to calculate trade promotion planning. To enter a buying pattern:

1. Enter the marketing project type again.2. Select the particular buying pattern type you wish to make settings for.

3. Enter a duration for the buying pattern.

The duration that you have defined for the buying pattern determines how many buying percentage fields are available. For example, if you specify a buying pattern of two weeks, there will be two fields available for the buying percentages. For example, you can then plan that the retailer (planning account) purchases 20% of the goods in the first week and 80% in the second. Any other combination that adds up to 100% is permitted. The aim of the buying pattern is to increase the accuracy of the planned increase in sales before sending the values over to Demand Planning.


If no other buying pattern is assigned in a trade promotion, the system defaults to an equal distribution. In this two week example, that would be 50% and 50%. If the trade promotion starts on any day other than a Monday, the distribution may differ.

End of the note.


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A Business Add-In (BAdI) allows you to implement additional checks and actions on the Account Defaults screen, by allowing you to implement additional rules for the dates that you set up under Default Dates.

For example, you can set up a rule so that there are no gaps between two dates or you could set up a rule so that one date starts directly after another.

For more information, see the documentation on the BAdI interface.

End of the note.

More Information

Specifics for Mobile Sales (laptop): Marketing

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Trade Promotion Templates


This function expedites the process of creating trade promotions. For example, if you create a large number of a trade promotions per year with similar attributes, you can enter the attributes into a template and use it as the basis for your trade promotions.


In the marketing calendar, you can search for templates, as well as create a trade promotion from a template.

When searching for templates either in advanced search or the marketing calendar, the returned results are filtered if a working context is active.


True template functionality

Templates are independent objects as opposed to existing trade promotions from which you generate other trade promotions. The editable overview page of a trade promotion template is therefore similar to that of a trade promotion. However, certain features are not available in the template, such as key performance indicators, conditions, discounts, and rebates.

Trade promotion planning restrictions and template validity

Use the Plan From and Plan To fields to define the planning date range available for trade promotions that use the template. For example, you could specify that the template only be used to create trade promotions for the coming year. Use the Usage From and Usage To fields to define the validity of the template itself. For example, the template expiry date could coincide with the discontinuation of a product.


You can perform the following tasks:

Search for existing templates by choosing  Marketing Trade Promotion Templates . Create a template from scratch by accessing the trade promotion template search page, and then

choosing New.

Create a trade promotion from a template by searching for the desired template, and then choosing Create Trade Promotion either directly from the search results list, or from the template editable overview page.

Create a trade promotion from a template in the marketing calendar by choosing Search Templates, and then dragging one of the results into the calendar.

Create a new template from an existing template by choosing Copy on the editable overview page.

Create a template from an existing trade promotion by choosing Create Trade Promotion Template.

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Display Pallets in Trade Promotions


You can include display pallets in trade promotion planning so that you can offer discounts at the pallet level and also on the products and product categories included in the display unit.


You have performed the following tasks:

Identified the item category group(s) that are display pallet-relevant in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management (CRM) by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data

Products Select Item Category Groups for Display Pallets .

Defined a structured product in  Master Data Products that has items with an item category group defined as display-pallet relevant. This identifies the product as a display pallet.

Created a trade promotion type named “Display Pallet” with the category Trade Promotion and Deal,

and set Pallet Scenario to True in Customizing for CRM by choosing  Marketing Marketing

Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define Types/Objectives/Tactics

Defined the minimum level of the product hierarchy to explode to for long and short term trade

promotions in Customizing for CRM by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data

Products Assign Product Hierarchies


The Product Planning Basis is restricted to Product and Product Category when a display pallet promotion type is selected.

A new planning profile group and corresponding planning profiles have been created so that you can plan for the display pallet or for the product categories that make up the display pallet.

Trade promotions that include display pallets cannot be combined with non display pallet products.

When you add a display pallet product to a trade promotion, it is automatically broken down into it's product categories based on the minimum level defined in customizing.


You can only edit the Products assignment block. Product categories are automatically populated from the display pallet structured product. If multiple pallets share the same product category, then the Quantity is the sum of each one of them.

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In the Planning assignment block, you can plan for the products and product categories that make up the display pallet.

More Information

Trade Promotions

Volumes/Trade Spends Planning

SAP Planning Content for Deals and Trade Promotions

Page 27: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management



You can use causals in trade promotions management (TPM) to capture information about how products are promoted to customers. You can create one causal for each product that is assigned to a trade promotion.

You can maintain causals at the individual product, product category, product group, or product segment level. This availability depends on the product planning basis of your trade promotion. If, for example, your product planning basis is Product Group and Product, you can maintain causals at the product level and the product group level.


You have defined causal profiles, types, and default values in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Causals

Define Causal Profiles, Causal Types, and Default Values . You have assigned your causal profile to your marketing planning project in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions

Causals Assign Causal Profiles for Marketing Planning .

You have maintained attributes and key values for causal fields in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions

Causals Maintain Attributes and Key Values for Causal Fields .

If you would like to map key figures from your trade promotion to key figures for causals, you have

done so in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion

Management Trade Promotions Causals Map Key Figures for Causals .


Causal types

There are many types of causals, such as display, feature ad, or media. Each causal type captures a different set of data. The causal type Display, for example, captures data about the type of promotional display used for the trade promotion and the location of the display in the store.

Assigning trade spends

You can assign one or more trade spends to each causal type. When the first causal record is added to the trade promotion, the system displays all the trade spends assigned to the trade promotion. Only the trade spends defined in planning for the trade promotion are available for assignment to a causal type.

Page 28: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Copying causal attributes

You can select the product, product category, product group, or product segment and copy the causal attributes to a new causal.

Store segments

If the trade promotion includes different stores or segments of stores, you can assign store segments to causals to facilitate planning.

You can create multiple causals for the same product if each causal you create is assigned to a different store segment.

More Information

Trade Spends and Date Ranges

Page 29: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Approval and Re-Approval


You can use the following functions to manage trade promotion approvals and re-approvals:

Mass approval

This function allows you to approve multiple trade promotions simultaneously.


This function tracks all changes made to a trade promotion over its life cycle. Versions can be used by you to view the changes made to a trade promotion, and by the system to check for critical changes that would force a trade promotion to be re-approved.

System checks for critical changes

This function allows you to establish the types of changes that would force a previously approved trade promotion to be submitted for re-approval. If you do not configure any checks, trade promotions will not be subject to re-approval following changes.


Depending on your scenario, you have performed the following:

For mass approvals, you have configured the following settings in Customizing for  Customer

Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Settings

for Display of BI Key Figures :o Define Key Figure Queries

o Map BI Key Figures to List Fields

For versions, you have configured the following settings in Customizing for  Customer

Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Versions :

o Define Versions Based on Status

o Define Versions User Interface

For system checks for critical changes, you have configured the following settings in Customizing for

 Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Basic Data

Rules Setup :

Page 30: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

o Define Rule Context

o Define Rule Events


Mass Approval

You can search for trade promotions using the trade promotions mass approval search function. This facilitates the approval decision-making process by allowing you to:

View trade promotion details, including key figures and values defined in Customizing, directly in the result list

Navigate to the editable list in order to quickly modify trade promotions prior to mass approval

Depending on Customizing settings, mass approval may prompt a promotion guideline check to ensure that trade promotions stay within established guidelines.


A trade promotion version creation is prompted by a status change. You can display the version history for a trade promotion and export it as a .csv file.

System Checks for Critical Changes

When a trade promotion is checked for critical changes, it is compared against the last approved version of the trade promotion.

Sample logical rule event CC_CHECK_TPM assesses critical changes. The rule event acts as a container for business rules framework (BRF) events. The BRF events evaluate whether changes made to a trade promotion since the last time it was approved are critical or not. The new trade promotion attribute values are compared to the those in the last approved version of the trade promotion. If a value has changed and is deemed critical according to the business rules, the trade promotion can be subject to reapproval.

CC_CHECK_TPM currently evaluates if you make changes to any of the following trade promotion attributes:

Spend Value Buy Period Duration

Plan Period Duration




More Information

Trade Promotions

Page 32: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Guidelines


You can use this function to provide guidance to key account managers (KAM) for trade promotion programming. The guidance is based on rules and thresholds that are determined at a sales organization level within the manufacturer.


Depending on your scenario, you have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing:

 Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Rules Setup Define Rule Contexts

 Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Rules Setup Define Rule Events

 Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Promotion Guidelines Define


 Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Promotion Guidelines Define

Pricing Levels

 Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Promotion Guidelines Define

Rules Sets


There are two rule sets in the business rules framework (BRF) that are linked to rule scenarios in Customizing:

BRF Rule Sets Rule Scenarios Description


CHECK_PPGThis rule scenario triggers rule processing when a trade promotion is saved.

CHECK_PPGRThis rule scenario triggers rule processing on request from within the trade promotion.

CHECK_PPGSThis rule scenario triggers rule processing when a trade promotion changes status.

1PPG_PROMOTION CHECK_PPGB This rule scenario triggers rule processing for batch jobs.

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The BRF rule sets contain rules that assess if there are trade promotion guideline violations. If any of the attributes violate a guideline, the trade promotion can be subject to events. These events include:

Change Promotion Guideline Status from OK to Violation. Issue non compliance alert messages if a promotion guideline is violated during the trade promotion

creation process.

Trigger a status based approval workflow. For example, change the trade promotion status to Awaiting Approval.

Prevent further changes that could impact the status of the trade promotion.


You can run a trade promotion guideline check from:

The batch processing framework by scheduling a job using the Promotions Guideline Check component type

The Trade Promotions screen, by choosing  More Guideline Check

A trade promotion mass approval. During the mass approval process, the system runs a promotion guideline check to ensure that trade promotions stay within established guidelines.

More Information

Trade Promotions

Trade Promotion Approval and Re-Approval

Scheduling and Monitoring Jobs

Page 34: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Overlaps


This function checks for trade promotions that overlap with a selected trade promotion. The purpose is to flag potential overlaps early to avoid similar or identical trade promotions being released simultaneously.


You have defined the following in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management:

The event and object status combinations that both trigger an overlap check for the current trade

promotion and determine the trade promotions to be considered relevant for checking, by choosing  

Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define Status-Driven Events

Attributes to check for overlaps by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade

Promotions Overlap Checks Define Attributes

Additional date ranges to check for overlaps by choosing  Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotions Overlap Checks Define Additional Date Ranges

Pairs of trade promotion types to be interpreted by the system as overlapping by choosing  Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Overlap Checks Define Overlapping Trade

Promotion Types

Additional attributes to check for overlaps by implementing  Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotions Overlap Checks Business Add-Ins: BAdIs BAdI: Overlap Checks .


There are two kinds of overlap checks:


This type of check looks for direct attribute matches, such as identical products. A direct overlap check is triggered when a specific event and status combination occurs. These combinations, which are defined in Customizing, also determine the trade promotions that are checked against the current trade promotion. Results are listed in the trade promotion header. If you have display access for the trade promotions returned by the overlap check, the ID displays as a link you can use to jump directly to the trade promotion and resolve the overlap.

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This type of check looks for overlaps with hierarchical dependencies in addition to direct matches. For example, if the trade promotion is based on an account hierarchy, then the overlap check searches each account in the hierarchy when looking for overlaps with other trade promotions. Event and status combinations defined in Customizing are used to determine the trade promotions that are checked against the selected trade promotion. Hierarchical overlap checks are always run as scheduled jobs, and you can only view the results of your most recently executed check. When setting up a scheduled job, the list of trade promotions available for evaluation includes only those with appropriate event and status combinations.


For either direct or hierarchical overlap checks, only trade promotions with statuses mapped to the BEFORE_SAVE event in Customizing are checked.

End of the note.


To run a hierarchical overlap check:

1. You schedule a job using the Trade Promotion Overlap Check component type.

2. You view the list of returned overlapping trade promotions by choosing  Marketing Trade

Promotion Overlap .

3. If you have display access for the trade promotions returned by the overlap check, the ID displays as a link you can use to jump directly to the trade promotion and resolve the overlap.

More Information

Scheduling and Monitoring Jobs

Page 36: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Purchasing Process in Marketing Projects


In SAP ERP, you can directly create a purchase request for products and services, from the marketing projects campaign, trade promotion, and marketing plan.

The Purchase Goods/Services assignment block is available to you for this purpose. This assignment block is displayed in the CRM WebClient UI only when you make appropriate personalization settings.

By default, SAP ERP creates a purchase request when you set the status of the marketing project to Released. You can choose a different status switch for the creation of the purchase request, by making corresponding Customizing settings. The relevant data is then transferred directly to SAP ERP.

You can combine purchase orders within one marketing project only; it is not possible to combine purchase orders from different marketing projects.


The following entry options are available when purchasing products and services:

You can for example, enter the supplier and the delivery address. You can enter both internal products and external products.

The system informs you of the current status of the purchase request.

The actual costs are displayed at header level of the assignment block.

You can use the purchase request ID in SAP CRM to go to the purchase request.

You can use the purchase order ID in SAP CRM to go to the purchase order.

Updating the Status

In the Purchase Goods/Services assignment block, you can see the current status of the purchase request in SAP ERP, but you can update the status only by selecting the Update Status pushbutton. For example, you are informed whether a purchase order was previously created in SAP ERP.

If required, the backend change indicator in the assignment block also informs you of any changes made to the purchase request in SAP ERP. This indicator is set if the status in SAP CRM differs from the status in SAP ERP, or if the quantity in the purchase request in SAP ERP was changed, for example. The indicator is deselected only when you go to the purchase request, using the purchase request ID link.

The following statuses are possible:

A – Fully Delivered B – Purchase Order Created

D – Deleted in ERP

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E – Incorrect Entry in CRM

If you enter a supplier that does not exist in SAP ERP for example, SAP ERP cannot create a purchase request or any other transactions.

K – Fully Billed L – Fully Delivered and Billed

N – Purchase Order Not Yet Created

A purchase request was created, but there is no purchase order yet.

Displaying the Actual Costs

You can see the actual costs of the ordered items, in the header of the assignment block.

If you use funds management in the trade promotion, and have manually assigned a funds plan ID, SAP CRM determines the costs.

If you do not use funds management, SAP ERP determines the amount for the actual costs.


It is possible for the user to display the actual costs from SAP CRM Funds Management, only if you have scheduled the background job required for this. This background job transfers the actual costs from SAP ERP

to funds management in SAP CRM. To do this, use background processing in the CRM WebClient UI at  

Funds Management Schedule Job .

The background job has the report name Download Actual Costs from ERP (report ID RCRM_MKTPL_PURCH_ACTUAL_ERP; job type ERP_ACTUALS). You can adapt the determination of the actual costs to your needs, by using your own implementation of the BAdI CRM_MKTPL_ACTUAL_COSTS. For more information, see the Relevant BAdIs section.

End of the note.

Budget Check

When you enter products and services, you can compare the costs in the marketing projects campaign, coupon campaign, and trade promotion, with the respective planning costs. You can thereby perform a budget check.

For planning with marketing spend types, the system compares the sum of the item amounts for a marketing spend type, with the planning amount for this marketing spend type. If the sum of the amounts is greater than the planned amount for the marketing spend type, the system outputs a warning.

For planning with measures, the system compares the sum of the item amounts, with the planning amount for the measure. If the sum of the amounts is greater than the planned amount for the measure, the system outputs a warning.

For trade promotions, the system compares the sum of the item amounts for each trade spend, with the planning amount for the amounts reserved in funds management. If the sum of the amounts for each trade spend is

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greater than the planned amount for the trade spend (reserved amount in the respective fund), the system outputs a warning.

You can use this function only if you have made appropriate Customizing settings for the campaign, the coupon campaign, and the trade promotion. By default, the system does not implement a budget check for the marketing plan.

If you carry out your planning in SAP NetWeaver BI with marketing spend types, make the settings in

SAP CRM Customizing at  Customer Relationship Management Marketing Marketing

Planning and Campaign Management Key Figure Planning Define Marketing Spend Types

. The amounts for coupon campaigns are planned using marketing spend types. To do so, enter the key figure that bears the amounts for the marketing spend type, and the usage Purchasing Marketing Spend.

You must also have assigned plan type C (Cost Planning with Marketing Spends) to the planning

profile, in SAP CRM Customizing at  Customer Relationship Management Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Key Figure Planning Define Planning

Profile Groups .

If you carry out your planning in SAP NetWeaver BI with measures, as is normal for campaigns, make

the settings in SAP CRM Customizing at  Customer Relationship Management Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Key Figure Planning Assign Measure

to Planning Profile Group for Budget Check in the Purchasing Process . Enter the measure and the key figure for a specific planning profile group.

In trade promotions, you check against the selected spend type. You make the settings for this in SAP

CRM Customizing, at  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotions Trade Spends Define Trade Spends for Values .

If you choose the value P (Purchase Trade Spend) for the usage of the spend type, you can use the spend type in the purchasing process as the budget. You do not create conditions for this spend type, although you need to have made appropriate Customizing settings for it.

You must also set up the integration of trade promotion management and funds management, in Customizing. For more information see SAP CRM Customizing, at:

o  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade

Promotions Funds Integration Define Settings for Funds Integration .

Relevant BAdIs

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For the purchasing process in marketing projects, corresponding BAdI implementations were created in SAP CRM and SAP ERP. You can develop your own implementations for these BAdIs, and so adapt the purchasing process to your requirements.


For the budget check, the following standard implementations of BAdI CRM_MKTPL_PURCHASING were created:


Method CHECK_BUDGET_BEFORE_CREATE: For planning with marketing spend types, the system compares the sum of the item amounts for a marketing spend type, with the planning amount for this marketing spend type.

For planning with measures, the system compares the sum of the item amounts, with the planning amount for the measure.


Method CHECK_BUDGET_BEFORE_CREATE: For trade promotions, the system compares the sum of the item amounts for each trade spend, with the planning amount for the amounts reserved in funds management.



Method GET_ACTUALS: In the standard implementation of method GET_ACTUALS, the system determines the actual costs for the purchases in a marketing project. The costs are read from the WBS element. You can read the costs from the system in another way, for example from the incoming invoices, although you require your own implementation for this.


Method GET_STATUS: In the standard implementation of method GET_STATUS, the system reads the status of the purchase request. You can implement a more extensive status determination for this method.

Method CHANGE_DATA: On the CRM side, not all data for the creation of a purchase request is known, for example purchasing group, plant, account type. This data is added here.

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Working Context Behavior in Trade Promotion Management


Whether or not a working context attribute displays in a SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) application depends on the application. Generally speaking, when you perform an advanced search, the search page receives the default attributes defined in the working context. When creating a new object, attribute values are defaulted whenever possible. For example, if the working context has more than one account attribute set, such as Account Hierarchy Node and Target Group, the Target Group attribute is only defaulted in the object after you manually select Hierarchy Node as the account type.

Attribute and Application Matrix

The matrix below summarizes whether or not attributes specified in the working context default into trade promotion management (TPM) applications. For example, if a product category is defined in the working context, the specified product category value appears by default when you create a trade promotion.

Attribute and TPM Application Matrix

Product, Product Category, Product


Account, Account Hierarchy Node, Target


Start Date, End Date

Funds Plan ID

Trade Promotion


Trade Promotion Creation

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Trade Promotion Search

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Trade Promotion Template Creation

Yes Yes No No Yes

Trade Promotion Template Search

Yes Yes No No Yes

Marketing Calendar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Marketing Calendar Search

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Agreement Creation Yes Yes Yes No No

Agreement Search Yes Yes Yes No No

Account Defaults Creation

NoYes, except for Target Group

No No Yes

Account Defaults Search

NoYes, except for Target Group

No No Yes

Page 41: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Attribute and TPM Application Matrix

Product, Product Category, Product


Account, Account Hierarchy Node, Target


Start Date, End Date

Funds Plan ID

Trade Promotion


Accounts Search No Yes No No No

Account Hierarchy Search

No Yes No No No

Products SearchYes, except for Product Group

No No No No

Promotion Guidelines Creation

Yes No Yes No No

Promotion Guidelines Search

No No Yes No No

Promotion Guideline Parameters Search

Yes No Yes No No

Promotion Guideline Violations Search

Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Deals Creation YesYes, except for Target Group

Yes No Yes

Deals Search YesYes, except for Target Group

Yes No Yes

More Information

Working Context

Working Context Behavior in Funds Management

Working Context Behavior in Claims Management

Page 42: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Spends and Dates


Trade promotion date ranges are used to track the dates of specific activities relating to the trade promotion.

You can perform the following tasks:

Associate a date range to a trade spend combination so that the Date Range field is automatically filled in a new trade promotion once the trade spend values are populated.

Automatically pre-populate trade spends and set default values for the start and end date of the trade spend in trade promotion planning

Add a product, product category, product group, or product segment, and specify effective dates

Effective dates can be different from the trade promotion start and end buying dates. You can also define default date ranges for the effective dates.

Add a trade spend and a trade spend exception to a trade promotion and specify start and end dates

A trade spend exception is a trade spend that is specific only to a product, product category, or product group. By default, the trade spend start date is the Effective From date and the trade spend end date is the Effective To date.


In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) you have performed the following tasks:

Defined additional date ranges by choosing  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign

Management Basic Data Define Additional Date Ranges Related a combination of spend type, spend category and spend method to a date range by choosing

 Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Define Trade

Spends for Values by choosing Relate Date Range

Defined if you want the trade spend date information pre-populated in trade promotion planning by

choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Define

Trade Spends for Values. by choosing Spend Method, Take Rate, Off Invoice Cap and selecting the pre-populate indicator

Defined if you would like to integrate funds management functions by mapping the relevant expense

type to the trade spend by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions

Funds Integration Define Settings for Funds Integration

Page 43: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Defined default date ranges for the effective dates by choosing  Trade Promotion Management

Basic Data Products Define Product Default Date Ranges


Trade Spends and Date Range Defaults

Trade spend dates are defaulted automatically to new trade promotions when the dates maintained for the trade promotion in the Dates assignment block are within the date range related to the trade spends in Customizing.

The Date Range for the trade spends in the planning page is defaulted after the trade spend values have been selected if the date range has been related to a trade spend in Customizing.

If no customizing has been done, the system searches for the Buy or Plan date range. Otherwise, it is left blank and can always be modified.


Data is only pre-populated when initially creating the trade promotion. If you delete the default data, you must manually maintain it.

End of the note.

Effective Dates

You can also use this function for deals.

You can add a product, trade spend, or a trade spend exception to a trade promotion even if it has the status Released.

You can also add a product retroactively to a released trade promotion. However, you cannot add an off-invoice trade spend retroactively.

You withdraw a product or a trade spend from a trade promotion by specifying an end date that is earlier than the trade promotion buying end date.


The product or trade spend becomes read-only and you cannot add it again.

End of the note.

You must regenerate conditions manually at the product level to reflect the new end date. The planning grid in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) is updated. If the effective to date is between a planning period, an average trade spend is shown based on prorating.


You can include additional date ranges to your trade promotion in the Dates assignment block.

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If you change the dates in the Dates assignment block for the trade promotion, and you have not modified any of the dates in the Planning assignment block, then the changes will be synchronized to the trade spends automatically.

More Information

Additional Date Ranges for Trade Promotions

Volumes/Trade Spends Planning

Exception-Based Planning

Page 45: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Additional Date Ranges for Trade Promotions


You can enter planned and actual dates for a marketing project. You do this in the Dates assignment block of the marketing project. You can also define additional date ranges. These are customizable date ranges that you may maintain in addition to the planned and actual date ranges in the Dates assignment block. These dates could be, for example, buying periods, promotion dates, pre-dip or post-dip date ranges, or whatever best suits your business needs.


You have made the following settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing

 Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define Additional

Date Ranges :

Defined a name for the date range Set the period type which indicates the purpose of the date

Indicated whether the date ranges are part of the buying pattern date interval (for trade promotions and deals only)

You do this by selecting the Buying pattern indicator beside each additional date range.

Optionally selected a Search Date ID to associate with the Date ID that you will configure to include as a search parameter.

Optionally selected an Extract Date ID to map the SAP CRM date range to the date range structure in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI).


Account defaults have priority over the date ranges, therefore, date values may be overwritten when default values are generated.

In the Dates assignment block, you cannot remove a maintained date range if there is one or more trade spends linked to this date range. You must delete the linked trade spends first.

End of the note.


You can define account default rules that enter default values for these additional date ranges in  

Marketing Account Defaults .


Page 46: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

You can define up to 99 additional date ranges for trade promotions and deals, and eight can be included as

search parameters in  Marketing Trade Promotions .

More Information

Account Defaults for Trade Promotions

Trade Spends and Dates

Page 47: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Defining Off-Invoice Caps


You can define an upper limit for price reductions in a trade promotion, so that the price reductions can only be used up to this off-invoice cap.



You can use this function only if you use integrated SAP ERP and have created the condition types in SAP ECC. You must also process your sales orders in SAP ECC.

End of the caution.


You have made the necessary settings in Customizing:

Set the CondUpdate (condition update) indicator for the condition type in SAP ERP.

The condition type is then marked as relevant for the upper limit. For more information, see SAP ERP

Customizing at  Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control

Define Condition Types .

You use a CRM-ERP integration scenario and have created the condition types in SAP ECC. However, the condition records must be edited in SAP CRM. You must therefore move the maintenance authorization for this condition type to SAP CRM. You transfer the condition record maintenance in

SAP ERP Customizing, by choosing  Integration with Other SAP Components Customer

Relationship Management Basic Functions Data Exchange Conditions . You can also find more information about the transfer of condition record maintenance in this activity.

You must download this Customizing and the condition type to SAP CRM. To do so, use transaction R3AS in SAP CRM.

You have defined the upper limit type. For more information see SAP CRM Customizing, at  

Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions

Condition Maintenance Define Condition Generation .

In the Cross-Order Cap Type column, select the required cap type. There are two cap types, currency-based or quantity unit-based.

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You can assign appropriate currency units to your sales organizations. This activity is optional. For

more information, see SAP CRM Customizing at  Customer Relationship Management Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance Define Currency

Units for Cross-Order Caps .


You can define either a currency-based cap or quantity unit-based cap.

You can then limit the price reductions defined in a trade promotion to a certain amount or a certain quantity, and so prevent the price reductions from being used above these amounts or quantities.

All affected invoices are taken into account and cumulated when capping price reductions.


1. Process a trade promotion in the CRM WebClient UI.2. In the Planning assignment block in the trade promotion, enter a value for the off-invoice cap for the

corresponding trade spend in the Cap column. This trade spend is made up of the spend type, spend category, spend method, and discount method.

For currency-based caps, enter the value in the respective currency unit. For quantity unit-based caps, enter the required quantity.

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Conditions and Rebates in Trade Promotions


You can use conditions and rebates to offer your accounts special discounts for a certain order item. The system uses these for pricing. The system determines exactly one related trade promotion when a sales order item is entered. This trade promotion is then incorporated into pricing for the order item.


You can use conditions and rebates in both an SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) standalone scenario or an integrated SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ERP) scenario.

To use conditions and rebates within the framework of trade promotion management, you must maintain the necessary Customizing settings. If your sales orders are done in SAP ERP, you maintain your conditions and rebates settings in SAP ERP. You then transfer them to SAP CRM. If your sales orders are done in SAP CRM, you can maintain the Customizing settings in SAP CRM.


You have completed the settings in Customizing for the following areas:

Condition Maintenance in a SAP ERP Integrated Scenario Maintenance of Rebate Processing

Data Exchange for Rebate Agreements

For more information, see SAP Solution Manager.

More Information

Conditions in Trade Promotions

Rebates in Trade Promotions

Page 50: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Price Lists


This function enables you to plan your pricing in an up-to-date and account-specific manner. The system retrieves pre-calculated price lists.


You can use this function with the CRM Server but not with CRM Mobile.

You can use a specific type of partner/product range (PPR) to calculate your price list but note that you cannot use price lists with listings.


You have performed the following tasks:

Created the price list in  Master Data Prices

Defined the price list type in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing  

Master Data Price List Define Price List Types

Defined those price list types specifically for Marketing in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition

Maintenance Define Condition Generation

Each price list type is mapped directly to a key figure for planning purposes in NPL Subtotals for Pricing.


The net price list is calculated only for individual business partners and not for business partner hierarchies or target groups.

o If you use business partner hierarchies or target groups, you can use the condition technique instead.

If you have specified that you wish to use price lists, the system finds the business partner associated with the hierarchy node. The system also stores the business partner hierarchy information, which can be retrieved later.

The net price list is calculated for products but not for product hierarchies or product groups.

When the trade promotion is planned at the product category or group level, the system retrieves an arbitrary product and uses it to retrieve the price list. A BAdI can be implemented to select a specific product.

Page 52: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Condition Maintenance in a SAP ERP Integrated Scenario


You can use this function to maintain conditions when you are using a SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ERP) integrated scenario.


As part of condition maintenance, you must first add the key field MVGR1 to the condition table in SAP ERP. This enables you to maintain usages, pricing, rebates, free goods and campaign determination and move condition maintenance to SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM).

Condition Tables with Material Groups (MVGR1) as Key Field

The condition tables must contain the key field MVGR1. To do this, carry out the following steps:

In the ABAP Dictionary (transaction SE11), add the field MVGR1 to the structure KOMPAZ in SAP ERP. Use data element MVGR1.

Add the field MVGR1 to the field catalog for SAP ERP. Do this for the following usages:

Usage A (pricing): In SAP ERP, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under  Basic Functions

Pricing Pricing Control Define Condition Tables Conditions: Allowed Fields

Usage E (rebate): In SAP ERP, in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under  Billing

Rebate Processing Condition Technique for Rebate Processing Field Catalog for Rebates

In SAP CRM, maintain the mapping relationship for field MVGR1 using transaction Maintain Table Views (SM30) in the view V_CND_MAP_CNVFLD.

Set up PRC_GROUP1 as a table field in the local system and MVGR1 as the table field in the external system. Create an entry for each table field for conversion rule A and B and always choose A as the conversion type (no conversion routine, copied directly).

After creating the condition table in SAP ERP, you need to download the Customizing to SAP CRM.

Condition Tables with Product Category as Key Field

To use product categories, additional Customizing settings are necessary in SAP ERP and SAP CRM.

For more information, see SAP Note 335202.

In addition to these settings, you must also maintain the following settings in the view V_CND_MAP_CNVFLD using transaction Maintain Table Views (SM30). Maintain the mapping relationship for fields PRODH1,

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PRODH2 and PRODH3, as specified in the SAP Note above and create the additional entries for conversion rule B (from local system to external system).


Maintaining Usages: Price Determination, Rebate, Free Goods, and Campaign Determination

In Customizing for SAP ERP, maintain new condition tables, condition types and access sequences for each of the four usages Pricing (A), Free Goods (N), Rebate (E), and Campaign Determination (3). Ensure in doing so, that the condition tables for usages A, N, and E contain the key field Campaign.

Pricing (Usage A)

Maintain the following in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under  Basic Functions Pricing

Pricing Control :

Define Condition Tables Define Access Sequences

Define Condition Types

Define and Assign Pricing Procedures

Rebate (Usage E)

Maintain condition tables, condition types, and access sequences in Customizing for Sales and Distribution

under  Billing Rebate Processing Condition Technique for Rebate Processing .

Free Goods (Usage N)

Maintain the following in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under  Basic Functions Free Goods

Condition Technique for Free Goods :

Maintain Condition Tables Maintain Access Sequences

Maintain Condition Types

Maintain Pricing Procedures

Campaign Determination (Usage 3)

Maintain the following in Customizing for Integration with Other mySAP.com Components under  

Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Campaign Determination :

Maintain Condition Tables

Page 54: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Maintain Access Sequences

Maintain Condition Types

Maintain Determination Procedure

Activate Campaign Determination


Ensure you maintain the number range interval 01 for the number range object KON3. You do this in SAP ERP in Number Range Object Maintenance (transaction SNUM).

End of the note.

Maintaining Conditions in SAP CRM

Campaign determination can also take place in SAP CRM after the Customizing download. You do this in

Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Basic Functions Campaign

Determination Assign Determination Procedure .

For more information on Customizing for conditions in SAP CRM, see Customizing for Condition Generation in SAP Solution Manager.

Displaying Campaign IDs

The external name for campaign IDs is not displayed within the condition maintenance in SAP ERP by default, in other words, you can only identify a campaign by the campaign ID and not with a short text. However, it is possible to display the external name for campaign IDs in condition maintenance using the Business Transaction Event (BTE) 00503306. There are two different types:

The BTE 00503306 is not yet implemented

In this case you only need to activate the BTE. In SAP ERP, go to SAP Business Framework: Business

Transaction Events (transaction FIBF) and then  Settings P/S function modules of a customer

. You can implement function module CMPB_CMPGN_TEXT_DETERMINATION without making further adjustments.

The BTE 00503306 is already implemented for other customer-specific purposes

In this case, the coding for function module CMPB_CMPGN_TEXT_DETERMINATION should be included in the customer-specific function module. The external name for a campaign ID is determined in this case by function module CMPB_CMPGN_GUID_TEXT_GET.

Moving Condition Maintenance to SAP CRM

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Condition records for condition types and tables that have been created in SAP ERP are maintained by default in SAP ERP. As part of Trade Promotion Management business scenario, you must move condition maintenance to SAP CRM.

In SAP ERP, maintain the appropriate entries in Customizing for Integration with Other mySAP.com

Components under  Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Data Exchange

Conditions . Choose the CRM Server as the logical system.

In SAP CRM, replicate the contents of the SAP ERP table MNTCNT to SAP CRM. For more information on replicating the content of table MNTCNT, see the section Transfer Condition Customizing from SAP ERP to SAP CRM in Transferring Conditions from SAP CRM to SAP ERP in SAP Solution Manager.


You need to modify the filter for the object DNL_CUST_CNDALL to include table MNTCNT.

End of the note.

More Information

Example: Maintenance of the Price Determination Usage

Example: Maintenance of the Rebate Usage

Example: Maintenance of the Campaign Determination Usage

Example: Maintenance of the Free Goods Usage

Example: Moving Condition Maintenance

Page 56: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Condition Generation in Trade Promotions


With this function, you can create condition records within a trade promotion. Condition records control the operational execution of your trade promotion. Conditions are, for the most part, generated automatically.

Within the scope of this function there are two types of conditions:

Price-determination-relevant conditions

These conditions control price determination when the trade promotion is executed or a sales order is opened.

These are conditions with usage price determination (PR), rebate (BO) or free goods (FG).

Conditions for campaign determination

These conditions control campaign determination when the trade promotion is executed. Campaign determination is required so that price determination takes campaign-specific condition records into account.

These are conditions with usage campaign determination (CD).

You can create:

Short-term trade promotions

You create short-term trade promotions for a period of several weeks. These trade promotions increase sales volume and include both price-determination-relevant conditions and conditions for campaign determination. The system creates the price-determination-relevant condition records when you start the condition generation in the Planning assignment block. The system creates the condition records for campaign determination automatically when you release the trade promotion.

Long-term trade promotions

You create long-term trade promotions for a period of several months to one year. These trade promotions do not increase sales volume and include only price-determination-relevant conditions. The system creates the price-determination-relevant conditions automatically when you release the trade promotion.

The system displays the results of the condition generation in the Discounts assignment block. The results are also displayed in the Trade Spends assignment block: the rebate status is Created or Opened. You can still manually change the condition records.

You can generate condition records for variable and fixed trade spends as well as campaign determination condition records at product level, product category level, or product group level.

If you generate condition records with the usage BO (rebate), the system creates rebate agreements as well, based on a rebate product. In case the condition records were generated at product category or product group

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level, the system selects the rebate product arbitrarily from the list of products that belong to the product category or group.


Integrating Condition Maintenance in Key Figure Planning

This function creates an interface between key figure planning and condition generation, and contains a tool for the mass generation of condition records.


For more information, see Customizing for Condition Generation in SAP Solution Manager.


After the conditions are generated, you can manually change the condition records in the Discounts assignment block.

These changes do not influence the key figure planning data for the Planning assignment block.

If you regenerate conditions after making changes manually, your changes are lost.


When generating conditions, the system automatically creates condition records using data from the trade spends and the corresponding planning, as well as data from the basic data for the trade promotion. The following data is included in the condition records:

Application, usage, condition type, and condition table, according to the trade spends settings made in Customizing for Condition Generation

Validity periods of the trade spends for the trade promotion

Products of the trade promotion, product categories or product groups

Sales area of the trade promotion

Data from the planning customer of the trade promotion

Data from the planning grid in Volumes and Trade Spends, if in Customizing you have set the condition rate origin to (SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI)

When generating conditions, the system enters values in the fields for the condition records. You can enhance the system logic by modifying the field catalog for the condition technique with the addition of user-specific fields. You do this by implementing the BAdI: Condition Generation in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition

Maintenance Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Condition Generation . This BAdI allows you to define the logic of how values are entered into user-specific conditions fields during condition generation. For more information, see the BAdI documentation.


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In the CRM WebClient UI, do the following:

1. Assign a planning account and a sales area to the trade promotion.2. Choose a campaign type.

A condition generation type must be assigned to the campaign type and the sales area. The condition generation type determines the condition generation.

3. Determine a planning profile group.

The planning profile group and the corresponding planning profiles define the key figure planning in the Planning assignment block.

4. Include the participating products, product categories, product groups, or product segments for the trade promotion in the corresponding assignment blocks.

The product dimension of the trade promotion is determined by the selected Product Planning Basis. If you choose Products, only the Products assignment block is available. If you choose Product Group and Product, for example, both the Products assignment block and the Product Groups assignment block are available.

5. Assign trade spends to the trade promotion in the Planning assignment block.

Your entries determine the key figure planning and control the condition types and condition tables, which the system uses when generating conditions.

Price-Determination-Relevant Conditions

1. In Planning, enter trade spends that lead to the desired condition types and condition tables. Depending on the settings in Customizing, enter spend value either in SAP CRM or in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI).

2. Choose Transfer Key Figures to add the required columns for your trade spends in the planning grid.

3. Start the condition generation by choosing Generate Conditions.

The system creates condition records relevant for price determination. For each trade spend line, an indicator shows that condition records were created.

4. You can change the trade spends in the Planning assignment block, if in Customizing you have set the condition rate origin to BI.

If you restart the condition generation, the system creates further condition records or changes existing ones.

5. In the Discounts assignment block, you can view the condition records created by the system and if necessary, change or enhance them, for example in scales.

6. When you save your trade promotion, the condition records are saved in the database and potentially transferred to SAP ERP, depending on the Customizing on which they are based.

Conditions for Campaign Determination

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Change the status of the trade promotion to Released.

The system creates condition records for the campaign determination. In the Discounts assignment block, you can view the condition records generated by the system.

When you save the trade promotion, the condition records are saved in the database and, under certain conditions, transferred to SAP ERP.

If you block, cancel, or complete the trade promotion, the system physically deletes the condition records for the campaign determination from SAP CRM. If the records had been transferred to SAP ERP, the system would also delete them from there.

If you reverse the block, cancellation, or completion of the trade promotion, the system creates new condition records for the campaign determination.


You can also generate conditions outside of trade promotion processing. There are two reports available for this:


This report executes status changes of trade promotions and creates condition records for the campaign determination.


This report creates price-determination-relevant condition records.

Both reports allow you to process several trade promotions and are designed for background processing.

More Information

Rebates in a Trade Promotion

Tiered Growth Rebates

Free Goods in a Trade Promotion

Price Lists

Pricing Simulation in Trade Promotions

Key Figure Planning in Marketing

Exception-Based Planning

Page 60: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Pricing Simulation in Trade Promotions


In a trade promotion, you can simulate prices for products. It is then possible to get an overview of the prices included in the trade promotion, before you release the trade promotions for use.

This helps you with work scheduling and enables you to calculate the effects of the price discounts on the final prices of the products quickly, and in a step-by-step manner.


You can only use this function if you use integrated SAP ERP and have created the condition types in SAP ECC.

End of the note.


You use a CRM-ERP integration scenario and have created the condition types in SAP ECC. However, the condition records must be edited in SAP CRM. You must therefore move the maintenance authorization for this condition type to SAP CRM. You transfer the condition record maintenance in the

SAP ERP Implementation Guide (IMG), by choosing  Integration with Other SAP Components

Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Data Exchange Conditions . You can also find more information about the transfer of condition record maintenance in this IMG activity.

You must download this Customizing and the condition type to SAP CRM. To do so, use transaction R3AS in SAP CRM.

You have included the conditions created in SAP ECC in the maintenance group. You make the settings

by choosing  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade

Promotions Condition Maintenance Assign Condition Maintenance Groups .

You have made the necessary settings in SAP CRM Customizing by choosing  Customer

Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition

Maintenance Define Condition Generation .

First, select the appropriate condition generation type. Then navigate to Pricing Simulation and open the Customizing view for editing.

You can find more information about condition generation under Customizing for Condition Generation.

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You can perform the simulation for products, product categories, product groups, and product segments.

In the Product Planning Basis field, you can find information about the basis on which the simulation was carried out.

If you want to simulate prices in a trade promotion, you must set the status In Simulation in the header details, in the Current Status field.

When you change the status to In Simulation, corresponding condition records are automatically generated for the trade spends defined in the Volumes and Trade Spends Planning assignment block. You find the conditions automatically created for the simulation in the Discounts assignment block. The condition records generated for the simulation are marked with a specific status icon.


The status In Simulation is always available in a trade promotion and leads to an error message if you select CRM conditions.

If you add another product to an existing trade promotion, you need to trigger the generation of condition records again, in the Volumes and Trade Spends Planning assignment block. To do so, open the planning for editing, select the spend type and choose Generate Conditions.

End of the note.


1. In the relevant assignment block (depending on the product planning basis, for example, the Products assignment block), choose Edit List. Only then do the pushbuttons for simulation become visible on the user interface.

2. To simulate pricing, click  More Simulate or Simulate All. If you select the value Simulate All, pricing simulation is performed for all items listed in the respective assignment block.

3. Select a date for the simulation of pricing. Click Continue.

Ensure that you have also selected a date that is valid for the trade promotion.

A dialog box then appears in which the list price and the net value for the relevant product are displayed for comparison.

Price reductions that are awarded for this product in other trade promotions, or that were additionally created for the customer, are also taken into account in the net value. Released price reductions for the trade promotion are also included in the calculation of the simulated price (net value).

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Rebates in Trade Promotions


A rebate is a special discount granted to an account as a trade promotion incentive. You pay the rebate amount out to the account after the trade promotion has been executed rather than off-invoice. A rebate depends on the account's sales volume within a specified time period. Generally the account has to provide you with some proof of performance such as promotional pricing, displays used, product visibility in the store, and so on.

You normally define a rebate in a particular sales area with an account, which functions as the rebate recipient. A rebate usually consists of several individual rebate agreements in the form of condition records. Each rebate has a unique number and a globally unique identifier (GUID). Rebates and rebate conditions both refer to a trade promotion.


In SAP CRM, you can use two different forms of rebate:

SAP ERP rebates

For the SAP ERP rebate, you perform Customizing in SAP ERP and download the Customizing to SAP CRM. The trade promotion generates a rebate agreement with rebate condition records that are transferred to SAP ERP automatically when you save the trade promotion.

SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) rebates

The SAP CRM rebate functions the same way as the SAP ERP rebate. You use these rebates if you are using a SAP CRM standalone scenario without any SAP ERP integration. In this scenario, you do all the Customizing in SAP CRM. The conditions and rebate agreements that are generated are not transferred to SAP ERP. You also create sales orders and complete billing in SAP CRM.


For simplicity's sake, we use the term “rebates” to refer to both forms of rebate in Marketing. From a technical point of view, the SAP CRM rebates, generated in Marketing, are entries in the rebate due list, which is the central object in the SAP CRM rebate application for managing all the data that is relevant for rebate settlements. The SAP ERP rebates generated here are rebate agreements.

End of the note.

Rebates are a specific type of trade spend. For more information on trade spends in general, see Trade Spends and Dates.


The type of rebate processing you use depends on the sales area and the campaign type. You can

maintain these settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance .

Page 63: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

You have maintained trade spends for rebates in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

under  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Define

Trade Spends for Values .

You have completed the settings depending on your scenario (integration with SAP ERP or SAP CRM

standalone) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion

Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance :

o ERP Rebate Processing

o CRM Rebate Processing

You have completed the relevant settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Rebate Processing.


Rebate Recipient

The standard rebate recipient is determined during the condition generation. The planning account is used in the determination:


The planning account is selected.

Account hierarchy node

When only one account is assigned to the hierarchy node, this account is selected and the rebate recipient is determined as described above.

When more than one account is assigned a random selection is made and the rebate recipient is determined using account rules.

Target group


Target groups should be used for SAP CRM standalone scenarios only, as target groups are transferred to SAP ERP but not fully supported in the SAP ERP sales order.

End of the note.

With the target group, the rebate recipient is determined using account rules. If the account has not been maintained, then the owner of the target group is selected. If the target group is empty, no rebate is generated since there is no rebate recipient. This can be avoided by determining a default rebate recipient.

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You can customize the standard determination for rebate recipients using the Business Add-In (BAdI) /BON/RECIP_DETERMINE (for the generation of SAP ERP rebates) and CRM_MKTPL_CRMR_IF (for the generation of SAP CRM rebates).

End of the note.

Rebate Status in Trade Spends

The rebate status is displayed together with the associated trade spend. The following rebate statuses are possible for trade spends:

Open For Settlement


The assignment of the SAP ERP rebate status For Settlement depends on the minimum status you defined in Customizing.

Rebate Status in Trade PromotionsSAP ERP and SAP CRM Rebates

Action Required Status

Delete trade promotion

Trade promotion date range must be in the future

No rebates are generated

If rebates are generated, they must have the status Open

Delete SAP ERP rebates

Rebates have status Open, not status For Settlement or Settled


You can delete rebates by deleting the associated trade spends

End of the note.

Delete trade spends associated with SAP ERP rebates

Trade promotion date range must be in the future

Rebates have status Open, not status For Settlement or Settled

Archive trade promotions Rebates have status Settled


When you lock a trade promotion, this has no effect on rebates and rebate conditions. Only the campaign determination conditions are affected. With long-term trade promotions, the rebates are deleted if permitted.

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When you finish or reject a trade promotion, the status of the associated rebates is automatically set to For Settlement.

End of the note.

Split Criteria

Having split criteria for rebate agreements in trade promotions means that a new rebate agreement is created for each trade spend.

The trade spends are separated from each other because the payment time can differ for each trade spend. Payment is also often linked to a certain requirement that has to be checked, for example, reserving a certain shelf space for a product. The variable rebate agreements are normally settled separately for all accounts at the end of a trade promotion.

Hierarchy Nodes

When account hierarchy nodes are used, the system can expand the hierarchies. If you have defined:

An account hierarchy for the rebate in the variable key of the condition table, the system uses the account hierarchy node that is assigned to the trade promotion

A condition table containing an account ID or payer in the variable key for the rebate condition type, then the account hierarchy node is expanded into individual accounts

You can make the required settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance Define Condition

Generation and then select Condition Tables.

Target Groups

If you use target groups as a planning account, the planning level determines how many rebates are generated with the planning profile layout.

When planning with individual accounts, one rebate per account view is displayed on the planning area for Planning.

When planning with account hierarchies, there is one rebate (and thus one rebate recipient) for each hierarchy node.

When planning on product level (without an account field), the standard behavior is as follows:

1. The system generates a rebate and determines an account from the target group owner field.

2. If the target group is empty, no rebate is generated and thus there is no rebate recipient.

3. The rebate recipient is determined using the relevant BAdI (see note section above).


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To override the standard behavior and enable generation of multiple rebates for a target group, you can implement the BAdI CRM_KFP_BADI. For more information, see the documentation for Customizing for

Customer Relationship Management under  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign

Management Key Figure Planning Business Add-Ins BAdI: System Enhancements for Key

Figure Planning .

End of the note.

More Information

For more information on Customizing settings for rebates in the Trade Promotion Management business scenario, see Customizing for Rebate Processing and Maintenance of Rebate Processing in SAP Solution Manager.

Rebate Processing

Condition Generation in Trade Promotions

Volumes/Trade Spends Planning

Interaction of Rebate Agreements with SAP ERP

Free Products in Trade Promotions

Page 67: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Rebate Payments in Trade Promotions


You often pay out rebates to accounts when the validity period of the rebate expires. A common exception is when you pay out fixed rebates.


1. The validity period of the rebate expires.2. For sales-dependent rebate conditions, the system tracks all receipts (invoices, credit memos, and debit

memos) that are relevant for rebate processing in SAP ERP or SAP CRM, depending on the rebate processing application you use.

3. The system automatically posts accruals (the amount specified in the condition record) so that Financial Accounting (FI-CO) has an overview of the rebate's accumulated value or the approximate sum of the rebate payments.

4. Upon final settlement of the rebate, the system sends the account a credit memo for the entire value of the rebate.

More Information

Settling Rebate Agreements

Page 68: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Rebate Generation in Trade Promotions


The system generates rebates for a trade promotion to enable your accounts to receive rebate payments in accordance with performance measurements such as correct promotional pricing, displays in the store, or strategic product placements in the store, for example.


For the system to be able to generate rebates, you have maintained the following fields in the CRM WebClient UI:

Account Type/Account

Planning accounts can be individual accounts, hierarchy nodes, or target groups. For more information, see Rebates in Trade Promotions.

Campaign Type

With this field, the system determines the condition generation type, which influences the automatic determination of condition types and tables.

Product Planning Basis

You define the product dimension that the promotion applies to, for example, product, product category, or product group.

Planning Profile Group and the corresponding planning profiles. Planning Period (Buying dates)

Sales Area

Products, Product Categories, or Product Groups

You define which products you want to sell in a trade promotion.

Volumes and Trade Spends Planning

You determine the fields in Planning as well as the automatic determination of condition types, condition tables, and the values of the key figure planning.


When SAP CRM generates conditions for SAP ERP rebates, it assigns the correct sequential number to the rebate agreement. This ensures that no gaps occur during the number assignment.

End of the note.

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If SAP CRM cannot generate the condition, the rebate is not created either. Ensure you have made the required

settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance Define Condition Generation .

End of the caution.


Generate the Rebates

Conditions and, therefore, rebates are generated when you do one of the following:

Save the trade promotion

Click Generate Conditions in the trade promotion overview page

More Information

Condition Generation in Trade Promotions

Page 70: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Interaction of Rebate Agreements with SAP ERP


When you use rebate agreements in trade promotions, all relevant data from the Marketing key capability of SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) is transferred to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ERP) for subsequent processing. SAP ERP tracks all receipts (invoices, credit memos, and debit memos) relevant for rebate processing and automatically posts accruals so that accounting in FI-CO has an overview of the cumulative value of the rebate agreements.


For rebate agreements to interact between SAP CRM and SAP ERP, you must make the appropriate Customizing settings to enable communication between the two systems. For more information, see SAP Solution Manager.


First Transfer from SAP CRM to SAP ERP

If you save the trade promotion after generating the conditions, the system transfers the conditions and rebate agreements from SAP CRM to SAP ERP. At this point, you can only post manual accruals and manual payments for the rebate agreement in SAP ERP.

Settlement of Rebate Agreements in SAP ERP

You cannot settle rebate agreements directly in SAP CRM. There are two ways of carrying out rebate settlements:

Set the status of the trade promotion to Completed.

When saving the trade promotion, the system automatically sets the status of the rebate agreement to To Be Settled in SAP ECC.

For more information, see Status Management.

In Planning in SAP CRM, click Release for Settlement.

In doing so, you can trigger the settlement of individual rebate agreements in SAP ERP manually.

As soon as rebate agreements are released for settlement in SAP ERP, you can no longer change rebate agreements and rebate conditions in SAP CRM. You can however partly or fully settle the rebate agreement in SAP ERP. If you change the status of the rebate agreement in SAP ERP, the system transfers the rebate agreement back to SAP CRM.


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If you want to change a rebate agreement or a rebate condition at this point, you must first reset the status of all rebate agreements for the trade promotion. The rebate agreement can therefore no longer be settled in SAP ERP. You can however make changes again in SAP CRM.

End of the note.

Analyzing Data Integrity with the Data Integrity Manager (DIMa)

The Data Integrity Manager (transaction SDIMA) can be used to detect inconsistencies between rebate agreements in SAP CRM and SAP ERP. It checks for the following points:

Data that differs Data that is only available in SAP CRM

Data that is only available in SAP ERP

If inconsistencies are found, an error message indicates the required steps.

For mass data, use the following procedure:

1. Run a detailed comparison.2. Trigger a request to upload of all inconsistent agreements.

3. Run the detailed comparison again.

4. Trigger a request to download for all inconsistent agreements.

For more information on the DIMa, see the documentation on the DIMa and on CRM Middleware in SAP Library for SAP CRM on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/crm.

Rebate Agreement Status

You can process or settle the rebate agreement depending on the status of the rebate agreement in SAP CRM and in SAP ERP.

You can control the status using the Agreement Type and the field Minimum Value of the Rebate Agreement for Final Settlement (ECC: T6B1-BOSTA_MIN, SAP CRM: /BON/AG_STATUS_MIN_SETTLE). You do this in SAP

ERP in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under  Billing Rebate Processing Rebate

Agreements Define Agreement Types .

The following options are available to you:

If the agreement does not have the minimum required status of???, you can process the rebate agreement in SAP CRM but not in SAP ERP.


Exceptions to this processing in SAP CRM only include when you make a manual payment or process a manual accrual.

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End of the note.

The system transfers all changes to rebate agreements and conditions after the trade promotion has been saved from SAP CRM to SAP ERP. The following fields can no longer be changed after conditions and rebate agreements have been generated:

o Type, if this entails a change to the condition generation typeo Sales area

o Products, as long as the trade promotion is set to Released

If the agreement has the minimum required status, you cannot process the rebate agreement in SAP CRM.

In SAP ERP manual payments, manual accruals and final settlements are possible. Since the rebate agreement can no longer be processed in SAP CRM, you cannot delete the trade promotion and you can no longer change the following:

o Fields under Planningo Campaign type

o Rebate agreement periods

o The rebate agreement's products

o Trade spends (here you are allowed to make additions)

o Rebate conditions

Retroactive Processing of Rebate Agreements and Conditions

If the system updates billings in rebate processing, a new price determination is run but not a new campaign determination. This has the following effects:

It is possible to create or change rebate conditions within existing trade promotions (for example, a period or an amount).

The changes are then incorporated during a subsequent update run.

However, it is not possible to reverse a retroactively created or backdated trade promotion.

Consequently, you cannot apply a sales-dependent rebate at a later point.


This function does not apply to account planning because account planning does not use campaign determination conditions.

End of the note.

Deleting a Rebate Agreement

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If you delete existing rebate agreements, it may be that manual payments have already been made in SAP ERP. For these cases, define how the system should proceed with these payments:

If you do not want to cancel manual payments for the final settlement in SAP ERP, mark the condition records as deleted in SAP ERP.

If you want to cancel manual payments for the final settlement in SAP ERP, set the condition amount to 0 in SAP ERP.

In doing so, note that in SAP ERP, there is no way of showing whether this rebate agreement is a deleted agreement, or an agreement that has been manually set to 0.

Archiving a Trade Promotion

You can only archive a trade promotion if all rebate agreements have the status Finally Settled in ECC.

More Information

For more information on the Customizing settings for rebate processing, see Customizing for Rebate Processing in SAP Solution Manager.

Page 74: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Data Exchange for Rebate Agreements



Complete the following steps in SAP GUI.

End of the note.

Activation of Delta Download

You have to activate the SAP ERP delta download in SAP CRM for the object classes AGREEMENTS and CONDITIONS. You activate them either in an initial upload or by going to Customizing Events in R/3 Backend (transaction R3AC4) in SAP CRM.

Customizing Download

The following example objects are delivered for the Customizing download, which you can display by going to Adapter Object Overview (transaction R3AC5) in SAP CRM:








The objects are broken down according to usage, condition technique part (for example, table T681 in DNL_CUST_CND_PR) and usage-dependent part (for example, calculation schema in table T683; object DNL_CUST_PRC).

Regeneration of Access Reports

Import SAP Note 549110 for the condition exchange (SP43 for SAP ECC 4.6C; SP09 for SAP ECC 4.70). If you have already created relevant condition tables before importing the program enhancements from SAP Note 549110, you must regenerate the access reports. To do this, start report RV12A001 with the option Reports & Screens for all relevant condition tables.

Business and Condition Objects

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For the initial upload of rebate agreements, business object REBATE_AGRMNTS is delivered which you can display by going to Adapter Object Overview (transaction R3AC5).

For the initial upload of condition master data the following condition objects are delivered, which you can display in Adapter Object Overview(transaction R3AC5):



Use these objects as a template if you create additional condition objects for condition master data.

Transferring Rebate Agreements to SAP ERP

Start the initial upload in SAP CRM by going to Start Initial Load (transaction R3AS) with the following selection entries:

Object: REBATE_AGRMNTS Appropriate source and target system

The system transfers the data to SAP ERP and saves it there.


You can maintain the object REBATE_AGRMNTS in transaction R3AC1. Here you can also define filters for the upload.

End of the note.

In Application Log: Display Logs (transaction SLG1) (object: AGREEMENT_EXCHANGE, subobject: REBATES) provides you with a log of the data transfer.

Delta Upload

If you create or change a rebate agreement in SAP CRM, the information is automatically transferred to SAP ERP. During a delta upload, the system applies the business object's filter settings.

If the rebate status changes for a rebate agreement in SAP ERP, these changes are transferred back to SAP CRM. Otherwise a download for rebate agreements is not supported.

More Information

Transferring Customizing Data

Example: Creation of Condition Objects in SAP CRM

Page 76: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Enhanced Rebate Agreements


You can use this function to enhance rebate agreements in a trade promotion. Indirect sales are identified as revenue relevant for rebate agreements that are not directly available between the rebate granter and rebate recipient. This means that revenue cannot be set up using customer billing documents.

In SAP ERP, there can only be one rebate recipient for each agreement. In enhanced rebates, you can have more than one rebate recipient for each rebate agreement based on the sales-initiating payer. This is true for customer hierarchies. You can trigger periodic settlements of rebate agreements. In this case, individual periods are settled like individual agreements.

There are two types of rebate agreement:

Direct rebate agreement

Direct sales that take place between you and a customer.

Indirect rebate agreement

Indirect sales that take place between third parties; the system does not save indirect sales as billing documents.


In enhanced rebate processing, it is important to integrate Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) so you can post account rebates by product, for example. As a result, you have online information at your disposal immediately after settlement.

For more information on Profitability Analysis (CO-PA), see SAP Library for SAP ERP Central Component on

SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com and choose  Financials Controlling (CO) Profitability

Analysis (CO-PA).


In addition to the Customizing settings for rebates, you have met the following prerequisites for enhanced rebate processing:

You have created the rebate agreements with the relevant bonus conditions in your trade promotion using condition generation.

In Customizing, you have activated the sales information structures S469 and S136.

In the sales area data in the customer master record, you have determined the bonus relevancy of the customer.

You have selected the Rebate indicator for the rebate recipient.

You have activated rebate processing for the billing type.

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You have activated rebate processing in billing.

In Customizing, you have selected the desired billing documents and sales organizations for rebate processing.

If you want the system to create agreements and enhanced rebate agreements automatically, you have maintained the fields for conditions in the relevant trade promotion.


Include a variable key in the rebate info structure to make the rebate settlement flexible.

When you update the rebate info structure, you can include selected data from billing documents in the variable key. The system then transfers this data to the billing document when the credit memo is issued. In this way, for example, the materials that triggered the rebate, and not the settlement material, can be transferred to the credit memo. The partners can be transferred from the billing documents as well, making it possible to have more than one rebate recipient for the exact same condition.

Processing Indirect Rebate Agreements

The use of pro forma billing documents makes indirect data available for rebate processing. Using special calculation schemas and condition rules, you can use planning data to create accruals and actual data for rebate processing.

Waiving Credit Memo Requirements

The system creates direct billing documents (credit memos) during settlement.

Using Indirect Sales

Indirect sales are identified as revenue relevant for rebate agreements which are not directly available between rebate provider and rebate recipient. Technically, this means that revenue cannot be set up using customer billing documents.


When creating rebate-relevant billing documents, the system determines all valid rebate conditions pursuant to the assigned calculation schemata and initiates the update of the rebate information structure S469.

The rebate settlement creates credit memos based on the information structure S469.

The system updates the payments and expansion of the accruals in S469 by taking into account the variable key.


The rebate agreement should be settled by material. In the variable key VAKEY, the material number is updated in the billing document and, therefore, the revenue cumulates in the statistics directly under the correct material number. There is only one condition in the agreement that is set for all invoices with a payer.

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You create an invoice with this payer and Material A, then the system updates a record with the condition number and VAKEY Material A in S469. A second invoice with the payer and Material B will create a further entry in S469 with condition number and VAKEY B.

You create a further invoice with the payer and Material B, this invoice will cumulate on the S469 record with the same VAKEY.

During settlement, you can determine directly from the statistics how much revenue was earned with Material A and how much revenue was earned with Material B. Two items for condition record 0001 will appear in the settlement document, one with A as material, the other with B.

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Variable Rebates in Trade Promotions


In trade promotion management (TPM), there are two types of rebates:

Fixed rebates, in particular for funds

Fixed means that you decide on the exact amount to be paid to the account when the rebate is made.

Variable rebates that you pay out to the account normally at the end of a trade promotion

Variable means that the rebate amount depends on the quantity, weight, volume, or sales volume.

You can plan and execute trade promotions whose rebates vary over the duration of the trade promotion. The advantage of this is that you do not need to stop the trade promotion and create a new one with the new rebates.


You can also plan and execute trade promotions whose off-invoice caps vary over the duration of the trade promotion. For more information, see Defining Off-Invoice Caps.

End of the note.

In the section below are examples of when you may want to use variable rebates in trade promotions.


In business terms, variable rebates are also known as billbacks, everyday low prices (EDLP), and scan rates.

End of the note.


1. Call up the trade promotion for which you want to create variable rebates.2. In the Planning assignment block in the trade promotion overview page, select or enter the following:

1. The appropriate spend type (variable or fixed) for variable rebates.

2. The relevant spend category for the variable rebate such as a billback rate or a scan rate.

3. The spend method, which could be deferred payment, for example.

4. The appropriate discount method, which could be by sales unit or by percentage, for example.

5. A value for the rebate in the column for spend values.

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For more information, see the Customizing documentation for Customer Relationship Management under  

Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Define Trade Spends for Values .


Example 1

For a long-term trade promotion that lasts one year, you first set a target, for example, an EDLP of 2% less than the normal price. This target is based on the product's previous year's sales volume. During the year, you may need to adjust the rebate as the product changes to a different product category. It is now eligible for an EDLP of 3%.

Example 2

You may need to increase the rebate for a certain period of time to match or beat the competition. There might be an important trade promotion being run by a competitor.

Example 3

There is a new product for which you want to give an extra push during the year. Instead of stopping your trade promotion and creating a new one, you just add a rebate with a different value for this product.

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Maintenance of Rebate Processing


You can use this function to maintain rebate agreements for trade promotions.


We recommend creating new agreement types and condition type groups.

You do this in Customizing for SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) by choosing:

 Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements Define

Agreement Types

 Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements

Condition Type Groups Define Condition Type Groups

 Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements

Condition Type Groups Assign Condition Types/Tables to Condition Type Groups

 Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing Rebate Agreements

Condition Type Groups Assign Condition Type Groups to Rebate Agreement Types

You need to implement new rebate procedures for trade promotions. You do this in Customizing for SAP ERP

Central Component (SAP ECC) by choosing  Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate Processing

Activation of the New Rebate Procedure From Release 4.6A .


Number Assignment Rebate Agreements

You create rebate agreements for trade promotions in SAP CRM and these are replicated in SAP ECC. Although the agreements created in SAP ECC are copies of the agreements created in SAP CRM, their numbers are not identical. If you want the agreements that are replicated in SAP ECC to have the same number:

Ensure that the number range interval used for the internal number assignment for rebate agreements in SAP CRM is identical to the number range interval used for external number assignments for rebate agreements in SAP ECC. You do this:

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o In Customizing for SAP ECC by choosing  Sales and Distribution Billing Rebate

Processing Rebate Agreements Define Number Ranges for Sales Deals

o In Customizing for SAP CRM by choosing  Customer Relationship Management

Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance ERP

Rebate Processing Define Number Ranges for Agreements

In addition, ensure that:

o Rebate agreements cannot be created directly in the number range interval used in SAP ECC for the external number assignment for rebate agreements. To do this, create a new number range group in SAP ECC with a new number range interval, both of which have not yet been used.

o Table CRMPAROLTP contains the following table entry in SAP ECC. The system, therefore, uses the (external) number that originated in SAP CRM, if data for rebate agreements is to be transferred from SAP CRM to SAP ECC.

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Managing Rebate Settlements for Trade Promotions


If payments have been made to an account during the course of a trade promotion, it is sometimes necessary to create correction documents for the rebates honored within the trade promotion. This is particularly useful when accruals have also been made. These can be adjusted before the trade promotion is completed, so that you have a more accurate view of the outstanding payments.

The function can also be used to adjust scheduled accruals.


This function is only available for rebate agreements created in SAP ECC.

End of the note.


1. Search for the required trade promotion in the Rebate Settlement application.

The rebate agreements and trade promotion conditions are displayed and the appropriate information is read from SAP ECC.

2. Enter the amount of the payment you made to the account and select the payment currency and payment date. If required, the payment currency is converted to the rebate agreement currency on the payment date.

3. It is possible to distribute the payment amount over more than one rebate agreement. To do this, select the rebate agreement and choose Distribute Amount. The weighting given to the individual condition records in the distribution depends on the amount of the partial settlement and on the open amount in the individual rebate agreements.


The amount to be settled is to be distributed over three rebate agreements. The amount is 50 Euros and the three rebate agreements are as follows:

Rebate Agreement Correction Amount

RA 1 EUR 20

RA 2 EUR 30

RA 3 EUR 50

A weighted distribution of the settlement amount would be as follows:

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Rebate Agreement Distributed Amount

RA 1 EUR 10

RA 2 EUR 15

RA 3 EUR 25

End of the example.


If you are using the enhanced rebate functionality in SAP ECC, a rebate agreement may contain more than one rebate recipient. In this case, the payment cannot be distributed amongst all recipients but can only be distributed to the entries of the corresponding payment recipient.

End of the note.

You can adjust the payment by choosing Create Correction Document. This creates a correction document in SAP ECC, which you can then use to adjust the accruals.


You have reduced the final payment amount for the rebate agreement by the amount already paid and have made the corresponding adjustments to the accruals for your trade promotion.


A certain trade promotion has a rebate agreement stating that the customer receives EUR 10,000 if the new product XY is placed in a central position on the sales floor.

The manufacturer creates an accrual for EUR 10,000 in accordance with this agreement.

To avoid unnecessary transactions during the trade promotion, the customer subtracts each inbound invoice from the manufacturer from the rebate amount until EUR 10,000 has been reached. The manufacturer therefore needs a check mechanism that ensures that the sum of subtracted amounts does not exceed the total sum. The manufacturer also needs to be able to correct the accruals and reduce them by the subtracted amounts. If the manufacturer accepts the deductions made by the customer, the manufacturer can enter the corrections in the rebate agreement as described above.

At the conclusion of the trade promotion, the final settlement takes place and the customer receives any outstanding rebate payments.

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Free Goods in a Trade Promotion


It is common practice in many industries that when you sell certain goods, you deliver other goods free of charge to the customer, or you do not charge the customer for a portion of the goods sold. These free goods can also be used for trade promotions.


You have maintained the necessary Condition Maintenance Customizing in SAP ECC and downloaded it to SAP CRM, or have maintained it directly in SAP CRM.

You have maintained the necessary customizing for condition generation.

Take particular care to ensure that the selected planning profile group you chose for the planning of free goods is suitable, such as the planning profile group 4TPF.

More Information

Free Goods in Volumes/Trade Spends Planning

Free Products in Trade Promotions

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Free Products in Trade Promotions


You use this function to offer rebates in the form of free products within a trade promotion. If a customer reaches a certain amount of revenue or sells a certain quantity of products within a predefined period of time, the customer receives an agreed amount of free products. The corresponding billing documents form the basis for cumulating the quantities or amounts.

A free sales order containing the free products as order items is generated for the delivery of the free products. Unlike free goods, the free products are not delivered or invoiced together with the products ordered.

By assigning an individual account, account hierarchy, or target group, you can control which customers receive these special conditions.

You can define free products as being either valid for individual products or valid for all products in a trade promotion.


This function is integrated with CRM rebate processing.


You have performed the following tasks:

Defined a planning profile group that allows the creation of free products (plan type Free Goods and Product-Independent Free Goods).

Make sure that the planning profile of the planning profile group is suitable for the planning of free goods across multiple sales orders. To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

(CRM), choose  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Key

Figure Planning Define Planning Profile Groups .

Maintained the Customizing settings for condition generation.

To do so, in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), choose  Customer

Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition

Maintenance .

Activated the Free-Goods Rebates function.

To do this, go to Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and choose  

Customer Relationship Management Rebate Processing Configure Application .

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Defined a condition type for which the indicator Cond. Type FrGds has been selected.

To do this, go to Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and choose  

Customer Relationship Management Rebate Processing Set Up Rebate Determination

Create Condition Types .

Defined a rebate profile and assigned it to the object type Marketing Project: Trade Promotion Management (TPM).

To do this, go to Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and choose  

Customer Relationship Management Rebate Processing Rebate Profiles Assign Rebate

Profile .


1. Plan your trade promotion. To do this, enter the general data (type, planning profile group, planning account, and dates) and assign the required products, free products, accounts or target groups.

2. Under Volumes and Trade Spends Planning, you define the volumes and amounts that need to be reached as well as the quantity of free products. You also trigger the condition generation.

3. You release the trade promotion, thus generating campaign determination records.

4. If a sales order containing one of the trade promotion products is generated by one of the accounts participating in the trade promotion within the promotion time period, the system assigns the trade promotion automatically.

5. After the billing document has been generated for the sales order, the billing request amounts are cumulated in the rebate due list.

6. You trigger the rebate settlement from the rebate due list. The system generates a settlement document and forwards it to Accounting. Once the document has been confirmed by Accounting, the system automatically creates a free sales order containing the free products as items.

More Information

Free Goods in a Trade Promotion

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Tiered Growth Rebates


In long-term trade promotions based on products or product categories, you can use tiered growth rebates to provide incentives to retailers where the incentive can vary with the level of performance over a period of time. The better the performance, the higher the rebate.


If sales revenue increases by between 5% and 7% over last year, the retailer receives a rebate of 1,000 USD. If sales revenue increases by between 8% and 10%, the retailer receives a rebate of USD 2,000.

End of the example.


If a retailer increases the number of shelves in a product display by one or two, the retailer receives a rebate of USD 500. If the retailer increases the number of shelves by three or four, the retailer receives a rebate of USD 1,000. If the retailer increases the number by five or six, the rebate is USD 2,000.

End of the example.

Each tiered growth rebate (TGR) consists of a set of tiers. Each tier associates a range of performance values with a specific spend value. You can define the range and spend value for each tier. Actual performance is evaluated to a single figure that is referred to as the evaluation criterion. The final rebate is determined using a formula referred to as the calculation method. Each TGR type has one evaluation criterion and one calculation method.


You have defined the set of TGR types you want to use in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade

Spends Tiered Growth Rebates Define Tiered Growth Rebate Types . You have associated a unique trade spend combination (spend type, spend category, spend method) with

each TGR type in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  Trade

Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Tiered Growth Rebates

Define Trade Spend Combinations for Tiered Growth Rebates .

You have associated the names of the key figures and profiles that are retrieved from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) for the TGR, with the corresponding names of those key figures in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), in Customizing for Customer Relationship

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Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade

Spends Tiered Growth Rebates Define BI Content .

You have defined condition records in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by

choosing  Account Planning Condition Maintenance Define Condition Generation .

You have created planning profiles for tiered growth rebates in Customizing by choosing  

Customer Relationship Management Account Planning Key Figure Planning Define

Planning Profile Groups .

You must integrate tiered growth rebates with claims and funds. When you release a trade promotion, the system generates condition records. For more information about conditions, see Condition Generation in Trade Promotion Management.


A TGR type is a unique identifier for a specific combination of base dimension, comparison dimension, tier type, spend value type, and calculation method. The trade spend combination (spend type, spend category, spend method) you select in a trade promotion determines the TGR type.

The following are the default TGR types that ship with SAP CRM 2007 (the technical name of the TGR type in Customizing appears in square brackets):

Variable growth vs last year, total sales [TGR0000]

A variable TGR based on growth of total sales over the previous year's total sales where sales are a monetary value measured in the currency of the trade promotion


Using the tiers defined below, if last year sales is USD 100,000 and actual sales is USD 112,000 (a sales growth of 12%), the rebate is (112,000 USD * 1.0%), which yields USD 1,120.

Tier Percentage of Sales Growth Spend Value

1 0.0%–10.0% 0.0%

2 10.0%–15.0% 1.0%

3 15.0%– 1.5%

End of the example.

Variable growth vs last year, volume[TGR0001]

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A variable TGR based on growth in sales volume over the previous year's sales volume where volume is measured in cases

Variable growth vs last year, sales [TGR0002]

A variable TGR based on growth in sales over the previous year's sales where sales are a monetary value measured in the currency of the trade promotion

Fixed growth vs last year, total sales[TGR0003]

A fixed TGR based on growth in total sales over the previous year's total sales where sales are a monetary value measured in the currency of the trade promotion

Incremental growth vs last year, total sales[TGR0004]

A TGR based on a percentage growth in total sales over the previous year's sales


Using the tiers defined below, if last year sales volume is 100,000 cases and actual sales volume is 112,000 cases (a sales growth of 12%), the rebate is ((112,000 — 100,000) * 2.5%), which yields USD 300.

Tier Percentage of Sales Growth Spend Value

1 0.0%–10.0% 0.0%

2 10.0%–15.0% 2.5%

3 15%– 5.0%

End of the example.

Off-invoice [TGR0005]

An off-invoice discount (a scale type discount) based on total sales during the year


Using the tiers defined below, consider a retailer who places three orders during the year, each for 75,000 cases.

On the first invoice, the retailer receives a discount of (75,000 * USD 1.00), which yields USD 75,000.

On the second invoice, the total number of cases purchased to date is 150,000. Thus 25,000 of the cases in the current order are mapped to tier 1, and 50,000 to tier 2. The retailer receives a discount of (25,000 * USD 1.00) + (50,000 * USD 1.50), which yields USD 100,000.

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On the third invoice, the total number of cases purchased to date is 225,000. Thus all 75,000 of the cases in the current order are mapped to tier 3. The retailer receives a discount of (75,000 * USD 2.00), which yields USD 150,000.

Tier Number of Cases Sold Spend Value

1 0–100,000 USD 1.00

2 100,000–150,000 USD 1.50

3 150,000– USD 2.00

End of the example.

Shelves [TGR0006]

A TGR based on the number of shelves per product the retailer has in a store

Growth over each tier [TGR0007]

A variable rebate based on the number of cases sold


Using the tiers defined below, if a retailer sells 225 cases, the rebate is ((225 — 0) * USD 0.00) + ((225 — 100) * USD 0.80) + ((225–200) * USD 1.25), which yields USD 131.25.

Tier Number of Cases Sold Spend Value

1 0–100 USD 0.00

2 100–200 USD 0.80

3 200– USD 1.25

End of the example.

Classic tiers [TGR0008]

A variable rebate based on actual volume (measured in cases) where the spend value is multiplied by the volume in each tier


Using the tiers defined below, if 25,000 cases are sold, the rebate is (10,000 * USD 1.00) + (10,000 * USD 2.00) + (5,000 * USD 3.00), which yields USD 45,000.00.

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Tier Number of Cases Sold Spend Value

1 0–10,000 USD 1.00

2 10,000–20,000 USD 2.00

3 20,000– USD 3.00

End of the example.

All tiers [TGR0009]

A variable rebate based on actual volume (measured in cases) where the spend value is multiplied by the total volume for the period


Using the tiers defined in the example for classic tiers, if 25,000 cases are sold, the rebate is (25,000 * USD 1.00) + (25,000 * USD 2.00) + (25,000 * USD 3.00), which yields USD 150,000.00.

End of the example.

You can define a performance evaluation criterion or create a calculation method for determining the TGR in a

trade promotion in Customizing by choosing  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion

Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Tiered Growth Rebates Business Add-Ins

BAdI: Performance Evaluation Criteria and Calculation Method .


A classic tiers TGR uses the tiers defined below. A retailer has sold 350 cases.

The evaluation criterion is 350. Since this is a classic tiers TGR, the first 100 cases sold are mapped to tier one, the next 200 cases to tier two, and the last 50 cases to tier three.

The calculation method for this TGR type is the sum of ((number of cases sold for that tier) * (spend value for that tier)) for all tiers.

The rebate for a sale of 350 cases is (100 * USD 0.00) + (100 * USD 0.80) + (150 * USD 1.25), which yields USD 267.50.

Tier Number of Cases Sold Spend Value

1 0–100 USD 0.00

2 100–200 USD 0.80

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Tier Number of Cases Sold Spend Value

3 200– USD 1.25

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Key Figure Planning

Key figure planning is a planning functionality that allows you to measure the performance of an organization, a department, a project, or other by setting plan values for important business key figures. You can later use these plan values in reporting for comparing plan data with actual data. The reporting results can then serve as a basis for future decisions.


Key figure planning is carried out in a planning tool called Business Planning and Simulation (BPS). BPS is a part of SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) but is fully integrated into SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). It is called up automatically when you start key figure planning in SAP CRM although it runs on a different system.


BPS used to be part of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP SEM) and could either run on a separate SAP SEM system or be integrated with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) using an add-on. As of SAP NetWeaver 2004/SAP BW 3.51, BPS is part of SAP BW and therefore part of SAP NetWeaver.

End of the note.

Key figure planning is integrated into various planning applications in SAP CRM, such as:

Marketing Planning (planning for marketing plans, campaigns, deals, and trade promotions) Account planning

Opportunity management


You have made the settings for the integration between SAP CRM and the SAP CRM planning applications in SAP NetWeaver BI in Customizing for Integration with Other mySAP Components

under  Strategic Enterprise Management Change Mapping Between CRM Fields and

InfoObjects . You can overwrite the standard entries by assigning different InfoObjects to a field. To view and enter key figure totals for a trade promotion, such as total volume and trade spend data, on

the Trade Promotion Overview page in the Totals assignment block as well as on the Trade Promotion Editable List Overview page, you have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management under  Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Settings for

Display of BI Key Figures . For more information, see the Customizing documentation. Using the UI Configuration Tool, you have defined the field labels and the position of these fields on the Trade Promotion Overview page. For more information, see UI Configuration.


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In the Totals assignment block, you can view and edit totals for SAP NetWeaver BI key figures, you can view totals for calculated key figures; whereas you cannot view and enter totals for virtual key figures.

End of the note.


If you have Adobe Flash Player version 9,0,47,0 or higher installed, the system displays Adobe Flex-based key figure planning layouts. This function is available for closely integrated planning applications, such as trade promotions, account plans, deals, campaigns, opportunities, as well as for multiplanning. Adobe Flex-based key figure planning layouts offer better performance, usability, and response times than the HTML-based key figure planning layouts.


We recommend that you do not switch back to the HTML-based key figure planning layout. However, if the Adobe Flex-based key figure planning layout does not display correctly, you can switch back to the HTML-

based one. To do this, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose  System System Data Own Data

, add the CRM_KFP_ICWC_UI parameter to your user profile, and set its value to ICWC. To switch back to Adobe Flex-based key figure planning layout, leave the value of the parameter blank.

More Information

For more information, see Business Planning and Simulation (BW-BPS) in the SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP SEM) component of SAP ERP Central Component.

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Promotion Planning


A special mapping function from BI-BPS creates a link between SAP CRM and APO and allows planned figures to be exchanged between the two systems.


Within the framework of sales planning, planned quantities (InfoCube 0CSAL_C02) are sent from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP Netweaver BI) to APO. In APO supply network planning and demand planning are used to determine whether these planned quantities can reasonably be supplied from a logistical viewpoint. The results of this planning in APO are sent back to SAP NetWeaver BI where sales planning can be adapted accordingly.


To allow for value integration, the following objects must be taken from the Business Content and must be active in the relevant SAP NetWeaver BI System.

Object Name

Technical Description

Object Name

Technical DescriptionObject Name

Technical Description


Sales Planning





APO Location




APO Product




BP 0BPARTNERAPO Plan version

9AVERSIONAPO Plan version


CRM Product


Customer 0CUSTOMER

Material 0MATERIAL

Page 97: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Object Name

Technical Description

Object Name

Technical DescriptionObject Name

Technical Description

Version 0VERSION

Value type for reporting


Key Figures

Baseline 0BASE_QTYPlan (Basis)

9APLANBSupply Plan (Basis)


Uplift 0UPLI_QTYPlan (Promo)

9APLANPSupply Plan (Promo)


TotalPlan (Total)

9APLANTSupply Plan (Total)



APO Location Mapping


APO Product Mapping


APO Product Attribute


APO Location Attribute


*here you only see the DataSources that are not used or required as standard defaults for providing master data for the specified InfoObjects

All of these Info Objects are part of the standard InfoCubes that are delivered.

You should note that InfoCubes 0CSAL_C02 and 9ACRMIN are transactional Basis cubes whereas 9AAPOOUT is a normal Basis cube.

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The following characteristics are also used as attributes for other InfoObjects (also delivered in the standard), to ensure correct assignment in Mapping:

InfoObject Attribute









The InfoObjects and their related attributes should be provided with the necessary data from the InfoSources of the same name with the help of the corresponding DataSources*.

InfoSource DataSource* Source System










When loading data using DataSource 0APO_LOCMAP_ATTR, the location type (LOCTYPE) should be restricted to 1010 (location type Customer) for the corresponding InfoPackage on the tab page Select Data. You then see in

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the field EXT_LOCNO the SAP ECC customer that you need for 0CUSTOMER and in the field LOCNO you see the corresponding APO location.

End of the note.

You must also make sure that the master data from APO and from and SAP NetWeaver BI and SAP CRM side contain data records that are in agreement with each other so that unique assignment is possible.

To ensure communication between both systems (SAP NetWeaver BI and APO), you need to maintain the RFC destination to the APO System from the SAP NetWeaver BI System.

In BI-BPS you should create three basis planning areas.

You also need a multi-planning area. This is where the exchange of planned figures – Mapping – will take place.

The required planning elements such as levels, packages and functions with parameter groups must be included in this multi-planning area.

For more information on making these settings, see the documentation for BI-BPS under SAP Strategic Enterprise Mgmt. -> Business Planning and Simulation (SEM-BPS) -> Planning Environment.


A special mapping function from BI-BPS creates a connection between the APO and CRM systems, enabling an exchange of planning figures between the two systems.

I. Mapping planned figures from SAP CRM/SAP NetWeaver BI into APO

You select the level at which planning is to take place (Selection criteria: business partner, product, time, unit of measure) and enter the planning figures in the corresponding planning layout.

The following planning functions are delivered:

Planning area 4CRMSP03 Sales planning: data transfer Planning level: 4SP02000 Data transfer: SEM -> APO

Planning function: SPPF1100 Planned quantities are transferred to APO (with relevant parameter group)

SPPF1200 Copy delta version (with relevant parameter group)

Planning sequence: SPPS110 Data transfer

Planning level: 4SP03000 Data transfer APO -> SEM

Planning function: SPPF2100 Planned quantities are transferred to APO (with relevant parameter group)

Planning areas 4CRMSP04 and 4CRMSP05

By executing the planning function for mapping, the following selections can be made:

Determination of:

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Product1. Each product selected in SAP CRM is assigned to a help variable and then using the FOX

instruction “..ATRV ("Material",Product)....” the attribute “Material” is determined in CRM.

2. This material is also assigned a variable and using a corresonding FOX instruction “..ATRV ("APO-Product", Material)....” the attribute “APO-Product” is read in CRM.

3. The SAP CRM APO-product is also assigned to a help variable.

4. The contents of the variable are copied to a help variable for the APO product in APO.

Business partner

1. Each selected business partner in CRM is assigned to a help variable and then using the FOX instruction “..ATRV (“Customer”, Business Partner)...” the attribute “Customer” is determined in CRM.

2. This customer from CRM is assigned a variable and then using a FOX instruction “..ATRV (“APO-Location”, Customer)...” the attribute “APO-Location” is read in CRM.

3. The SAP CRM APO location is also assigned to a help variable.

4. The contents of the variable are copied to a help variable for the APO location in APO.

Time and unit of measure

1. Each time and unit entry is assigned to the help variable for the relevant SAP CRM objects and sent directly to the corresponding variables for the APO objects.

Actual mapping only takes place when the operands are assigned {..,..}. Each individual key figure value along with the relevant characteristics from SAP CRM are copied into the corresponding APO key figure.

When running the procedure a predefined value is copied with each data record, so that you can see the processing status of the data record.

PRIVATEA: Processing and mapping key figures

CRM Version 1

APO Version TPM02

B: Release and mapping key figures

CRM Version 2

APO Version 0

II. Mapping planned figures from APO into CRM or BW

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You select the level at which planning is to take place (Selection criteria: business partner, product, time, unit of measure) and copy the planned figures from APO to BW.

By executing the planning function for mapping, the following selections can be made:

Determination of:

Product1. Each selected product in APO is assigned to a help variable.

2. The contents of the variable are copied to a help variable for the APO product.

3. For this APO product in CRM the FOX instruction “..ATRV ("Material",APO-Product)....” is used to determine the attribute “Material” in CRM.

4. This material in SAP CRM is also assigned a variable and using the corresponding FOX instruction “..ATRV (“CRM-Product”, Material)....” the attribute “CRM-Product” is determined in CRM.

5. The SAP CRM product is copied to a help variable.

Business partner

1. Each selected location in APO is assigned to a help variable.

2. The contents of these variables are copied to a help variable for the APO location from CRM.

3. For this APO location from CRM the FOX instruction “..ATRV ("Customer", APO-Location)...” is used to determine the attribute “Customer” in SAP CRM.

4. This customer is then assigned to a variable and then using another FOX instruction “..ATRV (“business partner”, customer)...” the attribute “business partner” is determined in CRM.

5. The business partner is copied to a help variable.

Time and unit of measure

1. Each time and unit entry is assigned to the help variables for the relevant APO objects and sent to the corresponding variables for the SAP CRM objects.

Actual mapping only takes place when the operands are assigned {..,..}. Each individual key figure value along with the relevant characteristics from APO are copied into the corresponding SAP CRM key figure.

A predefined value is copied with each data record, so that you can see the processing status of the data record.

PRIVATEProcessing and mapping key figures

APO-Version TPM02

CRM-Version 1

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Maintain the RFC destination to APO in SAP NetWeaver BI. Create three basis planning areas in BI-BPS and assign an InfoCube to each one. Make sure that when

you define planning areas for cubes that are not in the local system (for example, APO cubes) the correct RFC destination is defined.

Define a multi-planning area and assign one of the three planning areas as a basis. Include one of the planning elements that is required for mapping in the multi-planning area and adapt the selections and settings to your requirements.

Mapping the SEM System into the APO System

Corresponding characteristics in SAP NetWeaver BI and APO have different technical definitions and are provided with different conversion rules so that the values of these characteristics can be mapped onto each other. Master data attributes are assigned to the corresponding characteristics in SEM whose definition and conversion behavior corresponds to that of the APO characteristics.

By accessing the attribute values in Mapping (in the FOXFORMEL-Editor) the characteristics are determined and copied into APO.

Simple example

SEM business partner should be mapped to the APO location

The attribute 0APO_LOCNO is assigned to the SEM characteristic 0BPARTNER, which has the same data type, data length and conversion behavior as the characteristic 9ALOCNO in APO.

In the FOXFORMEL editor, the value of the attribute is read using the instruction

....ATRV ('Attribute', characteristic variable) ....

and is copied to the relevant characteristic in APO.

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Planning for Target Groups


If you select a target group as a planning account, you need to make specific changes to be able to use this information for planning purposes. This is because the system plans at account hierarchy level. The target group information is, therefore, converted to the account hierarchy level format with the additional fields in segmentation.


The level of aggregation is specified by the leading column field for the account hierarchy node in the planning layout (for example, the field 0BP_GRP_A02 is for level 2).

For more information, see Specifying Hierarchies.

End of the note.

If the planning account is a target group, there are no partner/product range checks or listing checks.

When you assign the target group to a trade promotion, its associated account hierarchy node is also assigned and this account hierarchy node is used in fund determination, for example.


The target group must have the status Modeling Completed to be assigned to a trade promotion.


The target group is converted into a list of accounts in SAP CRM and derived to a list of account hierarchy nodes from the required level of the account hierarchy. If an account in the target group is at a higher level in the hierarchy than the required level, this higher level node would be derived.


Depending on the planning layout in Customizing, the system can plan for a target group using the account hierarchy node, the account, or no account dimension. If no account hierarchy node or account is defined in Customizing, the system uses an arbitrary account (that is the first one in the hierarchy) by default.

End of the note.

For more information on planning, see Key Figure Planning in Marketing.


In indirect relationships, planning uses the wholesaler.

End of the note.

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Volumes/Trade Spends Planning


Volumes/trade spends planning allows you to make forecasts for trade promotions or trade promotion elements and deals. You can also use it in account planning. You can use it, for example, to perform the following tasks:

Plan several trade spends for a trade promotion and for a particular planning account or target group Retrieve the listed price, reference product list price, or price list of promoted products

o The listed price is always displayed in the sales unit of measure. It is retrieved from the product master using the condition technique. The system reads the condition table or type for the promoted product in the product master.

o Alternatively, the listed price can also be retrieved from the price list. The price list for the planning account and promoted product must be computed and saved in advance. The promotion then retrieves the price list for the promoted product for a planning account of type account or account hierarchy. The promotion cannot retrieve the price list if your planning account is a target group.

o The reference product list price can be used if there is no pricing established for the product. In the product master the product points to a reference product ID that has pricing information set up that can be used in trade promotion planning.

Apply the buying pattern defined for the planning account to the trade spend key figures

Plan key figures based on the baseline volume calculated from SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO)

Calculate promotion revenue based on baseline sales

Plan the cost of free goods (see Free Goods in Volumes/Trade Spends Planning)


You have created a trade promotion and assigned it to a planning profile group that contains at least one planning profile of type Volumes/Trade Spends or Free Goods. If you are using deals, you must enter a source planning profile (see Deals). The deal planning data will be copied when you enter the planning profile group in the trade promotion you generate from a deal.

You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under:

o  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data

Define Types/Objectives/Tactics

o  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data

Define Additional Date Ranges

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To plan volumes/trade spends, you must define a date range of period type Buying. Note that you cannot have gaps or overlaps between pre-dip, buying, and post-dip date ranges.

o  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Trade Spends Define

Trade Spends for Values

o  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Condition Maintenance

Define Condition Generation

You have made the Customizing settings to use the reference product list price in trade promotion planning. For more information, see SAP Solution Manager.

In the trade promotion details, you have entered the following information:

o Trade promotion type and sales organization

You need this information to generate conditions automatically and to retrieve the listed price or price list.

o Product planning basis

The product planning basis indicates which product dimension will be planned. You define the

product planning basis in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  

Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Products Define Product Planning

Basis . You can plan promotions using the following product dimensions:

Product Product category

Product group

Product segment

Product category and product

Product group and product

Product segment and product

o Buying pattern type

For more information about the buying pattern, see Buying Patterns in Volumes/Trade Spends Planning.

o Start and end dates for the trade promotion and additional dates

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To plan trade spends, you need to enter a value for the date with the period type Buying. Only additional dates defined with a period type are transferred to SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI).

In the Products assignment block, you have assigned products to your trade promotion. You can also assign product categories or product groups. When you assign a product category or product group, the promotion is planned at this level. There is no disaggregation from the product category to the individual products contained in the product category.


The trade spend data is validated against the Customizing made for condition generation. There is a defaulting mechanism in the trade spends table.

o You must enter a spend type. If only one spend type category has been defined in Customizing for this spend type, it is used by default.

o A similar logic applies for the spend method. It is defined in Customizing depending on the spend type and spend category.

o The discount method depends on the spend type and spend category.

o The related volume depends on the spend type, spend category, and spend method.


You must define an SAP NetWeaver BI key figure that contains the direct scan based accrual rate (take rate) to accrue and plan variable billback trade spends based on an expected volume rather than a shipped volume.

End of the note.

See the Customizing activity Define Trade Spends for Values. The condition information corresponding to this trade spend is displayed in the table.

If no pricing exists for the product and the reference product list price is being used, then this price is displayed in the SU/List Price column of the planning layout.

Conditions can be generated automatically directly from the planning data you enter in planning by clicking Generate Conditions. Afterwards, you can maintain the pricing conditions in the Discounts assignment block. For more information about using volumes and trade spends with conditions, see Condition Generation in Trade Promotions.

You can enhance the functions available for your trade spends using the Business Add-In (BAdI) for enhanced key performance indicator (KPI) functionality. You can find this BAdI in Customizing for

Customer Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions

Trade Spends BAdI: Trade Spends in Marketing Planning . The delivered BAdI allows you to display the key figures related to a trade spend assignment automatically. It also allows you to freeze the pre-dip and post-dip periods, so that no data can be entered since the planned value for a trade spend is only applicable for the buying period.

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You can manually trigger the settlement of individual rebate agreements in SAP ERP by choosing Release for Settlement. For more information, see Interaction of Rebate Agreements with SAP ERP.


1. On the overview page of the respective trade promotion, go to the Planning assignment block and choose Planning.

2. Enter your trade spend data and choose Transfer Trade Spends.

The system retrieves the planning layout from Business Planning and Simulation (BPS) and displays it.

3. Enter the plan values in the planning layout, choose Back, and then choose Save.

More Information

Exception-Based Planning

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Exception-Based Planning


You can assign product categories or product groups to a trade promotion. You can also assign one or more products from these product categories or product groups to the trade promotion. You can use this function to perform the following tasks:

Define one or more products as exceptions

The trade spend is the same for all the products in the product categories or product groups except for the exception products for which you can define different trade spends

Exclude one or more products from the product categories or product groups

The trade spend is applied to all the products in the product categories or product groups except to the excluded products


You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade

Promotion Management Basic Data Products Define Product Planning Basis .

You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Master

Data Conditions and Condition Technique Condition Technique: Basics Create Access

Sequences . For more information about the Customizing settings for condition generation optimization and product exceptions, see SAP Solution Manager.

If your product planning basis includes product categories, to transfer uplift volumes to SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO), you have implemented the Business Add-In (BAdI) in

Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Marketing Marketing Planning

and Campaign Management System Landscape Business Add-Ins BAdI: SCM Integration

. The example implementation of the BAdI takes into account exception products and excluded products for a promoted product category. If your product planning basis includes product groups, you have changed and implemented the BAdI.


Exception Products

Included and additional products

Volumes and trade spends planning handles products that are included in product categories or product groups assigned to a trade promotion differently from products that are not included in the product

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categories or product groups. The system determines whether a product is included in a product category or product group when you perform one of the following tasks:

o Assign or delete a product category or product groupo Assign a product

The system sets the Additional checkbox to indicate that a product is not included in the product categories or product groups that are assigned to the trade promotion.

Aggregated key figures

Aggregated key figures, such as volumes, add up in a hierarchy. For example, when you plan sales volumes for two products in a product category, the total volume for the product category is the sum of the volumes of the two products.

The aggregated key figures that you plan for included products are included in the total at product category or product group level. The aggregated key figures that you plan for additional products have their own product category or product group total and are included in the total at trade promotion level.

The Planning grid displays a line for the following items:

o The total at product category or product group levelo The products in the product category or product group, except for those that are assigned

individually as included products

o Each included product

If you enter a total, for example, total volume, at product category level, the system distributes it to all the products in the product category. The system distributes the total using a reference key figure, such as historical sales at the product category or product level. It then subtracts the aggregated values of any included products from the reference key figure at product category level. If a reference key figure or data is not available, the system distributes the total equally to the assigned product category and products.

If you manually overwrite values at the lower level, the system takes the new values as the basis for any redistribution from product category to product level.

If you enter a value at the lower level, the system aggregates the values at the lower levels and the values in the line for all the products in the product category into a new total.

Non-aggregated key figures

Non-aggregated key figures, such as discount rates, do not add up in a hierarchy. For example, when you plan a discount rate of USD 2 for two products in a product category, the discount rate for the product category is equal to the discount rate of the two products.

The non-aggregated key figures that you enter at the total level are copied to the lower level. If you change a value at the lower level, so that the values at the lower level are different, the system displays an asterisk (*) at the total level.

Condition generation

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In order not to apply both the condition records at product level and the condition records at product category or product group level, you have to ensure that the access sequences are set properly. The condition records for campaign determination are generated for the product categories or product groups that have included products assigned to the trade promotion; thus automatically including the included products.

Fund usages

If the fund that is used for an exception product is different from the fund used for the product category or product group, the system generates one fund usage per trade spend in the trade promotion. It generates one line item for the product category or product group and one line item per included product. The value of the trade spend at product category or product group level is taken from the line for all the products in the product category or product group, except for those that are assigned individually as included products. The value of the trade spend at product category or product group level is not taken from the total line at product category or product group level, in order not to include twice the trade spend of the included products.

If the same fund applies to the product category or product group and to the exception product, the system creates only one fund usage. If the fund for the product category or product group is different from the fund for the exception product, the system calculates the fund usage amount separately. It calculates the fund usage amount for the line for all the products of the product category or product group, except for those that are assigned individually as included products. Then it calculates the fund usage amount for the exception products. The total of these amounts is assigned to the product category or product group as one fund usage.

Excluded Products

Aggregated key figures

When you enter a total at a product category or product group level, you have to subtract the values for the excluded products.


You have to reduce the baseline at a product category or product group level by taking into account the baseline of the excluded products.

Condition generation

For campaign determination, pricing or rebate condition records are created with a value of zero for each of the excluded products. When a sales order is created, campaign determination finds the trade promotion and finds the zero discount for the excluded products.

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Buying Patterns in Volumes/Trade Spends Planning


You can use volumes/trade spends planning to include an account's buying pattern. A buying pattern describes how much an account typically buys over a particular period of time (see Account Defaults for Trade Promotions).


If you do not make any settings for account defaults, the buying pattern is distributed equally.

End of the note.


You have entered a period type and set the buying pattern indicator in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management under  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data

Define Additional Date Ranges . The additional dates that you define are then included in the buying pattern and transferred to Business Planning and Simulation (BPS) together with the plan dates.


By default, a buying pattern starts on a Monday. In the following example, however, the buying pattern starts on a Wednesday. The table below shows how this affects planning.

The example is based on a working week of seven days and a buying pattern of two weeks. In the first week, the customer wants to buy 40%, in the second week 60%, the total number of items being 100. If the buying pattern started on a Monday, this will be 40 items in the first week and 60 in the second.

If the buying pattern starts on a Wednesday, the planning is as follows for the same amounts:

Calendar Week

Formula for Calculating Buying Pattern


CW1 4/7 x 40% x 100As the buying pattern starts on a Wednesday, this is not a full week, and the system only calculates 4/7 of the total.


3/7 x 40% x 100

4/7 x 60% x 100The system takes the remainder of the calendar week that already started followed by the first part of the following calendar week.

CW3 3/7 x 60% x 100 The system calculates the remainder.

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Free Goods in Volumes/Trade Spends Planning


You can use volumes/trade spends planning to plan free goods to be given away with a trade promotion. For example, if an account buys 100 pieces of a particular product, the account gets one free. Free goods can be product-dependent or product-independent.


You have created a trade promotion and assigned to it a planning profile group that contains at least one planning profile of type Free Goods or Product Independent Free Goods.

In the Products assignment block, you have assigned one or more free goods products. If your planning profile is of type Product Independent Free Goods, you have entered exactly one free goods product that is applicable to all promoted products.

In the Products assignment block, you have specified how the free goods are accounted for. For example, if you are giving away one free product for every 100, this product can be included in the 100 or it can be extra. This is used later in condition generation since this information is needed for billing and invoicing purposes.


Once you have made these settings, the following new planning columns appear in volumes/trade spends planning:

Free goods ratio Free goods value

List price

The free goods and unit of measure are displayed. They are taken by default from the settings made in the Products assignment block but you can change them.

The free goods ratio is then used to calculate the number of free goods that can be given away in a trade promotion. For example, you might want to give a free gift away for every 10 products that are sold. This key figure then calculates how many free goods are required for the amount of stock that you are planning to sell in your trade promotion.

The free goods value works the other way round, depending on the quantity available. In this case, you may only have a limited amount of free goods to give away. Therefore, you want to calculate how many can be given away for the amount of stock that you have and what the best ratio will be.

Integration Between SAP CRM and SAP SCM


The integration between SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) allows you to perform the following tasks:

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Transfer the baseline sales quantity from SAP SCM to SAP CRM

The baseline sales quantity is the basis for planning trade promotions (see Transferring the Baseline Sales Quantity).

Transfer the uplift quantity from SAP CRM to SAP SCM

The planning of trade promotions or campaigns can be included in Demand Planning (DP) and Supply Network Planning (SNP) in SAP SCM (see Integration with Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning).

The following figure shows the interaction between the various components:

Integration Between SAP CRM and SAP SCM

More Information

For more information about Demand Planning and baseline sales quantity, see Demand Planning in the SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) component of SAP SCM.

For more information about Supply Network Planning, see Supply Network Planning in the SAP APO component of SAP SCM.

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Transferring the Baseline Sales Quantity


You can calculate the baseline sales quantity in SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM), transfer it to Business Planning and Simulation (BPS), and then display it in an enhanced BPS planning layout in volumes and trade spends planning in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) .


If you do not calculate the baseline sales quantity in SAP SCM, you can also load this data as external data into BPS or manually fill the appropriate column in the enhanced planning layout.

End of the note.


You have created the following key figures in the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) system used for SAP SCM:

Key Figure Name Disaggregation Time Disaggregation Data Type Unit

ZASPLANB Supply Plan (Basis) S P QUAN 0UNIT

ZASPLANP Supply Plan (Promo) S P QUAN 0UNIT

ZASPLANT Supply Plan (Total) S P QUAN 0UNIT

ZAHISTB History (Basis) S P QUAN 0UNIT

ZAHISTP History (Promo) S P QUAN 0UNIT

ZAHISTT History (Total) S P QUAN 0UNIT



1. In the SAP NetWeaver BI system used for SAP SCM, create master InfoCube APO Output (TPMAPOOUT) with the following info objects:

o Characteristics: APO Planning Version (9AVERSION), APO Product (9AMATNR), APO Location (9ALOCNO)

o Time characteristics: Calendar/Week (0CALWEEK) (optional: Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH))

o Key figures: Supply Plan (Basis) (ZASPLANB) (optional: Supply Plan (Promo) (ZASPLANP), Supply Plan (Total) (ZASPLANT))

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o Units: Unit of Measure (0UNIT)

2. Make the baseline sales quantity available in the APO Output InfoCube (TPMAPOOUT).

For more information, see SAP Note 438307.

3. In BPS, maintain the attributes for the planning areas as follows:o Planning area CP: APO Baseline (4TPM6000)

In the RFC Connection field, enter the SAP NetWeaver BI system used for SAP SCM that contains InfoCube APO Output (TPMAPOOUT).

In the InfoCube field, enter InfoCube APO Output (TPMAPOOUT).

o Planning area CP: TPM Baseline (4TPM7000)

In the RFC Connection field, enter the SAP NetWeaver BI system that contains InfoCube Baseline Sales Quantity (0CP_SLSC9).

In the InfoCube field, enter InfoCube Baseline Sales Quantity (0CP_SLSC9).

4. In BPS, in the planning function Return Plan Data (4TPM5111), maintain the version and value type to suit your needs.

5. In BPS, in the planning area APO-SEM Integration (4TPM5000), execute planning function Return Plan Data (4TPM5111).

This planning function is in planning profile CP: Sales Planning with Promotions (4TPM0001).

The system transfers the baseline sales quantity from InfoCube APO Output (TPMAPOOUT) to InfoCube Baseline Sales Quantity (0CP_SLSC9).


If you choose a suitable planning profile group (for example, 4TPM or 4TPF) when creating the trade promotion, you can display the baseline sales quantity in the enhanced planning layout in volumes and trade spends planning. This allows you to plan, for example, the uplift quantity.

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Significant Uplift for APO


There may be a mismatch between demand planners and sales teams regarding the uplift that is generated for a specific trade event. Demand planners typically incorporate standard or regular trade events into their demand plans and sales teams plan these events by creating uplifts. This function enforces a business process that allows both key account managers (KAM) and sales teams to identify only trade events that cause a significant uplift. The volume impact of the other trade events is assumed to be already incorporated into the plan of the demand planner. This function includes transferring significant uplifts from SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)/SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) to SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO).


You have made the settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), by choosing  

Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define Uplifts .


Newly created trade promotions

Depending on the settings in Customizing, the Significant Uplift indicator can be either selected and disabled or deselected and enabled. When you release the trade promotion, if the Significant Uplift indicator is:

o Selected, the significant uplift is transferred from SAP CRM/SAP NetWeaver BI to SAP APO

Once the transfer to SAP APO has been completed, you cannot deselect the Significant Uplift indicator.

o Deselected, no significant uplift is transferred from SAP CRM/SAP NetWeaver BI to SAP APO Previously created trade promotions

For backward compatibility reasons, all previously created trade promotions have a blank Significant Uplift indicator. All uplifts are automatically transferred from SAP CRM/SAP NetWeaver BI to SAP APO.

SAP Planning Content for Deals and Trade Promotions


This table shows the standard Business Planning and Simulation (BPS) planning objects currently delivered for deals and trade promotions:

Planning Area 4TPM9000 CP: Sales Planning with Promotions (VME)

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Planning Level 4TPM9500 Account Mgr - Promotions (Simulation)Planning Profile 4TPM0002 CP: Promotion Planning on Weekly Basis

Planning Profile 4TPM0008 CP: Promotion Planning Hierarchy

Planning Level 4TPM9550 Account Manager - Promotions

Planning Profile 4TPM0002 CP: Promotion Planning on Weekly Basis

Planning Level 4TPM9540 Deal Master - Trade Promotions

Planning Profile 4TPM0010 CP: Deal Master for Trade Promotions

Planning Level 4TPM9570 Account Manager – Promotions BP

Planning Profile 4TPM0011 CP: Promotion Planning Weekly Basis BP

Planning Level 4TPM9580 Account Manager – Promotions BPG

Planning Profile 4TPM0012 CP: Promotion Planning Weekly Basis BPG

Planning Level 4TPM9610 Acc. Mgr. - Promotions (APO Selection)

Planning Profile 4TPM0006 CP: Promotion Planning (APO Selection)

Planning Level 4TPM9850 Account Manager - Free-Goods Discount

Planning Profile 4TPM0003 CP: Promotion Plng Free-Goods Discount

Planning Level 4TPM9870 Account Manager – Free Goods Discount BP

Planning Profile 4TPM0013 CP: Promotion Plng Free Goods Disct BP

Planning Level 4TPM9880 Account Manager – Free Goods Discount BPG

Planning Profile 4TPM0014 CP: Promotion Plng Free Goods Disct BPG

Planning Area 4TPM8000 CP: Sales and Promotions Plan/Actual

Planning Level 4TPM8550 Account Mgr - Promotions (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0004 CP: Promotion Planning (Print Preview)

Planning Level 4TPM8850 Acc. Mgr. - Free Goods (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0005 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc(Print Preview)Planning Profile Group 4TG1 Standard TPM / Target Group – BP

Suitable for planning trade promotions with target group as planning customer (based on business partners)

Page 118: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Planning Profile 4TPM0004 CP: Promotion Planning (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0006 CP: Promotion Planning (APO Selection)

Planning Profile 4TPM0011 CP: Promotion Planning Weekly BPPlanning Profile Group 4TG2 Standard TPM / Target Group – BPHN

Suitable for planning trade promotions with target group as planning customer (based on business partner hierarchy nodes)

Planning Profile 4TPM0004 CP: Promotion Planning (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0006 CP: Promotion Planning (APO Selection)

Planning Profile 4TPM0012 CP: Promotion Planning Weekly BPHPlanning Profile Group 4TG3 Standard TPM Free Goods / TG – BP

Suitable for planning trade promotions with free goods (based on business partners)Planning Profile 4TPM0005 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc(Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0007 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc (APO Selection)

Planning Profile 4TPM0013 CP: Promotion Plng Free Goods Disct BPPlanning Profile Group 4TG4 Standard TPM Free Goods / TG – BPHN

Suitable for planning trade promotions with free goods (based on business partner hierarchy nodes)Planning Profile 4TPM0005 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0007 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc (APO Selection)

Planning Profile 4TPM0014 CP: Promotion Plng Free Goods Disct BPGPlanning Profile Group 4TPF Standard Trade Promotion (Free Goods)

Suitable for planning trade promotions with free goods (based on product groups)Planning Profile 4TPM0003 CP: Promotion Plng Free-Goods Discount

Planning Profile 4TPM0005 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc(Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0007 CP: Promo Free-Goods Disc (APO Selection)Planning Profile Group 4TPM Standard Trade Promotion Management

Suitable for planning trade promotions (based on product groups)Planning Profile 4TPM0002 CP: Promotion Planning on Weekly Basis

Planning Profile 4TPM0004 CP: Promotion Planning (Print Preview)

Planning Profile 4TPM0006 CP: Promotion Planning (APO Selection)Planning Profile Group 4DLM Standard Deal / Product Group

Suitable for planning deals

Planning Profile 4TPM0010 CP: Deal Master for Trade Promotions

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Planning Profile Group 4TP1 TPM / Hierarchy with Funds

Suitable for planning trade promotions (based on product categories) with funds integrationPlanning Profile 4TPM9701: APO Integration

Planning Profile 4TPM9710: TPM - Planning by Category (Master)

Planning Profile 4TPM9711: TPM - Standard Planning by Categories

Planning Profile 4TPM9712: TPM - Planning by Category (Causals)

Planning Profile 4TPM9713: TPM - Planning by Category (OI Cap)

Planning Profile 4TPM9714: TPM - Planning by Category (Take Rates)Planning Profile Group 4TP2 TPM / Hierarchy with Funds (Indirect)

Suitable for planning trade promotions for indirect accounts (based on product categories) with funds integrationPlanning Profile 4TPM9730: TPM - Indirect Planning by PCAT (Master)

Planning Profile 4TPM9731: TPM - Indirect Standard Planning (PCAT)

Planning Profile 4TPM9732: TPM - Indirect Causals Planning (PCAT)Planning Profile Group 4TP3 TPM / Hierarchy with Funds (Tier Growth)

Suitable for planning tiered growth rebates for trade promotions (based on product categories) with funds integration

Planning Profile 4TPM0008 CP: Promotion Planning Hierarchy

Planning Profile 4TPM9750: TGR - Var. Growth vs LY, Total Sales

Planning Profile 4TPM9751: TGR - Var. Growth vs LY, Volume

Planning Profile 4TPM9752: TGR - Var. Growth vs LY, Sales

Planning Profile 4TPM9753: TGR - Fix. Growth vs LY, Volume

Planning Profile 4TPM9754: TGR - Incr. Growth vs LY, Total Sales

Planning Profile 4TPM9755: TGR - Off-Invoice

Planning Profile 4TPM9756: TGR - Shelves

Planning Profile 4TPM9757: TGR - Growth Over Each Tier

Planning Profile 4TPM9758: TGR - Classic Tiers

Planning Profile 4TPM9759: TGR - All Tiers

Planning Profile 4TPM9770: TGR - Master Data ProfilePlanning Profile Group 4TP4 TPM / Hierarchy (Display Pallet)

Suitable for planning trade promotions of type display pallet (based on product categories)

Page 120: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Planning Profile 4TPM7700: Distribution Key

Planning Profile 4TPM9701: APO Integration

Planning Profile 4TPM9720: Display Pallet - Master

Planning Profile 4TPM9721: Display Pallet - Basic

Planning Profile 4TPM9722: Display Pallet - Causals

Page 121: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Trade Promotion Monitoring


You can monitor trade promotions and view their statuses from red, yellow, or green traffic lights. For this, there are alerts that are predefined in Business Planning and Simulation (BPS). You can also modify existing alerts or define your own ones.


For more information, see KPI Valuation for an Alert in the SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP SEM) component of SAP ERP Central Component.

End of the note.


You can use the following four predefined alerts that are contained in the CP: Sales Planning with Promotions planning profile (4TPM9000) in BPS:

Incremental Costs (4TPM9596)

This alert shows the ratio of promotion budget to uplift quantity. This ratio gives you an idea of how high the costs for the expected uplift can be.

Calculation: Budget (0BUDGET) / Uplift Quantity (0UPLI_QTY)

The higher the value of this ratio, the better. The following traffic lights are displayed:

o Red traffic light, if incremental costs are lower than 0.5o Yellow traffic light, if incremental costs are higher than 0.5 and lower than 2

o Green traffic light, if incremental costs are higher than 2

Incremental margin (4TPM9598)

This alert shows the ratio of net revenue to billed quantity. This ratio gives you an idea of how the margin can develop as a result of the planned trade promotion.

Calculation: Net Revenue (0COPANETRV) / Billed Quantity (0BILL_QTY)

The higher the value of this ratio, the better. The following traffic lights are displayed:

o Red traffic light, if incremental margin is lower than 1o Yellow traffic light, if incremental margin is higher than 1 and lower than 10

o Green traffic light, if incremental margin is higher than 10

Return on Investment (4TPM9594)

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This alert shows the return on investment (ROI) that a trade promotion can generate.

Calculation: (Uplift Quantity (0UPLI_QTY) / Billing Quantity (0BILL_QTY)) x (Net Revenue (0COPANETRV) / Budget (0BUDGET))

The higher the value of this ratio, the better. The following traffic lights are displayed:

o Red traffic light, if ROI is lower than 1o Yellow traffic light, if ROI is higher than 1 and lower than 5

o Green traffic light, if ROI is higher than 5

Uplift Ratio (4TPM9592)

This alert shows the ratio of uplift quantity to base quantity. This ratio gives you an idea of the effect the planned trade promotion can have on sales.

Calculation: Uplift Ratio = Uplift Quantity (0UPLI_QTY) / (Billing Quantity (0BILL_QTY) – Uplift Quantity (0UPLI_QTY))

The higher the value of this ratio, the better. The following traffic lights are displayed:

o Red traffic light, if uplift ratio is lower than 0.01o Yellow traffic light, if uplift ratio is higher than 0.01 and lower than 0.10

o Green traffic light, if uplift ratio is higher than 0.10


You assign these predefined alerts in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  Trade

Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Define Planning Profile Groups Assignment of

Traffic Lights .

Page 123: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

SAP NetWeaver BI Reports for Marketing Projects


This function allows you to display analyses from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI). You can call up SAP NetWeaver BI reports from the Analysis assignment block of your marketing project.


You have defined how to display SAP NetWeaver BI reports in SAP Customer Relationship

Management (SAP CRM) in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  UI

Framework UI Framework Definition Display SAP NetWeaver BI Reports in CRM . For more information, see the Customizing documentation.

You have defined the Web template you want to display in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management under  Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning Define

Parameters for SAP NetWeaver BI Analysis .

You have assigned the Web template to a planning profile group in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management under  Trade Promotion Management Key Figure Planning

Define Planning Profile Groups Assign BW Analyses .

You have a user for SAP NetWeaver BI and display authorization for the required reports.


The analyses are fully integrated into Marketing. You can analyze your marketing projects conveniently and directly in your marketing project without having to start SAP NetWeaver BI.

You can enter text in the reports, for example, the objectives of the analysis based on the findings of the report.

You can also call up the reports in an external Web browser.


1. In your marketing project, go to the Analysis assignment block and select the report you wish to display.2. Depending on the remote function call (RFC) definition, you may need to enter your user in SAP

NetWeaver BI.

Page 124: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Funds Integration


Funds integration enhances the functionality of the trade promotion management (TPM) solution by incorporating claims and funds management functions. You can use the funds management functions to determine which funds are used for your trade promotion activities. For planning purposes, you can associate a funds plan to the trade promotion, and associate particular funds to the trade promotion at various levels. In so doing, you can determine the expenses expected for the trade promotion and reserve budget accordingly.


You have made settings for funds integration in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management,

by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Funds Integration

Define Settings for Funds Integration . If you want to change the standard delivery Customizing for automated funds association or automated

budget reservation, you have made the appropriate settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define Status-

Driven Events .

You have made settings for availability control in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management,

by choosing  Funds Management Availability Control (AVC) .


Funds plan association

To use funds with your trade promotion, you must first associate a funds plan with your trade promotion.

The administrator who manages budgets for trade promotions creates a funds plan that groups various funds. Each funds plan has a planning period, currency, organizational data, and various attributes assigned to it.

The key account manager (KAM) plans a trade promotion for a specific period of time. The system ensures that the currencies of the trade promotion and the funds plan match, and that the date range for the trade promotion falls within the planning period of the funds plan.

Funds association

A funds plan contains a set of funds. Once a funds plan has been associated with your trade promotion, you must determine which funds from the funds plan to use for your trade promotion.

You can set up funds for any of the key attributes, such as product, account, or trade spends. The KAM is given access to a specific set of funds, depending on which accounts and brands they manage. When planning a specific trade promotion, the KAM uses the funds to budget for the planning expenses.

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There are two ways to associate funds to trade promotions:

o Automated association

The system uses rules set up in the fund determination and availability check profiles to pick the relevant funds for the trade promotion. Automated fund association is triggered during the status transition of the trade promotion. You can set this up in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Define

Status-Driven Events .

o Manual association

If you are familiar with how the funds are set up in the system, you can manually assign funds to a trade promotion. The system uses the same rules as for automated association to restrict the set of funds that can be associated to the trade promotion.


If you manually assign funds to the trade promotion and then later trigger automated fund association (with a change in the trade promotion status), the system does not overwrite previous funds that were assigned manually. Instead, automated fund association only adds any relevant funds that were not added during manual fund association.

End of the note.

With both automated and manual association, funds can be associated at the following levels:

o Root

If you associate the fund at the root level, the system uses only the data in the trade promotion header to determine the relevant funds for the trade promotion. You should only use this option if the funds in your system do not have product attributes defined. You can also use this option for general purpose funds that are not for specific trade expenses.

o Product

You can associate a suitable fund for each product used in the trade promotion. The system retrieves the funds applicable to the product (also including product category, product group and product segment) based on the fund determination rules. However, this assumes that the fund you choose at the product level is applicable for all the trade spends you set up for the trade promotion.

o Trade spend

The trade spend captures how you promote a product in your trade promotion. You can search for a suitable fund for each trade spend used in your trade promotion. The system uses the expense type that is mapped to your trade spend and the fund determination rules to determine a suitable fund from the funds plan. This option should only be used if the funds in your system do not have product attributes defined.

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o Trade spend/product

You can also search for a suitable fund for each combination of product and trade spend. This is the most precise way to associate a fund to your trade promotion if the funds in your system have both product and account attributes defined. The fund details assignment block is used to associate the funds at this level.

Availability control

You can manually check the availability of the associated fund(s) on the trade promotion detail page by

choosing  More Check Availability .

Fund budget reservation

When the trade promotion reaches a certain predefined status, the system begins to reserve budget for the promotion from the funds. The system uses the trade promotion planning information to determine marketing expenses. Then, based on the fund association, it determines which fund to use for these expenses and reserves budget by creating a fund usage. For each trade spend, the system creates a fund usage that is displayed in the fund usages assignment block.

There are two types of reservation: reserved and pre-reserved. The type of reservation depends on certain statuses that can be maintained in Customizing.

More Information

Funds Management

Trade Spends and Dates

Availability Control in Claims and Funds

Page 127: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Working Context Behavior in Funds Management



The following is available for the trade promotion management business scenario.

End of the note.

Whether or not a working context attribute displays in a SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application depends on the application. Generally speaking, when you perform an advanced search, the search page receives the default attributes defined in the working context. When creating a new object, attribute values are defaulted whenever possible. For example, the working context attributes are defaulted to a fund only after the fund type is selected.

Attribute and Application Matrix

The matrix below summarizes whether or not attributes specified in the working context default into funds management applications. For example, if a product category is defined in the working context, the specified product category value appears by default when you create a fund.

Attribute and Funds Management Application Matrix

Product, Product Category, Product Group

Account, Account Hierarchy Node, Target Group

Start Date, End Date

Funds Plan ID

Fund Creation Yes Yes, except for Target Group No Yes

Fund Search Yes Yes, except for Target Group No Yes

Fund Usage Search

Yes Yes, except for Target Group No Yes

Budget Posting Search

No Account only No Yes

More Information

Working Context

Working Context Behavior in Claims Management

Working Context Behavior in Trade Promotion Management

Page 128: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Claims in the TPM Business Scenario


Trade claims are claims created in the trade promotion management (TPM) business scenario. There are three different claim types:

1. Invoice claims 2. Deduction claims

3. Direct payments



Users in this scenario are claim analysts who are typically assigned to one of the following business roles:

Trade Promotion Professional Trade Claims Professional

Trade Finance Professional

End of the note.

Invoice Claims

The claim analyst can create an invoice claim when they receive an invoice document from an account.

The account claims an agreed amount from the brand owner regarding a trade promotion. The level of detail can vary. Some invoices might simply include the amount, and an explanatory note. Other invoices might include detailed information about the activities undertaken by the account, as well as proof of performance information. The claim analyst works with the invoices in different ways, depending on the level of detail provided by the account.

Invoice claims are integrated with Funds Management. An invoice claim makes use of the funds determination and availability check features of Funds Management.

Invoice claims must reference a marketing project. When the claim is validated, approved amounts can be paid to a single payee, or to multiple payees.

The claim analyst can also schedule invoice claims for periodic processing and payout. For more information, see Scheduling of Invoice Claims.

Deduction Claims

Deduction claims allow an account to claim the amount spent implementing a trade promotion. The account does this by not paying the whole amount of an invoice. The deducted amount is detected in SAP ERP and the system creates a dispute case for the amount of the open items. The deduction is represented as a claim

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submission in SAP CRM. The claim analyst can create one or more deduction claims from the claim submission.

Direct Payments

For more information, see Direct Payments in TPM.

Validation and Target Group Changes

Claim analysts can validate claims for individual accounts in the target group (rather than the entire target group) if the following prerequisites are fulfilled when you assign a trade promotion to a claim:

The trade promotion has a target group as its planning account The trade promotion has a validation profile that supports the multiple-account scenario

When the claim analyst assigns a trade promotion to a claim, the system checks which members of the target group were in the target group at the time of the promotion. This feature checks the customized date range to limit the target group members that you can add to the claim to the ones that were actually active when the trade promotion was running. For more information on the customized date range, see the Customizing

documentation for Customer Relationship Management under  Claims Management Validation

Define Validation Profile .

Validation and Claims Corrections

If you call up the relevant validation sheet and the Correction checkbox (read-only) under Validation Sheet Details is checked, this means that a claim correction was created.

All the information from the original claim and all the corrected data is included in the validation sheet. If you call the validation sheet of a corrected claim, you can view the information from the original claim. If you correct the data and save it, you can view only the new (corrected) information from this time on.

For more information, see Claim Validation Using the Validation Sheet.


Trade claims are integrated with funds management. For more information, see Funds Management.

More Information

Trade Promotion Management

Claim Settlements

Validation Sheet

Page 130: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Integration of the Validation Sheet with SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence


Key figures from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) are displayed for claims in the trade promotion management (TPM) scenario in the validation sheet.

In the validation sheet, you can display two planning layouts for the key figures. In the single-account scenario, in the assignment block Volumes and Spends, you see the following two views:

Volumes (upper section)

Spends (lower section)


You have:

Made the required settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  

Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Key Figure Planning Define

Planning Profile Groups

Edited the planning profile groups in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under  

Claims Management Validation Define Planning Profile Groups


The validation sheet uses the following planning services features:

1. Two or more planning layouts on one page

If you want to display two or more planning layouts for key figure planning in the validation sheet at the same time, for example, as in the single-account scenario, the relevant planning profiles must fulfill the following prerequisites:

1. At least one characteristic must appear in both planning profiles, and it must have different values. For example, the characteristic “Country” is contained in both planning profiles, but in the first planning profile, it has the value “Germany” and in the second planning profile, it has the value “United States”.

If this rule does not apply, the system checks the second rule.

2. Each planning layout must have a different set of key figures and none of the key figures may be present in both planning layouts.

If neither rule is valid, two planning profiles cannot be displayed at the same time.

Page 131: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

2. Paginated key figure planning results

In the multiple-account scenario, the validation sheet is paginated.

For more information about setting up the multiple-account scenario, see SAP Note 1125656.

Paginating the key figure planning results is useful for any planning scenario, but it is especially useful for displaying large amounts of data. For more information, see SAP Note 1115263.

More Information

Key Figure Planning

Planning Profile Group and Planning Profile

Planning Object in Key Figure Planning

Page 132: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Dispute Management



Dispute Management is part of SAP ERP and is only valid for the TPM scenario.

End of the note.

You use SAP Dispute Management to manage open account receivables (AR) items. To track and resolve disputed AR items, you can create dispute cases that collect the data you need to process the case. However, there are cases where the processing of the dispute case is not carried out in SAP Dispute Management, but in an external application. For example, trade claims are processed in the CRM application by users working with Trade Promotion Management (TPM).

Dispute cases are created or changed in SAP Dispute Management. SAP Dispute Management passes the control of the dispute case to the external application.

The external application can return control of the dispute case to SAP Dispute Management. SAP Dispute Management can notify the external application if the dispute amount changes.


Customizing in SAP CRM

Select FSCM Dispute Management System

You can select the ERP system that runs the dispute management application that you want to connect to the SAP CRM system.

 Customer Relationship Management Claims Management Select FSCM Dispute Management



You also need to ensure that Claims Management is integrated with ERP, in accordance with SAP Note 1069410

End of the note.

Map Dispute Case Types to Transaction Types

You can you map the dispute case type from the ERP system to the claim type in the CRM system.

Page 133: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

 Customer Relationship Management Claims Management Map Dispute Case Types to

Transaction Types

Define Note Types for Claim Submission

You can define which note type for a claim submission is used to display the notes from a dispute case.

 Customer Relationship Management Claims Management Define Note Types for Claim


Dispute Management Customizing in SAP ERP

Navigate to:

 Financial Supply Chain Management Dispute Management Dispute Case Processing

Transfer to External Applications

Run the following program periodically to transfer dispute cases to CRM:


More Information

For more information on creating dispute cases, see SAP Library for SAP Dispute Management for FI-AR (FIN-FSCM-DM) on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com.

Page 134: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Claim Submissions


This is the dispute case that represents the deductions that the account made with regard to a particular bill. The deducted amount is detected in SAP ERP and the system creates a dispute case for the amount. The claim is represented as a claim submission in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). Claim submissions are only applicable for the trade promotion management (TPM) business scenario.


The claim analyst can create deduction claims and chargebacks from a claim submission.


For detailed information about the amounts shown on claim submissions as of CRM 2007 SP02, see SAP Note 1132136.

End of the note.

More Information

Deduction Claims

Dispute Management


Page 135: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Direct Payments in TPM


Direct payments are a special form of claim-like documents in Claims and Funds Management. They are typically used to pay out smaller amounts to a number of third-party dealers without a direct business relationship. These third-party dealers procure their products from related wholesalers. Typically, these third-party dealers are smaller shops, such as kiosks.

Direct payments are initiated by the claim analyst and/or related key account manager. They are related to funds, not to a specific trade promotional event or account plan activity.

Direct payments are targeted for multiple payees where no detailed and system documented planning has been considered. The validated and therefore payable amount, based on the assigned funds, is distributed and settled to the payees assigned.

Direct payments are handled in the same way as invoice claims.


Settlement occurs immediately after the claim is approved and saved.

In the TPM scenario, direct payment can be made to multiple payees.


For direct payment to multiple payees, you select the payees, the funds to be paid from, and one of the following distribution methods:

Manual Distribution

You select the Payee IDs of the people or organizations that you want to pay directly.

Equal Distribution

After selecting Equal Distribution in the dropdown list, you click Update to set equal distribution of the available amount to each payee.

Percentage Distribution

You specify the percentage of the available amount from the selected funds for payment to be paid to each payee

Processing Deduction Claims


Deduction Claim Submissions

Page 136: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

A customer does not pay the whole amount of an invoice. This is detected in SAP ERP. A dispute case is created in SAP ERP. The dispute case is transferred to CRM for processing. A claim submission represents the dispute case in the CRM system.

The claims analyst can search for claim submissions that have a status New to find automatically created claim submissions.

Creating Deduction Claims

The claim analyst can create one or more deduction claims from a claim submission. There could be deduction claims already created for the claim submission. If the claim submission has an unresolved amount, the claim analyst can create deduction claims.

The claim analyst can attach information to the claim, for example proof of performance documents, or add a note. The claim analyst can validate the claim in the resolution block. This is a lean validation.


For configuration information about the resolution block, refer to the following document:

Entry and Determination of Amounts in Marketing Projects

End of the note.

The claim analyst can perform a detailed validation by using the validation sheet.

The claim analyst must also verify the predetermined fund, or choose another.

Copying Deduction Claims

The claim analyst can copy deduction claims.

Assigning a Trade Promotion to a Claim

The claim analyst can assign one or multiple trade promotions to a claim by using the Add Promotion feature. The claim analyst edits the mandatory attributes and saves the deduction claim. The system checks whether all mandatory attributes are entered.

Splitting a Line Item in the Resolution Assignment Block

The claim analyst can use this feature to maintain additional funds in the resolution table. The claim analyst can select a line item in the resolution assignment block. If the claim analyst decides to split the line item, the system creates two new line items directly under the selected line item. The first line contains the original data.

Resolving Target Groups

This resolution feature is available when a trade promotion that you assign to the claim has a target group as its planning account and has a type with a validation profile that supports the multi-customer scenario. With such a trade promotion, you validate the claim for individual members of the target group instead of the target group

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as a whole. Use the  More Add Target Group Member feature to select those members of the target group for which you want to validate part of the overall claimed amount.

Resolving Product Segments

This resolution feature is available when a trade promotion that you assign to the claim has a product segment assigned to it. With such a trade promotion, you validate the claim for individual product categories or products in the product segment instead of the product segment as a whole. You are automatically shown each product category in the product segment as an extra line. If the product segments contains products for which no product category can be determined, you are shown each of these products as an extra line.

Approving Claims

The approval process depends on your customizing settings. The claim analyst can manually approve claims, or the system can automatically approve them. The system checks whether the claim can be approved automatically or if the claim must be approved manually.

The claim analyst approves the entire claim document. It is not possible to approve, reject individual items or to submit them into the approval process. The approval releases the document for the creation of settlements for all claim items.

Escalating Claims for Approval

The system automatically determines the person responsible to approve the claim. If the determined person responsible is unable to approve the claim they can escalate the claim to the colleague responsible.

Header Status

A deduction claim is header-oriented. All line items are processed together, and aggregated to the header value.

A header-oriented claim has the following features:

The claim analyst sets the status at the header level of the claim. The status is inherited to item level.

The system sets the status at item level, for example Settled.

The claim analyst cannot edit the status at item level.

Closing Deduction Claims and Claim Submissions

To close deduction claims and claim submissions, you need to use transaction CRMD_CLA_CLOSE, which includes a number of checks. For more information, see the online help of the transaction.

To obtain information about the results of the checks during an attempt to close claim submissions, use the Extended Log option of the transaction.

More Information

Funds Management

Page 139: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Processing Invoice Claims


Creating Invoice Claims

The claim analyst can create invoice claims. The claim analyst must assign a trade promotion to the claim. The claim analyst can:

Attach information to the claim, for example proof of performance information Add a note

Validate the claim in the resolution block (lean validation)

Perform a detailed validation by using the validation sheet


For configuration information about the resolution block, refer to the following document:

Entry and Determination of Amounts in Marketing Projects

End of the note.

The claim analyst must also verify the predetermined fund, or choose another. The claim analyst can assign prepayments for claim settlements.

Copying Invoice Claims

The claim analyst can copy invoice claims.

Assigning a Trade Promotion to a Claim

The claim analyst can assign one or multiple trade promotions to a claim by using the Add Promotion feature.

Splitting a Line Item in the Resolution Block

The claim analyst can use this feature to maintain additional funds, payees or prepayments in the resolution table. The claim analyst can select a line item in the resolution assignment block. If the claim analyst decides to split the line item, the system creates two new line items directly under the selected line item. The first line contains the original data.

Resolving Target Groups

This resolution feature is available when a trade promotion that you assign to the claim has a target group as its planning account and has a type with a validation profile that supports the multi-customer scenario. With such a trade promotion, you validate the claim for individual members of the target group instead of the target group

Page 140: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

as a whole. Use the  More Add Target Group Member feature to select those members of the target group for which you want to validate part of the overall claimed amount.

Resolving Product Segments

This resolution feature is available when a trade promotion that you assign to the claim has a product segment assigned to it. With such a trade promotion, you validate the claim for individual product categories or products in the product segment instead of the product segment as a whole. You are automatically shown each product category in the product segment as an extra line. If the product segments contains products for which no product category can be determined, you are shown each of these products as an extra line.

Approving Claims

The approval process depends on your Customizing settings. The claim analyst can manually approve claims, or the system can automatically approve them. The system checks whether the claim can be approved automatically or if the claim must be approved manually.

The approval cannot be done for the entire claim document. The claim analyst can approve or reject individual items. The approval of one item releases the item for the settlement process, independent of the status of the other items.

Escalating Claims for Approval

The system automatically determines the person responsible to approve the claim. If the determined person responsible is unable to approve the claim they can escalate the claim to the colleague responsible.

Header Status

An invoice claim is item-oriented. This means that the header status is simply summary information about the claim. The claim analyst can set the status of all items in the header.

An item-oriented claim has the following features:

The claim analyst sets the status of an item for the claim by selecting a new status. The system aggregates item statuses to header level.

The claim analyst cannot edit the header status.

In Customizing, you can implement a header-oriented approach instead of the item-oriented approach.

More Information

Scheduling of Invoice Claims

Funds Management

Claim Settlements

Page 141: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Scheduling of Invoice Claims


You can schedule the generation of claims to:

Automate the claims process in cases where the manufacturer expects to perform regular payments

Potentially control when claims balances appear in financial accounting figures

A scheduled claim is always an invoice claim type as a scheduled claim involves a payment to a retailer.


An account has negotiated that as part of a growth rebate it gets paid quarterly throughout the year. Rather than requiring the account to submit a quarterly claim, you schedule a regular quarterly claim for that account.

End of the example.


You have defined the following:

An invoice claim transaction type for scheduled claims in Customizing for Customer Relationship

Management, by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Claims

Integration Maintain Transaction Types for Invoice Claims .

A validation profile, organizational data, products, and trade spends for the trade promotion.


You can do the following with scheduled claims:

Define the payment schedule

Set the time period and the interval (in units of days, weeks, or months) for scheduled claim processing.

Create the scheduled claim either immediately or in the background as part of a batch process

A batch process is useful when there are a number of scheduled claims to create for the specified period.

Delete or cancel scheduled claims


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If a scheduled claim has been paid, you can only cancel it, you cannot delete it; it remains in the system as a claim that was paid. You cannot delete a scheduled claim if it, or any of the line items it contains, has the status To Be Approved.

End of the note.

Each scheduled claim is validated by the system prior to payment.

All scheduled claims for a trade promotion are listed in the Scheduled Claims assignment block. Each line in the assignment block represents one scheduled claim, which itself is composed of one or more trade spends.


You cannot convert a deduction or invoice claim into a scheduled claim. Deduction and invoice claims appear in the Claims assignment block, not the Scheduled Claims assignment block.

End of the note.

A template claim is a scheduled claim that does not yet appear in actual accounting figures. A template claim

cannot go through the settlement process. You can implement template claims in Customizing for  

Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion Management Trade Promotions Claims

Integration Business Add-Ins BAdI: Data Modifications for Scheduled Claims .

Page 143: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management



This is money paid to accounts for future trade promotions. The customer uses the funds for future trade promotions, as agreed with the consumer products company.


To work with prepayments, you need to implement the customizing described in Dispute Management.

End of the note.


The consumer products company can decide to prepay customers for future trade promotions.

After a trade promotion, the customer submits an invoice to the brand owner for the costs incurred. If applicable, the customer can also submit proof of performance documentation to the consumer products company.

The consumer products company validates the claim and creates a settlement. The validated amount, or part of it, is then offset against the balance of the prepayment. The customer does not receive payment for the invoice; the balance of the prepayment amount is reduced.

A fund must be assigned to the prepayment. You must select the fund, or funds, when creating a prepayment. When you create an invoice claim, you can assign prepayments to the claim items. The validated amounts for these items are not paid out, they are offset against the prepayment.


A prepayment consists of a header that provides overview information about the prepayment. You can view the items associated with the prepayment, including fund and project assignments. Fund assignments are displayed at item level.


Project assignments are optional. A prepayment can only be used for validating a certain trade promotion if the trade promotion is entered in the Project Assignment assignment block

End of the note.

More Information

Funds Management

Invoice Claims

Page 144: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

Processing Prepayments


Creating Prepayments

You can create prepayments in the system to prepay customers for future trade promotions.

When the prepayment is in status To Be Approved, a fund usage item is created in funds.

When the prepayment is approved, the system transfers the prepayment to the settlement due list. The prepayment amount for the fund item(s) is communicated to the Funds Management component.

When all items at item level have a status Settled, the system sets the header status to Fully Settled.

Canceling a prepayment invalidates it. A canceled prepayment still exists in the system but it cannot be used in the claim resolution process.

Approving and Settling Prepayments

Prepayments must be approved before they can be settled.

Unless you have the necessary authorizations to approve prepayments, the system triggers a workflow process. Your approval manager receives the prepayment in their waiting list. The approval manager can then set the status to Approved.

If the approval manager decides not to approve the prepayment, for example, if the amount is too high, then they can set the status to Returned. The system returns the prepayment to the user who created it. You, as that user, can change the status to In Process, and edit the prepayment.

When all items at item level have a status Settled, the system sets the header status to Fully Settled.


A prepayment can only be used in the claim resolution process when it is completely settled.

End of the note.


The statuses Written Off and Closed cannot be set in prepayments.

End of the note.

Transferring Prepayments

You can reassign prepaid amounts between funds, and transfer prepaid amounts to different funds entirely.

Reassigning prepaid amounts involves changing the funds involved, not the prepaid amount.

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You distribute EUR 20,000 between two funds evenly:

Fund 1: 10,000 dollars

Fund 2: 10,000 dollars

You then decide to transfer the prepaid amount to two different funds entirely:

Fund 3: 9,000 dollars

Fund 4: 11,000 dollars

The prepaid amount remains 20,000 dollars

End of the example.

You can also transfer prepaid amounts to different funds. For example, if funds need to be closed at the end of the fiscal year, you can transfer the remaining prepaid amounts to a different fund so that their original fund can be closed.

The system represents the transfer as a carried-over prepayment.

Creating Collective Prepayments

You can also combine multiple prepayments into a single collective prepayment and assign the collective prepayment to a different fund from the original individual prepayments.


You want to close a fund at the end of the fiscal year, but there are still several open prepayments assigned to it, so that you cannot close the fund. One solution would be to transfer each prepayment individually to a new fund as a carried-over prepayment. However, this means a lot of extra work when each prepayment has only a small remaining amount so that the prepayments are likely to be closed themselves soon after the transfer. To minimize the work, you can create a collective prepayment from the original prepayments and assign it to a new fund. This enables you to close the original funds.

End of the example.

Collective prepayments behave similarly to carried-over prepayments.

ERP Integration

When the prepayment is settled, a settlement is created. This settlement creates an accounting document in ERP. The accounting document creates a dispute case. In the dispute case, the original disputed amount is equal to the original prepaid amount. When the prepayment is used in the claims process, the disputed amount in the dispute case is reduced.

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Carried-Over Prepayments


Carried-over prepayments are prepayments for a future date that consumer products companies do not pay to the customer. A carried-over prepayment is always created from an existing object in the system. A carried over prepayment creates a dispute case in FSCM, and has similar characteristics to the prepayment object.


If the consumer products company considers a claim submission invalid, they can create a carried-over prepayment for the whole amount, or a part of it. This means that the owed amount is not paid out to the customer for the next promotion if the carried-over prepayment is used in a subsequent claim.


The consumer products company can also demand the money back by creating a chargeback.

End of the note.

There are different reasons why you might consider the claim submission invalid, the customer might not have fulfilled their contractual obligations, for example.

You can create carried-over prepayments from:

Claim Submissions

You can create a carried-over prepayment from a claim submissions document. You can create the carried-over prepayment for any amount up to the unresolved amount.

Chargeback Document

You can create a carried-over prepayment from a chargeback document.


When you transfer a prepayment to another fund, the system represents this process as a carried-over prepayment.

When you want to transfer multiple prepayments with small remaining amounts to a single new fund, you can combine them into a collective prepayment that you assign to the new fund.


A deduction exists in ERP FSCM for EUR 1,000. This deduction is transferred to CRM for further clearing. This deduction is represented as a claim submission for EUR 1,000, in the CRM system. The consumer products company creates a carried-over prepayment for a maximum of EUR 1,000. The carried-over prepayment is not paid out since the money has already been deducted.

The carried-over prepayment can be used in the claim process as a normal prepayment.

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A chargeback operation is performed by a consumer products company in order to recover money from a customer in the event the customer deducted too much from a claim.

The over deducted amount could be for costs related to:

non-performed services insufficient proof of services

a trade promotion that was not executed

There are two types of chargebacks:

funds-based — used to recover the validated portion of a deduction

project-based — used to recover the validated portion of deduction by means of a carried-over prepayment that will be applied to a future trade promotion

In either case, a chargeback produces one of three possible results:

payment: the chargeback amount is recovered from the customer carried-over pre-prepayment: the amount is applied to the customer's account for use in future trade

promotions. In this case the chargeback amount is considered recovered.



Funds-based chargeback

A customer receives an invoice from the consumer products company for $10,000 for shipped goods but pays only $9,000 because $1,000 was deducted for a trade promotion.

Upon receipt of the deduction the consumer products company's ERP system creates a dispute case for $1,000 which is transferred to CRM where an associated claim submission is created. The CRM claims analyst examines the claim and determines that the deduction is invalid because there was no trade promotion agreement. As a result a chargeback is created to recover $1,000 from the customer.

Project-based chargeback

A customer receives an invoice from the consumer products company for $10,000 for shipped goods but pays only $8000 because $2,000 was deducted for promotion expenses according to the terms of an existing agreement between the two parties.

Upon receipt of the deduction the consumer products company's ERP system creates a dispute case which is transferred to CRM where an associated claim submission is created. The CRM claims analyst examines the

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claim and determines that only $1,000 of the claimed $2,000 is valid. As a result a claim settlement is created for the valid portion and a chargeback requesting $1,000 is sent to the customer.

End of the example.


When a customer sends an invoice payment to ERP that is less than the expected amount, the system automatically creates a dispute case which is then transferred to CRM where it becomes a claim submission. The claims analyst determines which portion of the disputed amount is valid and creates a chargeback to recover the invalid portion of the claimed deduction.

If it is determined that the amount cannot be recovered the chargeback status is set to Proposed uncollectible. Upon approval, the status is reset to Uncollectible and the settlement process is triggered. When the settlement process is completed the chargeback status is automatically set to Written-off.


Chargeback operations impact claim submission and dispute case documents. The chargeback also impacts funds management as the chargeback balance is updated in the funds checkbook.

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Handling Chargeback Documents


The chargeback process is used to recover funds when the claims analyst determines that all or a portion of a claimed deduction is invalid.

There are two types of chargebacks:

funds-based — used to recover the validated portion of a deduction that has no relationship to trade promotions

project-based — based on a dispute case and deduction claim associated with a trade promotion.


The following predecessor documents precede the creation of a chargeback:

dispute case and claim submission — can be associated with one or more chargebacks documents. A funds-based chargeback can be created directly from a claim submission.

deduction claim — only applies to project-based chargebacks related to trade promotions

The following items can be created as a result of a chargeback:

carried-over prepayment — used to credit a chargeback amount to a customer for use in a future trade promotion activity

write-off — a mechanism used to eliminate ("write-off") amounts that are considered unrecoverable


In order to create a funds-based chargeback there must be a claim submission that has not already been written off or closed.

In order to create a project-based chargeback there must be a deduction claim with a rejected amount that is greater than zero (>0).


Creating a funds-based chargeback that is not related to a trade promotion

The following sequence describes how a chargeback is created from a claims submission with associated dispute case:

1. With the claims document containing an unresolved amount open in CRM, the user clicks the Follow up button and selects chargeback from the drop–down listing. The chargeback document opens with basic fields pre-filled from the preceding claim document.

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2. The chargeback amount is entered in the Funds Assignment block and the concerned fund is selected. The chargeback amount is copied to the Collectible column in the Funds Assignment block and to the document header. The chargeback amount is also recorded in the related claims submission document.

3. When the chargeback is approved (status = Approved) the amount is deducted from the available amount in the selected fund and no further modifications can be made to the chargeback amount. The Chargeback Recoveries assignment block becomes active.

4. A request must be sent to the customer requesting the amount.

5. Upon receipt of payment, the amount is taken into account in ERP Financials and applied to the related dispute case.

6. The CRM analyst performs a manual search for the matching dispute case and updates it according the recovered amount.

7. The associated chargeback document is opened in CRM and the recovered amount is entered in the Chargeback Recoveries assignment block.

8. When the chargeback amount has been recovered the chargeback status is automatically set to Recovered.


When a chargeback amount is recovered in CRM an equivalent amount must be applied to ERP Financials to ensure consistency between the claim submission and the dispute case.

End of the note.

Creating a project-based chargeback from a deduction claim

The following describes how to create a chargeback from a deduction claim:

1. Create a claim and enter a rejected amount.2. Click on the Follow up button and select Chargeback from the list of follow-up documents. The system

automatically copies the details to the chargeback document.

A project-based chargeback is created.

3. Follow steps 3 through 8 in the previous procedure.

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You use the write-off process to "write-off" amounts that are either unresolved or uncollectible. A write-off for an unresolved amount applies to an amount that was deducted from a claim submission while a write-off for an uncollectible amount applies to an amount specified in a chargeback document.

There are two types of write-offs:

claim submission write-off — applies to a claim submission with an unresolved amount that is too small to justify collection. This type of write-off is processed as a batch operation that is run offline on a large number of claim submissions.

chargeback write-off — used in situations such as when the amount of a chargeback is considered uncollectible because there is no possibility of recovery. This type of write-off is performed directly from a chargeback document and is processed as part of a claim settlement process.


Claim Submission Write-Off

This batch operation is used when you have a large number of claim submissions to process. You can use the batch write-off to write-off all claims with an unresolved amount that is less than a specified minimum amount. The batch operation automatically updates all processed claim submissions by setting their status to Written-off and informs ERP of the status change so that related dispute cases can be updated. A separate write-off process is performed in ERP to write off amounts in corresponding dispute cases.

You can only run a batch write-off operation for claims submissions that meet the following preconditions:

must not have Written-off, Return Control to ERP or Completed status all related claims settlement requests are settled

all related carried over prepayments are settled

the unresolved amount is less than the predefined minimum threshold amount

all related chargebacks have a collectible amount of zero

Chargeback Write-Off

You can write-off a chargeback as part of the claim settlement process. This operation can only be performed on chargebacks that have a status of Uncollectible. The result is that the uncollectible amount of the chargeback is written-off. No partial settlements are allowed.

You write-off the uncollectible portion of a chargeback as a result of the following sequence of events:

1. After recovering collectible amounts the claims analyst determines that the remaining portion of the chargeback is uncollectible and sets the chargeback status to proposed uncollectible.

2. With manager approval the status is reset to uncollectible and the chargeback appears in the claim settlements due list.

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3. When items in the settlements due list are processed:

o the uncollectible amount is automatically written off and the status in the chargeback document is set to written-off

o both write-off and chargeback balances are updated in funds management

4. The system creates a credit memo for accounting and clears the dispute case related to the originating claim submission.

5. The chargeback amount is shown as Written Off in the associated claim submission and the amount appears as a credit in the corresponding dispute case.


Once the uncollectible amount is written-off there can be no further recoveries.

The claim analyst can recall a the write-off an a chargeback using the Recall Write-Off feature in the chargeback document. In this event the associated settlement document is cancelled and the analyst can then recover additional amounts.

End of the note.

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Working Context Behavior in Claims Management



The following is available for the trade promotion management business scenario.

End of the note.

Whether or not a working context attribute displays in a SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application depends on the application. Generally speaking, when you perform an advanced search, the search page receives the default attributes defined in the working context. When creating a new object, attribute values are defaulted whenever possible. For example, if the working context has the Account attribute set, the value is defaulted for the claiming account and payee in an invoice claim only if the claiming account qualifies as a payee.

Attribute and Application Matrix

The matrix below summarizes whether or not attributes specified in the working context default into claims management applications. For example, if a product category is defined in the working context, the specified product category value appears by default when you create a claim.

Attribute and Claims Management Application Matrix

Product, Product Category, Product Group

Account, Account Hierarchy Node, Target Group

Start Date, End Date

Funds Plan ID

Claim Creation No Yes, except for Target Group No Yes

Claim SearchYes, except for Product Group

Account only Yes No

Prepayment Creation

No Account only No Yes

Prepayment Search No Account only No Yes

Claim Submission Search

No Account only No No

Settlement Search No Account only Yes No

Chargeback Creation

No Account only No No

Chargeback Search No Account only Yes No

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Reports for TPM


The following table contains reports that are available in the trade promotion management (TPM) business scenario for you to schedule as batch jobs. This list is, however, not exhaustive. If you wish to view information on more generic reports that can also be used for TPM, go to the ABAP Editor (transaction se38) and using the input help for the Program field, select SAP Applications in the dialog box that appears, and call up the relevant

reports. You can view the documentation by choosing  Goto Documentation .


These reports are all located in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) unless otherwise indicated. For more information on individual reports, see the report documentation in the ABAP Editor (transaction se38). Some reports are available in the CRM WebClient UI. Other reports are still available in the SAP GUI. In the case of the latter, we provide you with the technical name of the report to assist you.

End of the note.Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Status Change Marketing Projects (CRM_MKTPL_COND_IF_R001)

Allows you to change the status of selected marketing projects

For example, you can change the status to Release which generates conditions or you can close the marketing projects once they reach their end date. The following are the statuses that are available:

Release Lock



Undo “Closed” status


Reset Rejected


Select the marketing projects and choose the status that you wish to set. If you check Issue log, the system displays all of the messages in

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Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description

the form of a log. In background processing, the system creates a spool order for the log. If you check Test run only, the system does not make any changes to the database.

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Trade Promotion Overlap CheckChecks for and analyzes trade promotion overlaps

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

TPMs Statuses ChangeAllows you to change the status of selected trade promotions

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Condition Generation Marketing Projects (CRM_MKTPL_COND_IF_R002)

Allows you to generate conditions on the basis of key figures for selected marketing projects

Select your marketing projects and you can restrict the condition generation by trade spend. For more information on the checkboxes, see the first report description.

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Marketing Condition Generation Customizing - Populate Rebate Application (CRM_MKTPL_COND_CUST_XPRA)

Allows you to generate CRM rebates for some trade promotions and ERP rebates for other trade promotions

You can choose a different rebate application for each condition generation type. A condition generation type is then assigned to a campaign type and sales area. Once the rebate agreements are generated, table CRMC_MKTPL_REB is read to determine which rebate application should be used.

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

PMDC: Marketing Persistent Master Data Changes (CRM_MKTPL_PMDC)

Allows you to update Marketing objects with changes to the product master data also called pertinent master data changes (PMDC)

CRM WebClient Accrual Calculation Calculates accruals

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Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description

UI under  


Create Job

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Funds Management: Accrual ASA Clean (RCRM_FM_ACL_ACCRUAL_CLEAN)

“Cleans” the accrual staging area (ASA)

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Accrual Posting Posts accruals

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Accrual Reversal Reverses accruals

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Budget Expiration Process: Batch Processing Report

Processes the budget expirations

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Discount Load Uploads discounts from SAP CRM to SAP ERP

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Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Automated Budget Posting Run Schedules the budget posting transfer

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

XPRA to move the check rules at the AVC Profile level (CRM_FM_FPO_AVCPROF_XPRA)

Moves the check rules at the profile level of the availability control check

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Download Actual Costs from ERPDownloads actual costs from SAP ERP to SAP CRM

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Mass Fund Generation Mass creates funds

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Promotion Guidelines CheckChecks trade promotion guidelines have not been violated

CRM WebClient

UI under  

Sales Volume Load Uploads sales volumes from SAP CRM to SAP ERP

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Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description


Create Job

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

TPM Mass Copy and Shift DateCopies trade promotions with changes in a batch job in the background

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Persist related territory and BP for user — direct or per batch (CRM_TERR_REL_OBJ)

Determines territories for the user

This report allows you to avoid performance problems when you are working with complex hierarchies. It does the following:

Determines territories Determines business partners of


Updates the persistent entries in the database

Sets a timestamp

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Condition Generation Without Status Change (Only for Pricing and Rebates)

Generates conditions without status changes for pricing and rebates

CRM WebClient

UI under  


Create Job

Download Actual Costs from ERPRetrieves actual costs for purchase orders in purchasing integration

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Settlement Collective RunYou can schedule this report in one of the following ways:

Go to Schedule Background Jobs (transaction /BEA/CRMB06) using a

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Reports for TPM

Where Found Report Name Description

mechanism to balance the data across several application servers

Go to Process Billing Due List (transaction /BEA/CRMB01)

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Automatic Write-Off of Dispute Cases (UDM_AUTOWRTOFF)

This report is found in SAP ERP.

Starts the automatic write-off of all disputed items for the selected dispute cases

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Transfer of Dispute Cases (UDM_PUBLISH_DISPUTE_CASES)

This report is found in SAP ERP.

Transfers the dispute case information to SAP CRM

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Transfer of Credit Memos and Payments (FOAP_PROCESS_PAYMENT_ADVICES)

This report is found in SAP ERP.

Performs postings in SAP ERP

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Clear Invoices for Which There is an Invoice Reference (FOAP_PROCESS_INVOICES)

This report is found in SAP ERP.

Performs postings in SAP ERP

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Claim Submissions: Write-Off (CRM_CLA_WRITE_OFF)

This report writes off one or more claim submissions if they pass the checks that the report performs.

Optionally, you can include a check for unclear rejections.

Job Scheduler (transaction sm36) in SAP GUI

Claim Objects: Close (CRM_CLA_CLOSE) Closes the claims and claim submissions

More Information

For more information on scheduling jobs, see SAP Library for Background Processing on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com.

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Marketing Calendar


The marketing calendar gives you a graphical overview of marketing projects, and also allows you to work on your marketing projects, directly in the calendar.


You have made the necessary Customizing settings for Customer Relationship Management by choosing  

Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Marketing Calendar .


Among other things, these activities allow you to define the layout of the marketing calendar. You define the graphic profiles to be made available in the Personalization or the standard views.

Some of the views in the marketing calendar are based on customer-specific master data hierarchies (product hierarchy, business partner hierarchy). To enable an acceptable level of performance when using these views, the hierarchy you use as your basis should not be too big. The following views that we deliver are based on a master data hierarchy:

Business partner hierarchy

Product hierarchy: Brands, product, account/product

End of the note.

You can also define additional date ranges to display in the marketing calendar in Customizing for Customer

Relationship Management by choosing  Marketing Marketing Planning and Campaign Management

Basic Data Define Additional Date Ranges .


For more information , see Marketing Calendar in the business user documentation.

More Information

Customizing for the Marketing Calendar

Views in the Marketing Calendar

Deals in the Marketing Calendar

Specifics for Mobile Sales (laptop): Marketing

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Working with the Marketing Calendar


This document explains how to use the marketing calendar.


Once you have started the calendar and performed a search, the promotions or campaigns are shown in display mode and can be accessed or edited by other users. You can make changes to the time bar, such as extending the length of the promotion or campaign by stretching the bar using the mouse. However, as soon as you move or make changes to a bar, they switch to change mode and cannot be changed by other users. All promotions or campaigns that you change in a session remain locked until you explicitly save your work area.

Features of the Marketing Calendar


You can add new marketing projects by selecting the Create icon. You can then move the resulting bar around to the required timeframe.

Context information and selection criteria are used as defaults when you create a new marketing project from the calendar. For example, you select a query by campaign type and choose a view for the customer in the calendar. When you create a new marketing project, the campaign type is defaulted from the query selection criteria and the customer is defaulted from the position in the calendar.


You can also copy an already existing marketing project by choosing Copy.

Additional Date Ranges (under Personalization)

You can also display up to two additional date ranges such as the buying period alongside the actual campaign period. These can be displayed if required as a thin line between the promotion bar. There are also additional options for trade promotions. For example, if you set the buying period to start one week before the promotion, any changes in the marketing calendar will take this into account automatically and if you change the promotion, the date when buying starts is reset automatically in Account Defaults for Trade Promotions.


Here you can expand or collapse the hierarchy.

Zoom In/Zoom Out

These allow you to magnify your hierarchy so that you can look at something in more detail or reduce the size so that you get an overview of the whole hierarchy.


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This allows you to set the timescale that you display in the marketing calendar.


This icon shows you the settings that you have made and what they represent.

Color Profile

This icon lets you all decide whether you wish colors to be assigned for a status or campaign type. For example, all released campaigns can be shown as green. The colors can be assigned in Customizing.


When you make changes in the calendar, these are highlighted so that they can be seen easily. They remain highlighted until you press Save.

Incorrect objects are also highlighted red.

End of the note.

In Start Data under Personalization, you can define the data that you wish to use in the marketing calendar. That is to say, which query should be used for showing your marketing projects, which view and over which time period. You also define the type of display, either list or graphic view, which additional date ranges should be displayed and also whether or not you want to display query details.

In Scheduling of Time Axis, you can make the settings for the time axis to be shown with the calendar. You can have fixed dates or relative dates (relative time means relative to today's date) or automatic (this means that the marketing calendar automatically adapts to the query selected and shows the earliest and latest dates for those marketing projects contained in the query).

More Information

Customizing for the Marketing Calendar Deals in the Marketing Calendar

Customizing for the Marketing Calendar


To work with the Marketing Calendar, you have to make the necessary Customizing settings for Customer

Relationship Management, by choosing Customer Relationship Management by choosing  Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Marketing Calendar .

To define the layout of the Marketing Calendar, complete steps Define General Settings for the Graphical Interface and Assign Graphic Profile for Marketing Calendar

You can view the standard marketing calendar attributes delivered by SAP under the Define Field Catalog Attributes for Marketing Project Display

To define the calendar attributes that can be selected, complete step Define Selection of Calendar Attribute

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To specify the attributes that should be considered as row context attributes, complete step Define Permitted Row Context Attributes.

To define the related projects' options you would like to display in the Split Calendar, complete step Define Split Calendar Options.

You can also define additional date ranges which can be displayed in the Marketing calendar. To see the additional date ranges in the Marketing calendar, these need to be defined in Customizing for Marketing

by choosing  Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define

Additional Date Ranges .

To view key performance indicator columns in the Marketing Calendar, complete steps Define Views in the Marketing Calendar, Assign KPI As View in the Marketing Calendar and Map Input Variable for SAP NetWeaver BI Query

To define grouping for KPI values and the ranges in which to group them, complete steps Define KPI Grouping for Hierarchy View and Define Ranges for KPI Hierarchy View.

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Views in the Marketing Calendar


You can define a view to determine how your marketing projects are displayed in the Marketing Calendar. You

define your views in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management by choosing  Marketing

Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Marketing Calendar Define Views for Marketing

Calendar .

The following views are examples of what is provided:

Agreement Structure

This view helps you visualize trade promotions with respect to the agreements they are part of. For example, you could use both the agreements and trade promotions as part of your search criteria and then select this view in the result list, to see which trade promotions are part of which agreements. The trade promotions that are not part of any agreement appear as unknown agreements

Customer/ Product View

This view shows all marketing objects sorted by customer or product. You can also group this view by KPI values. For this you have to make the necessary Customizing settings for KPI grouping.


This view shows all marketing objects sorted by objective. You define the objective under General Data. The objectives are shown in a flat list.

Objective with Hierarchy

This is similar to the Objective view. However, the projects are shown in a hierarchy wherever the higher-level and subordinate elements have the same objective. It does not show the whole hierarchy, only those marketing elements that are relevant and their immediate higher-level or subordinate projects.

Objective Full

This is similar to the Objective Partial Hierarchy view. However, if one project in the hierarchy has the grouping objective, then the full hierarchy is displayed.


This view shows all marketing objects sorted by tactic. You define the tactic under General Data. The tactics are shown in a flat list. You can also view tactics grouped by KPI values. For this you have to make the necessary Customizing settings for KPI grouping.

Tactic with Hierarchy

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This is similar to the Tactic view. However, the projects are shown in a hierarchy wherever the higher-level and subordinate projects have the same objective. It does not show the whole hierarchy, only those marketing projects that are relevant and their immediate higher-level or subordinate elements.

Tactic Full

This is similar to the Tactic Partial Hierarchy view. However, if one project in the hierarchy has the grouping tactic, then the full hierarchy is displayed.

Marketing Project Type (for example, campaign type)

This view shows all marketing projects sorted by type. You define the type under General Data. The objectives are shown in a flat list.

Marketing Project Type (with hierarchy)

This is similar to the Marketing Project Type view. However, the projects are shown in a hierarchy wherever the higher-level and subordinate projects have the same marketing project type. It does not show the whole hierarchy, only those marketing projects that are relevant and their immediate higher-level or subordinate elements.

Marketing Project Type (with subprojects)

This is similar to the Marketing Project Type: Partial Hierarchy view. However, if one project in the hierarchy has the grouping type, then the full hierarchy is displayed.

Employee Responsible

This view shows those marketing projects belonging to a person that has a specific function within a company. This person must have been defined as the Employee Responsible.

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Product Assignments


You can assign a product or range of products that you want to promote to a campaign, deal, or trade promotion. You can assign the following:

Single product Product category

Product group

Product segment (to trade promotions and campaigns)


In an SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP) integration scenario, only the sales-dependent product hierarchy R3PRODHIER is supported. This is due to consistency and reporting reasons.


You have:

Created the product for assignment by choosing  Master Data Product Defined the possible product planning basis in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management

(CRM) by choosing  Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Products Define

Product Planning Basis

Defined a marketing project type that allows you to assign products in Customizing for Marketing by

choosing  Marketing Planning and Campaign Management Basic Data Define


Ensured that all the products that belong to a product category or group have the same base and sales unit and the same list price or price list

Defined product hierarchies and product groups in Customizing for CRM by choosing  Trade

Promotion Management Basic Data Products Assign Product Hierarchies or Assign

Product Group

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Optionally defined the minimum level of the product hierarchy to explode to when you create a short or

long term trade promotion in Customizing for CRM by choosing  Trade Promotion Management

Basic Data Products Assign Product Hierarchies.


Deals inherit the short term trade promotion setting.

End of the note.


Product Planning Basis

Under General Data you can assign the following combinations as your product planning basis:


Generally, you plan consumer campaigns, such as media campaigns, for one product at a time or for a short list of distinct products.

Product category

This enables you to enter a collection of related products. For trade promotions, however, account managers plan their promotions with retailers for a whole line of products, for all products within a brand, or possibly for a combination of the two.

Product group

The product group is an attribute in the sales set of the product. When you assign a product group, you also assign all the products for the sales area of the marketing project that belong to that product group.

Product category and product Product group and product



You cannot assign both product categories and product groups. If the product is a structured product, you cannot explode to the product items. If you want to explode a

structured product, you can either implement a Business Add-In (BAdI) or assign the structured product's items individually.

You can add a display pallet structured product to your trade promotion and it's product categories are automatically included in the promotion.

You can assign a product category or group without exploding to the individual products.

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End of the note.

Product Hierarchy Minimum Level

You can specify a minimum level of the product hierarchy for trade promotions and deals to enforce the optimum level in the product hierarchy. By default, the value defined for short term trade promotions is used. If a value is also entered for long term trade promotions, then the value used is determined by the length of the trade promotion.


The condition generation type defined for a trade promotion type determines whether or not the promotion is long or short term. If Long Term Planning is selected in the IMG activity Define Condition Generation, then this indicates that it is a long term trade promotion, otherwise, it is a short term trade promotion.

End of the note.

The minimum level indicates the level of the product hierarchy, relative to the root level, that the hierarchy will be exploded to if you choose a product category that is higher in the hierarchy than this minimum level.


You have a product hierarchy with five levels. Level zero is the root level. In Customizing, you define the minimum level for long term trade promotions as three. If you add a product category to a trade promotion that is at level one, then the product categories at level three are included in trade promotion planning.

End of the example.



After you assign a product, product category or a product group, the system checks it against the territory.

Partner/Product Range (PPR)

After you assign a product or product category, the system checks it against the PPR.

There is no PPR check for product groups.

PPR checks are not performed if the assigned planning account is a target group. This is due to the dynamic nature of target groups.


After you assign a product or product category, the system checks it against the listing for the SAP CRM product hierarchy. There is no listing check for each product in a product category.

In SAP ERP, listings are maintained at product level only.

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There is no listing check for product groups.

Double Entries

After you assign a product category, the system checks it for any overlaps between individual products and product categories. If there are any overlaps, the system produces an error message and you cannot complete the assignment. Finally, the system checks for any overlapping product category assignments, which would also produce an error message.


The same applies to product groups. You can specify products that are assigned already to a specific distribution channel, territory, and sales


You can maintain data such as the unit of measure and information on free goods in products. This information is then used in volumes and trade spends planning to calculate uplift, total cost, and so on.

You can activate the partner/product range (PPR) check to filter the list of products that you have assigned for that customer or sales area.

End of the note.


You assign a product, product category or product group in Products. Products that you assign to a specific campaign can also be used as product proposals in the Interaction

Center (IC).

In the field Product ID, you can enter the product you wish to assign.

To assign a product category, enter the product category in the Category ID field.

This assigns all products in this product category automatically to your marketing project.

To delete specific products from this product category, select the products and delete them individually. Similarly, there are fields for entering an additional product hierarchy or product group.

In the field Exclude, you can remove products from planning without having to delete them physically. In this way, the products remain assigned to the marketing project but are inactive.

More Information


Product Group Assignment

Partner/Product Range Checks in Marketing

Specifics of Mobile Sales (laptop): Marketing

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Product Group Assignment


As well as assigning products, you can also assign product groups to a marketing project. For more information , see Product Assignments.


To assign a product group to a marketing project, you proceed as follows:

1. First of all, you need to define your product group. You do this in the following Customizing activity:

 Customer Relationship Management Master Data Products Special Settings for

Sales Operations Define Product Groups .2. In the above activity you can define up to five product groups. However, only one of them can be used

in Marketing. To assign the product group to be used for a particular marketing project, you should go

to the following Customizing activity:  Customer Relationship Management Trade Promotion

Management Basic Data Products Assign Product Groups .

3. You now need to enter the product group as an attribute of the product. This needs to be done for all

products in a product group. Choose  Master Data Product . Select your product and choose the Distribution Chains assignment block. In the Distribution Chain section, specify a sales organization. In the Sales Groupings section, select a Product Group ID.

4. Once the products have been updated with the product group, you can enter the product group in the Products assignment block in Marketing. You call up your marketing project and enter the sales area. You can then enter the product group under Products.

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Partner/Product Range Checks in Marketing


Partner/product range checks allow you to offer certain products to certain business partners.


To use partner/product range checks in Marketing, you need to make the following settings in Customizing for

Customer Relationship Management by choosing  Master Data Partner/Product Range Basic

Settings :

In the activity Define General Settings for Partner/Product Range, you need to check the indicator Check PPRs in Business Transactions and Applications and set the PPR Type for Marketing Planner to 0012 Marketing Planner.

In the activity Define Partner/Product Range Types, you need to check the indicator Use in PPR Check for type 0012.

In the activity Define Transaction Types and Applications Relevant for Check, add MKPL in the second folder Applications Relevant for the PPR.

More Information

Partner/Product Range Check

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Listings in Marketing


You can use listings to validate your products in Marketing.


We recommend that you use listings or partner/product ranges (PPRs) consistently in Marketing and in your sales order area.

It is technically possible to use both listings and PPRs simultaneously for product validation, but we do not recommend this for performance reasons.

The data model for listings enables integration with SAP ECC listings for sales and distribution.


You have completed the Customizing activities under Customer Relationship Management by choosing  

Trade Promotion Management Basic Data Listings and Partner/Product Ranges .


The system ensures that:o A product can only be assigned to a trade promotion if it is contained in a valid listing.

For example, when you try to assign a product to a trade promotion, the system checks whether the product is listed for that promotion. If the product is not listed or has been excluded, it cannot be assigned.

o The planning account, type, sales area, planned start date and planned end date are defined for a trade promotion.

If not, then the system cannot do the listing check and you cannot add any products.

o The system checks the listing for the first and last day of the validity period specified in the trade promotion. If the check fails for one of the dates, then the system does not validate the product.


If you want the system to check different dates, implement the BAdI BAdI: Define Listing Checks.

End of the note.

When you create a sales order, the system checks the listing to ensure that the products are valid for the customer, and ensures that the correct conditions are used to generate the price that you entered in the trade promotion.

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The system checks the condition part (for example, is there a condition record for a specific SALES_ORG and SOLD_TO_PARTY at the access timestamp.) If this check is successful, the system checks the related PPR (for example, is the item PRODUCT available in the PPR).

The system generates conditions immediately from the prices that you enter in the trade promotion, or after synchronization if you are working on a mobile client.

More Information

Partner/Product Range Checks in Marketing

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UI Configuration


You can use the UI configuration to adapt the user interface of SAP CRM to your company's specific requirements. You can access the UI configuration in SAP GUI and in the CRM WebClient.


If you want to change field labels across multiple views, you can use the design layer to consolidate the

field changes. You define these settings in Customizing under  Customer Relationship

Management UI Framework UI Framework Definition Maintain Design Layer .

If you want to change customer-specific fields that were created with the Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEW), and are contained in views, you can do so by using the UI Configuration Tool in

the same way as with standard fields. You define your own fields in Customizing under  Customer

Relationship Management CRM Cross-Application Components Easy Enhancement

Workbench .


The UI configuration in the CRM WebClient enables you to easily adjust pages and views to your requirements.

General Features

The UI configuration in the CRM WebClient offers the following general features:

The UI configuration is based on an authorization object.

The UI configuration in SAP GUI is also based on an authorization object.

The UI configuration is automatically started with the parameters that were found.

This is true, if you start the UI configuration directly from an application. If you start it from the navigation bar or the work center page, this is not true.

All configuration changes that you have made are automatically visible in the application.

To save your configuration changes you can create a new transport request or select an existing transport request in the CRM WebClient.

UI Configuration Access

You can enter the view configuration and fact sheet configuration in the CRM WebClient in the following ways.

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Via Logical Links in the Navigation Bar or from a Work Center Page

You can access the view configuration and fact sheet configuration in your system administrator role. They way you access the view configuration and fact sheet configuration depends on your Customizing:

By using logical links that belong to a direct link group in the navigation bar By using logical links that belong to a work center, for example the Administration work center

These logical links are displayed on the second level of the corresponding workset in the navigation bar of your system administrator role.

By using logical links on a work center page

These logical links can be assigned to the Search content block on the work center page, for example on the Administration work center page.

Via Icons in the Application

You see the Configure Page icon at the top of Home pages, work center pages, and overview pages. If you click the icons, you navigate to the View Configuration dialog.

You see the Show Configurable Areas icon at the top of most pages. If you click the icon, you can see all configurable areas that are available on this page. Every configurable area is surrounded by a frame. If you click a configurable area with a frame you navigate to the view configuration of that specific view. If the configuration mode is activated, the general navigation is deactivated. To deactivate the configuration mode click the icon again.


You can use the Show Configurable Areas icon to configure only those assignment blocks that are expanded. If they are collapsed, expand them before you click the icon.

End of the note.

Via F2 Help in the Application

To find out the name of an application component or view, click F2. The Technical Data dialog with the technical information is started. To access the UI configuration of this view and this application component, click Configure at the bottom of the dialog.

Look and Feel of the UI Configuration

View Configuration

When you start the view configuration you navigate to the search page where you can search for an application component. All views that belong to a certain application component are displayed in the result list. Select a view and click View Configuration. You navigate to the standard configuration page of the selected application component and view. All configurations that are available for that specific application component and view are displayed in the Configurations block. The current configuration is highlighted in the Configurations block. The View block contains the fields, assignment blocks, and so on, that are available in that specific view.

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If you need more space to display data, you can hide either the Configurations block or the View block.

Fact Sheet Configuration

When you start the fact sheet configuration you navigate to the search page, where you can search for a fact sheet. All configurations (customer configuration, standard configuration) and the role configuration keys that belong to a fact sheet are displayed in the result list. Select a fact sheet configuration and click Select Page Type. On this page, you can define the page type and the page layout of the fact sheet. Click Assign Views to navigate to the next configuration step. In the Configurations block, you see the selected fact sheet and its role configuration key. In the View block you can assign fact sheet views to the selected fact sheet and to the tiles. In the Properties block you see the different fact sheet titles.

If you need more space to display data, you can hide each of the above-mentioned blocks.

UI Configuration Based on Enhancement Sets

If you select an application component and view in the CRM WebClient for which an enhancement set has been previously created in SAP GUI, you can perform the configuration based on the enhanced component.

Configuration Access Sequence

You can change the standard access sequence that is used to determine configurations. The actual configuration that is used for a certain configurable view is determined on the basis of a search key and the available configurations that exist for a specific view. The configuration can either be a standard SAP configuration or a customer-specific configuration.

To use your own access sequence, you need to implement the Business Add-In (BAdI)

BSP_DLC_ACCESS_ENHANCEMENT in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  UI

Framework UI Framework Definition Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Define Configuration Access

BAdI: Configuration Access Determination .

More Information


Configuring the Fact Sheet

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CRM application data is displayed in views. The views can be grouped into view sets. Views and view sets are displayed in windows. SAP delivers configurable and non-configurable views. A view is configurable if a configuration tag is assigned to it. This is the case for most of the CRM views delivered by SAP. Configuration tags enable changes and adaptations to the UI, with the help of the UI configuration.

You can use the UI configuration to do the following:

Add, remove, and change the position of UI elements Rename UI elements

Add and change captions

Change field properties (for example, display only or mandatory)

Define other options (for example, load option for assignment blocks, visible search criteria, and default operators for the search)

View Types

With the UI configuration it is possible to make changes to the layout of a configurable view. Based on the view type, different configuration capabilities are provided. Distinctions are made between the following view types:

Form view Tables and hierarchies

Overview pages

Home page and work center pages

SAP Configuration and Customer Configuration

For each configurable view, SAP delivers at least one standard default configuration. All configurations delivered by SAP are saved in cross-client SAP tables. They cannot be changed by the customer. If configurations are adjusted or created by the customer, they are saved in client-dependent customer tables. At runtime, an access sequence is used to determine the configuration. The system always checks whether a customer configuration exists and if so, this is displayed. If no customer configuration exists, the SAP configuration is used. If a customer configuration is deleted with the UI configuration, the SAP configuration is determined.

Using Parameters

Additionally, it is possible to have more than one SAP configuration or customer configuration for a view. To implement this, the following parameters are used:

Role configuration key

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Component usage

Object type

Subobject type

At runtime the correct configuration is determined, based on these parameters. The role configuration key can be defined in Customizing, and assigned to a business role. With this parameter, it is possible to create business-role-dependent configurations. At runtime, this parameter is automatically determined by the business role with which the user is logged on.

UI objects types have been introduced to define UI objects independently of existing business object layer objects.


CRM Service – Complaint (BUS2000120). Due to the use of different UI object types based on one BOL object, the UI objects 'complaint', 'inhouse repair', and 'return' were built.

End of the example.

Based on the UI object type, configurations can be created. The subobject type is a child object of the object type, for example transaction types, and can also be used. Therefore, by using UI object type and subobject type, you can have different UI configurations for different business processes. At runtime, object type and subobject type are set by the application. Component usage is automatically set by the framework at runtime.

Access Sequence

To determine configuration and labels, the access sequence is executed in two steps. In the first step, a configuration is determined, based on the parameters. The search starts with the definitive parameters (= search key) and, if this is not successful, fewer parameters are used step-by-step. The parameters with which a configuration was successfully determined are called the “successful key”. In a second step, the successful key is used to determine the labels from the text repository. If labels are not explicitly set in the configuration, they can be determined from the ABAP Dictionary. In addition to the UI configuration, the design layer Customizing has been introduced in SAP CRM. With this feature, it is possible to link UI-related settings to a new, generic design object that spans several views implementing the same business content.

The following picture shows the general access sequence at runtime:

Configuring the Fact Sheet


You can adjust the fact sheet to the special requirements of your company.


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You can define the page layout of the fact sheet in Customizing under  Customer Relationship

Management UI Framework UI Framework Definition Maintain Fact Sheet . These settings are only valid for the page layout with tiles.


You can choose between different page layouts.

You have the choice between a single column page layout and a page layout that consists of multiple tiles.

You can choose the available views and assign them to the fact sheet.

You can use the same view multiple times. For example, you can assign a view to a report from SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (BI) as well and then rename it.


You have created an account fact sheet that you want to use in a certain role. This account fact sheet includes the view Opportunities which is also displayed in the account fact sheet used in another role.

End of the example.

You can choose between various load options for the fact sheet views.


Starting the Application Component

Enter transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB and the application component BSP_DLC_FS. In the Browser Component Structure under Views, select the view BSP_DLC_FS/factsheet and click Configuration.

You can start the fact sheet configuration also in CRM WebClient UI via hyperlink in the navigation bar. To make the fact sheet configuration accessible in your system administrator role in the CRM WebClient UI, you

have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing  UI

Framework Technical Role Definition Define Navigation Bar Profile .

Using the Role Configuration Key

Choose an existing role configuration key or use the default one. If you want to create a new configuration, you can choose between a single column layout and a layout that consists of tiles.

Choosing and Assigning Fact Sheet Views

Single column page layout

Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move views between the Available Fact Sheet Views and Assigned Fact Sheet Views areas.

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Assign a load option to each view in the Assigned Fact Sheet Views area.

Page layout with tiles

Select a tile and use the arrow key to move the views that you want to display in the fact sheet from the Available Fact Sheet Views area to the Assigned Fact Sheet Views area.

Changing the Fact Sheet Title

If you want to change the title of the fact sheet, click Properties. You can use the default title or enter your own title in the Config Title field.

You can make further changes to the title and other fact sheet attributes by using a Business Add In (BAdI). Make these changes in the BAdI Builder transaction (SE18) and the enhancement spot BSP_DLC_FS. There is the default and example implementation BSP_DLC_FS_IMPL and the enhancement implementation BP_FACTSHEET for the Account fact sheet.

Displaying Technical Settings

Click Show Technical Details if you want to see the technical properties of the available and assigned fact sheet views.


You can configure the Account fact sheet yourself. To do so, enter transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB and open the component BP_FACTSHEET.

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Campaign Determination 


In campaign determination, the system determines related marketing projects (campaigns/trade promotions) for an order item when a sales order is changed. These marketing projects are then incorporated into pricing for the order item. Depending on your Customizing settings in SAP CRM and SAP ECC, either precisely one campaign/trade promotion or multiple campaigns/trade promotions can be determined and assigned to an order item by the system. Campaign determination is controlled using condition technique.The success of a campaign can be evaluated by linking the campaign with a business transaction. In the SAP Business Information Warehouse you can analyze how successful a campaign was, that is to say how many sales orders were placed as a result of a certain campaign.


You use both SAP ECC and SAP CRM, and have made the required settings for campaign determination in Customizing for SAP CRM. For more information, see the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP CRM under Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination.You have transferred the required data, that is, condition records, from SAP CRM to SAP ECC. You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for SAP ECC, and have selected the relevant value in order to activate campaign determination for the particular campaign schema in the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG) under Integration with Other SAP Components ® Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination ® Activate Campaign Determination. Depending on the systems you use, the following values are available for selection here:

        BlankAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is not supported. In other words, it is only possible to assign one campaign/trade promotion to an order item.

        AAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is supported. You use this value in a CRM Enterprise/SAP ECC scenario. Sorting of manually assigned and automatically found campaigns/trade promotions takes place according to the access sequence, and is, therefore, only compatible with CRM Enterprise.

        BAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is supported. Sorting of manually assigned and automatically found campaigns/trade promotions takes place according to a simple sorting that is compatible with both CRM Enterprise and Mobile Sales. A simple sorting is necessary because determination is not based on condition technique in Mobile Sales.


Campaign determination does not take place when the sales order is replicated from SAP CRM to SAP ECC. Campaign determination is only carried out again in SAP ECC once you make changes to the following data:

        Sales organization

        Distribution channel

        Sold-to party


        Pricing date

The system offers you the following options in campaign determination:        Assignment of a campaign/trade promotion

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When data is changed in the sales order, the system carries out campaign determination again. If campaigns/trade promotions are found here, the system assigns precisely one campaign/trade promotion to an order item.

Although it is possible to find multiple campaigns/trade promotions in campaign determination, the order item is only assigned with the campaign/trade promotion for which the main assignment was set in the sorting in the case of Assignment of Multiple Campaigns/Trade Promotions.

        Assignment of Multiple Campaigns/Trade Promotions

When data is changed in the sales order, the system carries out campaign determination again. If campaigns/trade promotions are found here, the system assigns all of the campaigns/trade promotions found to an order item. This means that you can execute multiple campaigns/trade promotions at a certain time for the same product and for the same customer.

You can create your own implementations for determining, checking, and validating campaigns/trade promotions, and thereby adjust campaign determination to suit your needs. You can use the following Business Add-Ins for this in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) under Integration with Other SAP Components ® Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination ® Business Add-Ins for Campaign Determination:

        Business Add-In for controlling campaign determination

        Business Add-In for merging assigned campaigns

        Business Add-In for validating campaign assignment

 The following restrictions apply for these functions:

        You cannot assign campaigns/trade promotions to an order item manually.

        Campaign determination does not take place in billing documents or rebate agreements.

        Campaign determination is not possible at header level.

        Assignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is not supported for Controlling. Only the marketing project for which the main assignment is set is sent to Controlling.

        The assigned campaigns/trade promotions and their attributes cannot be displayed on a user interface.

        You cannot navigate to a campaign/trade promotion within a sales order or billing document as you could normally in SAP CRM.

See also:For more information, see the SAP Library for SAP CRM under Customer Relationship Management ® Components and Functions ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination.  

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Assignment of Multiple Campaigns/Trade Promotions 


When you process an order item in SAP ECC, and would like to change data, the system carries out campaign determination for the sales order again. Since overlapping campaigns/trade promotions are supported, it is possible for the system to determine multiple related campaigns/trade promotions and assign them to an order item. The assigned campaigns are incorporated into pricing, which results in different prices, discounts, or free goods being calculated for the order item depending on the campaign/trade promotion. This function allows multiple campaigns/trade promotions to be taken into account for pricing at a given time for the same customer.Campaign determination is controlled using condition technique.


You use both SAP ECC and SAP CRM, and have made the required settings for campaign determination in Customizing for SAP CRM. For more information, see the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP CRM under Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination.You have transferred the required data, that is, condition records, from SAP CRM to SAP ECC. You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for SAP ECC, and have selected value A or B so that the assignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is supported for the particular campaign schema. You do this in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) under Integration with Other SAP Components ® Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination ® Activate Campaign Determination. Otherwise, it is only possible for one campaign to be assigned to an order item. Depending on the systems you use, the following values are available for selection here:

BlankAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is not supported. In other words, it is only possible to assign one campaign/trade promotion to an order item.

AAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is supported. You use this value if your system landscape comprises both a CRM Enterprise system and an SAP ECC system. Sorting of manually assigned and automatically found campaigns/trade promotions takes place according to the access sequence, and is, therefore, only compatible with CRM Enterprise.

BAssignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions is supported. Sorting of manually assigned and automatically found campaigns/trade promotions takes place according to a simple sorting that is compatible with both CRM Enterprise and Mobile Sales. A simple sorting is necessary because determination is not based on condition technique in CRM Mobile.

In addition, you can influence the copy control for campaigns, and explicitly define in Customizing how campaigns/trade promotions are linked to the order item, copied to the subsequent document, and whether the campaigns are redetermined in the subsequent document. You have the option of maintaining the copy type in Customizing for SAP ECC in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) under Sales and Distribution ® Sales ® Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents in the field Campaign Determination.If you do not assign a value to this field in SAP ECC, that is to say you accept the default value Blank, unlike in SAP CRM, no campaigns/trade promotions are copied, and campaign determination is not triggered again in the subsequent document. This means that the differing responses so far of the two systems are supported.You have the following options:

ACopy all campaigns to the subsequent document without campaign determination being carried out again there.

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BDo not copy any campaigns to the subsequent document. Determination is carried out again in the subsequent document.

CCopy all manually assigned campaigns. The system checks the validity of the campaigns for a certain period in the subsequent document, and carries out campaign determination again there.


Campaign determination does not take place when the sales order is replicated from SAP CRM to SAP ECC. Campaign determination is only triggered again in SAP ECC once you make changes to the following data:

Sales organization

Distribution channel

Sold-to party


Pricing date

If you would like to make changes to data in an order item in SAP ECC, the system can determine multiple campaigns/trade promotions, and assign them to this order item. It does this based on the entries you make regarding business partner, pricing date, and product. The campaigns/trade promotions determined for an order item are then incorporated into pricing and the determination of free goods.Unlike in SAP CRM, in SAP ECC you cannot process condition records for campaign determination. The condition records are transferred from SAP CRM to SAP ECC. When you choose the pushbutton Analysis on the Conditions tab page at item level, you can display the condition records that are relevant for campaign determination in the corresponding condition type. Furthermore, SAP ECC does not save master data for campaigns/trade promotions, and therefore does not have any information on campaigns/trade promotions itself. The campaigns/trade promotions are sent from SAP CRM to SAP ECC as GUIDs, and saved in the table CMPB_MAP. The table CMPB_MAP additionally has the following fields for the assignment of multiple campaigns/trade promotions:


The data for these fields is either sent from SAP CRM to SAP ECC when the campaigns/trade promotions are released or when they are changed. However, it is not possible to change this data in SAP ECC.

Determining and Validating Multiple Campaigns/Trade Promotions

Campaign determination is not carried out at header level; it only takes place at item level when data relevant for determination is changed in the sales order. Determination at item level is product-specific, and is used in the pricing of individual order items. A campaign/trade promotion that is linked to a business transaction is also transferred to subsequent documents.If campaign determination is carried out again because data that is relevant for determination is changed, manually assigned campaigns/trade promotions stay the same. In SAP ECC, you cannot process campaigns/trade promotions that were assigned manually in SAP CRM. For example, you cannot delete manually assigned campaigns. After changed data is entered for business partner, pricing date, or product in a sales order item, the system automatically determines and checks the campaigns/trade promotions available for that item. Depending on the result of the check, the system allocates one of the following indicators for each entry:

Is or is not main assignment

This indicator is significant for reporting and for cost assignment because only the campaign/trade promotion with the main assignment is transferred to SAP BW. This indicator is of no significance for pricing. In pricing, all valid campaigns/trade promotions are considered with the same priority. The main assignment is set automatically for a manually assigned campaign. The system checks whether precisely one campaign is set as the main assignment.

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Is or is not valid

In order to be found automatically and thereby be valid, a campaign/trade promotion must fulfill the following conditions in SAP CRM:

The campaign/trade promotion must be released in SAP CRM. The campaign/trade promotion contains at least one member of a target group, or a planning customer

that matches a sold-to party in the sales transaction. The campaign/trade promotion has at least one assigned product for which sales organization and

distribution channel match those in the sales transaction. The pricing date of the sales transaction matches the validity period, that is, the current start and end

date of the campaign/trade promotion.Is or is not exclusive

The validity of a campaign depends, amongst other things, on whether it has the attribute Exclusive. You can set this attribute when you create the marketing project in SAP CRM. The system performs an exclusivity check during campaign determination.

If the check returns an exclusive campaign/trade promotion, the system marks only it as valid, and all others as invalid.

If the check returns multiple campaigns/trade promotions, the system uses a default implementation to define the exclusive campaign/trade promotion.

You can create your own implementations for determining, checking, and validating campaigns/trade promotions, and thereby adjust campaign determination to suit your needs. You can use the following Business Add-Ins (BAdI) for this in the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG) under Integration with Other SAP Components ® Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Campaign Determination ® Business Add-Ins for Campaign Determination:

Business Add-In for controlling campaign determination

Business Add-In for merging assigned campaigns

Business Add-In for validating campaign assignment

Sorting Campaigns/Trade Promotions

When you create a campaign/trade promotion in SAP CRM you can assign it a priority. These priorities are taken into account when campaigns/trade promotions are sorted, and are used to determine the main marketing project. A campaign that is assigned manually in SAP CRM always has the main assignment, even when other campaigns are found automatically.

Depending on your system landscape and your Customizing settings, you can use the following sorting options:

Simple Sorting

Since determination of campaigns/trade promotions is not based on condition technique in Mobile Sales, and the sorting in all systems used, for example in SAP ECC, SAP CRM Enterprise, and Mobile Sales must be the same, the system provides simple sorting.

You have to use this kind of sorting if you also use Mobile Sales in your company.

The campaigns are sorted according to the following criteria, and transferred to pricing in the sequence determined here:

1. Manual assignment

2. Priority assigned when the campaign/trade promotion was created

3. Identification or campaign ID

Manually assigned campaigns/trade promotions are always listed first in the sorting. For automatically found campaigns, the priority of the campaign/trade promotion, as well as the identification (name of the marketing project) are used as attributes for their sorting sequence. If there are campaigns/trade promotions with the same priority, the system uses the identification or campaign ID as a sorting criterion, and sorts the campaigns in alphabetical order.

Campaigns/trade promotions that come at the top of the list according to these sorting rules count as the main marketing project and have the main assignment.

Sorting According to Access Sequence

Page 188: CRM 2007 Trade Promotion Management

If you do not use Mobile Sales in your company, you can sort the campaigns/trade promotions on the basis of condition technique. The campaigns/trade promotions are then sorted as follows:

1. Manual assignment

2. Position in the campaign schema (level and counter)

3. Position in the access sequence

4. Priority assigned when the campaign/trade promotion was created

5. Identification or campaign ID


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