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  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Podcastingby Christopher Croom and Heather FordGRADE:6


    Fixed Flexible Combination Individualized Instruction

    Stand-alone lesson Lesson in a unit Multiple lessons in a unit


    None Limited Moderate Intensive

    CONTENT TOPIC: Podcasting

    Essential Questions: What is podcasting? How are podcasts beneficial to the audience?



    Inquire, Think Critically, and Gain Knowledge

    Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.

    Skills Indicator(s):

    1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.4.1.5 Connect ideas to own interests and previous knowledge and experience.


    Recall and integrate previously learned material with new or current material.

    Elaborate on or further explain content.Encourage analysis.Make a connection between previously learned material and the students life.

    Dispositions Indicator(s):4.2.2 Demonstrate motivation by seeking information to answer personal questions and interests, trying a varieof formats and genres, and displaying a willingness to go beyond academic requirements.

    Responsibilities Indicator(s): 4.3.4 Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communicationand interaction.

    Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): 4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources that are engaging andappropriate for personal interests and needs.

    Scenario: Students have just completed the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. They will demonstrate

    connections made themselves and the main character Brian Robeson. Students will work with theschool media specialist and their reading teacher to do a technology lesson.


    International Society for Technology and Education Connection

    ISTE Standards

    Creativity and Innovation

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative productsand processes using technology.

    b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

    CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.5Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in

    presentations to clarify information.

    READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGY: Activating or Building Background Knowledge


    At the end of these lessons, students will be able to1. Make comparisons between characters lives in a story or novel and their own lives.2. Make text-to-self connections.3. Create a podcast.

    Overview: Students will learn about podcasts, explore podcasts, and use prior knowledge from a

    classroom experience to create their own podcasts.

    FINAL PRODUCT: Podcast


    The entire lesson is outlined in the instructional plan. Students will begin Day 1 in the media center. Studentswill also utilize the computer lab.

    Estimated lesson time:7-10 sessions


    Product -Podcast ProcessStudents will choose one activity from the podcast choice board to demonstrate their


    Student self-questioningStudents will reflect on the podcasting process at the end of all lessons.INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN

    Resources students will use: (Check the appropriate box and list the resources below) Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Reference

    Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers Other (list): lined paper, plain

    paper, pencils, colored pencils

    Day 1


    K-W-L (Podcasts) Students will explain what they knowand what they wonderaboutpodcasting.

    The classroom teacher will have students to share responses from the K-W-L leaving the L forthe lesson closing. Students will share what they know and wonder about podcasting.

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Direct Instruction and Modeling:

    The media specialist will discuss podcasting using a Prezi presentation entitled Podcasts.Students will take Cornell notes jotting down important terms, definitions, explanations, or

    illustrations related to podcastinghttp://prezi.com/dijwdhrdi23d/podcasts/.

    Students will also view a video on podcasting. Students will be asked to reflect on their experiences with reading the novel Hatchet by Gary

    Paulsen and their own lives.

    Exit Card #1Complete the L on the K-W-L chart explaining what you have learnedaboutpodcasting today.

    Day 2

    Guided Assistance and Preparation

    Students will be broken up into two groups. The media specialist will work with one group while theclassroom teacher works with the opposite group.

    Both groups will make a comparison using a Venn diagram or an alternative comparison andcontrast graphic organizer.

    One group will use the computers to do an Interactive Venn Diagram using ReadWriteThinkhttp://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/venn-diagram-


    The other group will create a Venn diagram foldable. On the Venn diagrams, students will compare their own lives under a section entitled My Lif

    to the main characters life under the section entitled Brians Life.

    After the teacher and the media specialist provide guidance with directions for the Venndiagram, students will be given 10 minutes to complete the Venn diagrams.

    Students will discuss their Venn diagrams with elbow partners. Select students will be alloweto share out with the whole group.

    Students will place their Venn diagrams in their classroom folders for later use.

    Exit Card #2Students will write an explanation of what they are being asked to do for thefinal product of the podcasting unit.

    Students will be divided into groups of 2 for the remaining portion of the lesson.

    Day 3


    The media specialist will start a discussion on Edmodo about podcasts. Students will add to thediscussion sharing what they have learned and reading the comments of others. The classroom

    teacher will also add to the discussion with a post. The teacher will share a podcast the she has done with students. Students will receive a list of podcast resources. With a partner, students will review the different

    resources and determine which podcast Web 2.0 tool is most appropriate for their group.



    Exit Card # 33-2-1 = 3 Things you know about podcasting 2 Things that you still need clarified1 Question you have for the teacher

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    Students will be instructed to bring their own technology (if applicable) to use for the independentpractice.

    Day 4

    Independent Practice

    Students will write out the answers to the following questions before beginning the podcast:Who? What? When? Where? How?

    Students will revisit Venn diagrams, and use them as guides to write a script for their podcasts. Exit Card #4Last Word Strategy (Podcast)Students will do an acrostic poem for the word


    Days 5, 6, 7

    Students will work on their podcasts.Reflection

    Students will answer the following questions to reflect on their experiences with podcasting?-What have you learned from this experience?

    - How did you benefit from working with a partner?- What would you change about the assignment?

    Strategies for Differentiation- There were multiple means of delivering and discussing information about podcasting.- Students were able to choose the method for podcasting.

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Graphic Organizers


    Know Wonder Learned

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Podcast Choice Board

    Task Compare and contrast your life to the life of the character Brian Robeson in the novel Hatche

    Create a podcast that discusses your comparison. Choose one option from the choice board to do

    your podcast, or you may do a combination of options or a podcast of choice with teacher approval.

    Please adhere to the rubric closely when completing your podcast.

    Create a video podcast with narration and


    Create an audio only podcast with a visual.

    Create a multi-host podcast where two people

    are hosting the podcast in video and/or audio


    Make your podcast into a talk show where you

    and your partner interview each other.

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Podcast Rubric

    Exceeds Target 5 points Meets Target 4 points Does Not Meet Target 3


    Script Script is well written.

    Includes throughinformation about the

    student and the character.

    Content is accurate and

    clearly expressed.

    Script is adequately

    written.Includes mostly

    thorough information

    about the student and the

    character.Content is mostly

    accurate and clear.

    Script is poorly written.

    Does not includeinformation about the

    student and the character.

    Content is not accurate

    or clearly expressed.

    Sound The background

    sounds and music

    clearly enhance thecontent of the

    podcast throughvolume and

    music/sound selection.

    The background

    sound and music

    somewhat enhancethe content of the

    podcast throughvolume and

    music/sound selection.

    The background

    sound and music

    detract from thecontent of the

    podcast in eithervolume or

    music/sound selection.

    Images Images clearlyenhance the

    podcasts content

    and are correctly

    placed and timed tocreate fluidity in the


    Images somewhatenhance the

    podcasts content

    and are correctly

    placed but somewhatdetract from the

    fluidity of the podcast.

    The backgroundsound and music

    detract from the

    content of the

    podcast in eithervolume or

    music/sound selection.



    Content of the podcast

    ties in directly with thescript.

    Content of the podcast

    mostly ties in with thescript.

    Content of the podcast is

    unrelated to the script.

    Creativity Podcast is creative andoriginal.

    Podcast is somewhatcreative and original.

    Podcast is not creativeand original.

    Total Score: _____/25 =

    Teacher Comments:

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans








    Fixed Flexible Combination Individualized Instruction

    Stand-alone lesson Lesson in a unit Multiple lessons in a unit


    None Limited Moderate Intensive

    CONTENT TOPIC: Conflict and Change: Interpreting Political Cartoon



    1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.

    1.1.7 Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main andsupporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.

    3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understandin

    in ways that others can view, use, and assess.

    Skills Indicator(s): Media Specialist and teacher will check for understanding frequently during the lesson. Onafter the Activator, at least 3 times during the Modeling and Direct Instruction, and continuously throughout

    independent practice.

    Benchmark(s): Assessed informally: political cartoon graphic organizer, timeline, and constructed response

    Dispositions Indicator(s):3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others. (Students adhering to their set group norms.)

    Responsibilities Indicator(s):3.3.2 Respect the differing interests and experiences of others, and seek a variety of viewpoints. (Students accepting

    others opinions contrary to their own)

    Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):3.4.3 Assess own ability to work with others in a group setting by evaluating varied roles, leadership, and demonstratiof respect for other viewpoints. (Students will incorporate assessment within their reflection.)

    SCENARIO:YOU HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED TO CREATE Apolitical cartoon by the Editor-in-Chief of theHistorical Society Newspaper, sing the information presented in this lesson. Your political cartoon should answ

    the following question: Why did Hitler rebel against the Treaty of Versailles?


    (List here relevant content, information literacy, and technology standards)

    Common Core Standards

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Language Arts Social Studies

    SS6H7:The student will explain conflict and change in

    Europe to the 21st century

    a. Describe major developments followinWorld War I: the Russian Revolution,

    Treaty of Versailles, worldwide

    depression, and the rise of Nazism

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what

    the text says explicitly as well as inferences

    drawn from the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2Determine a central idea of a text and how it is

    conveyed through particular details; provide a

    summary of the text distinct from personal

    opinions or judgments.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.8Gather relevant information from multiple print

    and digital sources; assess the credibility of eachsource; and quote or paraphrase the data and

    conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism

    and providing basic bibliographic information

    for sources.

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1Cite specific textual evidence to support

    analysis of primary and secondary sources

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2Determine the central ideas or information

    a primary or secondary source; provide an

    accurate summary of the source distinct fro

    prior knowledge or opinions.

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7Integrate information presented in different

    media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively)

    as well as in words to develop a coherent

    understanding of a topic or issue.

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts

    graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with

    other information in print and digital texts.


    Media Specialist and the Teacher will use Reading Comprehension Strategy 5 (Determining Main Ideas). Asstudents are reading through the given texts (Profile of Adolf Hitler and Rise of Nazism) they will analyze the tfor text features, and use Learners Graphic Representation. (Moreillon 121)


    Students will analyze the rise of Nazi power; recognize the effects of apathy and indifference of Adol


    OVERVIEW:This lesson analyzes Adolf Hitlers character traits of disobedience and defiance to sign and join the Treaty ofVersailles. Students will discover how Hitler rose to power and the outcome. Students will also analyze andinvestigate various texts to determine key factors of the social conditions, economic conditions, and politicalconditions as a result of Hitlers rule.

    ESSENTIAL QUESTION:Why did Hitler rebel against the Treaty of Versailles?


  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Students will create their own political cartoon based on the information attained throughout the lesson. The

    students political cartoon should answer the following question: Why did Hitler rebel against the Treaty

    of Versailles?


    (Describe the lesson activities for the selected AASL Standards.)The Media Specialist will assist students to make sense of information gathered from diverse sources byidentifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, and conflicting information., He/She will reinforceReading Comprehension Strategy 5 (Determining Main Ideas) The specialist will also provide small group

    remediation for students who are struggling to access the content by providing hands-on guidedpractice/modeling.



    ProductStudents own Political Cartoon Process - Timeline of Rise of Nazism; Constructed Responses of Hitlers rebellion Student self-questioningStudent reflection of their understanding of the contentINSTRUCTIONAL PLAN

    Resources students will use: (Check the appropriate box and list the resources below) Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Reference

    Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers Other (list):


    Profile article on Adolf Hitler (See Resource List)Smart Board with lap top computer

    Article on The Rise of Nazismhttp://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/timeline/nazirise.htm

    TimeLiner Program

    Instruction/activities(Provide explicit details for the lesson including the activities for both the teacher and the library media


    Activator/Hook:(Teacher or Media Specialist) A political cartoonist uses symbols, pictures, and familiar objects to make hior her point quickly and visually.

    Show students the Political Cartoon of Adolf Hitler. Ask the students to identify the elements of the picture

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Guiding Questions: Whos in the picture? What items are in the picture? What do they mean?

    Students should then fill in the graphic organizer


    Important Words Versailles Treaty

    Important Symbols German Soldier

    Summary*Background knowledge: Students should be able to tell you what the Treaty of Versailles is and

    its historical significance in conjunction with Hitlers Party.

    Direct instruction:

    The teacher will lead the students into a discussion about the political cartoon and their responses. Th

    teacher will clarify any misconceptions/misunderstandings. Key Points: Hitler wants no part of theTreaty, Hitler was actually forced/pressured to sign by the allied powers (United States, Russia, Great

    Britain, France, and Italy).

    Modeling and guided practice:

    Place students in 7 learning communities of 4, each community will have a digital copy of the articlesThe Rise of the Nazis to outline. The media specialist will assist students in accessing the

    information and maneuvering throughout the website and how to use the Timeliner program.

    From the articles students gather information that describes the economic, social, and politicalconditions in Germany from 1918 through 1933. Students will collaborate to create a timeline

    events using the Timeliner program.

    Discuss conditions in Germany that potentially make the Germans accept Hitler as their leader

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Conditions from 1918-1933 Graphic Organizer

    Economic Conditions Social Conditions Political Conditions


  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Independent practice: Using the information presented in the political cartoon, timeline, and the profile of Ad

    Hitler, students will evaluate and draw conclusions of Hitlers rebellion and refusal of the Treaty ofVersailles by responding to the question: Why did Hitler rebel against the Treaty of Versailles?

    (Teacher and media specialist facilitate assist students or see if students have any questions.)If you co

    rewrite history and convince Hitler to accept the Treaty, what would the outcome be? Students will be

    assessed using the rubric listed below.)

    Sharing and reflecting: Students will post their response on the class discussion board and respond to a

    least 2 classmates. Students will then reflect on their learning by expressing their thoughts about Hitlecharacter in their Language Arts journal.

    Strategies for DifferentiationLearning activity that is present in my lesson includes:

    1. Visual/Motor Deficits Learners: Students will use cloze notes and circle the correct words for definition

    2. Auditory Difficulties:Students will fill in the meaning for the word3. Expressive Difficulties: Students will use pictures to support communication of knowledge.4. Metacognitive Issues: Students willorganize information by providing and using pictures, real

    life application, word list and outline

    Alignment of Standards

    American Association of School


    Common Core Standards

    Standards for the 21stCentury


    Language Arts Social Studies

    1.1.2Use prior and backgroundknowledge as context for new learning.

    1.1.7 Make sense of information gatheredfrom diverse sources by identifying

    misconceptions, main and supportingideas, conflicting information, and point

    of view or bias.

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.1Cite textual evidence to support

    analysis of what the text says

    explicitly as well as inferences

    drawn from the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2Determine a central idea of a text

    and how it is conveyed through

    particular details; provide a

    summary of the text distinct from

    personal opinions or judgments.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.8

    Gather relevant information frommultiple print and digital sources;

    assess the credibility of each

    source; and quote or paraphrase

    the data and conclusions of others

    while avoiding plagiarism and

    providing basic bibliographic

    information for sources.


    Cite specific textual

    evidence to support

    analysis of primary an

    secondary sources.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-

    Determine the central

    ideas or information o

    primary or secondary

    source; provide an

    accurate summary of t

    source distinct from

    prior knowledge oropinions.

    3.1.4 Use technology and other

    information tools to organize and

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7Integrate information presented in


    Integrate visual

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    display knowledge and understanding

    in ways that others can view, use, and


    different media or formats (e.g.,

    visually, quantitatively) as well as

    in words to develop a coherent

    understanding of a topic or issue.

    information (e.g., in

    charts, graphs,

    photographs, videos, o

    maps) with other

    information in print an

    digital texts.

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


    Political Cartoon Rubric

    Criteria 4Exceeds(Mastery)


    2Approaching 1Does Not

    Meet (Not Evide

    Evidence of Knowledge Demonstratesthoroughunderstanding ofthe content; goes

    beyondrequirements andsupplies additionalinformation

    Demonstratesknowledge andunderstanding ofthe content

    presented. Cartoonrespondedappropriately tothe given question.

    Demonstrated apartialunderstanding ofthe content; the

    historicalfacts/symbolswere inaccuratelyused.

    Demonstrated nunderstanding othe content; thedepiction was o


    Creativity Provided athorough anddetailed account of

    the event inconnection within

    the context of thetime period(connection of the

    lesson with outsideknowledge)

    Provided allnecessaryelements to

    respond accuratelyto the given


    Attempted tocomplete theassignment;

    however it was aduplication of


    Did not attemptcomplete theassignment.

    Mechanics and Grammar There were nogrammatical or

    mechanical errors.

    There was only 1grammatical or

    mechanical error.

    There were 2-3grammatical or

    mechanical errors.

    There were 4 ormore grammati

    or mechanicalerrors.

    Score ________/9



    "Adolf Hitler." World of Criminal Justice. Gale, 2002. Biography in Context. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

    Document URL






    Biography in Con

    Gale Document Number:GALE|K2425100169

  • 5/27/2018 Croom and Ford Lesson Plans


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