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Cross Border Higher Education

“ What Asia Can Do ??? ”

Prof. Dr. Laode M. Kamaluddin, M Sc, M Eng

International Conference Go GlobalChanges and Challenges in

Education, Employment, Enterpreneurship (INDIA, 19-21 July)

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Brief about speaker

Laode is the President of Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA), a reputable university in Indonesia which has positioning as World Class Islamic University.

He gained his degrees both Master and Doctor of Philosphy (Ph D) in Iowa State University, USA. Due to his involvement in many academic activities and organisation , Laode is often

invited as a speaker to share any ideas, progammes and projects. With his international experience and global acknowledgement Laode becoming an experts in Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) from Indonesia, and also concern on International Economics especially in Maritime Economics.

His long term commitment is shown by his contribution to higher education in Indonesia is established and pointed in Rule and Regulation about Higher Education, i.e distance education.

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• The growing phenomenon of human mobility has forced people to do multiple activities at different locations at the same time. ASIAN as a continent with their heterogenity understands this new challenge and put some great effort to make it happen. Asian nowadays no longer become follower only but already shifting as the hot spot of global economy growth, social n culture.

• Collaboration and enggagement among Asian countries is always needed in every single path, that’s why to maintain the future of Asian, we need new generation to understand the best way to enhance and improve what Asia got.

• Forward the resignation of a state is not affected by western, eastern or any nations, but by talented society with creativity. To build all of them, it’s a must to have weapon. And the main weapon is CROSS BORDER HIGHER EDUCATION.

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WHAT ISCross Border Higher Education


Cross Border Higher education means to the movement of people, programs, providers, knowledge, ideas, projects and services across national boundaries or we can say higher education that takes place in situations where the teacher, student, program, institution/provider or course materials cross national jurisdictional borders (UNESCO & OECD)

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WHAT for??

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Economy Growth 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Whole World 5,4 2,9 -0,5 5,0 4,4 4,5 Developed Countries 2,7 0,2 -3,4 3,0 2,4 2,6 Europe 2,9 0,4 -4,1 1,7 1,6 1,8 Developing Countries 8,8 6,1 2,7 7,3 6,5 6,5 Asia 11,4 7,7 7,2 9,5 8,4 8,4 ASEN – 5 6,4 4,7 1,7 6,9 5,4 5,7 UK 3,0 0,7 -2,6 2,9 2,8 2,9 France 2,4 0,2 -6,3 4,0 1,4 2,1 Germany 2,7 1,0 0,2 6,1 4,5 4,2 USA 1,9 0,0 -2,6 2,9 2,8 2,9 Japan 2,4 -1,2 -6,3 4,0 1,4 2,1 South Korea 5,1 2,3 0,2 6,1 4,5 4,2 China 14,2 9,6 9,2 10,3 9,6 9,5 India 9,9 6,2 6,8 10,4 8,2 7,8 Malaysia 6,5 4,7 -1,7 7,2 5,5 5,2 Philipines 7,1 3,9 1,0 7,4 5,0 5,0 Singapore 8,0 1,9 -0,8 14,6 5,3 4,4 Thailand 5,0 2,5 -2,3 7,8 4,0 4,5 Indonesia 6,3 6,0 4,6 6,1 6,2 6,5

economy growth in many countries (% year by year)

Source : WEO, April 2011

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Traditional terms (last 40 years)

Generic terms

• International education• International development

cooperation• Comparative education• Correspondence education

Specific elements

• Foreign students• Student exchange• Development projects• Cultural agreements• Language study

New terms (last 15 years)

Generic terms

• Globalisation• Borderless education• Cross-border education• Transnational education• Virtual education• Internationalisation ‘abroad’• Internationalisation ‘at home’

Specific elements

• Education providers• Corporate universities• Liberalisation of educational

services• Networks• Virtual universities• Branch campus• Twinning and franchise

programmes• Global Education Index (GEI)

Existing terms (last 25 years)

Generic terms

• Internationalisation• Multicultural education• Intercultural education• Global education• Distance education• Offshore or overseas • Education

Specific elements

• International students• Study abroad• Institution agreements• Partnership projects• Area studies• Double/joint degrees

Evolution of international education terminology (Knight, updated 2008)

Source : Internationalisation of European Higher Education, an EAIE Handbook

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Why Go Abroad & What For ?(viewed from European Education)

Mobility is a dynamic process

It carries with everything that will change a human being’s experience and hence their identity.

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Why Go Abroad & What For ?(viewed from European Education)

• Experiencing studying abroad offers more opportunity for thinking through what one is or is not able to achieve away from the unthinkable

• Since any international experiences will impact immensely upon the self, it is fundamental that two simple questions above be asked and answered by the students for in due time, depending on their thinking and their subsequent answers, crucial choice will be made. These choice wil affect the individual’s life forever, for betteror for worse.

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Education Spotlight from Asia

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Forecasts of global demand for international higher educationTop 5 source countries

Countries 2000 2005 2010 2020 2025 Annual growth rate

China 218,437 437,109 760,103 1,937,129 2,973,287 11.0%

Korea 81,370 96,681 114,269 155,737 172,671 3.1%

India 76,908 141,691 271,193 502,237 629,080 8.8%

Japan 66,097 65,872 68,544 71,974 73,665 0.4%

Greece 60,486 68,285 75,339 84,608 89,903 1.6%

Source : Internationalisation of European Higher Education, an EAIE Handbook

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Top 20 supplying the largest number of international students, 1995-2005

1995 2005Country Numbers Country Numbers

1. China 115,871 1. China 343,1262. South Korea 69,736 2. India 123,5593. Japan 62,324 3. South Korea 95,8854. Germany 45,432 4. Japan 60,4245. Greece 43,941 5. Germany 56,4106. Malaysia 41,159 6. France 53,3507. India 39,626 7. Turkey 52,0488. Turkey 37,629 8. Morocco 51,5039. Italy 36,515 9. Greece 49,63110. Hong Kong 35,141 10. U.S.A. 41,18111. Morocco 34,908 11. Malaysia 40,88412. France 32,411 12. Canada 38,84713. Canada 28,280 13. Italy 38,54414. U.S.A. 27,749 14. Russia 34,47315. Iran 26,786 15. Hong Kong 34,199 16. U.K. 24,034 16. Indonesia 31,68717. Indonesia 22,235 17. Poland 28,78618. Algeria 22,104 18. Kazakhstan 27,35619. Ukraine 20,930 19. Spain 25,691 20. Spain 20,865 20. Ukraine 25,188

Sources: based on UNESCO 1996 and UNESCO 2006

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Top 10 countries receiving the largest numbers of overseas students in 1999/2000 and 2004

1999 / 2000 2004

Country Numbers % Country Numbers %

1.U.S.A. 485,500 27.7% 1.U.S.A. 572,509 23.3%

2.U.K. 222,936 12.8% 2.U.K. 300,056 12.2%

3.Germany 187,033 10.7% 3.Germany 260,314 10.6%

4.France 137,085 7.8% 4.France 237,587 9.7%

5.Australia 117,485 6.7% 5.Australia 166,954 6.8%

6.Russia7 66,500 3.8% 6.Japan 117,903 4.8%

7.Japan 59,691 3.4% 7.Russia 75,786 3.1%

8.Spain 40,689 2.3% 8.South Africa 49,979 2.0%

9.Canada 40,033 2.3% 9.Italy 40,641 1.7%

10. Belgium 38,799 2.2% 10. Canada 40,033 1.7%

The 10 countries receiving the largest numbers of overseas students in 1999/2000 and 2004

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Top 20 sending developing countries, absolute numbers, 5 main countries of destination, and position

on the Human Development Index

Country Numbers Five main destinations Human Development Index (HDI)

1. China 343,126 U.S.A., Japan, U.K., Australia, Germany 85.   0.755

2. India 123,559 U.S.A., Australia, U.K., Germany, N.Z. 127.   0.602

3. Morocco 51,503 France, Germany, Belgium, U.S.A. Netherlands 124.   0.631

4. Malaysia 40,884 Australia, U.K., U.S.A., Japan, New Zealand 61.   0.796

5. Hong Kong 34,199 Australia, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Macao 22.    0.916

6. Indonesia 31,687 Australia, U.S.A., Malaysia, Germany, Japan 110.   0.697

7. Kazakhstan 27,356 Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, turkey, U.S.A. 80.   0.761

8. Algeria 24,356 France, U.K., Germany, Switzerland, Belgium 103.   0.722

9. Thailand 23,727 U.S.A., Australia, U.K., Japan, Germany 73.   0.778

10.Mexico 21,661 U.S.A., U.K., France, Germany, Spain 53.   0.814

11.Singapore 20,725 Australia, U.S.A., U.K., Malaysia, Canada 25.   0.907

12.Brazil 19,619 U.S.A., Germany, Portugal, France, U.K. 63.   0.792

13.Pakistan 18,639 U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Australia, Malaysia 135.   0.527

14.Iran 17,254 Germany, U.S.A., France, U.K., Italy 99.   0.736

15.Uzbekistan 17,163 Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Germany 111.   0.694

16.Zimbabwe 16,669 South Africa, U.K., U.S.A., Australia, Namibia 145.   0.505

17.Colombia 16,090 U.S.A., France, Venezuela, Germany, Spain 69.   0.785

18.Vietnam 15,817 U.S.A., France, Australia, Germany, Japan 108.   0.704

19.Nigeria 15,138 U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Saudi Arabia, Belgium 158.   0.453

20.Cameroon 15,129 Germany, France, U.S.A., Italy, Belgium 148.   0.497

Top 20 sending developing countries, absolute numbers, 5 main countries of destination, and position on the Human Development Index

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HOWCategory Forms and conditions of mobility

Development Educational Commercial

Cooperation Linkages Trade

PeopleStudents Professor/scholarResearchers/experts/consultants

Semester/year abroadFull degreesInternshipsSabbaticalsConsulting

ProgrammesCourse, programmeSub-degree, degreepost graduate

Twinning FranchisedArticulated/validatedJoint/double awardOnline/distance


Branch campusVirtual universityMerger/acquisitionIndependent institutions

ProjectsAcademic projectsServices

ResearchCurriculumCapacity buildingEducational services

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• ASIA + china, india, korea, jepang, indonesia

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Government, is represented by Ministry of Education (national, regional and local authorities )1.Introducing CBHE2.Promoting CBHE3.Enlarging Networkings & Communities Enggagement4.Establishing rule, regulations and policy5.Monitoring CBHE implementation6.Evaluating CBHE

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Each Universities is represented by International Offices

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• Potential Companies whose CSR in education field, it’s related to covering financial support to University or People (student, Proffesor, Experts, Researchers) due to in certain time CBHE it’s not only for “the have”, for for all people.

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• Educational NGOIt’s related to provide volunteers to help Government in promoting , fasilitating and monitoring indepently in CBHE implementation

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Media : it can be potential area as information source of CBHE that can be explored as much as.

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End of slidethank you

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