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  • Cross-Channel Marketing Like a Boss Alex Rascanu l November 2013
  • Customers dont think about channels, they simply want convenience. They move seamlessly in and out of channels, using multiple devices to interact with content and marketing messages.
  • Brands tend to interact with customers from within individual channels, often delivering disjointed and uncoordinated messages. This disconnect is confusing and frustrating to customers, and expensive and cumbersome for brands.
  • What well cover today: 1. How to fight channel fragmentation 2. What influences the online purchase behaviour of Canadians? 3. Which channels should you use? 4. Ideas
  • The if it aint broke, dont fix it cliche got replaced in many businesses with if it aint broke, break it. Weve been playing in the hands of public enemy #1 in todays marketing environment: fragmentation.
  • Integrated, cross-channel marketing is powerful in overcoming fragmentation. Integration is not simply slapping a common tagline onto all your ads, using a single color palette, or force-fitting a message thats suited for one medium into another (great television commercials rarely translate well to outdoor billboards, which in turn are very different from online banners).
  • Integration means communicating a consistent identity from message to message, and medium to medium, and (more importantly) delivering consistently on that identity. It requires not only the identification of a powerful, unifying strategy and compelling voice for your brand, but the discipline to roll it into every aspect of your organization from advertising to sales, customer service to customer relationship management programs (and beyond). Its not for the faint of heart. (Steve McKee, CEO of McKee Wallwork & Co, in a Bloomberg Business article)
  • These are the worlds biggest brands. Whose taglines can you recall? Source: Interbrand
  • You recall their taglines not merely because of the money they spend the other top brands spend just as much or more. Its because theyve maintained a singular focus since 1997, 2003, and 1988, respectively.
  • To fight off fragmentation effectively, everything you do to attract, convert, close, and delight your customers should be integrated and cross-channel marketed. Image source: HubSpot
  • If your brand isnt woven beyond your marketing efforts into your hiring practices, your training programs, even your compensation and employee evaluation metrics, youre leaving opportunities on the table.
  • Why dont companies implement an integrated, crosschannel strategy more often? Lack of perseverance. Integration takes time and patience to implement, and it then takes time to soak into the marketplace. Consumers just dont pay attention as much or as quickly as they used to. The average advertising campaign lasts approx. 2 to 3 years. Companies that maintain healthy growth over time tend to have longer-lasting campaigns, while those that struggle tend to change direction more frequently.
  • The Cola Wars: Pepsi fell to No. 3, behind Coke and Diet Coke, in USA cola market share. PepsiCo significantly increased its marketing spending and spent a year in extensive research and deep introspection. They appear to be taking the correct steps to right their brands ship, but as it does, it shouldnt neglect the need for and power of long-term integration. Neither should you.
  • Find a time to gather together as many different expressions of what your company says and does in one place, then make an honest evaluation. If it doesnt all connect for you in some meaningful fashion, it wont for your customers and prospects, either. If your strategy is weak or off the mark, you may need to do what Pepsi did and re-examine everything. Image source: eConsultancy
  • If your problem is more a matter of execution, your enemy is entropy: everything in the universe (including your brand) tends towards disarray. Bring it all together and communicate the same message across all channels. While perfect integration is unachievable, companies that do the best job of harmonizing all their marketing efforts have an important advantage.
  • Benefits of multi-channel marketing: More attention (more customers and brand recognition) Customers can use their favorite medium (increased chances that youll boost your conversions) More touch points (collect more data, then develop a better understanding of where your promotions work best and measure your success) Your brand stays consistent across channels
  • Marketing should be aligned around the customer. Lets create more intelligent interactions across all channels. Lets aim to exceed customer expectations every time and inspire long term, organic brand advocacy.
  • The Customer Journey to Online Purchase Marketing channels influence the customer at different points in the path to purchase. Image source: Google
  • Each channel plays a different role in the customer journey. Googles findings in Canada, across all industries: Image source: Google
  • How does the length of the customer journey impact purchase value? It varies widely, in both number of days and number of interactions, depending on the type of purchase. Some decisions require substantial research, while others are made very quickly. Typically, more complex purchases lead to longer paths and larger purchase values. This is an example of a single customer journey leading to the purchase of a holiday. Image source: Harvest Digital
  • Customer Journey to Purchase: All Industries in Canada Image source: Google
  • Customer Journey to Purchase: Canadas Tech. Industry Image source: Google
  • Customer Journey to Purchase: Canadas Travel Industry Image source: Google
  • Customer Journey to Purchase: Canadas Retail Industry Image source: Google
  • Canadas advertising industry: 6.6% year-over-year growth in advertising spend (2011-2012) At 23% share of revenue, digital marketing is rapidly closing the gap with TV (27.3%) for the largest share Source: Media Digest 2013/14
  • Source: Media Digest 2013/14
  • 90% of marketing investment is being spent on channels that interrupt people in order to get their attention. (2013 Interactive Marketing Predictions by Forrester Research) TV, print, and radio ads, billboards, as well as online channels like banner advertising, pop-ups and non-opt-in emails, are part of this.
  • Interruption-based marketing isnt wrong and can be very effective if it's done empathetically and delights its audience. Source: Media Digest 2013/14
  • But online, less than 10% of all the clicks and traffic go through outbound marketing channels. The vast majority of internet users' time and attention, regardless of the device theyre using, goes to inbound marketing channels.
  • Source: Moz
  • We believe that in the next decade, the effort and dollars put toward web marketing will become more sophisticated, and growth in channels like SEO, social media marketing, content creation, etc. will dwarf the growth rates of those in more traditional, interruptionbased endeavors. (Rand Fishkin, CEO of Moz)
  • Which channels work well together? MediaPost released a report earlier this year that examined the most frequent media pairings for adults age 18-64. The most popular multi-channel marketing pairings were: Computer / Mobile TV / Mobile Computer / TV Radio / Mobile Computer / Radio While Computer / Mobile was the most popular pairing during work hours (9am 5pm), TV / Mobile rises ahead in the evening (5pm 11pm).
  • Theres a lot of multi-device activity happening in a consumers life. Taking advantage of multi-channel marketing is the best way to capitalize on these trends. Source: WordStream
  • E.g. Advertisers are implementing multichannel marketing promotions by adding hashtags to their TV advertisements, especially for ads that are expected to get a large number of viewers at once, like ads that appear during the Super Bowl.
  • 4. IDEAS
  • Cross-channel marketing ideas: 1. THINK BIG. 2. Build assets. 3. Deliver value above and beyond what you charge.
  • 1. THINK BIG. developed a blue ocean: world's #1 inbound marketing software platform is going after eCommerce software against Magento and Bigcommerce is positioning itself as the best inbound marketing agency in Canada
  • 2. Build assets. Source: Media Digest 2013/14
  • 3. Deliver value above and beyond what you charge.
  • Think BIG. Build assets. Add tons of value. Cross-channel marketing: just do it.
  • THANK YOU. Alex Rascanu @alexrascanu Marketing Manager Powered by Search

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