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Michela Barichellaa MD, Carlotta Bolliria ScD, Giovanna Pinellia,b MD PhD , Laura Iorioa MD, Valentina Ferria MD, Erica Cassania,c MD,

Angelica Gianaa ScD, Francesca Monti Guarnieria ScD , Serena Caronnia ScD , Chiara Pusania RD, Francesca Del Sorboa MD PhD,

Roberto Ciliaa MD, Caterina Espositoa ScD , Maria Giulia Schiaffinoa MD, Elena Quaccia ScD, Eleonora Vaccarellaa ScD,

Giulio Riboldazzic MD, Emanuele Ceredad MD PhD , Gianni Pezzolia MD

a. Parkinson Institute, ASST G.Pini-CTO, via Bignami 1, Milan, Italy.

b. Dipartimento Riabilitazione Malattia di Parkinson e Disturbi del Movimento, Ospedale Classificato Moriggia Pelascini di Gravedona, Italy.

c. U.S. Riabilitazione Parkinson, Fondazione Gaetano e Piera Borghi di Brebbia, Brebbia, Italy.

d. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.

In recent years, attention has been paid to the role of vitamin D in

Parkinson’s disease (PD), in fact a greater severity of the disease

seems to be associated with a lower serum concentration of this

vitamin. This study aims to evaluate the plasma levels of 25(OH)D in

PD and to correlate them with cognitive function and nutritional

intake of these patients.

We enrolled 350 PD patients (66.3% male, 33.7% female). Mean age

was 70.5 yr (range 61-89) and mean BMI was 26.1 kg/m² (± 5.4). The

mean 25(OH)D level was 17.1 ng/ml (±8.34) (deficiency). Mean

disease duration was 9.9 (± 5.7) yr. By simple linear correlation, a

significant direct association between 25(OH)D and MMSE score

(p=0.03) and an inverse association between 25(OH)D and age

(p<0.01) was observed. Moreover, an inverse association between

25(OH)D and Hoen and Yahr (p=0.01) stage was found.

Finally, a direct association between 25(OH)D and intake of vitamin D

contained in food (p=0.03), PUFA (p=0.04), and vitamin B12 (p=0.02)

was observed.

Low 25(OH)D levels correlate with higher age, worse cognitive abilities and worse disease severity. About nutritional data,

higher plasma levels of 25(OH)D correlate with consumption of food rich in PUFA and/or vitamin B12 and/or vitamin D. In

management of PD patients, dosage of 25(OH)D plasma levels, adequate nutritional intake of vitamin D and vitamin D oral

supplementation might be recommended.





Plasma levels (ng/ml) Vitamin D (25-OH) Status

<10 Highly deficient

10-20 Deficient

20-30 Insufficient

30-50 Sufficient

> 150 Toxic

Plasma 25(OH)D levels of PD patients recruited from throughout Italy were collected and correlated with anthropometric

parameters, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Food Frequency Questionnaire.

Major exclusion criteria: age <60 yr; oral supplementation of vitamin D.

Cross-sectional data analysis on plasma levels of vitamin D in Parkinson's disease



This work was supported by " Fondazione Grigioni per il Morbo di Parkinson " www.parkinson.it

and "Brain and Malnutrition in Chronic Diseases Association Onlus" www.bm-association.it

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