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    1. Introduction to Solid State Physics C. Kittel (John Wiley)

    2. Elementary Solid State Physics M.A. Omar (Addison Wesley)

    3. Solid State Physics J.S. Blakemore (Saunders)

    4. Fundamental of Solid State Physics J. Richard Christman (John Wiley)

    5. Waves, Atoms & Solids D.A. Davies (Longman)

    6. Solid State Physics C.M. Kachhava (McGraw Hill)

    7. Elements of Solid State Physics M.N. Rudden and J. Wilson (John Wiley)

    1. Crystal Structure

    1.1 Periodicity of Crystal

    Solid material classified into 2 basic groups: crystalline and amorphous

    amorphous shows short range ordering in its nearest neighbour bonds

    eg. polymerized plastics, carbon blacks

    crystalline shows long range ordering

    atomic arrangement regularly repeated

    position is exactly periodic

    eg sodium chloride, diamond, silicon

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    perfect crystal is periodic from - to + along the x and y directions

    if crystal is translated by any vector R, the crystal appears exactly the same

    as it did before the translation ie crystal remains invariant under any


    R : translational vector

    Rn = n1a + n2b 2-D

    Rn = n1a + n2b + n3c 3-D

    n1, n2, n3 - arbitrary integers

    a, b, c - basis vector, form 3 adjacent edges of a parallelepiped

    - not necessary orthogonal

    crystal lattice

    geometrical pattern which represents the positions of every atoms

    divided into 2 classes

    Bravais lattice

    non-Bravais lattice

    Bravais lattice

    all lattice points equivalent

    that is all atoms in the crystal of the same type

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    non-Bravais lattice

    mixture of 2 or more interpenetrating Bravais lattices

    A and A are not equivalent since lattice is not invariant (variant) under

    translation by AA although A and A are of the same kind

    eg. : A and A, B and B, C and C

    non-Bravais lattice also referred to as a lattice with a basis

    regarded as a combination of 2 or more interpenetrating Bravais lattices with

    fixed orientations relative to each other

    example: A, B, C form one Bravais lattice and A, B, C .. form

    another Bravais lattice

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    basis vector

    position vector of any lattice point : Rn = n1a + n2b

    D : (0,2) B : (1,0) F : (0,-1)

    a and b form a set of basis vectors for the lattice

    positions of all lattice points can be expressed by Rn = n1a + n2b

    set of all vectors expressed by Rn = n1a + n2b called lattice vectors

    choice of basis vectors is by convenience

    a and b (=a + b) can be chosen as a basis

    unit cell

    2-D : area of parallelogram whose sides are basis vectors a and b

    S= a x b

    : area S of parallelogram whose sides are vectors a and b

    S= a x (a +b) = a x b = S

    3-D : volume of parallelepiped whose sides are basis vectors a, b and c

    V= a . b x c

    primitive unit cell

    same area/volume although different shape

    contains 1 lattice point

    minimum area/volum

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    non-primitive unit cell

    area is multiple of area of primitive unit cell

    S1 1 lattice point

    S2 2 lattice points

    area of S2 = 2 x area of S1

    use of non-primitive cell S2 shows rectangular symmetry

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    Wigner-Seitz primitive cell

    (i) draw lines to connect a given lattice point to all nearby lattice points

    (ii) at the midpoint and normal to these lines, draw new lines or planes

    lines 2D

    planes 3D

    (iii) smallest area/volume enclosed Wigner-Seitz primitive cell

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    1.2 Crystal Symmetry

    inversion centre

    cell has an inversion centre if there is a point at which the cell remains

    invariant when a mathematical transformation r -r is performed on it

    for every lattice vector Rn = n1a + n2b + n3c there is an associated lattice

    vector Rn = -n1a - n2b - n3c

    all Bravais lattices have an inversion centre

    non-Bravais lattices may or may not have an inversion centre depending on

    the symmetry of the basis

    reflection plane

    plane in a cell such that when a mirror reflection in this plane is performed,

    the cell remains invariant


    cubic - 9 reflection planes : 3 parallel to the faces, 6 each of which passes

    through 2 opposite edges

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    rotation axis

    axis such that if the cell is rotated around it through some angle, the cell

    remains invariant

    axis called n-fold if the rotation angle is n



    cubic - has three 4-fold axes normal to the faces : A1 becomes A2

    - has four 3-fold axes each passing through two opposite corners :

    A1 becomes A3

    - has six 2-fold axes joining the centres of opposite edges : A1

    becomes A4

    rotation-reflection axes, glide planes etc complicated elements of


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    1.3 Lattices

    7 crystal system

    can be divided into 14 Bravais lattices

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