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    31st Heineken RegattaSerious fun on the Amaazing island

    PokerStar CaribbeanAdventure in Paradise

    St Lucia Jazz Festival 20th anniversary

    Maureen Nisima Comme une revanche!

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 3


    Here were back after a few missed issues, for the sake of a better organized, more eye-catching magazine. We do hope that this hard-work will improve the legibility and the pleasure you gain from reading our product. You will find an enhanced navigation experience with new options like the possibility to activate links, view videos offline, download great pictures etc... making it all the more pleasant, and captivating.

    Nevertheless our goal remains the same: Make you love, share and live the warmth and beauty of the Caribbean archipelago.

    In brief, give you a rejuvenating plunge into it through a crispy sport and cultural sample from our islands, and close-up meeting with those award-winning VIPs who have made the Caribbean world-famous...

    St Maarten also welcomes you aboard its delirious annual Heineken Regatta with fun, sun and party galore. Plus a beckoning intimate interview with freshly fencing world-champion Maureen NISIMA, back in her native Martinique. Enjoy a thrill from the report on PokerStar Caribbean Adventure, the biggest poker tournament held away from the shores of Las Vegas, in the enticing Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Then discover the attractive program of the 20th St Lucia Jazz Festival. Finally, get acquainted with talented Cedella MARLEY, designer, daughter of king Bob, chosen to design the official Jamaican attire for London 2012 Olympic Games. Thumbs up!

    Enjoy... and thanks to all our readers for their messages of support and constructive remarks, thanks to Celine LUU, Doctor of Ostheopathy who joined our team of advisors for our sport & health column. Then a mischievous wink to M. MONTANA, a great professional, and a fellow lover of the Caribbean. Our wishes of prompt recovery to Eric ABIDAL, and a very special thought for the Japanese people.


    Nous voil de retour aprs quelques numros dabsence, le temps dapporter quelques amliorations notre magazine. Des liens actifs, des vidos consultables hors connexion.... des visuels plus attractifs... pour vous rendre la lecture plus agrable plus passionnante, plus captivante.

    Mais une ambition intacte. Celle de vous faire aimer, partager et vivre la chaleur et la beaut de la Carabe. Vous prsenter les meilleurs animations sportives et culturelles de nos les, de rencontrer ces personnalits qui font parler de la Carabe travers leurs titres et leurs performances...

    Invitation St Maarten pour la Heineken Regatta sous fond de fun, sun et de fte, rencontre avec Maureen NISIMA frachement couronne et de retour vers sa Martinique, retour sur le plus grand tournoi de Poker organis en dehors de Las Vegas pour le PokerStar Caribbean Adventure au Bahamas et enfin dcouverte du programme allchant du 20me Festival de Jazz de Ste Lucie. Dcouvrez galement Cedella MARLEY designer, fille de Bob, et choisie pour dessiner la tenue de la slection Jamacaine pour les J.O. de Londres 2012.

    Enjoy... et merci nos lecteurs pour leurs messages et leurs commentaires, merci Cline LUU, Osthopathe D.O. qui rejoint notre quipe de consultants pour notre rubrique Sport & Sant. Enfin un clin doeil particulier M. MONTANA, grand professionnel et amoureux comme nous, de la Carabe. Nos voeux de rtablissement Eric ABIDAL et enfin une pense mue pour le peuple Japonais


    Aqu estamos de nuevo en el ajo tras unos numero suspendidos por razn de mejora de nuestra revista. En este intervalo hemos anadido unas funcionalidades como vnculos activos, videos consultables offlineinterfaz grfica mas atractivatodo eso solo para brindarles una experiencia de lectura mas apasionante, arrebatadora. Mientras tanto, nuestra ambicin se ha mantenido intachable. La ambicin de atraerles, compartir con vosotros y por fin vivir la belleza y ternura del Caribe. En el proceso descubriris una muestra de las mejores presentaciones deportistas y culturales, y iris al encuentro de esas famosas personalidades que han dado el Caribe a conocer a travs de sus premios y resultados Para no perderse ni el tiempo ni lo divertido, bienvenidos a bordo de la Heineken Regatta en San Maarten para pasarsela bomba. Y si despues queris recuperar vuestro suspiro, os presentaremos Maureen NISIMA, recientemente campeona mundial de esgrima, de vuelta en su encantadora Martinica natal. Luego harmos un pequeo atajo para volver sobre el ms grande torneo de Poker fuera de Las Vegas, PokerStar Caribbean Adventure que tuvo lugar en Bahamas hace un par de meses. Para no despedirse de vosotros de manera abrupta, os daremos cita en el vigsimo Festival de Jazz de Santa Lucia, donde se presentaran los cantantes y musicos mas concurridos del momento. Tambien descubriremos el pastel sobre la chica elegida para dibujar el vestido oficial del equipo jamaiquino para los JO de Londres 2012 (no nos podemos esperar masse llama Cedella Marley, hija del gran Marley).

    Disfrutay gracias a esos numerosos lectores por sus mensages de apoyo y sus comentarios constructivos, tambin a Cline LUU, la nueva consultora ostepata de nuestra seccin Deporte & Salud.

    Un guio especial para M.MONTANA, gran profesional y enamorado del Caribe como nosotros.

    Por fin, deseamos a Eric ABIDAL un pronto restablecimiento y mandamos al pueblo Japons un pensamiento afectuoso.


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    San Salvador


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    Turks & Cacos Islands


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    Grand CamanBELIZE

    Grand Bahama







    Sainte Lucia






  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 5


    19 REPORT



    St Lucia Jazz FestivalOne of Saint Lucias calendar

    major event and surely a much highly anticipated on

    the Caribbean calendar of events .

    Cedella Marley to create Pumas 2012 olympic wear for Jamaican Track & Field Team

    The designs will be worn by the entire team,

    including Usain Bolt for the Olympic podium

    and ceremony in London

    Maureen NisimaChampionne du Monde 2010

    La Martinique tait venue avec moi au Grand Palais,

    mais beaucoup navaient pas pu faire le voyage ...

    je suis venue fter a...

    Pokerstar Caribbean Adventure

    The richest poker festival outside Las Vegas at Atlantis

    Resort and Casino situated on Paradise Island in the

    Bahamas. 06 NEWS




    31st St Marteen Heineken Regatta

    The richest poker festival outside Las Vegas at Atlantis

    Resort and Casino situated on Paradise Island in the


    36 AGENDA

    37 FORUM

    08 EVENT

    Magazine numrique gratuit ralis par Caribbean Sport MagazineDirection de la Publication: Stphan CARNIERRemerciements COMECLA, St Lucia Tourist board, Cline LUU, P. Barbe, Multicrearts, DNA, JPP, Suzanne GARCIARdaction et photos: Elsy Fors, Francisco Samaniego, Lynda Straker, Lynda Francisque, Dana Emmanuel, Yann Octavius., Caribbean Sport Magazine - Ppinire dEntreprise CHRYSALIA - CEEI - Centre daffaires Agora - Bt. B - Zac de lEtang zabricots - 97200 Fort de France - Martinique F.WI. - Tl. (596) 696 411 [email protected]

    32 SPORT & HEALTHOstheopatic Medicine by Celine LUU

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 6

    Kirani James (Grenada) runs fastest 400 in the World this season (FR) 18 ans et meilleure performance mondiale de lanne sur 400m pour Kirani James (ES) 18 aos y mejor resultado mundial del ao sobre 400m para Kirani James Kirani James enhanced his

    reputation with another impressive performance over 400 metres at the Meyo Invitational. Running for the University of Alabama, the 18-year-old from the Spice Island of Grenada clocked 45.47 seconds, which is the fastest time in the world so far this year..

    Cuban Players Win Tickets for World Cup of ChessCuban Grand Masters (GM) Lazaro Bruzon and Leinier Dominguez walked away with the

    only two tickets 2011 World Cup of Chess up for grabs at the Zonal 2.3 regional qualifying tournament that concluded in Santiago de los Caballeros, the Dominican Republic.Dominguez won the event with 11 points of 12 possible with his victory on Sunday over Jamaican Jomo Pitterson, while Bruzon placed second with 10.5 units after he tied with Colombian Sergio Barrientos.The third spot of the competition was for Mexican Manuel Leon Hoyos, who ended with 9.5 units.

    Des quipes de la NBA honorent Hati. (EN) NBA teams did it for Haiti (ES) Cuando el NBA piensa en HaitLes joueurs et entraneurs des quipes des Miami Heats, des Clippers de Los Angeles et des Denver Nuggets ont arbors des maillots Save Haiti dans le but

    dhonorer la mmoire des victimes du tremblement de terre du 12 janvier et daider financer le projet Medishare pour venir en aide aux rescaps dHati. Un message dintrt public mettant en vedette Dwyane Wade a galement t diffus lors de la rencontre Heat Vs Nugetts pour exhorter le public faire un don de 5 U$ au projet Medishare par SMS. Les fonds recolts seront remis au projet Medishare.. http://www.projectmedishare.org/

    Top stars women tennis players coming to The Bahamas (FR) Les plus grandes stars de la WTA aux Bahamas (ES) Las ms grandes estrellas de la WTA en Bahamas Sandwiched between the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells and the multi-million dollar Sony Ericsson Open in Key Biscayne, Florida, the inaugural Bahamas Womens Open is set for March 14-19, 2011 at the Bahamas Lawn Tennis Associations (BLTA) National Tennis Centre in New Providence. The top 100 female players in the world are being invited. The top 22 highest-ranked players to respond will be accepted directly into the main draw, and the remaining 10 spots will go to wildcard entries.

    Jamaica PGA targets 54-hole event next year (FR) Bientt un grand tournoi professionnel en Jamaque (ES) Pronto un gran torneo profesional en Jamaica The Professional Golf Association of Jamaica (PGAJ)decided to change

    focus in how it handles its events and stage a full-fledged three-day tourney as its premier event next year. The three-day event will be called the PGAJ Players Championship and is expected to be held in the second quarter, with May and June being the preferred months. The details to the tournament are still being worked out, including prize money.

    Cuba Still at the Top of World Baseball Ranking (FR) Cuba toujours numro un du Baseball Mondial (ES) Cuba siempre nmero uno del Bisbol Mundial Coming off a successful fall and summer tournament season, Team Cuba has once again retained its prestigious top slot in the IBAF (International

    Baseball Federation) World Baseball Rankings. The year-end list of international baseball-playing nations was released early in December by the worlds governing body currently housed in Switzerland. With its dramatic gold medal victories in the final edition of the IBAF-sponsored Intercontinental Cup (Tand the August World University Games (Tokyo), the Cubans were able to maintain a slim lead over the rival Americans and thus protect a world baseball crown they have now held for the entire three-year span of IBAF championship polling.

    Troisime titre de Champion du Monde pour Grgory Baug (EN) 3rd championship of the world for Gregory Beaug (ES) 3r campeonato del mundo para Grgory Beaug Champion du monde en titre de vitesse, Grgory Baug est reparti des Pays Bas avec deux nouvelle mdailles de champion du monde de vitesse individuel et par quipe. Objectif Londres 2012 en bonne voie..


    Bermudas Top Athletes HonouredThe 30th Annual Sports Awards were presented on Feb. 26 with long jumper Tyrone Smith and basketball player Jenaya Wade-Fray named the Male and Female Athletes of the Year. Sprinter Jeneko Place and swimmer Emma Franklin won the inaugural Male and Female Junior Athletes of the Year

    Jamaica to host Carifta GamesTHE 2011 staging of the CARIFTA Games, the premier junior track and field event in the Caribbean, will be held at the Montego Bay Sports Complex at Catherine Hall between

    April 23-25.

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 7

    Lilian Thuram sengage pour Roland Garros Marne- la Valle (EN) World Champion from Guadeloupe, Lilian Thuram vote for Marne La Valle to host new Roland Garros stadium (ES) El Campen del mundo, Lilian Thuram de Guadaloupe por Marne la Valle

    para acoger el nuevo estadio de Roland GarrosLancien Champion du Monde 1998, Lilian Thuram a affirm sa position dans le dbat sur limplantation du nouveau complexe de Roland Garros. Dans une lettre publi dans Le Monde, lancien champion du Monde 1998, crit : Mesdames, messieurs, vous qui vivez partout en France, vous le savez mieux que moi, lune des premires ingalits est la concentration de tous les quipements Paris. Mais le temps de la dcentralisation nest-il pas venu ? Demain, votez Marne-la-Valle, et un jour le tennis franais vous remerciera. Il na visiblement pas t entendu. Cest le site de Paris qui a t retenu.

    Eric Abidal dit tout (EN) Eric Abidal (Martinic) says the truth about World Cup 2010 (ES) Eric Abidal dice toda la verdad sobre mundial 2010 Dans un entretien accord au magazine France Football, le Martiniquais du FC Barcelone a longuement voqu laffaire Anelka, la Coupe du Monde rate, son rapport avec lquipe de France, ses partenaires de Barcelone... Quelques vrits sur le mondial 2010: Comme la dit Nico: Qui sexcuse saccuse. Je ne

    IAAF using biological passport (FR) IAAF adopte le passeport biologique (ES) IAAF valida la utilizacin del pasaporte biolgico The International Association of Athletics

    Federations (IAAF) has started using a biological passport programme to help fight doping in track and field. The IAAF says the Athlete Biological Passport programme is in effect. The IAAF says an ambitious and unprecedented blood-testing programme will be conducted at the forthcoming IAAF World Championships in Daegu with the aim of establishing the participants full ABP fingerprint.

    LIME, to inject 400,00 US$ in the Carifta Games over next two years(FR) LIME la socit de tlcommunications prsente dans 13 pays de la Carabe, sengage pour 2 ans avec les Carifta Games pour un montant de 400 000 $. (ES) LIME la sociedad de telecomunicaciones presente en 13 pases de la Caribea, se compromete para 2 aos con Carifta Games por un importe de 400 000 $US LIME, the Caribbeans largest telecommunications provider, with branches in 13 countries, engaged US$400,000 injection into the CARIFTA games over the next two years! It promises to be money well spent for athletes here and elsewhere in the Caribbean. Carifta is instrumental in talent discovery and the development of outstanding young athletes across the Caribbean, LIMEs regional VP, marketing and corporate communications, Grace Silvera has been quoted as saying

    Julian Robert HUNTE (St Lucia) re-elected WICB chief (FR)Julian Robert HUNTE (Ste Lucie) reconduit la tte du West Indies Cricket Board (ES) Julian Robert Hunt elegido una vez maz Presidente del West Indies Criket Board Julian Hunte has been re-elected as president of the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) for a third consecutive term. Hunte has been in the position since 2007, and will now stay at the helm till March 2013. Whycliffe Cameron will remain the WICBs vice-president. We are at a critical stage in West Indies cricket in terms of the setting up the infrastructure to take us forward, Hunte said. The board, under Hunte, has initiated several projects, like the Cricket Foundation, the Sagicor High Performance Center and Digicel Grassroots programmes for the betterment of West Indies cricket.

    Une nouvelle maison pour le football Hatien (EN) A new house for Hatian Football (ES) Una nueva casa para el ftbol haitiano La Fdration Hatienne de football se rjouit du dbut des travaux de construction de son nouveau sige sur le site du FIFA Goal Center Joseph Blatter la Croix des Bouquets. Le nouveau btiment, dune surface denviron 350 mtres carrs et dot dune structure mtallique sera capable de rsister toutes formes dintempries.Dautres travaux dquipements seront bientt lancs dans le but de doter le football hatien de moyens lmentaires.

    Trinidad & Tobago are Caribbean Twenty20 2011 champions. They played like champions and comprehensively disposed of the best English Twenty20 side Hampshire Royals by 36 runs. Hamsphire faltered and fumbled to 111 for 8 as the Trinis apllied the bowling vice on their run chase.


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 8

    31st Edition of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta

    Evnement sportif, convivial et touristique la St Maarten Heineken Regatta a trouv la recette du succs et surtout simpose danne en anne comme un vnement incontournable du calendrier nautique tant pour son organisation irrprochable que son atmosphre festifve.Le temps dun week-end , lle de Saint Martin acceuille ce qui se fait de mieux dans la Carabe et peut tre mme autour du monde. Pour un spectacle de 4 jours tout en couleurs, en chaleur, et en sonorits.

    Un show en rythme et en couleurs...


  • All leisure and sport activities are in CSport MagazineToutes les activits sportives de loisir dans CSport MagazineTodas las actividades deportivas de ocio estn en CSport Magazine




  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 10


    Le public ne sy est pas tromp, lui qui est venu en nombre. Cette anne encore, locaux et visiteurs ont pu admirer le bal des voiles colores, des plus belles embarcations venues de la Carabe et dailleurs. Et de beaux bateaux, il y en a eu pour cette 31me dition. Voiliers, catamarans, trimarans, monocoques, Bareboats voire mme barques de pche mais galement quelques somptueux yachts de spectateurs

    privilgis. Lune des originalits de la St Maarten Heineken Regatta et sans doute celle qui fait son charme, est que le soir, la fte et la musique sont au rendez-vous des escales Marigot, Philipsburg ou Simpson Bay. La fte a t lance au Princess Casino le premier soir, elle sest poursuivie le lendemain au Boarwalk qui a vu dfiler une dizaine dartistes et de lavis des organisateurs plus dune dizaine de milliers de spectateurs. Le samedi soir, le rendez-vous de lescale franaise sest fte dans la baie de Marigot au terme de ltape du jour. St Maarten et Saint Martin sy sont rencontrs pour une

    rcration musicale et gustative. Mais tout cela ntait quune mise en bouche pour le show du dimanche soir. Le MVP Wycleff Jean en forme olympique a enflamm lle de rythmes caribens. Le chanteur hatien de classe internationale, a offert un concert mmorable qui dura prs de quatre heures. Une prestation de choix salue par un public encore plus nombreux que les autres jour soirs.

    Des milliers de spectacteurs lors des concerts le soir

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 11


    Trois jours de Rgatte, cent cinquante bateaux et plusieurs nationalits reprsentesSur le plan sportif, ce sont trois jours de rgatte de trs haut niveau sur trois parcours diffrents autour de lle. Cent cinquante embarcations se sont affrontes dans diffrentes catgories. Des bateaux venus de la Carabe mais galement des quipages dAustralie, dAngleterre, dItalie, de France, de Hollande .... Cest le team Intac/Crowley des British Virgin Islands qui est sorti grand vainqueur de cette 31me dition de la

    Saint Maarten Heineken Regatta. Mais au del de ces performances, cest cette formidable ambiance sportive, conviviale et amicale, lexcellente organisation, et laccueil chaleureux que leur a rserv les nombreux spectateurs que tous retiendrons.Prenons rendez-vous lan prochain, les organisateurs nous ont promi une manifestation encore plus grandiose. Ce sera difficile de faire mieux, mais faisons leur confiance. Saint Martin nest-elle pas the Amaaazing Island?

    32nd annual St. Maarten Heineken Regatta will take place from March 1-4, 2012. Its never too early to start planning!







  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 12


    Cette anne encore, la voile, le spectacle et la fte taient au rendez-vous de la 31me dition de la Heineken Regata de St Martin.

  • [email protected]

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 14

    Escale la Martinique pour Queen Maureen

    'Ce titre de Championne du Monde aprs avoir t Championne dEurope en 2002, est une confirmation de ce que je suis capable de faire...Le 08 novembre 2010, dans lenceinte du Grand Palais Paris, Maureen NISIMA devenait Championne du Monde dEpe. Elle y croyait, et avec elle, toute la Martinique. Certains navaient pas hsit faire le dplacement pour soutenir et encourager leur championne.Maureen y a t sensible et a senti toute son le derrire elle. Aussi, pour les remercier, mais galement parcequelle a besoin de se retrouver chez elle, auprs de sa famille, elle a ffectu un court passage par la Martinique. Nous lavons rencontre pour voquer avec elle, son titre, sa carrire mais aussi son le, ses souvenirs, sa Martinique...


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 15

    Maureen on suppose que ce retour en Martinique a pour vous une saveur particulire? Pouvez-vous nous la dcrire?

    Cette saveur particulire cest laccueil que mont fait les Martiniquais ici. La Martinique tait venue avec moi au grand palais, ma famille avait fait le dplacement mais beaucoup navaient pu faire le voyage. Et cest vrai que jai profit davoir t la marraine de lopration Mac Happy Days avec Mc Donalds et cest cette opration l qui ma permis de faire dune pierre deux coups et de venir fter a avec ma famille.

    Cela veut dire que vous avez encore de fortes attaches avec la Martinique...

    He bien oui... dja tout simplement parce que mes parents vivent ici. Aujourdhui tous leurs enfants sont Paris pour leurs tudes mais jusquau mois de juin il y avait encore mon petit frre avec eux. Et moi je viens au moins une fois par an, si mon planning me le permet et si mon entraineur me laisse partir aussi. Je viens me ressourcer, jai vraiment besoin de venir reprendre des forces ici, de venir la rencontre de mes parents, passer du temps avec mes grands parents puisque jai encore la chance davoir mes grands parents et jaime tre avec eux.

    Que reprsente ce titre tes yeux, une juste rcompense pour les efforts que tu as fournis ou est-ce juste une tape de ce que tu as envi daccomplir? As-tu encore faim?

    Forcment jai encore faim. A mon palmars il me manque un titre olympique, alors oui, jai encore faim. Deuximement, ce titre de Championne du Monde aprs avoir t Championne dEurope en 2002, cest une confirmation de ce que je suis capable de faire. Beaucoup en ont dout, parceque jai accumul des ppins physiques, mais pas moi.Dans ce cas, la solution la plus facile aurait t dabandonner, de reprendre mes tudes dans un cursus normal, de trouver un travail... Pourtant jai continu malgr tout et jai encore envie de continuer.Cela dit demain ma route sera encore parseme dembuches, mais ce titre me permet de dire que quelque soit ce qui sest pass et les difficults venir, jai ma carte jouer et jai raison de le faire.

    ce titre me permet de dire que quelque soit ce qui sest pass et les difficults venir, jai ma carte jouer et jai raison de le faire.



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  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 16

    Quest-ce que a changera pour toi. Dans tes rapports avec les autres, tes entrainements, tes ambitions...

    La seule chose que a changera, cest mon statut au niveau de lescrime. Maintenant, on me prendra au srieux, on regardera diffremment ma faon de mentrainer. Mme si jaime la critique parceque cela me permet de me remettre en question, peut tre que les gens seront plus attentifs, moins critiques, plus mon coute. Peut tre que jaurai moins prouver. Je perdrai moins de temps prouver que jai raison, et tout ce temps l je le gagnerai en progression dans mon jeu et dans ma prparation physique. Par contre, linconvnient majeur est quaujourdhui je suis un peu la cible, le fait dtre sur le devant de la scne fait de moi une cible pour mes adversaires deux ans des jeux.

    Tu croiseras sans doute des adversaires de la Carabe sur ton chemin. Notamment de Cuba. Que penses tu du niveau de lescrime dans la Carabe ?

    En fait les cubaines ne participent malheureusement pas beaucoup de rendez-vous internationaux et cest dommage. Elles sont dja trs fortes en sortant peu. Je crois quil y a un vivier de Champions du Monde incroyable dans cette le, avec si peu de moyens. Cest presque du gchis. Jaimerais beaucoup que les jeunes escrimeurs de Martinique fassent plus dchange avec

    Cuba. Je pense que cela leur apporterait beaucoup tant sportivement parceque cest vraiement une nation descrime qui gagne tre plus connue et reconnue, mais aussi en terme dhumilit.

    Revenons tes attaches sur lle aux fleurs, quel est ton meilleur souvenir de la Martinique?

    Il y en a des tonnes parceque je viens en Martinique depuis que jai quelques mois, quasiment tous les ans. Mais je pense que mon arrive cette anne laroport doit en faire partie. Jai eu un comit daccueil exceptionnel et je ne mattendais pas autant de monde. Aprs ce sont plutt des souvenirs de vacances avec mes cousins et cousines o on faisait toutes les btises possibles et imaginables. On est une famille trs nombreuse et on vit bien ensemble. On est une bonne gnration de cousins et cousines, on sentend trs bien et on rigole beaucoup.

    Une question sur la Carabe, je sais que tu connais Cuba o tu as disput une comptition. As-tu dja visit dautres les?

    Oui, je suis alle Sainte Lucie. Lanne des Jeux Olympiques, je navais pas t slectionne et je lavais trs mal vcu. Je me suis rfugie dans un spa Sainte Lucie parceque javais besoin de mloigner de toute lagitation de Pkin, un endroit o je nentendrais pas parler des jeux. Il ny avait pas de tl, pas de radio. Jtais coupe du monde, je me suis occupe de moi, pendant une semaine. Jai fait des soins, jai fait la friday night, et ctait la troisime ou quatrime fois que jy allais, cest toujours aussi bien et jadore. Je suis reste une semaine Sainte Lucie.

    Tu en as visiblement garde de bon souvenirs...Trs bon souvenirs.. je crois que jy retournerai. En tous cas je conseille tous mes amis qui veulent se couper du

    monde, daller l bas parce que cest le top. Moi en tous cas jy retournerai.

    A ce sujet, quelle est ta destination vacance prfre?Ma destination vacance prfre je crois justement que a a t Sainte Lucie.

    Ma destination vacance prfre, je crois que a a t Sainte Lucie...


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 17

    Pas la Martinique !!!Non, la Martinique ce ne sont pas des vacances cest chez moi, cest retrouver la famille... ce nest pas pareil...

    On nous a dit que tu tais fan de salsa...Je suis fan de salsa, jai appris danser la salsa en stage descrime avec Ulrich Aubry. Cest un grand danseur de salsa. Il a cum dja tous les cours de salsa Paris et il est pas mal. Cette anne pendant le stage terminal, le soir quand on sennuyait il me donnait des cours de salsa. Sinon jai dans plusieurs annes dans un ballet folklorique en rgion Parisienne qui sappelait feeling dj. Jai mme fait une premire partie de concert au znith.

    Quel est ta plage prfre?lAnse Couleuvre (ndlr: petite plage du prcheur commune du Nord de la Martinique au sable noir).Nayabenghi.





  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 19

    Pokerstar Caribbean adventurePlay in Paradise

    Ask any serious poker player where they spend the first half of January and the answer is always the same: the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) a gleaming highlight on the poker calendar and a one-stop solution to the winter blues. Taking place at the sumptuous Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, the 2011 PCA is set to be better and richer than ever before. With more than $25,000,000 in tournament prizes expected to be awarded, the PCA will once again be the richest poker festival outside Las Vegas.

    Pokerstars.com annonces 2011 PCA schedule


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 20

    If you did miss the grand battle PokerStars Caribbean Adventure PCA 2011, thenYou missed the greatest party of the year. Held from January 7-16 on restless Paradise Island at breathtaking Atlantis resort, Bahamas, the 2011 PCA edition, organized by Pokerstars.com shattered all former records since its launch in 2004. As you may assume, every single serious poker player in tow gender unconsidered- flew directly to the 10-day festival hoping to participate in at least of the 50 poker tournaments on schedule.

    Highpoints of the showThis year, organizers thought that it would be a good idea to mix business with pleasure, and participants couldnt agree more. Thats how the first Fish & Chips Showdown came to birth on January 6-7, a unique two-day event combining sport fishing and poker in a hybrid Man vs Fish contest of determination. As you can guess, participants sipped some free drinks at the closing private reception on Nov 7 where they could gauge each other before the following day card play. Indeed, this last plug-in introduced a nice twist to the event, since the best performers of the Fish & Chips tournament set the stage for card play at the poker tables on the next day. Well, no

    need to maintain the suspense, as some had already bet, the American Galen Hall passed victorious the last closing stage of the main event with the biggest prize: $2300000 in cash! This hefty sum was hard-won against a few 1560 players who contributed to the incredible $15 132 000 total prize pool. In the $100 000 Super High Roller, Eugene Katchalov took center stage with 1500000$ in final prize. $25000 High Roller was taken away by William with his $1072850while Leo Fernandez et Maxim Lyko, Team PokerStars Pros finished 2nd et 3rd. And away from the soccer field, Italy made a statement by winning World Cup of Poker title, captained by Team Pro Luca Pagano.


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 21

    About PCA Created in 2004, PokerStars Caribbean Adventure is the PokerStars -the worlds biggest online poker room- annual festival of poker, with over 50 events. It has since then become a staple of any serious poker player. Up to this date, over 50 000 000$ were gained, thousands of players have dealt hands, including the main figures of

    the poker game. To participate, you just needed to sign a waiver form (see on pokerstarscaribbeanadventure.com for any further information) and go to Atlantis. However, qualification for the main event was possible through 4 ways: qualify online, at scheduled cash satellite venues

    throughout the US, through Frequent Player Points or Tournament Leader Board events, or directly into the event for $10000 + $300.Now you know, see you there on January 5-15, 2012 ;-)Lynda Francisque.

    About www.pokerstars.com:PokerStars.com is the worlds largest poker site, with more than 40 million members around the world. Its the first choice of the worlds top players, with more daily tournaments than anywhere else, and with the best security online. More hands have been dealt on PokerStars.com than any other site; thats over 50 billion hands dealt to date and more than 290 million tournaments played.PokerStars.com operates worldwide under license from the Isle of Man Government. Recent additions to the PokerStars family include PokerStars.fr, which operates in France under the French government license, as well as PokerStars.it, which operates in Italy under the Italian government license.PokerStars.com regularly sets the bar high, staging some of the biggest online and live poker tournaments in the world, including: the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) and the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP). PokerStars.com is the official sponsor of some of the biggest live poker tournaments in the world, including: the European Poker Tour, the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure and the UK and Ireland Poker Tour.PokerStars.com is also home to an elite team of sponsored players known as Team PokerStars.com Pro a group of established and up-and-coming players that travel the world competing in international tournaments. For a list of Team PokerStars.com Pros visit: http://www.pokerstars.com/team-pokerstars/


    "Photo courtesy Bahamas Ministry of Tourism."


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  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 22


    (FR) Le Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure 2011 sen est all jusqu lanne prochaine, et des millions de dollars ont t rpartis entre des joueurs du monde entier, tels que Galen Hall, qui sest adjug le Main Event pour un gain de 2 300 000 $. Le PCA 2012 est dores et dj programm, et il se droulera du 5 au 15 janvier 2012. Ce sera encore lvnement ne pas rater pour tous les amateurs et joueurs de poker. Imaginez un tournoi de poker la hauteur des meilleurs tournois de Las Vegas lAtlantis Resort & Casino, sur la bien nomme Paradise Island.Humm.... Cest certain. Rendez-vous le 05 janvier 2012.

    (ES) Se ha finalizado otra edicin de la Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure 2011 y los jugadores de todo el mundo se han ido con millones de dlares, incluyendo a Galen Hall, quien se llev el premio del evento, no menos de 2.300.000 $. La PCA de 2012 se celebrar del 5 al 15 de enero de 2012. El Atlantis Resort and Casino es uno de los hoteles ms

    exclusivos del mundo, con una extraordinaria seleccin de alojamientos, y con mucho que hacer y ver, haciendo tu estancia inolvidable.

  • Caribbean sport is in CSport MagazineLe Sport Cariben est dans CSport MagazineEl deporte del Caribe est en CSport Magazine



  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 24


    Saint Lucia Jazz has become one of the major events on Saint Lucias calendar of events and surely a most anticipated event on the Caribbeans calendar. During the month of May, the island dances to the beat of jazz when music fills the air and tourism takes on a whole new meaning to all. What started like natural marketing event to boost tourist arrivals during a low peak period, has now developed into a truly Saint Lucian Festival.As the month of May approaches each year, Saint Lucia Jazz continues to bring attention to the island as the world waits in eager anticipation of what promises to be a star studded line-up. In 1999, Saint Lucia Jazz took on a new dimension with the addition of more side attractions, i.e. supporting jazz performances aside from main stage events. This created a more festive atmosphere and allowed the Saint Lucian public and visitors to participate in these events at little cost and quite a few free events as well. Jazz in the South with shows being in the village of Laborie and the towns of Vieux Fort and Soufriere all contribute towards making Saint Lucia Jazz a truly Saint Lucian experience for visitors and locals alike.

    20 years on and still the Best Party in the Caribbean

    Saint Lucia Jazz FestivalLive the Music du 30 Avril au 08 Mai

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 25


    Heres the story of how Saint Lucia Jazz came about, and why it has become the leading event on Saint Lucias calendar of events and the most popular in the region.After setting festival benchmarks and establishing a long standing history as the best party in the Caribbean for years running, the annual Saint Lucia Jazz is set to record another milestone.The 2011edition of the vastly popular musical event, which represents the biggest activity on the Saint Lucias Tourist Boards (SLTB) special events calendar, will celebrate two decades of existence when the 20th edition is launched on January 17th at the St.Lucia Golf Club in Cap Estate. For the first time in its 20 year history the event is being simultaneously launched in front

    of a captive audience at Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) Marketplace in Jamaica.In announcing the dates for the 2011edition Saint Lucia Jazz, Special Events Committee Chairman Cuthbert Didier told a highly anticipative audience, in true legendary style the first set of world acclaimed acts would take to the stage on April 30, to be followed by a steady stream of international renowned artistes throughout the two-week period before the curtains came done with the usual fireworks display on May 8.Didier said the survivability of Saint Lucia Jazz was attributed to constant improvements and innovations in the product and the way it which it was presented to patrons. That approach he said had allowed the

    government, the SLTB and its valued partners to grow the event; feature a healthy cadre of Saint Lucian entertainers alongside regional and international counterparts; and attract increasing visitors from around the world to the islands shores.Didier noted that several innovations would characterize the 20th anniversary edition like devoting specific days to varying genres of music. Wednesday and Thursday nights he exclaimed, Would feature Straight Ahead Jazz with the weekend shows dedicated to World Music; Rhythm and Blues (R&B) as well as Funk and Contemporary Jazz.Another anticipated highlight of Saint Lucia Jazz 2011 would be one of the largest groupings of local acts to take to the stage to date. An ensemble of Saint Lucians jazz icons will make up the Saint Lucian Collective, who will perform a mlange of sweet pulsating Caribbean beats.The 2011 Saint Lucia Jazz lineup is headlined by six time Grammy winner John Legend and includes accomplished acts like Jazz fusion quartet Yellowjackets, violinist Regina

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 26

    Carter, Saint Lucian saxophonist Augustin Jab Duplessis, saxophonist Maceo Parker, Hatian Creole Band Carimi, African vocalist Angelique Kidjo, Saint Lucian vocalist Mervyn Wilkison, Jamaican reggae band Morgan Heritage, and many more. One other major headline act is to be announced in coming days. The early release of the exciting and diverse line-up allow patrons adequate time to begin booking flights and accommodations in order to be part of what continues to be the best party in the Caribbean.For more information about the island of Saint Lucia call 1-800 456-3984, or visit www.saintlucianow.com.

    20 ans et toujours lune des plus grandes ftes de la Carabe Le Rendez-vous des mlomanes de la Carabe fte cette anne son 20me anniversaire. Vingt ans et Festival de Jazz est devenu lun des vnements majeur de Sainte Lucie mais galement pour les Martiniquais et Guadeloupens toujours plus nombreux chaque anne. Le Festival est chaque anne loccasion de profiter de laccueil toujours chaleureux des Saint Lucien, dcouter de la bonne musique, et de dcouvrir lle. Cette anne, Jazz in South vous permet en effet de dcouvrir le sud.Du 30 avril au 05 mai, lle entire vibrera au rythme du Jazz pour un festival tout en couleurs.


  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 27


    Saint Lucia Jazz marks its 20th anniversary in 2011. In a region where music festivals tend to die off around their 7th year, the internationally acclaimed festival that our tiny island has managed to sustain is definitely something every Saint Lucian can be proud of. As we enter our 20th year, it is worthwhile to take a look back at how it all began.In 1991, a small group of dedicated people got together to come up with new and exciting ways to market Saint Lucia and specifically to increase tourist arrivals in the traditionally slow month of May. Saint Lucia Jazz was conceived out of a need to advance Saint Lucias marketing efforts to a new dimension in order to raise the islands visibility overseas. With tourism increasingly being called upon to play a leading role in Saint Lucias economic development, it became imperative to increase

    the awareness of Saint Lucia in the main generating tourism markets. With a limited marketing budget and significant levels of advertising being undertaken by our competitors, the objective was simple: develop an activity /promotional tool which would command international attention and be minimal in cost.Out of this brainstorming came the idea for Saint Lucia Jazz. Organizers wanted a festival that would put Saint Lucia on the map, but at the time they felt that it would be difficult to stage such an event given their limited resources to say the least and so, the idea was met with much criticism. Other islands such as Aruba and Curacao had already tried to stage Jazz Festivals and had failed miserably. Other critics felt that Jazz wasnt he medium through which Saint Lucia should be marketed, after all it wasnt indigenous. Nevertheless, the 1st Saint Lucia

    Jazz Festival was staged in 1992. It was relatively small, poorly attended with only 4 venues. Jazz obviously did not do as well as they had expected and they were about ready to give up. But they didnt. They went back to the drawing board and worked on making it better. By 1994 their perseverance paid off and Jazz evolved into what we know it to be today - a careful mix of Acoustical and Fusion jazz with R&B. The development of the fringe has only enhanced this mix, shifting Jazz from a nucleus of small hotel and club venues to a 10-day event that permeates the entire island. Virtually a separate festival in itself, the Fringe events such as Jazz in the South, feature distinct Afro-Caribbean flavour and has kept the audiences growing both in number and satisfaction.Saint Lucia Jazz had two main objectives. One, to provide a platform to showcase Saint Lucia to a broad cross-section of potential visitors and the other, to redress the traditional trough period in May, so that visitor arrivals and occupancy levels would be on par with that of the winter period. These objectives became broader as Saint Lucia Jazz developed to include the use of radio, television and print media at little or no cost to the St. Lucia Tourist Board, through trade for mentions and other barter arrangements. These efforts strengthen the awareness of Saint Lucia by increasing the number of gross impressions the island receives which develops desirability for, and travel to the island year round. In addition, Saint Lucia Jazz has become an outlet for local expression and economic opportunities, and develops the necessary infrastructure for event productions.

  • Achat des tickets en ligne sur www.stluciajazztickets.com

    * Mercredi / Wednesday Wed 5/4/2011 7:00 PM ET Gaiety on Rodney Bay

    * Jeudi / Thursday Thu 5/5/2011 7:00 PM ET Gaiety on Rodney Bay

    * Vendredi / Friday Fri 5/6/2011 8:00 PM ET Pigeon Island National Landmark

    * Samedi / Saturday Sat 5/7/2011 4:00 PM ET Pigeon Island National Landmark

    * Dimanche / Sunday Sun 5/8/2011 2:00 PM ET Pigeon Island National Landmark

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 29

    Reggae Royalty & Fashion Designer Cedella Marley to Create Pumas 2012 Olympic Wear for Jamaican Track & Field TeamOn the week of the late Jamaican reggae icon Bob Marleys birthday, it has been announced that his daughter fashion designer Cedella Marley will design the PUMA Jamaican Track and Field teams Olympic, podium and ceremony wear for the London 2012 Olympic Games.The designs will be worn by the entire team, including three-time Jamaican Olympic gold medallist and fastest man in the world Usain Bolt with Bolt endorsing the decision, saying that he cant think of a better person to design Jamaicas Olympic outfits than Cedella.

    The collection will incorporate high tech fabrics and silhouettes engineered to enhance the performance of all the athletes. Cedella Marleys unique designs have taken inspiration from the vibrant colours and patterns of Jamaica as well as its African roots, and are sure to make the world take notice in the Summer of 2012 when the world will be watching Bolt in London to see if he will break his own record in the 100m and 200m.

    A track runner in high school herself and huge fan of Jamaican athletics, Cedella says her role in creating the Olympic outfits for her home team and home team is an unbelievable honour and something she never dreamed would be possible.PUMAs partnership with Marley, the eldest daughter in the Jamaican family dynasty, underscores the brands long-team commitment to the Caribbean nation, with its rich cultural heritage, global music contributions and its unparalleled dedication to Athletics.


    Cedella Marley began designing clothes while she was on tour with Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers, a band comprised of her brothers and sisters. Her fashion brand, Catch A Fire, named after her fathers first album, debuted in 2001 and encompasses a tailored bohemian style with vivid colors and prints. Her collections are available in upscale department stores throughout the United States. In addition to fashion design, Marley is a childrens book author and the CEO of Tuff Gong Internationalthe record label founded by father Bob Marley in 1965. She is also the director of Marley and Company which manages Bobs image and music rights and helms the merchandising conglomerate The House of Marley. A life-long philanthropist, Marley is currently overseeing operations for The Bob Marley Foundation and 1.Love.org DPA.Channels: Sport, Fashion, 2012







  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 30

    The Official Ferrari OpusOpus is launching The Official Ferrari Opus at the newly opened Ferrari World Abu Dhabi and to coincide with the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2010. Here is your preview of the latest publication in the Opus Collection.

    The ultimate celebration of the Prancing Horse: whether behind the scenes with the workers at the factory in Maranello, at the races with the team or in the cockpit with the drivers, the Opus offers an unprecedented insight into the magic of Ferrari. In-depth interviews with key personalities, exclusive features interspersed with spectacular new photo shoots and rare archive images displayed on a monumental scale bring to life the past, present and future of Ferrari and all it stands for to millions of devoted fans around the world.krakenopusvideo


    Bolt visit FerrariJamaican sprint superhero, world record holder and Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt took a break from his training today to visit the Ferrari headquarters in Maranello, Italy and experience a different kind of speed. The Worlds Fastest Man, who was at the San Siro in Milan yesterday to see the Inter-Milan football squad, has a long-standing admiration for high performance sports cars, and was clearly delighted to test some of the legendary cars of Ferrari current range. dna

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 31

    Well, if you happen to be a runner who dreams of finding the ultimate high-performance shoe. Wake up; its here. PUMA duoCELL material delivers durable cushioning and maximum stability. PUMA ArchTec technology supports your arches, while the PUMA Evertrack rubber outsole provides lightweight cushioning.

    Riding a sports car on a racetrack is a dream of many, but only a few lucky ones get a chance to beat the heat at the blazing track. However, the PC and

    console accessory brand Thrustmaster has released its

    newest gaming accessory for PlayStation 3 and PC gamers,

    allowing them an opportunity to feel the sensation of driving a sports car.

    Dubbed the Ferrari Wireless GT Cockpit 430 Scuderia Edition, the new gaming accessory features a built-in wheel measuring 11-inches in diameter and pedal set with magnetic resistance for clutter free and more realistic pedal mashing. Featuring a fully customizable cockpit, the practical and efficient racing wheel presents a metal body weighing about 23 pounds that folds up for easy storage and transportation. Priced at $250, the 430 Scuderia Edition.

    Stand out in the crowdThe PUMA Bike line is designed for urban mobility and the collection redefines and reinvigorates the city ride. Each bike takes its color cues from the vibrant culture of Modern Africa ? PUMA?s seasonal theme.The Pico mixes BMX features (handlebar, sloping top tube, 20-inch wheels), mini-bike features (low elongated top tube, upright seating position), and an innovative front carrier integrated in the handlebar for a quick and dirty drop of grocery bags.Based in Denmark, Biomega is a premium urban bicycle brand, alone in its category. The company is committed to contribute to the world by creating lifestyle-oriented CO2-friendly alternatives to cars and thereby reducing CO2 emission and helping create clean city centers

    Category: Game-Improvement DriversKey Technologies: Flight Control Technology (eight settings create +/- 1 loft change), Moveable weight technology (25 yards of left/right trajectory difference) and Adjustable sole technology (Neutral, Closed or Open for +/- 2 of face-angle adjustment) create 48 head settings. Read more: http://www.golf.com/golf/equipment/article/0,28136,2025130,00.html#ixzz1EEwFHwRS

    Vinci specializes in top-of-the line baseball gloves, batting gloves, sunglasses and other equipment that matches the same quality professionals use. Vincis gloves are hand-crafted by a master craftsman who uses only the finest Kip leather. Not sure what Kip Leather is? Kip leather is 20% lighter and tighter grained than conventional steer hide. This makes gloves are more pliable, easier to break in, and stronger. The signature Vinci exclusive deep pocket design allows for better control and less spin. And among many more features too numerous to mention, each glove comes shipped with their special glove conditioner, which dramatically decreases break-in time and protects the glove for years of use.

    Complete Ventis W Dreams really do come true

    PUMA Bike Pico Special Edition

    Unsun Hero

    Taylormade R11


    Ferrari Wireless GT Cockpit 430 Scuderia Edition promises ultimate speed thrills

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 32

    Osteopathic Medicine is really efficient for athletes suf-fering from join and muscles problem as well as to pre-vent coming injuries and to improve physical capabilities. Athletes, more than other people take their bodies to their limit. Nevertheless, at both amateur and pro level, they try to work toward the same goals: preventing their body from injuries, maximize their performance, and decrease their recovery period. To reach those goals the contribution of a Doctor of Osteopathy is a real added value.

    What is Osteopathy exactly?Osteopathy is the science of human mechanics. An Osteopath diagnoses and treats imbalance within the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. This is the system of the body which includes bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendon and nerves of the body. These imbalances often manifest as pain in the back, neck, and other parts of the body.

    What will a first visit involve?

    When you visit an Osteopath for the first time, a full medical history will be taken. You will then be examined by the Osteopath to assess the range and quality of movements of the joints. If there is any restriction or imbalance detected, the Osteopath will treat that area.

    What does osteopathic treatment involve?

    An Osteopath will use his/her hands to discover the cause of pain and to treat the affected area of the body holistically. Treatment may involve soft tissue stretching, passive joint mobilization and manipulation.

    Is Osteopathy holistic?Osteopathy is holistic in that it looks at the whole body structure along with all the other systems of the body, and judges how they may be

    affected by treatment and the influence they may have on a painful condition. For example in treating someone for low back pain, a previous knee injury will be taken into consideration. And recent bout of the flu will also be taken into account. Postural and ergonomic factors will be considered. The patients state of mind will also influence the body, so stress levels will also be taken into consideration. All of the above factors can contribute to symptoms of pain and discomfort. Observing and

    dealing with the symptoms holistically is what makes osteopathy so effective.

    What conditions would an Osteopath treat?

    Pain in the back and neckHeadaches with neck and shoulder tension

    Sports injuriesWork related muscular strainJoint strainMusculo-skeletal imbalances caused by pregnancyStiffness and body pain related to ageingColicky babies and children with sleep disorders.

    Back education exercisesMany incidents of pain come from poor

    use of the body in the work-place. And people find that they are unable to find

    time for regular exercise. As a result the spine supporting the muscle it is easy to

    strain your back or for the back to feel tired.Weakness in the musculo-skeletal support

    system can also be a direct result of chronic back pain. Learning specific back strengthening exercises

    can help you to mobilize your spine, and to strengthen your muscles in order to maintain good posture.

    Post-Injury RehabilitationIt is common for the injured area of the body to become weakened from restricted use during the painful stage. Rehabilitation exercises are specific to the injured area, and help the patient to return to normal functioning.

    Remedial MassageRemedial massage is given specially to the site of pain. It is especially effective with :

    - Neck and shoulder tension- Frozen shoulder- Lower back muscle spasm- Muscular spasm or strain from sporting injuries

    Stress ManagementAt the LUU Harmony medical practice we recognize how stressful life has become. The fast pace of life with increased pressure from demanding work schedules give rise to stress at many different levels. When you enter in the health practice, the atmosphere is a peaceful retreat from the busy world outside. The natural healing processes are facilitated by this relaxation response.Many problems in the musculo-skeletal system arise from the high levels of stress that we encounter on a daily basis. Osteopathic Medicine can help you to release the manifestation of stress related symptoms in the body and can deal with the above symptoms by giving appropriate and relevant instructions on relaxation techniques

    Osteopathic Medicine is good for you !


    CELINE LUUDoctor of Osteopathy Medical Practice

    Osthopathe D.O.Diplme de lInstitut Suprieur dOstopathie dAix-en-Provence

    The Pirate, Suite 272 - 60 Road of Sandy Ground97150 Marigot SINT MAARTEEN

    [email protected] - www.celineluu.comCell : +(590) 690 48 48 17

    Cour Vendme - Gustavia972133 SAINT BARTHELEMY

    [email protected] - www.excellencedessens.comTl. 06 90 48 48 17

  • All leisure and sport activities are in CSport MagazineToutes les activits sportives de loisir dans CSport MagazineTodas las actividades deportivas de ocio estn en CSport Magazine




  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 34


    This page is dedicated to the discovery of Spa and Well-being services providers in the Caribbean. Every month widen your knowledge of indulging treatments. Whether herbal, fruit-based, made of sea salt, warm-stones inspired, or with therapeutic mud, the methods and traditional therapies may vary from an island to another, but you will all find them delightful for they take their essence in the soul-easing and plant-based spirit of the local medicine. You will find here an array of the best well-being services available in the Caribbean, Traditional institutes, big renowned establishments, these shape and Spa professionals are worthing visiting.




    L - I





    - PU

    BLI R




    Esta pgina se dedica al descubrimiento de los refugios de Bienestar y Spa en el Caribe. Cada mes descubra los tratamientos hechos a base de hierbas, frutas y plantas locales, sales marinas, aplicados con piedras calientes o a base barro teraputico. En las islas del Caribe existe un despliegue impresionante de mtodos y terapias tradicionales, muchos de los cuales son inspirados por las medicinas locales. Institutos tradicionales o establecimientos famosos de tamao variable, los profesionales del bienestar, de fitness, del spa les presentan lo mejor de sus prestaciones.

    Cette page est consacre la dcouverte des espaces qui dans la Carabe, vous proposent des activits de Spa et Bien-tre.

    Dcouvrez tous les mois, les traitements base dherbes, de fruits et de plantes locales, de sels marins, de pierres chaudes ou de boues aux vertus thrapeutiques, les mthodes et thrapies traditionnelles des les, les traitements inspirs de mdecines locales.

    Instituts traditionnels ou grands tablissements rputs, les professionnels du bien-tre, de la forme, du spa vous prsentent le meilleur de leurs prestations.

  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 35

    San Salvador


    Great InaguaIle du chat

    Ile du chat

    Turks & Cacos Islands










    Ile du chat

    Ile Longue

    Ile Crooked


    Iles Camans (R.U)

    Ile du chat























    Grand Caman


    Grand Bahama



    AGENDA 2011 5 - 9 Caribbean Training Camp Great weather, great roads, world class coaching and excellent facilities for an epic multisport training camp. A fun and training schedule of training sessions for all level triathletes and cyclist

    19 Iron Man 70.3 San Juan Puerto Rico The world-famous Ironman 70.3 is coming to Puerto Rico! Considered as one of the toughest triathlons in the world, the 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike and 13.1-mile run is a true test of endurance for serious athletes.

    7 - 13 Puerto Rico Open

    16 - 20 Caribbean Superyacht Regatta & Rendez-vous BVI Bringing together sail and motor yacht owners during a four-day event for owners, their families and friends.

    4 - 9 Les voiles de St. Barth Rgate nulle autre pareille, ambiance festive tropicale et internationale garantie, comptition dun excellent niveau sportif, organisation irrprochable, pour le plus grand bonheur

    de la population locale et des visiteurs.

    14 - 17 KAUJET Guadeloupe Epreuve majeure du calendrier nautique de la Carabe, un vnement devenu un classique pour les amateurs du Jet Ski qui profitent dune ambiance trs festive.

    Musique, dcouverte de lartisanat local, et cuisine locale

    11 - 17 Cedrus Investments Cayman Islands Squash Open The Cayman Islands is one of the most spectacular islands Ive ever been to.Instantly there was a welcomingfeeling the moment I arrived, and the tournamenthas been extremely

    well organised Nicol David World N.1,

    17 Barbados Triathlon National

    21 - 25 Bequia Easter Regatta .

    25 Annual Kite Flying Competition Turks & Caicos held every Easter Monday on North Caicos & Grand Turk- Governors beach.Activities includes Easter Egg Hunt, face painting in addition to island music, and lots to eat and drink. Prizes and trophies for the Largest Kite; Smallest Kite; Most Artistic Kite; and Best Overall Kite.

    23 - 25 Carifta Games Jamaica 40th Junior Carifta Games. Carifta has seen many world class champions come through the competition including Usain Bolt of Jamaica, Veronica Campbell-Brown of Jamaica, Obadele Thompson of Barbados, Debbie Ferguson of the Bahamas and many more

    24 - 29 Antigua Sailing Week One of the premier sailing events in the world, five challenging days of racing in some of the best sailing conditions in the world combined with the famous Antiguan hospitality.

    1 St. Croix Ironman The May 1 date allows athletes to enjoy a tropical respite after a long winter, as well as an

    early season chance to get qualified for the autumn dates of both championship races.

    1-6 Bermuda International Race Week An established international sailing race fixture each spring attracting top skippers from many countries. Racing held in the Great Sound with both keelboat and dinghy classes participating.

    5 Pakistan vs West Indies Fifth ODI Guyana The fifth One Day Internationals matche that will be played at the Guyana National Stadium. Fans you can secure your ticket early from the Guyana Cricket

    Board (GCB) for this exciting ball by ball action.

    25-28 Pakistan vs West Indies4th ODI Guyana The fifth One Day Internationals matche that will be played at the Guyana National Stadium. Fans you can

    secure your ticket early from the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) for this exciting ball by ball action.

    1 St Barth Tour Comptition regroupant les planches voile, les catamarans de sport et les lasers pour un tour de lle de St Barthlemy. Cette course est organise par le Centre Nautique de St Barthlemy.

    19 - 25 Curaao Winsurf Challenge A true challenge and great windsurfing event! Takes place at Seaquarium Beach.

    28-29 Rainbow Cup Triathlon Trinidad The 2011 Rainbow Cup is expected to be bigger with the introduction of an 2,000m Open Water Swim. The event will now be spread out over two days.

  • This page is free and dedicated to promote Green Projectinitiatives and good pratice for protecting and preserving the global environnementContact us




  • Caribbean Sport Mag - Mars 2011 - 37


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    Tous droits de reproductions mme partiels par quelque procd que ce soit, des textes et

    illustrations, sont rservs pour tous pays. Les informations donnes sont titre rdactionnel

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    fournis sont libres de droits et publis sous la responsabilit unique de celui qui les adresse

    la rdaction. Toute ventuelle rclamation ne saurait en aucun cas engager la responsabilit

    de lditeur.



    ARTS FESTIVAL & ACTIVITIESSt. Maarten lures travelers with do-

    zens of activities both on land and at sea with more excitement, the St. Maar-

    ten Tourist Bureau has announced of the Man of War Schoal Marine Park, the

    islands first national park, along with the grand openings of the Hard Rock

    Caf, Brother Jimmys BBQ, Sky Beach and the Indigo Bay Estate. Additionally, new activities being offered include, Arts in the Plaza festivals and Blush.



    IN NEVIS4vita Seminars

    Learning from the best- on Friday, 1st APR, in Nevis. Durint the TriStar Nevis events you will have the unique opportunity to benefit from the advice of some of the top athletes in the world. Chris

    McCormack, Olivier Marceau, Fernanda Keller, Wolfgang Guembel and Reggie Douglas will

    be sharing their experiences with you and discuss various aspects about a sustai-nable way of doing sports..

    KARUJET APRIL 14-17 2011



    APRIL 22 - 25


    Catherine Hall StadiumMontego Bay


    Depuis la France?

    Tourisme Barbade Offre sp-ciale : Sjour Golfeur 7 nuits partir

    de 1034 euros TTC/personne en htel 4* situ sur la cte sud Maxwell Coast , Christ Church.contact: [email protected]

    Superbowl Best Commercial

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