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CSS Inlining in Email: What It Is + How To Do It

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Hello, I’m @KevinMandeville.

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I design + build emails at

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@litmusapp #LitmusLivewith any questions

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What is CSS?

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CSSCascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.

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Content <div>, <h1>, <p>

Style width, font-size, display

Interaction (JavaScript)

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It’s like a house.HTML is the actual foundation of what is contained in the house (floors, rooms, doors, television. etc.)

CSS is the styling of the actual items in the house (dimensions of the room, color of the walls, placement of the furniture, etc.)

JavaScript is the interaction you have with the house (ringing the door bell, turning on/off lights, etc.)

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3 Ways to Use CSS

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External Style Sheets <link>

Embedded CSS <style> in <head>

Inline CSS <div style=“width: 600px;”>

3 Ways to Use CSS

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External Style Sheets

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External Style Sheets<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=“style.css"> </head> <body> <!-- CONTENT --> </body> </html>

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Embedded CSS<html> <head> <style type=“text/css”> /* CSS */ </style> </head> <body> <!-- CONTENT --> </body> </html>

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Inline CSS<html> <head></head> <body>

<div style=“width: 600px;”> <h1 style=“font-size: 60px; line-height: 72px;”>Headline</h1> <p style=“color: #999;”>Lorem ipsum dolor</p> </div>

</body> </html>

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Why Inline CSS is Important for HTML Email

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Apple Mail ✅

Lotus Notes ❌

Outlook 2000-2016 (Win + Mac) ✅

Thunderbird ❌

Android 4.x ✅

Gmail App (Android) ❌

iOS Mail (Every OS on iPhone + iPad) ✅

AOL Mail ❌

Gmail ❌

Inbox by Gmail ❌

Google Apps ❌

Office 365 ❌

Outlook.com ❌

Yahoo! Mail ❌


Web.de ❌

External Style Sheet Support in HTML Email

Source: Litmus Email Analytics

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42%of email clients do not support external style sheets

Source: Litmus Email Analytics



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Apple Mail ✅

Lotus Notes ✅

Outlook 2000-2016 (Win + Mac) ✅

Thunderbird ✅

Android 4.x ✅

Gmail App (Android) ❌

iOS Mail (Every OS on iPhone + iPad) ✅

AOL Mail ✅

Gmail ❌

Inbox by Gmail ❌

Google Apps ❌

Office 365 ✅

Outlook.com ✅

Yahoo! Mail ✅


Web.de ✅

Embedded CSS Support in HTML Email

Source: Litmus Email Analytics

*Based on class and id support, not element selectors

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Gmail strips out any class or id in the <head>, requiring inline CSS.

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25%of email clients do not support embedded CSS

Source: Litmus Email Analytics

(Thanks, Gmail)

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Apple Mail ✅

Lotus Notes ✅

Outlook 2000-2016 (Win + Mac) ✅

Thunderbird ✅

Android 4.x ✅

Gmail App (Android) ✅

iOS Mail (Every OS on iPhone + iPad) ✅

AOL Mail ✅

Gmail ✅

Inbox by Gmail ✅

Google Apps ✅

Office 365 ✅

Outlook.com ✅

Yahoo! Mail ✅


Web.de ✅

Inline CSS Support in HTML Email

Source: Litmus Email Analytics

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100%of email clients support inline CSS

Source: Litmus Email Analytics

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Not inlining CSS can have really small effects…


Without Inline CSS With Inline CSS


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…or really BIG ones


Without Inline CSS



% With Inline CSS %$ Without Inline CSS $


Without Inline CSS



% With Inline CSS %& Without Inline CSS &


Without Inline CSS



% With Inline CSS %' Without Inline CSS '

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Don’t be that email. Inline your CSS.

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Wait, do I have to do all of this by hand?!?!

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What is CSS inlining?

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CSS InliningCSS inlining is the automated process of moving external style sheets or embedded styles in the <head> right inline onto its corresponding HTML elements.

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Takes external or embedded CSS…<html> <head> <style type=“text/css”> .headline { font-size: 60px; color: red; font-family: serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1 class=“headline”>Headline</p> </body> </html>

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…and automatically inlines it for you

<html> <head> </head> <body> <h1 class=“headline” style=“font-size: 60px; color: red; font-family: serif;”>Headline</h1> </body> </html>

litmus ® #LitmusLiveSource: 2016 State of Email Production by Litmus

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73%of email designers and developers do not use CSS inlining

Source: 2016 State of Email Production by Litmus

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Tools for CSS inlining

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Third party inliner sites

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Copy & paste your HTML into a third party site and convert your

code to inlined CSS.

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PutsMail Inliner

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MailChimp CSS Inliner

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Campaign Monitor CSS Inliner

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Zurb's Responsive Email Inliner

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No learning curve or setup (simple copy & paste)

Use with any editor ✅

No maintenance required ✅

Requires Internet ❌

Constant copying & pasting (not ideal for iterative workflow)

Other automations not available (not ideal for iterative workflow)

No flexibility or customization ❌

Third party inliner sitesPROS CONS

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Task runners with open source CSS inliners

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litmus ® #LitmusLive

Grunt Gulp

Task runners

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Lee Munroe’s Grunt Email Workflow

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SetupInstall Node.js ✅

Install Grunt-cli and Grunt (npm install grunt-cli -g)

Setup Mailgun, Litmus, Rackspace Cloud (optional) ✅

Setup necessary packages: git clone https://github.com/leemunroe/grunt-email-workflow.git cd grunt-email-workflow npm install

Create secrets.json in your project root ✅

Run grunt in command line and check /dist folder to see inlined


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How It WorksCompiles SCSS to CSS

Compiles Handlebars (templating language) to HTML

Inlines CSS using Juice

Generates Browser preview and sends test emails (if setup)

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Juice Inliner

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Roadie Inliner

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Premailer Inliner

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Use with any editor ✅

Use locally (Internet not needed and easy to create backups on GitHub,

Dropbox, etc.)✅

Complete flexibility & customization (add other automations)

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) ✅

Learning curve (Requires command line and JavaScript knowledge)

Dependencies ❌

Requires maintenance ❌

Task runners with open source inlinersPROS CONS

litmus ®

CSS inlining in Litmus Builder

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Just a simple toggle

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Click to copy & paste or download compiled HTML

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No learning curve or setup (just a simple toggle)

No maintenance required ✅

Best CSS inliner ever made for email ✅

Litmus Instant Previews integration ✅

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) ✅

Requires Internet ❌

No flexibility or customization ❌

Does not work with any editor (requires Litmus Builder)

Only inlines embedded CSS ❌

CSS inlining in Litmus BuilderPROS CONS

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Which CSS inliner is best?

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Most CSS inliners were not built specifically for HTML email

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Email Development Newsletter #2: CSS Inliners Julie Ng outlines the dangers of CSS inlining

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Email Development Newsletter #2: CSS Inliners Julie Ng recommends Roadie as the best CSS inliner for HTML email

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The Perfect Email CSS Inliner Mosaic.io ranks Litmus Builder/PutsMail as the #1 CSS inliner for HTML email

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Never re-orders or converts CSS in any way ✅

Preserves media queries, web fonts, and animation ✅

Preserves Outlook conditional comments ✅

Preserves pseudo selectors ✅

Preserves character entities ✅

CSS inliner in Litmus Builder/PutsMail

Preserves CSS comments for unlined CSS ✅

Preserves duplicate properties ✅

Prevents CSS from being inlined with data-ignore-inlining attribute ✅

Litmus Instant Previews integration ✅

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) ✅

litmus ® #LitmusLive

1. Litmus Builder/PutsMail ✅

2. Roadie ✅

3. Juice ✅

Our top recommended CSS inliners for HTML email

*Varies on use case (this ranking is of straight HTML, not accounting for ESP-specific use cases)

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* DEMO *

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Tools + Resources

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Next webinar:How to Automate Your Email Development

Workflow with Litmus Builder

Wednesday, September 7th @ 1PM EDT

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Q&A7-day free trial of Litmus use coupon code:



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