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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America-

Cub Scout Recruiting 2014

Your Pack’s Guide to Successful Fall Recruiting

C Rec

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America


Cub Scout Leaders,

Thank you for volunteering as a Cub Scout leader and providing activities where Cub Scouts build

character, improve physical fitness, learn practical skills, develop a spirit of community service, and

have a ton of fun! The Cub Scout program has been a values based, fun and educational experience

for young boys for over 80 years. Cub Scouting is more relevant and more vital to our communities

today than it ever has been and you make it all possible.

The Bay-Lakes Council membership committee is excited to provide you with this guide to the

2014 Fall Roundup. Our NEW recruitment theme is “Adventure is Calling!” A variety of

resources are available to your pack provided by the Bay-Lakes Council and the Boy Scouts

of America.

In addition to this guide book, each pack will receive a 2014 Fall Recruiting Kit containing all of the

materials needed for a pack’s successful fall recruiting effort.

The items included in your 2014 Fall Recruiting Kit are:

• Fall Recruiting 2014 Leaders’ Guide

• Fall Recruiting Night attendance rosters

• Sample “Adventure is Calling!” recruitment flyer

• “Adventure is Calling!” posters

• Cub Scout Fall Recruiting Flyer Order Form (customize your pack’s flyers)

• Cub Scout Parent Information Guide

• Parent orientation materials

• Welcome signs & table tents

• Bobcat requirements

• Recruitment agenda & script

• Youth membership applications

• Adult leader applications

• Boys’ Life magazine samples

• Report envelope

• And more!

The council also makes available yard signs, stickers, PSA’s and more! Many of the resources are

also available at www.baylakesbsa.org

Let’s give every boy of Cub Scouting age an opportunity to join this fall. We hope you utilize these

resources to help your pack grow in youth members and adult leadership!

Mike Ford

Vice-President of Membership

Bay-Lakes Council

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America


Table of Contents

I Important Terms to Know …………………….…….………..…………..…... 3

II Fall Recruiting Checklist & Timeline ……………..……………...…….....….. 4

III Before the F a l l R e c r u i t i n g N i g h t …..……..……….…………….….... 6

• Seven Points of Contact - Promotion is the Key

• Boy Talks - Agenda & Tips

IV Fall Recruiting Night ………………...………………………………………….. 8

• Steps to Success

V After the Fall Recruiting Night …………………………………..………...…….. 9

• Parent Orientation Meeting

• The October Plan - It’s Not Too Late to Join

VI Coaches for New Volunteers & Basic Training ……….………….....…….. 11

Important Terms to Know

Cub Scout Fall R e c r u i t m e n t C a m p a i g n – The Fall Recruitment Campaign is a pack’s

complete fall recruiting effort from August through December to insure every boy has the

opportunity to join Cub Scouts and the pack continues to grow. Successful Fall Recruiting will

include all steps outlined in this guide.

Fall Recruiting Night - This is a one night joining event each pack conducts for new Cub Scouts

and their families. The F a l l Recruiting Night is most successful when the pack follows the

promotion plan as outlined in this guide. The B a y - L a k e s Council is recommending that all

packs have their recruiting night on or before September 18. If that is not an option, packs

should contact their district Fall Recruiting Chair.

Note: The Fall Recruiting Night is not to be held the same night as the September Pack

Meeting or the Back to School Night. It works best as a separate joining event for new families.

Back to School Night or Meet the Teacher Night - Different schools refer to these nights by

different names. Some schools call this meeting an “Open House”. This is the night for parents to

visit the school and meet their child’s teacher. Many schools will allow youth-serving organizations

to attend this event and set up a display or information booth. This is a great opportunity to invite

families to attend your Fa l l Recru i t i ng Night to join Cub Scouts. Have a blank roster on hand to

collect contact information from interested families.

Boy Talks - Boy Talks are in-school presentations to boys promoting Cub Scouts and the F a l l

R e c r u i t i n g N i g h t . Boy Talks are vital to a successful Fall Recruiting Night.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Before the Fall Recruiting Night


Checklist & Timeline

Over the summer the Pack Committee meets together to discuss all aspects of successful Fall

Recruiting. The items listed in this timeline should be assigned to members of the Pack Committee

including the pack’s Fall Recruiting Coordinator, Cubmaster and Committee Chair. At the District

Fall Recruiting Training for Cub Scout leaders each pack will receive the 2014 Fall Recruiting Kit. If you have not received your pack’s kit please contact your d i s t r i c t Fa l l R ec r u i t i n g C h a i r o r

yo u r district executive.

Late July / Early August Assigned to 0 Attend the District Fall Recruiting Training.

0 Carefully review and discuss the Fall Recruiting 2014 Leaders’ Guide.

0 Finalize details for the packs fall recruiting to include setting the date for Fall

Recruiting Night and promotion plans.

0 Contact principal to secure dates for Boy Talks and Recruitment Nights, the dates

Should be between the start of school and mid-September. Also schedule flyer

distribution for September. (See page 7 on Boy Talks).

0 Arrange to have a sign-up table at your school’s “Meet the Teacher Night” or “Back to

School Night”. This is in addition to the Fall Recruiting Night.

0 Turn in the Fall Recruiting Flyer Order Form to your District Executive.

Late August Assigned to

0 Deliver posters to school, confirm dates for flyer distribution and Boy Talks.

0 Place yard signs in high traffic areas throughout town and in front of the school.

0 Begin social media blitz to promote Fall Recruiting Night.

Utilize Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, etc.

0 Carryout additional promotion efforts to insure families receive at least seven

invitations to join Cub Scouts. ( See list of best methods on page 6.)

0 Attend the school’s “Back to School Night” or “Meet the Teacher Night”. Invite new

parents and boys to your Fall Recruiting Night. Collect names and contact

information to follow-up with each family prior to the Fall Recruiting Night.

September Assigned to

0 Continue social media campaign to promote Fall Recruiting Night.

0 Deliver flyers to school for distribution to boys one week prior to the Fall Recruiting


0 Conduct Boy Talks the day of, or the day before your Fall Recruiting Night.

0 Send direct mail invites to parents of Cub Scout age boys (use school directory).

0 Make reminder calls to families that expressed interest at the “Back to School

Night” or “Meet the Teacher Night”.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Before the Fall Recruiting Night


September (continued) Assigned to

0 Confirm the school (or other location) will be unlocked and ready to go for the

Fall Recruiting Night.

0 Conduct the Fall Recruiting Night 0 Turn in all applications with one pack check made out

to Bay-Lakes Council the night of your round up to the

district representative present.

0 Immediate follow-up email. Within 24 hours of the Fall Recruiting Night be sure

to email (or call) each new family. Thank them for joining the pack.

0 Conduct a Parent Orientation meeting within a week after the Fall Recruiting Night.

Be sure all parents have contact information for leaders and a calendar of the year’s


0 Be sure each new adult leader completes Youth Protection Training

(available online at www.MyScouting.org)

0 Turn in new applications for adult leaders. Applications must be complete,

including the “Authorization / Disclosure” section, and have signatures of the Pack

Committee Chair and Charter Organization Representative.

New adult leaders have 30 days to complete Youth Protection Training.

0 Orientation for New Leaders! Be sure each new adult volunteer is assigned a

coach. Print pages 11-12 of this guide back-to-back and give a copy to each new

adult volunteer and their assigned coach.

October Assigned to

0 Continue to follow up with unregistered Cub Scouts.

0 Be sure all dens are meeting regularly.

0 Be sure all leaders have completed Basic Leader Training for their position.

(Available online at www.MyScouting.org)

0 Pack Committee Meeting - Be sure new leaders and parents are invited to attend.

0 Do you need more Cub Scouts? Re-flyer the school. Distribute flyers at school for

the second time. Flyers should read “It’s not too late to join Cub Scouts!” and include

information inviting new boys to come to the October pack meeting. Be sure flyers

are distributed a week before the pack meeting.

0 Be prepared at the October pack meeting to enroll new boys into the pack and

assign them to the appropriate den.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Before the Fall Recruiting Night


Note - Be sure to review the items listed in the Checklist & Timeline on pages 4-5.

A successful Fall Recruiting Night depends on each item being completed well.

Seven Points of Contact - Promotion is the Key! Research has shown that a person needs to be invited to do something an average of seven times

before they are likely to act on the invitation. How does that apply to our Fall Recruiting Night? It’s

important that parents of boys in your school are invited to your pack’s Fall Recruiting Night at least

seven times. There are dozens of ways to invite families to join Cub Scouts and to invite them to your

Fall Recruiting Night. Here’s a great list to get you started:

Best Methods for Promotion

0 Peer to peer recruiting:

• Parent to Parent - Parents ask parents to sign their son up for Cub Scouts.

• Boy to Boy - Your son calls his friends and asks them to join Cub Scouts.

0 Flyers distributed at school to boys in grades 1 to 5.

0 Boy Talks - Boy Talk day is a great day for all boys to wear their uniform to school.

0 Direct mail - personalized invitation to join pack. Reference school directory for contact list.

0 Telephone calls to prospective families, especially first graders.

0 Information booth at Back to School Night or Open House - Gather contact information of

those interested in joining Cub Scouts. Follow up with each contact! Note: Have your pack’s

annual calendar available to hand out to show them all the fun they are going to have!

0 Follow-up join night for those who missed the first one. October Pack meeting works great for this.

0 Social media blitz: Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, etc.

More Great Promotion Methods

0 Yard signs at high traffic areas and lawns of parents

0 News releases to local newspapers and cable stations

0 Current Cub Scouts wear their uniform to school the day of the Fall Recruiting Night

0 Door hangers and postcards in target communities

0 Develop pack information sheet and annual planned program to hand out to all new parents

(Be organized ... show the fun!)

0 Display cases and bulletin boards at schools, library, etc.

0 Public announcements at school and churches. Church bulletin inserts are great!

0 Community newsletters and website postings. (City, employer, school, religious institution, etc.)

0 Sunday school, classroom and lunchroom visits

0 Business window/counter displays and marquees

0 Pack special events (ex. fishing derby, hay ride, picnic)

0 Halloween candy wrappers or tag

0 Coordinate PSA or handout with movie cinema

0 Grocery store bags could print your message or drop flyers in bags

0 Pinewood derby at malls, superstores, daycares, parks & community centers

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Before the Fall Recruiting Night


Boy talks improve attendance at Fall Recruiting Night dramatically. Do not miss this important

step in the Fall Recruiting plan.

How to Conduct Boy Talks (Conducted by a Pack Leader or District Volunteer)

What is a Boy Talk?

The Boy Talk is a 3 – 5 minute presentation to 1st – 5th grade boys in their classroom. It helps get

them excited about Cub Scouting and tells them how they can join. It is held during the school day.

Boy Talk Essentials

Talks are best conducted from one classroom to another. In other words, it is better for YOU to move

from classroom to classroom than to have a mass of boys assemble in the lunchroom. If you must have

an assembly, be sure a teacher or the principal is present.

Take these things with you:

• Supply of customized flyer (order by using the Fall Recruiting Flyer Order Form)

• Pinewood Derby Car or other cool props

• Cub Scout Uniform (full of badges)

* Conduct Boy Talk a c o u p l e d a y s before, the Fall Recruiting Night *

Steps in Conducting the Boy Talk:

1. Call the principal at least two weeks prior to the day you want to conduct the Boy Talks. Ask

him/her to allow you to go from classroom to classroom. If classroom visits are not okay you

may be able to have all the boys gathered for a brief assembly or you may be able to speak to

boys over their lunch period.

2. Wear your uniform!

3. Stop at the school office to introduce yourself to the secretary and principal about 15 minutes

prior to the time you have scheduled.

4. Introduce yourself to each classroom teacher and say you are there to talk to the boys about

Scouts, but the girls are welcome to listen. (They may wish to join Girl Scouts)

5. The actual presentation to the boys should include:

• A brief description of the fun activities in Cub Scouts. Show the PW Derby Car, uniform, or other props.

• Showing the boys a copy of the flyer that went out the past week and ask if they remember it.

• Inviting the boys to come to the Fall Recruiting Night with parents.

• Giving the boys a flyer and sticker and asking the boys to show the f l y e r to a parent as soon as they get


• Finishing with a reminder of the “ where and when” of the Fall Recruiting Night (ask boys to repeat it).

• Stop at the office after all classes have been visited to express thanks and leave extra f l y e r s with the

school secretary.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Fall Recruiting Night


The Fall Recruiting Night is a meeting where all new families are asked to arrive at the designated time and

stay for the entire meeting. The meeting should last no more than 45 minutes. New parents are invited to

come to a New Parent Orientation meeting within the next 7 days.

Key to Success: Be Prepared, review the script provided in the Pack Recruitment kit. Customize the script

to meet the needs of the pack. Know who is presenting what material. Start and end on-time.

Key to Success: Contact new families within 24 hours of the sign-up night by phone and email to remind

them about the upcoming Parent Orientation Meeting. Also remind them of upcoming Den and Pack

Meetings. Engaging new families right away is vital to keeping new boys in Cub Scouts.

Steps to Success... 1. Before You Leave Home:

0 Prepare your pre-opening activity. Something to engage new boys while they wait for the

program to begin.

0 Wear your uniform.

0 Review the agenda and script provided in the Pack Recruitment kit. Practice your


0 Be sure you have all contents of your 2014 Fall Recruiting Kit p l u s these extras listed below:

0 20-30 pens

0 Copies of your Pack & Den annual calendars and contact information of Pack leaders

0 Change, for those that may pay in cash

0 Masking tape to display signs and posters

0 Den & Pack program displays including pictures and projects from the previous year.

0 Items to display including; Tiger, Wolf, Bear & Webelos handbooks; Cub Scout

uniform; Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide and other Cub Scout leader books.

2. Set Up - Arrive at your location at least 30 minutes before the start time:

0 Organize your materials and set up the room. Tables should be organized so boys and

parents are sitting together and separated by grade. Use table tents provided to designate

tables. Be sure each table has plenty of pens.

0 Check with other team members (unit leaders) on their part of the program.

0 Post your pack organizational chart.

0 Assist den leaders with their displays.

0 Organize your pre-opening activity.

0 Station a greeter at the entrance to ensure each parent signs in, and receives an information


Packets for parents should include: • Youth Application * (Ask your District Executive for more copies if needed)

• Cub Scout Parent Information Guide * ( Ask your District Executive for more copies if needed)

• Mini Boy’s Life magazine * (Ask your District Executive for more copies if needed)

• Copy of calendar and pack leadership contact information

• Copy of Mission Family*

• Copy of How Can I Help *

* These items are provided for each pack in the 2014 Fall Recruiting kit. Packs may need to make additional copies of

some of these items.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

Fall Recruiting Night



3. Conduct the Meeting

0 Begin promptly. Start and end on-time. This meeting should last no more than 45 minutes.

0 Follow the F a l l R e c r u i t i n g N i g h t Agenda and Script found in the Recruitment


4. After the Meeting

Be sure to turn in all youth applications, monies, and attendance rosters and report envelope

at your District Turn-in meeting headquarters. Follow-up with families will be a key to

success, keep families informed about what is going on.

Remember, the Fall Recruiting Night is not the September Pack Meeting; it is a

joining event for new Cub Scouts and their families. The Pack Meeting for

September should be a week or two after the Fall Recruitment Night.

After the Fall Recruiting Night

Parent Orientation Meeting

This meeting is to be scheduled no more than one week after the F a l l R e c r u i t m e n t Night. All

parents and leaders should attend. This meeting is conducted by the Cubmaster or Pack Committee

Chair. Your Unit Commissioner can also help with this meeting. There is a sample agenda in the Fall

Recruitment kit.

Be sure every new leader has a volunteer coach. (See page 11-12 of this guide) Give a copy of this

page to each new volunteer and their coach.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America

After the Fall Recruiting Night


The October Plan - It’s Not Too Late to Join!

The September Fall Recruiting Night is, no doubt, the single most productive recruiting event of the

year for Cub Scout packs. However, even when the Fall Recruiting Night plan is executed perfectly

some families miss the opportunity to join Cub Scouts.

The October Pack Meeting is the perfect opportunity to invite boys and their families to join your pack

that may have missed, or been unaware of your Fall Recruiting Night. With very little additional

effort Packs across the council will bring hundreds of boys into Cub Scouting this October that

otherwise missed the opportunity to join in September.

Here are the few additional steps each pack needs to take in October to maximize the success of

their Fall Roundup:

1. Contact the school principal. Thank them for their support of your pack’s successful Fall

Recruiting Night. (This should be done right away, after the Fall Recruiting Night.)

2. Ask the principal to again allow you to distribute flyers to boys in grades 1-5. Emphasize the

importance of reaching out to families that may have missed your Fall Recruiting Night.

Deliver flyers to the school for distribution at least one week prior to your October pack

meeting. The flyers can be ordered by submitting the Cub Scout Fall Recruiting Flyer

Order Form to your District Executive.

Note: The first meeting you have with the

principal in August is the best time to ask

about distributing flyers in September and

October. Explain that you would like to

distribute flyers before the Fall Recruiting

Night and also before your October pack

meeting to catch those you missed in


3. Be ready at your October pack

meeting to welcome new boys. Give

new parents the information packet

you used at your Fall Recruiting

Night. Ask them to stay after the

Pack meeting for about 15 minutes so

they can complete the paperwork and

meet their den leaders.

4. Follow-up with all new families. Be

sure they are aware of den and pack

meetings, pack activities, the

popcorn sale etc.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America


Welcome to Pack

Our Commitment to New Volunteers

1. Each new volunteer will have a coach; a friend in the pack assigned to help orient each new

volunteer to their role.

My coach is: Phone: ______________________________

2. Your coach will meet with you as needed to answer questions, provide direction & training

and share ideas. Before my first meeting with my coach I will:

0 Complete the Adult Leader Application.

0 Complete Youth Protection Training, online at www.MyScouting.org.

0 If internet access is not available, ask your coach about in person Youth Protection training

courses offered in your pack.

Turn in the completed adult application and Youth Protection

training certificate to your Pack Committee Chair.

3. At our first meeting, on , at , my coach and I will: (Date) (Time)

0 Share phone numbers & contact information.

0 Review roster of boys in my den. (for new den leaders)

0 Discuss our roles as volunteer leaders in the pack.

0 Review the pack’s annual calendar and upcoming events.

0 Work together to plan our first den meeting (new Den Leaders). Including setting the

date, time, location, and contacting all the families.

4. Your coach will help you with available resources and training, taking time to discuss each

resource and how to use them to provide quality program for Cub Scouts.

Resources Needed:

0 Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide

0 Appropriate Cub Scout Handbook for their den (Den/Webelos Leaders)

0 Advancement Chart (Den/Webelos Leaders)

0 Webelos Leader Guidebook

0 Other:

All training for Cub Scout Leaders is available online. Logon to www.MyScouting.org and

create your MyScouting online account and accessing training courses. Training courses are

also offered at the pack and district level for those who prefer live courses or lack internet


Training Needed:

0 Youth Protection Training

0 Cub Scout Fast Start Training: A quick course designed to get you up and running.

0 Cub Scout Leader Specific Training: What you need to know about your specific role

as a Cub Scout Leader.

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Bay-Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America


Online Training for New Volunteers

You do not have to be a registered member or have a member ID to take Youth

Protection and other training courses online.

To take training courses go to www.MyScouting.org and create an account. From

the MyScouting.org portal, click on “E-Learning” and take the courses listed

below at your pace. All courses do not need to be taken at once. You have 30 days to

complete these courses:

0 Youth Protection Training

0 Cub Scout Fast Start Training: A quick course to get you up and running.

0 Cub Scout Leader Specific Training: What you need to know about your specific

role as a Cub Scout Leader.

Upon completion of each course, you may print a certificate to submit to the unit leader

for processing at the local council.

When your volunteer application is approved, you will receive a BSA membership card

which includes your member ID number. After you receive your membership card, log

back into MyScouting, click on “My Profile” and update the system by inputting your

member ID number. This will link your training record in MyScouting to your BSA

membership and you will no longer need to print certificates to submit to the local


If you have any questions please call (toll free) 800-372-6887 or visit our local council

website at www.baylakesbsa.org.

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