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S.Martinho Day

Cultural or religious celebration?


Page 2: Cultural or religious celebration portugal

A different celebration – why?

On 11th November everyone in Portugal


S.Martinho’s Day

In this celebration Religion, Culture and


get together! … do you understand it?

This is such an important celebration that last year, because it was 11-11-11, even Google celebrated it with this Doodle…

Page 3: Cultural or religious celebration portugal

We chose this celebration because…

While in Primary we always celebrate it at school and we love it!

We learn a lot about our and our culture!

By celebrating this kind of traditions we understand better how Religion is connected with Traditions and together with

other things we build our Culture.

Page 4: Cultural or religious celebration portugal

Portugal is a great producer of wine and around middle November it’s time to taste the new wine produced around the end of September.

In November, in the North of Portugal, big and old chestnut trees are giving away their fruit.

This is a time of ABUNDANCE and people celebrate it TOGETHER and


Characteristics of the celebration

Page 5: Cultural or religious celebration portugal

ORIGIN–a day named after a Saint

• 316 aC- He was born in Panonia region(where Hungary is nowadays).

• His father was a Roman soldier.

• When he was only 15 he was forced to be one of the Emperor’s soldiers.

• In 337 aC, when he was going to France, the so called Miracle happened

397 aC - S. Martinho dies in Candes, near Tours (where he was a bishop for more than 25 years).

• On 11th November he is buried.

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ORIGIN–the legend behind a man’s life

There is a special moment always referred to when describing Saint Martin’s life which is the reason for this celebration.

(Click the video button to know all about S.Martinho Legend)

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Customs and Traditions

TRADITIONAL CUISINEApart from the chestnuts and the wine there aren’t traditional dishes for this celebration.Around this time of the year people in villages also kill the pigs they bread for the whole family and friends to eat.That’s why, in some parts of Portugal, people tend to cook dishes with pork meat and chestnuts together.

Only when children are in Primary school they make a lot of Arts and Crafts using real chestnuts or other decorations related to this legend and use them to decorate their classrooms or school.

There isn’t a specific program for this celebration nor special decorations.

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Customs and Traditions

STREAMS OF CULTUREPresentation of our school and city

Regional DifferencesThere aren’t really significant differences among regions when celebrating S. Martinho. In most of the places in Portugal people organize a way to eat together in their neighbourhood, school, family or just among friends, drink some wine and eat a lot, especially really good and warm roasted chestnuts.

Beliefs and PredictionsAs in the legend, people believe that sometime in the middle of Autumn there will come at least 3 days of pure Summer (and most of the years that is so) where they can profit from the sun again.Also farmers believe that this is a good prediction for the future crops.

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Students’ Point of View

Page 10: Cultural or religious celebration portugal

Students’ Point of ViewWe particularly like MAGUSTO that is the part where we prepare and eat the roasted chestnuts and play or sing:

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