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  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    The cryosphere


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    The present volumeof ice on Earth

    accounts for about

    2% of water in any

    form and contains

    ~80% of Earth’sfreshwater.

    Bindschadler, 2004 2

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Cryosphere:  All frozen water on Earth. Includes glaciers, the main

    component of the cryosphere, in addition to sea ice, lake and river ice,

    permafrost, and seasonal snow cover. 


    Geosphere Atmosphere

    Cryosphere Biosphere


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Water is the only substance on the Earth’s surface that occurs

    naturally in all three phases—solid (ice), liquid and gas (water





    (NOTE: You can’t see the

    water vapour…the

    clouds are not water

    vapour; they consist of

    ice crystals and liquiddroplets)


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Glaciers are the most obvious and important part of the cryosphere.

    At present, they cover about 11% of the Earth’s surface. 

     Antarctic Ice Sheet

    Greenland Ice Sheethttp://www.grida.no/graphicslib/detail/the-cryosphere-world-map_e290

     Alpine glaciers


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    An additional 15% of the land mass is underlain by permafrost .

    Permafrost is permanently frozen ground (i.e., temperature always <

    0°C). It should not be confused with ground ice—ice that

    commonly (but not invariably) occurs as layers and in pore spaces inpermanently frozen ground. Permafrost



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Permafrost  depths range from metres to 100s of metres.


        (   m    )

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow-covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.

    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer. 8

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.

    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer. 9

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    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    With the exception of the snow near the tops of mountain glaciers and on the higher parts of the Greenlandand Antarctic Ice Sheets, the snow that blankets the continents in winter melts almost entirely in summer.

    In contrast to glaciers and permafrost, the extent of snow cover fluctuates

    dramatically on a seasonal basis. About 50% of the land mass in the Northern

    Hemisphere becomes snow covered in winter. Snow is less widespread in the

    southern hemisphere because continents are located farther north, closer to

    the equator. Only New Zealand, Antarctica and mountainous regions in the

    Andes and SE Australia receive appreciable snow.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    The white, seasonal blanket of snow that spreads over the land

    surface has a direct parallel in high-latitude oceans, namely sea ice.

    Sea ice



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Most sea ice is seasonal. However, some remains year round,

    especially in the Arctic.

    Because it forms by freezing of

    seawater, melting sea ice does

    not contribute to sea level rise.


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    Most sea ice is seasonal. However, some remains year round,

    especially in the Arctic.


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  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Sea ice is thin. It is generally only several meters thick (average ~3

    m). Permanent sea ice can reach thickness of 6 m.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Glaciers account for most of the volume of the cryosphere and

    they are an important, dynamic component of Earth’s climate

    system. The rest of this lecture will focus on them.


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    Viewed from space, the striking thing about glaciers, especially

    where snow-covered (i.e., not bare ice), is the amount of light they

    reflect. In other words, they have a high albedo relative to the

    ocean and continents.

     Albedo (% reflected light)





     Albedo: the amount of light reflected

    back into space off a given surface,

    measured in percent.

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    ASIDE. The high albedo and considerable size of the Antarctic Ice

    Sheet contributes to pronounced earthshine during our winters. 28

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    Glacier: A naturally accumulated ice mass that deforms

    (flows) under its own weight.

    Brodzikowski & Loon, 1991


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    Force Normal stress (σ) Shear stress (τ)

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Water and air are considered to be “normal” fluids (i.e.,

    Newtonian fluids). They deform instantaneously with applied

    shear and their viscosities (viscosity = the slope of the lines in

    the graph below) remain the same as shear stress is increased.

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  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Rate of deformation

    Newtonian fluid

    Water and air are considered to be “normal” fluids (i.e.,

    Newtonian fluids). They deform instantaneously with applied

    shear and their viscosities (viscosity = the slope of the lines in

    the graph below) remain the same as shear stress is increased.

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    Rate of deformation

    Water and air are considered to be “normal” fluids (i.e.,

    Newtonian fluids). They deform instantaneously with applied

    shear and their viscosities (viscosity = the slope of the lines in

    the graph below) remain the same as shear stress is increased.

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    Rate of deformation

    Water and air are considered to be “normal” fluids (i.e.,

    Newtonian fluids). They deform instantaneously with applied

    shear and their viscosities (viscosity = the slope of the lines in

    the graph below) remain the same as shear stress is increased.

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    Rate of deformation

    Water and air are considered to be “normal” fluids (i.e.,

    Newtonian fluids). They deform instantaneously with applied

    shear and their viscosities (viscosity = the slope of the lines in

    the graph below) remain the same as shear stress is increased.

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    Rate of deformation

    Some fluids are non-Newtonian in that they exhibit shear

    thinning behavior: their viscosities decrease as shear stress is


    Wall paint

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    Rate of deformation

    Some fluids are non-Newtonian in that they exhibit shear

    thinning behavior: their viscosities decrease as shear stress is


    Wall paint

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    Rate of deformation

    Some fluids are non-Newtonian in that they exhibit shear

    thinning behavior: their viscosities decrease as shear stress is


    Wall paint

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    Rate of deformation

    Some fluids are non-Newtonian in that they exhibit shear

    thinning behavior: their viscosities decrease as shear stress is

    increased, and vice versa. This behaviour helps prevent drips. 

    Wall paint

    h h h h b h h k

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Rate of deformation

    Others are non-Newtonian in that they exhibit shear thickening

    behavior: their viscosities increase as shear stress is increased. 

    Corn starch & water (“ooblek”) 

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    What about something like ice? 

    Solid? Fluid?

    Some substances like ice are hard to describe. They can behave

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    Rate of deformation

    Some substances like ice are hard to describe. They can behave

    either as a solid or a fluid; they are said to be viscoelastic. Ice will

    flow like a fluid, given enough time. It exhibits considerable shear

    thinning behavior; as such, it only flows in earnest when shear

    stress is sufficiently high stresses (e.g., an ice cube will sublimatelong before it flows, but ice that is >30 m thick will flow). If

    stressed quickly, crystal dislocations will not have time to

    propagate, and the ice will behave elastically or fracture like a


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Some substances like ice are hard to describe. They can behave

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Rate of deformation


    either as a solid or a fluid; they are said to be viscoelastic. Ice will

    flow like a fluid, given enough time. It exhibits considerable shear

    thinning behavior; as such, it only flows in earnest when shear

    stress is sufficiently high stresses (e.g., an ice cube will sublimatelong before it flows, but ice that is >30 m thick will flow). If

    stressed quickly, crystal dislocations will not have time to

    propagate, and the ice will behave elastically or fracture like a


    Some substances like ice are hard to describe. They can behave

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Rate of deformation


    either as a solid or a fluid; they are said to be viscoelastic. Ice will

    flow like a fluid, given enough time. It exhibits considerable shear

    thinning behavior; as such, it only flows in earnest when shear

    stress is sufficiently high stresses (e.g., an ice cube will sublimatelong before it flows, but ice that is >30 m thick will flow). If

    stressed quickly, crystal dislocations will not have time to

    propagate, and the ice will behave elastically or fracture like a


    Some substances like ice are hard to describe. They can behave

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    Rate of deformation


    either as a solid or a fluid; they are said to be viscoelastic. Ice will

    flow like a fluid, given enough time. It exhibits considerable shear

    thinning behavior; as such, it only flows in earnest when shear

    stress is sufficiently high stresses (e.g., an ice cube will sublimatelong before it flows, but ice that is >30 m thick will flow). If

    stressed quickly, crystal dislocations will not have time to

    propagate, and the ice will behave elastically or fracture like a


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    For simplicity, sometimes ice is modelled as a plastic 

    material—one that will flow, but only once a yield stress has

    been breached. A critical thickness of ~30 m is typically

    assumed to provide the requisite yield stress. 



    Rate of deformation



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    There are two main types of glaciers, ice sheets, which are not

    confined by topography, and alpine glaciers, which are.


     Antarctic Ice Sheet

    Greenland Ice Sheethttp://www.grida.no/graphicslib/detail/the-cryosphere-world-map_e290

     Alpine glaciers

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Broecker & Denton, 1992

    There are two ice sheets today, one in Antarctica and one in



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    They are thick —over 4 km in places.

    4 km3 km2 km

    1 km



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Ice sheets are subdivided into domes—elevated “recharge”

    areas from which ice flows from more or less radially.


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Lecture 2: The cryo sphere  

    Types of glaciers 

    ice domes


    Flow in the centre of ice sheets is slow and unconfined. At the extremities, however,

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    flow becomes focused into ice streams that form between areas of slower moving

    ice. These ice streams flow one to several orders of magnitude faster than flow in

    the central part of the ice sheet —over 1 km per year in places. In Antarctica, most

    of the ice in the ice sheet is discharged to the ocean through ice streams.


    Where an ice stream meets the ocean, it starts to float, thins out

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    Where an ice stream meets the ocean, it starts to float, thins out

    considerably, and forms an ice shelf  from which icebergs break off, a

    process known as “calving”. Ice shelves are generally 100 to 1000 m thick,

    much thicker than seasonal sea ice.


    h l d dl d l

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    image: John Shaw

    Jan 21,


    Larson B Ice Shelf, Antarctica

    Ice shelves can disintegrate rapidly during massive calving events.


    I h l di i idl d i i l i

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    March 5,


    Larson B Ice Shelf, Antarctica

    Ice shelves can disintegrate rapidly during massive calving events.


    In terms of total volume, alpine glaciers are insignificant relative to ice sheets.

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    image: John Shaw

    Swiss Alps

    They contain 0.3% of the volume of ice on Earth. Perhaps not surprisingly, they

    have been much less significant than ice sheets in the geological past in terms

    of their influence on the ocean, geosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. As such,

    when I use the word “glacier” in the course, you can take it as being

    synonymous with “ice sheet” unless noted otherwise. 


    T diti i d f l i t f Wh t th ?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Two conditions are required for glaciers to form. What are they?


    T diti i d f l i t f Wh t th ?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Two conditions are required for glaciers to form. What are they?

    1. Snowfall

    2. Preservation of the snowfall over summer


    Wh th diti t?

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    Where are these conditions met?


    Wh th diti t?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Where are these conditions met?

    -High latitudes (i.e., near the poles)

    Solar radiation

    per m2




    Where are these conditions met?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Where are these conditions met?

    -High latitudes (i.e., near the poles)

    ASIDE: For a similar reason, you tend

    become sunburned in the middle of

    the day, not at the end of it.

    No threat here


    Where are these conditions met?

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    Where are these conditions met?

    -High latitudes (i.e., near the poles)

    -High altitudes

    Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 64

    3°  S of equator

    Although composed of a volatile substance* (water) as opposed to refractory

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    * Volatile: A substance that evaporates (i.e., boils) at a relatively low temperature (e.g., room temperature).

    Examples include water, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. The opposite of volatile is refractory.

    ** Refractory : A substance that evaporates (i.e., boils) at a relatively high temperature (e.g., hundreds of degrees

    C). Examples include the metals and silicate minerals that make up the geosphere. 65

    Although composed of a volatile substance* (water) as opposed to refractory

    substances** like the rock in the geosphere, glacier ice can essentially be

    thought of as metamorphic rock . Why?

    Although composed of a volatile substance* (water) as opposed to refractory

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Although composed of a volatile substance (water) as opposed to refractory

    substances** like the rock in the geosphere, glacier ice can essentially be

    thought of as metamorphic rock . Why? Glaciers form by recrystallization of

    snow flake crystals, just like a metamorphic rock forms by recrystallization of

    an igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock precursor.

    * Volatile: A substance that evaporates (i.e., boils) at a relatively low temperature (e.g., room temperature).

    Examples include water, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. The opposite of volatile is refractory.

    ** Refractory : A substance that evaporates (i.e., boils) at a relatively high temperature (e.g., hundreds of degrees

    C). Examples include the metals and silicate minerals that make up the geosphere. 66

    Generation of glacier iceFresh snow

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    involves (1) burial

    metamorphism of snow

    and, in temperate regions,

    (2) melting (summer) and

    refreezing (winter) of snow.

    Fresh snowDensity ~0.05 g/cm3

    Very high porosity ~95%

    FirnDensity ~0.4-0.83 g/cm3

    Pore spaces stillconnected

    (Firn = snow that has

    survived a summer melt


    Glacier iceDensity ~0.83-0.9 g/cm3

    Pore spaces

    disconnected; air

    bubbles form

    B  ur i   al   d  e p t  h  


    Ice sheets tend to have an inner zone of mass gain referred to as

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    Ice sheets tend to have an inner zone of mass gain referred to as

    the accumulation zone (accumulation > ablation) and an outer

    zone of mass loss referred to as the ablation zone (accumulation

    < ablation). The line separating the two zones in the equilibrium

    line (accumulation = ablation)

    Why is this so? Because the

    atmosphere is heated from

    the ground up, snow tends to

     preserve in the elevated

    central portions of ice sheets,where it is colder. These

    areas of net mass gain are

    referred to as accumulation

     zones. Closer to sea level, air

    temperatures are warmer,

    which can lead to meltingand mass loss; if the glacier is

    marine-terminating, calving

    will occur. This zone is

    referred to as the ablation

     zone. (Ablation = any form of

    mass loss.) 68

    Accumulation = all mass gained from precipitation

    Ablation = sum of all forms of mass loss (melting, sublimation, calving)

    ---- For a glacier to exit, accumulation must exceed ablation ----

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    Mass balance gradient



    Equilibrium line


    Maintenance of accumulation and ablation zones drives glacier motion

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    Mass balance gradient



    Equilibrium line



    Glacier advance and recession

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    Glaciers require a positive mass balance to

    form and be maintained (i.e., to get a glacier,

    accumulation must exceed ablation).

    Glacier advance

    Accumulation > ablation

    Glacier retreat

    Ablation > accumulation

     ASIDE: There is a common misconception

    that glaciers stop flowing when their fronts

    recede. This is false. The ice within a

    receding glacier continues to flow forward,

    down the gravitational gradient.

    For example, the glacier pictured in this

    slide continued to flow to the right (as

    indicated by red arrows) as its front

    receded between 2001 and 2005. Helheim Glacier, Greenland





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    There are three mechanisms by which a glacier moves:

    a) ice deformation,

    b) basal sliding, and

    c) subsole deformation

    72(a) Ice deformation (b) Basal sliding (c) Subsole deformation(i.e., deformation of sediment beneath glacier)

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  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    There are three mechanisms by which a glacier moves:

    a) ice deformation,

    b) basal sliding, and

    c) subsole deformation


    If the base of a glacier is above the

    pressure-melting point (i.e., it is a “warm-

    based glacier” aka “ wet-based glacier”),then the glacier can move by all three

    processes—basal slip can occur,

    subglacial sediments can deform, and the

    ice will deform internally.

    (a) Ice deformation (b) Basal sliding (c) Subsole deformation(i.e., deformation of sediment beneath glacier)

      Unlike cold-based glaciers, warm-based glaciers are at their pressure-melting

    point. A process known as regelation can occur beneath these glaciers,

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    p p g g ,

    whereby pressure fluctuations (e.g., around obstacts) causes ice to melt

    (upflow of obstacle; high pressure) then refreeze (lee of obstact; low pressure).


    Regelation (gif) demonstrated using a thin wire

      Regelation in the lee of bedrock obstacles can cause blocks of bedrock to be

    plucked from these locations. Once the plucked chunks of rock are

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    plucked from these locations. Once the plucked chunks of rock are

    incorporated in the ice, they can then “abrade” the bedrock in a sandpaper

    type fashion. This generates mm-wide scratches (“striations”) on the bedrock,

    and it produces mud-sized sediment. Subglacial erosion occurs by these two

    processes, plucking and abrasion.

    2. Abrasion1. Plucking

    High pressure (melting)Low pressure

    (freezing & plucking)


    Erosion of bedrock by glaciers


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Any evidence of abrasion and/or plucking here?

    77Plucked bedrockStriations

    Whi h did l i fl ?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Any evidence of abrasion and/or plucking here?


    Ice flow

    Plucked bedrockStriations

    Which way did glacier flow?

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    This outcrop is striated.  Do striations run left right, or up down?


    Stratification in rock

    Striations on rock

    Because ice is extremely competent* it can transport just about

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Because ice is extremely competent , it can transport just about

    anything, from the smallest clay particle up to slabs of

    bedrock the size of Marion Hall (and bigger).

    The Big Rock (Okotoks Erratic)


    80*Competence = a measure of flow strength, as gaged by the size of the

    largest particle it can carry.

    In ice sheets this debris is typically frozen up into the base of the

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    In ice sheets, this debris is typically frozen up into the base of the

    glacier and gets transported downflow until it melts out or is

    plastered (“lodged”) back onto the substrate. (The surface of

    ice sheets, unlike alpine glaciers, tends to be debris-free;rather, all the action happens at the base.)




  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    Most non-glacial sedimentary rocks

    Unlike wind and water, which can only transport relatively fine sediment, glaciers

    tend not to sort their sediment load at all. As such, glacial deposits, which are

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    g p

    referred to as till, tend to be diamictons (i.e., poorly sorted, massive mixes of mud,

    sand and gravel)*. Clasts within tills are commonly angular; some may be striated.

    How would you describe this?


    *This is not always the case, however. “Till” is a genetic term, not a descriptive one: tills are defined solely based on their origin

    (they must have been deposited directly from glacier ice with little to no subsequent reworking by water or other agent). A till may

    be composed of any mix of grain sizes so long as it satisfies the above definition. That being said, most tills are diamictons, and

     people (me included) commonly think of diamicton when they think of till. 


    Unlike wind and water, which can only transport relatively fine sediment, glaciers

    tend not to sort their sediment load at all. As such, glacial deposits, which are

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    g p

    referred to as till, tend to be diamictons (i.e., poorly sorted, massive mixes of mud,

    sand and gravel)*. Clasts within tills are commonly angular; some may be striated.

    How would you interpret this?

    Striated clast



    *This is not always the case, however. “Till” is a genetic term, not a descriptive one: tills are defined solely based on their origin

    (they must have been deposited directly from glacier ice with little to no subsequent reworking by water or other agent). A till may

    be composed of any mix of grain sizes so long as it satisfies the above definition. That being said, most tills are diamictons, and

     people (me included) commonly think of diamicton when they think of till. 

    Glacial landforms

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    Drumlins: Streamlined hills generated beneath flowing glacier ice.

    Glacial landformsOak Ridges Moraine

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    Moraine: Mound of sediment (commonly mix of till and well sorted sand

    and gravel), typically generated at the edge (end or sides) of a glacier.

    Oak Ridges Moraine

    Glacial landforms

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers



    Esker: Elongate ridge of sand and gravel generated by meltwater

    flowing along base of glacier. Eskers commonly link to large fan-

    shaped sand and gravel bodies (outwash) generated where the

    stream expands and decelerates at ice front.




  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Esker deposition

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Esker deposition

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    Esker deposition

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers




    18 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    18,000 14C yr BP

    14 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    14,000 14C yr BP

    13 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    13,000 14C yr BP

    12 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    12,000 14C yr BP

    11 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    11,000 14C yr BP

    10 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    10,000 14C yr BP

    9 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    9,000 14C yr BP

    8 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    8,000 C yr BP

    7 000 14C yr BP

  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    7,000 C yr BP

    7 000 14C yr BP

    Evidence of glaciation?



  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    7,000 C yr BPLandforms-Till and dispersal trains within

    -Isostatic rebound

    -Disrupted drainage


  • 8/19/2019 Cummings 2016 GEO1111 Lecture 17 Glaciers


    1. What is a glacier? (slide 29)

    2. What two things are required for a glacier to form? (slide 59-64)

    3. Where do glaciers form? (slide 61-64)

    4. Why is glacier ice described as viscoelastic? (slides 29-48)

    5. What is albedo? (slide 27)

    6. How does sea ice differ from an ice shelf? (slides 21-25 and 55-57)

    7. How does formation of sea ice contribute to oceanic circulation? (slide 24)

    8. What are the two main types of glaciers? (slide 49)

    9. What is the mass balance of a glacier? (slides 68-71)10. How do cold-based glaciers differ from warm-based ones? (slides 72-74)

    11. By which three mechanisms can glaciers move? (slides 72-74)

    12. What is the difference between till and diamicton? (slides 83-84)

    13. What evidence exists that Canada was (almost entirely) covered by glacier

    ice during the last glaciation? (slide 101)

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