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Page 1: Cumulative Author-Title Index’ Volumes 1-81 · 2017-02-09 · JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 83, 38-3 (1989) Cumulative Author-Title Index’ Volumes 1-81 A AARNES, JOHAN F., Continuity


Cumulative Author-Title Index’ Volumes 1-81


AARNES, JOHAN F., Continuity of Group Representations, with Applications to C.-Algebras, 5, 14-36.

ABRAHAMSE, M. B., The Spectrum of a Toe- plitz Operator with a Multiplicatively Periodic Symbol, 31, 224-233.


Conditional Expectations in von Neu- mann Algebras and a Theorem of Take- saki, 45, 245-273.


R., A Martingale Characterization of Canonical Commutation and Anticom- mutation Relations, 77, 21 l-23 1.

ACQUISTAPACE, PAOLO, AND TERRENI, BRU- NELLO, Maximal Space Regularity for Abstract Linear Non-autonomous Para- bolic Equations, 60, 168-210.


KAZU, Twisted Perron-Frobenius Theo- rem and L-Functions, 71, 146.

ADAMS, MALCOLM R., Spectral Properties of Zeroth-Order Pseudodifferential Opera- tors, 52, 42&441.

ADAMS, R. A., On the Orlicz-Sobolev Imbedding Theorem, 24, 241-257.

ADAMS, R. A., General Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and Orlicz Imbeddings, 34, 292-303.


Equations of Langmuir Turbulence and Nonlinear Schriidinger Equation: Smoothness and Approximation, 79, 183-210.

ADDED, STEPHANE, see H&l&e Added. AGLER, JIM, An Invariant Subspace Theo-

rem, 38, 315-323.

AIRAULT, HBL~NE, Thbordme de Fatou et frontitre de Martin, 12, 41&455.

AKEMANN, CHARLES A., The General Stone-Weierstrass Problem, 4, 277-294.

AKEMANN, CHARLES A., Left Ideal Structure of C.-Algebras, 6, 305-317.


GAMLEN, J. L. B., Weak Compactness in the Dual Space of a C.-Algebra, 10, 446-450.

AKEMANN, CHARLES A., AND JOHNSON, B. E., Derivations of Non-separable C’-Alge- bras, 33, 311-331.


AND TOMIYAMA, JUN, Multipliers of C’- Algebras, 13, 277-301.

ALBEWRIO, SERGIO, AND HBEGH-KROHN, RAPHAEL, The Wightman Axioms and the Mass Gap for Strong Interactions of Exponential Type in Two-Dimensional Space-Time, 16, 39-82.


RAPHAEL, Homogeneous Random Fields and Statistical Mechanics, 19, 242-272.


AND HOLDEN, HELGE, Stochastic Multi- plicative Measures, Generalized Markov Semigroups, and Group-Valued Sto- chastic Processes and Fields, 78, 154-184.

ALBEVERIO, SERGIO, HBEGH-KROHN, R., AND TESTARD, D., Irreducibility and Reduci- bility for the Energy Representation of the Group of Mappings of a Rieman- nian Manifold into a Compact Semi- simple Lie Group, 41, 378-396.

ALBEVEWO, SERGIO, HBEGH-KROHN, R., AND TESTARD, D., Factoriality of Represen-

’ Boldface numbers indicate appropriate volumes; lightface numbers indicate pagination.

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Page 2: Cumulative Author-Title Index’ Volumes 1-81 · 2017-02-09 · JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 83, 38-3 (1989) Cumulative Author-Title Index’ Volumes 1-81 A AARNES, JOHAN F., Continuity


tations of the Group of Paths on SU(n), 57, 49-55.

AL-IO, SERGIO, HBEGH-KROHN, R., TES- TARD, D., AND VERSHIK, A., Factorial Representations of Path Groups, 51, 115-131.

ALBEVERIO, SERGIO, KUSUOKA, SHIGEO, AND STREIT, LUDWIG, Convergence of Diric- hlet Forms and Associated Schrijdinger Operators, 68, 130-148.

ALBRECHT, ERNST, AND VASILESCU, FLORIAN- HORIA, Stability of the Index of a Semi- Fredholm Complex of Banach Spaces, 66, 141-172.

ALEXANDER, H., Projections of Polynomial Hulls, 13, 13-19.

ALEXANDER, J. C., Bifurcation of Zeroes of Parametrized Functions, 29, 37-53.

ALEXANDER, J. C., Constrained Multipara- meter Global Bifurcation, 59, 490- 497.

ALEXANDER, J. C., AND FITZPATRICK, P. M., The Homotopy of Certain Spaces of Nonlinear Operators, and Its Relation to Global Bifurcation of the Fixed Points of Parametrized Condensing Operators, 34, 87-106.

ALEXANDER, J. C., AND YORKE, JAMES A., The Implicit Function Theorem and the Global Methods of Cohomology, 21, 330-339.

ALIPRANTIS, C. D., AND BURKINSHAW, O., On the Ring Ideal Generated by a Posi- tive Operator, 67, 6&72.

ALLAN, G. R., On Lifting Analytic Relations in Commutative Banach Algebras, 5, 3743.

ALMGREN, F. J., JR., A Maximum Principle for Elliptic Variational Problems, 4, 38&389.

ALSPACH, DALE E., C(a) Preserving Opera- tors on Separable Banach Spaces, 45, 139-168.

AUPACH, DALE E., MATHESON, A., AND ROSENBLATT, J., Projections onto Trans- lation--Invariant Subspaces of L,(G), 59, 254-292; erratum, 69, 141.

AMANN, HERBERT, On the Number of Solu- tions of Nonlinear Equations in Ordered Banach Spaces, 11, 346384.

AMANN, HERBERT, Fixed Points of Asympto-

tically Linear Maps in Ordered Banach Spaces, 14, 162-171.

AMANN, HERBERT, Multiple Positive Fixed Points of Asymptotically Linear Maps, 17, 174-213.

AMANN, HERBERT, Parabolic Evolution Equations in Interpolation and Extrapo- lation Spaces, 78, 233-270.

AMBR~SET~, ANTONIO, AND RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., Dual Variational Methods in Critical Point Theory and Applications, 14, 349-38 1.

AMREIN, W. O., AND BERTHIER, A. M., On Support Properties of LP-Functions and Their Fourier Transforms, 24, 258-267.

ANDERSEN, NIEL~ TOFT, Compact Perturba- tions of Reflexive Algebras, 38, 36-00.

ANDERSEN, TAGE BAI, Linear Extensions,

Projections, and Split Faces, 17, 161-173.

ANDERSON, JOEL, Extreme Points in Sets of Positive Linear Maps on S?(X), 31, 195-217.

ANDERSON, ROBERT F. V., The Weyl Func- tional Calculus, 4, 26267.

ANDERSON, ROBERT F. V., On the Weyl Functional Calculus, 6, 1 l&l 15.

ANDERSON, ROBERT F. V., The Multiplicative Weyl Functional Calculus, 9, 423-440.

ANDERSON, STEPHEN L., Green’s Function, Jensen Measures, and Bounded Point Evaluations, 43, 360-367.

ANDERSON, STEPHEN L., Bounded Point Evaluations for Nonminimal Measures, 71, 198-205.

ANDERSSON, LARS, Prequantization of Infi- nite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, 75, 58-91.

ANTOINE, J.-P., AND GROSSMANN, A., Partial Inner Product Spaces. I. General Pro- perties, 23, 369-378.

ANTOINE, J.-P., AND GROSSMANN, A., Partial Inner Product Spaces. II. Operators, 23, 379-39 1.

AOMOTO, K., Formule variationelle d’Hada- mard et modele des varibtks diffkren- tiables plongks, 34, 493-523.

APOSTOL, C., Remarks on the Perturbation and a Topology for Operators, 2, 395408.

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PEARCY, C., Invariant Subspaces, Dila- tion Theory, and the Structures of the Predual of a Dual Algebra, I, 63, 369404.

APPLEBAUM, DAVID, The Strong Markov Property for Fermion Brownian Motion, 65, 273-291.

ARAI, ASAO, Supersymmetry and Singular Perturbations, 60, 378-393.

ARAI, ASAO, On Dimensional Reduction of Functional Measures, 77, 372402.

AIZAZY, JONATHAN, Basic Sequences, Embed- dings, and the Uniqueness of the Sym- metric Structure in Unitary Matrix Spaces, 40, 302-340.

ARCHBOLD, R. J., On Factorial States of Operator Algebras, 55, 25-38.

ARCHBOLD, R. J., AND BABY, C. J. K., Extensions of Factorial States of C*- Algebras, 63, 86100.


JEAN, Order Isomorphisms of Fourier Algebras, 50, l-7.

ARENDT, WOLFGANG, AND HART, D. R., The Spectrum of Quasi-invertible Disjoint- ness Preserving Operators, 68, 149-167.

ARIBAUD, FRANCOIS, Un ThBor&me Ergo- dique pour les Espaces L’, 5, 395% 411.

ARNAL, D., Symmetric Nonself-Adjoint Ope- rators in an Enveloping Algebra, 21, 432447.

ARNAL, D., AND JURZAK, J.-P., Topological Aspects of Algebras of Unbounded Operators, 24, 397425.

AROCENA, RODRIGO, A Theorem of Nai- mark, Linear Systems, and Scattering Operators, 69, 281-288.

ARON, RICHARD M., HER-, C., AND VALDI- VIA, M., Weakly Continuous Mappings on Banach Spaces, 52, 189-204.

ARON, RICHARD M., AND SCHOTTENU)HER, M., Compact Holomorphic Mappings on Banach Spaces and the Approxima- tion Property, 21, 7-30.

ARSENE, CR., AND CONSTANTINEXU, T., Structure of Positive Block-Matrices and Nonstationary Prediction, 70, 402425.

ARVESON, WILLIAM B., On Groups of Auto-

morphisms of Operator Algebras, 15, 217-243.

ARVESON, WILLIAM B., Interpolation Pro- blems in Nest Algebras, 20, 208-233.

ARVESON, WILLIAM B., Perturbation Theory for Groups and Lattices, 53, 22-73.

ARVESON, WILLIAM B., Markov Operators and OS-Positive Processes, 66, 173-234.

AR-N, WILLIAM B., AND JOSEPHSON, KEITH B., Operator Algebras and Mea- sure Preserving Automorphisms, II, 4, 1oe134.

ASAM, LILLIAN, Translation-Invariant Linear Forms on I’(G) and Non-Liouville Tuples on G, 78, l-12.

ASIMOW, L., Exposed Faces of Dual Cones and Peak-Set Criteria for Function Spaces, 12, 45&474.


the Bounded Compact Approximation Property and Measures of Noncompact- ness, 70, 38840 1.

ATTOUCH, HBDY, AND PICARD, COLETTE, Variational Inequalities with Varying Obstacles: The General Form of the Limit Problem, 50, 329-386.

ATZMON, AHARON, Nonfinitely Generated Closed Ideals in Group Algebras, 11, 231-249.

ATZMON, AHARON, An Operator on a Fr& chet Space with No Common Invariant Subspace with Its Inverse, 55, 68-77.

AUBIN, THIERRY, Meilleures constantes dans le thkorerne d’inclusion de Sobolev et un thtorkme de Fredholm non linkaire pour la transformation conforme de la cour- bure scalaire, 32, 148-174.

AUBIN, THIERRY, equations de Monge-Am- ptre rkelles, 41, 354-377.

ALJBIN, THIERRY, Rkduction du cas positif de l’bquation de Monge-Amp&e sur les vari8t6s KghlCriennes compactes B la dkmonstration d’une inkgalitk, 57, 143-153.

AUPETIT, BERNARD, Caractkisation spectrale

des alg&bres de Banach de dimension tinie, 26, 232-250.

AUPETIT, BERNARD, The Uniqueness of the Complete Norm Topology in Banach Algebras and Banach Jordan Algebras, 47, I-6.

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AUPETIT, BERNARD, AND WERMER, JOHN, Capacity and Uniform Algebras, 28, 386400.

AUPETIT, BERNARD, AND ZEM~NEK, JARO- SLAV, Uniformly Regular Families of Commuting Operators, 78, 24-30.

AVILA, G. S. S., AND COSTA, D. G., Asymp- totic Properties of General Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems, 35, 49963.

AVRON, JOSEPH E., AND SIMON, BARRY, Tran- sient and Recurrent Spectrum, 43, l-31.


BABBITT, D., AND BALSLEV, E., A Characteri- zation of Dilation-Analytic Potentials and Vectors, 18, l-14.

BACKWINKEL-SCHILLINGS, MARGOT, Exis- tence Theorems for Generalized Ham- merstein Equations, 23, 177-194.

BADE, W. G., AND CURTIS, P. C., JR., The Continuity of Derivations of Banach Algebras,. 16, 372-387.

BADE, W. G., AND CURTIS, P. C., JR., The Structure of Module Derivations of Banach Algebras of Differentiable Functions, 28, 226247.

BADE, W. G., AND CURTIS, P. C., JR., Prime Ideals and Automatic Continuity Prob- lems for Banach Algebras, 29, 88-103.

BADE, W. G., AND DALES, H. G., Norms and Ideals in Radical Convolution Algebras, 41, 77-109.

BAGBY, THOMAS, Quasi Topologies and Rational Approximation, 10, 259-268.

BAGGET~, LARRY, A Separable Group Having a Discrete Dual Space Is Com- pact, 10, 131-148.

BAGGETT, LARRY, Operators Arising from Representations of Nilpotent Lie Groups, 24, 319-396.

BAGGERS, LARRY, On the Continuity of Mac- key’s Extension Process, 56, 233-250.

BAGGERS, LARRY, AND KLEPPNER, ADAM, Multiplier Representations of Abelian Groups, 14, 299324.

BAGGETT, LARRY, AND RAMSAY, ARLAN, Some Pathologies in the Mackey Analy- sis for a Certain Nonseparable Group, 39, 375-380.

BACGETT, LARRY, AND STROOCK, D., An Ergodic Theorem for Poisson Processes on a Compact Group with Applications to Random Evolutions, 16, 405414.

BAGGETT, LARRY, AND SUND, TERIE, The Hausdorff Dual Problem for Connected Groups, 43, 60-68.

BAGGETT, LARRY, AND TAYLOR, KEITH F., Riemann-Lebesgue Subsets of R” and Representations Which Vanish at Infi- nity, 28, 1688181.

BAGGET~, LARRY, AND TAYLOR, KEITH F., A Sufficient Condition for the Complete Reducibility of the Regular Representa- tion, 34, 250-265.

BAHRI, ABBAS, Topological Results on a Cer- tain Class of Functionals and Applica- tion, 41, 397-427.

BAILU)N, JEAN-BERNARD, Un Exemple Concernant le Comportement Asympto- tique de la Solution du Probltme dujdt + S&) 3 0, Xl, 369-376.

BAILU)N, JEAN-BERNARD, Gintrateurs et Semi-Groupes dans les Espaces de Banach Uniformement Lisses, 29, 199-213.

BAIOCCHI, C., AND BAOUENDI, M. S., Singu- lar Evolution Equations, 25, 103-120.

BAKER, B. M., A Central Decomposition, 35, l-25.

BAKER, B. M., AND POWERS, R. T., Product States and C’-Dynamical System of Product Type, 50, 229266.

BALACHANDRAN, V. K., AND SWAMINATHAN, N., Real H*-Algebras, 65, 64-75.

BALDONI-SILVA, M. W., AND KNAPP, A. W., Unitary Representations Induced from Maximal Parabolic Subgroups, 69, 21-120.

BALL, JOSEPH A., AND HELTON, J. WILLIAM, Beurling-Lax Representations Using Classical Lie Groups with Many Appli- cations. IV. GL(n, R), U*(Zn), SL(nC), and a Solvable Group, 69, 178-206.

BALL, J. M., Continuity Properties of Non- linear Semigroups, 17, 91-103.

BALL, J. M., CURRIE, J. C., AND OLVER, P. J., Null Lagrangians, Weak Continuity, and Variational Problems of Arbitrary Order, 41, 135-174.

BALL, J. M., AND MURAT, F., I+““-Quasi-

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convexity and Variational Problems for Multiple Integrals, 58, 225-253; erratum

66, 439. BALSLEV, ERIK, Analytic Scattering Theory

of Two-Body Schriidinger Operators, 29, 375-396.

BALSLEV, ERIK, Local Spectral Deformation Techniques for Schriidinger Operators, 58, 79-105.

BALSLEV, ERIK, Wave Operators for Dila- tion-Analytic Three-Body Hamiltonians, 81, 345-384.

BALSLEV, ERIK, see D. Babbitt. BAMBERGER, ALAIN, etude d’une equation

doublement non linkaire, 24, 148-155. BAAUELOS, RODRIGO, AND ~KSENDAL, BERNT,

A Stochastic Approach to Quasi-Every- where Boundary Convergence of Har- monic Functions, 72, 13-27.

BAOUENDI, M. S., AND G~ULAOUK, C., RtgularitC Analytique et It&& d’Op&ra- teurs Elliptiques D&g&-&s; Applica- tions, 9, 208-248.


Equation d’tvolution changeant de type, 2, 352-367.

BAOUENDI, M. S., see C. Baiocchi. BARAS, P., AND COHEN, L., Complete Blow-

Up after T,,, for the Solution of a Semilinear Heat Equation, 71, 142- 174.


Index and the Selberg Trace Formula, 53, 151-201.

BARBASCH, DAN, AND VOGAN, DAVID A., JR., The Local Structure of Characters, 37, 27-55.

BARDOS, C., A Regularity Theorem for Para- bolic Equations, 7, 3 I l-322.

BARDOS, C., GOLSE, F., PERTHAME, B., AND SENT~S, R., The Nonaccretive Radiative Transfer Equations: Existence of Solu- tions and Rosseland Approximation, 77, 434460.

BARKER, WILLIAM H., The Spherical Bochner Theorem on Semisimple Lie Groups, u), 179-207.

BARLOW, M. T., AND YOR, M., Semi-martin- gale Inequalities via the Garsia-Rode- mich-Rumsey Lemma, and Applications to Local Times, 49, 198-229.

BARNES, B. A., AND DUNCAN, J., The Banach Algebra I’(s), 18, 9&l 13.

BARNETT, C., STREATER, R. F., AND WILDE, I. F., The It&Clifford Integral, 48, 172-212.

BARNETT, C., STREATER, R. F., AND WILDE, I. F., Quasi-Free Quantum Stochastic Integrals for the CAR and CCR, 52, 19-47.

BARNETT, C., AND WILDE, I. F., Natural Pro- cesses and Doob-Meyer Decomposi- tions over a Probability Gage Space, 58, 320-334.

BARNETT, C., AND WILDE, I. F., Related Inte- grals, 66, 283-307.

BARNSLEY, M. F., HEROD, J. V., JORY, V. V., AND Ptisn, G. B., The Tjon-Wu Equa- tion in Banach Space Settings, 43, 32-51.

BARROS-NETO, J., Kernels Associated to General Elliptic Problems, 3, 173-192.

BART, H., GOHBERG, I., AND KAASHOEK, M. A., Wiener-Hopf Factorization, Inverse Fourier Transforms and Exponentially Dichotomous Operators, 68, 142.

BASOR, ESTELLE, AND WIDOM, HAROLD, Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf Determinants with Piecewise Continuous Symbols, 50, 387-413.

BATT, J~~RGEN, AND BERG, E. JEFFREY, Linear Bounded Transformations on the Space of Continuous Functions, 4, 215-239.

BATTEST], FRAN~OISE, RCsolubilitt globale d’opkrateurs diffbrentiels invariants sur certains groupes de Lie, 77, 261-308.

BATTLE, GUY A., III, Non-Gaussian a-Positi- vity of #y Field Theories, 51, 312-325.

BATTY, C. J. K., Dissipative Mappings with Approximately Invariant Subspaces, 32, 336341.

BATTY, C. J. K., Subcentrality of Restric- tions of Boundary Measures on State Spaces on C*-Algebras, 43, 209-223.

BATH, C. J. K., The KMS Condition and Passive States, 46, 246257.

BATH, C. J. K., The KMS Condition and Spectral Passivity in Group Duality, 57, 233-243.

BATTY, C. J. K., G-Central Subalgebras, and Extensions of KMS States, 66, 1 l-20.

BATTY, C. J. K., see R. J. Archbold.

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BAUMGXRTEL, H., AND DEMUTH, M., Pertur- bation of Unstable Eigenvalues of Finite Multiplicity, 22, 187-203.

BEALS, RICHARD, Asymptotic Behavior of the Green’s Function and Spectral Function of an Elliptic Operator, 5, 484-503.

BEALS, RICHARD, On the Abstract Cauchy Problem, 10, 281-299.

BEALS, RICHARD, Semigroups and Abstract Gevrey Spaces, 10, 300-308.

BEAU, RICHARD, An Abstract Treatment of Some Forward-Backward Problems of Transport and Scattering, 34, I-20.

BEAUZAMY, BERNARD, Quelques proprietes topologiques des espaccs d’interpolation dans le cadre general, 34, 282-291.


Points Minimaux et Ensembles Opti- maux dans les Espaccs de Banach, 24, 107-139.

BEDFORD, ERIC, AND TAYLOR, B. A., Fine Topology, Silov Boundary, and (d&)“, 72, 225-251.

BEDNAR, J. BEE, Facial Characterization of Simplexes, 8, 422-430.

BEHNCKE, HORST, KRAUSS, F., AND LEPTIN, H., C’-Algebren mit geordneten Ideal Folgen, 10, 204211.

BEHNCKE, HORST, AND LEPTIN, HORST, C.-Algebras with a Two-Point Dual, 10, 330-335.

BEHNCKE, HORST, AND LEPTIN, HORST, CO-Algebras with Finite Duals, 14, 253-268.

BEHNCKE, HORST, AND LEPTIN, HORST, Clas- sification of C.-Algebras with a Finite Dual, 16, 241-257.

BELLENOT, STEVEN F., The J-Sum of Banach Spaces, 48, 95-106.

BELLENOT, STEVEN F., Local Reflexivity of Notmed Spaces, Operators, and Fr&chet Spaces, 59, l-l 1.

BELLENOT, STEWN F., Tsirelson Superspaces and I,, 69, 207-228.

BELLISSARD, J., AND SIMON, B., Cantor Spec- trum for the Almost Mathieu Equation, 48, 408419.


AND STROOCK, DANIEL W., The Poisson Kernel for Certain Degenerate Elliptic Operators, 56, 171-209.

BEN-ARTZI, A., AND G~HBERG, I., Lower Upper Factorizations of Operators with Middle Terms, 77, 309-325.

BENEDEK, A., AND PANU)NE, R., Continuity Properties of the Hilbert Transform, 7, 217-234.

BENFATTO, G., GALLAVOTTI, G., AND Ntcoti, F., Elliptic Equations and Gaussian Processes, 36, 343a.

BENFATTO, G., AND F~JLVIRENTI, M., A Dif- fusion Process Associated to the Prandtl Equation, 52, 330-343.

BENKE, GEORGE, Smoothness and Absolute Convergence of Fourier Series in Com- pact Totally Disconnected Groups, 29, 319-327.

BENKE, GU)RGE, Bernstein’s Theorem for Compact Groups, 35, 295-303.

BENNETT, COLIN, Banach Function Spaces and Interpolation Methods. I. The Abstract Theory, 17, 409440.

BENNETT, G., Inclusion Mappings between lp Spaces, 13, 2&27.

BENOIST, Yvm, Analyse harmonique sur les espaces symttriques nilpotents, 59, 21 l-253.


Nonlinear Variational Inequalities and Differential Games with Stopping Times, 16, 305-352.

BENSOUSSAN, ALAIN, AND TEMAM, R., Equa- tions Stochastiques du Type Navier- Stokes, 13, 195-222.

BERCOVICI, HARI, A Contribution to the Structure Theory of Operators in the Class A, 78, 197-207.

BERCOVICI, HARI, FOIAS, C., AND F%ARCY, C., Two Banach Space Methods and Dual Operator Algebras, 78, 306-345.

BERCOVICI, HARI, see C. Apostol. BERENS, H., AND LQRENTZ, G. G., Sequences

of Contractions on L’-Spaces, 15, 155-165.

BERENSTEIN, C. A., AND YGER, A., Le pro- bltme de la d&convolution, 54, 113-160.

BERESIWKI, HENRI, Le nombre de solutions de certains probkmes semi-liniaires elliptiques, 40, l-29.

BERG, C., CHRISTENSEN, J. P. R., AND MASE- RICK, P. H., Sequences with Finitely Many Negative Squares, 79, 260-287.

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BERG, E. JEFFREY, see Jiirgen Batt. BERGER, C. A., AND COBURN, L. A., Toeplitz

Operators and Quantum Mechanics, 68, 273-299.

BERGER, C. A., COBURN, L. A., AND LEBOW, A., Representation and Index Theory for C’-Algebras Generated by Commut- ing Isometries, 27, 51-99.

BERGER, MARC A., AND SLOAN, ALAN D., Product Formulas for Semigroups with Elliptic Generators, 57, 244269.

BERGER, MELVYN S., On the Existence and Structure of Stationary States for a Nonlinear Klein-Gordan Equation, 9, 249-26 1.

BERGER, M. S., AND BOMBIERI, E., On Poin- care’s Isoperimetric Problem for Simple Closed Geodesics, 42, 274-298.

BERGER, M. S., AND CHERRIER, P., A New Variational Method for Finding Einstein Metrics on Compact Klhler Manifolds, I, 79, 103-135.

BERKSON, EARL, Spectral Families of Projec- tions in Hardy Spaces, 60, 146167.

BERKSON, EARL, AND GILLESPIE, T. A., St&kin’s Theorem, Transference, and Spectral Decompositions, 70, 14&170.

BERKSON, EARL, AND PORTA, HOIUCIO, Representations of b(X), 3, l-34.

BERNARD, A., Sur-Algebre d’une Algtbre Fondamentale, 2, 114-122.

BERNARD, A., Espace des parties reelles des elements d’une algebre de Banach de fonctions, 10, 387409.

BERNARD, ALAIN, GARNETT, JOHN B., AND MARSHALL, DONALD E., Algebras Gener- ated by Inner Functions, 25, 275-285.

BERTHIER, ANNE MARIE, AND COLLET, P., Existence and Completeness of the Wave Operators in Scattering Theory with Momentum-Dependent Potentials, 26, l-15.

BERTHIER, ANNE MARIE, AND GAVEAU, BER- NARD, Critere de convergence des fonctionnelles de Kac et application en mecanique quantique et en geomitrie, 29, 416424.

BERTHIER, ANNE MARIE, AND GEORGESCU, VLADIMIR, On the Point Spectrum of Dirac Operators, 71, 309-338.

BERTHIER, ANNE MARIE, see W. 0. Amrein.

BERTRAND, J., AND GAVEAU, B., Transforma- tion canonique et renormalisation pour certaines equations d’ivolution, SO, 81-99.

BETHUEL, FABRICE, AND, ZHENG, XIAOMIN, Density of Smooth Functions between Two Manifolds in Sobolev Spaces, 80, 60-75.

BEURLING, ARNE, On Analytic Extensions of Semigroups of Operators, 6, 387-400.

BEZUGLYI, S. I., AND GOLODETS, V. YA., Hyperfinite and II, Actions for Non- amenable Groups, 40, 3&44.

BEZUGLYI, S. I., AND GOLODETS, V. YA., Groups of Measure Space Transforma- tions and Invariants of Outer Conjuga- tion for Automorphisms from Nor- malizers of Type III Full Groups, 60, 341-369.

BINDING, P. A., AND SEDDIGHI, K., On Root Vectors of Self-Adjoint Pencils, 70, 117-125.

BISMUT, JEAN-MICHEL, Convex Inequalities in Stochastic Control, 42, 226270.

BISMUT, JEAN-MICHEL, The Atiyah-Singer Theorems: A Probabilistic Approach. I. The Index Theorem, 57, 5699.

BISMIJT, JEAN-MICHEL, The Atiyah-Singer Theorems: A Probabilistic Approach. II. The Lefschetz Fixed Point Formulas, 57, 329-348.

BISMUT, JEAN-MICHEL, The Infinitesimal Lefschetz Formulas: A Heat Equation Proof, 62, 435457.

BISMUT, JEAN-MICHEL, Demailly’s Asymp- totic Morse Inequalities: A Heat Equa- tion Proof, 72, 263-278.

BISMLJT, JEAN-MICHEL, Transgressed Chem Forms for Dirac Operators, 77, 32-50.

BISMIJT, JUN-MICHEL, AND MICHEL, DOMIN- IQUE, Diffusions conditionnelles. I. Hypoellipticite partielle, 44, 174-211.

BISMIJT, JEAN-MICHEL, AND MICHEL, DOMIN- IQUE, Diffusions Conditionnelles. II. Gtnbateur Conditionnel. Application au tiltrage, 45, 274-292.

BISMUT, JEAN-MICHEL, AND YOR, M., An Inequality for Processes Which Satisfy Kolmogorov’s Continuity Criterion. Application to Continuous Martingales, 51, 166173.

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BLACKADAR, BRUCE E., The Regular Representation of Restricted Direct Product Groups, 25, 267-274.

BLACKADAR, BRUCE E., Traces on Simple AF C.-Algebras, 38, 156168.

BLACKADAR, BRUCE E., AND HANDELMAN, DAVID, Dimension Functions and Traces on C.-Algebras, 45, 297-340.

BLANK, B. E., Knapp-Wallach Szegii Integrals and Generalized Principal Series Representations: The Parabolic Rank One Case, 60, 127-145.

BLASCO, OSCAR, Boundary Values of Func- tions in Vector-Valued Hardy Spaces and Geometry on Banach Series, 78, 346364.

BLATTNER, ROBERT J., AND RAWNSLEY, JOHN H., Quantization of the Action of U(k,[) on R*@+O, SO, 188-214.

BLEI, RON C., On Fourier-Stieltjes Trans- forms of Continuous Measures, 26, 396402.

BLEI, RON C., a-Chaos, 81, 279-297. BOHNKE, GEORGES, Alg*bre de Sobolev sur

curtains groupes nilpotents, 63, 322-343. BOIDOL, JOACHIM, Group Algebras with a

Unique C*-Norm, 56, 22&232. BOJDECKI, T., GOROSTIZA, L. G., AND

RAMASWAMY, S., Convergence of Y-Valued Processes and Space-Time Random Fields, 66, 2141.

BOMBIERI, E., see M. S. Berger. BONAMI, A., AND POORNIMA, S., Non-

multipliers of the Sobolev Spaces @‘(R”), 71, 175-181.


TROMBA, ANTHONY, A-Manifolds, 3, 310-320.

BONNET, PIERRE, Transformation de Fourier des distributions de type positif sur un groupe de Lie unimodulaire, 55, 22&246.

BONSALL, F. F., Stability Theorems for Cones and Wedges of Continuous Func- tions, 4, 135-145.

BONSALL, F. F., AND ROSENTHAL, PETER, Certain Jordan Operator Algebras and Double Commutant Theorems, 21, 155-186.

BOPP, NICOLE, Distributions de type K- positif sur l’espace tangent, 44, 348-358.

580/83/2-l I

BORKAR, V. S., CHARI, R. T., AND MITTER, S. K., Stochastic Quantization of Field Theory in Finite and Infinite Volume, 81, 184-206.

WTTCHER, ALBRECHT, AND SILBERMANN, BERND, Toeplitz Matrices and Deter- minants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols, 63, 178-214.

BOUAZIZ, ABDERRAZAK, Sur les caracttres des groupes de Lie rdductifs non con- nexes, 70, l-79.

BIXJCHI~~, GUY, AND VALADIER, MICHEL, Integral Representation of Convex Functionals on a Space of Measures, 80, 398420.

BOULEAU, NICOLAS, AND HIRSCH, FRANCIS, Formes de Dirichlet g&n&ales et densiti des variables aliatoires r&e.lles sur l’espace de Wiener, 69, 229-259.

BOURGAIN, J., The Non-isomorphism of HI-Spaces in One and Several Variables, 46, 45-57.

BOURGAIN, J., A Remark on the Uncertainty Principle for Hilbertian Basis, 79, 136-143.

BIXJRGAIN, J., AND ROSENTHAL, H. P., Applications of the Theory of Semi- embeddings to Banach Space Theory, 52, 149-188.

BOURGIN, RICHARD D., AND EDGAR, G. A., Noncompact Simplexes in Banach Spaces with the Radon-Nikodym Property, 23, 162-176.

BOURGUIGNON, J. P., AND BREZIS, H., Remarks on the Euler Equation, 15, 341-363.

BOYER, ROBERT P., Characters of the Infinite Symplectic Group-A Riesz Ring Approach, 70, 357-387.

BAYER, ROBERT P., Representation Theory of U’(H) in the Symmetric Tensors, 78, 13-23.

BOYLAN, STANLEY L., Existence and Unique- ness of Solution of Some Function- Space Differential Equations, II, 11, 111-129.

BOYLAN, STANLEY L., Uniqueness of Solu- tions to Function-Space Differential Equations Using Infinite-Series and Integral Methods, 13, 77-96.


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Convergence of Sequences in Function Spaces, 4, 451466.

BRACKEBUSCH, RUTH E., James Space on General Trees, 79, 44&475.

BRACKX, F., see R. Delanghe. BRANSON, THOMAS P., Group Representa-

tions Arising from Lorentz Conformal Geometry, 74, 199-291.

BRASCAMP, HERM JAN, AND LIEB, ELLIOTT H., On Extensions of the Brunn- Minkowski and PrCkopa-Leindler Theorems, Including Inequalities for Log Concave Functions, and with an Application to the Diffusion Equation, 22, 366389.

BRASCAMP, HERM JAN, LIEB, ELLIOTT H., AND LLJTTINGER, J. M., A General Rearrangement Inequality for Multiple Integrals, 17, 227-237.

BRATTELI, OLA, Structure Spaces of Approximately Finite-Dimensional C.-Algebras, 16, 192-204.

BRATTELI, OLA, The Center of Approx- imately Finite-Dimensional C’-Alge- bras, 21, 195-202.

BRATTELI, OLA, DIGERNES, TROND, AND ROBINSON, DEREK W., Relative Locality of Derivations, 59, 12-10.

BRATTELI, OLA, AND ELLIOTT, GEORGE A., Structure Spaces of Approximately Finite-Dimensional C*-Algebras, II, 30, 14-82.

BRATTELI, OLA, GOODMAN, FREDERICK M., AND JBRGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Unbound- ed Derivations Tangential to Compact Groups of Automorphisms, II, 61, 241-289.

BRATTELI, OLA, GOODMAN, FREDERICK M., JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., AND ROBINSON, DEREK W., The Heat Semigroup and Integrability of Lie Algebras, 79, 351-397.

BRATTELI, OLA, AND JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Unbounded Derivations Tangential to Compact Groups of Automorphisms, 48, 107-133.

BRATTELI, OLA, AND KISHIMOTO, AKITAKA, Generation of Semigroups, and Two- Dimensional Quantum Lattice Systems, 35, 344-368.


ROBINSON, DEREK W., Embedding Product Type Actions into C-Dynami- cal Systems, 75, 188-210.

BRAUN, W., AND FEICHTINGER, HANS G., Banach Spaces of Distributions Having Two Module Structures, 51, 174-212.

BREIM, EGGERT, Interpolation in Subspaces of C(x), 12, I-12.

BRENNAN, JAMES E., Invariant Subspaces and Rational Approximation, 7, 285-310.

BREZNNAN, JAMES, E., Approximation in the Mean and Quasianalyticity, 12, 307-320.

BRENNAN, JAMES E., Point Evaluations, Invariant Subspaces and Approximation in the Mean by Polynomials, 34, 407-420.

BREZIN, 1.. Function Theory of Metabelian Solvmanifolds, 10, 33-51.

BREZIS, H., AND FRAENKEL, L. E., A Func- tion with Prescribed Initial Derivatives in Different Banach Spaces, 29, 328-335.

BREZIS, H., AND LIEB, ELLIOTT H., Sobolev Inequalities with Remainder Terms, 62, 73-86.

BREZIS, H., AND PAZY, A., Semigroups of Nonlinear Contractions on Convex Sets, 6, 237-281.

BREZZIS, H., AND PAZY, A., Convergence and Approximation of Semigroups of Non- linear Operators in Banach Spaces, 9, 63-74.


WILLIAM, MINES, RAY, AND RICHMAN, FRED, Bounded Linear Mappings of Finite Rank, 43, 143-148.

BROISE, MICHEL, Sur les Vecteurs Skparateurs des Algkbres de von Neumann, 1, 281-289.

BROWDER, ANDREW, Point Derivations on Function Algebras, 1, 22-27.

BROWDER, ANDREW, Point Derivations and Analytic Structure in the Spectrum of a Banach Algebra, 7, 156-164.

BROWDER, FELIX, E., Remarks on Nonlinear Interpolation in Banach Spaces, 4, 39OaO3.

BROWDER, FELIX E., Normal Solvability and the Fredholm Alternative for Mappings

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into Infinite Dimensional Manifolds, 8, 250-214.

BROWDER, FELIX E., Normally Solvable Nonlinear Mappings in Banach Spaces and Their Homotopies, 17, 441-446.

BROWDER, FELIX E., Asymptotically Orienta- tion-preserving Mappings in Banach Spaces, 25, 121-127.

BROWDER, FELIX E., On the Constructive Solution of Nonlinear Functional Equa- tions, 25, 345-355.

BROWDER, FELIX E., On a Principle of H.

Brkzis and Its Applications, 25, 356-365.

BROWDER, FELIX E., AND HESS, PETER, Non- linear Mappings of Monotone Type in Banach Spaces, 11, 251-294.

BROWDER, FELIX E., AND PETRYSHYN, W. V., Approximation Methods and the Generalized Topological Degree for Nonlinear Mappings in Banach Spaces, 3, 217-245.

BROWN, A. L., On Continuous Selections for

Metric Projections in Spaces of Con- tinuous Functions, 8, 43149.


M,(G)-Boundaries Are M(G) Boun- daries, 18, 35&368.

BROWN, LAWRENCE G., Locally Compact Abelian Groups with Trivial Multiplier Group, 7, 132-139.

BROWN, SCOTT W., CHEVREAU, BERNARD, AND PEARCY, CARL, On the Structure of Contraction Operators, II, 76, 30-55.

BRIJCK, RONALD E., JR., Asymptotic Con- vergence of Nonlinear Contraction Semigroups in Hilbert Space, 18, 15-26.


Equal Signs Additive Sequences in Banach Spaces, 21, 286304.

BRONING, JOCHEN, AND SEELEY, ROBERT, The Resolvent Expansion for Second Order Regular Singular Operators, 73, 369-429.

BUCHWAL~, HENRI, AND GASSIER, GILLES, Semi-groupes dans le problemme des moments, 52, 129-145.

BUI, HUY QUI, Characterizations of Weighted Besov and Triebe-Lizorkin Spaces via Temperatures, 55, 39-62.

BUNCE, JOHN W., Models for n-Tuples of Noncommuting Operators, 57, 21-30.

BUNCE, JOHN W., AND DEDDENS, JAMES A., A Family of Simple C.-Algebras Related to Weighted Shift Operators, 19, 13-24.

BUNCE, JOHN W., AND PASCHKE, WILLIAM L., Derivations on a C.-Algebra and Its Double Dual, 37, 235-247.

BURBEA, JACOB, Lower Order Positivity and Holomorphic Operators, 56, l-14.

BURKHOLDER, D. L., One-Sided Maximal Functions and HP, 18, 429454.

BURKINSHAW, O., see C. D. Aliprantis. BUSBY, ROBERT C., On Structure Spaces and

Extensions of C.-Algebras, 1, 37Cb377. BUTTAZZO, GIUSEPPE, DAL MASO, GIANNI,

AND Mosco, UMBERTO, A Derivation Theorem for Capacities with Respect to a Radon Measure, 71, 263-278.

BUTTAZZO, GIUSEPPE, AND LEACI, ANTONIO, A Continuity Theorem for Operators from W’,g(a) into L’(62), 58, 216-224.


Relaxation Results for a Class of Varia- tional Integrals, 61, 36&377.

BUTZ, JEFFREY R., s-Numbers of Hankel Matrices, 15, 297-305.

BUTZER, P. L., AND JOHNEN, H., Lipschitz Spaces on Compact Manifolds, 7, 242-266.


CAFFARELLI, LUIS A., AND FRIEDMAN, AVNER, The Shape of Axisymmetric Rotating Fluid, 35, 109-142.

CALDER, ALLAN, see Douglas Bridges. CALVERT, B., AND GUSTAFSON, K., Multi-

plicative Perturbation of Nonlinear m-Accretive Operators, 10, 149-158.

CANAVATI, Jo& A., A Theory of Numerical

Range for Nonlinear Operators, 33, 231-258.

CANNON, JOHN T., Quantum Field Theoretic Properties of a Model of Nelson: Domain and Eigenvector Stability for Perturbed Linear Operators, 8, 101-152.

CANTOR, M., Perfect Fluid Flows over R” with Asymptotic Conditions, 18, 73-84.

CAREY, ALAN L., Projective Representations


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of the Hilbert Lie Group @(H)2 via Quasifree States on the CAR Algebra, 55, 277-296.

CAREY, ALAN L., AND EVANS, DAVID E., On an Automorphic Action of C+z, I) on 0, 70, 9&l 10.

CAREY, ALAN L., AND HANNABUSS, K. C., Temperature States on Loop Groups, Theta Functions and the Luttinger Model, 75, 128-160.

CAREY, ALAN L., HURST, C. A., AND O’BRIEN, D. M., Automorphisms of the Canonical Anticommutation Relations and Index Theory, 48, 36&393.

CAREY, RICHARD, W., AND PINCUS, JOEL D., Commutators, Symbols, and Determin- ing Functions, 19, S&SO.

CARL, BERND, Entropy Numbers, s-Num- bers, and Eigenvalue Problems, 41, 290-306.

CARL, BERND, On a Characterization of Operators from I, into a Banach Space of Type p with Some Applications to Eigenvalue Problems, 48, 394407.

CARL, BERND, HEINRICH, STEFAN, AND KUHN, THOMAS, s-Numbers of Integral Operators with Holder Continuous Ker- nels over Metric Compacta, 81, 5473.

CARLING, L. N., On the Restriction Map of the Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra B(G) and B,(G), 25, 236-243.

CARLSON, ROBERT, Genericity of Simple Eigenvalues, 34, 472480.

CARLSON, ROBERT, Construction of Isospec- tral Deformations of Differential Operators with Periodic Coefficients, 46, 265-279.

CARMONA, REti, Potentials on Abstract Wiener Space, 26, 215-231.

CARMONA, RENB, Regularity Properties of Schrijdinger and Dirichlet Semigroups, 33, 259-296.

CARMONA, RENB, One-Dimensional Schrii- dinger Operators with Random or Deterministic Potentials: New Spectral Types, 51, 229-258.

CARMONA, RE&, AND CHE~ET, SIMONE, Tensor Gaussian Measures on Lp(E), 33, 297-3 10.

CARNE, KEITH, The Algebra of Bounded Holomorphic Martingales, 45, 95-108.

CARTWRIGHT, DONALD I., AND S~ARDI, P. M., Harmonic Analysis on the Free Product of Two Cyclic Groups, 65, 147-171.

CASS, F. P., Subalgebras of &I,) and the Stone-Cech Compactification /3N, 32, 272-216.

GASSIER, GILLES, Probltme des moments sur un compact de R” et decomposition de polynomes a plusieurs variables, 58, 254266.

GASSIER, GILLES, Sur la classification de H. Bercovici, C. Foias et C. Pearcy concer- nant les algtbres duales, 80, 371-382.

CASIER, GILLES, see Hem-i Buchwalter. CASTRIGIANO, D. P. L., Orthogonal Polyno-

mials and Rigged Hilbert Space, 65, 309-3 13.

CATTANEO, U., Abelian Extensions of Topological Vector Groups, 35, 143-152.

CAZENAVE, THIERRY, Uniform Estimates for Solutions of Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations, 60, 3655.

CAZENAVE, THIERRY, AND HARAUX, ALAIN, Some Oscillatory Properties of the Wave Equation in Several Space Dimensions, 76, 87-109.

CECCHINI, CARLO, Lacunary Fourier Series on Compact Lie Groups, 11, 191-203.


Some Existence Results for Superlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Involving Critical Exponents, 69, 289-306.

CHADAM, JOHN M., Global Solutions of the Cauchy Problems for the (Classical) Coupled Maxwell-Dirac Equations in One Space Dimension, 13, 173-184.

CHALEYAT-MAUREL, MIREILLE, Robustesse du filtre et calcul des variations stochastique, 68, 55-7 1.

CHAMPETIER, C., AND DELORME, P., Sur les representations des groupes de diplacements de Cartan, 43, 258-279.

CHANDLER, COLSTON, AND GIBSON, A. G., N- Body Quantum Scattering Theory in Two Hilbert Spaces. III. Theory of Approximations, 52, 8&105.

CHANG, WEITA, Global Solvability of the

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Laplacians on Pseudo-Riemannian Sym- metric Spaces, 34, 481-492.

CHANILLO, SAGUN, The Multiplier for the Ball and Radial Functions, 55, 18-24.

CHARBONNEL, JEAN-YVES, Sur les semi-carac- t&es des groupes de Lie resolubles con- nexes, 41, 175-203.

CHARBONNEL, JEAN-YVES, Sur les caracteres des groupes de Lie, 72, 94-150.

CHARI, R. T., see V. S. Borkar. CHAVEL, I., AND FELDMAN, E. A., Spectra of

Domains in Compact Manifolds, 30, 198-222.

CHAZARAIN, J., Problemes de Cauchy Abstraits et Applications a Quelques Problemes Mixtes, 7, 386446.

CHEBLI, HOUCINE, Sur un Theo&me de Paley-Wiener Associt a la decomposi- tion Spectrale dune Operateur de Sturm-Liouville sur IO, co[, 17, 447461.

CHERNOFF, PAUL R., Note on Product For- mulas for Operator Semigroups, 2, 238-241.

CHERNOFF, PAUL R., Representations, Automorphisms, and Derivations of Some Operator Algebras, 12, 275-289.

CHERNOFF, PAUL R., Essential Self-Adjoint- ness of Powers of Generators of Hyper- bolic Equations, 12, 401414.

CHERNOFF, PAUL R., AND GOLDSTEIN, JEROME A., Admissible Subspaces and the Denseness of the Intersection of the Domains of Semigroup Generators, 9, 460-468.

CHERRIER, PASCAL, Etude d’une equation de Mange-Ampere sur les varietes kiihleriennes compactes, 53, 231-245.

CHERRIER, PAXAL Probltmes de Neumann non lintaires sur les varieetees rieman- niennes, 57, 154206.


the Structure of Contraction Operators with Applications to Invariant Sub- spaces, 67, 36&379.

CHEVREAU, BERNARD, AND I?ZARCY, CARL, On the Structure of Contraction Operators, I, 76, I-29.


Genericity Theorem for Bifurcations in Variational Problems, 35, 251-278.

CHOI, MAN-DUEN, AND, EFFROS, EDWARD G., Injectivity and Operator Spaces, 24, 156-209.

CHOI, MAN-DUEN, HADWIN, D., NORDGREN, E., RADJAVI, H., AND ROSENTHAL, P., On Positive Linear Maps Preserving Invertibility, 59, 462469.

CHOJNACKI, WOJC~ECH, Almost Periodic Schriidinger Operators in L’(bR) Whose Point Spectrum Is Not All of the Spec- trum, 65, 236-242.

CHOJNACKI, WOJCIECH, Some Non-trivial Cocycles, 77, 9-3 1.

CHOQLJET-BRUHAT, Y., PANEITZ, S. M., AND SEGAL, I. E., The Yang-Mills Equations on the Universal Cosmos, 53, 112-I 50.

CHOU, CHING, Minimally Weakly Almost Periodic Groups, 36, I-17.

CHRISTENSEN, ERIK, Extension of Deriva- tions, 27, 234-247.

CHRISTENSEN, ERIK, AND SINCLAIR, ALLAN, M., Representations of Completely Bounded Multilinear Operators, 72, 151-181.


ment d’un Fluide de Bingham dans un Domaine Non-Cylindrique avec Singu- la&t, 13, 125-131.

CLANCY, K. F., AND PUTNAM, C. R., Non- negative Perturbations of Selfadjoint Operators, 50, 3063 16.

CLARK, DOUGLAS N., On Interpolating Sequences and the Theory of Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices, 5, 247-258.

CLARK, DIXJGLAS N., Concrete Model Theory for a Class of Operators, 14, 269-280.

CLERC, JEAN-LOUIS, Transformation de Fourier sphtrique des espaces de Schwartz, 37, 182-202.

CNOP, I., AND DELBAEN, F., A Dunford-Pet- tis Theorem for L'/Hml, 24, 364-378.

COBURN, L. A., AND SCHECHTER, MARTIN, Joint Spectra and Interpolation of Operators, 2, 226237.

COBURN, L. A., see C. A. Berger. COFFMAN, CHARLES V., Lyusternik-

Schnirelman Theory and Eigenvalue

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Problems for Monotone Potential Operators, 14, 237-252.

COFFMAN, CHARLES V., AND GROVER, CAROLE L., Obtuse Cones in Hilbert Spaces and Applications to Partial Dif- ferential Equations, 35, 369-396.

COHEN, H. B., A Second-Dual Method for C(x) lsomorphisms, 23, 107-I 18.

COHEN, H. B., see H. Elton Lacey. COHEN, JOEL M., C.-Algebras without ldem-

potents, 33, 21 I-216. COHEN, JOEL M., Cogrowth and Amenability

of Discrete Groups, 48, 301-309. COHEN, JOEL M., Radial Functions on Free

Products, 59, 167-174. COHEN, JOEL M., AND TRENHOLME, ALICE R.,

Orthogonal Polynomials with a Con- stant Recursion Formula and an Application to Harmonic Analysis, 59, 175-184.

COHEN, L., see P. Baras. COHEN, PAUL J., A Counterexample to the

Closed Graph Theorem for Bilinear Maps, 16, 235-240.


M., Some New Function Spaces and Their Applications to Harmonic Analysis, 62, 304-335.

COLE, BRENDA, AND RANGE, R. MICHAEL, A- Measures on Complex Manifolds and Some Applications, 11, 393400.

COLE, BRIAN J., AND GAMELIN, T. W., Tight Uniform Algebras and Algebras of Analytic Functions, 46, 158-220.


Jensen Measures and a Theorem of Radb, 35, 2641.

COLGEN, RAINFR, Stability Theory for Absolutely Continuous Parts of Com- mutative m-Tuples of Self-Adjoint Operators in Complex Hilbert Spaces, 41, 307-314.

COLLET, P., see A. M. Berthier. COMBES, J. M., DUCLOS, P., AND SEILER, R.,

Krein’s Formula and One-Dimensional Multiple-Well, 52, 257-301.

COMBESCURE, M., AND GINIBRE, J., Scattering and Local Absorption for the Schriidinger Operator, 29, 54-73.

CONNES, A., Almost Periodic States and Fac- tors of Type III,, 16, 415-445.

CONNES, A., On Hyperfinite Factors of Type III, and Krieger’s Factors, 18, 318-327.

CONNES, A., On the Cohomology of Operator Algebras, 28, 248-253.

CONNES, A., On the Spatial Theory of von Neumann Algebras, 35, 153-164.

CONNES, A., AND KRIEGER, WOLFGANG, Measure Space Automorphisms, the Normalizers of Their Full Groups, and Approximate Finiteness, 24, 336-352.


geneity of the State Space of Factors of Type Ill,, 28, 187-196.

CONSTANTIN, PEER, Scattering for SchrGdinger Operators in a Class of Domains with Non-compact Boun- daries, 44, 87-l 19.

CONSTANTINESCU, F., AND THALHEIMER, W., Remark on Generalized Markov Pro- cesses, 23, 33-38.

CONSTANTINESCU, T., see Gr. Arsene. CONWAY, JOHN B., The Numerical Range

and a Certain Convex Set in an Inlinite Factor, 5, 428435.

CONWAY, JOHN B., AND GILLESPIE, T. A., Is a Self-Adjoint Operator Determined by Its Invariant Subspace Lattice?, 64, 178-189.

CONWAY, JOHN B., AND MORREL, BERNARD B., Roots and Logarithms of Bounded Operators on Hilbert Space, 70, 171-193.


Scattering of Waves by Periodically Moving Bodies, 47, 18&229.

COPPOLEITA, GIUSEPPE, Abstract Singular Evolution Equations of “Hyperbolic” Type, 50, 50-66.

CORACH, GUS~AVO, AND SUAREZ, FERNANDO D., Thin Spectra and Stable Range Conditions, 81, 43242.

CORDES, H. O., On Compactness of Com- mutators of Multiplications and Con- volutions, and Boundedness of Pseudodifferential Operators, 18, 115-131.

CORDES, H. O., A Version of Egorov’s Theorem for Systems of Hyperbolic Pseudo-Differential Equations, 48, 285-300.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, Generalized Gaussian

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Measure and a “Functional Equation”: I, 5, 412-427.

C&WIN, LAWRENCE, Generalized Gaussian Measures and a “Functional Equation”: II, 6, 481-505.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, Decomposition of Representations Induced from Uniform Subgroups and the “Mackey Machine”, 22, 39-57.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, Tempered Distribu- tions on Heisenberg Groups Whose Convolution with Schwartz Class Func- tions Is Schwartz Class, 44, 328-347.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, Order Estimates for Irreducible Projections in L2 of a Nilmanifold, 61, 328-341.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, AND GREENLEAF, F. P., Integral Formulas with Distribution Kernels for Irreducible Projections in L* of a Nilmanifold, 23, 255-284.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, AND GREENLEAF, F. P., Fourier Transforms of Smooth Func- tions on Certain Nilpotent Lie Groups, 37, 203-217.

CORWIN, LAWRENCE, AND GREENLEAF, FREDERICK P., Character Formulas and Spectra of Compact Nilmanifolds, 21, 123-154.

COGTA, D. G., see G. S. S. Avila. COGTE, LAURENT SAL~FF, Inigalitts de

Sobolev produit sur les groupes de Lie nilpotents, 79, 4456.

COTLAR, M., AND SAWSKY, C., A Lifting Theorem for Subordinated Invariant Kernels, 67, 345-359.

COWEN, CARL C., An Analytic Toeplitz Operator That Commutes with a Com- pact Operator and a Related Class of Toeplitz Operators, 36, 169-184.

COWEN, CARL C., AND KRIETE, THOMAS L., III, Subnormality and Composition Operators on H2, 81, 298-319.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND LIONS, PIERRE- LOUIS, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Infinite Dimensions. I. Uniqueness of Viscosity Solutions, 62, 379-396.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND LIONS, PIERRE- LOUIS, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Infinite Dimensions. II. Existence of Viscosity Solutions, 65, 368405.


LOUIS, Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Infinite Dimensions, III, 68, 214-247.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND PAZY, AMNON, Semi-Groups of Nonlinear Contractions and Dissipative Sets, 3, 376-418.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND PAZY, AMNON, On Accretive Sets in Banach Spaces, 5, 204-217.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND PHILLIPS, RALPH S., On the Extension Problem for Dissipative Operators, 2, 147-176.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND PIERRE, MICHEL, Regularizing Effects for u,+Acp(u)=O in L’, 45, 194-212.

CRANDALL, MICHAEL G., AND RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., Bifurcation from Simple Eigenvalues, 8, 321-340.

CRAW, IAN, Commutative Abelian Galois Extensions of a Banach Algebra, 27, 170-178.

CRESSMAN, R., An Evolution Equation in Phase Space and the Weyl Corres- pondence, 22, 405-419.

CRONE, L., DUBINSKY, ED, AND ROBINSON, W. B., Regular Bases in Products of Power Series Spaces, 24, 21 l-222.

CROWE, J. A., ZWEIBEL, J. A., AND ROSEN- BLOOM, P. C., Rearrangements of Func- tions, 66, 432438.

CRUZIERO, ANA BELA, Equations differen- tielles ordinaires: Non explosion et mesures quasi-invariantes, 54, 193- 205.

CRUZIERO, ANA BELA, Equations differen- tielles sur l’espace de Wiener et formules de Cameron-Martin non-lineaires, 54, 206227.

CRUZEIRO, ANA BELA, Unicitt de solutions d’equations differentielles sur l’espace de Wiener, 58, 335-347.

CRUZEIRO, ANA BELA, Proeessus sur l’espace de Weiner associbs a des operateurs Clliptiques B coetXcients dans certains espaces de Sobolev, 72, 346-367.

CUNTZ, JOACHIM, Locally C.-Equivalent Algebras, 23, 95-106.

CUNTZ, JOACHIM, AND PEDERSEN, GERT KJAERGARD, Equivalence and Traces on CO-Algebras, 33, 135-164.


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States on Periodic Co-Dynamical Systems, 34, 79-86.

CURRIE, J. C., see J. M. Bali. CURTIS, PHILIP C., JR., Peak Points for

Algebras of Analytic Functions, 3, 3541.


A., The Spectral Picture of (LA, R,), 71, 371-392.

CURTO, RAVEL E., AND MUHLY, PAUL S., C*-Algebras of Multiplication Operators on Bergman Spaces, 64, 315-329.

CWIKEL, M., MILMAN, M., AND, SAGHER, Y., Complex Interpolation of Some Quasi- Banach Spaces, 65, 339-347.

CWIKEL, M., AND SAGHER, Y., Weak Type Classes, 52, 11-18.

CYGAN, JACEK M., AND RICHARDSON, LEONARD F., Globally Hypoelliptic Systems of vector Fields on Nilmanifolds, 77, 36437 1.


DACOROGNA, B., Quasiconvexity and Relaxa- tion of Nonconvex Problems in the Calculus of Variations, 46, 102-l 18.

DADOK, JIRI, Paley-Wiener Theorem for Singular Support of K-Finite Distribu- tions on Symmetric Spaces, 31, 341-354.

DAFERMOS, C. M., AND SLEMROD, M., Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Contraction Semigroups, 13, 97-106.

DALES, H. G., AND DAVIE, A. M., Quasi- analytic Banach Function Algebras, 13, 28-50.

DALES, H. G., AND MCLURE, J. P., Higher Point Derivations on Commutative Banach Algebras, I, 26, 166-189.

DALES, H. G., see W. G. Bade. DAL MASO, GIANNI, Some Necessary and

Sufficient Conditions for the Con- vergence of Sequences of Unilateral Convex Sets, 62, 119-159.


of Nonlinear Variational F-Capacities, 79, 476492.

DAL MASO, GIANNI, see Giuseppe Buttazzo. DANG, NGOC-NGHIEM, Sur la Classification

des Systimes Dynamiques non Com- mutatifs, 15, 188-201.

DANG, T. B., AND YAMAMURO, S., On Homomorphisms of an Orthogonally Decomposable Hilbert Space, 68, 366-313.

D’ANTONI, CLAUDIO, AND LONGO, ROBERTO, Interpolation by Type I Factors and the Flip Automorphism, 51, 361-371.

DA PLATO, G., AND GRISVARD, P., Maximal Regularity for Evolution Equations by Interpolation and Extrapolation, 58, 107-124.

DASH, A. T., On a Conjecture Concerning Joint Spectra, 6, 165-171.

DAUGHTRY, JOHN, AND DEARDEN, BRUCE, A Test for the Existence of Gohberg-Krein Representations in Terms of Multiparameter Wiener Pro- cesses, 64, 403411.

DA VEIGA, Hugo BEIR;~O, Differentiability for Green’s Operators of Variational Inequalities and Applications to the Determination of Bifurcation Points, 34, 72-78.

DAVIDSON, KENNETH R., On Operators Com- muting with Toeplitz Operators Modulo the Compact Operators, 24, 291-302.

DAVIDSON, KENNETH R., Lifting Commuting Pairs of C’ Algebras, 48, 20-42.

DAVIDSON, KENNETH R., AND WAGNER, BRUCE H., Automorphisms of Quasi- triangular Algebras, 59, 612627.

DAVIDSON, M. G., AND STANKE, R. J., Gradient-Type Differential Operators and Unitary Highest Weight Represen- tations of SU(p, q), 81, 10&125.

DAVIE, ALEXANDER M., Dirichlet Algebras of Analytic Functions, 6, 348-356.

DAVIE, ALEXANDER M., Real Annihilating Measures for R(K), 6, 357-386.

DAVIE, ALEXANDER M., Bounded Approxi- mation and Dirichlet Sets, 6, 460-467.

DAVIE, A. M., AND JE~ELL, N. P., Toeplitz Operators in Several Complex Vari- ables, 26, 356-368.


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Extension of Melnikov’s Theorem, 11, 179-183.

DAVIE, A. M., see H. G. Dales. DAVY, E. B., On the Repeated Measure-

ment of Continuous Observables in Quantum Mechanics, 6, 3 18-346.

DAVIES, E. B., Asymptotic Analysis of Some Abstract Evolution Equations, 25, 81-101.

DAVIES, E. B., Generators of Dynamical Semigroups, 34, 421432.

DAVY, E. B., Dynamical Stability of Metastable States, 46, 373-386.

DAVIES, E. B., Spectral Properties of Metastable Markov Semigroups, 52, 3 15-329.

DAVIES, E. B., The Eqivalence of Certain Heat Kernel and Green Function Bounds, 71, 88-103.

DAVIES, E. B., Gaussian Upper Bounds for the Heat Kernels of Some Second-Order Operators on Riemannian Manifolds, 80, 1632.

DAVIES, E. B., AND MANDOUVALOS, N., Heat Kernel Bounds on Manifolds with Cusps, 75, 3 1 l-322.

DAVIES, E. B., AND SIMON, B., Ultracontrac- tivity and the Heat Kernel for Schrijdinger Operators and Dirichlet Laplacians, 59, 335-395.

DAVIES, E. B., AND SIMON, B., L’-Properties of Intrinsic Schrijdinger Semigroups, 65, 126146.

DAVIES, E. B., SIMON, BARRY, AND TAYLOR, MICHAEL, Lp Spectral Theory of Kleinian Groups, 78, 116136.

DAVIS, WILLIAM J., FIGIEL, T., JOHNSON, W. B., AND PELCZYNSKI, A., Factoring Weakly Compact Operators, 17, 31 l-327.

DAVIS, WILLIAM J., GARLING, D. J. H., AND TOMCZAK-JAEGERMANN, NICOLE, The Complex Convexity of Quasi-notied Linear Spaces, 55, 110-150.

DEARDEN, BRUCE, see John Daughtry. DEBIARD, A., AND GAVEAU, B., Potentiel Fin

et Algebres de Fonctions Analytiques. I, 16, 289-304.

DEBIARD, A., AND GAVEAU, B., Potentiel Fin et Algebres de Fonctions Analytiques. II, 17, 296310.

DEBIARD, A., AND GAVEAU, B., Potentiel Fin et Alg6bres de Fonctions. III, 21, 448-468.

DEBIARD, A&&E, ESPACE~ HP au dessus de l’espace hermitien hyperbolique de C” (n > 1), II, 40, 185-265.

DE BRANGES, LOUIS, Krein Spaces of Analytic Functions, 81, 219-259.

DE CANNI~RE, JEAN, Passive Quasi-free States of the Noninteracting Fermi Gas, 58, 125-149.

DE CANNI~E, JEAN, see Wolfgang Arendt. DEDDENS, JAMES A., see John W. Bunce. DEh3JEIRED0, D. G., AND KARLOVITZ, L.

A., The Extension of Contractions and the Intersection of Balls in Banach Spaces, 11, 168-178.


DEGEORGE, DAVID LEE, On a Theorem of Osborne and Warner: Multiplicities in the Cuspidal Spectrum, 48, 81-94.

DE GRAAF, J., see S. J. L. van Eijndhoven. DEIFT, P., LI, L. C., AND TOMEI, C., Toda

Flows with Infinitely Many Variables, 64, 358-402.

DEIFT, P., AND SIMON, B., On the Decoupling of Finite Singularities from the Question of Asymptotic Completeness in Two Body Quantum Systems, 23, 218- 238.

DE JONGE, EP, Representation of Linear Functionals on a Class of Normed Kiithe Spaces, 23, 119-134.

DE LA HARPE, PIERRE, Les extensions de gl(E) par un noyau de dimension finie sont triviales, 33, 362-373.


GEORGES, Sur la simplicitt essentielle du groupe des inversibles et du groupe unitaire dans une C*-algtbre simple, 62, 354-378.

DELANGHE, R., AND BRACKX, F., Duality in Hypercomplex Function Theory, 37, 164-181.

DELANO& PHILIPPE, equations du type Monge-Amp&e sur les varibtbs Rieman- niennes compactes, I, 40, 358-386.

DELANO& PHILIPPE, equations du type de Monge-Amp&e sur les varibtis Rieman- niennes compactes, II, 41, 341-353.

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DELANO& PHILIPPE, Equations du type de Monge-Ampere sur les Varietes Riemanniennes compactes, III, 45, 403-430.

DELBAEN, F., see I. Cnop. DELORME, P., lrreductibiliti de Certaines

Representations de C’“, 30, 3647. DELORME, P., Theoreme de Type

Paley-Wiener pour les Groupes de Lie Semi-Simples Reels avec une Seule Classe de Conjugaison de Sous Groupes de Cartan, 47, 2663.

DELORME, P., see C. Champetier. DELORME, PATRICK, see Erik van den Ban. DEMBART, BENJAMIN, On the Theory of Semi-

groups of Operators on Locally Convex Spaces, 16, 123-160.

DEMICHELE, LEONEDE, AND INGLIS, IAN R., LP Estimates for Strongly Singular Integrals on Spaces of Homogeneous Type, 39, l-15.

DEMOEN, BART, AND VANHEUVERZWIJN, PAUL, Implementable Positive Maps on Standard Forms, 38, 354-365.

DEMUTH, M., see H. Baumgiirtel. DENCKER, NILS, On the Propagation of

Polarization Sets for Systems of Real Principal Type, 46, 351-372.

DE PAGTER, B., AND SCHEP, A. R., Measures of Non-compactness of Operators in Banach Lattices, 78, 31-55.

DE PAGTER, B., see C. B. Huijsmans. DERRIENNIC, Yvns, AND LIN, MICHAEL, On

Invarient Measures and Ergodic Theorems for Positive Operators, 13, 252-261.

DE SOUZA, GERALW SOARES, Two Theorems on Interpolation of Operators, 46, 149-157.

DE SOUZA R~BEIRO, HERMANO, see Aloisio Freiria Neves.

D~TRAZ, J., Sommes d’ideaux dans les algebres de Banach, 7, 235-241.

DEUTSCH, FRANK, Linear Selections for the Metric Projection, 49, 269-292.

DEVILLE, ROBERT, Problimes de renormages, 68, 117-129.

DEVINATZ, ALLEN, Essential Self-Adjointness of Schriidinger-Type Operators, 25, 58-69.

DEVINATZ, ALLEN, On an Inequality of Tosio

Kato for Degenerate-Elliptic Operators. 32, 312-335.

DEVORE, RONALD A., RIEMENSCHNEIDER, SHERMAN D., AND SHARPLEY, ROBERT C., Weak Interpolation in Banach Spaces, 33, 58-94.

DIAS, JoAo-PAULO, The Solutions of a Varia- tional Inequality as Critical Points of a Real Valued Smooth Function, 13, 73-16.

DIGERNES, TROND, see Ola Bratteli. DZMOCK, JONATHAN, The P(ql), Green’s

Functions: Smoothness on the Coupling Constant, 21, 34&368.

DINCULEANU, NICOLAE, Projections on Space of Invariant Functions, 12, 229-235.

DINEEN, SEAN, Entire Functions on cs, 52, 205-218.

DINGES, HERMANN, Decomposition in Ordered Semigroups, 5, 436483.

DIXMIER, J., On Some C.-Algebras Con- sidered by Glimm, 1, 182-203.

DIXON, P. G., Nonseparable Banach Algebras Whose Squares are Pathologi- cal, 26, 190-200.


Modified Construction of Nuclear Frechet Spaces without Basis, 23, 415433.

DODDS, PETER G., AND RICKF.R, WERNER, Spectral Measures and the Bade Reflexivity Theorem, 61, 136163.


CHARLES N., On Strong Product Integration, 28, 309-354.

DOLLARD, JOHN D., see Charles N. Fried- man.

DOMAR, YNGVE, Spectral Analysis in Spaces of Sequences Summable with Weights, 5, I-13.

DONALDSON, J. A., GIBSCIN, A. G., AND HERSH, R., On the Invariance Principle of Scattering Theory, 14, 131-145.

DONALDSON, THOMAS K., AND TRUDINGER, NEIL S., Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces and Imbedding Theorems, 8, 52-75.

DON~LLY, HAROLD, Essential Spectrum and Heat Kernel, 75, 362-381.

DONNER, KLAUS, Korovkin Theorems in U-Spaces, 42, 12-28.

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Door, J. L., Generalized Sweeping-Out and Probability, 2, 207-225.

DGOLEY, ANTHONY H., Norms of Characters and Lacunarity for Compact Lie Groups, 32, 254-267.


On Lp Multipliers of Cartan Motion Groups, 67, l-24.

DOOLEY, ANTHONY H., AND RICCI, FULVIO, The Contraction of K to jr/M, 63, 344-368.

D~PLICHER, S., KASTLER, D., AND STBRMER, E., Invariant States and Asymptotic Abelianness, 3, 419434.

D~PLIC~R, SERGIO, AND ROBERTS, JOHN E., A Remark on Compact Automorphism Groups of CL-Algebras, 66, 67-72.

D~PLICHER, SERGIO, AND ROBERTS, JOHN E., Duals of Compact Lie Groups Realized in the Cuntz Algebras and Their Actions on C-Algebras, 74, 96-120.


Singular Evolution Equation in Banach Spaces, 64, 227-250.

D~~FMEISTER, GERDA, AND DORFMEISTER, JOSEF, Classification of Certain Pairs of Operators (P,Q) Satisfying [P,Q] = - iId, 57, 301-328.

D~RFMEISTER, JOSEF, see Gerda Dorfmeister. DIXROH, J. R., A Nonlinear Hille-

Yosida-Phillips Theorem, 3, 345-353. DOUGLAS, R. G., AND PEARCY, CARL, On a

Topology for Invariant Subspaces, 2, 323-341.

DOWLING, P. N., AND EDGAR, G. A., Some Characterizations of the Analytic Radon-Nikodym Property in Banach Spaces, 80, 349-357.

DRESELER, B., Norms of Zonal Spherical Functions and Fourier Series on Com- pact Symmetric Spaces, 44, 74-86.

DRESELER, B., On the Asymptotics of the Bochner-Riesz Kernel on Compact Lie Groups, 68, 374-387.

DFLEWNOWSKI, L., On Minimally Subspace-

Comparable F-Spaces, 26, 3 15-332. DUBINSKY, ED, Subspaces without Bases in

Nuclear Frtchet Spaces, 26, 121-130. DUBINSKY, ED, see L. Crone. DUCLOS, P., see J. M. Combes. DUDLEY, R. M., The Sizes of Compact Sub-

sets of Hilbert Space and Continuity of Gaussian Processes, 1, 290-330.

DUDZIAK, JAMES, Spectral Mapping Theorems for Subnormal Operators, 56, 360-387.

DUDZIAK, JAMES, The Minimal Normal

Extension Problem for Subnormal Operators, 65, 314338.

DUFU), M., AND MOORE, CALVIN C., On the Regular Representation of a Non- unimodular Locally Compact Group, 21, 209-243.

DUFIWNOY, A., Union de Compacts d’Inter- polation: Calcul Symbolique, 21, 245-285.

DUNCAN, J., see B. A. Barnes.

DUNN, J. C., Iterative Construction of Fixed Points for Multivalued Operators of the Monotone Type, 27, 38-50.

DUPI&, MAURICE J., Classifying Hilbert Bundles, 15, 244-278.

Du~d, MAURICE J., Classifying Hilbert Bundles. II, 22, 295-322.

DUREN, P. L., AND WILLIAMS, D. L., Inter- polation Problems in Function Spaces, 9, 75-86.

DURSZT, E., AND SZ.-NAGY, B., Remark to a Paper of A. E. Frazho: Models for Non- commuting Operators, 52, 146-147.

DUVAUT, G., AND LIONS, J. L., Transfert de Chaleur dans un Fluide de Bingham dont la Viscosite depend de la Tem- perature, 11, 93-110.

DYM, HARRY, Trace Formulas for a Class of Toeplitz-like Operators, II, 28, 33-57.

DYM, HARRY, Trace Formulas for Blocks of Toeplitz-Like Operators, 31, 69-100.

DYM, HARRY, AND GOHBERG, ISREAL, Unitary Interpolants, Factorization Indices and Infinite Hankel Block Matrices, 54, 229289.

DYM, HARRY, AND GOHBERG, ISREAL, Hankel Integral Operators and Isometric Inter- polants on the Line, 54, 29&307.

DYM, HARRY, AND G~HIIE~G, ISREAL, A Maximum Entropy Principle for Con- tractive Interpolants, 65, 83-125.


Abstract Version of a Limit Theorem of SzegB, 43, 294312.

DYNKIN, E. B., Additive Functionals of

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Several Time-Reversible Markov Pro- cesses, 42, 62-101.

DYNKIN, E. B., Markov Processes as a Tool in Field Theory, 50, 167-187.

DYNKIN, E. B., Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Random Fields Associated with Markov Processes, 55, 344-376.

DYNKIN, E. B., Polynomials of the Occupa- tion Field and Related Random Fields, 58, 2(r52.

DYNKIN, E. B., Random Fields Associated with Multiple Points of the Brownian Motion, 62, 397434.

DYNKIN, E. B. AND GETOOR, R. K., Additive Functionals and Entrance Laws, 62, 221-265.


EASTWOOD, MICHAEL G., POOL, ROBERT, AND WELLS, R. O., JR., The Inverse Penrose Transform of a Solution to the Maxwell-Dirac-Weyl Field Equations, 60, 1635.

ECKMANN, JEAN-PIERRE, AND OSTERWALDER, KONRAD, An Application of Tomita’s Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras: Duality for Free Bose Fields, 13, 1-12.

ECKMANN, JEAN-PIERRE, AND PEARSON, D., Hypercontractivity for Anharmonic Oscillators, 16, 388-404.

EDGAR, G. A., Extremal Integral Represen- tations, 23, 145-161.

EDGAR, G. A., Analytic Martingale Con- vergence, 69, 268-280.

EDGAR, G. A., see Richard D. Bourgin. EDGAR, G. A., see P. N. Dowling. EDWARDS, D. A., A Maximal Ergodic

Theorem for Abel Means of Con- tinuous-parameter Operator Semi- groups, 7, 61-70.

EDWARDS, R. E., AND Ross, KENNETH A., p-Sidon Sets, 15, 404-427.

EFFROG, EDWARD G., Structure in Simplexes. II, 1, 379-391.

EFFRCX, EDWARD G., Amenability and Vir- tual Diagonals for von Neumann Algebras, 78, 137-153.

EFFROS, EDWARD G., see Man-Duen Choi.

EGGHE, L., Characterizations of Nuclear&y in Frkchet Spaces, 35, 207-214.

EGUCHI, MASAAKI, Asymptotic Expansions of Eisenstein Integrals and Fourier Transform on Symmetric Spaces, 34, 167-216.

EGUCHI, MASAAKI, AND KIJMAHARA, KEISAKU, An Lp Fourier Analysis on Symmetric Spaces, 47, 23&246.

EGUCHI, MASAAKI, AND KUMAHARA, KEISAKU, A Hardy-Littlewood Theorem for Spherical Fourier Transforms on Symmetric Spaces, 71, 104-122.

EHRENPREIS, LEON, Lewy’s Operator and Its Ramifications, 68, 329-365.

EISENFELD, J., On Symmetrization and Roots of Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems, 9, 410-422.

EISENFELD, J., Operator Equations and Non- linear Eigenparameter Problems, 12, 475490.

EKELAND, I., Sur le ContrBle Optimal de Systemes Gouvernts par des fiquations Elliptiques, 9, l-62.

ELLIOTT, GEORGE A., Convergence of Automorphisms in Certain CO-Algebras, 11, 204-206.

ELLIOTT, GEORGE A., On Lifting and Extend- ing Derivations of Approximately Finite-Dimensional C.-Algebras, 17, 39548.

ELLIOTT, GEORGE A., Automorphisms Deter- mined by Multipliers on Ideals of a C.-algebra, 23, I-10.

ELLIOTT, GEORGE A., see Ola Bratteli. EMAMIRAD, H., On the Lax and Phillips Scat-

tering Theory for Transport Equation, 62, 276303.

EMBRY, MARY R., AND LAMBERT, ALAN, Subnormal Weighted Translation Semi- groups, 24, 268-275.

EMCH, GERARD G., Nonabelian Special K- Flows, 19, l-12.

EMERSON, WILLIAM R., The Hausdorff Paradox for General Group Actions, 32, 213-227.

EMILION, R., Mean-Bounded Operators and Mean Ergodic Theorems, 61, I-14.

ENFLO, PER, AND ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., Some Results Concerning LP@)-Spaces, 14, 325-348.

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ENGLER, HANS, Contractive Properties for the Heat Equation in Sobolev Spaces, 64, 412435.

ENOCK, MICHEL, Produit croise d’une algtbre de von Neumann par une algebre de Kac, 26, 1647.

ENSS, VOLKER, Propagation Properties of Quantum Scattering States, 219-251.

ERDELYI, I., see Shengwang Wang. ESTERLE, JEAN, Theorems of Gelfand-Mazur

Type and Continuity of Epimorphisms from g(K), 36, 273-286.

EVANS, DAVID E., Dissipators for Symmetric Quasi-Free Dynamical Semigroups on the CAR Algebra, 37, 318-330.

EVANS, DAVID E., AND HANACHE-~LSEN, HARALD, The Generators of Positive Semigroups, 32, 207-2 12.

EVANS, DAVID E., see Alan L. Carey. EVANS, D. E., AND LEWIS, J. T., Some Semi-

groups of Completely Positive Maps on the CCR Algebra, 26, 369-377.


On the Extension Problem for Accretive Differential Operators, 63, 276298.


FABEC, R. C., Cocycles, Extensions of Group Actions, and Bundle Representations, 56, 79-98.

FABER, E. B., JODEIT, MAX JR., AND LEWIS, J. E., On the Spectra of a Hardy Kernal, 21, 187-194.

FACK, THIERRY, Proof of the Conjecture of A. Grothendieck on the Fuglede- Kadison Determinant, 50, 2 15-228.

FACK, THIERRY, AND MARECHAL, O., Sur la classification des automorphismes periodiques des C’-algebres UHF, 40, 267-301.

FALIELL, EDWARD R., AND RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., Bifurcation for Odd Potential Operators and an Alternative Topologi- cal Index, 26, 4867.

FAKHOURY, HICHAM, Preduaux de t-espace: Notion de Centre, 9, 189-207.

FAKHOURY, HICHAM, Selections Lineaires

Associees au Theoreme de Hahn- Banach, 11, 436452.

FARALJT, JACQUES, Un theoreme de Paley-Wiener pour la transformation de Fourier sur un espace riemannien symttrique de rang un, 49, 230-268.

FARAUT, JACQUES, AND TRAVAGLINI, GIAN- CARLO, Bessel Functions Associated with Representations of Formally Real Jordan Algebras, 71, 123-141.

FARIS, WILLIAM G., Product Formulas for Perturbations of Linear Propagators, 1, 93-108.

FARIS, WILLIAM G., The Stochastic Heisen- berg Model, 32, 342-352.

FARIS, WILLIAM G., A Localization Principle for Multiplicative Perturbations, 67, 105-I 14.

FATTORINI, H. 0.. A Representation Theorem for Distribution Semigroups, 6, 83-96.

FATTORINI, H. O., Structure Theorems for Vector Valued Ultradistributions, 39, 381407.

FAVINI, ANGELO, An Operational Method for Abstract Degenerate Evolution Equations of Hyperbolic Type, 76, 432456.

FE&R F., Interpolation und Index- bedingungen auf rearrangement- invarianten Funktionenraumen. I. Grundlagen und die K-Methode, 25, 147-161.

FE&R, F., Interpolation und Index- bedingungen auf rearrangement- invarianten Funktionenriumen. II. Die J-Methode und ihr Zusammenhang mit der K-Methode, 28, 21-32.

FE&, F., GA$.PAR, D., AND JOHNEN, H., Normkonvergenz von Fourierreihen in rearrangement invarianten Banach- raumen, 13, 417434.

FEICHTINGER, HANS G., see W. Braun. FELDMAN, E. A., see I. Chavel. FELDMAN, JACOB, Decomposable Processes

and Continuous Products of Probablity Spaces, 8, l-51.

FERNANDEZ, DICESAR LASS, Lorentz Spaces, with Mixed Norms, 25, 128-146.

FERNSTR~M, CLAES, AND POLKING, JOHN C., Bounded Point Evaluations and

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Approximation in Lp by Solutions of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, 28, I-20.


GAUDRY, GARTH I., Multipliers of Lp Which Vanish at Infinity, 7, 475486.

FIG.&TALAMANCA, ALESSANDRO, AND PICAR- DELLO, MASSIMO A., Spherical Functions and Harmonic Analysis on Free Groups, 47, 281-304.

FIGIEL, T., see W. J. Davis. FILLMORE, PETER A., On Sums of Projec-

tions, 4, 146152. FISCHER, DAVID R., Functions Positive-

Definite on R3 and the Heisenberg Group, 42, 338-346.

FISHER, STEPHEN D., Schwarz’s Lemma for Vector-Valued Analytic Functions, 8, 8694.

FISHER, STEPHEN D., Algebras of Bounded Funtions Invariant under the Restricted Backward Shift, 12, 236245.

FISHER, STEPHEN D., The Decomposition of C,(K) into the Direct Sum of Sub- algebras, 31, 218-223.

FITZPATRICK, P. M., see J. C. Alexander. FLATO, Moati, AND SIMON, JACQUES,

Separate and Joint Analyticity in Lie Groups Representations, 13, 268-276.

FLENSTED-JENSEN, MOGENS, Spherical Func- tions on a Real Semisimple Lie Group. A Method of Reduction to the Complex Case, 30, 106146.

FLOER, ANDREAS, AND WEINSTEIN, ALAN, Nonspreading Wave Packets for the Cubic Schriidinger Equation with a Bounded Potential, 69, 397-408.

FLYTZANIS, E., Unitary Eigenoperators of Ergodic Transformations, 38, 401-409.

FLYTZANIS, E., AND KANAKIS, L., Measure Preserving Composition Operators, 73, 113-121.

FOIAS, C., On the Lax-Phillips Nonconser- vative Scattering Theory, 19, 273-301.

FOIAS, C., AND TANNENBAUM, ALLEN, On the Nehari Problem for a Certain Class of Lm-Functions Appearing in Control Theory, 74, 146-159.

FOIAS, C., AND TANNENBAUM, ALLEN, On the Nehari Problem for a Certain Class of

L" Functions Appearing in Control Theory, II, 81, 207-218.

FOIAS, C., see C. Apostol. FOIAS, C., see H. Bercovici. FOIAS, C., see Bela Sz.-Nagy. F~LLMER, H., A Covariance Estimate for

Gibbs Measures, 46, 387-395. FRAENKEL, L. E., see H. Brezis. FRAMPTON, JOHN, AND TROMBA, A. J., On

the Classification of Spaces of Holder Continuous Functions, 10, 336345.

FRAMPTON, JOHN, see Robert Bonic. FRAZHO, ARTHUR E., Models for Noncom-

muting Operators, 48, l-1 1. FRAZHO, ARTHUR E., Complements to

Models for Noncommuting Operators, 59, 445-461.

FRENKEL, I. B., Two Constructions of ABine Lie Algebra Representations and Boson-Fermion Correspondence in Quantum Field Theory, 44, 259-327.

FRIEDMAN, AVNER, Parabolic Variational Inequalities in One Space Dimension and Smoothness of the Free Boundary, 18, 151-176.


BRUCE, Asymptotic Estimates for an

Axisymmetric Rotating Fluid, 37, 136-163.

FRIEDMAN, AVNER, see Alain Bensoussan. FRIEDMAN, AVNER, see Luis A. Caffarelli.

FRIEDMAN, CHARLH N., Perturbations of the

Schroedinger Equation by Potentials with Small Support, 10, 346360.


JOHN D., Product Integrals. II. Contour Integrals, 28, 355-368.

FRIEDMAN, CHARLES N., see John D. Dollard.

FRIEDMAN, YAAKOV, AND Russo, BERNARD, Solution of the Contractive Projection Problem, 60, 56-79.

FROELICH, JOHN, Compact Operators, Invariant Subspaces, and Spectral Syn- thesis, 81, l-37.

FROTA-MATTOS, Lurs A., Analytic Continua- tion of the Fourier Series on Connected Compact Lie Groups, 29, I-15.

FRUNZA, STEP-N, The Taylor Spectrum and Spectral Decompositions, 19, 39(t 421.

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FUCIISSTEINER, BENNO, Sandwich Theorems and Lattice Semigroups, 16, I-14.

FUCHSSTEINER, BENNO, Lattices and Cho- quet’s Theorem, 17, 377-387.

FuELK, SVAT~PLUK, NEEAS, JINDRICH, SOUEEK, hill, AND SOUCEK, VLADIMIR, Upper Bound for the Number of Criti- cal Levels for Nonlinear Operators in Banach Spaces of the Type of Second Order Nonlinear Partial Differential Operators, 11, 314-333.

FUGLEDE, BENT, Commuting Self-Adjoint Partial Differential Operators and a Group Theoretic Problem, 16, 101-121.

FUGLEDE, BENT, Localization in Fine Poten- tial Theory and Uniform Approxima- tion by Subharmonic Functions, 49, 57-72.

Futm, RICHARD, AND PHELPS, R. R., Uniqueness of Complex Representing Measures on the Choquet Boundary, 14, l-27.

FUHRMANN, PAUL A., Realization Theory in Hilbert Space for a Class of Transfer Functions, 18, 338-349.

FUJIWARA, HIDENORI, Polarisations &elles et representations associees dun groupe de Lie resoluble, 60, 102-125.

FUKUSHIMA, M., AND OKADA, M., On Con- formal Martingale Diffusions and Pluripolar Sets, 55, 377-388.

FURI, MASSIMO, AND VIGNOLI, ALFONSO, A Nonlinear Spectral Approach to Surjec- tivity in Banach Spaces, 20, 304318.


GAILLARD, PIERRE Y., Eigenforms of the Laplacian on Real and Complex Hyper- bolic Spaces, 78, 99-l IS.

GALI, I. M., AND ZABEL, A. M., Criteria for the Nuclearity of Spaces of Functions of Infinitely Many Variables, 53, 16-21.

GALLAVOT~I, G., see G. Benfatto. GAMELIN, T. W., Embedding Riemann Sur-

faces in Maximal Ideal Spaces, 2, 123-146.

GAMELIN, T. W., Norm Compactness of

Representing Measures for R(K), 3, 495-500.

GAMELIN, T. W., AND GARNETS, JOHN, Pointwise Bounded Approximation and Dirichlet Algebras, 8, 360-404.

GAMELIN, T. W., AND SIBONY, N., Subhar- monicity for Uniform Algebras, 35, 64-108.

GAMELIN, T. W., see Brian J. Cole. GAMLEN, J. L. B., see C. A. Akemann. GANGOLLI, RAMESH, On the Symmetry of L,

Algebras of Locally Compact Motion Groups, and the Wiener Tauberian Theorem, 25, 244-252.

GA.RDING, LARS, On the Essential Spectrum of Schrodinger Operators, 52, l-10.


Algebras with the Same Multiplicative Measures, 1, 331-341.

GARNETT, JOHN, see T. W. Gamelin. GARNETT, JOHN B., see Alain Bernard. GARNETS, LUCY, Foliations, The Ergodic

Theorem and Brownian Motion, 51, 285-3 11.

GASPAR, D., see F. Feher. GAUDRY, GARTH I., see Alessandro Figa-

Talamanca. GAUDRY, G. I., see A. H. Dooley. GAVEAU, BERNARD, Methodes de controle

optimal en analyse complexe. I. Risolu- tion d’equations de Monge Ampere, 25, 391-411.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, Mdthode de contrble optimal en analyse complexe ou rblle. III. Diffusion des fonctions plurisous- harmoniques ou convexes, 32, 228-253.

GA~EAU, BERNARD, Representation For- mulas of the Cauchy Problem for Hyperbolic Systems Generalizing Dirac System, 5%, 310-319.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, GREINER, PETER, AND VALJTHIER, JACQUES, Intigrales de Fourier quadratiques et calcul symbo- lique exact sur le groupe d’Heisenberg, 68, 248-272.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND KAC, MARK, A Probabilistic Formula for the Quantum N-Body Problem and the Non-linear Schriidinger Equation in Operator Algebra, 66, 308-322.

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GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND MAZET, E., Theorimes d’Existence et de Regularite pour Certaines Equations Quasi Lineaires Paraboliques et Mtthodes Probabilistes Constructives, 27, 136149.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND, MOULINIER, JEAN- MARC, Inttgrales oscillantes stochas- tiques: Estimation asymptotique de fonctionnelles caracttristiques, 54, 161-176.

GHYS, ETIENNE, Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for 2-Dimensional Foliations, 77, 51-59.

GIBBON, A. G., see Colston Chandler. GIBSON, A. G., see J. A. Donaldson. GIESY, DANIEL P., The Completion of a B-

Convex Normed Riesz Space Is Reflexive, 12, 188-198.

GILBERT, JOHN E., ITO, TAKASHI, AND SCHREIBER, BERTRAM M., Bimeasure Algebras on Locally Compact Groups, 64, 134162.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND TRAUBER, PHILIP, Constructions de diffusions et de mesures invariantes par le groupe de jauge sur I’espace des connexions, 38, 324341.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND TRAUBER, PHILIP, Une construction de la quantification euclidienne du Champ de Yang-Mills regularise, 42, 356-367.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND TRAUBER, PHILIP, L’inttgrale stochastique comme operateur de divergence dans l’espace fonctionnel, 46, 230-238.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, AND VAUTHIER, JACQUES, Integrales oscillantes stochastiques: l’equation de Pauli, 44, 388400.

GAVEAU, BERNARD, see Anne Marie Berthier. GA~EAU, BERNARD, see J. Bertrand. GAVEAU, BERNARD, see A. Debiard. GELLER, DARYL, Fourier Analysis on the

Heisenberg Group. I. Schwartz Space, 36, 205-254.

GILFEATHER, FRANK, HOPENWASSER, ALAN, AND LARSON, DAVID R., Reflexive Algebras with Finite Width Lattices: Tensor Products, Cohomology, Com- pact Perturbations, 55, 176199.

GILFEATHER, FRANK, AND MOORE, ROBERT L., Isomorphisms of Certain CSL Algebras, 67, 264291.

GILL, TEPPER L., Infinite Tensor Products of Banach Spaces, I, 30, 17-35.

GILLESPIE, T. A., see Earl Berkson. GILLESPIE, T. A., see John B. Conway. GIL-MEDRANO, O., On the Yamabe Problem

Concerning the Compact Locally Con- formally Flat Manifolds, 66, 42-53.

GIMBERT, FRANCIS, Probltmes de Neumann Quasilineaires, 62, 65-72.

GIN& EVARIST, MARCUS, MICHAEL B., AND ZINN, JOEL, A Version of Chevet’s Theorem for Stable Processes, 63, 47-73.

GEORG, KURT, AND MARTELLI, MARIO, On Spectral Theory for Nonlinear Operators, 24, 140-147.

GEORGFSCU, VLADIMIR, see Anne Berthier. GESZTESY, F., AND SIMON, B., Topological

Invariance of the Witten Index, 79, 91-102.

GINIBRE, J., AND VELO, G., On a Class of Nonlinear Schriidinger Equations. I. The Cauchy Problem, General Case, 32, l-32.

GINIBRE, J., AND VELO, G., On a Class of Nonlinear Schrijdinger Equations. II. Scattering Theory, General Case, 32, 33-71.

GETOOR, R. K., see E. B. Dynkin. GETZLER, EZRA, Degree Theory for Weiner

Maps, 68, 388-403. GETZLER, EZRA, The Degree of the Nicolai

Map in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, 74, 121-138.

GHOU~~C~JB, N., AND MAUREY, B., Gs- Embeddings in Hilbert Space, 61, 72-97.

GHOUS~~UB, N., AND MAUREY, B., Gd- Embeddings in Hilbert Space, II, 78, 271-305.

GINIBRE, J., see M. Combescure. GINSBERG, J., see J. H. Neuwirth. GIORDANO, T., Antiautomorphismes

involutifs des facteurs de Von Neumann injectifs II, 51, 326360.

GIORDANO, T., AND SKANDALIS, G., Krieger Factors Isomorphic to Their Tensor Square and Pure Point Spectrum Flows, 64, 209-226.


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Characters and Fourier Series on Com- pact Lie Groups, 46, 88-101.

GIULINI, SAVERIO, AND TRAVAGLINI, GIAN- CARLO, Sharp Estimates for Lebesgue Constants on Compact Lie Groups, 68, lObll6.

GLEIT, ALAN, AND LAZAR, ALDO J., Basis Constants for the Space of n x n Matrices, 22, 354-365.

GLICKSBERG, IRVING, The Abstract F. and M. Riesz Theorem, 1, 109-122.

GLICKSBERG, IRVING, Extensions of the F. and M. Riesz Theorem, 5, 125-136.

GLICKSBERG, IRVING, AND MARSHALL, DONALD E., Algebras Containing a Divisible Unimodular Sequence with Dense Self Adjoint Span, 47, 165-179.


Yukawa, Quantum Field Theory without Cutoffs, 7, 323-357.

GU)BEVNIK, J., Analytic Functions Whose Range is Dense in a Ball, 22, 32-38.

GLOBEVNIK, J., AND VIDAV, I., On Operator- Valued Analytic Functions with Con- stant Norm, 15, 394403.

GODEFROY, GILLES, AND IOCHUM, BRUNO, Arens-Regularity of Banach Algebras and the Geometry of Banach Spaces, 80, 47-59.

GODEFROY, GILLES, TROYANSKI, S., WHIT- FIELD, J. H. M., AND ZIZLER, V., Smoothness in Weakly Compactly Generated Banach Spaces, 52, 344 352.

GODIN, PAUL, Singular Solutions to Some Non Linear Oblique Derivative Problems, 76, 233-266.

GOHBERG, ISREAL C., KAASHOEK, M. A., AND LAY, D. C., Equivalence, Linearization, and Decomposition of Holomorphic Operator Functions, 28, 102-144.

GOHBERG, ISREAL C., KAASHOEK, M. A., AND RODMAN, L., Spectral Analysis of Families of Operator Polynomials and a Generalized Vandermonde Matrix. II. The Infinite Dimensional Case, 30, 358-389.



Formulas in Terms of Realizations of the Symbol, 74, 24-5 1.

GOHBERG, ISREAL C., see H. Bart. GOHBERG, ISREAL C., see A. Ben-Artzi. GOHBERG, ISREAL C., see Harry Dym. GOLDSTEIN, JEROME A., Time Dependent

Hyperbolic Equations, 4, 3149. GOLDSTEIN, JEROME A., Semigroups and

Second-Order Differential Equations, 4, 5&70.

GOLDSTEIN, JEROME A., Corrigendum on “Time Dependent Hyperbolic Equa- tions,” 6, 347

GOLDSTEIN, JEROME A., see Paul Chernoff. GOLODETS, V. YA., AND NE~S~NOV, N. I., T-

Property and Nonisomorphic Full Fac- tors of Types II and III, 70, 8(r89.


PERTHAME, BENO~T, AND SENTIS, U.MI, Regularity of the Moments of the Solu- tion of a Transport Equation, 76, 1 l&125.

GOLSE, FRANCOIS, see C. Bardos. GONZALEZ, FULTON B., Radon Transforms

on Grassmann Manifolds, 71, 339-362. GOODMAN, FREDERICK M., Closed Deriva-

tions in Commutative C’ Algebras, 39, 308-346.

GOODMAN, FREDERICK, M., AND, JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Lie Algebras of Unbound- ed Derivations, 52, 369-384.

GOODMAN, FREDERICK M., AND WASSERMAN, ANTHONY J., Unbounded Derivations Commuting with Compact Group Actions. II, 55, 389-397.

GOODMAN, FREDERICK M., see Ola Bratteli. GOODMAN, ROE, Analytic Domination by

Fractional Powers of a Positive Operator, 3, 246264.

GOODMAN, ROE, One-Parameter Groups Generated by Operators in an Envelop- ing Algebra, 6, 218-236.

GOODMAN, ROE, Holomorphic Representa- tions of Nilpotent Lie Groups, 31, 115-137.

GOODMAN, ROE, AND WALLACH, NOLAN R., Whittaker Vectors and Conical Vectors, 39, 199-279.

GOODMAN, ROE, AND WALLACH, NOLAN R., Projective Unitary Positive-Energy

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Representations of Diff(S’), 63, 299-321.

GOODMAN, VICTOR, Harmonic Functions on Hilbert Space, 10, 451470.

GOOTMAN, ELLIOT C., Induced Representa- tions and Finite Volume Homogeneous Spaces, 24, 223-240.

GORDON, Y., LEWIS, D. R., AND RETHER- FORD, J. R., Banach Ideals of Operators with Applications, 14, 85-130.

G~RLICH, E., AND PONTZEN, D., An Approximation Theorem for Semi- groups of Growth Order c( and an Extension of the Trotter-Lie Formula, 50, 414425.

GOROSTIZA, L. G., see T. Bojdecki. Go~.?.Ez, JEAN-PIERRE, On the Subdifferential

of a Saddle Function, 11, 220-230. GOULAOUIC, C., see M. S. Baouendi. GRAHAM, COLON C., On a Banach Algebra

of Varopoulos, 4, 3 17-328. GRAHAM, COLIN C., The Functions Which

Operate on Fourier-Stieltjes Transforms of L-Subalgebras of M(T), 11, 453464.

GRAHAM, COLON C., Symbolic Calculus for Positive-Definite Functions, 11, 465478.

GRAHAM, COLIN C., see F. Parreau. GRANGE, O., AND MIGNOT, F., Sur la

R&solution d’une fiquation et d’une Intquation Paraboliques non Liniaires, 11, 77-92.

GREEN, PHILIP, Square-Integrable Represen- tations and the Dual Topology, 35, 279-294.

GREEN, PHILIP, The Structure of Imprimitivity Algebras, 36, 88-104.

GREENBERG, WILLIAM, AND VAN DER MEE, C. V. M., Abstract Kinetic Equations Relevant to Supercritical Media, 57, 111-142.

GREENLEAF, FREDERICK P., Amenable Actions of Locally Compact Groups, 4, 295-315.

GREENLEAF, FREDERICK P., MOSKOWITZ, MARTIN, AND ROTHSCHILD, LINDA PREISS, Central Indempotent Measures on Connected Locally Compact Groups, 15, 22-32.

GREENLEAF, FREDERICK P., see Lawrence Corwin.

GREENLEE, W. M., On Spectral Concentra- tion for Semi-Bounded Operators, 5, 66-70.

GREENLEE, W. M., Singular Perturbation Theorems for Semibounded Operators, 8, 469-49 1.

GREENLEE, W. M., Double Unconditional Bases Associated with a Quadratic Characteristic Parameter Problem, 15, 306-339.

GREENLEE, W. M., Linearized Hydrodynamic Stability of a Viscous Liquid in an Open Container, 22, 106-129.

GREENLEE, W. M., Perturbation of Bound States of the Radial Equation by Repulsive Singular Potentials-First- Order Asymptotics, 27, 185-202.


STRAUSS, WALTER, Stability Theory of Solitary Waves in the Presence of Sym- metry, I, 74, 160-197.

GRINBLAT, L. S., Circles in the Unit Sphere of a Hilbert Space, 31, 272-274.

GRISVARD, P., see M. S. Baouendi. GRISVARD, P., see G. Da Prato. GROS, KENNETH I., AND KUNZE, RAY A.,

Bessel Functions and Representation Theory. I, 22, 73-105.

GROW?., KENNETH I., AND KUNZE, RAY A., Bessel Functions and Representation Theory, II, Holomorphic Discrete Series and Metaplectic Representations, 25, l-19.

GROSS, LEONARD, Potential Theory on Hilbert Space, 1, 123-181.

GROSS, LEONARD, Existence and Uniqueness of Physical Ground States, 10, 52-109.

GROSS, LEONARD, Analytic Vectors for Representations of the Canonical Com- mutation Relations and Nondegeneracy of Ground States, 17, 104-I 1 I.

GROIN, LEONARD, On the Formula of Math- ews and Salam, 25, 162-209.

GROW?., LEONARD, A PoincarC Lemma for Connection Forms, 63, l-46.


KIAERGRRD, Sub-Stonean Spaces and Corona Sets, 56, 124-143.


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KJAERGARD, Diagonalizing Matrices over C(x), 59, 65-89.

GROVER, CAROLE L., see Charles V. Coffman.

GRUBB, GERD, Boundary Problems for Systems of Partial Differential Operators of Mixed Order, 26, 131-165.

GUICHARDET, A., AND WULFSOHN, A., Sur les produits tensoriels continus d’espaces hilbertiens, 2, 371-377.

GUILLEMIN, V., AND STERNBERG, S., The Metaplectic Representation, Weyl Operators and Spectral Theory, 42, 128-225.

GUILLEMIN, V., AND STERNBERG, S., Homogeneous Quantization and Multi- plicities of Group Representations, 47, 344-380.

GUILLEMIN, V., AND STERNBERG, S., The Gelfand-Cetlin System and Quantiza- tion of the Complex Flag Manifolds, 52, 106-128.

GULIZIA, CHARLES LLOYD, Harmonic Analysis of X(2) over a Locally Com- pact Field, 12, 384400.

GURARIE, DAVID, Banach Uniformly Con- tinuous Representations of Lie Groups and Algebras, 36, 40407.

GURARIE, DAVID, AND KON, MARK A., Radial Bounds for Perturbations of Elliptic Operators, 56, 99-123.

GUSTAFXBN, K., see B. Calvert. GUTKIN, EUGENE, Quantum Nonlinear

Schrijdinger Equation. II. Explicit Solu- tion, 77, 326345.

GUZMAN, ALBERTO, Growth Properties of Semigroups Generated by Fractional Powers of Certain Linear Operators, 23, 33 l-352.

GUZMAN, ALBERTO, Further Study of Growth of Fractional-Power Semi- groups, 29, 133-141.

GUZMAN, ALBERTO, Fractional-Power Semi- groups of Growth n, 30, 223-237.

GYNKIN, E. B., Green’s and Dirichlet Spaces Associated with Fine Markov Processes, 47, 381-418.


HAAGERUP, UFFE, Normal Weights on W*- Algebras, 19, 302-3 17.

HAAGERUP, UFFZ, Operator Valued Weights in von Neumann Algebras, I, 32, 175-206.

HAAGERUP, UFFE, Operator Valued Weights in von Neumann Algebras, II, 33, 339-361.

HAAGERUP, UFFE, A New Proof of the Equivalence of Injectivity and Hyper- finiteness for Factors on a Separable Hilbert Space, 62, 16&201.

HADWIN, DONALD W., AND HOOVER, THOMAS B., Operator Algebras and the Con- jugacy of Transformations, 77, 112-122


PETER, An Operator Not Satisfying Lomonosov’s Hypothesis, 38, 41&415.


A., Asymptotic Completeness of Certain Four-Body Schradinger Operators, 65, 172-203.

HAGLER, JAMES, AND STEGALL, CHARLES, Banach Spaces Whose Duals Contain Complemented Subspaces Isomorphic to c[O,l], 13, 233-251

HAGOOD, JOHN W., The Operator-Valued Feynman-Kac Formula with Noncom- mutative Operators, 38, 99-l 17.

HAHN, PETER, Reconstruction of a Factor from Measures on Takesaki’s Unitary Equivalence Relation, 31, 263-27 I.

HAKIM, MONIQLJE, AND SIBONY, NESSIM, Spectre de A(a) pour des domaines born&s faiblement pseudoconvexes rkguliers, 37, 127-135.

HALLSTROM, ALFRED P., On Bounded Point Derivations and Analytic Capacity, 4, 153-165.

HALPERN, HERBERT, Spectral Representa- tions for Abelian Automorphism Groups of von Neumann Algebras, 36, 3 13-342.

HALPERN, HERBERT, KAFTAL, VICTOR, AND WEISS, GARY, The Relative Dixmier Property in Discrete Crossed Products, 69, 121-140.

HAMACHI, TOSHIHIRO, The Normalizer Group of an Ergodic Automorphism of Type III and the Commutant of an Ergodic Flow, 40, 387403.

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HAMILTON, E. P., AND NASHED, M. Z., Global and Local Variational Derivatives and Integral Representa- tions of GIteaux Differentials, 49, 128-144.

HANACHE~LSEN, HARALD, see David E. Evans.

HANDELMAN, DAVID, Free Rank n+ 1 Dense Subgroups of R” and Their Endo- morphisms, 46, l-27.

HANDELMAN, DAVID, Extending Traces on Fixed Point C* Algebras under Xerox Product Type Actions of Compact Lie Groups, 72, 44-57.

HANDELMAN, DAVID, see Bruce Blackadar. HANNABUSS, KEITH C., Representations of

Nilpotent Locally Compact Groups, 34, 146165.


MCthodes d’ordre dans l’interpr&tation de certaines intquations variationnelles et applications, 34, 2 17-249.

HANSELL, R. W., First Class Selectors for Upper Semi-continuous Multifunctions, 15, 382-395.

HARAUX, ALAIN, see Theirry Cazenave. HARISH-CHANDRA, Harmonic Analysis on

Real Reductive Groups. I. The Theory of the Constant Term, 19, 104204.

HARRIS, LAWRENCE A., Banach Algebras with Involution and Miibius Transfor- mations, 11, l-16.

HART, D. R., see W. Arendt. HATZIAFRATIS, TELEMACHOS, An Explicit

Extension Formula of Bounded Holomorphic Functions from Analytic Varieties to Strictly Convex Domains, 70, 289-303.

HAUENSCHILD, WILFRIED, AND KANIUTH, EBERHARD, The Generalized Wiener Theorem for Groups with Finite Dimen- sional Irreducible Representations, 31, 13-23.

HAUENSCHILD, WILFRIED, KANIUTH, EBER- HARD, AND KUMAR, AJAY, Ideal Struc- ture of Beurling Algebras on [FC’I - Groups, 51, 213-228.

HAYASHI, NAKAO, NAKAMIIW, KUNIAKI, AND TSUTSUMI, MASAYOSHI, On Solu- tions of the Initial Value Problem for

the Nonlinear Schriidinger Equations, 71, 218-245.

HEBERT, D. J., JR., Probability Methods and Nonlinear Analysis, 17, 239-262.

HEDBERG, LARS INGE, Bounded Point Evaluations and Capacity, 10, 269-280.

HEDENMALM. H~KAN, Outer Functions of Several Complex Variables, 80, 9-15.

HEGERFELDT. GERHARD C., Noncommutative Analogs of Probabilistic Notions and Results, 64, 43&456.

HEIBERG, CHARLES H., Norms of Powers of Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series of Several Variables, 14, 382400.

HEINRICH, STEFAN, Closed Operator Ideals and Interpolation, 35, 397411.


sur le principe d’incertitude, 80, 3346. HELFFER, B., AND ROBERT, D., Calcul

fonctionnel par la transformation de Mellin et optrateurs admissibles, 53, 246-268.

HELGASON, SIGURDUR, Eigenspaces of the Laplacian; Integral Representations and Irreducibility, 17, 328-353.

HELMES, K., AND SCHWANE, A., L&y’s Stochastic Area Formula in Higher Dimensions, 54, 177-192.

HELTON, J. WILLIAM, Unitary Operators on a Space with an Indefinite Inner Product, 6, 412440.

HELTON, J. WILLIAM, Discrete Time Systems, Operator Models, and Scattering Theory, 16, 15-38.

HELTON, J. WILLIAM, The Distance of a Function to Hoe in the Poincark Metric; Electrical Power Transfer, 38, 273-3 14.

HELTON, J. WILLIAM, see Joseph A. Ball. HENE, DAMIR, Ergodicity of Foliations with

Singularities, 75, 349-36 1. HENRICHS, ROLF WIM, On Decomposition

Theory for Unitary Representations of Locally Compact Groups, 31, 101- 114.

HERB, R. A., AND SALLY, P. J., JR., Singular Invariant Eigendistributions as Charac- ters in the Fourier Transform of Invariant Distributions, 33, 195-210.

HERB, REBECCA A., AND WOLF, JOSEPH A., Wave Packets for the Relative Discrete

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Series. I. The Holomorphic Case, 73, l-37.

HERB, REBECCA A., AND WOLF, JOSEPH A., Wave Packets for the Relative Discrete Series. II. The Nonholomorphic Case, 73,38-106.

HERBST, I., Temporal Exponential Decay for the Stark Effect in Atoms, 48, 224- 251.

HERMAN, RICHARD H., Centralizers and an Ordering for Faithful, Normal States, 13, 317-323.

HERMAN, RICHARD H., Unbounded Deriva- tions, 20, 234-239.

HERMAN, RICHARD H., AND JONES, VAUGHAN F. R., Period Two Automorphisms of UHF C.-Algebras, 45, 16%176.

HERMAN, RICHARD H., AND OCNEANLJ, ADRIAN, Stability for Integer Actions on UHF C*-Algebras, 59, 132-144.

HERMAN, RICHARD H., AND OCNEANU, ADRIAN, Spectral Analysis for Automorphisms of UHF C*-Algebras, 66, l-10.

HEROD, J. V., see M. F. Bamsley. HERRERO, DOMINGO A., Compact Perturba-

tions of Nest Algebras, Index Obstruc- tions, and a Problem of Arveson, 55, 78-109.

HERRERO, DOMINGO ANTONIO, A Pathologi- cal Lattice of Invariant Subspaces, 11, 131-137.

HERSH, R., see J. A. Donaldson. HER&, C., see R. M. Aron. HERZ, CARL, An Interpolation Principle for

Martingale Inequalities, 22, l-7. HERZ, CARL, On the Asymmetry of Norms

of Convolution Operators. I, 23, 1 l-22. HESS, H.-U., Infinite Dimensional Convex

Sets with a Property Common to Finite Dimensional Convex Sets, 37, 374381.

HESS, PETER, On Nonlinear Mappings of Monotone Type Homotopic to Odd Operators, 11, 138-167.

HESS, PETER, see Felix E. Browder. HIAI, FUMIO, Martingale-Type Convergence

of Modular Automorphism Groups on von Neumann Algebras, 56, 265-278.

HIGSON, NIGEL, On a Technical Theorem of Kasparov, 73, 107-l 12.


H., On Sophus Lie’s Fundamental Theorem, 67, 293-3 19.

HILSUM, MICHEL, Les espaces LP d’une algtbre de von Neumann dttinies par la derivte spatiale, 40, 151-169.

HIRSCH, FRANCIS, Domaines d’Op&rateurs ReprBsent& comme IntCgrales de RBsolvantes, 23, 199-217.

HIRSCH, FRANCIS, PropriCti: d’absolue con- tinuitk pour les tquations diffkrentielles stochastiques dtpendent du pass&, 76, 193-216.


RICHARD, Conjugate Function Theory in Weak’ Dirichlet Algebras, 16, 359-371.

HBEGH-KROHN, RAPHAEL, see Sergio Albeverio.

HBEGH-KROHN, RAPHAEL, see Barry Simon. HOFMANN, KARL H., see Joachim Hilgert. HOLDEN, HELGE, see Sergio Albeverio. HOLLAND, SAMUEL S., JR., On the Adjoint of

the Product of Operators, 3, 337- 344.

HOLLEY, R., AND STROOCK, D., Diffusions on an Infinite Dimensional Torus, 42, 29-63.

HOLMSTEDT, TORD, AND PEETRE, JAAK, On Certain Functionals Arising in the Theory of Interpolation Spaces, 4, 88-94.

HOLMSTR~~M, LASSE, Universal Classes of Nuclear Kathe Spaces with a Con- tinuous Norm, 48, 12-19.

HOOPER, R. C., Topological Groups and Integer-Valued Norms, 2, 243-257.

HOOVER, THOMAS B., see Donald W. Hadwin.

HOPENWASSER, ALAN, see Frank Gilfeather. HOST, B., see F. Parreau. HOWE, ROGER E., On Some Results of

Strichartz and of Rallis and Schiffman, 32, 297-303.

HOWE, ROGER E., Quantum Mechanics and Partial Differential Equations, 38, 188-254.

HOWE, RICER E., AND MOORE, CALVIN C., Asymptotic Properties of Unitary Representations, 32, 72-96.

HOWLAND, JAMES S., A Perturbation-

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Theoretic Approach to Eigenfunction Expansions, 2, l-23.

HOWLAND, JAMES S., Abstract Stationary Theory of Multichannel Scattering, 22, 250-282.

HOWLAND, JAMES S., Perturbation Theory of Dense Point Spectra, 74, 52-80.

HOWLAND, JAME.Y S., AND KATO, Tosro, On a Theorem of Ismagilov, 41, 37-39.

HUDSON, R. L., The Strong Markov Property for Canonical Wiener Pro- cesses, 34, 266-28 1.

HUDSON, R. L., AND LINDSAY, J. M., A Non- commutative Martingale Representation Theorem for Non-Fock Quantum Brownian Motion, 61, 202-221.

HUDSON, R. L., WILKINSON, M. D., AND PECK, S. N., Translation-Invariant Integrals, and Fourier Analysis on Clif- ford and Grassmy Algebras, 37, 68-87.

HUGHES, RHONDA J., Singular Perturbations in the Interaction Representation, II, 49, 293-314.

HUGHES, RHONDA J., AND KAN’TOROVITZ, SHMUEL, Boundary Values of Holomorphic Semigroups of Unbound- ed Operators and Similarity of Certain Perturbations, 29, 253-273.

HUGHES, RHONDA J., AND SEGAL, IRVING E., Singular Perturbations in the Interaction Representation, 38, 71-98.

HUI, STEFEN, Qualitative Properties of Solu- tions to Hm-Optimization Problems, 75, 323-348.

HUIJSMANS, C. B., AND DE PAGTER, B., The Order Bidual of Lattice Ordered Algebras, 59, 41-64.

HULANICKI, A., AND PHELPS, R. R., Some Applications of Tensor Products of Partially-Ordered Linear Spaces, 2, 177-201.

HURST, C. A., see A. L. Carey. HUTSON, V., AND PIM, J., Measure Algebras

Associated with a Second Order Dif- ferential Operator, 12, 68-96.


Ic~N~~E, TAKASHI, The Nonrelativistic Limit Problem for a Relativistic Spinless Par-

ticle in an Electromagnetic Field, 73, 233-257.

IKEBE, TERUO, Spectral Representation for Schradinger Operators with Long- Range Potentials, 20, 158-177.

IKUNISHI, AKIO, The V-Dynamical System Associated with a C*-Dynamical System, and Unbounded Derivations, 79, l-8.

INGLIS, IAN R., see Leonede de Michele. INOUE, ATSUSHI, Unbounded Generalizations

of Left Hilbert Algebras, 34, 339-362. INOUE, ATSUSHI, Unbounded Generalizations

of Left Hilbert Algebras, II, 35, 23&250.

IOCHUM, BRUNO, AND SHULTZ, FREDERIC W., Normal State Spaces of Jordan and von Neumann Algebras, 50, 3 17-328.

IOCHUM, BRUNO, see Gilles Godefroy. IRVING, RONALD S., Irreducible *-Represen-

tations of some Group Rings and Associated Banach *-Algebras, 39, 149-161.

ISIDRO, J. M., On the Distinguished Charac- ter of the Function Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings of Bounded Type, 38, 139-145.

ISOZAKI, HIROSHI, AND KITADA, HITOSHI, Micro-local Resolvent Estimates for Two-Body Schriidinger Operators, 57, 270-300; erratum, 62, 336.

ITO, TAKASHI, see John E. Gilbert. IZUCHI, KEIJI, QC-Level Sets and Quotients

of Douglas Algebras, 65, 293-308.


JAFARIAN, ALI A., AND SOUROUR, A. R., Spectrum-Preserving Linear Maps, 66, 255-261.

JAFFE, ARTHUR, LESNIEWSKI, ANDRZEJ, AND OSTERWALDER, KONRAD, On Con- vergence of Inverse Functions of Operators, 81, 32&324.


Central Limit Theorems for C(s)- Valued Random Variables, 19, 2 1623 1.

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JAKOBSEN, HANS PLESNER, Tensor Products, Reproducing Kernels, and Power Series, 31, 293-305.

JAKOBSEN, HANS PLESNER, Hermitian Sym- metric Spaces and Their Unitary Highest Weight Modules, 52, 385-412.

JAKOBSEN, HANS PLESNER, AND VERGNE, MICHELE, Wave and Dirac Operators, and Representations of the Conformal Group, 24, 52-106.

JAKOBSEN, HANS PLESNER, AND VERGNE, MICHELE, Restrictions and Expansions of Holomorphic Representations, 34, 29-53.

JANSON, SVANTE, Minimal and Maximal Methods of Interpolation, 44, 50-73.

JANSON, SVANTE, AND JONES, PETER W., Interpolation between HP Spaces: The Complex Method, 48, 58-80.

JAYNE, J. E., AND ROGERS, C. A., The Extremal Structure of Convex Sets, 26, 251-288.

JAYNE, J. E., AND ROGERS, C. A., Bore1 Selectors for Upper Semi-continuous Multi-valued Functions, 56, 279-299.

JEFFERIES, BRIAN, Weakly Integrable Semi- groups on Locally Convex Spaces, 66, 347-364.

JEFFERIE& BRIAN, Integration with Respect to Closable Set Functions, 66, 381-405.

JEFFERIES, BRIAN, The Generation of Weakly Integrable Semigroups, 73, 195-215.

JEFFERIE?,, BRIAN, Perturbations of Schriidinger Semigroups Generated by Stochastic Integrals, 77, 98-l 11.

JENKINS, J. W., Growth of Connected Locally Compact Groups, 12, 113-127.

JENKINS, J. W., A Fixed Point Theorem for Exponentially Bounded Groups, 22, 346353.

JENKINS, J. W., Primary Projections on L2 of a Nilmanifold, 32, 131-138.

JENSEN, HELGE ELBRBND, Scattered C’- Algebras with Almost Finite Spectrum, 50, 127-132.

JERISON, DAVID S., The Dirichlet Problem for the Kohn Laplacian on the Heisenberg Group, I, 43, 97-142.

JERISON, DAVID S., The Dirichlet Problem for the Kohn Laplacian on the Heisenberg Group, II, 43, 224257.

JEWFLL, N. P., see A. M. Davie. Jr, RONGHUI, AND XIA, JINGBO, On the

Classification of Commutator Ideals, 78, 208-232.

JODEIT, MAX, JR., see E. B. Fabes. JOHN, K., AND ZIZLER, V., Smoothness and

Its Equivalents in Weakly Compactly Generated Banach Spaces, 15, l-l 1.

JOHNEN, H., see P. L. Butzer. JOHNEN, H., see F. Fehir. JOHNSON, B. E., AND PARROTS, S. K.,

Operators Commuting with a von Neumann Algebra Modulo the Set of Compact Operators, 11, 3941.


Completion of Partial Matrices to Con- tractions, 69, 260-267.

JOHNSON, G. W., AND LAPIDUS, MICHEL L., Noncommutative Operations on Wiener Functionals and Feynman’s Operational Calculus, 81, 74-99.

JOHNSON, G. W., AND SKOUG, D. L., A Banach Algebra of Feynman Integrable Functionals with Application to an Integral Equation Formally Equivalent to Schroedinger’s Equation, 12, 1299152.

JOHNSON, G. W., AND SKOUG, D. L., Notes on the Feynman Integral, II, 41, 277-289.

JOHNSON, JERRY, Remarks on Banach Spaces of Compact Operators, 32, 3043 11.

JOHNSON, KENNETH D., Paley-Wiener Theorems on Groups of Split Rank One, 34, 54-7 1.

JOHNSON, W. B., K~NIG, H., MAUREY, B., AND RETHERFORD, J. R., Eigenvalues of p-Summing and ID-Type Operators in Banach spaces, 32, 353-380.

JOHNSON, W. B., see W. J. Davis. JOLY, JEAN-LUC, AND Mosco, UMBERTO, A

propos de l’existence et de la regularite des solutions de certaines inequations quasi-variationnelles, 34, 107-137.

JOLY, JEAN-LUC, see Bernard Hanouzet. JONES, LEE K., AND LIN, MICHAEL,

Unimodular Eigenvalues and Weak Mixing, 35, 4248.

JONES, PETER W., Estimates for the Corona Problem, 39, 162-181.

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JONES, PETER W., see Svante Janson. JONES, VAUGHAN F. R., see Richard H.

Herman. JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Representations of

Differential Operators on a Lie Group, 20, 105-135.

JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Approximately Reducing Subspaces for Unbounded Linear Operators, 23, 392414.

JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Commutation Properties of Automorphism Groups and Mappings of von Neumann Algebras, 34, 138-145.

JORGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Unbounded Operators: Perturbations and Com- mutativity Problems, 39, 281-307.

JBRGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Extensions of Unbounded ‘-Derivations in UHF C’- Algebras, 45, 341-356.

JBRGENSEN, PALLE E. T., Analytic Continua- tion of Local Representations of Sym- metric Spaces, 70, 304-322.

JBRGENSEN, PALLE E. T., see Ola Bratteli. JORY V. V., see M. F. Barnsley. JOSEPHSON, KEITH B., see William 8.


Theoretic Amenability for X,(Q), and the Action on the Associated Tree, 58, 194-215.

JULIAN, WILLIAM, see Douglas Bridges. JURZAK, JEAN-PAUL, Simple Facts about

Algebras of Unbounded Operators, 21, 469482.



KAASHOEK, M. A., see H. Bart. KAASHOEK, M. A., see 1. C. Gohberg. KAC, MARK, see Bernard Gaveau. KADISON, RICHARD V., LANCE, E. CHRIS-

TOPHER, AND RINGROSE, JOHN R., Derivations and Automorphisms of Operator Algebras. II, 1, 204-221.

KAFTAL, VICTOR, AND WEISS, GARY, Com- pact Derivations Relative to Semifinite von Neumann Algebras, 62, 202-220.

KAFTAL, VICTOR, see Herbert Halpern.

KALF, HUBERT, On the Characterization of the Friedrichs Extension of Ordinary or Elliptic Differential Operators with a Strongly Singular Potential, 10, 230-250.

KALF, HUBERT, The Virial Theorem in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, 21, 389-396.

KALF, HUBERT, AND WALTER, JOHANN, Strongly Singular Potentials and Essen- tial Self-Adjointness of Singular Elliptic Operators in C,"(R"\{O}), 10, 114-129.

KALLMAN, ROBERT, R., Uniform Continuity, Unitary Groups, and Compact Operators, 1, 245-253.

KALLMAN, ROBERT R., A Theorem on Dis- crete Groups and Some Consequences of Kazdan’s Thesis, 6, 203-207.

KALLMAN, ROBERT R., Groups of Inner Automorphisms of von Neumann Algebras, 7, 43-60.

KALLMAN, ROBERT R., Certain Quotient Spaces Are Countably Separated. II, 21, 52-62.

KALLMAN, ROBERT R., Certain Quotient Spaces Are Countably Separated. III, 22, 225-24 1.

KALTON, N. J., Isomorphisms between L,- Function Spaces when p < 1, 42, 299-337.

KAMI~SKA, A., Strict Convexity of Sequence Orlicz-Musielak Spaces with Orlicz Nom, 50, 285-305.

KAMOUN, NOURI, Reprtsentations unitaires et opirateurs 1 trace, 77, 233-260.

KAMOWITZ, HERBERT, The Spectra of Com- position Operators on HP, 18, 132-150.

KAMOWITZ, HERBERT, AND SCHEINBERG, STEPHEN, The Spectrum of Auto- morphisms of Banach Algebras, 4, 268-276.

KANAKIS, L., see E. Flytzanis. KANEKO, H., AND TANIGUCHI, S., A

Stochastic Approach to the silov Boundary, 74, 415429.

KANIUTH, EBERHARD, Compactness in Dual Spaces of Locally Compact Groups and Tensor Products of Irreducible Repre- sentations, 73, 135-151.

KANIUTH, EBERHARD, see Wilfried Hauenschild.

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KANTER, MAREK, Linear Sample Spaces and Stable Processes, 9, 441459.

KANTOROVITZ, SHMUEL, see Rhonda J. Hughes.

KAPLAN, SAMUEL, On Weak Compactness in the Space of Radon Measures, 5, 259-298.

KAPPELER, THOMAS, Multiplicities of the Eigenvalues of the Schrijdinger Equa- tion in Any Dimension, 77, 346351.

KARLOVITZ, L. A., see D. G. deFigueiredo. KARWOWSKI, W., AND MARION, J., On the

Closability of Some Positive Definite Symmetric Differential Forms on C,m(Q), 62, 266275.

KASTLER, D., see S. Doplicher. KATO, Tosro, Scattering Theory with Two

Hilbert Spaces, 1, 342-369. KA’TO, TOSIO, Nonstationary Flows of

Viscous and Ideal Fluids in R’, 9, 296305.

KATO, TOSIO, A Remark to the Preceding Paper by Chernoff, 12, 415-417.

KATO, TOSIO, AND LAI, CHI YUEN, Nonlinear Evolution Equations and the Euler Flow, 56, 15-28.

KATO, TOSIO, see James S. Howland. KAM, YOSHIO, The Hypoellipticity of

Degenerate Parabolic Differential Operators, 7, 116-131.

KATZNELSON, Y., AND TZAFRIRI, L., On Power Bounded Operators, 68, 3 13-328.

KAUFMAN, ROBERT, Lipschitz Spaces and Suslin Sets, 42, 271-273.

KELLOGG, R. B., AND OSBORN, J. E., A Regularity Result for the Stokes Problem in a Convex Polygon, 21, 397-431.

KENIG, C. E., STANTON, R. J., AND TOMAS, P. A., Divergence of Eigenfunction Expan- sions, 46, 2844.

~~RCHY, L~szL~, On the Spectra of Con- tractions Belonging to Special Classes, 67, 153-166.

KERTZ, ROBERT P., Limit Theorems for Semigroups with Perturbed Generators, with Applications to Multiscaled Random Evolutions, 27, 215-233.

KERZMAN, NORBERTO, AND NAGEL, ALEXAN- DER, Finitely Generated Ideals in Cer- tain Function Algebras, 7, 212-215.

KHALGUI, MOHAMED SALAH, Caracttres des groupes de Lie, 47, 64-77.

KHALIL, ROSHDI, Multipliers of Schatten Classes, 47, 305-313; erratum, 63, 137-138.

KHANH, BUI DOAN, Les A-mesures sur le Tore de deux Dimensions et le Calcul Symbolique de deux Contractions Per- mutables, 15, 3344.

KHAVINSON, DMITRY, Annihilating Measures of the Algebra R(X), 58, 175-193.

KHAVINSON, DMITRY, The Cauchy-Green Formula and Rational Approximation on the Sets with a Finite Perimeter in the Complex Plane, 64, 112-123.

KHRUSHCHEV, S. V., The Abstract Inverse Scattering Problem and the Instability of Completeness of Orthogonal Systems, 80, 421450.

KIELH~FER, HANSJBRG, Degenerate Bifurca- tion at Simple Eigenvalues and Stability of Bifurcating Solutions, 38, 416-441.

KIELH&ER, HANS~~~RG, A Bifurcation Theorem for Potential Operators, 77, 1-8.

KIELH~FER, HANSJ~RG, AND LAIJTERBACH, REINER, On the Principle of Reduced Stability, 53, 99-111.

KIRSCH, WERNER, AND SIMON, BARRY, Com- parison Theorems for the Gap of Schriidinger Operators, 75, 39-10.

KISHIMOTO, AKITAKA, see Ola Bratteli. KISSIN, EDWARD, Totally Symmetric

Algebras and the Similarity Problem, 77, 88-97.

KISSIN, EDWARD, Symmetric Operator Extensions of Unbounded Derivations of CO-Algebras, 81, 38-53.

KISY~~SKI, JAN, On Semigroups Generated by Differential Operators on Lie Groups, 31, 234-244.

KITADA, HITOSHI, see Hiroshi Isozaki. KLAUS, M., VAN DER MEE, C. V. M., AND

PROTOPOPEXU, V., Half-Range Solu- tions of Indefinite Sturrr-Liouville Problems, 70, 254-288.

KLEIN, ABEL. The Semigroup Characteriza- tion of Osterwalder-Schrader Path Spaces and the Construction of Euclidean Fields, 27, 277-291.


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Singular Perturbations of Positivity Preserving Semigroups via Path Space Techniques, 20, 44-82.

KLEIN, ABEL, AND LANDAU, LAWRENCE J., Stochastic Processes Associated with KMS States, 42, 368428.

KLEIN, ABEL, AND LANDAU, LAWRENCE J., Construction of a Unique Self-Adjoint Generator for a Symmetric Local Semi- group, 44, 121-137.

KLEPPNEX, ADAM, Continuity and Measurability of Multiplier and Projec- tive Representations, 17, 214-226.

KLEPPNER, ADAM, see Larry Baggett. KLWANEK, IGOR, Characterization of the

Closed Convex Hull of the Range of a Vector-Valued Measure, 21, 316-329.

KNAPP, A. W., AND OKAMOTO, K., Limits of Holomorphic Discrete Deries, 9, 375409.

KNAPP, A. W., AND SPEH, B., Irreducible Unitary Representations of SU (2,2), 45. 41-73.

KNAPP, A. W., see M. W. Baldoni-Silva. KNOWLES, IAN, see W. Desmond Evans. K~~HN, JOHANNES, Barycenters of Unique

Maximal Measures, 6, 7682. K~MURA, TAKAKO, Semigroups of Operators

in Locally Convex Spaces, 2, 258-296. KON, MARK A., see David Gurarie. K~NIG, HERMANN, Operator Properties of

Sobolev Imbeddings over Unbounded Domains, 24, 32-5 1.

K~NIG, HERMANN, Approximation Numbers of Sobolev Imbeddings over Unbounded Domains, 29, 74-87.

K&IG, HERMANN, AND LEWIS, D. R., A Strict Inequality for Projection Con- stants, 74, 328-332.

K~NIG, HERMANN, RETHERFORD, JAME.Y R., AND TOMCZAK-JAEGERMANN, NICOLE, On the Eigenvalues of (p,2)-Summing Operators and Constants Associated with Normed Spaces, 37, 88-126.

KOENIG, HERMANN, see W. B. Johnson. KO~~NYI, ADAM, On the Injectivity of the

Poisson Transform, 45, 293-296. KOR~NYI, ADAM, Kelvin Transforms and

Harmonic Polynomials on the Heisen- berg Group, 49, 177-185.


Liouville-Type Theorems for Some Complex Hypoelliptic Operators, 60, 37&377.

KORZENIOWSKI, A., On Logarithmic Sobolov Constant for Diffusion Semigroups, 71, 363-370.

KOSAKI, HIDEKI, Applications of the Com- plex Interpolation Method to a von Neumann Algebra: Non-commutative LP-Spaces, 56, 29-78.

KOSAKI, HIDEKI, On the Continuity of the Map I + 191 from the Predual of a V-Algebra, 59, 123-131.

KOSAKI, HIDEKI, Extension of Jones’ Theory on Index to Arbitrary Factors, 66, 123-140.

KOSTANT, BERTRAM, On the Tensor Product of a Finite and an Infinite Dimensional Representation, 20, 257-285.

KOSTERS, M. T., AND VAN DIJK, G., Spheri- cal Distributions on the Pseudo- Riemannian Space SL(n, R)/GL(n - 1, R), 68, 168-213.

KOTANI, S., AND KRISHNA, M., Almost Peri- odicity of Some Random Potentials, 78, 39@405.

KRAMM, BRUNO, Analytische Struktur in Spektren-ein Zugang iiber die to- dimensionale Holomorphie, 37, 249-270.

KRANTZ, STEVEN G., Geometric Lipschitz Spaces and Applications to Complex Function Theory and Nilpotent Groups, 34,456-471.

KRAUS, JON, Compact Abelian Groups of Automorphisms of von Neumann Algebras, 39, 347-374.

KRAUSS, F., see H. Behncke. KR& PAUL, Calcul d’intbgrales et de

dtrivtes en dimension infmie, 31, 150-186.

KR& PAUL, Diffusion Equation for Multi- valued Stochastic Differential Equa- tions, 49, 73-90.

KREIN, M. G., AND LANGER, H., Uber einige Fortsetzungsprobleme, die eng mit der Theorie hermitescher Operatoren im Raume IT, zusammenhiingen. II. Verallgemeinerte Resolventen, u- Resolventen und ganze Operatoren, 30, 39&l47.

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KIUEGER, WOLFGANG, On Constructing Non- *Isomorphic Hypertinite Factors of Type III, 6, 97-109.

KRIEGER, WOLFGANG, On a Class of Hyper- finite Factors That Arise from Null- Recurrent Markov Chains, 7, 2742.

KRIEGEIZ, WOLFGANG, see Alain Connes. KRIE~E, THOMAS L., III, Canonical Models

and the Self-Adjoint Parts of Dissipative Operators, 23, 39-94.

KRIETE, THOMAS L., III, see Carl C. Cowen. KRISHNA, M., see S. Kotani. KUELBS, J., Gaussian Measures on a Banach

Space, 5, 354-367. KUELBS, J., Some Results for Probability

Measures on Linear Topological Vector Spaces with an Application to Strassen’s Log Log Law, 14, 2843.

K~~HN, THOMAS, see Bernd Carl. KUMAHARA, KEISAKU, see Masaaki Eguchi. KUMAR, DAY, see Wilfried Hauenschild. K~MERER, BURKHARD, Markov Dilations

on V-Algebras, 63, 139-177. KUNZE, RAY, A., A Note on Square-

Integrable Representations, 6, 454459. KUNZE, RAY A., see Kenneth I. Gross. Kuo, HUI-HSIUNG, Differential and

Stochastic Equations in Abstract Wiener Space, 12, 246256

Kuo, HUI-HSIUNG, On the Stochastic Maxi- mum Principle in Banach Space, 14, 146161.

Kuo, HUI-HSIUNG, Potential Theory Associated with Uhlenbeck-Ornstein Process, 21, 63-75.

KUROSE, HIDEKI, An Example of a Non Quasi Well-Behaved Derivation in C(l), 43, 193-201.

KURTZ, THOMAS G., Extensions of Trotter’s Operator Semigroup Approximation Theorems, 3, 354375.

KURTZ, THOMAS G., A Limit Theorem for Perturbed Operator Semigroups with Applications to Random Evolutions, 12, 55-67.

KURTZ, THOMAS G., An Abstract Averaging Theorem, 23, 135-144.

KUSUOKA, SHIGEO, AND STROOCK, D., Some Boundedness Properties of Certain Stationary Diffusion Semigroups, 60, 243-264.

KUSUOKA, SHIGEO, see Sergio Akverio. KUSUOKA, SHIGEO, see Gerard Ben Arous.


LACEY, H. ELTON, AND, COHEN, H. B., On Injective Envelopes of Banach Spaces, 4, 1 I-30.

LACEY, H. ELTON, see Ronald V. McPher- son.

LAETSCH, THEODORE, A Uniqueness Theorem for Elliptic Quasi-Variational Inequa- lities, 18, 286287.

LAGNESE, JOHN, Rate of Convergence in a Class of Singular Perturbations, 13, 302-316.

LAI, CHI YLJEN, see Tosio Kato. LAKE, JANE, Tame Measures and Raikov

Systems on the Circle, 59, 557-571. LAMBERT, ALAN, see Mary R. Embry. LAMBERTON, DAMIEN, Equations d’kvolution

lintaires assocites a des semi-groupes de contractions dans les espaces Lp, 72, 252-262.

LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER, On Nuclear C’- Algebras, 12, 157-176.

LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER, see Richard V. Kadison.

LANDAU, H. J., The Classical Moment Problem: Hilbertian Proofs, 38, 255-272.

LANDAU, LAWRENCE J., see Abel Klein. LANDES, R., On Galerkin’s Method in the

Existence Theory of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations, 39, 1233148.

LANG, PATRICK, ANLI LOCKER, JOHN, Spectral Decomposition of a Hilbert Space by a Fredholm Operator, 79, 917.

LANG, PATRICK, AND LOCKER, JOHN, Spectral Representation of the Resolvent of a Discrete Operator, 79, 18-31.

LANGER, HEINZ, Verallgemeinerte Resolven- ten eines J-nichtnegativen Operators mit endlichem Defekt, 8, 287-320.

LANGER, HEINZ, Uber eine Klasse poly- nomialer Seharen selbstadjungierter Operatoren im Hilbertraum, 12, 13-29.

LANGER, HEINZ, Uber eine Klasse poly- nomialer Scharen selbstadjungierter

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Operatoren im Hilbertraum. II, 16, 221-234.

LANGER, HEINZ, Invariant Subspaces for a Class of Operators on Spaces with Indefinite Metric, 19, 232-241.

LANGER, HEINZ, see M. G. Krein. LAPIDLJS, MICHEL L., Product Formula for

Imaginary Resolvants with Application to a Modified Feynman Integral, 63, 261-275.

LAPIDUS, MICHEL L., see G. W. Johnson. LARSON, DAVID R., On the Structure of Cer-

tain Reflexive Operator Algebras, 31, 275-292.

LARSON, DAVID R., see Frank Gilfeather. LASCAR, B., Une classe d’optrateurs ellipti-

ques du second ordre sur un espace de Hilbert, 35, 316343.

LASSALLE, MICHEL, L’espace de Hardy d’un domaine de Reinhardt g&ralisB, 60, 309-340.

LASSALLE, MICHEL, Algtbres de Jordan et Equations de Hua, 65, 243-212.

LAURSEN, K. B., Prime Ideals and Automatic Continuity in Algebras of Differentiable Functions, 38, 16-24.

LAUTERBACH, REINER, see Hansjiirg Kielhiifer.

LAVILLE, G., Mesures pluriharmoniques et comparaison de deux thtories du poten- tiel au bord, 45, 119-l 37.

LAVINE, RICHARD, Absolute Continuity of Positive Spectrum for Schriidinger Operators with Long-Range Potentials, 12, 30-54.

LAVINE, RICHARD B., Scattering Theory for Long Range Potentials, 5, 368-382.

LAX, PETER D., AND PHILLIPS, RALPH S., The Asymptotic Distribution of Lattice Points in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Spaces, 46, 28&350.

LAX, PETER D., AND PHILLIPS, R. S., The Acoustic Equation with an Indefinite Energy Form and the Schrtiinger Equation, 1, 37-83.

LAX, PETER D., AND PHILLIPS, R. S., Scatter- ing Theory for Dissipative Hyperbolic Systems, 14, 172-235.

LAY, D. C., see I. C. Gohberg. LAZAR, ALDO J., see Alan Gleit. LAZAR, A. J., WULBERT, D. E., AND MORRIS,

P. D., Continuous Selections for Metric Projections, 3, 193-2 16.

LEACI, ANTONIO, see Giuseppe Buttazzo. LBANDRE, -MI, Minoration en temps petit

de la densit d’une diffusion dCgCn&e, 74, 399414.

LEBEAU, GILLES, Probltme de Cauchy semi- lintaire en 3 dimensions d’espace. Un rtsultat de finitude, 78, 185-196.

LEBLANC, NOEL, Classification des Algkbres de Banach Assocites aux Operateurs Diffkrentiels de Sturm-Liouville, 2, 52-72.

LEBOW, ARNOLD, AND SCHECHTER, MARTIN, Semigroups of Operators and Measures of Noncompactness, 7, l-26.

LEEXOW, ARNOLD, see C. A. Berger. LEE, YUH-JIA, Integral Transforms of

Analytic Functions on Abstract Wiener Spaces, 47, 153-164.

LEE, YUH-JIA, Sharp Inequalities and Regularity of Heat Semigroup on Infinite Dimensional Spaces, 71, 69-87.

LE GALL, JEAN-FRANCOIS, Le comportement du mouvement brownien entre les deux instants od il passe par un point double, 71, 246262.

LEINERT, MICHAEL, Fell-Biindel und verallgemeinerte Y ‘-Algebren, 22, 323-345.

LE JAN, YVES, On the Fock Space Represen- tation of Functionals of the Occupa- tional Field and Their Renormalization, 80, 88-108.

LENARD, ANDREW, The Numerical Range of a Pair of Projections, 10, 41&423.

LEPTIN, HORST, AND POGUNTKE, DETLEV, Symmetry and Nonsymmetry for Locally Compact Groups, 33, 119- 134.

LEPTIN, HORSY, see Horst Behncke. LESNIEWSKI, ANDRZEI, see Arthur Jaffe. LETAC, GERARD, Seul le groupe des

similitudes-inversions preserve le type de la loi de Cauchy-conforme de Iw” pour n > 1, 68, 43-54.

LEVIATAN, TALMA, Perturbations of Markov Processes, 10, 309-325.

LEVIATAN, TALMA, Markov Processes with Creation of Mass-Redefinition and Decomposition Theorem, 21, l-6.

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LEWIS, D. R., AND STEGALL, C., Banach Spaces Whose Duals Are Isomorphic to l,(r), 12, 177-187.

LEWIS, D. R., AND TOMCZAK-JAEGERMANN, NICOLE, Hilbertian and Complemented Finite-Dimensional Subspaces of Banach Lattices and Unitary Ideals, 35, 165-190.

LEWIS, D. R., see Y. Gordon. LEWIS, D. R., see H. Konig. LEWIS, J. E., see E. B. Fabes. LEWIS, JOHN B., Eigenfunctions on Sym-

metric Spaces with Distribution-Valued Boundary Forms, 29, 287-307.

LEWIS, J. T., see D. E. Evans. LI, L. C., see P. Deift. LICHTENSTEIN, WOODY, Qualitative Behavior

of Special Functions on Compact Sym- metric Spaces, 34, 433455.

LIEB, ELLIOTT H., An Lp Bound for the Riesz and Bessel Potentials of Orthonormal Functions, 51, 159-l 65.

LIEB, ELLIOTT H., see Herm Jan Brascamp. LIEB, ELLIOTT H., see Halm Brezis. LIEBERMAN, ARTHUR, Measurable Vectors

for von Neumann Algebras, 18, 191-212.

LIEBERMAN, GARY M., Solvability of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions. II, 56, 21&219.

LIN, HUAXIN, Fundamental Approximate Identities and Quasi-multipliers of Simple AF C*-Algebras, 79, 3243.

LIN, JENG-ENG, Superexponential Decay of Solutions of a Semilinear Wave Equa- tion, 31, 321-332.

LIN, JENG-ENG, AND STRAUSS, WALTER A., Decay and Scattering of Solutions of a Nonlinear Schriidinger Equation, 30, 245-263.

LIN, MICHAEL, see Yves Derriennic. LIN, MICHAEL, see Lee K. Jones. LIN, S. C., see Sen-Yen Shaw. LINDENSTRAUSS, JORAM, AND PELCZY~SKI, A.,

Contributions to the Theory of the Classical Banach Spaces, 8, 225-249.

LINDENSTRAUSS, JORAM, AND WULBERT, DANIEL E., On the Classification of the Banach Spaces Whose Duals Are L, Spaces, 4, 332-349.

LINDENSTRAUSS, JORAM, AND, ZIPPIN, M., Banach Spaces with a Unique Uncondi- tional Basis, 3, 115-125.

LINDSAY, J. M., AND WILDE, I. F., On Non- Fock Boson Stochastic Integrals, 65, 7682.

LINDSAY, J. M., see R. L. Hudson. LION, GERARD, Rtsolubilitt d’equations dif-

ferentielles et representation induites, 75, 21 l-259.

LIONS, J. L., see G. Duvaut. LIONS, PIERRE-LOUIS, Minimization Problems

in L’(R’), 41, 236275. LIONS, PIERRE-LOUIS, Symctrie et compacite

dans les espaces de Sobolev, 49, 315-334.

LIONS, PIERRE-LOUIS, see Michael G. Cran- dall.

LIONS, PIERRE-LOUIS, see Francois Golse. LIPSMAN, RONALD L., Harmonic Analysis on


The Primitive Dual Space of [Fc] - Groups, IS, 279-296.


Analyticity and Flows in von Neumann Algebras, 29, 214252.

LOHO&, NOEL, Remarques sur les Ensembles de Synthtse des Algebres de Group Localement Compact, 13, 185-194.

LQHOt&, NOEL, Comparaison des Champs de Vecteurs et des Puissances du Laplacien sur une Variete Riemannienne a Cour- bure non Positive, 61, 164-201.

LOHO& NO&L, AND RYCHENER, TH., Some Function Spaces on Symmetric Spaces Related to Convolution Operators, 55, 20&219.

LOJASIEWICZ, S., JR., AND ZEHNDER, E., An Inverse Function Theorem in Frechet- Spaces, 33, 165-174.

LONCO, ROBERTO, Automatic Relative Bound- edness of Derivations in C.-Algebras, 34, 21-28.

LONGO, ROBERTO, AND PELIGRAD, COSTEL, Noncommutative Topological Dynamics and Compact Actions on C-Algebras, 58, 157-174.

LONGO, ROBERTO, see Claudio D’Antoni. LOPEZ, ORLANDO, see Aloisio Freiria Neves.

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LQRENTZ, G. G., AND SHIMOGAKI, T., Inter- polation Theorems for Operators in Function Spaces, 2, 31-51.

IBRENTZ, G. G., see H. Berens. Lou, RICHARD J., Continuity of Linear

Operators Commuting with Shifts, 17, 48-60.

LUBIN, ARTHUR, Concrete Model Theory for a Class of Operators with Unitary Part, 17, 388-394.

LUDWIG, JEAN, A Class of Symmetric and a Class of Wiener Group Algebras, 31, I 87-l 94.

LUECKING, DANIEL H., Trace Ideal Criteria for Toeplitz Operators, 73, 345-368.

LUMER, G., Complex Methods, and the Estimation of Operator Norms and Spectra from Real Numerical Ranges, 10, 482-495.

LLJMER, G., Potential-Like Operators and Extensions of Hunt’s Theorem for o- Compact Spaces, 13,410-416.

LUNARDI, ALESSANDRA, Time Analyticity for Solutions of Nonlinear Abstract Parabolic Evolution Equations, 71, 294-308.

LUSKY, WOLFGANG, On Separable Lin- denstrauss Spaces, 26, 103-120.

LUSKY, WOLFGANG, On a Construction of Lindenstrauss and Wulbert, 31, 42-51.

LUSKY, WOLFGANG, A Note on Banach Spaces Containing cs or c,, 62, 1-7.

LUTTINGER, J. M., see H. J. Brascamp. LYONS, T. J., Finely Holomorphic Functions,

37, I-18. LYONS. T. J., Theorem in Fine Potential

Theory and Applications to Finely Holomorphic Functions, 37, 19-26.

LYONS, T. J., MACGIBBON, K. B., AND TAYLOR, J. C., Projection Theorems for Hitting Probabilities and a Theorem of Littlewood, 59, 470-489.


MACGIBEON, BRENDA, A Criterion for the Metrizability of a Compact Convex Set in Terms of the Set of Extreme Points, 11, 385-392.

MACGIBBON, K. B., see T. J. Lyons. MACK, GERHARD, On Blattner’s Formula for

the Discrete Series Representations of S0(2n, I), 23, 31 I-330.

MADYCH, W. R., AND NELSON, S. A., Characterization of Tomographic Reconstructions Which Commute with Rigid Motions, 46, 258-263.

MADYCH, W. R., AND RIVIERE, N. M., Multi- pliers of the Holder Classes, 21, 369-379.

MAGNERON, BERNARD, Spineurs symplec- tiques purs et indice de Maslov de plans lagrangiens positifs, 59, 9&122.

MAGNUS, R. J., On the Local Structure of the Zero-Set of a Banach Space Valued Mapping, 22, 58-72.

MALLIAVIN, PAUL, Formules de la Moyenne, Calcul de Perturbations et Theoremes d’Annulation pour les Formes Har- moniques, 17, 274291.

MALLIOS, ANASTASIOS, On the Spectra of Topological Algebras, 3, 301-309.

MALLIOS, ANASTASIOS, On Functional Representations of Topological Alge- bras, 6, 4688480.


Ergodic Quasi-Invariant Measures on the Circle Group, 3, 157-163.

MANES, E. G., A Characterization of Dual Spaces, 17, 292-295.

MANTERO, ANNA MARIA, Asymmetry of Twisted Convolution Operators, 47, 7-25.

MANTERO, ANNA MARIA, AND ZAPPA, ANNA, The Poisson Transform and Representa- tions of a Free Group, 51, 372-399.

MANTINI, LISA A., An Integral Transform in Lz-Cohomology for the Ladder Representations of U(p, q), 60, 211- 242.


Radon-Nikodym Type Theorem for Functionals, 23, 285309.

MARCUS, MOWE, AND MIZEL, VICTOR J., Extension Theorems of Hahn-Banach Type for Nonlinear Disjointly Additive Functionals and Operators in Lebesque Spaces, 24, 303-335.


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Every Superposition Operator Mapping One Sobolev Space into Another Is Continuous, 33, 217-229.

MARCUS, MOSHE, AND MIZEL, V. J., A Characterization of First Order Non- linear Partial Differential Operators on Sobolev spaces, 38, 118-138.

MARCUS, ROBERT, Parabolic It8 Equations with Monotone Nonlinearities, 29, 275-286.

MARECHAL, O., see Th. Fack. MARCOLIS, B., houlement d’un Fluide de

Bingham dans un Domaine Non-Cylin- drique, 13, 132-137.

MARGOLIS, B., see D. Cioranescu. MARION, JEAN, Generalized Energy Rep-

resentations for Current Groups, 54, I-17.

MARION, JEAN, AND TESTARD, D., Energy Representations of Gauge Groups Associated with Riemannian Flags, 76, l&175.

MARION, JEAN, see W. Karwowski. MARKOE, ANDREW, Analytic Families of Dif-

ferential Complexes, 9, 18 l-l 88. MARSDEN, J., On Product Formulas for

Nonlinear Semigroups, 13, 51-72. MARSHALL, DONALD E., AND O’FARRELL,

ANTHONY G., Approximation by a Sum of Two Algebras. The Lightning Bolt Principle, 52, 353-368.

MARSHALL, DONALD E., AND STEPHENSON, KENNETH, Inner Divisors and Composi- tion Operators, 46, 131-148.

MARSHALL, DONALD E., see Alain Bernard. MARSHALL, DONALD E., see Irving Glicks-


Unitary Invariant for Hyponormal Operators, 73, 297-323.

MARTIN, R. H., JR., Generating an Evolu- tion System in a Class of Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces, 11, 62-76.

MASANI, P., AND ROSENBERG, M., When Is an Operator the Integral of a Given Spectral Measure?, 21, 88-121.


F., On Continuity of the Index of Sub- factors of a Finite Factor, 76, 56-66.

MASSA&, I., AND PEJSACHOWICZ, J., On the Connectivity Properties of the Solution Set of Parametrized Families of Com- pact Vector Fields, 59, 151-166.

MASSON, D., AND MCCLARY, W. K., Classes of C” Vectors and Essential Self- Adjointness, 10, 19-32.

MASUDA, KYOYA, Asymptotic Behavior in Time of Solutions for Evolution Equa- tions, 1, 84-92.

MATHESON, A., see D. Alspach. MATOS, MARIO C., Approximation of

Analytic Functions by Rational Func- tions in Banach Spaces, 56, 251-264.

MAUCERI, GIANCARLO, The Weyl Transform and Bounded Operators on Lp(Iw”), 39, 408-429.

MAUREY, B., see N. Ghoussoub. MAUREY, B., see W. B. Johnson. MAUREY, BERNARD, see Bernard Beauzamy. MAYER, DIETER H., On Composition

Operators on Banach Spaces of Holomorphic Functions, 35, 191-206.


B., Meromorphic Extension of the Resolvent on Complete Spaces with Asymptotically Constant Negative Cur- vature, 75, 260-310.

MCBRYAN, OLIVER A., Self-adjointness of Relatively Bounded Quadratic Forms and Operators, 19, 97-103.

MCCLARY, W. K., see D. Masson. MCCONNELL, TERRY R., Stable-Bounded

Subsets of L”, and Sample Unbounded- ness of Symmetric Stable Processes, 60, 265-219.


SALINAS, NORBERTO, A Classification Theorem for Essentially Binormal Operators, 41, 213-235.

MCGOVERN, RICHARD J., Quasi-Free Deriva- tions on the Canonical Anticommuta- tion Relation Algebra, 26, 89-101.

MCGRATH, S. A., A Pointwise Abelian Ergodic Theorem for L, Semigroups, 1 II! < co, 23, 195-198.

MCGUIRE, PAUL, Co-Algebras Generated by Subnormal Operators, 79, 42345.

MCINTOSH, ALAN, Functions and Deriva- tions of C.-Algebras, 30, 264-275.

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MCINTOSH, ALAN, Square Roots of Elliptic MEYER, MATHIHJ, AND PAJOR, ALAIN, Sec- Operators, 61, 307-327. tions of the Unit Ball of I:, 80, 109%

MCLEOD, .I. B., AND SATTINGER, D. H., Loss 123. of Stability and Bifurcation at a Double MEYER, Y., see R. R. Coifman. Eigenvalue, 14, 62-84. MICHEL, DOMINIQUE, R&gularit& des lois con-

MCLURE, J. P., see H. G. Dales. ditionnelles en thCorie du filtrage non- MCNABB, ALEX, AND SCHUMITZKY, ALAN, linkaire et calcul des variations

Factorization of Operators-I: Alge- stochastique, 41, 8-36. braic Theory and Examples, 9, 262-295. MICHEL, DOMINIQUE, see Jean-Michel

MCNABB, ALEX, AND SCHUMITZKY, ALAN, Bismut. Factorization of Fredholm Operators on MIGNOT, F., ContrBle dans les InCquations Analytic Functions, 29, 336-374. Variationelles Elliptiques, 22, 130-185.

MCF’HERSON, RONALD V., AND LACEY, H. MIGNOT, F., see 0. Grange. ELTON, Banach Spaces Whose Duals MILLER, KENNETH G., Hypoellipticity on the Are /,(n, 11, 425435. Heisenberg Group, 31, 306320.

McVou, W. S., AND RUBEL, L. A., MILLINGTON, H., LO-Projective Topologies Coherence of Some Rings of Functions, on Linear Spaces, 12, 153-156. 21, 7687. MILMAN, MARIO, On Interpolation of 2”

MEANEZY, CHRISTOPHER, On the Failure of Banach Spaces and Lorentz Spaces with Spectral Synthesis for Compact Semi- Mixed Norms, 41, 1-7. simple Lie Groups, 48, 43-57. MILMAN, MARIO, see M. Cwikel.

MEISTERS, GARY H., Translation-Invariant MINES, RAY, see Douglas Bridges. Linear Forms and a Formula for the MITIAGIN, BORIS, see Plamen Djakov. Dirac Measure, 8, 173-188. MITOMA, ITARU, An a-Dimensional Inho-

MEISTERS, GARY H., Some Discontinuous mogeneous Langevin’s Equation, 61, Translation-Invariant Linear Forms, 12, 342-359. 199-210. MITTER, S. K., see V. S. Borkar.

MEISTERS, GARY H., Periodic Distributions MIZEL, VICTOR J., see Moshe Marcus. and Non-Liouville Numbers, 26, 6% MOEGLIN, C., AND RENTSCHLER, R., Sous- 88. corps commutatifs ad-stables des

MEISTERS, GARY H., AND SCHMIDT, anneaux de fractions des quotients des WOLFGANG M., Translation-Invariant algebres enveloppantes; espaces homo- Linear Forms on L*(C) for Compact gbnes et induction de Mackey, 69, 307- Abelian Groups G, 11, 407424. 396.

MEISTERS, GARY H., see Edith Kregelius MOORE, CALVIN C., AND ROSENBERG, Petersen. JONATHAN, Groups with T, Primitive

MELROSE, RICHARD B., Scattering Theory Ideal Spaces, 22, 204-224. and the Trace of the Wave Group, 45, MDORE, CALVIN C., see M. Duflo. 2940. MOORE, CALVIN C., see Roger E. Howe.

MELROSE, RICHARD B., Polynomial Bound MOORE, L. C., JR., Approximately Finite- on the Number of Scattering Poles, 53, Dimensional Banach Spaces, 42, l-l 1. 287-303. MOORE, ROBERT L., see Frank Gilfeather.

MELROSE, RICHARD B., see Rafe R. Mazzeo. MOORE, ROBERT T., Completeness, Equicon- MENDOZA, G. A., AND UHLMANN, G. A., A tinuity, and Hypocontinuity in Operator

Necessary Condition for Local Algebras, 1, 41942. Solvability for a Class of Operators with MORAN, WILLIAM, see Gavin Brown. Double Characteristics, 52, 252-256. MOREAU, J. J., AND VALADIER, M., A Chain

MENZALA, GUSTAVO PERLA, AND SCHONBEK, Rule Involving Vector Functions of TOMAS, Scattering Frequencies for the Bounded Variation, 74, 333-345. Wave Equation with a Potential Term, MOREL, JEAN-MICHEL, AND STEINLEIN, 55, 297-322. HEINRICH, On a Problem of Nirenberg


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Concerning Expanding Maps, 59, 145-150.

MORREL, BERNARD B., see John B. Conway. MORRIS, P. D., see A. J. Lazar. MOSAK, RICHARD, see John Liukkonen. Mosco. UMBERTO, see Giuseppe Buttazzo. Mosco, UMBERM, see Jean-Luc Joly. MOSCOVICI, HENRI, see Dan Barbasch. MOSKOWITZ, MARTIN, see Frederick P.

Greenleaf. MOULINIER, JEAN-MARC, Absolue continuite

de probabilitts de transition par rapport a une mesure gaussienne dans un espace de Hilbert, 64, 275-295.

MOULINIER, JEAN-MARC, see Bernard Gaveau.

MUELLER, CARL E., AND WEISSLER, FRED B., Hypercontractivity for the Heat Semi- group for Ultraspherical Polynomials and on the n-Sphere, 48, 252- 283.

MUHLY, PAUL S., Compact Operators in the Commutant of a Contraction, 8, 197-224.

MUHLY, PAUL S., see Raul E. Curto. MUHLY, PAUL S., see Richard I. Loebl. MUJICA, JORGE, A Banach-Dieudonnt

Theorem for Germs of Holomorphic Functions, 57, 3 l-48.

MOLLER, DETLEF, On the Spectral Synthesis Problem for Hypersurfaces of HN, 47, 247-280.

MULLIN, MELVIN, On the Invariance of Wave Operators, 22, 242-249.

MUNCH, NIEL~ JUUL, The Fixed-Point Algebra of Tensor-Product Actions of Finite Abelian Groups on UHF- Algebras, 52, 413419.

MUNDICI, DANIELE, Interpretation of AF C*- Algebras in tukasiewicz Sentential Calculus, 65, 1563.

MURAT, F., see J. M. Ball. MURATA, MINORU, Asymptotic Expansions

in Time for Solutions of Schriidinger- Type Equations, 49, 10-56.

MURATA, MINORU, Positive Solutions and Large Time Behaviors of Schrodinger Semigroups, Simon’s Problem, 56, 300-310.

MURO, MASAKAZU, Singular Invariant Tem- pered Distributions on Regular Pre-

SSOls3/2- 13

homogeneous Vector Spaces, 76, 317- 345.

MUTHURAMALINCAM, PL., see Kalyan B. Sinha.


NADKARNI, M., see V. Mandrekar. NAGEL, ALEXANDER, see Norberto Kerzrnan. NAKAMITSU, KUNIAKI, see Nakao Hayashi. NAKAMURA, SHU, Integral Kernals of the

Scattering Matrices for Time-Periodic Schriidinger Equations, 76, 176-192.

NAKAZATO, HIROSHI, Extension of Deriva- tions in the Algebra of Compact Operators, 57, 101-l 10.

NAKAZI, TAKAHIKO, Exposed Points and Extremal Problems in H', 53, 22&230.

NASHED, M. Z., see E. P. Hamilton. NEEAS, JINDRICH, see Svatopluk FuEik. NELSON, EDWARD, Time-Ordered Operator

Products of Sharp-Time Quadratic Forms, 11, 21 l-219.

NELSON, EDWARD, Construction of Quantum Fields from Markoff Fields, 12, 97-l 12.

NELSON, EDWARD, The Free Markoff Field, 12, 21 l-227.

NELSON, EDWARD, Notes on Non-com- mutative Integration, 15, 103-l 16.

NELSON, S. A., see W. R. Madych. NFSONOV, N. I., see V. Ya. Golodets. NEST, RYSZARD, Cyclic Cohomology of

Crossed Products with 72, 80, 235-283. NEUWIRTH, J. H., GINSBERG, J., AND

NEWMAN D. J., Approximation by V(h)}, 5, 194203.

NEVES, ALOISIO FREIRIA, DE SOUZA RIBEIRO, HERMANO, AND LOPEZ, ORLANW, On the Spectrum of Evolution Operators Generated by Hyperbolic Systems, 67, 320-344.

NEWMAN, CHARLES M., The Construction of Stationary Two-Dimensional Markoff Fields with an Application to Quantum Field Theory, 14, 4461.

NEWMAN, D. J., see J. H. Neuwirth. NEWMAN, M., RYAVEC, C., AND SHURE, B.

N., The Use of Integral Operators in Number Theory, 32, 123-130.

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NICOL~), F., see G. Benfatto. NIELSEN, OLE A., Maximal Abelian Sub-

algebras of Hyperfinite Factors. II, 6, 192-202.

NIELSEN, OLE A., An Example of a von Neumann Algebra of Global Type II, 11, 207-210.


Dilation Theorems for Positive Definite Operator Kernels Having Majorants, 40,5465.

NILLSEN, RODNEY, Invariant Subspaces of Some Function Spaces on a Locally Compact Group, 64, 338-357.

NOLL, DOMINIKUS, Continuous Aftine Sup- port Mappings for Convex Operators, 76,411431.

NORDGREN, ERIC A., ROSENTHAL, PETER, AND WINTROBE, F. S., Invertible Com- position Operators on HP, 73, 324-344.

NORDGREN, ERIC A., see M-D. Choi. NORDGREN, ERIC A., see D. W. Hadwin. NOURRIGAT, JEAN, Inkgalitts L2 et reprksen-

tations de groupes nilpotents, 74, 3OG327.

NOURRIGAT, JEAN, see B. Helffer. NUSSBAUM, A. EDWARD, Multi-parameter

Local Semi-groups of Hermetian Operators, 48, 213-223.

NUSSBAUM, ROGER D., A Global Bifurcation Theorem with Applications to Func- tional Differential Equations, 19, 319-338.


OBERLIN, DANIEL M., Interpolation and Vector-Valued Functions, 15, 428-439.

OBERLIN, DANIEL M., Translation-Invariant Operators Continuous in Measure, 25, 253-251.

OBERMANN, P., AND WOLLENBERG, M., Abel Wave Operators. II. Wave Operators for Functions of Operators, 30, 48-59.

O’BRIEN, D. M., see A. L. Carey. OCNEANU, ADRIAN, see Richard H. Herman. OCONE, DANIEL, Stochastic Calculus of

Variations for Stochastic Partial Dif- ferential Equations, 79, 288-33 1.

ODENCRANTZ, K., The Effects of a Magnetic Field on Asymptotics of the Trace of the Heat Kernel, 79, 398422.

O’FARRELL, ANTHONY G., Annihilators to Rational Modules, 19, 373-389.

OHARU, SHINNOSUKE, AND SUNOUCHI, HARUO, On the Convergence of Semi- groups of Linear Operators, 6, 292-304

OKADA, MASAMI, Un thirortme de B&out transcendant sur C”, 45, 236244.

OKADA, MASAMI, Espaces de Dirichlet gtntraux an analyse complexe, 46, 396410.


YASUJI, Accessible Cylindrical Measure and Bochner’s Theorem, 67, 115-125.

(DKSENDAL, BERNT, Gleason Parts Separated by Smooth Curves, 22, 283-294.

(DKSENDAL, BERNT, A Wiener Test for Integrals of Brownian Motion and the Existence of Smooth Curves in Nowhere Dense Sets, 36, 72-87.

(DKSENDAL, BERNT, see Rodrigo Bafmelos. ‘OLAFSSON, G., AND (DRSTED, B., The

Holomorphic Discrete Series for Afflne Symmetric Spaces, I, 81, 126159.

OLESEN, DORTE, AND PEDERSEN, GERT K., Applications of the Connes Spectrum to C’-Dynamical Systems, 30, 179-197.

OLESEN, DORTE, AND PEDERSEN, GERT K., Applications of the Connes Spectrum to C.-Dynamical Systems, II, 36, 18-32.

OLESEN, DORTE, AND PEDERSEN, GERT K., Applications of the Connes Spectrum to C’-Dynamical Systems, III, 45, 357- 390.


Partially Inner C*-Dynamical Systems, 66, 262-281.

OLIN, ROBERT F., AND THOMSON, JAMES E., Algebras of Subnormal Operators, 37, 271-301.

OLIVER, H. WILLIAM, Noncomplex Methods in Real Banach Algebras, 6, 401-411.

OLSEN, CATHERINE L., AND PEDERSEN, GERT K., Convex Combinations of Unitary Operators on von Neumann Algebras, 66, 365-380.

OLVEZR, P. J., see J. M. Ball.

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OMLADIE, MATIAZ, On Operators Preserving Commutativity, 66, 105-122.

(DRSTED, BENT, Induced Representations and a New Proof of the Imprimitivity Theorem, 31, 355-359.

(DRSTED, BENT, A Model for an Interacting Quantum Field, 36, 53-71.

~RSTED, BENT, Conformally Invariant Dif- ferential Equations and Projective Geometry, 44, l-23.

PADMANABHAN, A. R., Probabilistic Aspects of von Neumann Algebras, 31, 139-149.

PADULA, MARIAROSARIA, Existence of Global Solutions for 2-Dimensional Viscous Compressible Flows, 69, l-20; errutum,

76, 231; 77, 232.

~RS~D, BENT, see G. ‘Olafsson. C~BORN, J. E., see R. B. Kellogg. OSBORNE, M. SCOTT, On the Schwartz-

Bruhat Space and the Paley-Wiener Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Groups, 19, 4&49.


ness of the Complete Norm Topology in Complete Normed Nonassociative Algebras, 60, I-15.

PALMER, JOHN, Symplectic Groups and the Kleinaordon Field, 27, 308-336.

PALMER, JOHN, Euclidean Fermi Fields, 36, 287-3 12.


Multiplicities of the Integrable Discrete Series: The Case of a Nonuniform Lat- tice in an R-Rank One Semisimple Group, 30, 287-310.

PANEITZ, STEPHEN M., Unitarization of Sym- plectics and Stability for Causal Dif- ferential Equations in Hilbert Space, 41, 315-326.


Extremals of Determinants of Laplacians, 80, 148-21 I.


Compact Isospectral Sets of Surfaces, 80, 212-234.

OSTERWALDER, KONRAD, see Jean-Pierre Eckmann.

PANEITZ, STEPHEN M., Invariant Convex Cones and Causality in Semisimple Lie Algebras and Groups, 43, 313-359.

PANEITZ, STEPHEN M., Essential Unitariza- tion of Symplectics and Applications to Field Quantization, 48, 31&359.

PANLZTZ, STEPHEN M., Analysis in Space- Time Bundles. III. Higher Spin Bundles, 54, 18-112.

OSTERWALDER, KONRAD, see Arthur Jaffe. &A, SCH&CHI, Certain Operator Algebras

Induced by *-Derivations in C--Algebras on an Indefinite Inner Product Space, 38, 238-244.

PANEITZ, STEPHEN M., Parametrization of

Causal Actions of Universal Covering Groups and Global Hyperbolicity, 62, 337-353.

~TANI, MITSUHARU, Existence and Non- existence of Nontrivial Solutions of Some Nonlinear Degenerate Elliptic Equations, 76, 14&159.

OUTASSOURT, A., Comportement semi-classi- que pour I’opCrateur de Schrijdinger g potentiel pkriodique, 72, 65-93.


E., Analysis in Space-Time Bundles. I. General Considerations and the Scalar Bundle, 47, 78-142.


E., Analysis in Space-Time Bundles, II. The Spinor and Form Bundles, 49, 335-414.



VOGAN, D. A., JR., Analysis in Space- Time Bundles. IV. Natural Bundles Deforming into and Composed of the Same Invariant Factors as the Spin and Form Bundles, 75, l-57.

PANEITZ, STEPHEN M., see Y. Choquet- Bruhat.

PACKER, JUDITH A., K-Theoretic Invariants for C*-Algebras Associated to Transfor-

PANZONE, R., see A. Benedek. PAQUET, Luc, Optrateurs elliptiques sur les

mations and Induced Flows, 67, 25-59. varlttts non compactes, SO, 267-284.


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PARREAU, F., HOST, B., ANI) GRAHAM, C. C., The Interior of the Silov Boundary of M(G) is Trivial, 38, 342-353.

PARROTT, STEPHEN K., On a Quotient Norm and the Sz-Nagy-Foiag Lifting Theorem, 30, 3 11-328.


On the Outer and Inner Invariants of Connes, 38, I-I 5.

PARTHASARATHY, K. R., AND SINHA, K. B., Stochastic Integral Representation of Bounded Quantum Martingales in Fock Space, 67, 126-151.

PARTHASARATHY, K. R., see Luigi Accardi. PASCHKE, WILLIAM L., see John W. Bunce. PASSTY, F. B., see M. F. Barnsley. PASZKIEWICZ, ADAM, Measures on Projec-

tions in V-Factors, 62, 87-l 17. PASZKIEWICZ, ADAM, Convergences in w*-

Algebras, 69, 143-154. PATERSON, ALAN L. T., Harmonic Analysis

on Unitary Groups, 53, 203-223. PAULSEN, VERN, I., Every Completely Poly-

nomially Bounded Operator Is Similar to a Contraction, 55, 1-17.

PAULSEN, VERN I., POWER, S. C., AND WARD, J. D., Semi-discreteness and Dillation Theory for Nest Algebras, 80, 76-87.

PAULSEN, VERN I., AND SMITH, R. R., Multi- linear Maps and Tensor Norms on Operator Systems, 73, 258-276.

PAULSEN, VERN I., see Richard McGovern. PAZY, A., A Trotter-Lie Formula for Com-

pactly Generated Semigroups of Non- linear Operators, 23, 353-361.

PAZY, A., On the Asymptotic Behavior of Semigroups of Nonlinear Contractions in Hilbert Space, 27, 292-307.

PAZY, A., see H. Brezis. PAZY, AHNON, see Michael G. Crandall. PEARCY, CARL, AND SHIELDS, ALLEN, Almost

Commuting Matrices, 33, 332-338. PEARCY, CARL, AND TOPPING, DAVID, Com-

mutators and Certain II,-Factors, 3, 69978.

PEARCY, CARL, see C. Apostol. PEARCY, CARL, see H. Bercovici. PEARCY, CARL, see Scott W. Brown. PEARCY, CARL, see Bernard Chevreau PEARCY, CARL, see R. G. Douglas.

PEARSON, D., see J.-P. Eckmann. PEARSON, D. B., A Generalization of the

Birman Trace Theorem, 28, 182-186. PECHER, HARTMUT. Globale klassische

Ldsungen des Cauchyproblems semi- linearer parabohscher Differen- tialgleichungen, 20, 286303.

PECHER, HARTMUT, Decay of Solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equations in Three Space Dimensions, 46, 221-229.

PECHER, HARTMUT, Low Energy Scattering for Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations, 63, 101-122.

PECK, S. N., see R. L. Hudson. PEDERSEN, GERT KJAERG,%RD, Isomorphisms

of UHF Algebras, 30, I-16. PEDERSEN, GERT KJAERGKRD. see Charles A.

Akemann. PEDERSEN, GERT KJAERGKRD, see Joachim



Olesen. PEDERSEN, GERT KJAERGARD, see Catherine


Regular Representation of a Separable Locally Compact Group, 43, 368- 393.

PEDERSEN, STEEN, Spectral Theory of Com- muting Self-Adjoint Partial Differential Operators, 73, 122-134.

PEETRE, JAAK, On the Theory of Y,,l Spaces, 4, 71-87.

PEETRE, JAAK, see Tord Holmstedt. PHSACHOWICZ, J., see I. Massabo. PELCZYNSKI, A., see W. J. Davis. F%LCZYI&KI, A., see J. Lindenstrauss. PELIGRAD, COSTEL, Locally Compact Group

Actions on C*-Algebras and Compact Subgroups, 76, 126139.

PELIGRAD, COSTEL, see Roberto Longo. PELLER, VLADIMIR V., Continuity Properties

of the Averaging Projection onto the Set of Hankel Matrices, 53, 7483.

PENINGTON, M. G., AND PLYMEN, R. J., The Dirac Operator and the Principal Series for Complex Semisimple Lie Groups, 53, 269-286.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Abstract Plancherel

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Theorems and a Frobenius Reciprocity Theorem, 18, 177-190.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Self-Dual Cones in Hilbert Space, 21, 305-315.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Spherical Distributions on Nilmanifolds, 27, 151-169.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Central Idempotent Measures on a Nilmanifold, 36, 255-271.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Square Integrable Representations and Nilmanifolds, 42, 121-127.

PENNEY, RICHARD C., Holomorphically Induced Representations of Exponential Lie Groups, 64, I-18.

PENOT, JEAN-PAUL, Calcul Sous-Differentiel et Optimisation, 27, 248-276.

PERAL, JUAN C., Lp Estimates for the Wave Equation, 36, 114-145.

PEREZ-ABREU, VICTOR, Decompositions of Semimartingales on Y’, 80, 358-370.

PERRY, PETER A., The Laplace Operator on a Hyperbolic Manifold. I. Spectral and Scattering Theory, 75, 161-187.

PERRY, PETER A., see George A. Hagedorn. PERTHAME, BENO~T, On the Regularity of the

Solutions of Quasi-Variational Inequalities, 64, 19&208.

F’ERTHAME, BENO~T, see C. Bardos. PERTHAME, BENO~T, see Francois Golse. PETERS, JUSTIN, Groups with Completely

Regular Primitive Dual Space, 20, 13&148.

PETERS, JUSTIN, On Traceable Factor Representations of Crossed Products, 43, 78-96.

PETERS, JUSTIN, Semi-crossed Products of C*-Algebras, 59, 498-534.

PETERSEN, EDITH KREGELIUS, AND MEISTERS, G. H., Non-Liouville Numbers and a Theorem of Hiirmander, 29, 142-150.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., Invariance of Domain Theorem for Locally A-Proper Map- pings and Its Implications, 5, 137-159.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., A Characterization of Strict Convexity of Banach Spaces and Other Uses of Duality Mappings, 6, 282-291.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., Antipodes Theorem for A-Proper Mappings and Its Applica- tions to Mappings of the Modified Type

(s) or (S)+ and to Mappings with the pm Property, 7, 165-211.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., Fredholm Alternatives for Nonlinear A-Proper Mappings with Applications to Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, 18, 288-317.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., Existence of Nonzero Fixed Points for Noncompact Mappings in Wedges and Cones, 33, 36-46.

PETRYSHYN, W. V., see F. E. Browder. PFEFWR, WASHEK F., On the Continuity of

the Volterra Variational Derivative, 71, 195-197.

ALPS, R. R., Dentability and Extreme Points in Banach Spaces, 17, 78-90.

ALPS, R. R., see Richard Fuhr. ALPS, R. R., see A. Hulanicki. PHILLIPS, JOHN, Positive Integrable Elements

Relative to a Left Hilbert Algebra, 13, 39cMo9.

PHILLIPS, JOHN, A Note on Square- Integrable Representations, 20, 83-92.

PHILLIPS, JOHN, Automorphisms of C*- Algebra Bundles, 51, 259-267.

PHILLIPS, JOHN, Outer Automorphisms of Separable C*-Algebras, 70, 11 l-l 16.

PHILLIPS, RALPH S., WISKOTT, BETTINA, AND Woo, ALEX, Scattering Theory for the Wave Equation on a Hyperbolic Manifold, 74, 346398.

PHILLIPS, RALPH S., see Michael G. Cran- dall.

PHILLIPS, RALPH S., see Peter D. Lax. PHILLIPS, RALPH S., see B. Osgood. PICARD, COLETTE, see H&ty Attouch. PICARDELLO, MASSIMO A., see Alessandro

Fig&Talamanca. PICKELL, DOUG, Measures on Infinite

Dimensional Grassmann Manifolds, 70, 323-356.

PIECH, M. ANN, A Fundamental Solution of the Parabolic Equation on Hilbert Space, 3, 85-114.

PIECH, M. ANN, Some Regularity Properties of Diffusion Processes on Abstract Wiener Space, 8, 153-172.

PIECH, M. ANN, The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Semigroup in an Infinite Dimensional L2 Setting, 18, 271-285.

PIECH, M. ANN, The Exterior Algebra for Wiemann Manifolds, 28, 279-308.

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PIERRE, MICHEL, see Michael Crandall. PIGNO, LOUIS, AND SMITH, BRENT, Almost

Idempotent Measures on Compact Abelian Groups, 38, 61-70.

PIGNO, LOUIS, AND SMITH, BRENT, Semi- idempotent and Semi-strongly Con- tinuous Measures, 44, 138-162.

PINCUS, JOEL D., AND XIA, JINGBO, Sym- metric and Self-Adjoint Toeplitz Operators on Multiply Connected Plane Domains, 59, 397444.

PINCUS, JOEL D., see Richard W. Carey. PISIER, GILLES, Grothendieck’s Theorem for

Noncommutative C.-Algebras, with an Appendix on Grothendieck’s Constants, 29, 397-415.

PITTS, DAVID R., Factorization Problems for Nests: Factorization Methods and Characterizations of the Universal Fac- torization Property, 79, 57-90.

PLANT, ANDREW T., AND REICH, SIMEON, The Asymptotics of Nonexpansive Itera- tions, 54, 308-319.

PLYMEN, R. J., The Weyl Bundle, 49, 186-197.

PLYMEN, R. J., The Reduced C*-Algebra of the p-adic Group GL(n), 72, l-12.

PLYMEN, R. J., see K. R. Parthasarathy. PLYMEN, R. J., see M. G. Penington. POLKING, JOHN C., see Claes Fernstrom. PONTZEN, D., see E. Gorlich. POOL, ROBERT, see Michael G. Eastwood. POORNIMA, S., Multipliers of Sobolev Spaces,

45, l-28. POORNIMA, S., see A. Bonami. POPA, SORIN, Singular Maximal Abelian *-

Subalgebras in Continuous von Neumann Algebras, SO, 151-166.

POPA, SORIN, The Commutant Module the Set of Compact Operators of a Von Neumann Algebra, 71, 393408.

PORTA, HORACIO, see Earl Berkson. POTTHOFF, J~RGEN, White-Noise Approach

to Malliavin’s Calculus, 71, 207-217. POTTHOFF, JORGEN, On Positive Generalized

Functionals, 74, 81-95. POULSEN, NIEU SKOVHUS, On Y-Vectors

and Intertwining Bilinear Forms for Representations of Lie Groups, 9, 87-120.

POWER, S. C., C.-Algebras Generated by

Hankel Operators and Toeplitz Operators, 31, 52-68.

POWER, S. C., Factorization in Analytic Operator Algebras, 67, 413432.

POWER, S. C., see V. I. Paulsen. POWERS, ROBERT T., A Remark on the

Domain of an Unbounded Derivation of a C.-Algebra, 18, 85-95.


Average Boundary Conditions in Cauchy Problems, 23, 23-32.

POWERS, ROBERT T., AND SAKAI, SH~ICHIR~, Unbounded Derivations in Operator Algebras, 19, 81-95.

POWERS, ROBERT T., see B. M. Baker. PRICE, GEOFFREY, Extremal Traces on Some

Group-Invariant C’-Algebras, 49, 145-151.


Functions and Their Fourier Trans- forms with Supports of Finite Measure for Certain Locally Compact Groups, 79, 166182.

PROTOPOPEXU, V., see M. Klaus. PRZEBINDA, TOMASZ, On Howe’s Duality

Theorem, 81, 160-183. PUCCI, PATRIZIA, AND SERRIN, JAMES, Exten-

sions of the Mountain Pass Theorem, 59, 185-210.

PUKANSZKY, L., On the Characters and the Plancherel Formula of Nilpotent Groups, 1, 255-280.

PLIKANSZKY, L., On the Unitary Representa- tions of Exponential Groups, 2, 73-l 13.

PUKANSZKY, L., Characters of Algebraic Solvable Groups, 3, 435494.

PLJLVIRENTI, M., see G. Benfatto. PUTINAR, MIHAI, A Two-Dimensional

Moment Problem, SO, l-8. PUTINAR, MIHAI, see Mircea Martin.

PUTNAM, C. R., Invariant Subspaces of Cer- tain Subnormal Operators, 17, 263-273.

PUTNAM, C. R., see K. F. Clancy. PYM, J., see V. Hutson.


QUAEGEBEUR, J., A Noncommutative Central Limit Theorem for CCR-Algebras, 57, l-20.

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RABIER, PATRICK, A Generalization of the Implicit Function Theorem for Map- pings from @+’ into W” and Its Applications, 56, 145-170.

RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., Some Global Results for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, 7, 487-513.

RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., A Bifurcation Theorem for Potential Operators, 25, 412-424.

RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., see Antonio Ambrosetti.

RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., see Michael G. Cran- dall.

RABINOWITZ, PAUL H., see Edward R. Fadell.

RADIN, CHARLES, see Robert T. Powers. RADJAVI, HEYDAR, see M-D. Choi. RADJAVI, HEYDAR, see D. W. Hadwin. RAEBURN, IAIN, The Relationship between a

Commutative Banach Algebra and Its Maximal Ideal Space, 25, 366390.


Hochschild Cohomology and Perturba- tions of Banach Algebras, 25, 258-266.


Crossed Products by Actions Which Are Locally Unitary on the Stabilisers, 81, 38543 1.

RAGOZIN, DAVID L., Central Measures on Compact Simple Lie Groups, 10, 212-229.

RAGOZIN, DAVID L., Zonal Measure Algebras on Isotropy Irreducible Homogeneous Spaces, 17, 355-376.

RAMASWAMY, S., see T. Bojdecki. RAMER, ROALD, On Nonlinear Transfor-

mations of Gaussian Measures, 15, 166-187.

RAMSAY, ARLAN, Boolean Duals of Virtual Groups, 15, 56101.

RAMSAY, ARLAN, Topologies on Measured Groupoids, 47, 314-343.

RAMSAY, ARLAN, see Larry Baggett.

RAMSEY, L. THOMAS, Fourier-Stieltjes Trans- forms of Measures with a Certain Con- tinuity Property, 25, 306316.

RANGE, R. MICHAEL, see Brenda Cole.

RAO, M. M., Local Functionals on C,(G) and Probability, 39, 2341.

RASSIAS, JOHN M., On Approximation of Approximately Linear Mappings by Linear Mappings, 46, 126-130.

RATCLIFF, G., Symbols and Orbits for 3-Step Nilpotent Lie Groups, 62, 38-64.

RAUCH, JEFFREY, Perturbation Theory for Eigenvalues and Resonances of Schriidinger Hamiltonians, 35, 3043 15.

RAUCH, JEFFREY, AND REED, MICHAEL C., Nonlinear Superposition and Absorp- tion of Delta Waves in One Space Dimension, 73, 152-178.

RAUCH, JEFFREY, AND TAYLOR, MICHAEL, Essential Self-Adjointness of Powers of Generators of Hyperbolic Mixed Problems, 12, 491493.

RAUCH, JEFFREY, AND TAYLOR, MICHAEL, Potential and Scattering Theory on Wildly Perturbed Domains, 18, 27-59.

RAVIART, P. A., Sur la Rbolution de Cer- taines Equations Paraboliques Non LinBaires, 5, 299-328.


AND WOLF, JOSEPH A., Singular Unitary Representations and Indefinite Har- monic Theory, 51, 1-l 14.

RAWNSLEY, JOHN H., see Robert J. Blattner. REED, MICHAEL, C., On Self-Adjointness in

Infinite Tensor Product Spaces, 5, 94-124.

REED, MICHAEL C., Torus Invariance for the Clifford Algebra, II, 8, 450-468.


Tensor Products of Closed Operators on Banach Spaces, 13, 107-124.

REED, MICHAEL C., see Jeffrey Rauch. REICH, SIMEON, Extension Problems for

Accretive Sets in Banach Spaces, 26, 378-395.

REICH, SIMEON, Product Formulas, Non- linear Semigroups, and Accretive Operators, 36, 147-168.

REICH, SIMEON, see Andrew T. Plant. RENTSCHLER, R., see C. Moeglin. RUTHERFORD, JAMES R., see Y. Gordon. RETHERFORD, JAMES R., see W. B. Johnson. RETHERFORD, JAMES R., see Hermann Konig. RICCI, FULVIO, AND STEIN, ELI* M., Har-

monic Analysis on Nilpotent Groups

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and Singular Integrals. I. Oscillatory Integrals, 73, 179-194.

RICCI, FULVIO, AND STEIN, ELIAS M., Har- monic Analysis on Nilpotent Groups and Singular Integrals. II. Singular Ker- nels Supported on Submanifolds, 78, 5684.

RICCI, FULVIO, see Anthony H. Dooley. RICHARDSON, LEONARD F., see Jacek M.

Cygan. RICHMAN, FRED, see Douglas Bridges. RICHTMYER, R. D., On the Structure of Some

Distributions Discovered by Meisters, 9, 336348.

RICKER, WERNER, Stone’s Theorem for Strongly Continuous Groups of Isometries in Hardy Spaces, 67, 206227.

ROCKER, WERNER, see Peter G. Dodds. RIDDELL, R. C., Nonlinear Eigenvalue

Problems and Spherical Fibrations of Banach Spaces, 18, 213-270.

RIDDELL, R. C., Eigenvalue Problems for Nonlinear Elliptic Variational Inequalities on a Cone, 26, 333-355.

RIEFFEL, MARC A., Induced Banach Representations of Banach Algebras and Locally Compact Groups, 1, 443491.

RIEFFEL, MARC A., Square-Integrable Representations of Hilbert Algebras, 3, 265-300.

RIEMENSCHNEIDER, SHERMAN D., The L- characteristics of Linear Operators on L’,“([O,l]), 8, 405421.


RINGROSE, JOHN R., see Richard V. Kadison. RIVIERE, N. M., AND SAGHER, Y., Interpola-

tion between L” and H’, the Real Method, 14, 401409.

RIVIERE, N. M., see W. R. Madych. ROAN, RAYMOND C., Weak-*Generators for

a Class of Subalgebras of I’, 39, 67- 74.

ROBBINS, STEVEN, A Uniform Approach to Field Quantization, 29, 23-36.

ROBERT, DIDIER, Calcul fonctionnel sur les opitrateurs admissibles et application, 45, 74-94.

ROBERT, DIDIER, Remarks on a Paper of S.

Zelditch: “Szego Limit Theorems in Quantum Mechanics,” 53, 304308.

ROBERT, DIDIER, AND TAMURA H., Semi- classical Asymptotics for Local Spectral Densities and Time Delay Problems in Scattering Processes, 80, 124-147.

ROBERT, DIDIER., see B. Helffer. ROBERTS, JOHN E., see Sergio Doplicher. ROBINSON, DEREK W., The Approximation

of Flows, 24, 280-290. ROBINSON, DEREK W., Continuous Semi-

groups on Ordered Banach Spaces, 51, 268-284.

ROBINSON, DEREK W., see Ola Bratteli. ROBINSON, P. L., The Fourier-Weyl Algebra,


Symbol Calculus for Finite Sections of Singular Integral Operators with Shift and Piecewise Continuous Coefficients, 78, 365-389.

ROCHB~RG, RICHARD, Function Algebra Invariants and the Conformal Structure of Planar Domains, 13, 154-172.

ROCHBERG, RICHARD, AND SEMMES, STEPHEN, A Decomposition Theorem for BMO and Applications, 67, 228-263.

ROCHBERG, RICHARD, see I. I. Hirschman, Jr. R@CKNER, MICHAEL, Traces of Harmonic

Functions and a New Path Space for the Free Quantum Field, 79, 21 l-249.

RODMAN, LEIBA, On Global Geometric Properties of Subspaces in Hilbert Space, 45, 226235.

RODMAN, LEIBA, see I. Gohberg. RODMAN, LEIBA, see Charles R. Johnson. ROGALSKI, MARC, Operateurs de Lion, pro-

jecteurs boreliens et simplexes analy- tiques, 2, 458488.

ROGERS, C. A., see J. E. Jayne. ROSAY, JEAN PIERRE, Une fiquivalence au

Corona Probltme dans C” et un Probleme d’Ideal dans H”(D), 7,71-84.

ROSENBERG, JONATHAN, AND VERGNE, MIC&LE, Harmonically Induced Repre- sentations of Solvable Lie Groups, 62, 8-37.

ROSENBERG, JONATHAN, see Calvin C. Moore. ROSENBERG, M., see P. Masani. ROSENBLATT, J., see D. Alspach.

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ROSENBLATT, JOSEPH MAX, Invariant Means and Invariant Ideals in L,(G) for a Locally Compact Group G, 21, 3 I-51.

ROSENBLOOM, P. C., see J. A. Crowe. ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., On Totally Incom-

parable Banach Spaces, 4, 167-175. ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., On Quasi-Com-

plemented Subspaces of Banach Spaces, with an Appendix on Compactness of Operators from LP@) to L’(v), 4, 176-214.

ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., On a Theorem of J. L. Krivine Concerning Block Finite Representability of I+’ in General Banach Spaces, 28, 197-225.

ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., Weak*-Polish Banach Spaces, 76, 267-316.

ROSEN’IHAL, HASKELL P., see J. Bourgain. ROSENTHAL, HASKELL P., see Per Enflo. ROSENTHAL, PETER, see F. F. Bonsall. ROSENTHAL, PETER, see M-D. Choi. ROSENTHAL, PETER, see D. W. Hadwin. ROSENTHAL, PETER, see Eric Nordgren. Ross, KENNETH A., see R. E. Edwards. ROSSI, HUGO, AND TAYLOR, JOSEPH L., On

Algebras of Holomorphic Functions on Finite Pseudoconvex Manifolds, 24, 11-31.

Ross~, HUGO, AND VERGNE, MIC~LE, Representations of Certain Solvable Lie Groups on Hilbert Spaces of Holomorphic Functions and the Application to the Holomorphic Dis- crete Series of a Semisimple Lie Group, 13, 324-389.

ROSSMANN, WULF, Analysis on Real Hyper- bolic Spaces, 30, 448-477.

ROTH, B., Finitely Generated Submodules of Differentiable Functions. II, 18, 329-337.

ROTHAUS, 0. S., Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and the Spectrum of Sturn-Liouville Operators, 39, 42-56.

ROTHAUS, 0. S., Diffusion on Compact Riemannian Manifolds and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities, 42, 102-109.

ROTHAUS, 0. S., Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and the Spectrum of Schrodinger Operators, 42, 1 l(tl20.

ROTHAUS, 0. S., Analytic Inequalities, Isoperimetric Inequalities and

Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities, 64, 296313.

ROTHAUS, 0. S., Hypercontractivity and the Bakry-Emery Criterion for Compact Lie Groups, 65, 358-367.

ROTHSCHILD, LINDA PREISS, see Frederick P. Greenleaf.

ROY, A. K., Extremal Dilations and Their Associated Extremal Measures, 22, 8-31.

RUAN, ZHONG-JIN, Subspaces of C*- Algebras, 76, 2 17-230.

RUBEL, L. A., AND, RYFF, J. V., The Bound- ed Weak-Star Topology and the Bound- ed Analytic Functions, 5, 167-183.

RUBEL, L. A., see W. S. McVoy. RUBENTHALER, HUBERT, La surjectivite de

l’application moyenne pour les espaces prehomogenes, 60, 80-94.

RUDIN, WALTER, Inner Functions in the Unit Ball of C”, 50, 100-126.

RUDIN, WALTER, Invariant Subspaces of Hz on a Torus, 61, 378-384.

RUELLE, DAVID, Integral Representation of States on a CO-Algebra, 6, 116-151.

RUIJSENAARS, S. N. M., Gauge Invariance and Implementability of the S-Operator for Spin-O and Spin-l/2 Particles in Time-Dependent External Fields, 33, 41-57.

RUIJSENAARS, S. N. M., The Continuum Limit of the Infinite Isotropic Heisen- berg Chain in Its Ground State Representation, 39, 75-84.

RUIJSENAARS, S. N. M., Scattering Theory for the Federbush, Massless Thirring and Continuum Ising Models, 48, 135-171.

RUSINEK, JAN, Analytic Vectors and Integrability of Lie Algebra Representa- tions, 74, l&23.

Russo, BERNARD, The Norm of the Lp- Fourier Transform. III. Compact Exten- sions, 30, 162-178.

Russo, BERNARD, see Yaakov Friedman. RYAN, JOHN, Duality in Complex Clifford

Analysis, 61, 117-135. RYAN, JOHN, Runge Approximation

Theorems in Complex Clifford Analysis Together with Some of Their Applica- tions, 70, 221-253.

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RYAVEC, C., sre M. Newman. RYCHENER, TH., see N. Lohout. RYFF, J. V., see L. A. Rubel.


$ABAC, MIHAI, Irreducible Representations of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras, 52, 303-314.

SADOSKY, C., see M. Cotlar. SAGHER, Y., see M. Cwikel. SAGHER, Y., see N. M. Riviere. SAINTE-BEUVE, M.-F., On the Extension of

von Neumann-Aumann’s Theorem, 17, 112-129.

SAITO, KICHI-SUKE, Invariant Subspaces and Cocycles in Nonselfadjoint Crossed Products, 45, 177-193; erratum, 61, 116

SAKAI, SH~ICHIRG, Derivations of Simple C’- Algebras, 2, 202-206.

SAKAI, SH~ICHIRB, On Global #-Algebras, 3, 79-84.

SAKAI, SH~)ICHIR~), An Uncountable Number of II, and II, Factors, 5, 236246.

SAKAI, SH&CHIR~, On Global Type II, W’- Algebras, 8, 95-100.

SAKAI, SH&CHIRB, On Commutative Normal *-Derivations. II, 21, 203-208.

SAKAI, SH&CHIR& Phase Transition Free States on UHF Algebras, 46, 119-125.

SAKAI, SH&CHIR& see Robert T. Powers. SALINAS, NORBERTO, see Richard McGovern. SALLY, PAUL J., JR., Intertwining Operators

and the Representations of SL(Z,R), 6, 44453.

SALLY, PAUL J., JR., see R. A. Herb. SAMUELIDES, MANUEL, Tout feuilletage a

croissance polynomiale est hypertini, 34, 363-369.

SARASON, DONALD, Representing Measures for R(X) and Their Green’s Functions, 7,359-385.

SARD, ARTHUR, Optima1 Approximation, 1, 222-244.

SARD, ARTHUR, Optimal Approximation: an Addendum, 2, 368-369.

SARNAK, PETER, Spectra of Singular

Measures as Multipliers on Lp, 37, 302-317.

SARNAK, PETER, see B. Osgood. SATO, HIROSHI, An Ergodic Measure on a

Locally Convex Topological Vector Space, 43, 149-165.

SATO, HIROSHI, Characteristic Functional of a Probability Measure Absolutely Con- tinuous with Respect to a Gaussian Randon Measure, 61, 222-245.

SAT~INGER, D. H., Group Representation Theory, Bifurcation Theory and Pattern Formation, 28, 58-101.

SAT~~NGER, D. H., see J. B. McLeod. SAUVAGEOT, JEAN-LUC, Idiaux Primitifs

Induits dans les Produits Croises, 32, 381-392.

SCHAEFFER, DAVID G., Wiener-Hopf Fao torization of the Symbol of an Elliptic Difference Operator, 5, 383-394.

SCHAEFFER, H. H., Existence of Spectral Values for Irreducible C,-Semigroups, 74, 139-145.

SCHECHTER, MARTIN, On the Spectra of Operators on Tensor Products, 4,95-99.

SCHECHTER, MARTIN, The Conjugate of a Product of Operators, 6, 2628.

SCHECH~ER, MARTIN, Essential Self-adjoint- ness of the Schradinger Operator with Magnetic Vector Potential, 20, 93-104.

SCHECHTER, MARTIN, see L. A. Cobum. SCHECHTER, MARTIN, see Arnold Lebow. SCHEFFOLD, EGON, Fixraume regullrer

Operatoren und ein Korovkin-Satz, 30, 147-161.

SCHEFFOLD, EGON, tiber komplexe Banach- verbandsalgebren, 37, 382-400.

SCHEINBERG, STEPHEN, see Herbert Kamowitz.

SCHEP, A. R., see B. de Pagter. SCHLICHTKRULL, HENRIK, The Langlands

Parameters of Flensted-Jensen’s Dis- crete Series for Semisimple Symmetric Spaces, SO, 133-150.

SCHLICHTKRULL, HENRIK, Eigenspaces of the Laplacian on Hyperbolic Spaces: Com- position Series and Integral Transforms, 70, 194219.

SCHLICHTKRULL, HENRIK, AND STETKAER, HENRIK, Scalar Irreducibility of Eigenspaces on the Tangent Space of a

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Reductive Symmetric Space, 14, 292-299.

SCHMID, WILFRIED, see John Rawnsley. SCHMIDT, WOLFGANG M., see Gary H.

Meisters. SCH~DGEN, KONRAD, Uniform Topologies

on Enveloping Algebras, 39, 57-66. SCHM~~GEN, KONRAD, On the Heisenberg

Commutation Relation. I, SO, 849. SCHM~DGEN, KONRAD, Unbounded Com-

mutants and Intertwining Spaces of Unbounded Symmetric Operators and *-Representations, 71,4768.

SCHONBEK, TOMAS P., Notes to a Paper by C. N. Friedman, 14, 281-294.

SCHONBEK, TOMAS P., see Gustav0 Perla Menzala.


Markov Structures on Clifford Algebras, 18, 369-413.

SCHREIBER, BERTRAM M., see John E. Gilbert.

SCHROEDER, CAROLYN, Green’s Functions for the Schrijdinger Operator with Periodic Potential, 77, 60-87.

SCHULENBERGER, JOHN R., AND WILCOX, CALVIN H., Completeness of the Wave Operators for Perturbations of Uniformly Propagative Systems, 7, 447474.

SCHUMITZKY, ALAN, see Alex McNabb. SCHWANE, A., see K. Helmes. SCHWARTZ, JEAN-MARIE, Sur la structure des

algebres de Kac, I, 34, 370406. SCOTT, RIDGWAY, A Sharp Form of the

Sobolev Trace Theorems, 25, 70-80. SEDDIGHI, K., see P. A. Binding. SEELEY. ROBERT, see Jochen Briining. SEGAL, IRVING E., An Extension of a

Theorem of L. O’Raifeartaigh, 1, 1-21; erratum, 1, 378.

SEGAL, IRVING E., Nonlinear Functions of Weak Processes. I, 4, 404456.

SEGAL, IRVING E., Nonlinear Functions of Weak Processes. II, 6, 29-75.

SEGAL, IRVING E., The Cauchy Problem for the Yang-Mills Equations, 33, 17s 194.

SEGAL, IRVING E., see Y. Choquet-Bruhat. SEGAL, IRVING E., see Rhonda J. Hughes.

SEGAL, IRVING E., see Stephen M. Paneitz. SEGHIER, A., Inversion de la matrice de

Toeplitz en d dimensions et developpe- ment asymptotique de la trace de l’in- verse a l’ordre d, 67, 380-412.

SEGOVIA, C., AND WHEEDEN, R. L., Frac- tional Differentiation of the Com- mutator of the Hilbert Transform, 8, 341-359.

SEIDMAN, THOMAS I., Approximation of Operator Semi-Groups, 5, l&166.

SEILER, R., see J. M. Combes. SEMMES, STEPHEN, see Richard Rochberg. SENECHALLE, DAVID A., Measuring Flatness

in Linear Spaces, 27, 203-214. SENTIS, RI%, see C. Bardos SENTIS, ~MI, see Francois Golse. SERRIN, JAMES, On the Strong Maximum

Principle for Quasilinear Second Order Differential Inequalities, 5, 184-193.

SERRIN, JAMES, see Patrizia Pucci. SHAIO, JACK, Approximate Equivalence for

Representations of C.-Dynamical Systems, 79, 332-341.

SHALE, DAVID, Absolute Continuity of Wiener Processes, 12, 321-334.

SHALE, DAVID, Analysis Over Discrete Spaces, 16, 258-288.

SHALE, DAVID, Random Functions of Poisson Type, 33, 1-35.

SHALE, DAVID, AND STINESPRING, W. FORREST, The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator with Hyperbolic Phase Space, 1, 492-502.

SHALE, DAVID, AND STINESPRING, W. FORREST, Wiener Processes, 2, 378-394.

SHALE, DAVID, AND, STINESPRING, W. FORREST, Wiener Processes, II, 5, 334-353.

SHAPIRO, JOEL H., The Bounded Weak Star Topology and the General Strict Topol- ogy, 8, 275-286.

SHAPIRO, VICTOR L., Algebraic Integers and Distributions on the N-Torus, 13, 138-153.

SHARPLEY, ROBERT C., Spaces A,(x) and Interpolation, 11, 479-513.

SHARPLEY, ROBERT C., see Ronald A. DeVore.

SHATAH, JALAL, see Manoussos Grillakis. SHAW, SEN-YEN, Ergodic Properties of

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Operator Semigroups in General Weak Topologies, 49, 152p 169.

SHAW, SEN-YEN, On W-Continuous Cosine Operator Functions, 66, 73-95.

SHAW, SEN-YEN, AND LIN, S. C., On the Equations Ax=q and SX - XT=Q, 77, 352-363.

values by Continuous Spectrum in

Regular Perturbation Problems, 25, 338-344.

SIMON, BARRY, A Canonical Decomposition for Quadratic Forms with Applications to Monotone Convergence Theorems, 28, 377-385.

SHERMAN, MALCOLM J., Invariant Subspaces Containing All Analytic Directions, 3, 164-172.

SHERMAN, MALCOLM, J., Invariant Subspaces Containing All Constant Directions, 8, 82-85.

SHIELDS, ALLEN, see Carl Pearcy. SHIGEKAWA, ICHIRO, Eigenvalue Problems

for the Schriidinger Operator with the Magnetic Field on a Compact Rieman- nian Manifold, 75, 92-127.

SHIMOGAKI, T., see G. G. Lorentz. SHUCKER, DAVID S., Stochastic Mechanics of

Systems with Zero Potential, 38, 146-155.

&LICKER, DAVID S., Extensions and Generalizations of a Theorem of Widder and of the Theory of Symmetric Local Semigroups, 58, 291-309.

SHULTZ, FREDERIC W., On Normed Jordan Algebras Which Are Banach Dual Spaces, 31, 360-376.

SIMON, BARRY, Kate’s Inequality and the Comparison of Semigroups, 32, 91- 101.

SIMON, BARRY, Brownian Motion, Lp Properties of Schriidinger Operators and

the Localization of Binding, 35, 215-229.

SIMON, BARRY, Large Time Behavior of the Lp Norm of Schrijdinger Semigroups, 40, 66-83.

SHULTZ, FREDERIC W., see Bruno Iochum.

SHURE, B. N., see M. Newman. SIBONY, NESSIM, see T. W. Gamelin SIBONY, NESSIM, see Monique Hakim. SILBERGER, ALLAN J., Asymptotics and

Integrability Properties for Matrix Coef- ficients of Admissible Representations

of Reductive p-adic Groups, 45, 391-402.

SILBERMANN, BERND, see Albrecht Battcher. SILBERMANN, BERND, see Steffen Roth. SIMON, BARRY, On the Glimm-Jaffe Linear

Lower Bound in P(d), Field Theories, 10, 251-258.

SIMON, BARRY, Spectrum and Continuum Eigenfunctions of Schrijdinger Opera- tors, 42, 347-355.

SIMON, BARRY, Nonclassical Eigenvalue Asymptotics, 53, 84-98.

SIMON, BARRY, Semiclassical Analysis of Low Lying Eigenvalues. IV. The Flea on the Elephant, 63, 123-136.

SIMON, BARRY, AND, HBEGH-KROHN, RAPHAEL, Hypercontractive Semigroups and Two Dimensional Self-Coupled Bose Fields, 9, 121-180.

SIMON, BARRY, see Joseph E. Avron. SIMON, BARRY, see J. Bellissard. SIMON, BARRY, see E. B. Davies. SIMON, BARRY, see P. Deift. SIMON, BARRY, see F. Gesztesy. SIMON, BARRY, see Werner Kirsch. SIMON, BARRY, see Michael Reed. SIMON, JACQUES, see Moshk Flato. SINCLAIR, ALLAN M., Bounded Approximate

Identities, Factorization, and a Con- volution Algebra, 29, 308-318.

SIMON. BARRY, Ergodic Semigroups of Positivity Preserving Self-Adjoint Operators, 12, 335-339.

SIMON, BARRY, Quadratic Forms and Klauder’s Phenomenon: A Remark on Very Singular Perturbations, 14, 295-298.

SIMON, BARRY, On the Absorption of Eigen-

SINCLAIR, ALLAN M., see Erik Christensen. SINGER, IVAN, On Pseudo-completed Sub-

spaces of Banach Spaces, 13, 223-232. SINHA, KALYAN B., AND MUTHURAMALINGAM,

PL., Asymptotic Evolution of Certain Observables and Completeness in Coulomb Scattering. I, 55, 323-343.

SINHA, KALYAN B., see K. R. Parthasarathy. SITARAM, ALLADI, Positive Definite Distribu-

tions on K\G/K, 27, 179-184. SITARAM, ALLADI, see John F. Price.

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SKANDALIS, GEORGES, Some Remarks on Kasparov Theory, 56, 337-347.

SKANDALIS, GEORGES, see Pierre de la Harpe. SKANDALIS, GEORGES, see T. Giordano. SKAU, CHRISTIAN F., Finite Subalgebras of a

von Neumann Algebra, 25, 21 l-235. SKOUC, D. L., see G. W. Johnson. SLEMROD, MARSHALL, The Linear Stabiliza-

tion Problem in Hilbert Space, 11, 334345.

SLEMROD, MARSHALL, see C. M. Dafermos. SLOAN, ALAN D., A Nonperturbative

Approach to Nondegeneracy of Ground States in Quantum Field Theory: Polaron Models, 16, 161-191.

SU)AN, ALAN D., see Marc A. Berger. SLODKOWSKI, ZBIGNIEW, Operators with

Closed Ranges in Spaces of Analytic Vector-Valued Functions, 69, 155-177.

SMITH, BRENT, see Louis Pigno. SMITH, MARTHA, Regular Representations of

Discrete Groups, 11, 401406. SMITH, R. R., An Addendum to M-Ideal

Structure in Banach Algebras, 32, 269-27 1.

SMITH, R. R., Completely Contractive Fac- torizations of C*-Algebras, 64, 33&337.

SMITH, R. R., AND WARD, J. D., M-Ideal Structure in Banach Algebras, 27, 337-349.

SMITH, R. R., AND WARD, J. D., The Geometric Structure of Generalized State Spaces, 40, 17&184.

SMITH, R. R., see V. I. Paulsen. SOARDI, PAOLO M., see Donald I.

Cartwright. SOARDI, PAOLO M., see Saverio Guilini. SOGGE, CHRISTOPHER D., Concerning the Lp

Norm of Spectral Clusters for Second- Order Elliptic Operators on Compact Manifolds, 77, 123-138.

SOLEL, BARUCH, Invariant Subspaces for Algebras of Analytic Operators Associated with a Periodic Flow on a Finite von Neumann Algebra, 58, I-19.

SOLIMINI, S., see G. Cerami. SBRENG, JAN, Pure States of Simple C’-

Algebras, 22, 390404. SOUCEK, JIRR~, see Svatopluk FuEik. SOUEEK, VLADIMiR, see Svatopluk FuEik.

SOUROUR, A. R., Unbounded Operators Generated by a Given Spectral Measure, 29, 16-22.

SOUROUR, A. R., The Isometries of Lp(sZ, X), 30, 276285.

SOUROUR, A. R., Isometries of Norm Ideals of Compact Operators, 43, 69-77.

SOUROUR, A. R., see Ali A. Jafarian. SPEH, BIRGIT, Degenerate Series Representa-

tions of the Universal Covering Group of SU(2,2), 33, 95-l 18.

SPEH, BIRGIT, see A. W. Knapp. SPIELBERG, JOHN S., Embedding CO-Algebra

Extensions into AF Algebras, 81, 325-344.

SPITZER, FRANK, Phase Transition in One- Dimensional Nearest-Neighbor Systems, 20, 24&255.

STAMPFLI, J. G., A Local Spectral Theory for Operators, 4, I-IO.

STANKE, R. J., see M. G. Davidson. STANTON, CHARLEX S., An L log L Charac-

terization of H’, 69, 409418. STANTON NANCY K., see Adam Koranyi. STANTON, ROBERT J., AND TOMAS, PETER A.,

A Note on the Kunze-Stein Phenomenon, 29, 15 I-l 59.

STANTON, ROBERT J., see C. E. Kenig. STEGALL, CHARLES, see James Hagler. STEGALL, CHARLES, see D. R. Lewis. STEGEMAN, J. D., A Criterion for Sets of p-

Interpolation, 8, 189-196. STEGENGA, D. A., Ideals in the Disk Algebra,

25, 335-337. STEIN, ELIAS M., see R. R. Coifman. STEIN, ELIAS M., see Fulvio Ricci. STEINLEIN, HEINRICH, see Jean-Michel Morel. STENGER, WILLIAM, Nonclassical Choices in

Variational Principles for Eigenvalues, 6, 157-164.

STEPHENSON, KENNETH, see Donald E. Marshall.

STERNBERG, S., see V. Guillemin. STETKEAR, HENRIK, Scalar Irreducibility of

Certain Eigenspace Representations, 61, 295-306.

STETKAER, HENRIK, see Henrik Schlichtkrull. STINESPRING, W. FORREST, see David Shale. STBRMER, ERLING, Symmetric States of

Infinite Tensor Products of C.-Algebras, 3, 48868.

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STO)RMER, ERLING, States and Invariant Maps of Operator Algebras, 5, 44-65.

STBRMER, ERLING, Hyperfmite Product Fac- tors, II, 10, 471481.

STBRMER, ERLING, Spectra of Ergodic Trans- formations, 15, 202-215.

STBRMER, ERLING, Regular Abelian Banach Algebras of Linear Maps of Operator Algebras, 37, 331-373.

STBRMER, ERLING, Conjugacy of lnvolutive Antiautomorphisms of von Neumann Algebras, 66, 54-66.

STBRMER, ERLING, Extension of Positive Maps into S(X), 66, 235-254.

STBRMER, ERLING, see Alain Cannes. STBRMER, ERLING, see S. Doplicher. STR~TIL& SERBAN, AND ZSID~, Lisz~b, An

Algebraic Reduction Theory for W’- Algebras, 11, 295-3 13.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., Decay and Asymptotics for q u= F(U), 2, 409-457.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., Local Exponential Decay of a Group of Conservative Non- linear Operators, 6, 152-156.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., The Existence of the Scattering Operator for Moving Obstacles, 31, 255-262.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., Nonlinear Scattering Theory at Low Energy, 41, 110-133.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., Nonlinear Scattering Theory at Low Energy: Sequel, 43, 281-293.

STRAUSS, WALTER A., see Jeffrey Cooper. STRAUSS, WALTER A., see Manoussos

Grillakis. STRAUSS, WALTER A., see Jeng-Eng Lin. STREATER, R. F., see C. Bamett. STREIT, LUDWIG, see Sergio Albeverio. STRICHARTZ, ROBERT, S., A Priori Estimates

for the Wave Equation and Some Applications, 5, 218-235.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Harmonic Analysis on Hyperboloids, 12, 341-383.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Asymptotic Behavior of Waves, 40, 341-357.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Explicit Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations on a Space of Constant Curvature, 46, 58-87.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Compositions of Singular Integral Operators, 49, 91-127.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Analysis of the

Laplacian on the Complete Riemannian Manifold, 52, 48-79.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Lp Contractive Pro- jections and the Heat Semigroup for Differential Forms, 65, 348-357.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., The Campbell- Baker-Hausdorff-Dynkin Formula and Solutions of Differential Equations, 72, 320-345.

STRICHARTZ, ROBERT S., Local Harmonic Analysis on Spheres, 77, 403-433.

STROOCK, DANIEL W., The Malliavin Calculus, a Functional Analytic Approach, 44, 212-257.

STROOCK, DANIEL W., see L. Baggett. STROOCK, DANIEL W., see Gerard Ben

Arous. STROOCK, DANIEL W., see R. Halley. STROOCK, DANIEL W., see S. Kusuoka. STROYAN, K. D., Locally Convex

Infinitesimal Calculus. 2. Computations on Mackey (Y’), 53, l-15.

STRUWE, M., see G. Cerami. STUART, C. A., Bifurcation for Variational

Problems When the Linearisation Has No Eigenvalues, 38, 169-187.

SUAREZ, FERNANDO D., see Gustav0 Corach. SUCHESTON, LOUIS, see Antoine Brunei. SUNADA, TOSHIKAZU, see Toshiaki Adachi. SUND, TERJE, see Larry Baggett. SUNDARESAN, KONDAGUNTA, The Radon-

Nikodym Theorem for Lebesgue- Bochner Function Spaces, 24, 276279.

SUNDBERG, CARL, A Constructive Proof of the Chang-Marshall Theorem, 46, 239-245.

SUTHERLAND, C. E., Cartan Subalgebras, Transverse Measures and Non-Type-l Plancherel Formulae, 60, 281-308.

SWAMINATHAN, N., see V. K. Balachandran. SYLVESTER, GARRETT S., see Henk van Bei-

jeren. SYLVESTER, JOHN, A Generalization of the

Leray-Schauder Index Formula, 45, 213-225.

SZAREK, S. J., Nonexistence of Besselian Basis in C(s), 37, 56-67.

SZ.-NAGY, BELA, AND FOIAS, CIPRIAN, Local Characterization of Operators of Class C,, 8, 768 1.

SZ.-NAGY, BELA, see E. Durzst.

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SZNITMAN, ALAIN-SOL, Nonlinear Reflecting Diffusion Process, and the Propagation of Chaos and Fluctuations Associated, 56, 31 l-336.

Szucs, JOSEPH M., Ergodic Theorems for Tensor Products, 64, 125-133.

tions non Lintaires Intervenant en Thiorie du Controle Optimal, 17, 147.

TA’SSAN, SHLOMO, see Harry Dym. TATSUUMA, NOBUHIKO, see Masamichi

Takesaki. TAYLOR, B. A., see Eric Bedford. TAYLOR, I%NALD CURTIS, Interpolation in

Algebras of Operator Fields, 10,

T 159-190. TAYLOR, J. C., see T. J. Lyons. TAYLOR, JOSEPH L., A Joint Spectrum for

TABACCO VIGNATI, ANITA, AND VIGNATI, Several Commuting Operators, 6, MARCO, Spectral Theory and Complex 172-191. Interpolation, 80, 383-397. TAYLOR, JOSEPH L., see Iain Raebum.

TAIRA, KAZUAKI, Un theortme d’existence et TAYLOR, JOSEPH L., see Hugo Rossi. d’unicite des solutions pour des TAYLOR, KEITH F., see Larry Baggett. problemes aux limites non-elliptiques, TAYLOR, KEITH F., see Bahman Mashhood. 43, 166-192. TAYLOR, MICHAEL, see E. B. Davies.

TAKAHASHI, YASUJI, see Yoshiaki Okazaki. TAYLOR, MICHAEL, see Jeffrey Rauch. TAKAI, HIROSHI, On a Duality for Crossed TAYLOR, PETER D., The Structure Space of a

Products of C.-Algebras, 19, 25-39. Choquet Simplex, 6, 208-217. TAKAI, HIROSHI, On a Problem of Sakai in TAYLOR, RICHARD, A Generalization of Har-

Unbounded Derivations, 43, 202-208. tog’s Theorem Relating to the Sub- TAKESAKI, MASAMICHI, A Liminal Crossed algebras of Continuous Functions on

Product of a Uniformly Hypertinite C’- the n-Dimensional Torus, 43, 52-59. Algebra by a Compact Abelian Auto- TELEMAN, SILVIU, On the Boundary Barycen- morphism Group, 7, 140-146. tric Calculus, 78, 85-98.

TAKESAKI, MASAMICHI, Conditional Expecta- TEMAM, R., Sur l’tquation de Riccati asso- tions in von Neumann Algebras, 9, cite a des operateurs non born&s, en 306-321. dimension intinie, 7, 85-115.

TAKESAKI, MASAMICHI, AND TATSUUMA, TEMAM, R., see A. Bensoussan. NOBUHIKO, Duality and Subgroups, II, TEMAM, ROGER, On the Euler Equations of 11, 184190. Incompressible Perfect Fluids, 20,

TALAGRAND, MICHEL, Gtombtrie des sim- 3243. plexes de moyennes invariantes, 34, TEOUORESCU, RADU I., Sur les decomposi- 304-337. tions directes des contractions de

TALIAFERRO, STEVEN D., Stability of Solu- l’espace de Hilbert, 18, 414428. tions Bifurcating from Multiple Eigen- TEODOREXU, RADU I., Sur l’unicite de la values, 44, 2449. decomposition des contractions en

TALIAFERRO, STEVEN D., Bifurcation at Mul- somme directe, 31, 245-254. tiple Eigenvalues and Stability of Bifur- TERRELL, THOMAS R., The Local Ergodic cating Solutions, 55, 247-275. Theorem and Semigroups of Non-

TAMURA, HIDEO, Spectral and Scattering positive Operators, 10, 424-429. Theory for Symmetric Systems of Non- TERRENI, BRUNELLO, see Paolo Acquistapace. constant Deficit, 67, 73-104. TESTARD, D., see S. Albeverio

TAMURA HIDEO, see D. Robert. TESTARD, D., see J. Marion. TANIGUCHI, S., see H. Kaneko. THALHEIMER, W., see F. Constantinescu. TANNENBAUM, ALLEN, see Ciprian Foias. THAYER, F. JAVIER, Quasi-diagonal C’- TARTAR, L., Interpolation non Lineaire et Algebras, 25, 5(t57.

Rtgularite, 9, 469489. THOMAS, LAWRENCE E., On the Algebraic TARTAR, Luc, Sur l%tude Directe c&qua- Theory of Scattering, 15, 364377.


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THOMAS, MARC P., Lower Bounds for Com- mutative Radical Banach Algebras, 41, 204-212.

THOMSEN, KLAUS, Dispersiveness and Positive Contractive Semigroups, 56, 348-359.

THOMSEN, KLAUS, A Note to the Preceding Paper by Bratelli, Goodman, and Jorgensen, 61, 29&294.

THOMSEN, KLAUS, The Homotopy Type of the Group of Automorphisms of a UHF-Algebra, 72, 182-207.

THOMSON, JAMES E., see Robert F. Olin. TIMOTIN, DAN, C,-Estimates for Certain

Kernels: The Case 0 <p < 1, 72, 368-380.

TOLIMIERI, RICHARD, The Theta Transform and the Heisenberg Group, 24, 353-363.

TOMAS, PETER A., see C. E. Kenig. TOMAS, PETER A., see Robert J. Stanton. TOMASZEWSKI, BOGUSLAW, Interpolation and

Inner Maps That Preserve Measure, 55, 63-67.





Topological Algebras with Dense Socle, 28, 254-217.

TOMIYAMA, JUN, On Some Types of Maximal Abelian Subalgebras, 10, 373-386.

TOMIYAMA, JUN, On the Difference of II- Positivity and Complete Positivity in C’- Algebras, 49, I-9.

TOMIYAMA, JUN, see Charles A. Akemann. TON, BUI AN, On Stongly Nonlinear

Parabolic Equations, 7, 147-155. TOPPING, DAVID M., Transcendental Quasi-

nilpotents in Operator Algebras, 2, 342-35 I.

TOPPING, DAVID M., see Carl Pearcy. TORASSO, P., Le Thtoreme de Paley-Wiener

pour I’espace des fonctions ind%niment differentiables et a support compact sur un espace symetrique de type non-com- pact, 26, 201-213.

TORASSO, P., La Formule de Poisson-

Plancherel pour un groupe de Takiff associt a un groupe de Lie semi-simple a centre tini, 59, 293-334.

TORCHINSKY, A., Restrictions and Extensions of Potentials of HP Distributions, 31, 24-41.

TORPE, ANNE MARIE, K-Theory for the Leaf Space of Foliations by Reeb Com- ponents, 61, 15-71.

TRAUBER, PHILIP, see Bernard Gaveau. TRAVAGLINI, GIANCARLO, see Jacques

Faraut. TRAVAGLINI, GIANCARLO, see Saverio

Giulini. TRENHOLME, ALICE R., Maximal Abelian

Subalgebras of Function Algebras Associated with Free Products, 79, 342-350.

TRENHOLME, ALICE R., see Joel M. Cohen. TRENT, TAVAN T., A Characterization of

P2(p) # L2(p), 64, 163-177. TRIEBEL, HANS, Allgemeine Legendresche

Differentialoperatoren I: Selbstadjun- giertheit, Defectindex, Delinitions- gebiete ganzer Potenzen, Erzeugung der lokalkonvexen Raume Cg [a,b], 6, l-25.

TROMBA, ANTHONY J., Frehdolm Vector Fields and a Transversality Theorem, 23, 362-368.

TROMBA, ANTHONY J., see Robert Bonic. TROMBA, ANTHONY J., see J. Frampton. TROMBI, P. C., Asymptotic Expansions of

Matrix Coefficients: The Real Rank One Case, 30, 83-105.

TROMBI, P. C., Asymptotics of Functions Satisfying the y-Weak Inequality with Applications to Uniformly Bounded Representations, 36, 33-52.

TROMBI, P. C., Harmonic Analysis of Cp(G:F) (1 I p < 2), 40, 84-125.

TROYANSKI, S., see G. Godefroy. TRUDINGER, NEIL S., see Thomas K.

Donaldson. TSUTSUMI, MASAYOSHI, see Nakao Hayashi. TURKINGTON, BRUCE, see Avner Friedman. TURNER, R. E. L., A Class of Nonlinear

Eigenvalue Problems, 2, 297-322. TYLLI, HANS-OLAV, see Kari Astala. TZAFRIRI, L., Reflexivity in Banach Lattices

and Their Subspaces, 10, l-18. TZAFRIRI, L., see Y. Katznelson.

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UHLENBECK, K., Morse Theory on Banach Manifolds, 10, 430-445.


JLJLIANNE, A Quantization of the Cartan Domain BD I (q=2) and Operators on the Light Cone, 72, 279-319.

UNTERBERGER, JULIANNE, see Andre Unter- berger.

URIBE, ALEJANDRO, A Symbol Calculus for a Class of Pseudodifferential Operators on s” and Band Asymptotics, 59, 535-556.

URIBE, ALEJANDRO, Band Asymptotics with Non-smooth Potentials, 74, l-9.

UST~~NEL, A. S., A Generalization of Ito’s Formula, 47, 143-152.

UST~~NEL, A. S., Analytic Semimartingales and Their Boundary Values, 51, 142-158.

OST~~NEL, A. S., Representation of the Dis- tributions on Wiener Space and Stochastic Calculus of Variations, 70, 126139.


VALADIER, MICHEL, see Guy Bouchittt. VALADIER, MICHEL, see J. J. Moreau. VALDIVIA, MANUEL, Some New Results on

Weak Compactness, 24, I-10. VALDIVIA, MANUEL, see R. M. Aron. VALETTE, ALAIN, see Pierre Julg. VAN BEIJEREN, HENK, AND SYLVESTER, GAR-

RETT S., Phase Transitions for Con- tinuous-spin Ising Ferromagnets, Zs, 145-167.

VAN DAELE, A., A New Approach to the Tomita-Takesaki Theory of Generalized Hilbert Algebras, 15, 378-393.


Quelques proprittCs des reprtsentations sphdriques pour les espaces symitriques rkductifs, 80, 284-307

VAN DEN BERG, M., On the Spectrum of the


Dirichlet Laplacian for Horn-Shaped Regions in R” with Infinite Volume, 58, 15@156.

VAN DEN BERG, M., On the Asymptotics of the Heat Equation and Bounds on Traces Associated with the Dirichlet Laplacian, 71, 279-293.


Center Manifolds and Contractions on a Scale of Banach Spaces, 72, 209-224.

VAN DER MEE, C. V. M., see William Green- berg.

VAN DER MEE, C. V. M., see M. Klaus. VAN DIJK, G., see M. T. Kosters. VAN EIJNDHOVEN, S. J. L., AND DE GRAAF, J.,

A Measure Theoretical Sobolev Lemma, 60, 95-101.

VAN EIJNDHOVEN, S. J. L., AND DE GRAAF, J., A Fundamental Approach to the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Self-Adjoint Operators, 63, 74-85.

VAN GILS, S. A., see A. Vanderbauwhede. VANHELJVERZWIJN, PAUL, see Bart Demoen. VAN SCHAGEN, F., see I. Gohbcrg. VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., On a Problem

of A. Beurling, 2, 24-30. VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Tensor

Algebras over Discrete Spaces, 3, 321-335.


Inequality of von Neumann and an Application of the Metric Theory of Tensor Products to Operators Theory, 16, 83-100.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Aspects of Probabilistic Littlewood-Paley Theory, 38, 25-60.

VAROPOUU)S, NICHOLAS TH., The Helson-Szegii Theorem and A,-Func- tions for Brownian Motion and Several Variables, 39, 85-121.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., The Poisson Kernel on Positively Curved Manifolds, 44, 359-380.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Green’s Func- tions on Positively Curved Manifolds, 45, 109-I 18.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Green’s Func- tions on Positively Curved Manifolds, II, 49, 17&176.


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Inequalities and Markov Chains, 63, 215-239.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Hardy-Lit- tlewood Theory for Semigroups, 63, 240-260.

VAROPOULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Analysis on Nilpotent Groups, 66, 40&431.

VAROFQULOS, NICHOLAS TH., Analysis on Lie Groups, 76, 346-410.


VAUGON, MICHEL, Transformation conforme de la courbure scalaire sur une variiti Riemannienne compacte, 71, 182-194.

VAUTHIER, JACQUES, Comportement Asymptotique des Fonctions Entibes de Type Exponentiel dans C” et Born&s dans le Domaine Rtel, 12, 29&306.

VAUTHIER, JACQUES, see Bernard Gaveau. VELO, G., see J. Ginibre. VENNI, ALBERTO, see Giovanni Dore. VENUGOPALKRISHNA, U., Fredholm Opera-

tors Associated with Strongly Pseudo- convex Domains in C”, 9, 349-373.

VERCHOTA, GREGORY, Layer Potentials and Regularity for the Dirichlet Problem for Laplace’s Equation in Lipschitz Domains, 59, 572-611.

VERDERA, JOAN, Approximation by Rational Modules in Sobolev and Lipschitz Norms, 58, 267-290.

VERGNE, MIC~LE, see Hans Plesner Jakob- sen.

VERGNE, MIC~LE, see Jonathan Rosenberg. VERGNE, MICI&LE, see Hugo Rossi. VERSHIK, A., see S. Albeverio. VE.SELIk, KRESIMIR, AND WEIDMANN,

JOACHIM, Asymptotic Estimates of Wave Functions and the Existence of Wave Operators, 17, 61-77.

VESTERSTRBM, JBRGEN, Quotients of Finite W-Algebras, 9, 322-335.

VIDAV, I., see J. Globevnik. VIGNATI, MARCO, see Anita Tabacco Vignati. VIGNOLI, ALFONSO, see Massimo Furi. VITUSHKIN, A. G., Uniform Approximations

by Holomorphic Functions, 20, 149-157.

VOGAN, DAVID A., JR., see Dan Barbasch. VOCAN, DAVID A., JR., see S. M. Paneitz. VOGELSANG, VOLKER, Absolutely Continuous

Spectrum of Dirac Operators for Long- Range Potentials, 76, 67-86.

VOICULESCU, DAN, Addition of Certain Non- commuting Random Variables, 66, 323-346.

VOIGT, J~~RGEN, Perturbation Theory for Commutative m-Tuples of Self-Adjoint Operators, 25, 3 17-334.

VOIGT, J~~RGEN, Absorption Semigroups, Their Generators, and Schriidinger Semigroups, 67, 167-205.

VON WAHL, WOLF, Some Decay-Estimates for Nonlinear Wave Equations, 9, 49&495.

VON WAHL, WOLF, Uber das Griisstmiigliche Wachstum der Nichtlinearitit bei Semi- linearen Parabolischen Gleichungen Beliebiger Ordnung, 27, 118-I 35.

VOROS, A., An Algebra of Pseudodifferential Operators and the Asymptotics of Quantum Mechanics, 29, 104-132.


WAELBROECK, LUCIEN, Some Theorems about Bounded Structures, 1, 392408.

WAELBROECK, LUCIEN, Differentiable Map pings into b-Spaces, 1, 409-418.

WAGNER, BRUCE H., see Kenneth R. David- son.

WALLACH, NOLAN R., see Roe Goodman. WALTER, MARTIN E., W-Algebras and Non-

abelian Harmonic Analysis, 11, 17-38. WALTER, MARTIN E., A Duality between

Locally Compact Groups and Certain Banach Algebras, 17, 131-160.

WANG, SHENGWANG, AND ERDELYI, I., Analytically Invariant Spectral Resol- vants of Closed Operators, 58, 53-78.

WANG, S. P., On Algebras of Operators of Finite Rank, 30, 60-73.

WARD, J. D., see V. I. Paulsen. WARD, J. D., see R. R. Smith. WARGA, J., Relaxed Controls for Functional

Equations, 5, 71-93. WARNER, C. ROBERT, A Generalization of

the Silov-Weiner Tauberian Theorem, 4, 329-331.

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WARNER, GARTH, Noninvariant Integrals on Semisimple Groups of R-Rank One, 64, 1e111.

WARNER, GARTH, see M. Scott Osborne. WASSERMAN, ANTHONY J., see Frederick M.

Goodman. WASSERMANN, SIMON, On Tensor Products of

Certain Group C.-Algebras, 23, 239-254.

WATANABE, HIROSHI, Feynman-Kac For- mula Associated with a System of Par- tial Differential Operators, 65, 204-235.

WEBB, G. F., Continuous Nonlinear Pertur- bations of Linear Accretive Operators in Banach Spaces, 10, 191-203.

WEDER, R., Scattering Theory for High Order Operators in Domains with Infinite Boundary, 57, 207-23 1.

WEDER, R. A., Spectral Analysis of Pseudodifferential Operators, 20, 319-337.

WEDER, R. A., Scattering Theory for the Klein-Gordon Equation, 27, 100-l 17.

WEIDMANN, JOACHIM, see KreSimir VeseliC. WEILENMANN, JORG, Continuity Properties of

Fractional Powers, of the Logarithm, and of Holomorphic Semigroups, 27, l-20.

WEILENMANN, JORG, An Approximation Theorem for Linear Cauchy Problems in Banach Space, 27, 21-37.

WEINLESS, MICHAEL, Existence and Unique- ness of the Vacuum for Linear Quan- tized Fields, 4, 350-379.

WEINSTEIN, ALAN, see Andreas Floer. WEISS, GARY, see Herbert Halpem. WEISS, GARY, see Victor Kaftal. WEISSLER, FRED B., Two-Point Inequalities,

the Hermite Semigroup, and the Gauss-Weierstrass Semigroup, 32, 102-121.

WEISSLER, FRED B., Semilinear Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces, 32, 277-296.

WEISSLER, FRU) B., Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and Hypercontractive Esti- mates on the Circle, 37, 218-234.

WEISSLER, FRED B., see Carl E. Mueller. WEIT, YITZHAK, On Spectral Analysis in

Locally Compact Motion Groups, 40, 45-53.

WELLS, R. O., Jr., see Michael G. Eastwood. WERMER, JOHN, Bounded Point Derivations

on Certain Banach Algebras, 1, 28-36. WERMER, JOHN, see Bernard Aupetit. WERON, ALEKSANDER, see Hannu Niemi. WESTWOOD, D. J., On &,-Contractions with

Dominating Spectrum, 66, 96-104. WHEEDEN, R. L., see C. Segovia. WHITFIELD, J. H. M., see G. Godefroy. WIDOM, HAROLD, Perturbing Fredhom

Operators to Obtain Invertible Opera- tors, 20, 263 1.

WIDOM, HAROLD, Eigenvalue Distribution Theorems for Certain Homogeneous Spaces, 32, 139-147.

WIDOM, HAROLD, Szegii’s Limit Theorem: The Higher-Dimensional Matrix Case, 39, 182-198.

WIWM, HAROLD, see Estelle Basor. WIELENS, NORBERT, The Essential Self-

Adjointness of Generalized Schradinger Operators, 61, 98-l 15.

WILCOX, CALVIN H., Scattering States and Wave Operators in the Abstract Theory of Scattering, 12, 257-274.

WILCOX, CALVIN H., see John R. Schulen- berger.

WILDE, I. F., see C. Bamett WILDE, I. F., see J. M. Lindsay. WILDE, IVAN F., The Free Fermion Field as

a Markov Field, 15, 12-21. WILKEN, D. R., see A. M. Davie. WILKINSON, M. D., see R. L. Hudson. WILLIAMS, DANA P., Transformation Group

C.-Algebras with Continuous Trace, 41, 4&76.

WILLIAMS, DANA P., see Iain Raebum. WILLIAMS, D. L., see P. L. Duren. WILLIAMS, FLOYD L., Note on a Theorem of

H. Moscovici, 72, 28-32. WILLIAMS, FLOYD L., On the Finiteness of

the L2-Automorphic Cohomology of a Flag Domain, 72, 33-43.

WILLIAMS, FLOYD L., The n-Cohomology of Limits of Discrete Series, 80, 451-461.

WILLIAMS, J. P., On Commutativity and the Numerical Range in Banach Algebras, 10, 326329.

WILLIAMS, VERNON, Closed Fredholm and Semi-Fredholm Operators, Essential Spectra and Perturbations, 20, l-25.

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WILLIAMS, VERNON, Weyl’s Theorem for Closed Operators on Frkchet Spaces, 29, 184-198.

WILS, WILBERT, A Remark on the Preceding Paper by L. Gross, 10, 110-113.

WINTROBE, F. S., see Eric Nordgren. WISKOTT, BETTINA, see Ralph Phillips. WITTSTOCK, GERD, Ein operatorwertiger

Hahn-Banach Satz, 40, 127-I 50. WOLF, JOSEPH A., Partially Harmonic

Spinors and Representations of Reduc- tive Lie Groups, 15, 117-l 54.

WOLF, JOSEPH A., Representations of Certain Semidirect Product Groups, 19, 339-372.

WOLF, JOSEPH A., see Rebecca A. Herb. WOLF, JOSEPH A., see John Rawnsley. WOLFE, PEER, An Integral Operator Con-

nected with the Helmholtz Equation, 36, 105-I 13.

WOLFE, WILLIAM, The Asymptotic Distribu- tion of Lattice Points in Hyperbolic Space, 31, 333-340.

WOLLENBERG, M., see P. Obermann. WOLPERT, ROBERT L., Wiener Path Intersec-

tions and Local Time, 30, 329-340. WOLPERT, ROBERT L., Local Time and a Par-

ticle Picture for Euclidean Field Theory, 30, 341-357.

WONG, CHI SONG, Close-to-Normal Struc- ture and Its Applications, 16, 353- 358.

WONG, H. SHIP-FAH, A Product Formula for the Degree of A-Proper Maps, 10, 361-371.

WONG, M. W., LP-Spectra of Strongly Carleman Pseudo-Differential Opera- tors, 44, 163-173.

WOO, ALEX, see Ralph Phillips. WOODWARD, GORDON S., Translation-

Invariant Linear Forms on C,(G), C(G), L"(G) for Noncompact Groups, 16, 205-220.

WV, HUEYZEN J., A Vector Lattice Representation Theorem and a Charac- terization of Locally Compact Hausdorff Spaces, 65, I-14.

Wu, F%I YUAN, Conditions for Completely Nonunitary Contractions To Be Spec- tral, 31, l-12.

WULBERT, DANIEL E., Representation of the

Spaces of Lipschitz Functions, 15, 45-55.

WULBERT, DANIEL E., Contractive Korovkin Approximations, 19, 205-215.

WULBERT, DANIEL E., see Joram Linden- Strauss.

WULFSOHN, A., see A. Guichardet.


XIA, JINGBO, Conditional Expectations and the Corona Problem of Ergodic Hardy Spaces, 64, 251-274.

XIA, JINGBO, Spectral Convergence of Self- Adjoint Operators and Generalized Wave Operators, 77, 176-197.

XIA, JINGBO, see Ronghui Ji. XIA, JINGBO, see Joel Pincus.


YAGI, ATSUSHI, Applications of the Purely Imaginary Powers of Operators in Hilbert Spaces, 73, 2 1623 1.

YAMAMURO, S., see T. B. Dang. YANG, WEI-SHIH, The Simon-Lieb Inequality

for the 44-Theory in Two Dimensions, 77, 139-175.

YANG, WEI-SHIH, Renormalization of a Self- Avoiding Brownian Motion in Two Dimensions, 80, 308-33 1.

YASUE, KUNIO, Stochastic Calculus of Varia- tions, 41, 327-340.

YASUE, KUNIO, A Variational Principle for the Navier-Stokes Equation, 51, 133-141.

YGER, A., see C. A. Berenstein. YLINEN, KARI, Noncommutative Fourier

Transforms of Bounded Bilinear Forms and Completely Bounded Multilinear Operators, 79, 144165.

YOOD, BERTRAM, see Bohdan J. Tomiuk. YOR, M., see M. T. Barlow. YOR, M., see J. M. Bismut. YORKE, JAMES A., see J. C. Alexander. YOUNIS, RAHMAN M., Extension Results in

the Hardy Space Associated with a Logmodular Algebra, 39, 1622.

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YOUNIS, RAHMAN M., Properties of Certain Algebras between Lee and Ha, 44, 381-387.


ZABEL, A. M., see I. M. Gali. ZAFRAN, MISHA, The Functions Operating

on Multiplier Algebras, 26, 289-314. ZAFRAN, MISHA, Measures as Convolution

Operators on H’ and Lip U, 29, 160-183. ZAFRAN, MISHA, Spectral Theory and Inter-

polation of Operators, 36, 185-204. ZAHAROPOL, RADU, The Modulus of a

Regular Linear Operator and the “Zero-Two” Law in U-Spaces (1 <p < +co,p#2), 68, 300-312.

ZALCMAN, LAWRENCE, Derivation Pairs on Algebras of Analytic Functions, 5, 329-333.

ZAME, WILLIAM R., Covering Spaces and the Galois Theory of Commutative Banach Algebras, 55, 151-175.

ZAPPA, ANNA, see Anna Maria Mantero. ZEHNDER, E., see S. Lojasiewicz, Jr. ZELDITCH, STEVEN, Szegij Limit Theorms in

Quantum Mechanics, 50, 67-80. ZELDITCH, STEVEN, Pseudo-differential

Analysis on Hyperbolic Surfaces, 68, 72-105.

ZELDITCH, STEVEN, A Szegij Limit Formula for Conjugates of vDO’s by Hecke Operators, 77, 198-210.

ZEM~NEK, JAROSLAV, see Bernard Aupetit.

ZERNER, MARTIN, Quelques proprittes spec- trales des operateurs positifs, 72, 381-417.

ZHENG, XIAOMIN, see Fabrice Bethuel. ZHOU, ZHENGFANG, The Wave Operator on

S”: Estimates and Applications, 80, 332-348.

ZHU, KEHE, Duality and Hankel Operators on the Bergman Spaces of Bounded Symmetric Domains, 81, 260-278.

ZIMMER, ROBERT J., Normal Ergodic Actions, 25, 286305.

ZIMMER, ROBERT J., Amenable Ergodic Group Actions and an Application to Poisson Boundaries of Random Walks, 27, 350-372.

ZIMMER, ROBERT J., Amenable Actions and Dense Subgroups of Lie Groups, 72, 58-64.

ZINN, JOEL, see Evarist Gin& ZIPPIN, M., Interpolation of Operators of

Weak Type between Rearrangement Invariant Function Spaces, 7, 267-284.

ZIPPIN, M., see J. Lindenstrauss. ZISKIND, STEVEN, Interpolating Sequences

and the Shilov Boundary of Hm(d), 21, 380-388.

ZIZLER, V., see G. Godefroy. ZIZLER, V., see K. John. ZStD6, L&zL& The Weyl-von Neumann

Theorem in Semitinite Factors, 18, 60-72.

zSrD6, Lbszti, see Serban Stratila. ZWEIBEL, J. A., see J. A. Crowe. ZWORSKI, MACIEJ, Distribution of Poles for

Scattering on the Real Line, 73, 277-296.

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